单词 | a GOAT | ||||||||
释义 | a GOAT
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 山羊,一只山羊,老色鬼 1. and yet I could not perceive that there was any living thing to fear, the biggest creature that I had yet seen upon the island being a goat. 当然,至今还没有发现有什么可怕的野兽,我在岛上见到过的最大的动物,只不过是山羊而已。 dict.ebigear.com 2. she's got a goat as well, so she can take mine out with hers and I won't have to go on wearing myself to a shadow like this. 她有一只山羊一样,所以她可以带着她我出去了,我不会去穿自己这样的影子。 www.youeredu.com 3. I had a great high shapeless cap, made of a goat's skin, with a flap hanging down behind. 我头上戴着一顶山羊皮做的、不成样子的、又高又大的便帽,脑后垂着一块长长的帽缘。 4. YOUNG PIG was shut up in a fold-yard with a Goat and a Sheep. 一个年轻的猪同一个山羊和一只绵羊被关在一个围场里。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. "The last time I arrived in my grandmother's village, there was a goat in my lap and some chickens, " he said. “上次我到我奶奶的村庄,我的周围有一只山羊和几只小鸡,”他说。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. when at length a goat came to the place, and, wanting to drink, asked Reynard whether the water was good, and if there was plenty of it. 终于,一只山羊来到这座井旁边。他想喝水,就问狐狸井水好不好喝,够不够喝? word.hcbus.com 7. One morn, a young man leading a goat lost his way due to the thick mist. 清晨,一个牵着山羊的青年因为大雾迷了路。 www.ebigear.com 8. So at the time of his death the brahmana had attained the body of a goat, but by the grace of Lord Govinda he remembered his previous birth. 于是,婆罗们死后便投生为一只山羊,但藉着主哥文达的仁慈,他还记得自己的前世。 www.mykrishna.net 9. An unlucky fox fell into a well. It was quite deep, so he could not get out by himself. . . A goat passed by. 一只倒霉的狐狸掉进了一个很深的大洞,靠他自己是没办法爬出来的。 bbs.24en.com 10. As he was trying to think what to do next, a goat came by, looking for some water. 正当他努力想着接下来该怎么办时,一只山羊走过来找水喝。 www.ebigear.com 1. At the moment, a goat passed and persuaded monkeys not to waste the time, instead, monkeys waved it aside at all. 这时候,一只山羊过来了,好心的劝它们不要浪费时间去捞月亮了,可是猴子们对它的劝说置之不理。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. Let that monster go away and I will soon let you know what is the respective strength of a Goat and a Bull. 等那个怪物走了之后我会很快让你知道一只羊和一头牛在实力上有多大差别。 bbs.enfamily.cn 3. For the goat put up your index and middle finger of each hand to your head as if they were horns and make a goat sound . 用你的中指和食指放在你的头上做山羊角并做山羊的叫声。 www.bing.com 4. "On the Internet nobody knows that you are a dog. Or a goat, " he said. "I could be anyone. " “在网上,没人知道你是一只狗还是一只羊,”他说。“我可以是任何一个人。” cn.nytimes.com 5. They understood him better when he said, "Does a goat become a rabbi because he grows a beard" ? 他说:“山羊因为留了一把胡子就会成为拉比吗?”这时,弟子们恍然大悟。 www.bing.com 6. One bone was a piece of rib from a cow-sized mammal; the other, a leg bone fragment from a mammal the size of a goat. 其中一块化石是块肋骨,来自一头牛般大的哺乳动物,另外一块则是腿部骨头的碎片,来自一头山羊般大的哺乳动物。 www.bing.com 7. At a nearby lakeside pub, moonshine is dispensed and a goat wanders nonchalantly among the drinkers. 在附近的一家湖边酒馆,月光泄地,一只山羊在饮者中漠不关心地闲逛。 www.ftchinese.com 8. that is what a goat did. that is one example. the animals is only the catalyst. that's the beginning of many other things that follow. 这就是一只山羊的价值。这是一个例子。牲畜仅仅是个媒介。这是随后其他很多事情的开端。 www.unsv.com 9. And they've said, and I quote again, any attempt to deny this is as futile as covering the rotting carcass of an elephant with a goat hide. 他们一直强调,任何尝试要掩盖这样事实的举动,都像是拿著羊皮,要遮掩自己枪杀的大象一般的欲盖弥彰。 blog.roodo.com 10. 'But a camel's eyeball is way different from a goat's eyeball, ' he said. 他说,不过骆驼的眼球跟山羊的眼球可差远了。 www.qeto.com 1. A woodland creature depicted as having the pointed ears, legs, and short horns of a goat and a fondness for unrestrained revelry. 萨梯一个被描绘成具有人形却有山羊尖耳、腿和短角的森林之神,性喜无节制地寻欢作乐 zhidao.baidu.com 2. You know what? I'm gonna go try this on and see if I can find a goat. 知道吗?我去试一下这件衣服,然后看看我能不能找到一只羊。 www.kekenet.com 3. SCARLETT: I'm scared to death, and if you had the sense of a goat you'd be scared, too! 斯佳丽:我怕得要死!如果你有山羊那样的触觉,也一样会害怕! vip.book.sina.com.cn 4. Walking back to camp that evening, Gingerich and his team passed a group of village children playing dice with the astragali of a goat. 那天傍晚,在回营地的途中,金格里奇和团队路过一个村庄,孩子们正用山羊踝骨玩骰子游戏。 www.bing.com 5. Fuguo then made a phone call and soon we were being ushered past a goat into a back alley decorated with colourful paper flowers. 富国接着打了个电话,很快我们被领着经过一只山羊,进入一条装饰着鲜艳纸花的后巷。 www.bing.com 6. Brains like that, you could be a Death Eater, son. Haven't I just proved my Patronus is a goat? 这种脑子,可以去当食死徒了,小子。我不是刚证实我的守护神是只山羊吗? okread.net 7. With an external fixer with sensors and instrument, the stress-time curve in the femur section stress of a goat is measured. 采用带传感器骨外固定器及其配套仪器,对成年活体山羊股骨进行骨端面应力变化的动态测量,测得应力-时间曲线。 terms.shengwuquan.com 8. The men sacrificed a goat and a dog, then whipped women with the hides of the animals they had just slain. 男人们要宰杀一只山羊和一条狗,献作牺牲,然后剥下兽皮鞭打女人。 www.bing.com 9. Historians speak of Alexander as "the Great" ; Scripture merely calls him a goat's horn. 历史学家称亚历山大为「大帝」,而圣经不过称他为山羊角。 chinese-goodnews.org 10. Hewas a cold, hairy country monster, with the upper part of a man and the body and legs of a goat. 潘是一头冷酷、浑身长满毛的乡间野兽,上半身为人,下半身为山羊。 www.yingyubo.com 1. I thought that to sacrifice a goat was a necessary offering to my god, which would benefit others, as well as myself in future rebirths. 我认为必须献祭一只山羊给我的神,那将有益于他人与我自己将来的轮回。 george.shi.blog.163.com 2. Then a goat was killed, and she could feel how the goat felt as it was butchered. 然后一只羊被宰杀了,她觉得自己感同身受。 bbs.zgepsa.com 3. Maybe if you brought a goat. You know, Eleanor always goes all-out. 或许你得带只羊去。你知道,Eleanor做事喜欢追求完美。 www.kekenet.com 4. Capricornus or Capricorn, one of the constellations and signs of the zodiac, is represented by a goat. 摩羯座或摩羯宫,星座之一和十二宫图的符号,由一只山羊再现。 dict.kekenet.com 5. It turned out that they did not end up purchasing a goat from Scotland. 结果是他们最终并没有从苏格兰买山羊。 www.bing.com 6. This was a guy who was a goat-herder, but he still achieved. He went to Harvard and had a very respected position in Kenyan society. 他是曾经是个牧羊人,不过他仍然如愿以偿,上了哈佛大学,在肯尼亚社会居于非常受尊敬的位子。 www.bing.com 7. Earlier this month he announced on his personal Facebook account: "I just killed a pig and a goat. " 本月的早些时候,他在自己的facebook账户上称:“我刚刚杀了一头猪和一只羊。” www.bing.com 8. Heidi was running through a field, and Peter ran along beside her, jumping like a goat. 海蒂在田野里跑呀跑呀,彼得一直伴随在她左右,快活得像一只小山羊。 q.163.com 9. We traced it backward, and found in very very ancient time the person was beating up a goat, continously with the right hand. 我们向过去回溯,发现在一个遥远的前世中这个人曾经用右手很很地抽打过一头山羊。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Is there a problem If i add stamps with a goat? 刺猬邮票不够,加一些轮船图案的邮票行吗? home.focus.cn 1. "If a calf can come from a goat, then music can come from a stone, " said the Monkey. “要是山羊能生出小牛,那么石头就能演奏音乐。”猴子说。 www.huayn.com 2. How did animals the size of a goat evolve into the largest creatures on Earth? 山羊般大小的动物是如何进化成地球上最大的生物的? www.bing.com 3. Cupid. Pan The god of woods, fields, and flocks, having a human torso and head with a goat's legs, horns, and ears. 掌管森林、田地和牧群的神,有人的躯干和头,山羊的腿、角和耳朵。罗马神话中为萨图恩 wenku.baidu.com 4. It's like the opposite of the episode in every sitcom where someone has to hide a goat. 这就像一个反面情景喜剧一样,每一个都藏有一只山羊。 www.ibm.com 5. Two years ago, a camel cost little more than a goat, which is nothing. 两年前,骆驼的价格只比山羊高一点点,实在不算什么。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The alpinists climbed among the rocks as nimbly as a goat . 登山运动员们在岩石间攀登敏捷得像山羊。 www.bing.com 7. If the beard were all , a goat might preach. 如果胡子就是一切,那么山羊可传道了 bbs.ebigear.com 8. Horsemen compete for a goat carcass during a game of Buzkashi to celebrate Nowruz in Mazar-i Sharif in northern Afghanistan on March 21. 骑士在一个竞争的游戏,以庆祝Buzkashi马扎里沙里夫我在阿富汗北部马扎里沙里夫03月21日诺鲁齐的山羊尸体。 08062788.blog.163.com 9. 'It would be much easier to raise a goat than a cow. And goat's milk tastes good. ' 养一头山羊比养一头牛更方便,羊奶比牛奶更好喝。 www.zww.cn 10. The death of a goat or a chicken is a major loss for a poor farmer or fisherman. 一头山羊或者一只鸡的死亡对于一个农民或者说渔民来说是一个巨大的损失。 www.bing.com 1. But he also got an idea. He designed a goat milking machine that does not require any electricity or motors. 但是他想到了一个方法,设计了一个山羊挤奶器,不需要电力和马达。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. Don't approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back, or a fool from any side. - Prov. 不要从前面靠近山羊,从后面靠近马匹,或是从任何方向靠近傻瓜。 hi.baidu.com 3. This cook was incredibly resourceful; he could do just about anything from butchering a goat to fixing alarm clocks. 这位厨师几乎无所不能;从宰羊到修理闹钟,他什么都会干。 www.ibm.com 4. And then there's always good old Aberforth Dumbledore, who was prosecuted for practicing "inappropriate charms" on a goat. 然后是老好人阿伯福思,因为对一只山羊滥施魔法而被起诉。 www.hoolee8.com 5. Pretty soon all the local people knew that Xue Qingguan was looking just like a goat. 很快,所有的乡邻都知道了薛庆观长得像山羊。 www.for68.com 6. There was a farmer with a goat. 有一个农民他有一头山羊。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. the other, a leg bone fragment from a mammal the size of a goat. 另一个来自一种长得像山羊的哺乳动物的腿骨碎片。 www.bing.com 8. The original unicorn also resembled a goat, traditionally associated with untamed lust, rather than a horse. 原始的独角兽也类似山羊,故传统上不是和马,而是与不可抑制的性欲联系起来。 www.bing.com 9. And what does a goat have to do with it? 而一只山羊有什么用它做? ccebook.net 10. Somebody like you could end up a goat. 象你这样的人最后可能变成替罪羊。 1. He designed a goat milking machine that does not require any electricity or motors. 他设计了一种为山羊挤奶的机器,不需要电力或马达。 www.bing.com 2. All right, two foie gras, one tartare, two bisque and a goat cheese. 两份鹅肝,一份鞑靼生牛肉,两份浓汤和一份羊奶乳酪。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The only way to exorcise the ghosts is for the girl to marry an animal, typically a goat or dog. 把这些鬼驱赶走的唯一方法就是嫁给一只动物。特别是一只山羊或一只狗。 www.bing.com 4. the mascot in the 25th summer olympic games in barcelona , spain , in 1992 is cobi . it is an animal either like a goat or like a dog. 1992年西班牙巴塞罗那第25届夏季奥运会吉祥物科比,是一只又像山羊又像狗的动物。 www.ichacha.net 5. Any man whosoever of the house of Israel if he kill an ox, or a sheep, or a goat in the camp, or without the camp. 以色列家中任何人,在营内或在营外,宰杀牛或绵羊或山羊。 www.ccreadbible.org 6. Actually, all in all, he looked just like a goat! 实际上,他的样子越来越像一只山羊! dict.bioon.com 7. It's a dangerous game played on horseback with a goat carcass . 这是一种在马背上争夺山羊尸体的危险游戏。 www.bing.com 8. They quickly turn around, just finding a goat moving over so fast and into the bottomless hole! 他们快速转过头去,却发现一只山羊正飞快地向这边冲来,然后掉进了那个深不可测的洞中! www.bing.com 9. He was standing before a goat-skin tent amidst a clump of date palms within a tiny oasis. 他站在一羊皮帐篷中一个小小的绿洲内的椰枣丛。 www.en400.com:8080 10. And some traditional ceremonial events involve the slaughter of a goat or cow. 在一些传统庆祝仪式上会宰杀一只羊或者一头牛。 www.scidev.net 1. Every Masai gets a cow, a lamb, and a goat the day he's born. 每个马赛人在出生的那天都会得到一只母牛、羊羔和山羊。 www.chinaedu.com 2. She loves looking after animals --- she has two dogs, three cats and a goat. 她最喜欢照顾动物---她有两个狗,三只猫和一只山羊。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. After some time, a goat came along and looked curiously over the edge. "What are you doing down there, fox? " He asked. 过了一会儿,山羊走过来,探头在井边上好奇地张望。“狐狸,你在下面干什么?”他问道。 soflash.net 4. I have seen with my own eyes that a goat can stand for hours in a field atop an overturned metal pail. 我曾亲眼看见一只山羊能够几个小时呆在草地上的一个倒扣的金属桶上。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. I didn't know my times tables but I could milk a goat and ride a horse. 我不知道乘法口诀表,但我知道如何给山羊挤奶和骑马。 www.bing.com 6. One day a goat got lost and came to a place where Bord, Brun, and Barg were sitting. 一天,一只迷路的山羊来到伯德、布朗、和巴格的地盘。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Now I don't know if you've ever milked a goat before, but if not, I suggest you find yourself a farm and try it. 我不知道你是否曾挤过山羊奶,如果还没有,那我建议你找个农场去尝试一下。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Even a goat and an ox must keep in step if they are going to plough together. 即使山羊和牛在一起犁地,也得保持步调一致。 hhbird.com 9. A Goat, overcome with thirst, came to the same well, and seeing the Fox, inquired if the water was good. 一头山羊,因受不了口渴,来到了同一口井并看见了狐狸,就询问起井水是否是好的。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. And I would eat them with a goat. 我愿意和山羊一起吃…… blog.sina.com.cn 1. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. 牛黄是从牛的胃里取出来的一种石头,有极强的解毒作用。 blog.163.com 2. Then, unexpectedly, her face brightens a little. "But maybe next year we will buy a goat. " 接着她脸上泛着一些喜悦的光,说:“但是明年,我们有可能能买一头羊。” www.ecocn.org 3. In Wang Bojia, the reporter saw the bronze " monster" 4 are not, like buffalo and a goat. 在王伯家中,记者看到这个青铜“怪物”4不像,像水牛又似山羊。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Q. I have a soft-drink bottle cap with a trivia item printed inside that says that if a sheep and a goat mate, the offspring is a geep. 我有一个内印有琐事条目的软饮料瓶帽,上面写着,如果一只绵羊与一只山羊交配,其后代即是一只山绵羊(吉普羊)。 www.bing.com 5. My first host family, who lives in Cambridge, kept several pets including a goat. 我的第一个寄宿主家是居住在剑桥市,他们豢养了几只宠物,包括山羊。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. So, a cell from a goat and with human DNA? 那就是说,这是一个取自山羊,但拥有人类DNA的细胞? www.kekenet.com 7. Do you know that you stink like a goat? 你知道自己臭得象只山羊吗? 8. Could be a mountain if you're not a goat. 如果不是山羊,可能一座山就行; edba.ncl.edu.tw 9. Because once you've milked a goat, you'll never drink milk or eat cheese the same way again. 因为你一旦挤过奶,你将再也不会像以前那样喝奶或吃乳酪了。 bbs.shangdu.com 10. and you'll get aloft them hills like a goat yourself. 并且你自己还可以像头山羊似地爬到那些小山顶上哩。 www.eduen.cn 1. A goat passed by. He asked the fox what he was doing in the well. 这时一只山羊经过。他问狐狸他正在井里做什么。 bbs.24en.com 2. Anyway, a goat's eyes are like a child's eyes. 不管怎么说,一只羊的眼睛就像一个孩子的眼睛。 www.ted.com 3. See a goat brother callaghan, the Wolf and the fox tricky smiled. 看到山羊哥哥一脸茫然的样子,大灰狼和狐狸诡异的笑了。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Nevertheless, I sent Madame Magloire down a moment later, to carry to the man's bed a goat skin from the Black Forest, which was in my room. 过了一会,我又派马格洛大娘把我房里的那张黑森林麂子皮送到那人的床上。 www.ebigear.com 5. Then they got Joseph's robe, slaughtered a goat and dipped the robe in the blood. 他们宰了一只公山羊,把约瑟的那件彩衣染了血 www.ebigear.com 6. Objective. To evaluate the development of adjacent segment disc degeneration in vivo in a goat lumbar spinal fusion model. 目的:评价山羊腰椎融合模型在体相邻椎间盘退变的发展状况。 adoop.cn 7. Like a goat's milk bath to Cleopatra. 你犹如克利奥帕特拉洗澡时用的羊奶。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Hunting god standing on two dogs, aiming a bow at a goat. 猎神站在两条狗旁,正在用弓瞄准山羊。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. A goat hopped up on one of the carts and then to the roof of the diligence. 一只小羊跳到一辆二轮马车上,然后跳上驿车的蓬顶。 10. There is a cow. A calf, a pig, a goat, a bird and a rabbit. 有一头牛、一头小牛、一头猪、一只山羊和一只鸟,还有一只兔子。 www.childshop.net 1. between a sheep and a goat? 绵羊和山羊有什么不同? www.rr365.com 2. This year, he will have enough grain left to buy a goat or two, and the donkey will help the children make the long trek again to school. 今年,他将收获足够的谷物,可以买一二只山羊,而这头驴将帮助孩子们重新踏上漫漫求学路。 www.ecocn.org 3. I'm gonna go try this on and see if I can find a goat. 我准备试试这件衣服然后看能不能找到一只羊 www.tingclass.net 4. I'd never heard of anyone keeping a goat as a pet. 但我从来没有听说过有人养山羊作为宠物来饲养。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. So the Lord said to him, "Bring me a heifer, a goat and a ram, each three years old, along with a dove and a young pigeon. " 他说:“你为我取一只三年的母牛,一只三年的母山羊,一只三年的公绵羊,一只斑鸠,一只雏鸽。” www.ebigear.com 6. "Stag? " roared the barman. "It's a goat, idiot! " “牡鹿?”酒吧老板吼道,“那是只山羊,白痴!” okread.net 7. You have made me work like a mule and fed me like a goat. 你让我像骡子那样干活儿,却像喂山羊那样喂我。 bbs.tingroom.com 8. A goat and a turtle stepped into an elevator at the same time. 一只山羊和一只海龟同时进入电梯, feed.feedsky.com 9. He heard the bleat of a goat . 他听到一只山羊的咩咩叫声。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. I will not, will not, with a goat. 我不要,不要和山羊一起吃。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. 'If his offering is a goat, he is to present it before the Lord . ‘人的供物若是山羊,必在耶和华面前献上。 www.ebigear.com 2. The sport climbed the mountain like a goat and got the first prize in the match. 翻译那个登山运动员如山羊般敏捷的身手使他在此次登山比赛中荣获冠军。 en.eol.cn 3. In the Hilcok village Hilock township Queshan mounty, there's a goat called "Goat Strong" . 直立行走的“羊坚强”确山县瓦岗乡瓦岗村有头羊叫做“羊坚强”。 www.258en.com 4. A goat has two horns on its head. 山羊的头上有两只角。 www.ebigear.com 5. A goat is a wild animal that is about the size of a sheep. 山羊是一种和绵羊差不多大小的野生动物。 wenwen.soso.com 6. A goat has a tuft of hair on its chin. 山羊下巴上长有一撮胡须。 www.e-l-e.net.cn 7. A goat is different from a sheep. 山羊与绵羊不一样。 lssy.cbe21.com 8. They saw a tiger eating a goat yesterday. 他们昨天看到一只老虎正在吃一只山羊。 wenwen.soso.com 9. "A cow, a goat and six chickens" . “一头牛,一只山羊,还有六只鸡。” www.bing.com 10. sheep hen pig cow What's this ? It's a goat. 羊母鸡猪奶牛这是什么?它是一只羊。 wenku.baidu.com 1. But there is a goat farm operating in Singapore. 可是,新加坡却有一个牧羊场。 www.rsi.sg 2. And there's a goat in it. 在船上贴上一只山羊。 www.njxxyy.com 3. A goat lives in the bigger house. 他们找遍了山羊家的每一个角落。 cet.hjenglish.com 4. A goat has a tuft of hwaterdrop on its chin. 山羊的下巴上长有一撮胡须。 www.ffenglish.com 5. I ran over a goat. 上班路上我碰见了一个色鬼。 big5.cri.cn 6. In the shopping area, there is a goat statue. 在购物区,有一尊山羊雕像。 r-and-k.travellerspoint.com 7. Can you kill a goat by staring into its eyes? 盯着羊眼能使羊毙命吗? www.bing.com 8. Sam I am: Could you, would you, with a goat? 你愿不愿意,要不要和山羊一起吃? www.tzsy.cn 9. We had a lot of pets such as cats, dogs, rabbits, ferrets, birds, snakes, lizards, and even a goat. 我有了很多宠物,例如猫,狗,兔子,白鼬,鸟,蛇,蜥蜴,甚至还有了一只山羊。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. When you sacrifice a goat and rip its heart out, do you summon hellfire? 当你供奉一只羊,并把它的心取出来时你会召唤地狱之火吗? www.engxue.com 1. Sarah: Well, a friend of mine is buying her family a goat this Christmas. 莎拉:恩,我的朋友正打算圣诞买头山羊。 www.ttxyy.com 2. How can a goat have a calf'? 山羊怎么能生小牛呢? www.huayn.com 3. Whether you are lion or a goat, You must sprint for surrival. 无论是狮子,还是羚羊,你都必须奔跑; www.neworiental.org 4. Just now, there is a person holding a goat to the woods around this, and now he can seize. 方才,有一小我私家牵着一只山羊背那片树林里走来,如今借能捉住他。 tuei123.com 5. Kate: No, it isn't. Gao Wei: What's that in English then? Kate: It's a goat. 不,它不是.高慧:那用英语叫什么?Kate:它是一只山羊。 www.bing.com 6. She went to the tailor's Tobuy a coat. . . But when she came back He was riding a goat! 她去裁缝店里买件大衣。但是当她回来时。他正骑着一头山羊! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. GIm a goat. Im hungry. Oh, what are you doing? 羊我是山羊。我饿了。哦,你们在干什么? www.teensexdolls.com 8. Not only is this monkey riding a goat, but the goat is about to walk on a tightrope. 不仅仅猴子骑山羊,而且山羊还要走钢丝呢。 www.bing.com 9. I see a goat chasing a man who is frowning. 我看是一只羊在追一个皱眉头的人。 bbs.open.com.cn 10. A cow can have a calf, but a goat cannot have a calf, so that calf is mine: it is my calf. 一头母牛能生小牛,而山羊不可能生小牛,想必那头小牛是我的,是我的小牛。 www.huayn.com 1. Establishment and significance of a goat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis 绝经后骨质疏松症山羊模型的建立及其意义 service.ilib.cn 2. Quantitative Assessment of New Bone Formation During Distraction Osteogenesis in a Goat Model of Calvarial Defect 颅骨牵张术中新骨骨密度的定量评价 www.ilib.cn 3. Any Israelite who sacrifices an ox, a lamb or a goat in the camp or outside of it 凡是以色列家中的人,宰公牛或是绵羊羔,或是山羊,不拘宰于营内营外, www.ebigear.com 4. Effects of transplantation of autologous MSCs on transport osteodistraction in a goat calvarial defect model MSCs移植促进输送盘骨牵张术修复颅骨缺损的实验研究 www.ilib.com.cn 5. as nimble as a goat 像山羊一样敏捷* blog.hjenglish.com 6. I have a goat and a donkey, and they are all In all to me 我有一头山羊和一头驴,只有它们俩是我最疼爱的。 dict.ebigear.com 7. How to draw a goat 如何画山羊简笔画 blog.sina.com.cn |
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