单词 | stunning |
释义 |
例句释义: 极有魅力的,绝妙的,给人以深刻印象的,令人惊奇万分的,极好的,足以使人晕倒的,令人震惊的 1. Creating a single stunning painting, or a single haunting piece of music, is far more "productive" than trying to make ten mediocre ones. 创作出一幅惊人的画作或是一曲动人的音乐,要比制作是个平庸的作品有卓有成效的多。 blog.artron.net 2. Named man-of-the-match for his stunning performance, Torres said he had never scored a faster hat-rick in his professional career. 托雷斯已经被评选为本厂最佳,他说他从来没有在职业生涯中如此之快取得帽子戏法。 engbbs.fans1.com 3. He made his third stunning save of the match when he kept out a Crouch effort with his elbow in the second half. 他下半场又用肘部挡住了克劳奇的近距离射门,这也是他的第3次世界级扑救。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 4. This resort is located at the heart of a lively beachfront area where the stunning Thai style villas look out over a spectacular sea view. 这个度假村位于一个生机勃勃的海滨区的中心,拥有迷人的泰式别墅,享有壮丽的海景。 www.orangeway.cn 5. you won't have to wonder whether the flowers you ordered for your mother by telephone were really as stunning as you'd hoped. 你将不必怀疑你通过电话为母亲预定的鲜花是不是真如你所希望的那样漂亮。 www.bing.com 6. And yet individual countries are making progress, steady progress, sometimes stunning progress, against the odds. 但仍有一些国家克服重重障碍,正稳步推进,有的甚至取得了惊人进展。 www.who.int 7. SO there she was with a stunning ring on each finger. To please her, I tried on her rubbish jewellery. 这样,她的每个手指上都戴上了璀璨夺目的戒指。为了取悦她,我也试着戴上她那些廉价的首饰。 dict.ebigear.com 8. "People seem to be capable of mimicking others' facial, vocal, and postural expressions with stunning rapidity" , Hatfield said. 哈特菲尔德说:“人们似乎会以惊人的速度模仿他人的面部表情、声音和姿势。” bilingual.huanqiu.com 9. From a stunning Palestinian lunch to Sabbath dinner was the kind of cross-cultural pleasure that I wish more people could enjoy. 从给人印象深刻的巴勒斯坦午餐到安息日晚餐,有着某种跨文化的乐趣,我希望更多的人能够感受到它。 group.m.mtime.com 10. Someone you know may give you a tip that leads you to a stunning opportunity. 这个人会给你一些建议,让你得到一个极好的机会。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Internally, as the ellipses expand with each turn of the spiral, the skylight void opens up in a stunning spectacle. 在内部,由于椭圆的扩展和螺旋彼此之间的交错,使得天窗洒下来的光形成了一个异常漂亮、吸引人的景象。 www.archiant.com 2. I recently saw a woman in her sixties wearing leather pants with a tunic blouse, and she looked stunning. 最近,我看见一位60来岁的女士穿皮裤搭配修身长衫,她看起来美极了。 www.bing.com 3. Even more stunning was that, at the end of these two decades, 55 per cent of the workforce was at a new job. 更令人吃惊的是,在八九十年代末,55%的劳动力都在从事新的工作。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Once upon a time a beautiful lady was walking along the paths of her stunning garden home. 从前,有一位漂亮的女士正在她美丽无比的花园里散步。 www.chumadventist-ldsc.com 5. Clearly you did not see "The Fighter" , his performance was stunning, one of the best in years. That's how he won an Oscar. 很明显你没看过“斗士”,他的表演一级棒,是这几年来最好的(演员)之一。这就是他赢得奥斯卡的的原因。 www.ltaaa.com 6. It may become less popular with early adopters but is a stunning piece of design for which people are still prepared to pay a premium. 也许它已经不那么受早期使用这个新技术的人的欢迎了。但它依旧光彩夺目,人们仍然乐意为此付费。 www.bing.com 7. To his astonishment, there was a stunning girl in the garden, watering the beautiful flowers. 令他吃惊的是,院子里有个迷人的女孩在给那些漂亮的花浇水。 zy.30edu.com 8. The sound changed, not into the silence which had preceded the arrival of these stunning news, but into stifled mutterings. 群众的声音变了,不是回到这骇人听闻的消息下达之前的沉默,而是变成闷声闷气的低语。 tr.bab.la 9. All-Star center Yao Ming is out for the season with a stress fracture in his left foot, a stunning blow to the surging Houston Rockets. 来自休斯顿的报道——全明星中锋姚明因为左脚应力性骨折将缺席本赛季,这对于休斯顿火箭队无疑是一个巨大的打击。 www.bing.com 10. That's just one of the reasons the Nobel Committee's decision to award this year's Peace Prize to Barack Obama is such a stunning surprise. 这只是诺贝尔委员会将今年的和平奖授予奥巴马为何如此例外的一个原因。 www.bing.com 1. Designers seem to be at their most inventive and visually stunning when producing their spring collection. 当设计师们设计春款系列时,他们似乎极具创造性和视觉美感。 www.51ar.net 2. Her stunning blush strapless floor-sweeping gown with floral embroidered details was worn with a superior elegance that only a few possess. 她迷人的露肩地板腮红扫与花卉刺绣的细节礼服,戴具有超强的优雅,只有少数拥有。 tieba.baidu.com 3. It is stunning that progressive Democrats have failed to see that idea as the prize it would be for their side. 令人吃惊的是,奉行进步主义的民主党未能将这一想法视为本方的一个收获。 www.bing.com 4. In a stunning performance in the butterfly final, Phelps was barely able to see as his goggles filled with water. 在一个令人震撼的性能在蝶泳决赛,菲尔普斯几乎可以看到他的护目镜装满了水。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Did you know how important what you were excavating really was? Not until we got those dates. But, yeah. Amazing, stunning. 你知道这里的挖掘到底有多重要吗?直到我们追溯到时间才知道,是的,太不可思议了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But no: over the last few months there has been a stunning resurgence of hard-money and balanced-budget orthodoxy. 但绝非如此:在过去的几个月当中,高利率(hard-money)和平衡开支(balanced-budget)的正统经济理论令人震惊地卷土重来。 www.bing.com 7. It was a stunning performance, not fully appreciated by an audience still imprisoned in the stereotypes of a decade. 那是一场极精彩的表演,听众的思想却还为十年来的陈见所禁锢,不能加以欣赏。 www.jukuu.com 8. I thought she looked stunning and I realised that I was never going to do anything to disguise my own grey. 我觉得她看起来好极了,并决定我绝不会做任何事情掩饰自己的白发。 dongxi.net 9. Just as Volkswagen has done with the stunning Scirocco, Ford is seeking to reinvent one of its most famous sports cars. 正如大众汽车已经完成了惊人的Scirocco,福特正在寻求重新之一,其最著名的跑车。 usa.315che.com 10. A stunning brunette behind the bar made her way over and asked me in heavily accented Saffer if I would like a drink. 一个很漂亮的,褐色皮肤的白人女招待走过来,用很重的口音问我是不是要喝上一杯。 www.qieerxi.com 1. Out of the bright clear sky is a stunning explosion and a light as bright as the sun and concussions like thunder. 在明亮晴朗的天空中,突然出现了一阵惊人的爆炸,发出了和太阳一样耀眼的光芒以及雷鸣般的声音。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. In an hour, thousands of stunning pictures were roused out of their hiding places and displayed to the living for the first and last time. 一时间,数千种极其漂亮的图像被从其藏身之所唤醒过来,第一次也是最后一次活灵活现地展现出来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Panic over Bear's position spread with stunning speed, leaving the bank's executives powerless to respond as money poured out the door. 对贝尔斯登处境的恐慌情绪以惊人速度蔓延,随着大量资金不断流出,该银行高管变得束手无策。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Stunning development yesterday - Governor Palin admits the possible pressure from her administration. . . 昨天事件的发展让人震惊-州长佩林承认她的内阁内部可能对她施压… qac.yappr.cn 5. At the door to the restaurant, a stunning, porcelain faced woman in traditional costume asked me to remove my shoes. 在去餐厅,一个极好的,在传统的服装女子门叫我删除我的鞋。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The investments in the Western banks mark a stunning reversal of fortunes that few would have predicted as little as a year ago. 日本银行对西方的投资标志着其令人震惊的财富反转,这在一年前没有人会预料到。 www.ecocn.org 7. The report, which contains allegations fresh and stunning, depicts a firm careening out of control as the markets began to crack in 2007. 这份报告提出了一些全新而令人震惊的指控,描绘出这家公司如何在市场于2007年出现状况后渐渐失控。 c.wsj.com 8. it was one of the most stunning moments in American history. 是美国历史上最令人震惊的时刻之一 www.kekenet.com 9. Stam then hit a stunning shot just over the bar and Inzaghi forced Rost into a full-length, with a crisp volley. 斯塔姆接着也是怒射高出,因扎吉也漂亮的完成了一次射门,迫使罗斯特施展回身解数才力保球门不失。 www.bing.com 10. China, with its stunning economic success, has inspired the bank, said Donald Kaberuka, the AfDB's president. 非洲发展银行行长唐纳德?卡贝鲁卡说道:“中国的经济成就令人惊叹,鼓舞着我们。” www.ecocn.org 1. First, there was this absolutely stunning Ice Sculpture that was shaped in the form of her and her new grooms initials. 首先就是眩目的,以她和新郎的首字母为原形的冰雕。 www.elanso.com 2. It's a stunning work of close observation and simple description, and a devastating study of the psychology of oppression. 这是一部惊人之作。它观察细致、字句简洁,对受压迫者的心理描写入木三分。 www.bing.com 3. It was a stunning moment, stunning on both sides, certainly stunning for our Vietnamese visitors, and stunning for the United States. 那是一个令人惊愕的时刻,对双方都是如此,对我们的越南客人肯定如此,对美国方面也一样。 www.america.gov 4. That's all that I've seen of Season 4 -- and that was even with I think some temp stuff in it -- but it looked absolutely stunning. 那是我唯一看过的第四季剧集——我甚至认为有些有临时构思在里面——不过它看上去绝对让人瞠目。 www.starwarschina.com 5. Caught on camera over a swamp in Australia the stunning image shows the trail of the Comet Lovejoy as it passed close to Earth. 这张拍摄于澳洲沼泽上空的照片美得让人眩晕,照片上显示着Lovejoy彗星划落接近地球时发出的光尾。 www.bing.com 6. European astronomers have given a jubilant account of what they say are stunning discoveries made by the Planck space telescope. 欧洲天文学家已经给欢快所叙述的他们认为是令人瞠目结舌的发现所作的普朗克太空望远镜。 dzh.mop.com 7. British model Naomi Campbell revealed the secret of her stunning figure was a drink made from lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. 英国模特内奥米?坎贝尔透露,她的魔鬼身材源于她常服一种由柠檬汁、辣椒末、枫糖浆调制而成的饮品。 www.ebigear.com 8. Kelly Brook has long been a success in the modelling world thanks to her stunning curves. 凯莉布鲁克因为有着惊艳的曲线在模特界享誉盛名。 www.hxen.com 9. Furthermore, sugarcane ratoon stunning disease pathogen can be rapidly detected by means of television phase contrast microscope and PCR. 利用电视相差显微镜和PCR技术结合能快速诊断甘蔗宿根矮化病。 www.showxiu.com 10. My eyes were drawn upward to the stunning illusion of a trompe l'oeil sky and what I decided must be ravens flying high overhead. 我不由自主地向上看水风筒天花板那眼花缭乱的幻影,当时我就想肯定是大乌鸦在头顶的高空飞翔。 www.bing.com 1. Kate: That's stunning. So we were able to do it with all the glass panels in the metal structure? 凯特:因此,我们能够做到这一点,在金属结构中全部用玻璃面板? m24m.com 2. Time seemed to have stopped in Santorini. The sun becomes stunning sunset glow only when it gets too tired. 岛上的时光似乎是停滞的,阳光直到十分疲惫的时候才会慢慢变成绚烂的晚霞。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Walls covered with coralline 'flowers', enormous boulders, refined columns, and a variety of stalactites and stalagmites are just stunning! 墙体被珊瑚覆盖,巨大的卵石,精致的石柱,各式各样的钟乳石和石笋令人心神震动! www.bing.com 4. Sure, it may not yield anywhere near the fidelity of a legendary Leica, but pinhole photography can have pretty stunning effects. 当然,它也许不能处处像一台真正的徕卡那样精确,但针孔成相能拥有十分令人惊艳的效果。 www.bing.com 5. Many Beijingers have been reduced to clustering around the gates to the area and taking long-distance snaps of the stunning venues within. 许多北京人只能聚集在通往公园的大门周围,远远地对着里面引人注目的场馆拍照。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The mural on the wall of the palace was a rich nature scene set in a valley, containing a stunning array of flora and fauna . 宫殿墙壁上的壁画作品把丰富的自然场景放到了天花板上,包括声势浩大的植物群和动物群。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A handsome Italian man with a stunning voice has made millions of fans fall in love with him. 这个英俊的意大利男人以他令人销魂的声音使千百万的乐迷深深地爱上了他。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. The size of the potential gains calculated by the Bank of France is stunning. 法国银行计算得出的潜在收益之大令人惊愕。 www.ecocn.org 9. This post is part of our weekly series: This week we collected 50 beautiful and stunning animal photos around the web for you. 本文选自我们的每周系列:本周我们从网上为你精选了50幅美丽迷人的动物图片。 www.bing.com 10. Nothing else is implied, but a stunning woman will appear in my company for an agreed length of time. 没有其它意思,只是一个漂亮女人在你的公司里出现一段时间。 bbs.hellof1.com 1. Connie Bruck wrote stunning accounts of the culture within Time Warner and of a Wall Street manic-depressive. 康尼·勃拉克写了“时代·华纳”公司内部令人震惊的企业文化,以及华尔街的那些患抑郁症的疯子。 bbs.translators.com.cn 2. If you think the Mona Lisa is stunning, you should look at my masterpiece. In the mirror. " --- God" . 「如果你认为蒙罗丽莎的微笑美丽绝伦,那你应看看我的作品,就是镜中的」---神。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The German scored a stunning header against Sheffield Wednesday and promptly ran to the Spurs fans for a dive to remember. Happy landings! 在对谢菲尔德的比赛中,这个德国人进了一个惊人的头球。然后迅速跑到热刺球迷面前做潜水动作去庆祝。一路顺风! www.bing.com 4. Mei only one winter and the Netherlands only a summer Epiphyllum stunning and is only a withered. 梅只开一冬,荷只开一夏,令人惊艳的昙花只能一现而凋。 www.bing.com 5. I would suggest opening a couple of these photos up and looking at the large sized view as they are stunning. 我建议同时打开两张这类照片并在最大尺寸下欣赏,它们令人瞠目结舌。 www.bing.com 6. The eagerness with which the brain merges with tools has made it possible to create some stunning mind-machine interfaces. 人脑与外部工具之间相结合十分紧密,使得人脑与机器之间建立某种不可思议的协同界面成为可能。 www.bing.com 7. This stunning image is one of the final shots taken by a freelance photographer who died while filming an underwater shoot near Florida. 这张令人叹为观止的照片是一位自由摄影师的最后作品的其中一张。他死在一次佛罗里达附近的水下拍摄期间。 www.bing.com 8. Her hair creations are unique and stunning and she will work with your ideas and advise the best style for you. 她的头发创作是独一无二的,让人叹为观止,她将与您的想法和建议最适合你的风格。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The island was the definition of beauty, between the amazing beaches, and stunning sunsets we had a fabulous time. 这个岛是美丽的定义,日落景象足以使人陶醉。在令人惊异的海滩上我们玩得像神话般的开心。 www.oklink.net 10. Rediscover the legendary space shoot' em- up in a new version with stunning graphics! 找回传说中的空间射击行动,在一个新的版本更出色的图形! dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Although some could see this as sacrilegious it's hard to deny that this church-turned-nightclub looks absolutely stunning. 虽然有些可以看到这是亵渎,这是难以否认这个教会出身的夜总会看上去绝对让人… soohi.com 2. The snaps feature Irina looking stunning as she models a sheer black lace underwear set, as well as another combination in bright pink. 照片中的伊琳娜展示了一套纯黑花边内衣和令外一套粉红色组合,令人大流鼻血。 www.bing.com 3. If you think Mona Lisa is stunning, you should look at my masterpiece, in the mirror. --- God. 如果你认为“蒙娜丽莎的微笑”美丽倾城,那么你应该看看我最拿手的作品——在镜子里!——上帝。 inezha.com 4. As with all of your work, just spectacularly stunning. Can't even imagine the hours of footage. The music was a great choice. 正如你的所有工作,只壮观惊人。甚至无法想象的画面的时间。音乐是一个伟大的选择。 bbs.tiexue.net 5. If you met in the flower blossoms, stunning red sea, and is easy to curb the primrose understand why it has such a meaning. 如果你见过在花坛里花团锦簇、令人叹为观止的红花马鞭草花海,就不难明白它为什么会有这样的花语了。 wenwen.soso.com 6. He mostly traveled within a hundred miles of his village, attracting crowds who were amazed at his provocative words and stunning deeds. 他更多的是在那不过百里(英里)的村子里走动,吸引人群惊奇于他那颇能感染众人的言辞和令人神迷的举止。 www.bing.com 7. And finally. . . . Christmas in Nottingham would not be complete without seeing a show at one of our stunning theatres. 最后。如果没有去我们那些极漂亮的戏院之中的一间看一场演出的话,在诺丁汉的圣诞节就将是不完整的。 www.163173.com 8. Even after more than a decade of writing about spreadsheets, we continue to see stunning new uses for the ol'grid. 即使是在开始编写电子表格的十多年后的今天,我们仍可以看到ol网格的绝妙新用途。 office.microsoft.com 9. She had been a stunning girl. 她从前是一个非常漂亮的姑娘。 10. It was a particularly windy day when she met soldiers at an airport and the stunning yellow dress she was wearing was caught in a gust. 凯特当时在机场接见士兵,一阵大风将她耀眼的黄裙子吹了起来,不慎裙底“走光”。 www.bing.com 1. The train stops at two viewing stations within the tunnel, rewarding riders with stunning views of green valleys and snowy mountains. 火车停留在隧道的两个观光站场上,这里值得游客观赏的翠绿色峡谷和覆盖着厚厚积雪的群山。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Captain Steven Gerrard was the hero when he netted the late winner from a stunning free-kick to give the Reds all three points. 队长杰拉德成为了英雄,当他惊人的任意球入网后为利物浦全取三分。 www.thefa.cn 3. Employees at businesses like Google and Apple are better able to generate stunning new products through teamwork rather than competition. 谷歌或苹果这类公司的雇员,更易通过团队合作,而不是竞争,开发出惊人的新产品。 dongxi.net 4. As if the picture wasn't stunning enough, it also features Mars glowing fiercely against the rich blue of the Pacific night sky. 尽管这张照片还不足以令人叹为观止,在这片蓝宝石般的太平洋夜空中,火星也在闪烁着金光。 www.bing.com 5. DISPLAYED in nearly every government office in South Korea is one of two stunning landscapes, sometimes both of them. 在韩国,几乎每一个政府办公室都挂着一副风景画,让人眼前一亮。 www.ecocn.org 6. This stunning photo-manipulation of the legendary island Atlantis, has a great atmosphere and a well-made composition. 这一令人眼前一亮的处理图片是传奇之岛——亚特兰斯蒂,它有着高贵的气氛、精致的成分组合。 www.bing.com 7. In a stunning forthcoming book, she describes the long ordeal suffered unimaginable experience. 在一本即将出版的令人震撼的书中,她讲述了长期遭受常人难以想象的磨难的经历。 www.englishtang.com 8. Some of the recent progress, viewed against such a long and notorious history, is stunning. 从这样一个久远且劣迹斑斑的历史来看,最近取得的一些进展是惊人的。 www.who.int 9. Said by many to be the most romantic part of Prague, this part of the city is so stunning it looks almost unreal. 很多人都说这个岛是布拉格最为浪漫的一部分。它是如此惊艳,以至看起来都不那麽真实。 cn.reuters.com 10. For women who love doing their own makeup, home kits can be purchased in order to be able to look stunning every second. 那些喜欢自己化妆的女性,可以购买家庭用的装备,你将会光彩动人每一秒。 www.bing.com 1. If you think the Mona Lisa is stunning , you should look at my masterpiece . 如果你认为蒙娜丽莎的微笑美丽绝伦,那你应看看我的作品——请看镜中人! www.bing.com 2. Creating stunning photographs that emit a sense of inner beauty is certainly the goal of many photographers . 创造无疑地发出一个内部美人的感觉的足以使人晕倒的相片是目标多数摄影师。 wenwen.soso.com 3. You must be able to use the Rocket Theme templates as a starting point and use Gantry to develope stunning designs. 您必须能够使用火箭主题为出发点,利用模板和龙门发展惊人的设计。 www.bing.com 4. She was a stunning young woman, with an exceptional body, already a movie star. 她是一个迷人的年轻女子,有着少见的好身材,并且已经是一位电影明星。 kk.dongxi.net 5. At the door to the restaurant, a stunning, porcelain-faced woman in traditional costume asked me remove my shoes. 饭店门口站着一位身穿和服,脸搽油彩,非常标致的妇女,请我脱鞋。 fld.hsu.edu.cn 6. It was a stunning political debate that would be hard to imagine in Britain. 如此令人称奇的政治论辩在英国只怕不敢想象。 www.bing.com 7. As they vie for the attention of a stunning blonde, Nash observes their rivalry and, from that, develops his "game theory" . 至于他们在我们的注意力争夺一个惊人的金发,纳什观察他们的竞争,而且从认为,发展自己的“游戏理论”。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. It's stunning to see the new high-rise towers in Kolkata, new air-conditioned shopping malls, new infrastructure projects, new businesses. 看到加尔各答新的摩天大楼,新的装有空调的购物中心,新的基础设施项目和新的企业,让人分外震惊。 www.bing.com 9. But by the time Byers took his shot in 2007, much of the glacier had melted into a vast but stunning blue lake. 但2007年Byers拍摄到的照片显示,映佳冰川的大部分已经融化成一个大得惊人的蓝色湖泊。 www.bing.com 10. But you don't have to be a size six to look stunning in a bathing suit. 但你不必非要纤细苗条,才能在穿上泳衣之后令人惊艳。 www.elanso.com 1. That's hard to do when you are with the love of your life and your kids, surrounded by stunning scenery, but I managed all the same. 当你爱着你的妻子和孩子时,却被漂亮的场景包围着,那其实很艰难,但是我一直在努力。 group.mtime.com 2. Readers, you may want to hold on to your rocking chairs as the following news will likely come as a stunning shock to you. 读者,您可能想保留您的摇椅下列消息很可能会是一个惊人的冲击给您。 usa.315che.com 3. As The Wall Street Journal recently noted, there are a "stunning" number of vacancies in important economic posts. 《华尔街日报》最近指出,重要经济职位上的缺员状况“令人吃惊”。 www.bing.com 4. I see love as a pair of beautiful high heels, which make you look stunning, yet are nevertheless painful. 爱就像一双漂亮的高跟鞋,她让你看起来光彩夺目,但也让你痛。 www.bing.com 5. "It's stunning, it's iconic, " he said. "It's going to just blow people away. " 他说:「他的演技真的很了不起,是经典之作,真的令人招架不住。」 www.yinghanhuyi.com 6. And, as you can see by the photos, this style of golf course provides some of the most stunning views imaginable. 并且,正如大家可从照片中看到的,这种风格的球场有着超出想象的美丽景致。 www.igolfyou.cn 7. Carmen's hair color is a spectacular mix of light and dark blondes which provide depth, shimmer and movement to her stunning waves. 卡门的头发颜色是光明和黑暗的金发,提供深入的,光泽和她惊人的运动波壮观的组合。 www.zzmyt.com 8. But in recent years the two museums have begun to collaborate on exhibitions in a stunning show of cross-Strait cooperation. 但近几年来,在海峡两岸的合作活动中,两家博物院开始联合举办展览。 dongxi.net 9. It was a stunning setback for the multi-racial Barisan Nasional or National Front coalition of Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi. 对总理巴达维领导的由多民族组成的国民阵线来说,这是一个极大的受挫。 www.ebigear.com 10. Cally took the number seven shirt and went on to make a stunning 857 appearances for the Reds, notching 68 goals. 卡利接过7号战袍,为红军征战了令人匪夷所思的857场比赛,并68次攻破对手球门。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Recorded at AIR Studios in London, BFD2's sound library combines extreme realism with stunning sound quality. 记录在空气演播室在伦敦,BFD2合理的图书馆与惊人的品质优良结合极端现实主义。 bbs.guitarchina.com 2. Nevertheless I felt somewhat embarrassed with two stunning looking whores hanging on my arms waiting for me to order something. 不过有两个极漂亮的婊子挽着我的胳膊,听候我吩咐,我还是觉得有些难堪。 www.bing.com 3. Many of these diseases develop slowly, but lifestyle changes that increase the risk are taking place with a stunning speed and sweep. 许多这类疾病的发展很慢,但生活方式的改变增加了罹患疾病的风险,这种改变正以惊人的速度并在惊人的范围内发生。 www.who.int 4. During those years, we didn't expect gold medals and a stunning professional career ahead of her. 在这些年中,我们没有想到在她的以后的生活中会有金牌和辉煌的职业生涯。 bbs.5d.cn 5. To do so in a glass igloo must surely be one of the more novel and cosy ways of admiring one of nature's most stunning phenomena. 想要欣赏自然这一神奇绚烂的奇观,住在玻璃屋旅馆里肯定是更新奇安逸的方式了。 www.ebigear.com 6. Something stupendous unleashed these diverse witnesses to tell these stunning and varied, yet unified, stories of Jesus Christ. 他惊人的力量促使这些不同的目击者们告知世人,耶稣基督惊人迥异而又统一的的故事。 www.bing.com 7. While it saved her life, an ensuing year of chemotherapy reduced theonce stunning model to a bald shadow of her former self. 接下来一年里的化学治疗减轻了曾经艳惊一时的模特对以前自己的阴影,然而这拯救了她。 bbs.5i5i.cn 8. The last week and a half's worth of coverage offers a stunning case in point about media bias in the service of power. 结果就在最近一个半星期内的报道中发现了有关媒体偏袒强权的漂亮案例。 dongxi.net 9. What you get in return for looking like a tourist, of course, is the potential for absolutely stunning photos. 你驻足观察的所得,自然就是拍出精美绝伦的照片的潜能。 www.hicoo.net 10. Twisting languidly through the sky towards the horizon, this is one of Nature's most stunning - and rarest - displays. 这是自然界最震撼人心也是最罕见的一幕:像躺倒电线杆状的‘卷云’懒洋洋地扫过天空移向地平线。 www.bing.com 1. I also still can't get my head around the stunning amount of money this thing is costing. 我到现在还对这项研究的巨额成本持匪夷所思状。 www.bing.com 2. At times, it feels like this is precisely what the Motion Plus peripheral was made for and is a stunning demonstration of its potential. 有时,你会感觉体感增强器就是为它定制的,而这款游戏则展示了这台设备的惊人潜力。 www.bing.com 3. She has stunning cheekbones which slope into a squared off jaw with a slightly square shaped chin. 她的斜坡惊人的颧骨到下颚平方过一个稍微方形下巴。 www.zzmyt.com 4. Perhaps most stunning was that C&D Commodities was going to teach proprietary trading concepts. 更吃惊的是,C&D商品公司将传授私人的交易理念。 www.56.cx 5. However, if you are a sheer lover of tattoos you'd cherish the stunning tattoo of a busty cowgirl on your legs. 如果你是个纯粹而又热情的纹身爱好者,那么你可要好好地疼爱大腿上那位美丽夺目的大波妞。 www.bing.com 6. Across the street was a small park with two downright stunning photos of an array of fall colors. 街对面明显有两个可以拍摄大量迷人秋叶照片的小公园。 www.bing.com 7. Animal photographer Ren Netherland from Florida, travels thousands of miles every year capturing these stunning transformations. 而来自佛罗里达的动物摄影师任-尼德兰每年奔走上万英里,就为拍下这一个个精彩瞬间。 gb.cri.cn 8. Exciting and, for most, exotic as well, "Intuition" is a stunning achievement. 《直觉》一书动人心魄,而且对大多数人而言还颇具异国情调,实在令人为之侧目。 club.topsage.com 9. Users cannot fail to be impressed by the stunning graphics of this thrilling strategy game. 玩家通过这扣人心弦的令人震惊的战略局势游戏将不能不留下深刻的印象。 bbs.wda.com.cn 10. Minka Kelly's stunning looks and impressive acting abilities make her a plausible choice for the role. 敏卡·凯莉极好的相貌与让人印象深刻的打斗动作能力让她在挑战这个角色上获得了很大的优势。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Stunning effects and a heroic story filled with wonder and laughs makes ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE a voyage worth taking over and over again! 迷失帝国——阿特兰蒂斯〉视像效果叹为观止,英雄式传奇惊险惹笑,值得一看再看﹗。 www.yesasia.com 2. The clone pilots did not have the gift of the Force to time their precision attacks and stunning maneuvers. 克隆人飞行员无法用原力天赋来把握精确攻击和惊人战术的时机。 www.starwarsfans.cn 3. Upon entry to the foyer, guests will be greeted with the grandeur of towering marble columns, mosaic floors and a stunning coffered ceiling. 一进入大厅,迎面而来的是高大壮观的大理石柱子,马赛克地板和令人惊叹的格子天花。 sina.dichan.com 4. The road ahead, once a much-loved tourist trail through a stunning gorge, has either fallen away in places or disappeared under landslides. 前面的路,曾经是一条穿越极好山谷的小道,不是在这个地方倾斜就是在崩塌的泥石下消失。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Its stunning government debt is supported by one of the globe's deepest pools of consumer and corporate savings. 它那赤字惊人的政府得到个人、团体储蓄构成的世界最深水的资金池之一的支撑。 www.bing.com 6. Effect: All Swordsmen disappear and reappear in front of a nearby opponent (if one is available), stunning them for a couple of seconds. (所有精灵剑士瞬间移动至邻近的敌人面前(如果有),击晕他们几秒时间。 3dmgame.chnren.com 7. It's one of the best looking iPhone applications around, consisting of simply stunning scenery and some beautiful looking planes. 这是一个最好的周围寻找iPhone应用程序,单纯迷人的风景和一些美观飞机组成。 www.acpp.com.cn 8. And the first thing I would say, which is stunning about this, which, you know, is not going to go away, is my goodness. 而首先我要说的是,这是惊人的,这你知道,天哪,它是不会消失的。 www.bing.com 9. There was no way back a point later, though, as a stunning lob clinched it 7 - 3 for Serena. 但扳回一分也无济于事,一记精彩的高球过后,小威以7-3赢得首盘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. This rare natural phenomenon occurs for three days around the full moon during high-water season at Zambia's most stunning waterfall. 这种罕见的自然现象发生在赞比亚最震耳欲聋的瀑布高水位季节,满月的那三天左右。 www.bing.com 1. Klinsmann coached Germany to a stunning third place at the home World Cup in summer but then decided not to renew his deal . 今年夏天,克林斯曼作为德国主教练在自家门口取得了第三名的好成绩,但世界杯后他决定不再续约。 www.bing.com 2. Indeed, fans of the "Lord of the Rings" films already know New Zealand for some of the stunning sites used in the trilogy. 其实,电影《指环王》的粉丝们已经知道,这部影片的三部曲在这里取过一些极美的景。 www.bing.com 3. The stunning magnitude of recent declines cannot be dismissed as a one-day anomaly caused by a technical trading glitch. 不久前这次令人目瞪口跌的暴跌无法被作为技术性交易故障所造成的单日反常情况而不予考虑。 jingjing.galaaa.com 4. She wanted to share the experience with him and described the stunning views. 她描述着眼前迷人的美景,想和他分享这种体验。 c.wsj.com 5. geneva is one of europe ' s most cosmopolitan cities , bordered by the alps and stunning lake geneva. 日内瓦是欧洲最具有世界性的城市,它与阿尔卑斯和美丽的日内瓦湖相毗邻。 www.ichacha.net 6. Lucy picked a stunning one shoulder, fish tail red dress for her prom. 露茜选择了一件美绝的单肩、红色鱼尾裙来参加毕业舞会。 home.cdut.net 7. Ajaccio, Bastia, Bonifaccio and Porto Vecchio are lined up with a stunning coastline and sun-seekers from around the world. 阿雅克肖,巴斯蒂亚,伯尼法克,波尔图韦克奇奥形成了一条惊人的海岸线,并吸引了来自世界各地的逐日者。 www.bing.com 8. Twilight of the setting sun is so warm, stunning yellow in the sense of taste! 薄暮的斜阳又是那么的温暖,令人迷醉于那股泛黄的味道! enwaimao.cn 9. Software Description: About Sunsets, This screen saver shows stunning images of sunsets from around the globe. 这个屏幕保护程序显示从在全球范围的令人头晕目眩的日落美景。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Over the last decade, India has witnessed a stunning acceleration of rapid changes, both good and bad, that it began in the 1990s. 从1990年开始,特别是上个十年印度见证了令人惊叹的持续快速增长,包括好坏两面。 www.bing.com 1. Recently she was also described by New York mayor Michael Bloomberg as "stunning" . 近日她还被纽约市长迈克尔?布隆伯格(MichaelBloomberg)誉为“令人神魂颠倒”。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The unique wave patterns cause by the boat and oars were stunning. 由小船和船桨所引起湖水的独特图案使我吃了一惊。 www.bing.com 3. Stunning harbor views are a feature of this new uber-cool and uber-trendy 'boutique' hotel owned by the Swire Group. 美不胜收的港口景观是这家太古集团旗下的巨酷巨时尚的精品酒店的一大特色。 www.bing.com 4. Only a girl has to be stunning enough to catch his fancy. 只有一个女孩要惊人,足以引起他的幻想。 group.mtime.com 5. Gabon is a country in Central Africa that contains stunning terrain and a wide variety of wildlife. 加蓬是一个非洲国家,那里有多种野生动物,非常漂亮的地势让人震惊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. however, her stunning looks and barely-there costumes are also an important part of her act. 然而,她漂亮的外表和短小的服装也是她表演中的一个重要部分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. While many chronic conditions develop slowly, changes in lifestyles and behaviours are occurring with a stunning speed and sweep. 许多慢性疾病发展缓慢,但生活方式和行为变化却以惊人的速度席卷全球。 www.who.int 8. As with the use of any firearms, normal precautions should BE taken when stunning the animal. 在使用任何枪支击晕牛时,都要预先警告。 dict.ebigear.com 9. The player has been in stunning form for the Tuscan outfit and his goals may be enough to help Empoli escape a possible demotion to Serie B. 这位球员在托斯卡纳球队的状态让人吃惊,他的进球或许能够帮助恩波利逃脱降级的厄运。 www.jczqw.com 10. We could find very little info about Munky beyond some rather stunning art with equally off-the-wall names. 以后,我们可以找到一些同样现成的,墙的名字,而惊人的艺术甚少Munky信息。 www.bing.com 1. The political image of totalitarianism is one of "sheer" stunning beauty for its imposing visual effect. 专制集权的政治意义表现出一种“纯粹”的美,恢弘到无限动人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Let's take a look of these 30 stunning examples of symmetrical pictures. 让我们来看看这30张让人惊叹的对称图片的例子。 www.kekenet.com 3. Milan starlet Yoann Gourcuff has revealed that he loved every minute of his stunning performance against AEK Athens. 米兰天才球星古尔库夫表示他享受与AEK比赛中他每一分钟的表现。 www.milanchina.com 4. The stunning fireplace is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece and testament to impeccable stone selection, design and craftsmanship. 绝美出色的壁炉是一件独一无二的杰作,是完美无瑕的石材选料、设计和工匠艺术的明证。 www.bing.com 5. Sir Alex Ferguson will reward Ryan Giggs for another stunning performance with a rest during Sunday's Premier League showdown at Arsenal. 弗格森爵士将让吉格斯在对阿森纳的比赛中休息,作为他精彩表现的奖励。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 6. This bold and beautiful hybrid is a true standout with its seductive fragrance and stunning appearance. 这一大胆而美丽的混合动力是一个真正的突出其诱人的香气和迷人的外观。 bbs.canjiren.org 7. The U. S. navy's stunning new assault ship has been taken out to sea for its final test trials. 令世界瞩目的美国最新型攻击舰已经开始下海进行最后的测试。 www.bing.com 8. Aquamarine: The name of this stone reflects its stunning sea-green color. 海蓝宝石:此石反映其惊人的海绿颜色。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. This stunning beauty's portrait was taken in Cholon, a part of Chochinchina, and now known as the southern part of Vietnam. 这张精致的美人照片是在华埠(现在的越南南部城市)照的。 www.bing.com 10. laid the poor fellow senseless with one stunning blow; a stunning detonation with volumes of black smoke. 以足以使人晕倒的一击使这个可怜的家伙失去了知觉;巨大的冒着黑烟的爆炸。 www.hotdic.com 1. The animation, especially in the surfing scenes, is stunning enough to appeal to those with sophisticated aesthetic tastes. 尤其是冲浪场景的动画处理,绝对让那些高审美情趣的观众们叹为观止。 622005115.qzone.qq.com 2. This walk is stunning, climbing slowly up a winding mountain path until more of this vast landscape is revealed. 这次徒步很棒,顺着一条蜿蜒地山道慢慢往上爬,壮阔的美景逐渐浮现在眼前。 www.qeto.com 3. The long-term consequences of Charlemagne's simple innovation were, in some sense, even more stunning. 查理曼大帝简单的创新所产生的长期影响在某种意义上甚至更加了不起。 www.bing.com 4. Beautiful amethyst necklace in sterling silver. Absolutely stunning and evocative of a gothic princess. 一条漂亮的纯银紫水晶项链。如同惊艳高贵的歌特公主。 hi.baidu.com 5. The results were stunning: The U. S. Geological Survey identified huge veins of copper, iron, lithium, gold, and silver. 测量结果令人震惊:美国地质调查局发现了庞大的铜,铁,锂,金和银的矿脉。 www.bing.com 6. What is truly stunning about the book is that none of this in the end is allowed to count against the delusion of England as Arcadia. 这本书真正的惊人之处在于,所有这些例证到最后都不足以击毁人们对英国乡村世外桃源一样的错觉。 kk.dongxi.net 7. If this discovery is confirmed. it will surely be one of the most stunning insights into our universe that science has ever uncovered. 假如证明属实,这还无疑问将是科学史上对于了解宇宙最令人叹为观止的一项发现。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Protection was not eliminated overnight, and evidence suggests that residual protection detracted from stunning overall performance. 保护主义不是一夜之间就能消除的,有证据显示,遗留的保护手段损害了优异的整体表现。 www.america.gov 9. Normally a powerful, haughty predator, this polar bear shows his playful side in a set of stunning images. 通常而言,北极熊是一种凶猛强大和倨傲不逊的的食肉动物。不过,一组令人震惊的图片却展现出了这只北极熊顽皮可爱的一面。 www.elanso.com 10. This allows the user to create stunning works in a fraction of the time of traditional CPU based renderers. 这允许用户创建在一个传统的基于CPU的渲染时间的比例惊人的作品。 www.simplecd.org 1. Milan made no mistake on opening night at 'La Scala del Calcio' and presented their fans with a impressive victory and three stunning goals. 在“足球的斯卡拉剧院”首演中,米兰没有犯错,为他们的球迷带来了一场印象深刻的胜利,以及三粒绝佳的进球。 www.bing.com 2. Thats all, project must finish within one week max. remember to send me a stunning design mockup first. 多数民众赞成在所有项目必须在一周内完成最大。记得给我一个惊人的设计,样机第一。 www.bing.com 3. Reese looked stunning as usual in a white satin period dress, while Rob kept it classy and casual in a white button up and loosened bowtie. 瑞茜身着一袭白色晚礼服,一如往常明艳动人;而罗伯特则是正装中略带休闲,白衬衫笔挺,外加一个松开的领结。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Any creature meeting the gaze of the gauth's central eye is subject to its stunning gaze attack. 任何被高斯眼魔的中央主眼盯住的生物都要受到它的震慑凝视攻击。 www.odyguild.net 5. This means that the photos take up far more of our peripheral vision, and can provide some truly stunning results that overwhelm our senses. 这意味着照片会占用我们更多的周围视野,并能产生一些真正冲击我们感官的震撼效果。 www.bing.com 6. Jupiter conjoins Uranus toward the end of the month bringing stunning opportunities and new beginnings. 这个月末,木星结合天王星,带来出色的机会与新开始。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. GreenBird Games is an independent developer of mobile and handheld games aiming to create stunning experiences and addicting gameplay. GreenBird奥运会是一个移动和手持旨在创造惊人的经验和游戏成瘾游戏独立开发商。 www.bing.com 8. In this article we'll take a look at 20 stunning panoramic photos of landscapes from around the world. 在本文中,我们将看到20幅极具魅力的全景照片,描绘了来自全世界的景观。 www.bing.com 9. Vast reaches of the planet have been locked for millennia in stunning permafrost formations. But perhaps not permanently. 这片广袤的大地已经被冰封了数千年之久,但也许不会永久。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Given his chance, Lin seized the NBA spotlight with both hands, and has inspired the Knicks with a string of stunning performances. 林抓住机会,用双手成为NBA的焦点,并在尼克斯队出现了一连串惊人的表演。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Simply present her the stunning pair of earrings and let her show her best charm. 就给心爱的她献上这对别致动人的耳环,让她尽显高雅迷人姿态。 www.inmagazine.com.hk 2. mindanao , the second largest island in the philippines , is simply bewitching . it is picturesque with its stunning land - and - seascapes. 菲律宾群岛中的第二大岛棉兰老岛令人着谜,其风景如画的的海陆风景令人赞叹。 www.ichacha.net 3. Microsoft's Image Composite Editor takes a set of overlapping photographs and produces stunning panoramas easily. 微软的图像合成编辑器(ImageCompositeEditor)采用一个重叠图像集,很容易的生成令人震惊的全景图片。 www.bing.com 4. However, there one serious limitation so far: this stunning network provides read access only. 然而,目前有一个重大限制:这个帅呆了的网络只能提供只读访问。 www.infoq.com 5. A growing pile of flowers outside the presidential palace in Warsaw attested to the public's stunning sense of loss. 华沙总统府外的鲜花越堆越多,表明民众对空难损失深感震惊。 www.tianya.cn 6. Said spacers usually find themselves on the receiving end of a stunning kick, delivered by Jaxxon's powerful feet. 然后这些宇航员总会发现他们差点被人踢晕,踢他们的就是贾克森有力的脚。 starwarsfans.cn 7. With Nowhere enter into a stunning horrific adventure that's full of twists . 同任何地方进入一个惊人的可怕的冒险是充满了曲折。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The way they separate the two is quite stunning -- the choices are up on neon boards like a McDonald's menu. 他们区分二者的方式非常惊人——选择被罗列在氖气广告牌上,就像麦当劳的菜单一样。 www.bing.com 9. But when it is a genuinely new form of communication, the viral adoption is stunning in its speed. 但如果确实是一个新型交流方式,病毒通过在速度上是令人惊讶的。 www.bing.com 10. Conservation Conservationists describe the Coral Sea as "a stunning blue-water highway, full of oceanic predators. " 自然资源保护者将珊瑚海描绘成“一条充满海洋食肉动物的令人吃惊的深海公路”。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Rosina had an absolutely stunning start to the season, scoring a number of brilliant goals in the opening weeks. 罗西纳联赛中多数首发出场,攻进不少漂亮的入球。 www.laziofly.com 2. They are hidden behind Caribou Mountain, which can be viewed from Big Flat, a stunning mountain meadow near the trailhead . 它们隐藏在驯鹿山后,从大平露营地可以看到;小道的起点周围有一片令人陶醉的山地草原。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Hiking 28 miles (45 kilometers) Peruvian Andes, you'll come across the stunning ruins of the long-forgotten Inca city of Machu Picchu. 徒步行走过全长28英里(45公里)的秘鲁安第斯山脉,你就能来到失落之城马丘比丘(MachuPicchu),感受它令人震撼的古城遗迹。 www.elanso.com 4. That's a serious amount of money, but it's the health benefits that are even more stunning. 这是相当大数目的一笔钱,但更为引人注目的是对于健康的好处。 www.bing.com 5. But the evidence points, above all, to a stunning lack of both preparation and urgency in the federal government's response. 最重要的是,对在联邦政府的反应里的极漂亮的缺乏准备和迫切,但是证据点。 www.tianya.cn 6. Linux is capable of working with high-end graphical adapters and displays to do some truly stunning work. Linux支持高端的图形适配器和显示器,完全胜任图形相关的工作。 www.ibm.com 7. The craggy Cliffs of Moher wrap around the western coast of County Clare, providing a stunning view of the Atlantic Ocean. 陡峭的莫赫悬崖环绕克莱尔郡西部海岸,构成了令人惊奇的大西洋海岸风光。 hi.baidu.com 8. This stunning umbrella is printed with a bright pink daisy to add a little cheer to your walk in the rain. 这把漂亮的雨伞上印着淡紫色的菊花,它会为你在雨中的走路带来乐趣。 www.kekenet.com 9. Armed only with pigment and sculpting putty, Peter Lee worked his magic once again to produced another stunning set of awards. 武装只与颜料并且雕刻油灰,李再一次工作他魔力生产另一套极漂亮的奖的彼得一起。 10. Simple arithmetic reveals the stunning shortsightedness of this proposition. 简单的数学计算,就能揭示出这项主张的惊人短视。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The swimming pool of the hotel enjoys a stunning view of the sea, providing a visual sensation while working out . 酒店游泳池坐拥优美海景,能让您在运动的同时满足视觉的享受。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Create stunning portrait-style photos for your family-tree project with Photo Editor's Vignette tool. 创造惊人的肖像照片风格为您的家庭树,照片编辑器的晕影工具项目。 www.mcncc.com 3. Stunning graphics and lifelike animations make this the only bowling game you'll ever need. 精致的图形和栩栩如生的动画使这个唯一的保龄球游戏你曾经需要。 www.nokiacn.net 4. "Some marvelous, exotic bird of paradise, " he coos, "meaning a very elegant and stunning woman or someone wearing something terrific. " “一些伟大的,与众不同的天堂鸟”,他喃喃的说道,“就是指穿着华贵、气质夺人的女人,或者穿着特绝的主儿”。 www.bing.com 5. As loans by Chinese financial institutions are up a stunning 34. 4 per cent over the past year, overheating must be a concern. 鉴于过去一年中国金融机构发放的贷款令人震惊地增长了34.4%,过热肯定是官方担心的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The resort's 'relaxation pavilions, ' wooden, airy structures that jut over the cliff, provide stunning panoramas. 在悬崖边上有多处通透的木结构“发呆亭”(relaxationpavilions),可360度观赏令人惊叹的美景。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The Dane, who replaces Serena Williams at the top of the world rankings, has claimed her 6th title of the year at a stunning season. 刚刚替代小威成为新科世界第一的丹麦美少女本赛季状态惊人,已先后夺得6项赛事的桂冠。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. This stunning new atlas presents a complete and lively account of all of the Messier objects. 这令人惊叹的新地图集提出了对梅西耶天体的完整和生动的总结。 www.minxue.net 9. You can also use spherical or to align to create a stunning panoramic view. 也可以搁置球体差不缺成立不入令人咋舌的全景。 www.bing.com 10. In the middle, contained in a giant soup-bowl-shaped spatter cone, was a stunning sight: a lake of lava. 中间是一块巨大的汤碗形寄生熔岩锥,壮观的岩浆湖就被盛放在巨碗之中。 www.bing.com 1. Software Description: About emotional Images, See stunning images of colorful fireworks exploding in the air. 看到在空中爆发的富有色彩的烟火的令人头晕目眩的形象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Rarely was our speed limited by other vehicles - more often it was due to the stunning scenery and tight curves . 很少是我们的速度受到限制其他车辆-往往是因为它令人惊叹的风景和严格曲线。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The implications of some of these questions are stunning in their enormity. 这些问题的部分影响,在于其艰巨性。 www.bing.com 4. These small bricks when coupled with some creativity and time can turn up into some of the most stunning and breath-taking sculptures ever. 把这些小积木与你的创造力和时间混合,你将得到一些极好的、让人叹为观止的艺术品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. But one amateur photographer has taken advantage of the concept to produce these stunning images. 但如今一位业余摄影师借用二者制作出的图片同样惊艳。 gb.cri.cn 6. U. S. General David Petraeus, commander of the U. S. Central Command, told The Times "there is stunning potential here. " 美国中央司令部司令戴维.彼得雷乌斯将军对《纽约时报》说,“这里蕴藏着惊人的潜能”。 www.360abc.com 7. Also, its relatively underpowered hardware could soon look feeble next to the stunning graphics of its rivals. 同样,其相对较弱的硬件机能可能很快就会在对手惊人的图像面前显得虚弱无力。 www.ecocn.org 8. The importance of wedding day is so much that bride buy stunning Prom Dresses to become the center of attraction. 正是因为婚礼如此重要,新娘都会购买令人惊叹的婚纱以期望成为全场的焦点。 www.bing.com 9. In February 2009, Emma stepped out in this blue Chanel dress with stunning neckline and seaming. Gorgeous! 2009年2月,艾玛身着蓝色Chanel晚礼裙,这件礼裙有着令人赞叹的领口设计和缝合工艺,简直太华丽了! gb.cri.cn 10. Let's talk a bit about Fujitsu . They made a rather stunning statement of commitment . Can you tell us a bit about it ? 让我们聊聊富士通。他们做了相当令人惊讶的承诺。你能谈谈这个吗?。 www.bing.com 1. Murdoch fulfilled a long-held ambition to own The Wall Street Journal after making a stunning, cunning, $5 billion offer for Dow Jones &Co. 默多克向道琼斯(DowJones&Co.)出了一个狡猾也让人震惊的50亿美元价钱,终于满足了自己拥有《华尔街日报》的长久向往。 www.bing.com 2. Photo Slide Show is an easy tool to convert digital photos to slide show and create stunning photo slide shows with transition effects. 张幻灯片下载一个简单的工具来转换数码照片幻灯片放映,创造惊人的照片幻灯片过渡效果显示。 kondishenprom.info 3. Its avantgarde style and stunning creativity, the appreciation of peer-Ju was at home and abroad. 其前卫的风格及惊人的创意,俱获海内外同行之赞赏。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. A stunning display of a filmmaker adventuring on the far side of what's possible. 一部极棒的展现电影制片人尝试远离现实可能的作品。 www.54th.cn 5. As for the fourth point, scientists are always impressed when new and stunning predictions prove correct. 至于第四点,科学家给人留下印象是当他们提出的令人头晕目眩的新预测证实正确之时。 www.bing.com 6. The stunning works - dubbed 'froth art' - were created by a manager at the Fremont Coffee Company in Seattle, Washington. 这些令人惊叹的作品——被称为“泡沫艺术”——是由一位咖啡公司经理创作的,他来自华盛顿州西雅图的费里蒙特咖啡公司。 dongxi.net 7. And it's stunning that professionals get things wrong when a simple Google check could have prevented the goof. 令人震惊的是,一些专业人士还会犯一些用谷歌简单搜索就能发现的错误。 www.bing.com 8. Sunday night it was all still too raw and stunning to begin. 但星期天的晚上便开始这样的工作仍然还太早,也太令人感到奇怪。 www.bing.com 9. Let view now some of this stunning photography shots of skillful fire dance performers. 让我们欣赏现在这种娴熟的消防舞蹈表演令人惊叹的摄影镜头部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. But unhealthy lifestyles that fuel these diseases are spreading with a stunning speed and sweep. 然而,造成这些疾病的不健康生活方式却以惊人的速度蔓延,席卷各地。 www.who.int 1. The covered double arcade is stunning, and transports you back to the 19th century and what the city must have been like during this time. 这个有顶的双层购物拱廊美丽异常,将你带回19世纪,让你感觉这座城市在那个年代应有的面貌和风情。 english.dxy.cn 2. The importance of wedding day is so much that bride buy stunning Prom Dresses to become the centre of attraction. 新娘们要购买华美的礼服让自己成为注意力的中心来就就婚礼的非凡意义。 www.bing.com 3. A quiet village bathing in the sun, permeated with the smell of green wheat, Qiuna Tong was not as stunning as we had imagined. 它没有想象中的惊艳之美,只是一个安静的晒满阳光并透着青麦气息的小村庄。 i.myechinese.com 4. The outcome of this union is a truly stunning piece, that embodies innovation, imagination, and artistry. 这种组合的效果美的令人难以置信,彰显了创新、想象力和创造性。 www.elanso.com 5. Conservationists describe the Coral Sea as "a stunning blue-water highway, full of oceanic predators. " 自然保护者把珊瑚海描述成“一条令人惊讶的蓝色高速公路,充满了海洋捕食者。” blog.hjenglish.com 6. Mindy put all of the other girls to shame with her stunning looks and personality. 曼蒂的绝佳容貌与好个性让其它女生黯然失色。 www.bing.com 7. The swiftness of Hosni Mubarak's downfall was stunning, but the sight of an aging autocrat shuffling into ignominy is by now a familiar one. 胡斯尼穆巴拉克的垮台迅捷是惊人的,但一进入老龄化独裁者耻辱洗牌现在看到一个熟悉的之一。 www.englishtang.com 8. Though many noncommunicable diseases develop slowly, lifestyle changes are taking place with a stunning speed and sweep. 尽管许多非传染病的发展较慢,但生活方式的改变正在以惊人的速度出现,并且十分突然。 www.who.int 9. In aggregate the results have been stunning, comparable to the returns of the most blistering hedge fund. 总的来说,得出来曲线让人瞠目结舌,与最受热捧的对冲基金收益曲线不相伯仲。 www.ecocn.org 10. It is equally suited for playing all types of music as it is for recreating the sounds that bring your home cinema to stunning life. 它同样适合各种类型的音乐,因为它能再现声音,给你的家庭影院一种惊人的生活享受。 www.xinheaudio.com |
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