单词 | stuffing |
释义 |
n. filling,padding,bulk,wadding,packing 例句释义: 填充,填塞料,填料,填充物,馅儿,馅料,填馅 1. After stuffing his face full of food, he broke up with me and said he'd re-enlisted into the marines, leaving in two weeks. 在他吃得差不多的时候,他说要和我分手因为他两个星期以后就要去海军陆战队报道了。 www.aosteps.com 2. So I went in, sat down and ordered two types of jiao zi (one with a vegetable stuffing, one with pork), stir-fried vegetables and a beer. 于是我走进了饭馆,坐了下来,点了两种饺子(一种蔬菜馅的,一种猪肉馅的),还点了炒菜和一瓶啤酒。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The smooth length of brass or steel rod that moves up and down through the stuffing box or packing gland of a sucker rod pump. 用于有杆泵的经盘根盒或盘根压盖上下移动的一根光滑的黄铜杆或钢杆。 www.infopetro.com.cn 4. He thought, If she sees this, she'll think I'm totally crazy, and he began picking up the trash and stuffing it back in the garbage can. 他心想,要是她看到这一幕,会不会觉得我疯了,他开始把垃圾捡回去,塞到桶里。 www.bing.com 5. The pillow struck the wall and burst, scattering stuffing everywhere just as Dolorous Edd Tollett poked his head through the door. 枕头打到墙上裂开,填料散得到处都是;这时忧郁的艾迪探头进来。 hi.baidu.com 6. Years of stuffing my feelings into a deep, dark hole finally crushed most of my ability to have feelings at all. 多年来我把感情塞进内心幽暗的深洞,此刻终于崩溃,粉碎了我所有的感知。 www.bing.com 7. Chicken is often cooked with a SAGE and onion stuffing . 烹饪鸡肉时常放洋苏叶、洋葱等填料。 dict.ebigear.com 8. I told him plainly that if he ever said such a thing again. I would knock the stuffing out of him. 我明白地告诉他,如果他再说这种话,我就要打得他灵魂出窍。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The stuffed animal is comprised of textile material for the cover, stuffing, two eyes and a nose. 填充玩具的外层由布料组成,里面是填充物,余下部分是眼和鼻子。 www.bing.com 10. I said to a few of the ladies around me as we took turns stuffing our noses into the Ziploc bags. 我同周围几位女士说道,她们正和我一起轮流把自己的鼻子凑近那些装有男士t恤的塑料袋。 www.bing.com 1. The hunters Sat. stuffing themselves with this easy meal, trying to convince themselves that they got sufficient kick out of bananas. 猎手们坐在地上大嚼这种来得容易的饭食,自欺欺人地以为只要用香蕉填满肚子,他们就会精力充沛起来。 dict.ebigear.com 2. A week later she was in my house and I was stuffing her plastic bags into my suitcase to hide them away. 一星期过后,玛娜尔出现在我住所。而我正帮她把一些逃家用的塑料提袋藏放我的行李箱。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 3. stuffing Dobby in, shutting the door, and flinging himself onto the bed just as the door handle turned. 他把多比塞进衣橱,关上橱门,刚扑倒在床上,门把手就转动了。 www.kekenet.com 4. A new book of her letters and notes reveals that she was a talented and experienced chef who created a mean recipe for stuffing. 一本由她的信件和备注的新著揭示了她是一个天才并且经历了为吃饭而写的一份均衡的食谱的厨师。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. Bird: And then I beat the stuffing out of him! 并且把他打得吃的东东都吐出来了! spaces.msn.com 6. You can also use newspaper to help dry out wet boots and shoes by crumpling some of it up and stuffing it inside. 你可以使用报纸来让靴子或鞋子内保持干燥,通过弄皱一些报纸放进靴子(鞋子)里面。 www.bing.com 7. The right hand picks out with the sharp chopsticks the stuffing heart the left hand to hide, the left middle finger bends the whereabouts. 右手用尖筷将馅心剔进左手皮子中,左手中指屈起下落。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The stuffing tubes, transit devices, or a pourable material for cable penetration is to be of a character so as not to damage the cable. 填料函,穿舱装置,或可浇铸材料共同的特性是不能损害电缆。 wenku.baidu.com 9. He said he can be elected president without ballot stuffing. 普京说,他不需要靠灌票就能选上总统。 www.tingroom.com 10. The stuffing is usually blown into the stuffed toy by a machine, but the insertion point is closed by hand. 填充物通常通过机器吹到填充玩具内,但玩具的填充口要人手工缝好。 www.bing.com 1. He let them help him in everything, even in stuffing the windows with moss to keep the cold out when winter began. 爷爷什么事都让他们帮忙,包括在冬天来临时用苔藓堵住窗口,不让冷空气进来。 www.dreamkidland.cn 2. This holiday meal is as traditional as it gets. Turkey is filled with a delicious corn bread stuffing and served with gravy. 这是道传统的节日餐,填塞了美味玉米面包的火鸡会配有肉汁一同上菜。 www.bing.com 3. When they arrived at the bank he was dangling by one leg and stuffing cash into his underpants . 警方抵达那家银行时,他一脚悬在半空中摆荡,同时把现金塞进内裤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Feathers of other birds, of a kind used for stuffing; down, not further worked than cleaned, disinfected or treated for preservation. 其他填充用羽毛;羽绒(仅经洗涤、消毒等处理,未进一步加工) ec365day.com 5. Amazingly, all the results come out of a basic insight from stuffing pigeons into pigeonholes. 让人感觉不可思议的是,结果都产生于对将鸽子塞入鸽子洞现象的基本理解。 www.bing.com 6. The ruddy-cheeked Wang herself stood bundled in a red down jacket, stuffing plastic bottles into a clear trash bag. 脸色红润的王秀丽自己裹在红色羽绒服里,正在把塑料瓶子往垃圾袋里塞。 www.bing.com 7. At many big corporations, the senior managers have seemed more interested in stuffing their pockets than building for the long term. 在很多大公司,高管们更感兴趣的似乎是如何塞满个人腰包,而不是公司的长远发展。 www.fortunechina.com 8. My plate, cranberry sauce tastes so good with stuffing! And the gravy made out of the turkey makes a great combination with mashed potatoes. 我的盘子,红莓酱和填料配在一起,太好吃了!火鸡汁做出来的肉汁浇在土豆泥上,香! ourbabyfreddie.spaces.live.com 9. The scent of that crispy brown turkey, fluffy mashed potatoes, savory stuffing, and assorted vegetables made even my mouth water. 脆皮棕色火鸡的香味、蓬松的土豆泥、开胃的填塞料以及什锦蔬菜甚至连我都口水直流。 www.ebigear.com 10. Be a bad dog, and I'll whale the stuffing out a you. 做条坏狗,我就把你打下稀烂。 zftrans.com 1. However, emotional self control does not mean "stuffing" your emotions so that you do not experience them fully. 然而,情绪的自我控制并不代表“硬塞”你的情绪好让你不完整地经验它。 sites.google.com 2. The lubricator is just high enough to handle the longest string of tools between the wireline valve and the stuffing box. 防喷管的高度恰好足以在钢丝绳阀与盘根盒之间装卸最长的工具串。 www.infopetro.com.cn 3. He was tearing up bunches of grass, beating them against his knees to clean them and stuffing them into his mouth. 它把成捆的野草拔下来,在双膝上拍打,打干净了以后就送进嘴里。 www.douban.com 4. Cut spinach into small sections, parboil until cooked, squeeze to drain, then add into the minced pork, stir up to form stuffing. 菠菜切小段,烫熟,取出挤乾水份,然后加进碎肉拌匀,成为馅料。 www.hkheadline.com 5. THE SEALING BETWEEN THE CRANKCASE AND SCAVENGING AIR BOXES IS ACHIEVED BY MEANS OF PISTON ROD STUFFING BOXES. 曲柄箱与扫气箱之间的密封是通过活塞杆填料函实现的。 www.shipfriends.net 6. They knocked the stuffing out of the stock-market index overall as well as the cool kids. 它们狠狠地打败了总体股指,也打败了“酷孩子”们。 c.wsj.com 7. Publishing a book is like stuffing a note into a bottle and hurling it into the sea. 出版一本书就像是将纸条塞进一个瓶子,扔到大海里。 dongxi.net 8. Genes can also be silenced by modification of the histone proteins that make up the "smart stuffing" in chromosomes. 基因也可以通过组蛋白的修饰被沉默,组蛋白是组装染色体的“填料”。 news.dxy.cn 9. The cost to your health and waistline of regularly stuffing yourself at these occasions is likely to be high. 总是吃白食,你所付出的代价很有可能就是你的健康和腰围。 www.elanso.com 10. She pounded the arms of her chair in fury , so that bits of stuffing leaked out of the holes . 赫敏气愤地敲打着椅子的扶手,里面填充的东西都从破洞里漏了出来。 www.bing.com 1. Campaign committees for a number of presidential candidates have accused others of stuffing ballot boxes or throwing out votes. 好几个总统竞选人的竞选委员会都指责别人填塞投票箱或者扔掉选票。 www.ebigear.com 2. So, why are many Americans willing to go the distance to share turkey and stuffing, but less likely to share a family dinner daily? 那么,为什么很多美国人更愿意千里迢迢去分享充馅火鸡,而不是平时和家人一起吃饭? www.bing.com 3. The bankers will find that the price of stuffing their pockets is to be about as popular as politicians. 但银行家将发现,他们为揣满自己口袋所付出的代价,无非是导致自己的人气与政界人士一样低。 www.ftchinese.com 4. SHIPBUILDING. MARINE NAVIGATION. MARINE VALVE ACCESSORIES. STUFFING BOXES. GLANDS WITH FLANGE. DIMENSIONS. INTERCHANGEABILITY. 造船工业.船上阀门附件.填料箱.法兰压盖.尺寸.互换性 www.mapeng.net 5. You're left with a delicious bread stuffing flavored with mushrooms, pears and shallots and cooked in a muffin tin. 这样你的美味面包馅就只剩下蘑菇,梨,葱,注意要用松饼罐煮。 www.bing.com 6. Thanksgiving turkeys are traditionally served with a bread mixture that some Americans call stuffing. Others call it dressing. 传统的感恩节火鸡通常会用碎面包配餐,有些美国人称其为填料或调味料。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. Stuffing your house with things that you do not like and do not need won't make anybody happy. 房子里堆满了自己既不喜欢又用不到的东西够让所有人烦心的。 www.bing.com 8. Some are spiriting savings out of the country or stuffing money into mattresses, fearing a collapse of the banking system. 出于对银行系统崩溃的恐惧,一些人将存款从国内转移出去或将钱塞入床垫中以备后用。 www.for68.com 9. He was kicked out of another school for removing all the furniture and stuffing it into the attic. 接着,他把另一所学校的所有家具给塞进了阁楼,校方对他的处理结果是勒令退学。 www.bing.com 10. After five years spent in retirement, he died of a chill caught while experimenting on refrigeration by stuffing a chicken full of snow. 培根过了五年退隐生活后,有一次把一只鸡肚里塞满雪作冷冻实验时受了寒,因此死去。 www.book118.com 1. Holiday meals. A time of turkeys, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. A time for Indian corn. 感恩节的食物非常有特色:塞满馅的火鸡、南瓜饼和玉米等等的美味。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 2. But, is late this kind of matter to be possible one but not to be possible again, the lie said many, the stuffing eventually can reveal. 不过,迟到这种事可一而不可再,谎话说多了,馅终究会露出来。 hi.baidu.com 3. Stuffing something into the session is a very common shortcut taken under duress of an impending deadline. 在最终期限即将来临的压力下,向会话中填充东西是一种常见的捷径。 www.ibm.com 4. Clarissa was back with her book, stuffing it into her briefcase while she held some other papers between her teeth. 克拉莉莎带着书回来了,她把书塞进公文包里,嘴里同时还叼着几页文件。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Seeing particularly at the time of what stuffing is so. 在无聊的时候看的尤其是这样。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The raising of ducks is called "tianya" ( "tian" means "stuffing" ). 饲养的鸭子叫“填鸭”(“填”就是“填充”的意思。) blog.sina.com.cn 7. And then do a variety of stuffing mix on the large bowl of raw materials back (do not need to cut into small pieces so as to do Lantern). 然后把做馅的各种原料拌匀放在大碗里备用(不须像做元宵那样切成小块)。 www.360doc.com 8. The wall surface of the explosion dike body is covered with a planting soil stuffing bag or a sod. 所述防爆堤体的墙面包裹有种植土填料包或草皮。 ip.com 9. Waste wool or cotton used for stuffing furniture and mattresses. 毛屑,棉絮填塞家具或垫子用的废毛或废棉 dict.ebigear.com 10. Thanksgiving turkeys are traditionally served with a bread mixture that some Americans call stuffing. 感恩节火鸡是传统送达面包混合物,一些美国人呼吁馅。 www.englishtang.com 1. He describes hurricanes that made landfall, backed up, regrouped, and knocked the stuffing out of cities. 他描绘了飓风造成的滑坡、阻塞、改道,以及将城市里的物体吹跨。 www.bing.com 2. Its stuffing sandwiched between the crusts is a mixture of honey, granulated sugar, confect, pinecones and crushed kernels. 而中间的馅儿则是由蜂蜜,砂糖,糖果,松果和碎果仁儿混合而成的。 www.xcn-chinese.com 3. Finally we preserve the skin, fill up the animal with stuffing and sew it up. 最后我们保存皮肤,用填料塞满它的肚子和缝好肚子。 www.rrting.com 4. There's nothing but bedsprings and mattress stuffing down here! 这里除了床面和床垫什么都没有! blog.sina.com.cn 5. Karen from Sacramento sent a photo of herself stuffing an oversized sandwich in her mouth. 萨克拉曼多的凯伦邮来了一张她正在往自己嘴里塞一个特大号三明治的照片。 www.bing.com 6. The stuffing in zongzi could be dates, bean paste, yolk, chestnuts, or other things. 里面能放枣啊,豆沙啊,蛋黄啊,栗子啊什么的。 m.nciku.com 7. Stuffing the ears of men with false reports. 使每个人的耳朵充满着虚伪的消息。 dongxi.net 8. however, rice balls came mainly from flour, the number of microorganisms of stuffing was below 50%, the minimum was less than 30%. 而汤圆主要来源于面料,馅料微生物数占汤圆的50%以下,最低不足30%。 9. The waste plastic is molded using a molding method of extruding it from a nozzle of a screw-type stuffing machine. 采用使用螺杆式压入机将该废塑料从喷嘴挤出的成型方法进行成型。 ip.com 10. So indulge in a little Thanksgiving daydream. Long for the oyster stuffing. 因此沉浸在感恩节的小遐想中。 www.bing.com 1. These big corporate bureaucracies are equally capable of stuffing things up, of course. 当然,这些大型企业官僚机构同样也可以敷衍了事。 www.ftchinese.com 2. A soft layer of fibrous cotton or wool used FOR padding or stuffing. 软填料用于垫衬或填充的纤维棉花或羊毛的一个软层 dict.ebigear.com 3. I putted dumplings and water together in the pot, and finally all stuffing came out from dumplings, and it became dumplings soup. 我把饺子和水都倒进锅里煮,结果饺子里面的肉馅都煮出来了,成了饺子汤。 wenwen.soso.com 4. In Tianjin, he was the first to add bone broth into the stuffing and use rice flour to make dough. 在天津,他最早用骨头汤做馅,最早用米发面做包子。 i.myechinese.com 5. A time of turkeys, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. 是一个家家餐桌上都有火鸡、填料、南瓜馅饼的日子; www.crazyenglish.org 6. Pieces of fabric used for stuffing; batting. 棉胎用来堵塞的织布条,纤维条;棉胎。 www.hotdic.com 7. Wu Lao Gui has emerged from the water, he is stuffing a blueprint into a fish that a young man has just caught. 吴老贵从水里冒出来,把一张图纸塞在了那小子刚钓上来的鱼里。 www.emperorcuckoo.com 8. Raising the temperature of the formation of thin coating or adding some scale stuffing will increase the corrosion-resistance. 提高成膜温度、加入鳞片状填料均能增加涂膜耐酒腐蚀的能力。 www.chemyq.com 9. Steamed buns in North China are usually of mild savor and without stuffing, while those in South China are usually added with sugar. 中国北方的馒头没有馅儿,但是有一股淡淡的清香,而南方的馒头通常都加有白糖。 www.xcnchinese.com 10. The limestone is no activity, it is a pure stuffing, but can improve cement products of particle gradation. 石灰石是没有活性的,纯粹是一种填充料,但却可以改善水泥成品的颗粒级配。 www.xsj521.com 1. For me, it's raw fruits and vegetables and crunchy things. . . there must be nary an onion or celery bit in my stuffing. 对于我,那就是生果蔬和发出嘎吱嘎吱声响的东西……我的馅料里一定连一片洋葱或芹菜都没有。 www.bing.com 2. a stuffing spiral shaft is equipped under and vertical to the one end of the spiral shaft of smaller diameter. 设置在所述小直径螺旋轴一端下方,并与之垂直的补料螺旋轴。 ip.com 3. To adopt lower-installed type valve stem and set up reversed sealing structure can ensure reliable sealing at the position of the stuffing. 采用下装式阀捍,设置倒密封结构,能确保填料处可靠密封。 www.dtqiufa.com 4. Google, Skype, and others try to resolve telephony problems by stuffing the phone system into the web. Skype和其它一些公司试图将电话系统融入到网络中以解决电话技术的问题。 www.bing.com 5. As you can see, It is Vietnamese spring rolls with vegetables stuffing . 正如你看到的,越南春卷,蔬菜的陷料。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The body has received 120 complaints, including ballot box stuffing in Kandahar province. 选举投诉委员会共收到120次投诉,其中包括在坎大哈省的投票箱造假事件。 www.bing.com 7. Soon, all became clear: the stuffing machine operator had managed to fill the teddy bear stuffing machine hopper with car wheels. 不久,所有的一切都清楚了:装箱机的操作工把玩具车轮放入了泰迪熊装箱机的送料斗。 www.bing.com 8. Large stuffing box accommodates all packing arrangements, including live-loaded design and lantern ring type for severe services. 大型填料函可适应所有填料配置排列,包括适用于严酷应用环境的动负载结构和套环。 www.h6688.com 9. Packing: Packing contains corrosion inhibitor to avoid stem pitting. Stuffing box is deep, assuring long packing life. 填料:填料内含防腐剂,避免锈蚀阀杆。深度填料函确保较长的填料使用寿命。 www.h6688.com 10. Coordinate Direct Mail activities i. e. , labels printing, envelope stuffing, posting, and distribution. 协调处理直邮推广活动,如为印刷品贴标,信封装订,邮寄,分发。 www.cqjob.com 1. Coordinate Direct Mail activities i. e. , labels printing, envelope stuffing, posting, and distribution. 协调处理直邮推广活动,如为印刷品贴标,信封装订,邮寄,分发。 www.cqjob.com 2. The job search has come a long way since the days of printing resumes on high-quality, linen paper and stuffing them in matching envelopes. 自从把简历打印在高质量的亚麻纸上,并放入信封中来求职,找工作已经走过了很长的道路。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Spread some shredded coconut stuffing when it`s hot, and the fragrance of it will be given out . 吃时可趁热在表面撒些椰蓉,椰香会充分散发出来。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. Are procedures in place to verify the physical integrity of the container structure prior to stuffing for warehouse? 货仓是否有程序规定装货之前确认集装箱结构的物理完整性?。 www.6sq.net 5. Stir all the ingredients for the stuffing in a medium bowl until well blended. 把馅料的所有原料混合在一个中号盆里,搅拌完全均匀备用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. This has not only meant abandoning oversight (the majority is forever stuffing bloated last-minute amendments into already bloated bills). 这不只意味着对监督(主要经常是把多余的最后修正案加诸已经臃肿的法案里面去)的放弃。 www.ecocn.org 7. A worsened eurozone debt crisis could knock the stuffing out of equities. 假如欧元区债务危机恶化,股市可能遭受重创。 www.ftchinese.com 8. These are too large for everyday transactions and are mainly used for mattress-stuffing or money laundering, say bankers. 这笔钱对于日常交易而言数额太大了,而且它主要用于储蓄或是洗钱,银行家们说道。 www.ecocn.org 9. The backside of impeller: due to special design of backside impeller, the pressure on the stuffing box is minimum. 叶轮背部:由于叶轮背面的特殊设计,将填料箱上的残余压力减到最小。 www.bing.com 10. But you always want what you can't have: In 2003, I missed Chicago, and home, and my grandmother's apple-sage stuffing. 但是,你永远想念你已经不可能有的事情:在2003年,我想念芝加哥,想念家乡,想念奶奶的苹果圣人馅。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The vehement reaction to the usual practice of stuffing the ballot boxes was also unexpected. 伪造选票的常见行为招致如此激烈的反应,这也是俄罗斯政府始料未及的。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Also, if you lie down after stuffing yourself you can end up with gastric reflux -- stomach acid backing up into the esophagus . 另一方面,如果你放倒的时候胃里还是塞得满满当当,那么胃酸会回流进食道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. puts the stuffed dumpling stuffing like in the thin slice, and pinches the edge spot with the hand, causes the thin slice agglutination. 将饺子馅放如薄片中,并用手捏边缘部位,使薄片粘合。 wenku.baidu.com 4. The stuffing feeding system of a kind of self-independence developed automatic dumpling production equipment was introduced. 介绍了自主设计开发的一种自动饺子生产设备的输馅系统。 www.dictall.com 5. We are able to process meat stuffing, cut mutton into slices and saw pork bones. 现场免费为您加工肉馅、切羊肉片、锯大骨。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The Ningbo rice glue balls with lard stuffing are the most popular among all the rice glue balls. 这种肉馅儿的宁波汤圆是所有汤圆中最受欢迎的。 www.xcn-chinese.com 7. the other is that it could knock the stuffing out of Britain's fierce, messy and vital press by provoking over-regulation. 另外,过度的监管会促使英国竞争激烈、杂乱但重要的报纸行业受到巨大的打击。 www.ecocn.org 8. SHIPBUILDING. MARINE NAVIGATION. MARINE VALVE ACCESSORIES. STUFFING BOXES WITH GLAND AND NUT. 造船工业.航海.船上阀门附件.带压盖和螺母的填料箱 www.mapeng.net 9. The polished rod also forms part of the sealing system between the tubing and the atmospere in the stuffing box. 光杆还成为在油管与盘根盒空间之间的密封系统的组成部分。 www.infopetro.com.cn 10. Traditionally the stuffing usually to be beef and green onions. 馅传统上是牛肉大葱。 www.kle100.cn 1. Roast breast of veal every Sunday with bread stuffing like clay was due to my disorders . 每个星期日的烤小牛肉和面包吃起来象粘土,这也全因我的生活杂乱无章。 www.bing.com 2. The skin of the Cantonese style cake is sweet, soft puffy palatable and filled with heavy stuffing. 广式糕点的特点是外面的皮甜,馅儿多。 www.eqooo.com 3. Someone asked him if he wanted stuffing with his turkey. 有人问他是火鸡要不要里面的馅儿。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Filled with sweet stuffing and round in shape, it symbolizes family unity, completeness and happiness. 元宵馅是甜的,形状是圆的,象征着家庭团结,完整和幸福。 www.tingclass.com 5. Choose sitting, watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. 选择坐着,看让人大脑麻木心灵破碎的答题节目,还往你嘴里填该死的垃圾食品。 hi.baidu.com 6. Provided manner for adding and blending stuffing guarantees the uniform blend for preparing products. 提供的填料添加、混匀方式保证了制作工艺能达到混匀做制品的目的。 ip.com 7. For a start, you can stop stuffing your revolting opinions down people's throats. 首先,你不要再将你那些令人反感的见解强加给人民了。 word.hcbus.com 8. Tap into all the high-quality (and free) online video available today without stuffing a PC into your living room. 如今,不必在客厅里添一台个人电脑就可以用上所有高品质(而且免费的)在线视频。 www.bing.com 9. The stuffing box is machined relative to the seat minimizing seat and external leakage simultaneously. 填料函是相对于阀座的机械装置,能够最大限度减少阀座和外部同时出现泄漏。 www.h6688.com 10. Most families have something called stuffing . Stuffing is a kind of bread and vegetable mixture that you put inside the bird and cook. 除了火鸡外,大多数家庭还会吃stuffing,就是填塞在火鸡里烹调的面包与蔬菜的混合物啦~ www.hjenglish.com 1. You can't know its stuffing from the outside. You can only find out when you eat it. 你不可能从外表知道它里面的是由什么馅制作而成的,只有当你吃了它你才能知道。 www.xcnchinese.com 2. There is a roast duck, some steamed buns with stuffing, a bowl of "paste" and a bowl of black soup in the plate. 有一个烤鸭,有的馒头与馅,有一碗“糊”,并有一碗黑汤,在板块。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. It's not the turkey alone we're grateful for. Not the cranberry sauce or the stuffing or even the pumpkin pie. 我们所感激的不只是火鸡,不只是红梅果酱,火鸡馅料,也不只是南瓜饼。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Oh, and can you be a darling and do us a caesar salad for Boxing Day, and there will be dates and grapes and prune stuffing , won't there? 噢,你能帮帮忙给我们做一份节礼日的恺撒什锦色拉吗?而且里面要放枣椰、葡萄、李子干做填料,好不好? www.neworiental.org 5. Stuffing your face like tomorrow is D-Day is probably much more unattractive than those extra few pounds of weight. 让你的脸看起来就像明天是诺曼底登陆日了,这样或许比超重几磅更难看哦。 news.dxy.cn 6. The stuffing includes minced pork, prawns , Chinese white cabbage, and diced Chinese mushrooms. 馅料包括了猪肉,虾,白菜,冬菇粒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The fruit of this plant, used in cookery, salad, and as stuffing for green olives. 其果,用来烧菜,做色拉或绿橄榄的佐料。 odict.net 8. Complementary with various stuffing, dried fruit, fruit and other accessories made variety of flavors sandwich ice-sugar gourd. 辅以各种馅料、干果、水果及其它辅料制成多种口味的夹心冰糖葫芦。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Instead he would weave dry grass and reeds into small nets, stuffing them with feathers and moss. 而他却会用干草和芦苇织成小网,然后塞上羽毛和苔藓。 www.ecocn.org 10. So they spend vast amounts of time stuffing and lubricating clients in private booths in swish restaurants. 所以,他们耗费了大量的时间在喧嚣的饭店的包厢里,请客户吃饭喝酒来搞好关系。 www.bing.com 1. Most of the stuffing boxes for polished rod used at present cannot realize wellhead bias-adjustment. 针对现场使用的光杆密封器不能调整井口偏心问题,研制了抽油机井井口调偏装置。 elec.wanfangdata.com.cn 2. Common dishes include: turkey, beets, stuffing, mashed potatoes, bread, apple pie and pumpkin pie. 常吃的菜包括:火鸡、甜菜、火鸡填料、土豆泥、面包、苹果派和南瓜派。 www.bing.com 3. Increasing the distance from oil hole to inner annulus of the stuffing box can prevent the fatigue. 适当增加输油孔到填料盘内环的距离可以预防裂纹的产生。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Gland Eye Bolts: Eye bolts are securely fastened to the bonnet yet swing away to permit easy access to the stuffing box. 压盖有眼螺栓:有眼螺栓能够安全地紧固阀盖,也可以旋转拆卸,便于方便容易地进入填料函。 www.h6688.com 5. The news that newspaper was used as stuffing caused a sensation in the public. 用报纸作包子馅的新闻在公众中造成了轰动。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. One pizza company, not content to double its meat and cheese toppings, began stuffing extra cheese inside the crust. 一家比萨饼店不满足于在饼上面加双份的肉和奶酪,甚至在面皮中间也夹上了奶酪。 www.24en.com 7. Hardware HDLC : Handling the HDLC framing in hardware on the card relieves the PC of framing, bit-stuffing and CRC loads. 硬件的HDLC:处理卡上的硬件的HDLC帧帧免除了个人电脑,位填充和CRC负荷。 bbs.voip88.com 8. Due to a cruel twist of fate, my friend Carol's husband insisted on bringing along his own family's stuffing recipe when they got married. 我朋友卡罗尔“命运悲惨”,她的丈夫坚持要在婚后沿用他家的传统填料配方。 www.joyen.net 9. The class was most excited to take on this challenge of stuffing the chinese preserved sausage into the chicken fillet. 在演示会上最为兴奋的,是试图将中式香肠裹入鸡胸肉里。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He watched as his six doppelgangers rummaged in the sacks, pulling out sets of clothes, putting on glasses, stuffing their own things away. 他注视着自己的六个替身在口袋里翻找,掏出一套套衣服,戴上眼镜,把他们自己的东西塞到一边。 okread.net 1. Come to my house for Thanksgiving! We are having turkey, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes with gravy, and lots of stuffing! 来我家过感恩节吧!晚餐有火鸡,南瓜派,捣碎的土豆和面粉,还有各种馅。 www.kekenet.com 2. The stuffing is cooled before being layered between the birds, to ensure it doesn't overcook and lose its moisture. 填馅在冷却之后再填入,以确保它们不会因为过度加热而失去里面的水分。 c.wsj.com 3. Basic structure of the centrifugal pump is composed of six parts, namely: impeller, pump, pump shaft, bearing, seal ring, stuffing box. 离心泵的基本构造是由六部分组成的,分别是:叶轮,泵体,泵轴,轴承,密封环,填料函。 www.jcgyb.com 4. Local residents in Shanghai rarely eat steam bread without stuffing, so this steam bread is actually Baozi. 由于上海人很少吃白馒头,所以这种生煎馒头其实是生煎包子。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. The breaking knife is used for cutting vegetables and meat into stuffing. 粉碎刀是将蔬菜和肉食切削成馅; ip.com 6. Make sure you use an empty box (no stuffing, yet) and really really make sure the box is totally sealed and the gasket is sealing well. 确定您使用一个空的箱子(没有充塞)并且真正地真正地确定箱子完全被密封并且垫圈密封得很好。 dict.kekenet.com 7. The accusations include stuffing of ballot boxes, vote rigging, using outdated voter rolls, including names of people long since dead. The指控包括票箱,选举舞弊,使用过时的选民名单,包括死亡的人,因为长的名字。 www.englishtang.com 8. If only. The ensuing election was rife with examples of voter fraud and ballot-stuffing. 大选中充满着欺诈行为和恶意拉票现象。 www.bing.com 9. Roast turkey and all the trimmings, IE vegetables, stuffing, sauces, etc. 烤火鸡及各种配料(蔬菜、填料、沙司等)。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Given the Dutch predilection for stuffing a house full of knickknacks, I decided this was no bad thing. 当我想到荷兰人喜好的屋中摆满各种各样的小玩艺,我认为简陋一些倒并非是件坏事。 tr.bab.la 1. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind- numbing , spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. 选择坐着看那些令头脑麻木、让心灵破碎的猜谜节目,嘴里塞满他妈的垃圾食物! dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Steamed buns with turnip seedlings as stuffing are very delicious. 用鸡毛菜包的包子是很好吃的。 www.websaru.com 3. Jiaozi are filled with stuffing to contain various auspicious messages. 包着馅的饺子含有各种各样的吉祥讯息。 www.xcnchinese.com 4. For 33 Thanksgivings I've yet to run out of stuffing. 我还从未年的今天,在长达33尼完你的馅。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Seriously, apart from stuffing everyone to death, what else can we do, I mean, some kind of game or what? 说实在的,除了把所有的人撑死,我们还能干吗,游戏或是什么的? baike.china.alibaba.com 6. Sage and onion stuffing, IE used to stuff a goose, duck, etc. 鼠尾草和洋葱填料(用作烹调鹅、鸭等者)。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Answer the following, holding a steamed bun with meat stuffing when I'm hungry, he is happier than I am. 我饿了,看见别人手里拿个肉包子,他就比我幸福; blog.163.com 8. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind- numbing sprit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. 选择在沙发上看无聊透顶的节目,往嘴里塞垃圾食物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Preserve the skin. Fill the animal with stuffing and sew it up. 保存好皮肤。在动物的肚子里塞些填料,然后缝好它的肚子。 www.rrting.com 10. That's right, yesterday, my Mom made the stuffing for the dumplings, and she's stuffing them right now. I'll eat them when I get home. 是啊,我妈妈昨天还做好了饺子馅儿,她现在正在包饺子呢,等我回去就可以吃了。 imandarinpod.com 1. Frank: Forget about it. Who can watch a football game without stuffing their faces? It's an American tradition. 不要去想。谁能不吃很多东西看完一场球赛?这是美国的传统。 www.remword.cn 2. First, she destroyed her dog bed, ripping it apart and pulling out all the stuffing. 首先,它摧毁了自己的窝,把窝扯开,把一切东西都弄出来。 www.bing.com 3. Shouldn't she be lying on the sofa stuffing chocolate biscuits down her face in a fluffy dressing gown? 难道她不应该穿着一件宽松便袍躺在沙发上吃巧克力饼干瘦瘦脸吗? www.bing.com 4. Stuffing the parchment back into the envelope, Harry threw it back onto the desk just as the door opened. 他知道费尔奇回来了,便赶紧把羊皮纸塞进信封,扔回到桌上。就在这时,门开了。 www.kekenet.com 5. Keen toy-makers hoarded every scrap of material, if not for sewing outside then for stuffing within. 热心的玩具制造者们积存每一点材料,不是用来缝外皮就是做填充物。 bbs.i21st.cn 6. FEFA said some of its 7, 000 observers saw ballot-stuffing to "varying extents in most provinces" . 阿富汗自由及公平选举基金会表示其所属的7000多名观察者看到“在大多数省都有不同程度的”选民多投票现象。 www.ecocn.org 7. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth. 选择坐在那张睡椅上看让脑子发木脑浆被挤成稀屎状的体育节目,一边往自己嘴里塞他妈的垃圾食物。 movie.xiaonei.com 8. The paper-thin crust serves as the wrapper of the stuffing. 纸一般的面皮是用来包那些馅儿的。 www.xcn-chinese.com 9. Maltodextrin is the carrier for sweeteners, aromatizer, stuffing, which contributes to improve the structure of food. 麦芽糖糊精可被当做甜味剂,香味剂的载体或者填充物,对改善食品结构很有效果。 www.enetbase.com 10. Solid packing and overall stuffing can prevent the cases from vibration and jarring. 坚固的木箱和箱内严密的填充可防止木箱受震、开裂。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Karen: Well, either way, no stuffing for you! 哦,不管怎么样,填料是没你的份了! q.sohu.com 2. 'You want to get the chipmunk effect, ' says the 48-year-old software consultant, of stuffing his cheeks full of peanuts, his favorite food. 这位48岁的软件咨询师说,吃东西就得有像花栗鼠狼吞虎咽地吃最爱吃的花生那种效果。 c.wsj.com 3. Choose sitting on the couch, watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into yourmouth. 选择在沙发上看无聊透顶的节目,往口里塞垃圾食物。 www.bing.com 4. Stuffing envelopes and compiling mailing addresses are two such jobs. 塞信封邮寄地址及编制共有两个职位。 www.workhome.cn 5. The equipment all adopts metallic stainless steel stuffing. 本装置采用高效的金属不锈钢填料。 ydhgzb.com 6. Mix Ingredient A together with salt and pepper to form a stuffing seasoning. 将A组材料混合,加入盐和胡椒粉,做成调味馅料。 blog.163.com 7. The frondage is stitched on the stuffing leaf by leaf, said sponsors of the event, because the Zongzi is so huge. 主办方介绍,由于粽子个头太大,粽叶都是一片片缝上去的,揭开外层,里面呈现的是一个足球形状的巨型粽子。 gzmp.dayoo.com 8. the salt, the seasoning, the vegetables and the meat mix, stirs the stuffed dumpling stuffing. 把盐、佐料、蔬菜和肉混合,搅拌成饺子馅。 wenku.baidu.com 9. There is plenty of evidence that IEC staff working in polling stations were complicit in ballot-stuffing. 有大量的证据证明工作在投票站的IEC成员参与舞弊。 www.ecocn.org 10. Dorothy Merin was eating like a horse, stuffing food into her small frame. 多萝西梅林在贪婪地吃着,她身材矮小却往肚子里塞进了不少食物。 dict.veduchina.com 1. Consider again the problem of stuffing pigeons into pigeonholes and consider the average. 重新设想将鸽子装入鸽子洞,再设想一下平均值。 www.bing.com 2. The MDC says it can no longer verify procedures and that the ruling party is stuffing ballot boxes before the recount. 反对党MDC称现在已不可能再核实任何程序了,而在重新计票前执政党正采取手段获得更多选票。 www.ecocn.org 3. Check for links to link farms and bed neighbors, for doorway pages and keyword stuffing. 支票通连接农场和邻居床,每张关键字馅门口。 www.hotranking.net 4. The kids have been stuffing themselves with candy. 孩子们一直在吃糖果,都吃饱了。 www.englishexpress.cn 5. The night before we returned home, Mark sat on the floor stuffing gifts into their packets. 我们回来前那天晚上,马克坐在地板上包礼物。 www.theautoindex.com 6. As humans, we spend much of or existence stuffing our brains with stuff. 作为人类,我们花费了大量脑力,或者用东西填满大脑。 www.hxen.com 7. Stuffing, mostly breadcrumbs, corn, and gravy. 馅,主要是面包屑,玉米,和肉汁。 www.arms-cool.net 8. However, my mother, but always remember that our family likes to eat shepherd's purse stuffing the dumplings. 可是,我的妈妈,却一直记得,我们一家喜欢吃荠菜馅的饺子。 enwaimao.cn 9. My son got his mom's yummy stuffing and his dad's famous mashed potatoes. 大家开心极了,我儿子吃到了妈妈美味的馅团以及爸爸的拿手好菜:土豆泥。 www.bing.com 10. Stir the tomatoes and corn in the skillet. Add the remaining stuffing and mix lightly. 在煎锅里搅拌西红柿和玉米,把多余的调料加入,轻轻混合。 www.ebigear.com 1. More exactly, it's made with sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffing. 确切地说,是用糯米粉做的,里面还有馅儿呢。 my.chinese.cn 2. Borrowed actually also it doesn't matter, what the problem depends on be being copied is a skin still be stuffing. 其实抄袭也没什么,问题在于抄到的是皮儿还是馅儿。 pjprimer.com 3. and the stuffing is one or more than two of red brick, clay, cake, slag kaolin, diatomite and white carbon black. 填料为红砖、粘土、豆饼、炉渣高岭土、硅藻土和白炭黑中的一种或两种以上。 ip.com 4. Chandler: Ok, we all laughed when you did it with the stuffing, but that's not funny anymore. 算了,虽然你填料的时候我们大家都笑了,不过现在已经不再可笑了。 www.tieku.org 5. Gland Eye Bolts: Eyebolts swing aside for ease in repacking the stuffing box. 压盖有眼螺栓:有眼螺栓可以从旁边旋起,使得填料函的填料更换更加容易。 www.h6688.com 6. Nanxiang steamed bread stuffing heart can also change due to seasonal changes. 南翔小笼馒头的馅心还可以随季节变化而变化。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 7. What , stuffing is exposed ? We're going to eat seafood , not dumplings . 哎呀,露什么馅儿啊?咱们今天肯定是吃海鲜啊又不是饺子。 www.bing.com 8. Bridge pipeline applies inoculants gray castiron and heat resistant stuffing without refined ore at the joints. 桥管材质采用孕育灰铸铁,承插口选取不含精矿粉的耐温填料。 www.chemyq.com 9. Gordon : I agree, sir. The stuffing and the turkey look the best. 戈登:我也这么想,先生。这填料和火鸡看起来最诱人。 www.bing.com 10. Don't want to put person's those every things for what stuffing not and not. 不想把人的那所有的事放在一边。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Poly packing, forming a sack, stuffing, packing are done just once. 多支包装、成袋、充填、包装一次完成。 www.cvmachine.com 2. They permit underfeeding, full feeding or a stuffing of the material. 允许饥饿喂料,饱和或填充式喂料。 www.mktimingrpt.com 3. Examine the seal condition of rotate axle regularly. Replace or add graphite stuffing if there is mistake. 定期检查三、四通溜子转轴处的密封状况,如发现密封问题请更换或填加石墨填料。 www.jzvalve.com.cn 4. we have already mixed the stuffing for the dumplings. 我已经把饺子馅和好了。 bb.iyaya.com 5. A series of research has been carried out in using china clay as stuffing in MC nylon. 对瓷土做MC尼龙填充剂进行了一系列的应用研究。 www.dictall.com 6. Rather than lending at a negative interest rate, you could hold onto cash by, for example, stuffing it in your mattress. 你不会以一个负利率贷款给别人,你宁愿持有现金,比方说,把钱塞在床垫里。 www.bing.com 7. 17. Always put your napkin in your lap at dinner. Stuffing it in your shirt is grounds for getting slapped. 17.将餐巾放在双膝上,而不是塞在衬衣里。 www.bing.com 8. The automatic filling fiber machine is also called as stuffing machine. 充棉机,又名充填机、冲棉机。 company.china.alibaba.com 9. And good surface, but also get a point at random into the stuffing mixed vegetables improvise, to wrap the dumplings. 和好面后,又胡乱弄了点杂菜凑合成馅,就包起了饺子。 www.xiami360.com 10. In North China, sweet or non-meat stuffing is the usual ingredient. 在北方,甜的或没肉的馅是普通的原料。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Stuffing: Two types of stuffing are available: jambalaya, which is rice-based, and corn. 填馅:有两种填馅可以选择,一种是什锦饭,主要是米饭和玉米。 c.wsj.com 2. Place dumpling wrap on your palm, add 1 tsp of stuffing in the middle. 1水饺皮放在手中,每张皮放进1茶匙馅料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Put a layer of the stuffing on top. 放一层馅料在上面。 www.bing.com 4. Stuffing money into an envelope, she thrust the letter into his hand. 把钱塞进一个信封,她把信塞进他的手里。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Collard greens. Stuffing. 绿色甘蓝菜等填料。 www.bing.com 6. Copied stuffing, that is the sublimate of study of view and emulate. 抄到了馅儿,那就是观摩学习的升华。 pjprimer.com 7. I can remember us stuffing it under the refrigerator, and then we would act like our plates were done. 我记得我们把这些东西塞到冰箱下面,然后假装已经把自己盘子里的东西吃完了。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 8. We eat the roast duck and these steamed buns with stuffing, they are delicious! 我们吃了烤鸭,这些馒头与温家宝说,他们是美味! zhidao.baidu.com 9. and thick soft touch is the high-grade wool stuffing, this quilt cover is very comfortable. 而手感厚实柔软的才是高档羊毛填充物,这种被子盖起来非常舒适。 www.qiyeku.com 10. Grandma gave me a great recipe for stuffing. 奶奶把超好吃的馅料制作秘诀告诉了我。 www.joyen.net 1. She sat stuffing herself with biscuits. 她坐在那里吃饼干。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. WOOD. WOOD FIBRES FOR PACKING AND STUFFING. 木材.包装或填充用木质纤维 www.mapeng.net 3. Beijing to do the Lantern Festival is a production-based stuffing. 北京做的元宵,是以馅为基础制作的。 www.360doc.com 4. The crab shell yellow stuffing heart has, the sweet two kinds salty. 蟹壳黄的馅心有咸、甜两种。 www.bing.com 5. A Choice Artificial Stuffing and Field Planting Jew's-ear Variety-' 代料地栽黑木耳新品种‘陕耳3号 service.ilib.cn 6. Mix thoroughly. The stuffing is ready. 充分搅匀,馅料就备好了。 www.bing.com 7. I see the monarch that heartless, I see the close official that stuffing flatters two, this is the reason of my privately laugh! 不仁道的国君我看到一个,馅谀的近臣我见到两个,这就是我私自发笑的原因啊! qyweb.org 8. With much stuffing inside it is beneficial to Cu-Mo separation. 浮选柱内充填料多时对选别更有利。 www.chemyq.com 9. After the stuffing group does, was must manufacture the cake ball, stuffing group Bao Rugan in the good surface cake, rubbed Cheng Bingqiu. 馅团做好后接着就是要制作饼球了,将馅团包入擀好的面饼内,揉成饼球。 blog.163.com 10. But Aaron was too busy stuffing his pockets with leftover food. 而亚伦正忙着把剩下的食物装进兜里呢。 dict.veduchina.com 1. You can increase your vegetable intake easily by stuffing lean meat in gourds or root vegetables such as eggplants and hairy gourds . 将瘦肉酿进瓜类或根茎蔬菜,如茄子和节瓜中,就能轻易增加蔬菜进食量。 www.bing.com 2. I experienced this during last moving time and swore to myself never stuffing things up again. 这一种感觉在我上一次搬家的时候曾经出现过,也发誓不再胡乱囤积物品。 www.chinavalue.net 3. Tracy: And it's made with sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffing. 是用糯米和甜馅做的。 www.bing.com 4. Tuen Ng Festival that people eat this stuffing of rice dumplings DCB can detoxification Qubing. 民间认为端午节吃这种馅的粽粑可以解毒去病。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Me too! I love turkey, stuffing, and gravy! 我也是!我爱火鸡,填料,和肉汁! chinesewang.myfreeforum.org 6. This doesn't mean you can keep stuffing yourself with bread, however! 但是,这并不意味着你可以始终用面包填饱自己! www.bing.com 7. 2 the salt, the seasoning, the vegetables and the meat mix, stirs thestuffed dumpling stuffing. 2把盐、佐料、蔬菜和肉混合,搅拌成饺子馅。 zyjcw.net 8. I ate ten shao mei with meat stuffing for lunch. 我午饭吃了十个肉馅的烧卖。 www.nciku.cn 9. I sat in front of the telly, stuffing my face with chocolate. 我看电视时吃了许多巧克力。 www.kantsuu.com 10. Results 36 cases were significantly effective, 17 cases effective, and only 2 cases with stuffing prolapsed. 结果显效36例,有效17例,仅2例于术后1年填塞物脱出,经治疗亦好转。 www.chemyq.com 1. This stuffing is amazing. Do you think we should bring them some? 这菜真好吃要给他们带一些过去吗? www.bing.com 2. Two-Way Chanterelle and Pear Bread Stuffing: It isn't a vegetarian dish, but Ms. Severson says it can be. 两吃鸡油菌和雪梨面包配菜:这不是道素食菜,但Severson女士说它可以变身。 www.bing.com 3. I sat in front of the TV stuffing my face with chocolate. 我坐在电视机前吃巧克力吃个没完。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. He's stuffing you with silly ideas. 他想用鬼主意欺骗你。 dict.ebigear.com 5. It is a steamed flour food with stuffing. 它是一种以烫面为皮裹馅上笼蒸熟的面食小吃。 www.xcn-chinese.com 6. Or: How to get by without eating for as long as possible before stuffing pizza in your face. . . 或:如何获得而不尽可能长时间前吃比萨饼塞进你的脸由… www.douban.com 7. e. g. Good stuffing. Well, come on, cheer up. I saved you the wishbone. 噢!太饱了。振作点,我给你留了点叉骨。 video.2u4u.com.cn 8. Prune stuffing: Stuffing the bird with fruit adds flavour and is itself delicious. Prune stuffing is my personal favourite with goose. 西梅脯馅料:把调味水果放到火鸡肚子里使火鸡味道绝佳。西脯梅馅料是本人的最爱。 learning.sohu.com 9. Have a throw cushion that could use new stuffing? 有没有可以使用新填充物的小靠垫? kk.dongxi.net 10. Yuanxiao is a kind of sweet dumpling, which is made with sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffing. 元宵是一种带馅儿的甜食,是由糯米粉加上甜的馅料制成。 www.rr365.com |
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