单词 | small-numbers | ||
释义 | small-numbers
例句释义: 小数目 1. For pages with small numbers of components, this approach is all the structure that you need. 对于组件数量不多的页面,该方法是所需的所有结构。 www.ibm.com 2. It was printed in small numbers as the publishers did not realise they had found a best-selling author. 这本书的发行量很小,因为出版商没有意识到他们找到了一位畅销书作家。 www.ftchinese.com 3. This should, however, not be a matter of great concern, for we are talking about small numbers and a temporary phenomenon. 不过,大家不用过分担心,因为只是涉及小数目,而且这不过是暂时的现象。 www.info.gov.hk 4. Only relatively small numbers of monkeys are used (less than of the total number of animals). 只有相对来说数量极少的猴子作为实验对象使用(不到动物总数的0.1%)。 www.ecocn.org 5. In case of small numbers of merchandises ordered: we would deliver by DHL or other safe and reasonable transportation. 如果要发送的货物数量很少,我们会使用快运或其他运输价格便宜而且安全的方式运送。 www.mrcai.net 6. It was kind of funny, most of them appeared to be surprised when we switched from small numbers to hundreds. 这很可笑,大部分的鱼对从小数值改变成上百的数感到很惊讶。 www.bing.com 7. Therefore the fact that more patients are waiting longer, even small numbers, is a matter of great concern to clinicians. 越来越多的病人需要等待很长时间,尽管数量还不是很大,可这的确是事实,临床医生们对此应该给予充分的关注。 www.bing.com 8. One major advantage of small numbers is there will be plenty of space and no crowds. Prepare to be amazed . 小团游的最大优点是宽敞的空间每有拥挤的人群。准备好-您一定会惊叹的! dictsearch.appspot.com 9. These rare animals were once found all over China, but now there are only small numbers of them scattered across the central region. 这些罕见的动物曾一度在中国遍处可寻,如今却只零星分布在中部地区。 www.360abc.com 10. However, a number of manufacturers are now able to work with small numbers. 不过,有些制造商现在已经能够小数量生产了。 www.ibm.com 1. Honda has started leasing small numbers of its FCX Clarity, which it describes as a "production model" to drivers in California. 本田已经开始租借其少数几辆FCXClarity车型,据称是为加利福尼亚的开车人设计的“生产模型”。 www.bing.com 2. For small numbers, the calculation should be very fast, but for larger numbers, you should see a noticeable delay. 对于很小的数值,计算应非常快,但对于较大的数值,将看到明显的延时。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The pair gave supplements to small numbers of women with and without HIV while they were pregnant and for six months afterwards. 两位给其中少部分携带和不携带HIV病毒的孕妇从怀孕到其后的6个月提供这样的饮食。 www.ecocn.org 4. Small numbers are allowed to enter through the iron gates every few minutes. 每几分钟只有一小部分人被允许进入铁门。 bbs.kekenet.com 5. When specifying very small numbers for timeout, the Ping reply can be received even if timeout milliseconds have elapsed. 当为timeout指定的数值非常小时,即使已经过去了timeout毫秒,也可以收到ping答复。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Thus, informational problems of this kind are a "small numbers" issue. 这样这类的信息问题实际上是一个“少量交易者”的问题。 www.bing.com 7. It has long been appreciated by science that large numbers behave differently than small numbers. 科学长期认为大量个体和少量个体的行为存在重大差异。 www.bing.com 8. In the post-war period, British government actively sought immigrants except Jews, only small numbers of Jewish immigration were admitted. 二战后,英国政府积极寻找移民,犹太人被排除在外,只有少数被允许进入。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. The idea is to maintain security and cross in small numbers that will not draw undue attention or fire. 方法是先保证安全,小单位的跃进,可以不那么容易吸引敌人火力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Once, the dearth of women directors could be traced to the small numbers entering film school. 曾经,女性导演很少的原因可以归咎为进入电影学院的人本身就很少。 dongxi.net 1. These days such people tend to lapse altogether, leaving more conservative types in the news, albeit in small numbers. 如今这样的人往往选择不去教堂,只留下更保守的信徒还坐在教堂的长椅上,虽然这种情况只是少数。 www.ecocn.org 2. The stroke which damaged her innate understanding of small numbers also robbed her of the entire numerical edifice built on that foundation. 中风导致她对小数目理解的损伤同样损坏了建立在此基础上所有数字能力。 www.ecocn.org 3. Those trees are still present in small numbers, but the vast woodlands of the eastern Midwest are long gone to farmland and city. 现在这些树仍有少数存在,但中西部东部地区的许多林地已经变成了农田和城市。 www.bing.com 4. In addition, current methods are time-consuming, and not sensitive enough to detect small numbers of drug-resistant HIV. 此外,当前的方法耗时且对数量较少的耐药毒株不敏感。 www.scidev.net 5. The hungriest bits of the country are in the Danakil depression, where nothing grows and only small numbers of Afar nomads live. 该国饥荒最严重的地区是达纳吉尔凹地,此处寸草不生,只生活着少数的阿法尔游牧民。 www.ecocn.org 6. However studies in this area remain limited by small numbers of participants and lack of independent evaluation. 然而,此领域的研究仍然受到参与者数量较小和欠缺独立评估的限制。 www.bing.com 7. But the same government that throws small numbers of dissidents in prison also provides new opportunities to hundreds of millions. 但是,正是这样一个把一小部分发出不同声音的人投入监狱的政府也同时能为成千上万的其他民众创造新的机会。 www.bing.com 8. The six main studios, which have become dependent on small numbers of big-budget films, are finding it hard to spread risk. 六大电影公司已经严重依赖少数巨额投资的影片,而很难分散风险。 ecocn.org 9. This new result for lung cancer is based on small numbers and could be a chance finding. 这个关于肺癌的新结果的研究基数较小,可能是偶然性发现。 www.bing.com 10. Most neuroimaging studies are conducted with small numbers, like 20 subjects, where differences could easily be due to chance. 大部分有关神经成像的研究都是在少数人中进行,可能只有20人,这样抽查几率很容易造成差异的存在。 www.bing.com 1. However, the overall performance seems not good and problems like small numbers, low scale and low profit rate still exits. 然而上市公司整体表现不尽如人意,数量少,规模小,利润率低等问题尤其突出。 www.fabiao.net 2. Results may not be representative of the population because of small numbers of people, who are not likely to be randomly selected. 其结果有可能不能代表要调查人口,因为讨论参与者人数较少,而且他们可能不是随机选出来的。 evergreeneducation.org 3. They all plan roll outs soon, or are already taking orders in small numbers, for electric cars powered by lithium-ion batteries. 它们也都计划很快推出用锂离子电池驱动的轿车,或是已经小批量接受订单。 laoguoweixiu.blog.163.com 4. He attributed the small numbers to boarding being a somewhat "alien" concept to the region. 他认为寄宿生数量少的原因在于该区域的人们对寄宿这种概念仍有一定程度的“顾虑”。 cn.nytimes.com 5. It seems they have been appearing in the evening, in some of the resident's floral gardens, in small numbers. 似乎他们夜间出没,出现在一些居民的花园。 www.bn13.com 6. Markets cannot help reducing an immense natural disaster to relatively small numbers. 市场情不自禁地想把一场巨大的天灾,简化为一些相对微小的数字。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The most common bacteria isolated from the conjunctiva are small numbers of coagulase-negative staphylococcus and diphtheroids. 从结膜最常分离的细菌包括少量的凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌和类白喉菌属。 www.chemyq.com 8. Statistics calculated on small numbers of cycles may not be accurate. 小样本的统计学计算可能不精确。 www.ivf.cn 9. The wealth of the monasteries rested in the hands of small numbers of high-ranking lamas. 寺院的财富掌握在少数高品阶的喇嘛手中。 pro.yeeyan.com 10. Using very large or very small numbers or emulating private data-types derived from numeric types. 使用极大或极小的数字或者模仿从数值类型派生的私有数据类型。 www.ibm.com 1. U. S. officials say the insurgents' foreign fighter force is growing, but by only small numbers. 美国官员说叛乱分子的外籍战斗力在提高,尽管数量不大。 www.bing.com 2. This demonstration didn't happen because police stopped small numbers of white men from getting into the area. 示威活动最终没有进行,因为警方制止了少量白人仁进入该地区。 www.englishtang.com 3. Although there are extra steps, you will always work with small numbers, speeding up the process. 尽管多出几步,但处理的都是较小的数字,从而增加了运算速度。 www.bing.com 4. Small numbers of imported cases occur in countries free of yellow fever. 在无黄热病的国家中有少量输入性病例。 www.who.int 5. There are few comparative studies, and these suffer from being retrospective, having short follow-up or a small numbers of cases. 比较性研究很少,这要进行回顾性分析,且随访期短或病例数少。因此还没有明确的信息可用。 www.ewqs.net 6. Citizen's groups must avoid the common mistake of involving small numbers of people heavily. 公民团体必须要避免一个共同的错误,就是让一少部分人具有非常大的分量。 www.bing.com 7. Both wolves and dogs ate cattle and horses, though in small numbers. 狼和狗都吃牛和马,但是数目不大。 www.ecocn.org 8. Because of the small numbers of cases in those studies, there is a risk of obtaining false-negative results in statistical analyses. 由于在这些研究中有些是小样本研究,所以在统计分析时存在获得假阴性结果的可能。 www.oaopdoc.com 9. Ford already builds small numbers of Volvos for the Chinese market at an assembly plant in Chongqing. 为了进一步打开中国市场,福特公司已经在重庆建立了配件工厂。 www.bing.com 10. To manufacture small numbers or lathe or mill parts based on drawings submitted by design engineers . 根据设计工程师提供的图纸加工少量的车床,铣床零件。 www.bing.com 1. Despite the small numbers and this week's High Court ruling, the government is girding itself to act. 虽然涉及人数不多,本周最高法院也做出了判决,但是政府正试图改变。 www.ecocn.org 2. However, many markets do in fact have small numbers of buyers or sellers. 现实中有许多市场中只有很少数目的买方和卖方。 www.bing.com 3. We provided kilometers and when divided by 300 seconds we get very small numbers. 下面提供的公里数,以及除以300妙的结果,我们得到非常小的数值。 www.cn56tong.com 4. When the rare coula nuts were available only in small numbers, the chimpanzees transported more at one time. 当稀有的可乐果数量很少时,黑猩猩一次就会拿得多。 wenku.baidu.com 5. The third Mongolian wave to immigrate to this country came in small numbers (between 150-200). 第三批移民美国的蒙古人人数很少(150-200人)。 www.bing.com 6. In some places, farmers receive protection despite their small numbers because they hold disproportionate voting power. 在某些地方,农民虽然人数少,但仍受到保护,因为他们在选举中具有很大影响力。 www.america.gov 7. This is important when you deal with very large and very small numbers. 在处理非常大和非常小的数时,这点很重要。 www.ibm.com 8. The Chinese were present in Australia in small numbers before the gold rush. 在淘金潮开始以前,就有少量的中国人来到了澳洲。 www.elanso.com 9. Then we can start to invite people to dinner in small numbers next month. "So Mrs. " 然后下个月我们就可以开始邀请人数较少的人来吃晚餐了。 zhishi.sohu.com 10. These are small numbers of course. 当然,这都是小数目。 www.cn.wsj.com 1. The Law of Small Numbers 小额数量法则 www.nju.edu.cn |
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