单词 | stoking |
释义 | stoking是stoke的现在分词
第三人称单数:stokes 现在分词:stoking 过去式:stoked v. stoke up,fuel 例句释义: 给烧火[加煤,添煤],把拨旺,斯托克,沲,生火,连续烧结,生火的 1. This tactic has often been used in Iran to frighten prominent people, without stoking more public anger by detaining them directly. 伊朗经常用这种战略来恐吓杰出人士,不会煽动更多的公众怒火直接扣留他们。 www.bing.com 2. It has come as an act of defiance towards the United States, further stoking regional tensions already high due to its nuclear test in May. 它已经作为一种对美国无视的行为,因为它在五月进行核试验,便进一步引发部分地区高度紧张局势。 bbs.education.163.com 3. The day was stoking up. Some of the public were fanning themselves with newspapers, and there was a constant rustle of crumpled paper. 大厅里越来越热,我看见推事们都拿报纸扇了起来,立刻响起一阵持续的哗啦哗啦的纸声。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. This makes it great for low-intensity activity where oxygen has plenty of time to course round the body, stoking fat-burning processes. 这就导致了脂肪是低强度运动——这时有充足的氧气在身体里循环——的好能量源。 www.bing.com 5. It is possible that its leaders decided that a lower-key affair a few weeks later might avoid stoking the neighbours' suspicions. 可能是中国的领导人认为,航母几周后以低调姿态亮相能避免激起邻国的怀疑。 www.bing.com 6. Though the bank initially cut interest rates from 5. 75% to 5%, it has not reduced them further for fear of stoking inflation. 虽然银行最初将利率从5.75%下调到5%,这仍然没有减少人们对未来剧烈通货膨胀的担忧。 www.ecocn.org 7. The utility model relates to a carbon fiber outer sleeve for a stoking head of a stoking machine. 本实用新型涉及一种用于捣炉机捣头的碳纤维外套。 ip.com 8. No wonder Microsoft is stoking fears that the commission plans to go on an antitrust rampage. 这样看来,微软大肆煽风点火,说欧盟委员会继续反托拉斯运动也就不足为奇了。 www.ecocn.org 9. He was stoking up as if this meal was going to be his last. 他大吃起来,就好像这是他的最后一顿饭。 10. Bush also used images of the Iraqi team in his advertisements, stoking the anger of many players were against U. S occupation. 在竞选中,布什还使用了伊拉克足球队的画面,这样的随便使用也让众多的运动员感到非常愤怒。 2004.sina.com.cn 1. China raised energy prices across the board last night in a major policy shift that risks stoking the country's already high inflation. 中国昨夜上调了能源价格,这是一项重大政策转变,可能加剧国内本已高企的通胀。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The possible sale by France to Russia of up to four Mistral-class assault ships, at up to $750m each, is stoking fear and mistrust. 法国可能向俄罗斯出售四艘西北风级两栖攻击舰(每艘售价高达7.5亿美元)的消息,激起了(这个地区)人们的恐惧和对法国的不信任感。 www.ecocn.org 3. Agreements between regulators and a bank's management and board are not made public to avoid stoking investors' fears. 监管机构与银行管理层和董事会之间签署的协议不会公诸于众,以免引发投资者担忧。 www.ftchinese.com 4. ONE way Sri Lanka's government has bolstered its support among the country's ethnic-Sinhalese majority is by stoking anti-Western feelings. 斯里兰卡政府想要获得占多数的僧伽罗族的支持的一个方法就是激起他们的反对西方的情绪。 ecocn.org 5. Inventories are emptying and will have to be restocked , stoking demand . 库存正在清空,将必须加以补充,这推高了需求。 www.bing.com 6. Find out who has been stoking up the discontents among the public. 查一查是谁在公众中煽动不满情绪。 7. But they are selected poorly and with the specific intent of creating panic, fostering resentment and stoking xenophobia. 但是他们的选择非常差劲地带有一些特定意图,包括制造恐慌,孕育怨恨和煽动排外情绪。 www.bing.com 8. Expansion in neighbouring countries, mainly Germany, is now stoking Polish growth, forecast at around 4% this year and next. 向其邻国的市场扩张,主要是德国,给波兰经济增长加了一把力,预计今年和明年有4%的增长率。 www.bing.com 9. But the long gold rally also is stoking fears of a bubble. 不过,黄金的长期飙升也引发了对泡沫的担心。 c.wsj.com 10. But today Mr Assad sent a different message, offering little in the way of change, but stoking the fear of what might replace him. 但是今天阿萨德发布了一个截然不同的信息,没有提出改革措施,而是对那些尝试取代他的企图进行威逼恐吓。 www.ecocn.org 1. Sure, everyone from former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan to your friends and neighbors played a role in stoking this casino culture. 诚然,从前美联储主席格林斯潘到你的朋友或邻居,每个人都为这赌徒式文化火上浇了油。 www.bing.com 2. And for as long as the economy continues to blaze, it is metallurgical coal imports that will be stoking the furnace. 只要一个经济体继续“燃烧”,就只有冶金煤的进口才可以为熔炉的运作不断添煤生火。 www.bing.com 3. And where is the point in stoking up fear of China if Americans cannot agree on what to do about it? 如果美国不能在如何应对中国崛起的问题上达成一致,那么制造这种恐惧的意义是什么呢? www.bing.com 4. Dmitry Medvedev, the president, said Mr Putin's languagewas "unacceptable" and risked stoking a "clash of civilisations" . 不过俄总统梅德韦杰夫却说普京的话“让人不能接受”,他有点夸张了“文明的冲突”。 www.ecocn.org 5. They have also become more wary of lending to Portugal and Spain, stoking fears of toppled dominoes along the euro-zone's weak perimeter. 市场对于向葡萄牙和西班牙贷款也变得更加谨慎起来,使人更加担心欧元区实力薄弱的非核心国家将成为一连串倒下的多米诺骨牌。 c.wsj.com 6. But what about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the vast "government sponsored enterprises" that were instrumental in stoking the subprime boom? 但房利美(FannieMae)和房地美(FreddieMac)这种规模庞大的“政府支持企业”怎么办?它们帮助带来了次级房贷的繁荣。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Among these is the apparent Chinese stoking of the unresolved territorial disputes that led to the 1962 war. 其中一个明显挑衅就是中国在导致1962年战争的悬而未决的领土争端问题上的火上浇油。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. Stoking India's unfulfilled ambition will only fuel the sense that the UN's most senior body fails to represent the world as it is. 美国助印度实现难酬之志,只能更让人感到联合国的最高机构在世界上的代表性不够。 bbs.ecocn.org 9. And price controls, while effective in the short term, encourage consumption and supply shortages in the medium-term, stoking inflation. 价格控制虽然在短期内有效,但会在中期刺激消费和加剧供应短缺,从而使通胀更严重。 c.wsj.com 10. Stoking the liberal side of this debate is Congress's failure to make progress on health-care reform. 在这次争吵中,由于国会支持自由派,有关医疗机制改革问题的讨论没有取得任何进展。 www.ecocn.org 1. The launch of the device in early May drew a sell-out crowd, quickly stoking a secondary market of highly-organized scalpers. iPad2在今年5月的推出很快销售一空,很快带来了黄牛在二手市场的销售。 kk.dongxi.net 2. The swelling military presence of China and uncertainties surrounding a leadership transition in North Korea are stoking concerns. 中国膨胀的军事存在和围绕朝鲜权力交接的诸多不确定性增加了关于东北亚安全的忧虑。 c.wsj.com 3. The drought's effects have spilled across China's borders, stoking tensions with neighbors and prompting scientific debate. 干旱的影响已经扩散到中国的整个西南边境,引发与邻国的局势紧张,并且引起科学家的争论。 www.bing.com 4. Though the shelling has stopped, any ceasefire remains fragile as long as nationalists in both countries keep stoking the dispute. 炮击虽然停了,但只要两国民族主义者不断火上浇油,那无论什么停火都很脆弱。 www.ecocn.org 5. Surging prices for raw materials have been stoking rising fears of inflation in recent months. 近几月原料价格激增导致通胀担忧日益加剧。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Rising prices for oil and other commodities are stoking inflation pressures, putting the Fed in a difficult position. 油价和其他商品价格上涨引发通膨压力,令美联储处于两难境地。 cn.reuters.com 7. Now technology is cutting costs and stoking competition, eroding the Westerners' advantages. 现在技术的发展降低了成本从而引发竞争,并且削弱了西方媒体的优势。 www.ecocn.org 8. Third, France's overt campaign for a smaller, more exclusive inner core is stoking the fears of Britain and some others. 第三,法国公开要求更小的,更排他的欧盟内层,更是加剧了英国和其他一些国家的担忧。 www.ecocn.org 9. Higher inflation for too long risks creating permanently higher expectations and stoking future booms. 较高的通胀持续时间过长,也可能导致通胀预期持续高启,并加大未来通胀激增的风险。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In turn, the prices China pays for those commodities would rise, thus stoking so-called " imported inflation" , said Guo. 郭说,随之而来的,中国也会为这些产品付高价,至此,产生输入性通货膨胀。 www.showxiu.com 1. Outside parties can play a role in stoking up such struggles (and supplying arms), as Iran has done in Iraq and Syria has done in Lebanon. 外部的宗派往往在这些冲突中扮演了推波助澜的角色,就像伊朗对伊拉克、叙利亚对黎巴嫩所做的。 www.ecocn.org 2. Mathilda: (stoking her stomach) In my stomach. It's all warm. I always had a knot there and now. . . it's gone. 玛蒂尔德:(揉着胃)我的胃,它现在很暖和,以前我总觉得这在打结……现在没了。 tieba.baidu.com 3. The top-notch rating played a key role in stoking the excesses of the credit bubble. 这一最高评级在信贷泡沫的膨胀过程中发挥了关键作用。 www.bing.com 4. Senior Indian officials from India's ruling Congress party accuse Shiv Sena of stoking the rallies for political gain. 印度执政党国大党的高级官员指责湿婆军煽动集会以获取政治利益。 www.hxen.com 5. Worsening economic troubles are stoking fears that societal discontent is growing. 日益糟糕的经济问题导致社会不满的增加,俄国正在为此担心。 www.bing.com 6. Supply worries are stoking up concerns in Nigeria, Africa's largest oil producer, where production has been crippled by unrest. 对非洲最大石油生产国尼日利亚的石油供应的担忧不断增加,尼日利亚的石油生产因动乱而被削弱。 www.ebigear.com 7. Are excessively large reserves stoking domestic inflation? 大量外汇储备是否加速国内通胀呢? blog.ecocn.org 8. The Americans involved said they had no intention of stoking a violent reaction. 参与其中的美国人说他们并不想激起暴力的回应。 www.bing.com 9. Governments' resistance to increasing spending partly has been spurred by fears of stoking inflation. 一些国家之所以不愿增加政府支出,部分原因是担心引发通货膨胀。 blog.163.com 10. It weakens their perceived commitments to price stability, while stoking their own inflation. 这削弱了它们对于物价稳定的既有承诺,同时助长了自身的通胀。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The warning comes as crude oil prices are trading near their record high of $112 a barrel, stoking inflation in many countries. 值此之际,原油价格正接近每桶112美元的创纪录高点,导致许多国家的通胀更加严重。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Yet strong growth in emerging economies is stoking commodity-price inflation. 新兴经济体的强劲增长更是推高了产品价格。 www.ecocn.org 3. It is keeping its distance for fear of dirtying itself by lending to governments and, perhaps, stoking inflation. 它正在保持距离,唯恐向某些国家放贷而让自己搭进去。放贷有可能会刺激通货膨胀。 www.ecocn.org 4. Critics say it could lead to the imposition of punitive tariffs on a vast swath of Chinese imports, stoking a trade war. 批评者表示,这可能会导致对从中国进口的大量产品征收惩罚性关税,从而引发一场贸易战。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In the Middle East, a defiant Iran is stoking the insurgency in Iraq (and possibly also in Afghanistan). 在中东,目中无人的伊朗正在支持伊拉克(可能还有阿富汗)的暴乱分子。 www.ecocn.org 6. Vancouver's soaring prices have gotten attention back in China, stoking fresh interest. 温哥华飙升的房价已经引起了中国国内的注意,并引起了新的兴趣。 chinese.wsj.com 7. But to Israeli military men who run Areas B and C, Mr Fayyad's actions risk stoking another intifada. 但对于控制B区C区的以色列军人来说,法耶兹的举动可能会再次唤起又一轮起义浪潮。 www.ecocn.org 8. Their cheating is harming their own consumers and stoking up protectionism abroad. 他们的欺骗性行为正损害着本国消费者的利益,也激起了国外的保护主义。 www.bing.com 9. It also takes a hard line against any private company suspected of stoking inflation. 中国政府也采取了强硬措施打击任何私有企业助长通货膨胀的可疑行为。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Unsurprisingly, this is stoking a contagious sense of fear. 并不令人意外的是,这正造成恐惧感蔓延。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But most importantly, like stoking a fire, we must constantly add more fuel to keep the fire vigorous. 但最重要的是,就像生火,我们得长时间添加燃料以保持火越烧越旺。 www.bing.com 2. It is essential to sustain demand and return to growth without stoking up another credit bubble. 至关重要的是维持需求,恢复增长,同时避免引发新一轮信贷泡沫。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Their failure to pay sufficient attention to corporate governance and accounting is stoking a confidence crisis. 他们未能对公司治理和会计问题给予足够的重视,由此正引发一场信任危机。 www.ftchinese.com 4. He has been stoking up discontent among the voters. 他一直在投票者中煽动不满情绪。 www.hotdic.com 5. But all the new spending is stoking inflation. 但是,这些新投资加剧了通货膨胀。 hi.baidu.com 6. The girl flirted with other men, stoking her boy friend's jealousy. 这个女孩跟其他男人调情,让她的男友妒火中烧。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. Soaring oil and food prices are stoking inflation. 油价和食品价格飚升使得通胀愈演愈烈。 www.ecocn.org 8. Many are intervening to stop the appreciation trend and some believe this is further stoking global inflation. 很多国家都在进行干预,以阻止升值趋势,一些人认为这会进一步加剧全球通胀。 c.wsj.com 9. But rising exports are stoking a recovery. 不过目前出口似乎正在处于上升态势。 www.ecocn.org 10. The government accepted the plan in principle, once again stoking opposition. 这项计划已经获得港府原则同意,然而这又招致了新一轮的反对。 www.ebigear.com 1. You can see the house eating money if you go down to the cellars and the boiler room and watch Jack Hennessy stoking the boiler with coke. 当你走下地下室锅炉房看杰克用焦炭烧锅炉就会知道它为什么费钱了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. A weak zloty is stoking inflation. 疲软的兹罗提正在煽动通膨。 www.ecocn.org 3. That is stoking journalism training in far-flung places, in many shapes and sizes. 在许多地方都出现了各种形式和规模的新闻培训。 news.koolearn.com 4. They can do this without stoking inflation by allowing the renminbi to rise significantly. 让人民币大幅升值,他们可以做到这一点而并加大通货膨胀的压力。 www.bing.com 5. Here there is only one thing he can do and that is to make houses more expensive by stoking demand. 在这方面他只有一件事情可以做,那就是通过煽动需求让房子变的昂贵。 www.bing.com 6. Consumer prices surged 4. 4% year-on-year in October, a 25-month high, stoking inflation fears. 十月份的消费价格同比上涨4.4%,创25个月以来的新高,引起了通胀恐慌。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. It also hopes that by stoking security fears in South Korea it can drive a wedge between it and its American ally. 它还希望通过制造安全恐慌离间美国和韩国。 www.ecocn.org 8. Limit Cycle About Prey-Predator System with Constant Rate Stoking by Sparse Effect 稀疏效应下具常数投放率的食饵-捕食系统的极限环 service.ilib.cn 9. Rising prices and the falling dollar are stoking bad memories of the 70s for some, 物价上涨和美元贬值勾起了大家对七十年代的痛苦回忆。 bbs.ebigear.com |
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