单词 | S/M |
释义 | 例句释义: 全部 1. In this paper, analysis of the company's M & A options characteristics, and set up the company's M & A Real Option Valuation Model. 本文主要分析了公司兼并与收购中的期权特性,并建立了公司兼并与收购的实物期权未来价值上升预测框架。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. First up is an S&M scene featuring a leather-clad woman and man tied to a chair wearing nothing but a kitchen apron and a gas mask. 上来的第一段是一个SM场景——一位穿着皮衣的女子和一位只穿着厨房围裙、带着一只口罩外别无它着、被绑在椅子上的男子。 www.bing.com 3. I didn't know if it was just an S-M-L thing or if there was a number or if I was supposed to use terms I heard in Sir Mix-A-Lot songs. 我不知道它是像S-M-L(上衣的码)的东西或者是否有一个衡量的数字或者是否我应该用我在Mix-A-Lot先生歌曲中听到的名词。 www.bing.com 4. For "S&M, " she was bound with white chains; at least twice, she was in a cage-like setup. 如在“S&M”中,她身缚白色铁链;至少有两次,她钻进了一个笼形的装置里。 www.bing.com 5. This paper deployed theoretical and empirical research through the case of DHL's M & A integration. 本论文通过对DHL并购整合案例展开了理论与实证的研究。 www.fabiao.net 6. Leica's M-series rangefinder cameras (launched in 1954 with the M3) have a special place in the hearts of many famous photographers. 徕卡M系列连动测距相机(从1954年的M3开始)在许多著名的摄影师中有特殊的地位。 www.bing.com 7. Mr. Snyder eventually decided on and was accepted to Singapore's Nanyang Technological University's M. B. A. program. 斯奈德选择了新加坡南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity)的MBA课程,并被录取。 www.ecocn.org 8. Looked like an S&M joint back there, all those whips and leather. 又是鞭子又是皮靴那儿看起来真像虐恋俱乐部。 www.b2b99.com 9. While Japan's M&A market has grown over the past several years, it remains small compared with Europe and the U. S. 尽管日本的并购市场在过去几年间有所发展,但与欧美相比规模仍然较小。 recklessboy.blog.163.com 10. "He again offered himself for enlistment and was again rejected" (Arthur S. M. Hutchinson). “他再次要求应征入伍,结果再次被回绝了”(亚瑟·S.M。霍金森)。 l-snow27.blog.163.com 1. Part of the trouble with preparation comes from bad weather, India's Foreign Minister S. M. Krishna told the BBC World News. 运动会筹备的一部分问题来自恶劣天气,印度外长S.M.Krishna告诉BBC世界新闻。 www.bing.com 2. The S&M Manager is responsible for identifying market opportunities and developing strategies to grow DFS share of the PRC market. 负责寻求市场机会、制定市场策略以扩大当地DFS在中国的市场份额。 results.amazing-network-marketing.com 3. as NPR 's M. C reports the FTC is updating a 99's year-ruled law, called the children's On-line Privacy Protection Act. 正如NPR的记者报道的那样,美国联邦贸易委员会正在更新一项为期99年的法律,它叫做儿童在线隐私保护法案。 www.bing.com 4. "This is to make the industry more market oriented, " he says. "We hope S. M. G. can be a pioneer of this reform. " 他说,“上市可使行业更受市场引导,我们希望SMG能成为这一改革的先行者。” www.bing.com 5. Bonobo mothers almost never discipline their young even when they steal food right out of mom's m out h! 倭黑猩猩母亲几乎从不管教她们的幼仔,即使它们从妈妈的嘴里直接偷走食物。 word.hcbus.com 6. S. M. A. R. T goals are commonly used by authors, trainers, employers and coaches. They are a proven, effective method. 作家,培训老师,雇主和教练员通常都有明智的目标,制定这些目标是经过验证的、有效的方法。 www.bing.com 7. Assist GM to make S&M strategies, provide information supporting and advices on relevant key decisions. 协助总经理制定营销战略规划,为重大营销决策提供建议和信息支持。 job.veryeast.cn 8. S&M Manager is totally responsible for product sales and promotion in the whole region, marketing and customer service etc. 销售和市场推广经理是总体负责公司所有区域和所有产品销售和推广、市场开发和客户服务等方面的工作。 www.job592.com 9. formula, you will find you are more likely to stay motivated and reach goal after goal. 但只要遵循S.M.A.R.T.法设置目标,你会发现更容易保持动力,一个接一个地实现目标。 www.bing.com 10. Each P. S. M. degree, he says, is developed with advisers from the very companies where students may someday work. 他说道,每一个P.S.M.学位随着来自每个学生可能在那工作的公司的顾问发展起来。 www.bing.com 1. Baumeister estimated that only 1 percent of the population engages regularly in S&M but that most everyone fantasizes about it. 依他的估计,大约只有1%的人经常进行虐恋活动,但几乎大部分人都有过这类的性幻想。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Ensure that Hotel's M&E system running smoothly, and take necessary measures to reduce energy cost. 保证酒店中央系统设备在正常运行的大前提下,制订节能措施,降低酒店的能源消耗。 0532.job1001.com 3. The McDonald's M, Nike's swoosh and Apple's apple are all powerful icons, which can stand alone. 麦当劳的M,耐克的旋风和苹果的苹果都是强大的图标,它可以单独存在。 www.duoente.net 4. The foreign minister, S. M. Krishna, vows never to meddle inside another country. 外交部长S·M·克里希纳(S.M.Krishna)誓言绝不干涉另一个国家的内政。 www.bing.com 5. The fan is distracted excitedly after may affect Yu Tiandao B through the second grade Europe choline on cell's M acceptor. 迷走神经兴奋可通过乙欧胆碱作用于腆岛B细胞上的M型受体。 www.suiyi8.net 6. Five years international hotel management experience in S&M field. 五年以上国际品牌饭店管理经验及市场营销经验。 job.veryeast.cn 7. The Russian and Chinese systems compete with the fifty year old U. S. M-109 design, which is a 25 ton vehicle with a crew of five. 俄国和中国系统是用于同五十年之久的美国M-109型设计对抗,是一种具有5名组员的一种25吨车辆。 www.globalmil.com 8. H, in the photo above, maintained her own website, advertising her specialty in S M. 上图中的H维护着自己的网站,在S M中作自己的特色广告。 www.bing.com 9. In general, sample firms don't gain in foreign capital's M&A but they don't lose either. 总体上,样本公司没有从外资并购中获益,但也没有遭受损失。 www.fabiao.net 10. In this paper, we use B-S-M model method to audit a single managerial option in marketing audit. 尝试在营销审计中使用B-S-M模型法来审计单个管理期权,并通过实例与传统净现值方法相比较。 www.dictall.com 1. At that point payouts are made directly to the handsets of farmers in the affected areas using Safaricom's M-PESA mobile-money service. 届时,农业综合企业就通过使用Safaricom公司的M-PESA移动资金服务把赔付金直接打到受灾区农民的手机上。 www.ecocn.org 2. Forum Trinket Puffy Vest - Women's M - Woodland - NEW! ! 论坛饰品普菲背心-妇女的M-林地-全新! list.us.eachnet.com 3. The government policy bank will become a partner with S. M. G. on a separate $735 million private equity fund. 这一政策银行将与SMG合作,成立一个7.35亿美元的私募股权基金——华人文化产业基金(CMC)。 www.bing.com 4. Insead's M. B. A. is a general management program that doesn't offer different majors. Insead的MBA项目是一个综合管理项目,不提供不同的主修专业。 www.bing.com 5. "It's not only murdering and torturing animals, it's an extension of S&M [sadomasochism]. " “这不仅仅是谋杀和折磨动物,它是被虐待性变态(S&M)的一种衍生。” www.bing.com 6. He is succeeded in that job by S. M. Krishna, a former chief minister of Karnataka. 外交部长这个职务由S.M.Krishna继任,他是卡尔纳塔克邦前任首席部长。 www.ecocn.org 7. Meanwhile, the sector has become the darling of Wall Street's M&A bankers. 与此同时,化肥行业已成为华尔街并购银行家的宠儿。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Nowadays, sexologists have started research on other subcultures including S&M, sex workers and so on. 现在,性学家们已经开始研究诸如性虐待、性工作者等其他次文化。 www.bing.com 9. Indeed, big banks' share of the world's M&A business so far this year is five percentage points lower than it was last year. 事实上,今年迄今为止,大型银行占全球并购业务的份额比去年同期下降了5个百分点; www.ecocn.org 10. Corporation's M & A and reorganization in the West has a history of 100 years. 企业并购重组,在西方己有一百多年的历史了。 www.fabiao.net 1. A mother finds an S&M magazine under the son's bed. she asks dad. "What do you think we should do? " 妈妈在儿子床下面发现了一本S&M杂志,她立刻去问爸爸,我们该怎么办? www.onlylz.com 2. Suburb Line S S M L M M L Existing Line Metro line No. 地铁线路S轻轨线路L市郊线路 wenku.baidu.com 3. Report the case to GM, RM and S&M director. 向总经理、驻店经理,及市场销售部总监报告事件况; imedp.com 4. Zhang, S-M and Zhao, Y-X 1996. The Geographical Distribution of Agricultural and Forest Insects in China. China Agriculture Press, Beijing. 章士美,赵泳祥编著,1996.中国农林昆虫地理分布。北京:中国农业出版社。 www.ilib.cn 5. Set the value of the object's m_strSort data member. 设置该对象的m_strSort数据成员的值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. You're into hard-core S & M, right? 你喜欢性虐待的主题吧? www.bing.com 7. It can produce four sizes ( S, M, L, XL) of products by exchanging cutting tool. 更换刀具和少数零件可生产特大,大,中,小四种规格产品。 product.ch.gongchang.com 8. OK. Under this contract, we will supply you1, 000 dozen T-shirts, S, M and L equally assorted at US $80 per dozen, CFR Barcelona. 好的。根据这项合同,我们将向你们出售1,000打t恤衫,大、中、小号平均搭配,每打80美元,成本加运费巴塞罗那价。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Attitudes towards S&M have shifted a lot, but there are still a lot of people who think that kinky sex is a sign of a mental health problem. 人们对于性虐的态度变化了很多,但是仍然有很多人认为古怪的性行为是心理有问题的一个迹象 www.bing.com 10. The experience of DHL's M & A integration in the Chinese market provides important significance to local enterprises in China. DHL在中国市场的并购整合经验对我国本土企业有重要的启示意义。 www.fabiao.net 1. S. M. G. , as it is known, had close to $1 billion in revenue and $100 million in profit last year. 众所周知,SMG去年的营业收入达10亿美元,利润1亿美元。 www.bing.com 2. BS: I love "S&M" and "Only Girl" by Rihanna; that's why I jumped on the "S&M" remix. She's really cool. I like her a lot. 我喜欢蕾哈娜的《虐爱》和《唯一的女孩》,这也是我将“S&M”进行混音翻唱的原因。她很酷,我非常喜欢她。 group.mtime.com 3. In Japan, for just this reason, some of Goldman's M&A customers have deserted it for rivals. 在日本,由于同样的原因,高盛的一些M&A客户抛弃了它而选择了竞争对手。 ecocn.org 4. Have more than ten years work experiences and five years experiences of S&M department in hotel. 具有十年以上酒店工作经验和五年以上酒店市场销售部工作经验。 job.veryeast.cn 5. Whole Stroke Automatic Control of a Bypass Used for a Steam Turbine's M. P. Cylinder Starting Procedure 旁路全程自动在中压缸启动汽轮机组中的实现 service.ilib.cn 6. which section do you prefer to work in S&M? 酒店营销部门你更喜欢哪个方向,市场还是销售? blog.sina.com.cn 7. Which khan are you talking about? If it's Mö ngke then you should know that how he died is contested. (回复楼上)你说得是哪位大汗?如果是蒙哥,你应该明白,他的死尚未争议。 www.tianya.cn 8. like , for example , if the question is : " are you into s & m ? " 打个比方,如果问题是“你喜欢性虐待吗?” www.ichacha.net 9. Two years experience in authorized dealership as S&M Director or GM 两年授权经销商市场销售总监或总经理经验 wenku.baidu.com 10. S. M. Uzumeri Symposium Behavior and Design of Concrete Structures for Seismic Performance 钐于聚梅里研讨会行为和混凝土结构设计为抗震性能 blog.sina.com.cn 1. S. M. A. R. T Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology 自我监控分析与报告技术,自监测分析报告技术 bbs.translators.com.cn 2. sales & Marketing Department S & M 市场及销售部 wenku.baidu.com 3. Five years or above experience of international hotel S&M and including 2 years above experience as 5-star hotel DOS&M ; 5年以上国际品牌酒店市场营销工作经验,其中2年以上五星级酒店市场营销总监岗位任职经历; job.veryeast.cn |
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