单词 | absence |
释义 | absences是absence的复数
复数:absences 例句释义: 缺席,无,不注意,缺勤,失神,失神发作 1. With important absences, with a bit of luck and with a lot of determination, in 2008 we managed to obtain good results. 虽然有重要球员的缺席,但是凭着一点点运气和决心,我们在2008年获得了不错的成绩。 www.milanchina.com 2. more than four unexcused absences (a week's worth) lowers your grade one letter; significant lateness will add up to absences. 无故旷课超过四次(相当于一周的课)则降低一个成绩等级,而严重的迟到将被记为旷课。 www.myoops.org 3. Seek blood narration in a moment, memorize, this material absences to be secretly to carry ashore, tin not make anyone understand. 马上去找血源,记住,这件事要暗中进行,不能让任何人知道。 wazaila.com 4. Switch to the Scheduled Absences tab, click New on the right side of the list, and enter the date for her vacation time (Figure 33). 切换至ScheduledAbsences,在列表的右边点击New,然后进入她的假期的日期(图33)。 www.ibm.com 5. There may also be health reasons which prevent you from attending work, either for a prolonged period(s) or for frequent short absences. 雇员还有因身体健康原因而长时间不能上班或经常性地不能上班。 www.bokee.net 6. The absences in the Milan team advantage us somewhat. It won't be easy to replace Pirlo. 米兰球员的缺阵在某种程度上对我们有利,替代皮尔洛的位置是不容易的。 www.bing.com 7. Quotas can be assigned to employees for particular attendances and absences. The quotas are maintained automatically in the system. 限额可以赋予员工特别的出勤和缺勤。限额维护在系统中是自动维护的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. There will also be fewer worker absences. When smokers cut down the number of cigarettes, they will get fewer smoking-related illnesses. 还会有更少的请病假,因为吸烟者减少吸烟的数量,他们将减少因吸烟引起的疾病。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Please inform us of any conflicts that may result in late assignments or absences beforehand, if possible. 若有任何可能导致迟交作业或缺席的争议,也请尽可能预先通知我们。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. "I've become used to my father's long absences, " Xu continues. "Although I am a little scared of him, I can understand him. " “我已经习惯爸爸常常不在我身边了,”小徐继续说道:“虽然我有些怕他,但是我能理解他。” www.bing.com 1. Absences and latenesses may be excused only by contacting the instructor in advance of the class to be missed and receiving confirmation. 缺席和迟到只有在预先和当堂导师联系并获得批准的情况下才可能免除扣分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The possibility of reducing absences due to infections with an infection prevention program was investigated. 的可能性,减少缺勤,由于感染的预防感染程序进行了调查。 www.syyxw.com 3. Lower back pain is one of the leading causes of doctor's visits and absences from work for health reasons. . . 下背痛是去看医生以及因身体不好而缺勤的主要原因之一… www.yappr.cn 4. I guess you'll need me to forecast employee absences as well, right? 我猜您也需要我预测员工的缺勤率对吧? mag.e-say.com.cn 5. Do not miss workshop classes except in cases of emergency; workshop absences count as two absences. 除了紧急事故以外,不要错过研讨会的课程,研讨会的缺席等同于两次缺席。 www.myoops.org 6. Much is also made of Ellison's long absences from the office and his distractedness. 埃利森长期不在办公室,可以分神的原因有很多。 corner.youth.cn 7. His numerous absences from school made it impossible for him to pass the final exam . 他无数次的旷课使得他不可能通过期末考试。 www.bing.com 8. Absences during an approved medical disability or family care leave or an approved leave will not be included for disciplinary purposes. 医药治疗或家庭看护导致的缺席将不被包括在该规定中。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Legal experts have said Kagan's absences could leave the court deadlocked by a 4-4 vote and unable to decide some cases. 一些法律专家说,卡根的回避有可能使最高法院出现四票对四票的结果,从而使一些案件陷于僵局。 www.america.gov 10. "Mocha smile access, " absences to be return to, I hide you below those all of the novels to scald down at the bed. 摩卡微笑道,“待会回去,我就把你藏在床底下那些小说全烧掉。” www.cqlxjt.net 1. Her husband's crazy hours and long absences impose a hefty burden on her and on their children. 她丈夫日程安排可谓疯狂,并且长期不在她身边,这让她和她的子女感到巨大的压力。 www.bing.com 2. The company docks its employees for unauthorized absences. 公司因其职员无端缺勤而扣其工资 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Being part of the national team, aside from eventual absences , is always a big responsibility. 作为国家队的一员,可能会缺席,是最大的责任。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Co-workers may resent your absences from the office, even if you try to split the load equitably. 同事可能会憎恨你的缺席,即使你已设法把工作负荷平均分配。 bbs.kekenet.com 5. I have seen managers who made up excuses to avoid business trips, because their frequent absences were causing so much marital tension. 我就曾见过很多经理人编造借口逃避出差,因为他们频繁出差使自己的婚姻关系极为紧张。 www.putclub.com 6. Fire set off under the shadow of a more distinct outline, in a sudden burst of absences Su Yi. 火光掩映下轮廓阴影更加分明,于素衣忽然一阵失神。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The Mo son originally just absences to stir Chang-an, yet at see she the facial wording by the moment really have some to mistrust. 茉儿原本只是想逗逗长安而已,却在看到她此刻的表情时真的有些怀疑起来。 cpubbs.com 8. However none of those absences will be missed as much as Hull miss Jimmy Bullard. 然而,他们没有一个有布拉德缺席赫尔比赛显得那么重要。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 9. Your absences are getting out of hand, Bob. You'd better do something quickly to improve the situation if you want to keep your job. 鲍勃,你的缺勤次数已经太多了,如果你还想要这份工作,你得尽快采取点措施来改善这种局面。 22eng.com 10. River's vegetable a little bit absences to return to LA, the human namely too numerous here, and also the naught momentous is divertive. 江素有点想回洛城了,这里人太多,而且也没什么好玩的。 xinmingedu.com 1. My subconscious absences countermarch and unexpectedly just escalators a thigh, the ground of foot suddenly trembled to quiver. 我下意识的想要后退,没想到才抬起腿,脚下的地面突然抖了抖。 www.zlqh.com 2. Most cases have been mild, although employers are being warned to prepare for absences through illness. 虽然已预先告知雇主做好应对员工因病缺勤的准备,但目前来看,大多数病例的病情温和。 www.bing.com 3. Daily preparation and attendance is mandatory, more than three unexcused absences lowers participation grade automatically. 日常的预习和出席是必须的,三次以上无故缺课,将自动扣除课堂参与的分数。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The husband is having an affair but the wife chooses not to notice the late absences or the odd stains on his clothing. 丈夫有了外遇而妻子选择不去注意丈夫的迟到或是衣服上的奇怪的斑点。 cn2012.net 5. Students with more than four absences shall be automatically dropped from the class. 缺席超过四次将自动被退修。 www.myoops.org 6. Pipelines are not labor - intensive; Therefore, strikes or employee absences have little effect on their operations. 管道运输并非劳动密集型工作。所有,罢工或者工人请假对管道的运作几乎没有影响。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Justified absences from work shall not be considered as annual leave. 合理的缺勤不应被视作年假。 www.dongfangchuanbo.com 8. For frequent absences from committee meetings, the chairman was reduced to ordinary membership. 由于主席经常缺席委员会会议,他被降为一个普通委员。 www.hotdic.com 9. Maintain and analyses records of workplace injuries, illness, and absences to identify areas of concern. 保存、记录和分析工作场所伤害,疾病和缺勤,以查明潜在危险源。 www.job700.com 10. Maintain and analyze records of workplace injuries, illness and absences to identify areas of concern. 维护和分析工伤、疾病和缺勤记录以确定问题区域。 www.tedahr.com 1. Others say planning longer absences is easier and encourage fathers to take six months rather than three. 其他的公司觉得安排员工长期的离岗计划要更为容易一些,所以他们鼓励父亲们休6个月而不是3个月的产假。 www.bing.com 2. Parents should not over-compensate their children for their absences from home by giving them too much pocket money. 父母不应因为无法照顾孩子而矫枉过正给他们太多零用钱。 blog.dsqq.cn 3. Other notable absences include Korea and Taiwan, which count as emerging economies by MSCI's definition. 此外该指数中还有几个引人注目的缺席者,包括韩国和台湾,根据MSCI的定义,它们也是新兴经济体。 www.ecocn.org 4. Change an angle to muse, since she concerns so her household, he absences reserve she, confidence much bigger! 换个角度想,既然她这么在意她的家人,他要将她留住,把握就大多了! www.gxxhsd.com 5. But as Jobs fades back, and as his absences grow more prolonged and uncertain, Cook will become, by necessity, a public figure. 但随着乔布斯渐渐隐退,复出的日子变得更加遥遥无期而且捉摸不定,库克不可避免地将会成为一位公众人物。 dongxi.net 6. I understand that no refunds will be made for absences, transportation delays, withdrawals or dismissals . 我明白如果缺席活动、交通原因迟到、或因个人原因离开夏令营,费用不退。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. There are many absences, we did what was possible to replace who wasn't there. 很多队员缺席,问我们尽一切可能去替换不能上场的队员的位置。 www.bing.com 8. Dr Kannangara revealed that those absences had more to do with Kewell's health than any lack of loyalty. 坎南加拉医生透露,这些国家队比赛的缺席是由于科威尔的健康状况所决定,而不是他缺乏对国家的忠诚。 www.bing.com 9. For years rumours have erupted about Mr Kim's health following prolonged public absences. 多年以来每次长时间的公开缺席都引发了大量关于金正日健康问题的谣言。 bbs.diandian.net 10. Attendance: Eight absences will result in the inability to go to the next level. Beinglate three times counts as one absence. 考勤:旷课八次者不能升级,迟到三次算一次旷课。 www.newbridgetj.com 1. company docks its employees for unauthorized absences. 公司因职员无端缺勤而扣其工资 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Assumes the duties of the chief engineer during that person's absences. 承担总工程师不在时的职责。 job.veryeast.cn 3. Repeated absences will lead to a formal warning and can affect your grade and status in the class. 多次缺勤将会受到正式警告,并且影响评分和班级排名。 www.myoops.org 4. always late, leaving early, unexplained absences, and even fake article, altered grades, etc. 经常迟到、早退,无故旷课,甚至伪造假条,涂改学习成绩等; www.xiami360.com 5. d. Absences, overtime, and other allowances to be paid? 缺勤、加班和其他支付的津贴补助? ecfo.com.cn 6. This not carefree just came down, their house then has yet started heeding to absences. 这不刚闲下来了,他们家便开始张罗了。 www.fenyouwang.com 7. My absences were due to a viral illness. 我缺课的原因是因为我感染了病毒。 www.tingclass.com 8. This absences to spread to go, oneself returns how at Su south is the city a person? 这要传出去,自己还怎么在苏南市做人? cnxp.tk 9. This words too is rational, at that moment the everybody immediately chose the object that oneself absences to go. 这话也有道理,当下各人立刻去挑选自己需要的东西去了。 lionwind990718.sclub.tw 10. His unexplained absences fed our suspicions. 他的无故缺席引起了我们对他的怀疑 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Because of the strong emphasis placed on classroom work, the instructor will report your absences to the adviser. 由于非常重视课堂作业,指导教师将向导师汇报你的缺席情况。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Unexcused absences and lack of preparation will be counted heavily against your grade. 未经允许的缺席以及缺乏准备,对您的成绩将有严重的影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He was sacked (= He was given the sack) for frequent absences at work. (他经常缺席,被炒鱿鱼了。)和 my.putclub.com 4. How do explain your strange absences and new obsessions? 你如何解释你奇怪的离开和新的困扰? dictsearch.appspot.com 5. HR Manager: That's right. I know it must sound crazy to you, but we believe there will be fewer absences this way. 是的。我知道听起来一定有点不可思议,但是这样可以减少缺勤。 www.59edu.com 6. You will be in the danger of failing the course if you exceed four absences. 如果你缺席超过四次,这个科目你将有被当掉的危险。 epaper.edu.tw 7. Ade's constant absences from work made his boss very angry. 艾德经常旷工使他的老板很生气。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Even in Antalya there were notable absences. 即使在安塔利亚,这里也是显著的缺席。 www.ecocn.org 9. Good weather, hangovers and romantic trysts motivated some staff to lie about absences, the study found. 研究发现,好天气、宿醉和情侣约会都会促使员工撒谎请假。 cet.hjenglish.com 10. Good weather, hang overs and romantic trysts motivated some staff to lie about absences, the study found. 他们发现,晴朗的日子,加上浪漫的约会,会促使一些员工说谎请假。 bbs.24en.com 1. We had three absences today, which is abnormal. Usually, everyone is present. 今天很反常,有三个人缺席,通常每个人都会出席的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. More than 4 unexcused absences will significantly affect your final grade in the course. 若毫无理由缺席超过四堂的话,本课程期末成绩将大受影响。 www.myoops.org 3. Your absences are getting out of hand, Lloyd. You better do something to keep your job. 你有太多太多缺席了。为了保留你的工作你最好做点什么吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. No reduction in school fees will be made for any absences. 学费不因任何情况下的缺课而减免。 qingmiao.redcome.com 5. Every individual must decide how many specifics to cite in explaining absences to the boss. 每个人都必须盘算该如何向老板解释缺席的原因。 gongyan.89322.blog.163.com 6. Under Writing Program guidelines, you cannot pass the course if you have more then five unexcused absences . 根据写作项目指引,如果你有五次以上毫无理由的缺席,你就无法通过这课程。 www.myoops.org 7. Under Writing Program policy, you cannot pass the course if you have more than five unexcused absences. 在写作专题的政策之下,如果你有超过五次的无故缺席,将无法通过这门课程。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. absences you will be withdrawn from the class. 无理由地缺席五次,你将被这门课除名。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. This is also where a user specified her work environment, work days and scheduled absences. 这也是用户指定其工作环境、工作日和计划的缺席情况的地方。 www.ibm.com 10. If you have more than two unexcused absences, it may affect your final grade. 如果你有两次以上毫无理由的缺席,将会影响你的期末成绩。 www.myoops.org 1. 'You've already posted three absences from work, in just this month alone. ' 你单单在这个月内就已经有了三次休工的记录。 www.ef.com.cn 2. If you have more than three absences , it will affect your final grade. 假如你缺席超过三次以上,这将会影响到你的期末成绩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Only 5 unexcused absences are permitted. 只允许5次未请假的缺席。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Whatever reason you cite for absences, be confident and assertive; you have a right to some privacy. 无论你为自己的缺勤找何种借口,说的时候切记要自信、言语清晰,因为你也有隐私权。 chinese.wsj.com 5. If you have ten times of absences, you will be dismissed from school. 任何旷课达到十次以上的同学都必须退学。 wenwen.soso.com 6. How many absences does Jack have this month? 这个月杰克缺席了多少次? www.lsxedu.com 7. Can you account for all these absences? 这你怎么解释呢? zhidao.baidu.com 8. The backbencher exhorted his colleagues to vote against the motionto censure him for his prolonged absences from the House 一位后座议员力劝同僚投票反对谴责他长期不出席国会的动议案 blog.hjenglish.com 9. As the school administrator, generate an attendance report for pupils whose absences exceed 10% of the total in a term. (4%) 作为学校管理者,对于那些缺课次数超过该学期缺课总数10%的学生,生成一份关于这些学生的考勤记录。(4%) img3.zhubajie.com 10. Whatever reason you cite for absences, be confident and assertive; 无论你采取何种理由,你必须做到自信、果断; gongyan.89322.blog.163.com 1. More than two absences may lower your grade; 缺席超过两次会遭扣分; www.myoops.org 2. Unexcused absences evaluate by team 集体评估无故缺席 zhidao.baidu.com |
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