单词 | s-state | ||||||
释义 | s-state
例句释义: 列出所有在指定状态的设备,报告当前运行的状态表 1. Postmortem artifacts are analysed to determine a problem's underlying root cause, or to provide a view of a virtual machine's state. 分析后期工件的目的是确定问题的底层根源,或者提供关于虚拟机状态的视图。 www.ibm.com 2. As many of you know, a state machine is a mathematical expression of a system's state. 正如很多人所了解的那样,状态机是一种关于系统状态的数学表达式。 www.ibm.com 3. He said the suspected bomber has not been identified, but was carrying a fake driver's license from the U. S. state of Michigan. 他表示,还没有确认袭击者的身份,但此人携带伪造的美国密西根州的驾驶执照。 www.bing.com 4. As for her father's state of mind, she said with a laugh that he was not worried at all. 至于其父亲的精神状态,她微笑着说他一点也不担心。 dongxi.net 5. But, she said, Obama's state visit has shown that both sides realize they need to be more strategic about how they think about that bond. 但是多尔曼迪说,奥巴马的国事访问显示出,双方意识到他们需要在如何看待双方关系方面更具有策略性。 www.hxen.com 6. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect official TERI policy or that of the U. S. State Department. 本文所表达的见解不一定反映能源和资源研究所或美国国务院的官方政策。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 7. The U. S. State Department said a chartered ferry with room for about 600 passengers was due to leave Tripoli shortly for Malta. 美国国务院则表示,美国包租的一艘载客约600人的客轮,将离开的黎波里,驶往马耳他。 cn.reuters.com 8. The reaction to Mr Mbeki's state-of-the-nation address last month, however, was not as upbeat as all that. 姆贝基上月发表了国家形势演说,然而,对其演说的反应并不如上述的那些令人乐观。 www.ecocn.org 9. 'Angel, don't worry so much about a country girl, 'said his mother, anxious about her son's state of mind. “安吉尔,不要对一个乡下姑娘过分担心了,”他母亲说道。她对儿子的心理状态非常忧虑。 www.kekenet.com 10. William Keene is a senior epidemiologist for the U. S. state of Oregon's public health department, recognized as one of the nation's best. 威廉·肯是美国俄勒冈州立健康部门的一名资深流行病研究者,是位公认的全国最好的专家之一。 voa.yeshj.com 1. Defense Minister Fitzgibbon told reporters Saturday he would like the option of buying America's state-of-the-art F-22 Raptor fighter jet. 澳大利亚国防部长菲茨吉本星期六告诉记者,他希望购买美国先进的F-22猛禽隐形战斗机能够成为一个选择。 www.voanews.cn 2. Don't automatically blame mom: A crying, colicky baby can be just as much the result of dad's state of mind, Dutch researchers report. 别不假思索的就怪罪于母亲:一个爱哭的、得腹绞痛的宝宝也同样会是由父亲的情绪而影响形成的,荷兰研究人员的报告说。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. However, the U. S. State Department said the next period of time, the U. S. Embassy in Syria will continue to provide "limited services. " 不过,美国国务院称,未来一段时间内,美国驻叙利亚大使馆将继续提供一些“有限的服务”。 www.englishtang.com 4. The eye-popping 4 trillion yuan stimulus package unveiled by China's State Council this week is to be spent over the next two years. 本周中国国务院宣布的那项巨额高达四万亿元的经济刺激计划将在今后的两年内实施。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. None of this means that Japan's state of splendid isolation is untenable. But it may not be smooth-going either. 尽管这些都不意味着日本“光荣孤立”的状态不可维系,但前方道路可能也并不平坦。 www.ftchinese.com 6. She said that on Thursday afternoon, after the U. S. State Department statement, she received more than 10 requests in two hours. 她说,周四下午,在美国国务院发布声明后,她两个小时即收到10余次请求。 c.wsj.com 7. After President Obama's State of the Union Address in January, Mr. Weiner was among the last to leave the House Chamber. 今年1月,在总统奥巴马发表国情咨文演说后,韦纳是最后几个离开国会的议员之一。 www.bing.com 8. In Washington, U. S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said the United States wants al-Senussi brought to justice. 在华盛顿,美国国务院发言人纽兰表示,美国希望把赛努西绳之以法。 www.bing.com 9. China's state-run Xinhua news agency said the four employees had been 'handed over to local procuratorate for prosecution. 中国官方媒体新华社称,四人已被“移送上海市检察机关审查起诉”。 www.acsf.cn 10. The U. S. State Department has no comment but officials privately confess to a certain "schadenfreude" at Chinese difficulties. 美国国务院没有发表评论,但官员们私下里坦诚,他们对中国的困境感到有些“幸灾乐祸”。 www.bing.com 1. Since I have no visual cues to go on, it can be easy to let my imagination wander as to the client's state of mind. 既然我没有任何可见的线索,我的想象力就很容易会去猜测与想象客户可能处于的精神状态。 www.bing.com 2. The train sequence is likely to be filmed near Ahmedabad, in India's state of Gujarat, in January. 火车系列场景很可能于明年1月在印度古吉拉特邦艾哈迈达巴德(Ahmedabad)附近拍摄。 chinese.wsj.com 3. While it is possible to use cookies or Ajax calls to a servlet to check and store state information, avoid a dependency on the page's state. 尽管能够对Servlet使用Cookies或Ajax调用来检查和存储状态消息,但是要避免依赖于页面的状态。 www.ibm.com 4. China's State Council has ordered an investigation into the proposed takeover of a state-owned machinery maker by a German bearings company. 中国国务院(StateCouncil)已下令对德国轴承企业舍弗勒(Schaeffler)收购一国有机械制造商一事展开调查。 www.ftchinese.com 5. She tells the story of a business group from the U. S. state of Georgia that could not come up with a new gift idea. 她讲述了来自美国乔治亚州的一个企业集团的经历,他们无法想出一个新的礼物点子。 dongxi.net 6. At this point, GridPort creates a session for the user; the session maintains the user? S state and is valid until the user logs out. 此时,GridPort为用户创建了一个会话,该会话将维护用户的状态,并在用户注销之前一直有效。 www-128.ibm.com 7. The news is so good, according to the U. S. State Department, that Washington is mulling injecting a chunk of money into the tribunal. 这确实是好消息,依照美国国务院的说法,(美国)华府正在考虑为这特别法庭投入一大笔资金。 www.ecocn.org 8. The reshuffle left observers confused over the strategy, underscoring the opaque nature of China's state enterprises. 这一人事变动让观察人士对中移动的战略感到困惑,突显出中国国有企业的不透明性。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Misclassification happened when a subject has been classified into a category that does not reflect the subject's state. 如果一个个体被分到了不是其真实状态的类中,就产生了误分类。 www.13191.com 10. The state legislature in the U. S. state of Louisiana has passed a law adding extra time for committing a crime with an online Map. 美国路易斯安那州州已经通过一项新的法令,规定对那些通过网络地图犯罪的人要延长刑期。 www.bing.com 1. First, 2007 was a year in which a U. S. state rejected a permit for a coal-fired power plant based on climate change. 首先,美国的一个州在2007年出于气候变暖的考虑拒绝给一个燃媒发电厂颁发许可证; www.englishtang.com 2. North Korea's state media continued to issue eulogies of Kim Jong Il and plaudits of the new leader Kim Jong Eun on Wednesday. 朝鲜官方媒体周三继续发表悼念金正日的文章,同时大力称颂新任领导人金正恩(KimJongEun)。 chinese.wsj.com 3. In effect, each developer and tester samples a semi-random set of the program's state space when looking for the etiology of a symptom. 实际上,开发者和测试者在为症状寻找病因的时候,都可以看作是对程序某部分运行状态的“半随机”取样。 www.bing.com 4. Exercise improves one's state of mind in part by affecting the body's levels of two chemicals: cortisol and endorphins. 锻炼可以促进我们的精神状态,一部分原因是通过影响身体中两种化学物质的水平:皮质醇和内啡肽。 www.bing.com 5. The U. S. State Department says deep cuts to its budget proposed by Congress will undermine America's security and global leadership. 美国国务院表示,国会提出的大幅削减国务院预算的计划会伤害美国的安全,并削弱美国的全球领导地位。 www.bing.com 6. A woman's experience could be turbulent, but the woman's state of mind absolutely must be simple. 女人的经历可以沧桑,但女人的心态绝对要保有纯挚。 blog.m1905.com 7. Alaska's state flower is the alpine forget-me-not. The best time to see the alpine forget-me-not is midsummer, from late June to late July. 阿拉斯加州的州花是阿尔卑斯山的勿忘我。欣赏它的最好时节是仲夏,从六月底到七月底。 ienglish.eol.cn 8. Its name did not appear on a list of first-round approvals released by China's State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. 在中国测绘局发布的首批认可批准的名单中没有谷歌的身影。 www.bing.com 9. of Obama's "State of Union" address is to put the effort of enhancing economy and employment rate as priority. 奥巴马的国情咨文的(要旨)是将改善经济和就业放到第一位来。 shanbay.com 10. Farewell poems are the records of his turbulent life, which reflect the poet's state of mind, his personality and values. 送别诗是诗人长期动荡、飘零生活的写照,从中可透析其行为心态、人格理想及价值取向。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. When she tried to regain her passport the U. S. State Department refused, saying she was a Communist. 当她试图重新领取护照时,美国国务院却说她是共产党而一口拒绝。 www.jukuu.com 2. There was an error changing the device's state. You will have to do it manually. 变更装置状态时发生错误。您必须手动变更。 translations.launchpad.net 3. Once seen as the bad habit of an immature economy, China's state meddling is now seen as a bulwark of stability. 中国的国家干预曾被视为一个不成熟经济体的坏习惯,如今被视为稳定的防波堤。 www.stnn.cc 4. America's state-of-the-art unmanned aerial vehicles also garnered a great deal of attention. 美国先进的无人机同样是大量军火贸易所关注的装备。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. As you approach an interview, consider how your manner and words will affect the interviewer's state of mind. 跟面试官打交道,要考虑你的言行会怎样影响他(或她)的心态。 www.bing.com 6. Such a methodology could raise SOA's state of the art by incorporating SPL principles. 此类方法可以通过整合SPL原理来提升SOA的技术发展水平。 www.ibm.com 7. South Korea's currency and main stock index have dropped after North Korea's state media said the country's leader Kim Jong-il had died. 朝鲜领导人金正日逝世的消息导致韩国货币和主要股票指数纷纷下跌。 www.enread.com 8. Cai glides over the source of his start-up capital, although it definitely was not one of China's state-owned banks. 蔡还是一笔带过了其启动资金的来源,显然它不是国有银行。 www.bing.com 9. I understand, though, that a "precautionary" fund could still be set up to help Ireland's state finances as a back up. 然而,在我看来,“预防性”的资助在必要时仍然要被用来帮助爱尔兰的国家融资问题。 www.bing.com 10. Such concerns are likely to intensify over the next few years, for China's state-owned firms are on a shopping spree. 在接下去的几年中这样的担忧可能会加剧,原因就在于中国的国有公司开始加入收购的宴会。 www.bing.com 1. Rauf is on a tour sponsored by the U. S. State Department to discuss Muslim life in the United States and promote religious tolerance. 拉乌夫目前正在出国访问,目的是讨论美国的穆斯林生活以及促进宗教宽容。这次行程由美国国务院赞助。 www.voa365.com 2. This case laid down jurisprudence by acknowledging that the dictatorship's state terrorism was a form of genocide. 这个案件所定下的判例承认独裁政府的恐怖主义是大屠杀的一种形式。 www.bing.com 3. The transaction, if successful, would be a major milestone for China's state-owned energy companies as they expand overseas. 若这宗交易获批,它将成为中国国有能源企业在海外扩张过程中的一座重要里程碑。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The next task is to build a U. S. state shaded and annotated map with cities plotted with the commands shown in Listing 10. 下一项任务是用清单10中所示的命令构建标绘了城市的美国各州渐变并加了注释的地图。 www.ibm.com 5. Locals say the building, which is now used as a training facility by Lithuania's state security service, originally had no windows. 当地人说这栋楼以前没有窗户,现在被立陶宛国家安全部门作为训练中心使用。 www.bing.com 6. India has criticized a ban imposed by the U. S. state of Ohio on outsourcing of government projects to offshore locations. 印度批评美国俄亥俄州禁止将政府项目外包到海外的禁令。 www.tingroom.com 7. The U. S. State Department says it has been told that an American assessment team will not be allowed inside Burma. 美国国务院说,他们被告知,美国的评估小组将不准进入缅甸。 www.voanews.cn 8. In return, Petrobras is to supply China's state-owned Sinopec with up to 200, 000 barrels of oil a day for the next 10 years. 作为回报,巴西国家石油公司在今后10年里将向中国国有的中石化公司提供最多每天20万桶的原油。 www.24en.com 9. Other strings may have to be a certain number of characters, too, such as two letters for a U. S. state abbreviation. 其他字符串可能是特定数目的字符,例如两个字母表示的美国各州的缩写。 www.ibm.com 10. This was the conclusion of a team of scientists from China's State Forestry Administration and the World Nature Fund. 该报告是由中国国家林业局和世界自然基金会的科学家们完成的。 kaoyan.qianbo.com 1. When applied to a protocol, "state" treats each series of interactions as having continuity, much like a single program's state. 当“状态”这个词应用于协议时,是指每次执行的一系列交互具有连续性,就像程序的状态一样。 www.ibm.com 2. The U. S. State Department turned over the embassy to an American custodian chosen by the Libyan government. 美国国务院将大使馆移交给一个由利比亚政府选择的美国管理人。 c.wsj.com 3. display flu-like symptoms may be randomly quarantined over concerns of the swine flu virus, the U. S. State Department warned. 美国国务院周五发布旅行警告称,应对猪流感疫情蔓延,中国政府可能会“随意”地隔离有流感症状的入境人员。 www.kuaiyilin.com 4. Yet China's State Council recently endorsed a plan to turn Shanghai into a global financial centre by 2020. 但中国国务院最近批准了一项到2020年把上海建设成为全球金融中心的计划。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The only bidders left in the contest are the consortium led by Air One and another that includes Aeroflot, Russia's state-owned carrier. 在这场竞购战中,参与竞购者只剩下AirOne牵头的财团,以及另一个包括俄罗斯国有企业俄罗斯国际航空公司(Aeroflot)在内的财团。 www.ftchinese.com 6. China's equity markets were initially set up to help raise funds for reforming the country's state-owned enterprises in the 1990s. 中国的股票市场成立之初是为了给九十年代的国有企业改革募集资金。 www.stnn.cc 7. China's state-controlled media lauded the Chile mine rescue, but avoided awkward comparisons to its own record on mine safety. 中国的国有媒体对于智利的矿难营救赞美不已,但是努力回避将自身的矿难记录与其进行尴尬的对比。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Instead, readily accessible updates on a company's state of health would be posted in (almost) real time on the internet. 取而代之的则是反映公司财务健康状况的资料,这些资料很容易获得并且能在互联网上及时地给予发布。 www.ecocn.org 9. But in statements released on Tuesday, China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange tried to damp expectations of a rapid renminbi rise. 但在周二发表的声明中,中国国家外汇管理局(StateAdministrationofForeignExchange)试图给人民币快速升值的预期泼冷水。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The system may observe wheelchair's state of motion and patient's situation through the video transmission. 系统可以视频实时传输来观察轮椅的运动状态和病人的情况; www.zidir.com 1. In the run-up to the first anniversary of the quake, China's state-run media has been giving examples of ordinary people's improved lives. 在地震发生即将一周年之际,中国的国有媒体报道了许多平民百姓生活水平提高的事例。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Hegel's state power originates from the sense of state, and generates from the logical regulation of the mysterious entity's travel. 黑格尔国家权力起源于国家观念,产生于神秘实体性运动的逻辑规定。 www.13191.com 3. At least 26 people have died in a cold wave sweeping through northern India, the country's state broadcaster Doordarshan News says. 印度国家广播电视台全印新闻称,席卷北部地区的寒潮造成至少26人死亡。 www.enread.com 4. Although single-parent, but at my mother's state of mind open and democratic education, I grew up very good. 虽然单亲,但是在我妈妈开朗的心境和民主的教育下,我成长的很好。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. In theory, such a scheme could be managed by Safe alone, provided it first secured the blessing of China's State Council. 从理论上讲,这项安排可以由外管局独自管理,前提是它首先获得国务院的批准。 www.ftchinese.com 6. President Bush's State of the Union address on Monday was a non-event; even his fellow Republicans barely mention his name. 布什总统周一的国情咨文平淡无奇,甚至共和党内也不怎么提他的名字。 www.bing.com 7. The U. S. State Department confirms Mr. White reported the passport missing in 2005 and that it was canceled. 据美国国务院证实,怀特已在2005年报告了护照丢失的事,那本护照随即被注销。 www.bing.com 8. The ballot count is underway in a crucial primary election in the U. S. state of Pennsylvania. 美国宾夕法尼亚州正在举行一场关键的总统候选人初选,目前投票已经结束。 www.voanews.cn 9. That might not impress those of his friends still rating commercial mortgage-backed securities on New York's State Street Plaza. 这或许不会让他那些仍在惠誉评级对由商业抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)进行评级的朋友感到钦佩。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The president also created a new position at the U. S. State Department: ambassador-at-large for global women's issues. 总统还在美国国务院设立了一个新职位:全球妇女事务无任所大使。 www.america.gov 1. Search is not the only online sector targeted by China's state business empire. 在线业务中并非只有搜索领域被中国大型国有企业当作必争之地。 c.yegeer.com 2. She feels pressure from her friends and her family, and the message gets hammered in by China's state-run media too. 她受到来自朋友和家人的逼婚压力,而在很多中国官方媒体上,这种信息也总是会反复强调。 bbs.24en.com 3. It has extended Egypt's state of emergency to the Gaza border, and arrested a senior Hamas commander passing through Cairo airport. 埃及已将紧急状态延伸至加沙地区的边界,还逮捕了一名试图穿越开罗机场的哈马斯高级指挥官。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. More than 60contracts between private firms (nearly all of them foreign) and Congo's state mining companies were to be reviewed. 私有企业(绝大多数是外国的)和刚果国有矿业公司之间的60多个合同会被重新审核。 www.ecocn.org 5. But, Out of the expectation of the European Union and other GPA members, this list does not include China's state-owned enterprises. 中国提交的附录1初步出价清单中并没有包括国有企业,这与欧盟等GPA成员的期望相违背。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. There was a widespread belief among domestic investors that the country's state pension fund had started heavily buying shares. 国内投资者普遍相信,国家社保基金已经开始大规模购买股票。 chinese.wsj.com 7. With China's state-owned enterprise reform, KG Company has re-organized the company system and becomes a modern joint-stock company. KG公司在我国国有企业改革的大背景之下进行了本企业的整体改制,转变为现代股份制公司。 www.fabiao.net 8. Last Tuesday's State of the Union address, delivered the day the protests started, had only a short section on foreign policy. 奥巴马总统上周二的国情咨文里只有一小部分涉及外交政策。奥巴马发表国情咨文演说的当天恰逢埃及的示威活动开始。 c.wsj.com 9. On the plus side, fears that China's state-owned enterprises are masterfully mapping out a plan for world dominion appear fanciful. 好消息是,对中国国有企业精心编织独霸全球计划的担心看起来是杞人忧天。 cn.wsj.com 10. China's State Council said Wednesday it would raise the threshold at which personal income tax kicks in, and adjust the income-tax brackets. 中国国务院周三表示,将提高个人所得税的起征点,并调整所得税的税率等级。 c.wsj.com 1. The user can either poll the task's state using the Instance ID, or await a notification returning the result of a finished task. 用户既可以使用实例ID来轮询该任务的状态,也可以等待任务完成时返回结果的通知。 www.ibm.com 2. The U. S. State Department dropped Vietnam from a list of "countries of particular concern" due to their treatment of religious groups. 美国国务院把越南从因对宗教团体的态度而需「特别关注的国家」的名单上除名。 ept-cn.com 3. Recently they won a cash prize in a business plan competition sponsored by the U. S. State Department. 最近他们赢得了由美国国务院赞助的一项商业计划竞赛奖提供的资金。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 4. So in this master's state some of the people were advocating themselves for the governorship of that state. 这位师父所住的那个州,就有一些人出来竞选,角逐州长的职位。 loki-deadman.5d6d.com 5. The Bush administration has sent the U. S. State Department's third ranking official, Undersecretary of State William Burns, to these talks. 布什政府派遣美国国务院排名第三号的官员、国务次卿伯恩斯出席此次会谈。 www.hxen.com 6. None of this means that Japan's state of splendid isolation is untenable. 所有这一切意味着日本的精采隔离是站不住脚的。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Youth is not a time of life; it is s state of mind. 年轻不是人生的一个时间,是思想的一个驿站 wenwen.soso.com 8. However, one has been referred to California's state medical board for prescribing drugs under an alias. 然而,加州医学董事会提到有一个医生用假名开药。 ens.alai.net 9. Much will depend on the key events in the US this week including the Fed FOMC meeting and the President's State of the Union speech. 货币走势将会很看重美国这个星期的重要事件,其中包括美联局公开市场委员会(FOMC)会议,以及美国总统发表的国情谘文。 www.mpfinance.com 10. On Thursday, a U. S. State Department spokesman says the United States does not expect any "big breakthroughs" in Istanbul. 一名美国国务院发言人星期四说,美国并不期待这次伊斯坦布尔会谈能有任何“重大突破”。 www.dutianya.cn 1. BOC was the most international of the country's state-controlled banks, as well as its main foreign exchange lender. 在中国各国有控股银行中,中行是国际化程度最高的,也是中国主要的外汇银行。 www.ftchinese.com 2. A decade ago, China's state-owned sector looked like an economic disaster waiting to happen. 10年前,中国国有行业看上去像是一场蓄势待发的经济灾难。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Such concerns have led the U. S. state of Maine to consider requiring that cell phones carry warning labels. 这样的担心已经让缅因州考虑要求手机设置警告标志。 ngmchina.com.cn 4. It is possible the arrests reflect the haphazardness of China's state bureaucracy rather than a concerted display of state strength . 逮捕行动恐怕并没有展示政府协同行动的强大实力,而是反映了中国官僚机构的随意性。 www.bing.com 5. But Victoria's state premier ruled out such a move, saying it was unlikely to prevent future attacks by sharks in the area. 但是维多利亚州州长否定了这一做法.他说,单纯捕杀这条鲨鱼不太可能防止这个海域鲨鱼对人的袭击。 www.taiyang888.com 6. The country's State Grid utility, he said, is larger than nearly all U. S. utilities combined. 他说,中国国家电网公司的规模差不多超过了美国所有电网公司的总和。 chinese.wsj.com 7. In April of this year, the U. S. State Department announced that to punish Cambodia, it was canceling a shipment of 200 U. 今年4月,美国国务院宣布对柬埔寨进行惩罚,取消了运往柬埔寨的200辆额外的军用卡车和拖车。 www.bing.com 8. A spokesman for the U. S. State Department described the proposal as "significant, " the Associated Press reported. 美国国务院发言人将此建议形容为”创举“--联合报报道。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. South Korea's state intelligence agency said in a parliamentary report yesterday that Kim is "in a recoverable and manageable state" . 韩国国家情报机构昨日在一份议会报告中表示,金正日“病情能够康复,处于可控状态”。 www.ftchinese.com 10. We're going to focus now on another section from the president's State of the Union address. 现在我们来关注奥巴马总统国情咨文中的另外一个部分。 www.bing.com 1. But China's state-run Xinhua news agency cited an official at the association saying that she hoped that Google's apology was sincere. 中国官方通讯社新华社援引作协一位官员的话说,她希望谷歌的道歉是真诚的。 c.wsj.com 2. These systems stimulate the brain with different frequencies and wave forms to alter the subject's state of consciousness . 这些系统用不同的频率和波形刺激大脑,以转变对象的意识状态。 www.bing.com 3. China's State Environmental Protection Administration of China during this period the state of the environment bulletin release. 中国国家环保总局在这期间发布中国环境状况公报。 www.tradeask.com 4. Its south borders on the U. S. state of Montana while its north borders on the Northwest Territories. 它的南部与美国的蒙大拿州接壤,而北部则与西北地区相连。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Shiro also provides a JSP tag library that allows you to control the output of your JSP pages based on the current Subject's state. Shiro还提供了JSP标签库,允许你根据当前Subject的状态控制JSP页面的输出。 www.infoq.com 6. The excerpt below sheds light on the president's state of mind as the first Inauguration Day approached. 以下文字摘自这本书,刻画了首届总统就职典礼临近时华盛顿的心态。 www.bing.com 7. The melting temperature and evaporation temperature are used to confirm the material's state during the laser drilling investigation. 在激光打孔物理过程的研究中,我们用液化温度及汽化温度来确定材料所处的状态。 www.jgjs.net.cn 8. The next phase in that drama could come in giant fields recently discovered by Petrobras, Brazil's state-controlled oil company. 这部剧的下一幕可能发生在近期被Petrobras(巴西国家石油公司)发现的巨大油田。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Crossing over to Latvia, the roads suddenly become abominable. You can tell a lot about a country's state of health by the roads. 横穿过拉脱维亚,道路突然变得糟糕,从这些道路就能看出这个国家的卫生情况如何了。 club.topsage.com 10. That's like building a brand-new airport in each U. S. state in the next year and a half. 这就像每个美国各州在未来一年半内建设一个全新的机场那样。 www.bing.com 1. India's state of Kerala drafts a new organic farming policy, calling for all of the state's farmland to be 100% organic in five years. 印度克拉拉邦草拟一项新的有机耕作政策,要求该邦所有农地五年内成为百分之百有机种植。 bbs.teawang.cn 2. The bigger test will be Bavaria's state election in a year's time. 一年后的州议会选举则是一次更大的考验。 www.ecocn.org 3. Mr Oslon points out that the most frequently used word in Mr Putin's state-of-the-nation address in 2002 was "reform" and its variants. 奥斯隆指出,2002年普京全国电视讲话中最常提到的词是“改革”。 www.bing.com 4. It's Thursday, but the political world is still buzzing about President Obama's state of union adress. 今天是周四,但政治的世界中仍然在讨论奥巴马总统的国情咨文。 www.bing.com 5. Today's state of Oregon is a land of great geographic diversity, ranging from rain forests, to mountains, to valleys, and deserts. 现在的奥勒冈州拥有许多各式各样的地相景色,从雨林到高山,到溪谷,还有沙漠。 www.24en.com 6. Indeed, Putin has since endorsed Medvedev's state-of-the-nation speech, which emphasized the need for economic modernization. 实际上,普京之前就已经对梅德韦德夫的国情演讲表示了支持,他强调了经济现代化的必要性。 www.bing.com 7. Does China's state-led capitalism, driven by a hunger for resources and a need to export low-cost production, pose a "neocolonial" threat? 受资源短缺及出口低成本生产需要的推动,中国在政府领导下的资本主义是否构成了“新殖民主义”威胁? www.ftchinese.com 8. Meanwhile, the U. S. State Department on Thursday acknowledged reports of the planned stoning. 同时,美国国务院周四承认注意到关于石刑计划的报道。 www.bing.com 9. U. S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Monday she "strongly disagreed" with Mr. Medvedev, saying the U. 美国国务院女发言人纽兰星期一说,她与梅德韦杰夫的意见“强烈不一致”。 www.bing.com 10. The U. S. State Department website says all U. S. embassies and consulates are expediting visa processing for foreign students. 美国国务院网站说,所有美国驻外使领馆都在加速办理外国学生签证。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 1. Many analysts expected the revised deal to be quickly rubber-stamped by the Ministry of Commerce and China's State Council. 许多分析人士预计,修改后的交易将很快得到中国商务部(MinistryofCommerce)乃至国务院的批准。 www.ftchinese.com 2. However, although Pakistan's state is not going to be overthrown, the country's nature is changing. 然而,尽管巴基斯坦政府不会垮台,但整个国家的性质却在变化。 www.ecocn.org 3. That is due, in part, to the presence of the BBC, Britain's state-controlled main broadcaster, which has no advertising. 这其中的部分原因在于,英国主要的国有电视台BBC不播放广告。 www.ecocn.org 4. Montpelier, Vermont is the only U. S. state capital without a McDonalds. 蒙弗特州的蒙彼利埃,是美国唯一一个没有麦当劳的州会。 www.bing.com 5. The central U. S. state of Iowa is among the nation's leaders in growing corn and making ethanol. 美国中部的爱奥华州是全美主要的玉米产地和乙醇生产基地。 www.kekenet.com 6. John Hanford is ambassador-at-large for International Religious Freedom for the U. S. State Department. 约翰·汉福德是美国国务院负责国际宗教自由事务的无任所大使。 www.america.gov 7. A good specification defines invariants constraining an object's state and post conditions describing the effects of its operations. 好的规范会定义常量来约束对象的状态并且提供使用其方法的条件。 blog.163.com 8. China will never give in to any outside pressure on principle issues related to China's state sovereignty and territorial integrity. 在涉及国家主权和领土完整的原则问题上,中国绝不屈服于任何外来压力。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. Russia's state-run energy giant, Gazprom, is assuring customers in Europe that their supplies will not be affected. 俄罗斯国营能源业巨头俄罗斯天然气工业公司向其欧洲客户保证,欧洲的天然气供应不会受到影响。 www.ebigear.com 10. The U. S. State Department advises against any travel to Somalia, and warns that "tourist facilities are non-existent. " 美国国务院提醒公民一定不要到索马里旅游,并警告那儿的旅游设施几乎不存在。 www.bing.com 1. Chinese state councilor Dai Bingguo confers with Hillary Clinton on Tuesday at the U. S. State Department. 中国政府代表戴秉国于周二在美国政府同希拉里克林顿共同商讨事宜。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Although China's state organs have different responsibilities, they all adhere to the line, principles and policies of the Party. 虽然我国不同的国家机关有不同的责任,他们都坚持执行党的路线,方针,政策。 club.news.sina.com.cn 3. Pyongyang's state news agency said Friday the military drills planned for this weekend amount to a reckless move to target the North. 平壤的国有新闻媒体在星期五说道”计划在本周末举行的军事演习是一针对朝鲜的不顾后果的行动“。 www.bing.com 4. Porsche had sought a $2. 45 billion loan from Germany's state bank KFW, but the bank rejected the loan on Tuesday, reports Reuters. 保时捷已要求二十四点五零亿美元贷款由德国的国有银行德国复兴信贷银行,但银行拒绝贷款,星期二报告路透。 usa.315che.com 5. Announcing the suspension, China's state broadcaster CCTV said relations with Tokyo had been "severely hurt" . 随着暂停的宣告,中国国家电视台--中央电视台报道说,与东京的关系遭到严重的伤害。 www.bing.com 6. China's state-run banks routinely extend loans to state-owned enterprises that are not expected to be repaid. 中国国有银行常常向没有偿还能力的国有企业提供贷款。 www.edu114.cn 7. The U. S. State Department welcomed the Russians' release and urged both countries to avoid friction. 美国国务院对俄罗斯军官获释表示欢迎,并敦促这两个国家避免发生磨擦。 www.for68.com 8. This program is only available to those currently employed by a U. S. state or local public crime laboratory. 现在这个项目只对当前工作于美国或地方法庭科学实验室开放。 str.ausbio.com 9. As for the diversity of Britain's state schools, parents have long known it to be largely illusory. 至于英国公立学校的多元化,家长早已知道是巨大的假象。 www.ecocn.org 10. A laser pulse can modify the electron's state so that it has the density distribution shown in green. 一束激光脉冲可以改变电子的状态,使得其有了图中绿色显示的密度分布。 www.bing.com 1. The parallels between the East India Company and today's state-owned firms are not exact, to be sure. 诚然,东印度公司与如今的这些国营企业并非完全相似。 www.bing.com 2. Among the worshippers was Jim Nichols from the central U. S. state of Wisconsin. 其中的一位朝拜者是来自美国中部威斯康辛州的尼科尔斯。 www.voanews.cn 3. Gabriela Andersen-Scheiss was a ski instructor in the U. S. state of Idaho when she represented Switzerland at the 1984 Olympics. 1984年代表瑞士参加洛杉矶夏季奥运会的时候,卡布利约拉-安德生-希斯是美国爱达荷洲的一位滑雪教练。 www.bing.com 4. But the union called its own news conference Friday afternoon, pre-empting Stern's State of the League address on Saturday. 但是在周五下午,球员工会抢先召开一场记者招待会,赶在联盟之前占得先机。 shylpfl.blog.163.com 5. Although they were aware of the threat, Burma's state-run media failed to issue a timely warning to citizens in the storm's path. 虽然他们知道威胁,缅甸的国营媒介没有发出一次实时性警告对风暴的道路的公民。 cid-90189a65842aa71c.spaces.live.com 6. That tension eased slightly following Chinese President Hu Jintao's state visit to the United States earlier this year. 在今年早期中国胡主席访美之后,这一紧张局势才稍为缓和。 www.nn5566.com 7. Now it is up to the nervous coalition partners, which face yet another tough test in Berlin's state election on September 18th. 现在轮到联合政府盟友担心了,他们还要面对在九月十八日柏林举行的州选举的艰难考验。 www.ecocn.org 8. some even urged their colleagues to abandon the usual party seating divisions at next week's state-of-the-union address. 部分议员甚至建议下周的国情咨文的演说中,改变以往不同党派分席而坐的惯例。 www.ecocn.org 9. Today's "state-of-the-art" software development processes are based on an iterative or spiral model of development. Illustration今天,艺术级的软件开发过程都基于迭代或者螺旋开发模型。 www.ibm.com 10. Venezuela 's state news agency is reporting 16 soldiers and a civilian were killed in a military helicopter crash. 据委内瑞拉国家新闻署报道,一架武装直升机坠毁事故造成16名士兵和一名平民身亡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. China's state credit and export insurer, Sinosure, is to cover political risks, which still cannot be dismissed in the Balkans. 中国出口信用保险公司(Sinosure)将为这个项目承保政治风险,目前巴尔干国家尚不能排除这种风险。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Mr Affleck even hired a pro to help him raise his game, and subsequently won California's state poker tournament. 阿弗莱克甚至聘请了一位职业玩家来帮助自己提升牌技,还获得了加州扑克赛的桂冠。 dafapuke.10-com.com 3. Russia's state procedural requirements of the criminal witness was the most complete. 俄罗斯国家对刑事见证程序规定得最为完备。 www.fabiao.net 4. China's State Intellectual Property Office said Wednesday that it issued more than 580, 000 patents in 2009, up 41% from a year earlier. 中国国家知识产权局周三称2009年共颁发了580,000项专利,同比增长41%。 cn.wsj.com 5. Reuters, according to Morocco's state news agency (MAP) message that the crash was the last 10 years, the biggest air disaster. 路透社根据摩洛哥国家通讯社(MAP)的消息指出,这次飞机失事是该国最近10年来最大的空难。 www.englishtang.com 6. In a white paper published this week, China's State Council insisted that "China does not seek regional hegemony or a sphere of influence. " 在这周发布的白皮书中,中国国务院坚持称中国将不会谋求地区霸权或实力范围。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. In fact, NATO officials know they exist, at least in Iraq, according to the classified U. S. State Department document. 事实上,北约官员知道它们的存在,至少在伊拉克,根据美国国务院机密文件。 www.lkong.net 8. His final Air Force assignment was with the U. S. State Department's Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. 他的最后一次空军任务是关于美国国务院武器控制和裁减机构的。 sinoam.sina.com.cn 9. In this example, the DisplayAction class sets the ArrayList object's state and status with a few values. 本例中,DisplayAction类用几个值来设置ArrayList对象的state和status。 www.ibm.com 10. Red state refers to a U. S. state where the majority of voters support Republican candidates. See also blue state. 红州是指大多数选民支持共和党候选人的美国州。参见“蓝州”。 chinese.usembassy-china.org.cn 1. Now the queen's state visit marks a formal acknowledgment of a detoxified relationship that has started to flourish. 现在女王的国事访问预示着两国正式承认了关系缓解,并且已经开始蓬勃发展。 www.ecocn.org 2. The U. S. State Department Web site posts official travel warnings and alerts for specific nations, along with details. 美国国防部网站上对某些具体国家提供了官方旅行警告和警报,和其它详细内容。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. S. state to approve same-sex marriage and a major gay pride parade is scheduled for New York City on Sunday. 纽约州约有两千万人口,也是迄今为止准许同性恋结婚的最大的一个州。在纽约市,一项盛大的同性恋游行将于周日举行。 voa.yeshj.com 4. The huge onshore oil fields that accounted for the bulk of its production remained the preserve of Libya's state companies. 占其产出主要部分的大片陆上油田一直是其国有企业的专属领地。 c.wsj.com 5. North Korea's state news agency says a court has sentenced two female American journalists to 12 years of hard labor. 朝鲜官方的朝中社报导说,朝鲜一傢法院判处两名美国女记者12年强制劳动。 www.taiyang888.com 6. The 15 experts met under the NIH's state-of-the-science conference program, which aims to direct future research in an important study area. 这15名专家是因国立卫生研究院前沿科学会议方案相聚一堂,目的是指出某一重要领域的研究动向。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Despite this, SEMPO's State of Search Marketing , shows direct sales edging out branding as the primary objective of search marketers. 尽管如此,SEMPO的营销状况的搜索,显示搜索营销直销险胜品牌作为首要目标。 www.b2c-seo.com 8. In entity bean operation, the container handles the persistence of a bean's state, ensuring that such data has been preserved for later use. 在实体bean操作中,容器处理bean状态的持久性,并确保这种数据得到保护,供以后使用。 www.ibm.com 9. The early wave of Chinese investment abroad was led by the purchase of mining and energy companies by China's state sector. 中国早期的海外投资热潮是由国有企业收购国外矿业和能源公司引导的。 cn.wsj.com 10. Operations Specifications or equivalent documents issued by the civil aviation authority of the operator's state. 申请人所在国民用航空管理当局为其颁发的运行规范或等效文件。 wenku.baidu.com 1. The U. S. State Department has warned visitors to the Olympics that no place is safe from eavesdropping. 美国国务院(U.S.StateDepartment)已经警告来北京观看奥运会的游客,任何地方都可能被监听。 www.bing.com 2. The election resulted in a parliament that the U. S. State Department report says is compliant to the government. 美国国务院的报告说,那次选举选出的是一个服从政府的议会。 www.rrting.com 3. In a statement issued by Qatar's state news agency, the Gulf Arab nation said it would help enforce a no-fly zone over Libya. 卡塔尔国家通讯社发表的声明称,卡塔尔将帮助在利比亚上空设立禁飞区。 chinese.wsj.com 4. A native or inhabitant of a northern U. S. state, especially a Union soldier during the Civil War. 美国北方的土著人或居民,尤指内战期间的联邦军队的士兵 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Pushing with Git is effectively a synchronization of your repository's state with the remote server. 使用Git推入更改可以非常有效地同步存储库状态和远程服务器。 www.ibm.com 6. When Western banks stopped lending, China's state-owned banks kept pumping credit into the system. 当西方国家的银行开始惜贷时,中国的国有银行始终在向该体制内注入资金。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. An official at China's state TV regulator confirmed to the BBC that the verbal order had been made. 中国电视管理机构一名官员向BBC确认了此事,该项口头的指令已经传达。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. If the gridlock choking Washington finds its way to America's state houses too, then the American economy risks grinding to a standstill. 如果华盛顿的交通拥堵也蔓延至美国的政治机构,那美国的经济就面临着陷入停滞的危险。 www.ecocn.org 9. Double-digit growth can't hide the fact that China's state-controlled economy is leaving the vast majority of citizens behind. 两位数的高增长率也掩盖不了这样的事实:政府控制的中国经济已经离绝大多数民众渐行渐远。 www.bing.com 10. Perhaps most active in supporting the U. S. judiciary's work with other nations is the U. S. State Department. 最热衷于支持美国和其他国家司法人员交流的单位可能首推美国国务院。 www.america.gov 1. So the state variables describe the equilibrium's state and they don't care about how this state got to where it is. 状态变量,描述平衡态,它们并不关心,系统是如何演化成这样的。 open.163.com 2. Ramesh said that at "today's state of development" India could not and should not accept "legally binding reduction targets" . 拉梅什说,就印度“今天的发展情况”来说,印度不可能也不应该接受“具有法律约束力的减排目标”。 www.bing.com 3. But what about this year's state-directed investment boom? 然而,今年的国家指定投资热又作何解呢? blog.hjenglish.com 4. China fell out with Rio after it rejected a big investment by China's state-backed aluminium firm. 自力拓拒绝了中铝一项巨额投资起,双方矛盾就开始了。 www.ecocn.org 5. "I would love to take about twenty or more kids in my home, " someone wrote on the U. S. State Department Web site. “我们家很想再领养20个或者更多的小孩”,美国国务院的网站上有人这样写道。 www.bing.com 6. It is wondering whether to take an investment from Chinalco, China's state-controlled aluminium firm, in place of a rights issue. 它正疑惑是否放弃增股转而接受中国国有铝业公司--中铝公司--的一笔投资。 www.ecocn.org 7. that the activities of China's state trading enterprises were not sufficiently transparent and were not in accordance with WTO obligations. 一些工作组成员担心中国国营贸易企业的活动不完全透明且不符合WTO义务。 www.jukuu.com 8. When China's state investment fund took a $3bn stake in Blackstone it bought non-voting shares and did not have a seat on the board. 中国国家外汇投资公司以30亿美元入股百仕通时,它购入的是没有投票权的股票,而且在董事会没有席位。 www.ftchinese.com 9. David Asher is a former coordinator of North Korea policy at the U. S. State Department. 戴维.阿舍曾经是美国国务院北韩政策协调员。 www.ebigear.com 10. The Australian government on Friday questioned whether China's state security law was being invoked too broadly to cover business dealings. 星期五澳大利亚政府质疑中国国家安全法是否涉及面过宽以致于覆盖了商业行为。 groups.tianya.cn 1. Meanwhile, China's state media has voiced objections to the presence of American military planes and helicopters in the relief effort. 与此同时,大陆官方媒体还对美国出动军用飞机和直升机助台湾救灾表示反对。 www.bing.com 2. CCTV, China's state television station, said four French citizens were among the injured. 中央电视台,中国的国家电视台说,4法国公民当中受伤。 bbs.railcn.net 3. Permission for dangerous goods transportation by air issued by the civil aviation authority of the operator's state. 申请人所在国民用航空管理当局为其颁发的危险品航空运输许可。 wenku.baidu.com 4. They described Zimbabwe's state as "dire" and called for the results to be published at once. 他们认为津巴布韦的状况十分紧急,并呼吁尽快公布选举结果。 www.ecocn.org 5. A portal URL contains a dynamic delta of the portal's state rather than a direct link to a portal resource. 一个门户URL包括有该门户状态的动态变化(delta),而不是对该门户资源的直接链接。 www.ibm.com 6. Committed advocates and legal protections written into New York's state constitution offer hope that it will remain forever wild. 由于受到忠实者的支持,以及公园的合法保护已被写进纽约州宪法,这些都给阿迪朗达克公园永远保持野生状态带来了希望。 www.bing.com 7. In February, I narrated the Democrats response to President Reagan's State of the Union address. 2月,我宣读了民主党对里根总统国情咨文的回应。 www.bing.com 8. Commonly more course work and a broker's state exam on real estate law must be passed. 当然更常见的工作和经纪人的国家考试,房地产法,必须予以通过。 q.sohu.com 9. The recovery mechanism is executed only as part of a function's state being torn down after an error. 这个恢复机制只有在发生错误后函数的状态的一部分将失效是才开始执行。 bbs.golang-china.org 10. This allows the customer to accurately track both the revenue raised by the meter and the meter's state of readiness. 这是顾客能准确地追踪咪表的数据和它的状态。 wenwen.soso.com 1. China's state television provider, CCTV, has been moving into online video and broadcasting as well. 中国国家电视台——中央电视台,也正向在线视听领域进军。 www.bing.com 2. The process of converting an object's state information into a form that can be stored or transported. 将对象的状态信息转换为可以存储或传输的窗体的过程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Iran's state television reported only sketchy details of the incident in the south-eastern province that borders Afghanistan and Pakistan. 伊朗国家电视台只是粗略报道了这起袭击,称其发生在该国东南部与阿富汗和巴基斯坦接壤的省份。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Iran's state-run Arabic satellite television Al-Alam on Sunday aired new footage of two detained British naval servicemen. 伊朗国家阿拉伯语电视台阿拉阿姆星期天播放了有关两名英国海军士兵情况的最新录像。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The BDP mayor of the city of Van accused the province's state-appointed governor of rebuffing his requests to co-ordinate rescue efforts. 凡省某市身为和平民主党成员的市长更是斥责国家任命的省长对其协同救灾行动的请求断然拒绝。 www.ecocn.org 6. China's state media is reaching out to spread positive news about the country across the world. 中国的国家媒体开始传播世界其它国家的确切消息。 www.bing.com 7. President Obama's State of the Union address was a ho-hum affair. 奥巴马总统的国情咨文讲话是一件乏味无聊的事件。 www.bing.com 8. Shanghai's State Security Bureau yesterday confirmed to China Daily that the four were being investigated by the bureau. 上海国家安全局人员昨日证实,中国日报说,这4人都是被调查的。 www.tianya.cn 9. It was expected that the strain would at some point show resistance to Tamiflu, Denmark's State Serum Institute said. 丹麦国家血清研究所说,此前已经预料到病变会在一定程度上表现出对达菲的抗药性。 www.bing.com 10. North Korea's state media issued a statement saying the firings were part of a military drill. 朝鲜官方媒体发表的一份声明说,此次开炮是一项军事训练的一部分内容。 c.wsj.com 1. And the oil refinery is leased until 2019 by Venezuela's state-owned oil company, PDVSA, for $18m a year. 并且那家炼油厂也由委内瑞拉国有石油公司PDVSA(委内瑞拉石油公司)以每年18万美元的价格签约租用到2019年。 www.ecocn.org 2. Mr Hwang is credited as an architect of North Korea's state ideology of juche, which loosely means "self-sufficiency" . 黄长烨被视作朝鲜国家意识形态“juche”(即“自力更生”)的设计师。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Industry players also named Ericsson as a key provider of vendor financing through Sweden's state credit support agency. 行业人士亦指出,爱立信通过瑞典政府信贷支持机构,成为提供融资服务的主要机构。 cn.reuters.com 4. Iran's state media reported Wednesday the updated version is faster, harder to shoot down and quicker to launch. 伊朗国家媒体周三报导,改进型导弹速度更快、更难以被击落,所需发射时间也更短。 c.wsj.com 5. Gazprom has refused to compromise unless Naftogaz, Ukraine's state gas company, agrees to a merger. 俄罗斯天然气工业公司拒绝作出妥协,除非国有的乌克兰天然气公司(Naftogaz)同意与之合并。 www.ftchinese.com 6. North Korea's state television newscaster announced such propaganda will not be tolerated. 朝鲜国家电视台广播员宣布,这样的宣传是不能容忍的。 bbs.koolearn.com 7. A task instance maintains it's state by means of date-properties: create, start and end. 一个任务实例依靠日期属性维护它的状态:创建、开始、结束。 www.blogjava.net 8. If the state of the Action changes, the component's state is updated to match the Action. 如果操作的状态发生改变,组件的状态会被更新以匹配该操作。 www.ibm.com 9. But as you weren't expecting this to happen, to what do you attribute these changes in your body's state? 但你并没有预期这些会发生,那么你对这些身体上的变化怎么归因呢? www.bing.com 10. However, they will no longer be held by large institutional investors, including Vanguard, BlackRock and California's state pension fund. 不过,它们将不再被大型机构投资者持有,其中包括Vanguard、BlackRock和加州的养老基金。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Sidney Weintraub is a former senior U. S. State Department official who was involved in the early development of the APEC concept. SidneyWeintraub是前美国国务院高级官员,他参与了APEC理念早期的发展。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. More than 70000 Iranian students have volunteered to carry out suicide bombings against Israel, Iran's state news agency reported Monday. 据伊朗国家通讯社5日报道,7万多名伊朗学生声称愿当“人弹”,对以色列实施自杀式袭击。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Hours later, in a brief essay posted on one of Cuba's state websites, Fidel Castro said Obama was "honest" in his ideas. 几小时后在一篇由古巴官方网站发布的短文中卡斯特罗说奥巴马在他眼里是“诚实的”。 www.bing.com 4. Dozens of gun violence victims attended President Obama's State of the Union address. 几十个枪支暴力受害者出席了美国总统奥巴马的国情咨文讲话。联合国的一份最新报。 www.tingroom.com 5. And when he does, Michigan will become the 24th U. S. state with Right-to--Work laws. 当他这样做的时候密歇根将成为第24个美国工作权利法的州。 www.kekenet.com 6. S. State Department report on human rights said China's "level of repression of Tibetan Buddhists increased significantly during the year. " 美国国务院最新出台的人权报告指出中国“对西藏喇嘛教的镇压程度在过去的一年内显著上升。” bbs.yeeu.org 7. China's state-run Xinhua news agency reported that the 14 fisherman were to fly home later Monday, with their ship returning separately. 中国官方媒体新华社报道说,14名船员将于周一晚些时候乘飞机回国,渔船将另行返回。 cn.wsj.com 8. Dissent and opposition carry the price of forced labor or execution, according to human rights groups and the U. S. State Department. 据一些人权组织和美国国务院称,成为异己分子和反对者的代价,就是关进劳改营或者吃枪子。 www.bing.com 9. Learn from 4 classroom lectures, 3 live shoots, 2 slideshows, and a mock sales presentation inside Col? n's state-of-the-art studio. 4次课堂学习,3次现场拍摄,2次幻灯片演示——所在的地方国家艺术工作室。 www.zuo3.com 10. Egypt's economy, including commodity trading development, should benefit from Egypt's state system, in particular their economic system. 埃及经济,包括商品交易的发展,应得益于埃及的国家制度,尤其是他们的经济制度。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. China's State Council on Sunday ordered local governments in western regions to prepare for transportation and electricity difficulties. 中国国务院星期天命令西部地区地方政府准备好应对交通和电力的问题。 kantianya.com 2. Even in 2009, in time of global recession and export stagnation, China's state avenue was able to maintain a 11. 9% increase. 在2009年,即使受世界经济衰退和中国外贸出口急遽下滑的影响,中国政府财政收入仍有11.9%的增长。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Indeed, far from being upbraided, the UK's state-owned Channel 4 and Dutch producer Endemol should be applauded. 实际上,英国政府拥有的第四频道(Channel4)和该节目的荷兰制作人Endemol根本不应受到责备,反而应该得到称赞。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The deal is the latest to set western companies working alongside China's state-controlled oil groups. 这是导致西方企业与中国国有石油集团开展合作的最新交易。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Syria's state-run news agency says an "armed terrorist group" killed three people during an attack on a pro-government television station. 叙利亚国家媒体说,“武装恐怖组织”在向一家亲政府的电视台发动的一次攻击行动中,打死三人。 www.bing.com 6. A U. S. State Department spokesman told the Associated Press the allegation of American involvement was 'absurd. ' 美国务院新闻发言人向美联社表示,断言美国与此次暗杀有关“十分荒谬”。 c.wsj.com 7. Yet in an illustration of the power of China's state-directed sports system, Yang became a world-class kayaker. 如今,杨雅莉已经成为一名世界级的皮艇运动员,成为中国以国家主导的体育运动体制力量的一个例证。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The charges were downgraded and, after an investigation of more than four months, the case was sent to China's state prosecutors in January. 这些罪名后来被降级,经过4个多月的调查后,此案于今年1月移交中国检察机关。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Websites most visited: The U. S. State Department's [travel warnings page]. 最常访问的网址:美国国务院(U.S.StateDepartment)的旅行警告网页。 chinese.wsj.com 10. On objective, promoted the circulation of commodities, to prosper the social economy, to increase Tang Dynasty "s state treasury income. " 在客观上,促进了商品流通、繁荣了社会经济、增加了唐朝的国库收益。 www.lw23.com |
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