单词 | small amounts | ||||
释义 | small amounts
例句释义: 少量,小计 1. After two weeks in Fairfield, she was well enough to come home and able to tolerate small amounts of soft food by mouth. 在美田医院两周之后,她已经好转并可以回家了,还能进食少量流食了。 engnet.jiangnan.edu.cn 2. It accumulates in the cooling water of nuclear reactors and is often vented in small amounts to the environment. Its half-life is 12 years. 氚聚集在核反应堆的冷却水中,通常以微量排放到环境中,其半衰期为12年。 www.bing.com 3. She said it's quite common for women to leak small amounts of urine while laughing or sneezing, but that's not what was studied here. 她说当女性哈哈大笑或者打喷嚏的时候会露出少量尿液,那是极其普遍的,然而这并不是所要研究的。 www.elanso.com 4. The company warned that small amounts of radioactive leak could occur during the process, but that the amount would be harmless. 该公司警告说,这一过程中可能发生少量放射性物质泄漏,但这个量不会有害。 chinese.wsj.com 5. In practice small amounts leak in and out in industrial systems, but overall, the bulk of mass circles in a " closed loop . " 实践中工业系统少不免有小量的泄漏,但总体说来,大多数物质都在一个“闭合环路”里面循环。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. During our trip we had come across small amounts of cotton grass along the roads, but I never expected to see such a huge field of it. 可是在旅途中,我们所遇到的棉草量却是很少的,但我没想到会看到这样一块庞大的田地。 www.bing.com 7. If you think a stock is good, you can pick it up in small amounts so that you average out the cost of the investment over time. 如果你认为一只股具投资潜能,可考虑分几次买入以把平均价拉低。 it.bab.la 8. Small amounts of alcohol can help you to fall asleep. But as the body metabolizes the alcohol, sleep may become fragmented. 少量饮酒可能有助于入睡,然而,当酒精在身体内进行新陈代谢时,睡眠便变得支离破碎。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Domestic banks will no doubt roll over the small amounts of short-term treasury bills maturing in coming months. 希腊国内银行无疑将对未来几个月内到期的短期国债进行展期。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The bank lends small amounts of money to poor people, especially women, who are unable to get traditional loans. 这个银行把较小数量的钱借给那些无法取得传统正常贷款的穷人,尤其是妇女。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. The system is fast, easy to set up and maintain, uses only small amounts of protein, and yields quantitative results. 该系统具有快速,易于安装和维护,仅使用少量的蛋白质,和产量定量结果。 www.syyxw.com 2. If your dog suffers heatstroke, take him to a cool spot and sponge him with cold water. Encourage your dog to drink small amounts of water. 一旦狗中暑,立即将其抱至阴凉处,用冷水擦拭全身,给狗少量饮水。 www.8pet.net 3. The solids continue around and down until they exit the bottom of the hydrocyclone (along with small amounts of liquid) and are discarded. 固相继续运动直到退出水力旋流器的底部(伴随一小部分的液体),然后被排除出去。 www.infopetro.com.cn 4. However, there was no significant difference in survival between those with high amounts of belly fat and those with small amounts. 然而,在高含量腹型肥胖患者和脂肪含量较少的患者之间,其生存率没有显著差别。 www.dxy.cn 5. These shifts appear to have been relatively small amounts, but large enough to get the attention of officials in Washington. 这些转换的相对数值较小,但却已足以引起华盛顿官员的关注。 c.wsj.com 6. It is especially moving to see people around the world getting involved and contributing, even if only small amounts. 看到世界各地人们的参与和帮助,我非常感动。即使是最微小的帮助。 www.bing.com 7. The power of compound interest: Over long periods of time, small amounts of money can grow as interest compounds and adds to your principal. 利润的力量:在长的时期,小金额可能增长能作为复利增长你的资本。 www.dltcedu.org 8. Small amounts of wine are held to be good for slightly lowering health risks of the heart. 人们认为少量饮葡萄酒会有助于减少患心脏病的危险。 www.bing.com 9. Sprinkling small amounts of money or opportunities around the organization can build enormous goodwill. 在公司里,少量的金钱和机会可以建立巨大的好感。 www.bing.com 10. When struck by light, the electrons in an atom of silver vibrate in a way that causes them to radiate small amounts of light themselves. 当受到光的照射,银原子内的电子就会振动,以致它们本身散射出少量的光。 www.bing.com 1. Keep your bedroom dark , especially as you get older . Even small amounts of light and noise can disturb sleep as you age . 保持卧室的黑暗,特别是当你年纪增大的时候。哪怕很微弱的一点点灯光或是噪音都会令上了年纪的你睡不安稳。 www.bing.com 2. Incandescent bulbs may be a bit safer than fluorescent bulbs, which do emit very small amounts of ultraviolet light. 白炽灯泡可能比荧光灯泡安全些,因为后者会发出少量的紫外线。 www.bing.com 3. If you can't stand the taste of diet soda, add lemon or lime to it, or try adding small amounts to regular soda to get used to the taste. 如果你忍受不了节食苏打水的味道,可以加一点柠檬或酸橙,或者将节食苏打水加入普通汽水中,逐渐习惯这种味道。 www.kekenet.com 4. The body needs small amounts of it for healthy metabolism. 机体需要微量的硒以维持正常代谢。 news.dxy.cn 5. Even relatively small amounts of light can reset the body's internal clock, so find as dark an environment as possible when traveling. 较少光线也能将体内的生物钟重设。因此在旅行中,找一个越暗环境越好。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. We recommend using these symbols in small amounts a little at a time until one has embraced a flow that supports these tones. 我们建议你以小数量、短时间来使用这些符号,直到你融合了所有支持这些音调的(能量)流为止。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. At six months, caregivers should introduce foods in small amounts and gradually increase the quantity as the child gets older. 在六个月时,护理人员应开始少量添加补充食品,并随着婴儿的成长,逐渐增加喂养量。 www.who.int 8. The bank is expected to initially lend fairly small amounts but could rapidly expand its loan book. 预计中行将在初期发放相对小额的房贷,但可能迅速扩大整体放贷规模。 www.ftchinese.com 9. These funds can be bought on the stock exchange for small amounts of money, so there is no advantage to the rich here. 这类基金可以在交易所直接买到,门坎不高,因此富人在这方面不占什么资金优势。 c.wsj.com 10. Small amounts of chocolate may help prevent heart disease, but only if it replaces other high energy and therefore high calorie snacks. 少量的巧克力可以预防心脏病,但这是在以巧克力代替了其他高能量和高热量点心的前提下。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Always: - buy or make small amounts of rennet - store in a dark, cool place, a refrigerator if possible. Do not keep for more than 3 months. 一次只购买少量凝乳酶,放在阴凉,避光的地方保存有条件最好冷藏,保存期最好不超过3个月。 www.kuenglish.info 2. unbound mode is suitable for displaying relatively small amounts of data that you manage programmatically . you do not attach the. 未绑定模式适合于显示由程序管理的相对较少量的数据。 www.ichacha.net 3. But now, due to the small amounts of fish, the whole work was like a joke or interest. 但现在短少的渔获让整个工作像是一种玩笑或兴趣。 mypaper3.pchome.com.tw 4. You can get good gains with relatively small amounts of physical activity. More is always better, but less is a good place to start. 相对少量的体育运动会使你收获颇丰。越多当然越好,但量少也是个好的开端。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Results A great quantity of NPY-ir neurons and a small amounts of NPY-ir fibres were located in the caudate-putamen nucleus. 结果NPY免疫反应阳性神经元大量分布于尾壳核,NPY免疫反应阳性纤维分布稀疏。 www.chemyq.com 6. The body needs only small amounts of this antioxidant, found in meats, seafood, eggs, and bread. 一种抗氧化剂,但只需少量就能满足人体所需。 www.bing.com 7. Professor Heather said the belief that small amounts of alcohol are good for health was much stronger in the past than it is today. 希瑟教授说,现在每天少量饮酒的好处比过去更多。 gb.cri.cn 8. Unlike previous lunar spectrometers, it was sensitive enough to detect the presence of small amounts of water. 与之前发射的月球光谱仪不同的是,月球矿物制图仪的灵敏度极高,足以发现少量水的存在。 www.bing.com 9. Small amounts of selenium are essential for health and help build a strong immune system to fight off infections and diseases. 少量的硒元素对人体健康是必要的,能帮着建立一个抵抗传染病和疾病的免疫系统。 www.bing.com 10. Asymmetric algorithms are usually used to encrypt small amounts of data such as the encryption of a symmetric key and IV . 不对称算法通常用于加密少量数据,如加密对称密钥和IV。 www.bing.com 1. So officials say they do not know how small amounts of it got into rice from last year's crop. 所以官员们认为他们并不知道如何精确统计去年有多少作物加工成了大米。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. The pressurized air is released on demand to turn a turbine that generates electricity, aided by burning small amounts of natural gas. 释放这些压缩空气可以推动生产电力的涡轮机,只需要燃烧少量天然气辅助。 www.bing.com 3. Rare earths are minerals used in small amounts on virtually every electronic item for sale around the world. 稀土是用于几乎所有电子产品,少量为世界各地的销售矿物质。 club.china.com 4. Small amounts of plastics can be impregnated to waterproof the cardboard, and the air inside the structure makes for good insulation. 少量的塑料被注入其中以使硬纸板防水,且该构造中的空气有助于隔热。 www.kuaiyilin.com 5. It was a way of bringing small amounts of water directly to the stalk of the plant . 滴灌是一种将少量的水直接灌溉在植物的根茎的技术。 www.bing.com 6. As a precaution, he advises investing small amounts of money every month, rather than one large lump sum. 作为一种防范措施,他建议每月投入小笔资金,而不是一次性地投入大笔资金。 www.ftchinese.com 7. I used to work at the Rockefeller Foundation [an older American charity] and dole out grants in small amounts. 我曾经在洛克菲勒基金会(一家美国老牌慈善机构)工作,捐款数额很少。 newssgo.com 8. You do this by exchanging small amounts of data with the server, and consequently refreshing only small parts of the markup. 通过和服务器交换小部分的数据,然后刷新标记的一小部分来实现这一点。 www.ibm.com 9. Addition of small amounts of a water-soluble polymer to the aqueous complexation media enhances the CD complexation of drugs. 除了少量的水溶性聚合物的水溶液络合媒体加强裁谈会络合毒品。 www.syyxw.com 10. Carrot, apple, green vegetable, raisins and seeds can be given in very small amounts, no more than a teaspoon per day per chin. 胡萝卜,苹果,绿色蔬菜,葡萄干和种子,可以给予非常小的份量,每只龙猫每天的零食加起来不可超过一茶匙。 www.taozei.cn 1. The researcher then supplemented a normal diet in mice with small amounts of the compound and subjected them to a battery of health tests. 之后研究者又将熊果酸化合物添加到了小白鼠的饲料之中,以观察白鼠的健康变化。 www.ebigear.com 2. The ginger, Keep small amounts of oil pan, garlic, salt, sugar, cooking, stir fry put together a few continued speculation into ribs. 锅里留少量的油,把蒜、盐、糖、料酒一起放进去翻炒,翻炒几下后放入排骨继续炒。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Consuming small amounts of lactose-containing foods as part of a mixed meal is better tolerated than eating dairy foods on their own. 少量含有乳糖的食物与其他食物混合食用,比单独食用乳制品更容易耐受。 afic.org 4. Having small amounts of protein in the urine is called microalbuminuria. 如果尿液里有少量的蛋白质,被称为尿微量蛋白。 bbs.tnbz.com 5. Analysts say consumers are growing more accustomed to spending small amounts of money casually for digital content. 分析人士表示,消费者对偶尔花费少量的钱购买数字内容越来越习以为常。 www.ftchinese.com 6. This despite the fact that small amounts for personal consumption will not become subject to EU rules. 尽管还有少量的个人消费还没有按照欧盟规定。 www.ecocn.org 7. I let small amounts of the water wash over the injury, that being the best I could do for now. 我让在克服了伤病少量的水清洗,这是目前最好的我能做到。 wenwen.soso.com 8. You can only buy unemployment and redundancy insurance in small amounts on unattractive terms. 你只能购买小额失业与裁员保险,条件还不怎么吸引人。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Web controls can maintain small amounts of data, called control state, that are required for the correct operation of the control. Web控件可以维护正常操作所需的少量数据,这种状态称为控件状态。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The process uses small amounts of the naturally occurring mineral to increase concentrations to no more than one part per million typically. 这一过程应用了少量的自然出现的矿物质去增加浓度,不超过百万分之一。 news.dxy.cn 1. Small amounts of reagents and a fluid sample from a patient are guided through its tiny channels to test for STDs. 少量的试剂和流体样本病人被引导穿过它的细小通道测试性传播疾病。 www.bing.com 2. Small amounts of putty are to be used to close any seams or small openings observed in the test sample. 少量的腻子是用来关闭任何接缝或小开口在测试样本观察。 baike.china.alibaba.com 3. Autogenous cancellous bone can be mixed in small amounts with allograft bone as "seed" to provide osteogenic potential. 少量的自体松质骨可以混合于同种异体骨内作为“种子”发挥成骨的潜力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The small amounts of tenofovir (found in breast milk in animal studies) are very unlikely to cause viral resistance, they wrote. 泰诺福韦(在乳房在动物实验中发现牛奶)少量不太可能导致病毒抵抗,他们写道。 www.hbvhbv.com 5. In small amounts the aromas or flavors can add complexity and be positive characteristics, but become negative as the intensity increases. 量少的时候能够增加葡萄酒的复杂性且是正面特征,但随着强度的增加则会变成负面的。 www.best789.com 6. Instead, consider starting by contributing small amounts to your retirement account and slowly raising the percentage over time. 相反,你可以考虑这样开始:存少量款项到您的退休帐户,并随着时间的推移慢慢提高百分比。 www.bing.com 7. Many of the substances, however, are inert or found in such small amounts they do not disrupt our own basic chemistry. 然而大多数物质是惰性的或只是少量出现,它们不会扰乱我们自己本身的化学结构。 www.elanso.com 8. Small amounts of chlorine gas can be produced in the laboratory by mixing together some hydrochloric acid and manganese dioxide. 实验室制取少量的氯气可以将盐酸和二氧化锰混合而得。 www.023java.com 9. They were reasonable portions of protein served with copious quantities of vegetables and small amounts of starch, usually rice. 它们有由大量的蔬菜所提供的合理定量的蛋白质和少量的淀粉,通常是大米。 www.ted.com 10. People who drink small amounts of alcohol are more likely to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, research suggests. 研究认为饮少量酒的人更可能保持正常的血糖水平。 www.bing.com 1. I do not need nor can I afford to buy it all at once and the shipping for small amounts would not be economical. 我买不起也没必要去买,对金额量少的装运也不是节约的办法。 club.china.alibaba.com 2. Small amounts of iridium are commonly added for a harder, stronger alloy that retains platinum's advantages. 一般加入少量的铱形成更硬、更强的合金,而又包括了铂的优点。 www.tdict.com 3. It was a dramatic learning curve and very small amounts of money were earned at first ". " 这是一个戏剧性的学习曲线,开始只能赚到很少的钱。 club.topsage.com 4. If you want to be relieved, try to eat something that can be easily digested, in small amounts, and intermittently. 如果要想不吐。要试着少量间断地吃点容易消化的东西。 www.suiniyi.com 5. The main electrolytes in sweat are sodium and chloride ions, as well as small amounts of potassium and calcium. 汗液中主要的电解质是钠和氯离子,还有少量的钾和钙。 www.xiami360.com 6. Small amounts of land were used for raising animals. 使用少量的地饲养动物。 www.moko100.com 7. Coal and oil, used to heat homes and factories and to generate electricity, contain small amounts of sulfur. 煤炭和石油,用于家庭取暖和工厂,并产生电力,含有少量的硫。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. When grafts are taken, your doctor may periodically inject small amounts of saline solution into the scalp to maintain proper skin strength. 当采取移植、你们医生定期注入少量生理盐水到头皮保持皮肤的实力。 www.kuenglish.info 9. Some MEC treatments have small amounts of petroleum derivatives, however, these treatments will not harm leather. 某些MEC的处理剂含有少量的石油提炼物,不过这些处理剂不会损害皮革。 www.crossna.com 10. Some of the wines contained small amounts of iron, which varied by country of origin, variety and vintage. 这些酒因其产地、种类和年份的不同,而具有不同的铁元素含量。 www.bing.com 1. Nitrosamines form in small amounts when exposed to chloramine, the disinfectant of choice at the nation's wastewater treatment plants. 洗发露接触到氯胺——国家污水处理厂选用的消毒剂时,就会形成少量的亚硝胺。 ng.trends.com.cn 2. Vitamin C is water-soluble and only small amounts are stored in the body after it is absorbed from the intestine. 维生素C是水溶性的,只有少量储存在体内后,它是由肠道吸收。 bjp.diula.com 3. Inactive people should start with small amounts of physical activity and gradually increase duration, frequency and intensity over time. 缺乏活动的人在开始时应做少量的身体活动,并随时间逐步增加活动时间、频率和强度。 www.who.int 4. What if we were to separate out metals from waste streams -- small amounts of metals in water? 如果我们可以从废水分离出微量金属? www.ted.com 5. A technique using small amounts of fertiliser, pioneered by African agricultural scientists, is boosting crop yields in degraded soils. 非洲科学家们先行了一种使用少量化肥的技术,促进了在已退化土壤中的庄稼产量。 www.scidev.net 6. Our big effort was to develop methods to measure very small amounts of organic chemicals. 我们最大的努力就是开发测量有机化学物质微量元素的方法。 roycerolls.bokee.com 7. Small amounts of oxygen act as a softening agent upon the tannins of the wine. 少量的氧气可以充当酒当中单宁的软化剂。 www.bing.com 8. Soybean lecithins are generally used in small amounts in a wide variety of foods. 大豆卵磷脂在各种各样的食品中的用量一般很 www.jukuu.com 9. Moreover watch glasses are suited to weighing small amounts of matter or alternatively drying them in the airing cupboard. 此外表面皿也适合对少量物质称重或者使少量物质在晾衣橱中阴干。 translations.launchpad.net 10. A good detox will include mostly fresh vegetables and fruit, as well as small amounts of poultry, lean meat and fish. 健康的排毒食物包括的主要是新鲜蔬菜、水果,少量的禽肉,瘦肉和鱼。 www.transcn.org 1. The small amounts of poisonous mercury they contain are also in the sights of many lawmakers. 此外,荧光灯中含有的少量水银的毒性也引起了许多立法者的关注。 xiaozu.renren.com 2. Polyoma virus: Minute infectious agent normally present in extremely small amounts in wild mice without causing obvious ill effects. 多瘤病毒:存在于野鼠身上、数量极少、致病力不强的一种感染性小病原体。 www.tdict.com 3. The results show that the mineral phases of Fe and Ti in the concentrates are mainly anatase with small amounts of goethite and Fe-Ti phase. 结果表明,京西高岭土精矿中含有少量锐钛矿和微量针铁矿及铁钛混合物相; cagsbulletin.com 4. Rich in carbohydrates and fat and containing small amounts of caffeine, chocolate is an excellent source of quick energy. 巧克力富含碳水化合物和脂肪,能快速提供热量,也含有微量可可碱和咖啡因。 www.tdict.com 5. Scroll small amounts up or down, respectively, within the currently displayed Help topic. 在当前显示的帮助主题中,分别小幅度地向上或向下滚动。 office.microsoft.com 6. The price spikes are hurting users, who have little option but to continue buying the small amounts of antimony available. 锑价高涨让用户苦不堪言,他们别无选择,只能继续购买供应量缩减的锑。 www.ftchinese.com 7. In the beginning it was small amounts, using small boats - solo, random efforts. That's how it was until one day, a friend came to me. 开始时,只是自己用小艇小批量的运,也没有什么计划。直到有一天,一个朋友找到我。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Scientists have known for years that fires in the contaminated zones have the potential to spread radioactive materials in small amounts. 科学家们多年来早已知道,被核辐射污染过的地区,如果出现火灾,有可能将少量放射性物质四下蔓延。 dongxi.net 9. In the laboratory, small amounts of hydrogen gas may be made by the reaction of calcium hydride with water. 实验室中制取少量的氢气,可以用氢化钙跟水反应。 www.yaei.gov.cn 10. Workers who steal even small amounts of money or goods from an employer risk big repercussions. 偷窃雇主小额现金或商品的雇员们是冒着有巨大影响后果的危险。 www.bing.com 1. The central bank was reported to be buying small amounts of bonds to settle the markets. 据报道,欧洲央行正在少量买进意大利债券,以稳定市场。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The Mexican government has enacted a law decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of drugs, including cocaine and heroin. 墨西哥政府颁布新的法律,对持包括可卡因和海洛因在内的少量毒品者予以区别对待。 club.topsage.com 3. Drug laws were relaxed in 1993 to define very small amounts of drugs (usually less than half a gram) as being for personal use. 1993年禁毒法的尺度放宽,允许个人使用极少量(通常小于0.5克)的毒品。 www.bing.com 4. Iron is a micronutrient. Micronutrients are important substances that are found in small amounts in foods. 铁是微量元素。微量元素是指在食品中发现的含量极少的重要物质。 www.tingclass.com 5. Wireless devices have relatively small amounts of memory, and clearly cannot process responses of arbitrary length. 无线设备的内存容量相对较小,显然不可能处理任意长度的响应。 www.ibm.com 6. In Bangladesh, the Grameen Bank lends small amounts of money, mainly to women. 在孟加拉国,格莱珉银行主要针对女性提供小额贷款。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Therefore, application state is a useful place to store small amounts of often-used data that does not change from one user to another. 因此,应用程式状态是很有用的位置,可用来存放少量经常使用但不会因使用者不同而变更的资料。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Sarkozy has filed complaints concerning the theft, which French media quoted sources as saying involved only small amounts. 法国媒体援引有关人士称,被盗去的只是一个小数目,萨科齐已向银行方面投诉。 chinadaily.com.cn 9. Central banks in countries including Russia, Venezuela, Mexico and the Philippines are also buying gold, albeit in small amounts. 俄罗斯、委内瑞拉、墨西哥和菲律宾等国家央行也在买进黄金,尽管数量较小。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Lead poisoning can build up slowly and occurs from repeated exposure to small amounts of lead which can harm a child's mental development. 铅伤害儿童的智力发育,铅中毒可逐渐形成,是长期接触少量的铅造成的。 www.foodmate.net 1. Fuel cells chemically combine hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity and simple byproducts, mainly small amounts of water. 燃料电池利用氢和氧的化学反应产生电能和简单的副产品――其中主要是少量的水。 www.hotdic.com 2. However, US cannot detect small amounts of hepatic steatosis and cannot establish the diagnosis of NASH or stage of hepatic fibrosis. 然而,US不能检测少量的肝脏脂肪变性,不能用于NASH的诊断或肝炎的分期。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Write articles as a freelancer for several web sites that want content of all sorts and will pay small amounts that add up quickly. 做自由攥稿人通过为那些需要各方面信息的网站写文章来挣钱,这样小数目的收入会很快积攒起来。 www.91gupiao.com 4. Small amounts of ash have already begun to fall in Iceland, Scotland and Norway. 冰岛,苏格兰和挪威已开始有少数的火山灰沉落来。 www.17moshu.cn 5. Use when you need to store small amounts of information for a page that will post back to itself. 当您需要存储少量回发到自身的页信息时使用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Plants generally absorb and translocate relatively small amounts of arsenic into aboveground parts. 植物常常将少量的砷吸收和转移到地上部分。 www.kuenglish.info 7. In fact, even very small amounts of sleep deprivation significantly undermine capacity for focus, analytic thinking and creativity. 事实上,每少睡一点都会降低我们的注意力,思考力和创造力。 www.bing.com 8. Indeed, when caffeine is ingested and broken down by the liver, one byproduct is small amounts of theophylline. 事实上,当咖啡因被人们摄入后,它会被肝脏分解,产生的副产物中就含有少量茶碱。 www.putclub.com 9. However, rats which did show high numbers of NMDA receptors exhibited memory improvement when given small amounts of alcohol. 然而,大脑中有大量门冬氨酸受体的白鼠在摄入少量酒精后,记忆力则会增强。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Weapons and valuable farming tools were traded to the Indians for small amounts of food. Wood from people's homes was burned for heat. (殖民者以)武器和有使用价值的农具向印第安人换取少量食物,以自家房屋的木头烧火取暖。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Small amounts of aluminium carbide are a common impurity of technical calcium carbide. 少量的碳化铝是电石中的常见杂质。 instapedia.com 2. The border is bent upwards to allow the watch glass to hold small amounts of liquids in order to let them evaporate. 它的边缘上弯,能留住小量液体以便让它们蒸发。 translations.launchpad.net 3. Recently there was news that a shopper at a market in northern Germany found small amounts of groundsel in bags of mixed salad. 最近有消息说,在德国北部的市场购物者发现蠹吾属杂草少量的混合沙拉袋。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. But experts say taking even small amounts over the recommended dose can cause liver damage. 不过专家说,甚至稍稍大于推荐剂量,都会损害肝脏。 www.bing.com 5. Use when you need to store small amounts of state information for a control between round trips to the server. 当您需要在服务器的往返过程间存储少量控件状态信息时使用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The officials warned that small amounts of radioactive material were likely to leak from the plants. 官员们警告说,少量放射性物质有可能已经从厂里泄漏。 www.bing.com 7. A narrow, usually calibrated glass tube into which small amounts of liquid are suctioned for transfer or measurement. 移液管,吸(量)管一种狭窄的标著刻度的玻璃管,用以吸入的小量液体的移动或衡量。 dict.kekenet.com 8. Individual transactions are completed quickly and access relatively small amounts of data. 个别事务能够很快地完成,并且只需访问相对较少的数据。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Infants are especially at risk of injury, as are young children and people with small amounts of iodine in their thyroid. 婴儿受到伤害的风险尤其高,年幼儿童和甲状腺中碘含量较低的人也容易受害。 c.wsj.com 10. Fluoropolymer processing aids can also be added in small amounts to reduce stress at the die exit. 也可以添加少量的氟聚合物加工助剂来减轻口模出口的应力。 plas2006.com 1. Either use it in cooking or as a salad dressing oil. or drink it in small amounts. 要么使用它在烹调或作为沙拉酱油。 www.alasale.com 2. It is widely distributed, usually in small amounts, occasionally uncombined but more often as selenides of iron, lead, silver, or copper. 通常以小量广泛分布,偶尔出现游离状态,但往往是以铁、铅、银或铜的硒化物出现。 www.tdict.com 3. It may not make you jump in fright, but those small amounts of excitement were appreciated. 这可能不会吓你一跳,但这些小小的刺激是值得赞扬的。 www.tgfcer.com 4. Color other than white, with the exception of small amounts of cream or buff in puppies, is a disqualification. 除了幼犬出现少量奶酪色或浅黄色外,除了白色以外的任何颜色都属于失格。 dogsky.com 5. The plants generate small amounts of power, the profits are taken by officials and their environment suffers. 这都是些小型水电站,利益给了官员,损害却留给了环境。 www.huiduworld.com 6. The infrequent administration of vaccines makes it unlikely that small amounts of excipients are toxic. 由于并非频繁注射,疫苗中的少量辅料不大可能显现毒性。 www.who.int 7. An igneous rock composed chiefly of plagioclase and orthoclase, with small amounts of other minerals. 二长岩一种主要由斜长石和正长石组成的火成岩,还含有少量其它矿物 dict.ebigear.com 8. The ancient Egyptian diet included fruit and vegetables, wheat and barley, small amounts of meat, and bread and beer. 古代埃及人的饮食包括:水果,蔬菜,小麦,大麦,少量的肉,面包和啤酒。 www.bing.com 9. Flexo screening dot usually need small amounts adjusted dot height or width to compensate for dot gain when printing. 柔性版的增网网点凡是需给小幅度不天调动网点的矮度或宽度来赔偿印刷时的网点放不小。 www.bing.com 10. IR spectra analysis shows that Protein powder also contains small amounts of carbohydrates and lipids. 通过红外图谱分析,蛋白粉中同时还含少量的糖类和脂类。 www.fabiao.net 1. If young men and women start investing small amounts of money periodically today, they can easily be millionaires by the time they retire! 如果青年男女现在就开始周期性地拿出少量的钱进行投资,那么他们很轻松地就可以在退休前成为百万富翁啦! chinese.wsj.com 2. It puts large amounts of money into mature companies, but it is also investing small amounts in 100 new companies this year. 它向一些成熟企业投资了大量资金,但它今年也向100家新创公司投资了少量资金。 dongxi.net 3. With viral bronchitis, small amounts of white mucus are often coughed up. 病毒性急性支气管炎,通常咳出少量白色粘液痰。 www.bing.com 4. If you are storing only small amounts of volatile data in session state, it is recommended that you use the in-process provider. 如果只在会话状态中存储少量易失数据,则建议您使用进程内提供程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. only small amounts of certain key substances to bring forth their continued biological transformation towards a fourth dimensional form. 地心的大头颅人类就消耗极少,只摄取某些特定关键物质来继续提升到第四维度生物体。 cqly186.blog.163.com 6. Healthy fat keep you feeling full for a longer period of time, so add small amounts to meals and snacks. 健康脂肪让你感觉充分的时间较长,所以添加少量餐和小吃。 writingisfun.org 7. She sold them to newspapers and magazines for small amounts of money. 她卖给报纸和杂志的作品只赚来很少的钱。 www.bing.com 8. Small amounts may be stored in the liver, but most of the excess is excreted in the urine. 少量可能会在肝脏储存,但过多的大部分是被尿液排出的。 www.bing.com 9. Micronutrients are important substances that are found in small amounts in foods. 微量营养素是一种在食物中发现的少量重要物质。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. ALLOY, A mixture of a basic metal and small amounts of other metals to change the properties of the basic metal. 合金,在金属中加人少量其他金属,而改变其性质的一种金属混合物。 bbs.feeyo.com 1. Caffeine is in soft drinks, many teas, chocolate, and even -- in small amounts -- in decaf coffee. 咖啡因饮品是在软,许多茶,巧克力,甚至-少量的咖啡-在去咖啡因的咖啡。 www.zhong-yao.net 2. But experts saytaketaking even small amounts over the recommended dose can cause liver damage. 但是专家称只要服用的计量稍微超过他们的建议量就会引起肝脏的损坏。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. The substance is one of several omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fatty fish and, in small amounts, in some meats. 这种物质是Ω—3多不饱和脂肪酸的一种,在脂质鱼(高油脂鱼的总称,如鳟鱼,三文鱼,孋鱼、熏鲑鱼、鲱鱼)含量丰富,一些肉类含量较少。 news.dxy.cn 4. Additive: Substance added to another in small amounts to improve its properties. 添加剂:物质添加到少量另一个改善其性能。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Flexitarians (semivegetarians) primarily follow a plant-based diet but occasionally eat small amounts of meat, poultry or fish. 灵活的素食主义者(半素食主义者):饮食主要以植物类为主,但偶尔也少量吃些肉类,家禽和鱼。 www.bing.com 6. Even small amounts of alcohol can increase risk for certain health worries, like breast and colon cancer. 即使是少量的酒精也能增加某些健康问题的隐患,比如乳腺癌和结肠癌。 www.bing.com 7. When several stories indicate no or very small amounts of recently completed work, team progress is slow. 当若干个用户情景指示最近没有完成工作或完成的工作量非常少时,团队进度较慢。 technet.microsoft.com 8. However, this input mechanism should only be used to enter very small amounts of text. 不过,这种方法仅仅适合输入很少量的文字。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. He also dismantled smoke detectors, which contain small amounts of nuclear material. 他还拆除了一堆烟雾报警器,收集里面含有的微量核物料。 www.bing.com 10. Owners should offer their female iguanas small amounts of salad with extra calcium and water-rich foods. 饲养者应该给它们少量的沙拉混合额外的钙质补充,以及含丰富水分的食物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I gradually began removing small amounts of rind to get the different colour and then moved into shaping the skinned parts. 我渐渐开始将一小块瓜皮去掉以便获得不同的颜色,然后再开始修整其他有瓜皮的部分。 www.bing.com 2. There you can borrow money in small amounts, generally not much more than $500, against your post-dated pay-cheque. 那里你可以借到不超过500美元的小额贷款,用来支付延期兑付支票。 www.ecocn.org 3. A valve used on small, high-pressure piping where accurate control of small amounts of liquid or gas is desired. 一种阀门,用于小直径、高压管线,需精确控制气、液流量的场合。 www.infopetro.com.cn 4. To wash yourself or your dishes, carry water 200 feet away from streams or lakes and use small amounts of biodegradable soap. 从河流湖泊中取水洗澡或清洗餐具,要将水带到离河流湖泊200英尺远的地方,使用小量的能够生物化解的肥皂。 www.lvzhou.info 5. These patches insulate the soil and may provide small amounts of moisture for microbes below. 这些修补程序隔离的土壤和可能为微生物提供少量的水分。 www.maynet.cn 6. The lighter feeds yield only small amounts of pyrolysis gasoline, chiefly benzene. 轻原料裂解只产生少量裂解汽油,主要是苯。 www.infopetro.com.cn 7. A patient is injected with small amounts of the allergy-causing substance. 病人被注射小剂量的导致过敏反应的物质。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. With the blender running, add small amounts of water in intervals until a thick, creamy consistency is reached. 在搅拌器工作过程中,在间隙的时候加入少些水,直到达到了黏稠、软滑的效果。 www.elanso.com 9. In large doses this herb dispels blood stagnation, while in small amounts it harmonizes the blood. 大剂量时,该草本会驱散血液的停滞凝结,而小剂量时则协调血液。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. We're talking small amounts, however, about a teaspoon or less; so put down that doughnut. 我们说的是少量的糖,一茶匙或者更少,所以放下甜甜圈。 www.bing.com 1. Small amounts of geographic variation have been demonstrated in several other traits, such as cortical concentration of certain monoterpene. 在其他几个性状上,亦经证明有少量地理变异,诸如皮部的某些单萜烯浓度。 2. Even small amounts can increase risk for certain health worries, like breast and colon cancer. 即使少量酒也可以增加某些方面的健康担忧,比如胸腺癌和结肠癌。 www.foodmate.net 3. Aside from small amounts of spoilage, the balance is either sold to the grain bureau or on the open market. 除了一小部分的损失,剩余的农产品要么卖到粮食收购站,要么到市场上售出。 ccag.com.cn 4. With oil in such high demand, even relatively small amounts can quickly turn gangsters into millionaires. 由于石油的高需求,甚至小数量的石油也可以使盗贼们很快变成百万富翁。 www.bing.com 5. Guys have mostly androgens in their systems, but they also have small amounts of estrogen. 男性体内主要是雄性激素,但是也有很小一部分雌性激素。 www.bing.com 6. Crime scene investigators routinely use the PCR technique to detect and identify vanishingly small amounts of DNA at crime scenes. 一直以来,刑事鑑识人员都是利用聚合酶连锁反应(PCR)来侦测及辨识遗留在犯罪现场的少量DNA。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. He says they should eat small amounts of natural, well-grown foods that are mostly plants. 他说人们应该吃少量的自然生长的,植物为主的食物。 www.lingyuan.ccoo.cn 8. To meet such precise tolerance the removal of small amounts of material is needed. 为了满足精密的公差,需要从工件上去掉小量材料。 www.docin.com 9. Hazy: Used to describe a wine that has small amounts of visible matter. A good quality if a wine is unfinned and unfiltered. 朦胧的:用于形容葡萄酒中具有少量可见物质。如果未经澄清或过滤则酒质还是良好的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Continue adding small amounts of hay every inch or so, twisting and gently pulling to fashion a hay rope. 持续在每一英寸加上少量的干草,不停的搓然后轻轻地拉使干草绳成型。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Red meat makes an appearance now and then. Small amounts of red wine are typically taken with meals. 有时吃点红色肉类,吃饭的时候代表性地喝少量红酒。 news.dxy.cn 2. Pink wines can also be prepared by blending white wines with small amounts of red wines. 通过混合白葡萄和少量红葡萄酒也能制备粉红葡萄酒。 www.dictall.com 3. Other companies due to arrive on Aim this week are raising only small amounts. 定于本周登陆AIM的其他公司则只筹集了少量资金。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Some phenolics , if consumed in small amounts, are believed to lower the risk of heart disease. 苯酚少量的摄取,据相信是可以降低心脏疾病的风险。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Most people buy replacements in small amounts only when they need them and think about food only when they're hungry. 大多数人只有在当他们觉得需要的时候才补充商品,只有当他们饥饿的时候才会想到食物。 www.bing.com 6. Weapons and valuable farming tools were traded to the Indians for small amounts of food. 武器和有务农价值的工具和印第安人交换少数的食物。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. This involves lending small amounts to poor people without collateral. 小额信贷是指向穷人发放无抵押的小额贷款。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Alcohol, consumed even in small amounts, is believed to increase the risk of breast cancer. 酒精被认为是乳腺癌的罪魁祸首之一,即使是每次少量饮用,也会增加乳腺癌的风险。 gb.cri.cn 9. Coffees and Teas are also excellent blood cleanses and another way to adding small amounts of needed nutrients to support ascension. 咖啡和茶也是极好的净化血液饮料,是另一种方式来加入少量的必需营养品去支持提升。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Include small amounts of healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in your diet. 在日常饮食中加入少量含有益健康的单不饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸的脂肪食品吧。 www.bing.com 1. Apparently most varieties served in restaurants use the fish sauce or shrimp instead of salt, albeit in small amounts. 目前大多数餐馆里的泡菜都是用鱼酱或虾酱来替代盐,尽管用量很少。 www.suluku.com 2. Eat small amounts of wholesome food at regular intervals to maintain even blood sugar. 相隔定期的时间吃少量的对身体…有益的少量食物,以保持血糖平稳。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Public-key algorithms are useful only for transferring very small amounts of data. 公钥算法仅对传输很少量的数据有用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. "Marine animals release small amounts of urea, but the pollution problem is almost entirely human caused, " says Kudela. 库德拉认为海洋动物排泄的尿素很少,污染问题几乎都是人类造成的。 www.bing.com 5. The two Viking landers tested small amounts of Martian soil for signs of life. 为了寻找生命的迹象,海盗号的两个着陆器对火星的少量土壤进行了研究。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Elance actually charges you, through your credit card, two small amounts. 事实上,Elance是通过信用卡向你征收两笔小额的费用。 dongxi.net 7. Some wolves eat small amounts of fruit, although this is not a significant part of their diet. 有些狼还吃一些水果尽管这不是他们的主食。 www.bing.com 8. Tourists can now buy small amounts of ivory in Zimbabwe and Namibia and legally take them home. 在津巴布韦和纳米比亚,游客现在能买到少量象牙(制品)并可合法地带回家。 www.ecocn.org 9. Experts say small amounts of carbon monoxide over a long period of time can greatly harm an unborn baby. 专家说,少量的一氧化碳在一段长时间可以大大损害未出生的婴儿。 www.englishtang.com 10. David Graham is CEO of Powerbeam, a company that uses a similar technology to deliver small amounts of power to home appliances. 大卫格雷厄姆是光束能源公司的CEO,一个用相似的技术为少数家庭提供能量的公司。 www.bing.com 1. This avoids having to weigh out small amounts of chemicals during production. 它们可避免生产时称量小组份化学品。 wenku.baidu.com 2. High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. 高科技设备能从手机上探测到微量辐射 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Many species naturally make small amounts of hydrocarbons. 许多物种能自然地产生少量的烃类。 www.bing.com 4. Flours contain very small amounts of sugars which are metabolizable by yeast. 面粉中一般都含有少量的糖,它们是酵母的代谢产生的。 www.tdict.com 5. Only small amounts could be carried over long distances. 如果去远方作买卖,货主只能带少量的商品。 www.zftrans.com 6. In addition to type I collagen, rotator cuff tendons contain small amounts of type III collagen, which play a role in healing and repair. 除了I型胶原,肩袖肌腱含有少量的三型胶原蛋白,它发挥愈合和修复的作用。 www.syyxw.com 7. Use only small amounts of glue - too much and your corsage will look messy. 仅使用少量胶水-太多和你的胸花看起来凌乱。 hi.baidu.com 8. If you cannot be trusted to manage small amounts, how will you manage millions of dollars? 如果连小额的资金,别人都无法相信你能管理好,更何况是数百万美金呢? www.elanso.com 9. If you want to be relieved, try to eat something that is easily digested, in small amounts, and intermittently. 要想不吐,应该试着少量间断地吃点容易消化的东西。胃里要有点东西才好。 yushunlan.blog.163.com 10. Red wine diet dinner drink small amounts of red wine, slow food, about 20 minutes insists, eating half the usual amount. 红葡萄酒减肥法晚餐时饮少量的红葡萄酒,缓慢进食,大约坚持在20分钟左右,进食量为往常的一半。 99mrw.5d6d.com 1. You might be surprised to learn that trees generate small amounts of electricity. 你也许会对树木可以产生少量电流感到惊讶。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. People can swallow small amounts of BPA as they eat or drink. 人们当他们在吃东西或喝饮料时会吞食少量的BPA。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. I urinate frequently, but very small amounts each time. It's like water dripping. 我经常排尿,但每次的量都非常少。就像是在滴水。 www.bing.com 4. Most offenders who illegally take small amounts of ivory into China are fined, and the ivory simply confiscated, according to Mr. Wan. 万自明说,大多数因携带少量象牙进入中国而触犯法律的人受到了罚款处罚,他们携带的象牙被没收。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Even small amounts are useful for making a quick one-portion curry, it goes a long way. 只要一点点基础酱汁,就可以轻松做出供一个人食用咖喱,这将对你很有帮助。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A yellowish alloy of copper and zinc, sometimes including small amounts of other metals, but usually67 percent copper and33 percent zinc. 黄铜一种黄色的铜锌合金,有时含少量其他金属,但通常为67%的铜和33%的锌。 qq163s.cn 7. Small amounts, the first kind can be a garderner's best friend. 一种分量少的是园丁的好帮手 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Roasted coffee beans start to lose small amounts of flavor within two weeks. 烘焙过的咖啡豆在两个星期以内就会开始失去少量的味道。 club.163.com 9. In August 2009 Mexico decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana and other drugs, including heroin and cocaine. 2009年8月,墨西哥将小量持有大麻及其他毒品非刑事化,包括海洛因和可卡因。 www.bing.com 10. Unbound mode is particularly suited for small amounts of read-only data. 取消绑定模式特别适用于少量只读数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Many of the determinations used fall into the realm of microanalysis because of the small amounts of contaminants present in the samples. 因为存在于样品中的沾染物含量很少,所以许多测定方法属于微量分析范畴。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Use when you are transferring small amounts of information from one page to another and security is not an issue. 当您将少量信息从一页传输到另一页以及不存在安全性问题时使用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. And all of this yield strategic crops that require small amounts of water. 所有这些努力都是为了生产要求少量水的战略作物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Only small amounts of metal are needed, though, so the end result is a cheap and flexible material. 只有少量的金属是必须的,这样就造出了一种廉价而灵活的材料。 www.bing.com 5. The trick is to add that food into your meals in very small amounts. 小窍门就是往你的饭菜中加进少量的此种食物。 www.bing.com 6. The garbage disposal can only handle small amounts at one time. 这个垃圾处理器一次只能处理少量垃圾。 www.e-say.com.cn 7. A yellowish alloy of copper and zinc, sometimes including small amounts of other metals, but usually 67 percent copper and 33 percent zinc. 一种黄色的铜锌合金,有时含少量其他金属,但通常为67%的铜和33%的锌。 www.chinabaike.com 8. If you do move any money in response to the debt crisis, move small amounts slowly. 如果你因为债务危机想移动你的任何资产,那就一点点缓慢的移。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The people drank small amounts of what scientists call doubly labeled water. 人喝了少量的科学家们称之为双标记水。 www.englishtang.com 10. Alloysmay exhibit marked differences in behavior even when small amounts of one element occur. 合金可以明显地表现出不一样的反应,即使在少量单一元素存在时。 wenwen.soso.com 1. of one or more of the following elements: nickel, tungsten, silicon and small amounts of other alloying elements. 合金钢由加进下列一种或几种元素制成:镍、钨、硅和少量别的合金元素。 w3.hevttc.edu.cn 2. Small amounts of meat and moderate amounts of fish are also eaten. 另外,要食用少量的猪肉、牛肉和羊肉以及适量的鱼肉。 english.rednet.cn 3. The food was analyzed and found to contain small amounts of poison . 对这种食物进行了分析,发现其中含有少量毒物。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. You should use paper with small amounts of printing. Old envelopes are good for this reason. 你可以使用少量的印刷纸张造纸,旧信封就是很好的原材料,彩纸和少量报纸也可以。 www.ebigear.com 5. Several kinds of nicotine replacement products provide small amounts of the chemical. These can help people stop smoking. 有几种尼古丁的替代品提供少量的化学品,来帮助人们戒烟。 www.unsv.com 6. Lead, which is harmful in small amounts , can damage the nervous system, red blood cell production and the kidneys . 少量的铅即能致害,它能破坏神经系统、红细胞的生长和肾组织。 www.bing.com 7. We have added to our diet more than fish as of late and also consume small amounts of seaweed. 稍后我们已向我们的日常饮食加入了营养,不仅食用鱼类,也食用小数量的海藻。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Omega-6 fatty acids: Although needed in small amounts, an excess can contribute to cancer. Ω6脂肪酸:虽然Ω6脂肪酸在小剂量时是必需的,但是过量则会引发癌症。 www.bing.com 9. Liquors such as gin and tequila in small amounts assist in dissolving plaque that have accumulated in one's arteries over time. 少量的杜松子酒和龙舌兰酒能帮助溶解随时间流逝而堆积在血管中的斑块。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Stick with dark chocolate and small amounts. Savor it! 尽情地享受少量的黑巧克力吧! www.bing.com 1. Still, even the presence of small amounts of the metal in China's rice supply could be problematic. 尽管如此,即使中国大米供应中含有很少量的镉也可能带来麻烦。 c.wsj.com 2. The assay detects small amounts of ricin more accurately and faster than ever before. 该检测方法可比以前更准确而快速的检出少量蓖麻毒素。 news.dxy.cn 3. Usually it is hard for small amounts of water to seep down into the ground and be absorbed. 通常,较少量的降水很难渗入土地被植物吸收。 www.scidev.net 4. Eat low-glycemic index foods in small amounts before bed. 在睡前吃少量低糖指数的食物。 www.elanso.com 5. Use when you need to store small amounts of information on the client and security is not an issue. 当您需要在客户端存储少量信息以及不存在安全性问题时使用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. "Many people don't understand that there are small amounts of harmless radiation everywhere in everyday life. " “许多人不理解,其实日常生活中到处都有少量无害的辐射。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Add small amounts, from a tablespoon to 1 cup or more, until it suits your taste. 加入的量可以逐渐增加,从一汤匙到一杯的量不等,加到适合你的口味为止。 www.elanso.com 8. To assess the impacts of adding small amounts of base to soils. 对土壤增加少量盐基产生的影响进行评估。 www.1x1y.com.cn 9. It is common for children to process information in small amounts. 只关心零碎的信息,这在儿童中很常见。 pro.yeeyan.com 10. In addition to lime and major plant nutrients, soybeans require small amounts of Fe , Mn and Zn . 大豆除需要石灰和主要的植物营养元素之外,还需要少量的铁、锰,锌。 www.bing.com |
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