单词 | slower | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | slower是slow的比较级
比较级:slower 最高级:slowest 第三人称单数:slows 现在分词:slowing 过去式:slowed slower 显示所有例句 速度低not fast
拖延with delay
不聪明not clever
不忙碌not busy
摄影in photography
IDM do a slow burn (informal) 慢慢生起气来to slowly get angry
go slow (on sth) (对某事)热情减退to show less enthusiasm for achieving sth
例句释义: 慢,缓慢的,迟缓的,耗时的,慢的,迟钝的,不活泼的,没趣的,没精神的,放慢,使慢,开慢,减缓,慢慢,缓慢地,慢速地,较慢,更慢的,减慢 1. He said borrowing is important in slower growing economies, since leveraged returns tend to be higher than straight cash deals. 张懿宸表示,在增长速度较慢的经济体中,举债经营很重要,因为借助杠杆的交易往往能比只使用自有资金的交易产生更高回报。 www.bing.com 2. The U. S. economy grew strongly in the last three months of 2009, but new figures show the expansion was a bit slower than first thought. 美国经济2009年最后三个月增长强劲。但是新的数据显示,增长速度稍微低于预期。 www.voa365.com 3. But what makes it an attractive place to live also seems to have a lot to do with its slower pace of life. 不过杭州之所以成为宜居之地,似乎与它较慢的生活节奏大有关系。 english.31931.cn 4. America could still beat any likely enemy, said the general, but its response would be slower and bloodier. 将军说,美国仍然能够打败任何可能的敌人,然而他的反应将更缓慢,而且结果更血腥。 www.ecocn.org 5. "The rise of developing Asia is going to accompany slower world economic growth, " he said. “亚洲发展中国家的崛起将与世界经济增长放缓相伴而行,”他说。 cn.reuters.com 6. The bank said that uncertainty about global outlook remains high and that the global recovery is continuing at a 'slower pace'. 该央行表示,全球经济前景的不确定性依然很高,全球经济目前的复苏步伐依然“缓慢”。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I might be slower than everybody else, but I just ran faster than I've ever run in my whole life! 可能我比其他人都要慢,但,刚刚是我有史以来跑得最快的一次。 www.bing.com 8. How did the third qualifying session work out for you? It looked like you had a slight problem maybe with a slower car on your first run. 第三阶段的排位赛你怎么了?看上去你有些小问题,也许是你第一次跑得时候赛车慢了点。 f1.sports.sohu.com 9. You're no longer there. Time moves slower, and you see yourself as if from outside. 你已经不存在了,时间变得缓慢,你就象站在身体之外看着自己。 post.baidu.com 10. "It used to be booming, and now it's growing at a slower pace, " he said. “需求曾经非常旺盛,现在增长的步调开始放缓。”,他说。 www.bing.com 1. But rapid electrical heating did not seem to affect it in the way that slower oven heating would. 但是通过减慢熔炉加热,快速的电加热看起来没有影响到石墨烯。 www.ecocn.org 2. It's been a slower recovery than expected, but there is nothing else to it. 恢复比预想的要慢的多,但是没有什么其他的可以去做了。 bbs.mcfc2006.com 3. "People talk slower to me, as if I were a ten year old. " - On her character Phoebe Buffay in Friends. 在老友记扮演菲比时丽莎说,如果人们慢慢的和自己说话,让自己感觉像十岁的小孩。 tieba.baidu.com 4. First, in an environment of much slower Chinese economic growth, it would not be surprising if consumption growth rates also declined. 首先,在中国经济增长大幅放缓的环境下,如果消费增速也出现下滑,这不会令人感到意外。 www.ftchinese.com 5. InnoDB tends to be a more complicated storage engine and can be slower than MyISAM for most small applications. InnoDB的趋势会是一个非常复杂的存储引擎,对于一些小的应用,它会比MyISAM还慢。 blog.163.com 6. On balance, the chances are that, over the next few months at least, the Fed will worry more about inflation than about slower growth. 从平衡意义上来说,大概接下来的几个月,增长放缓将被通胀取代成为美联储所最担心的事了。 www.ecocn.org 7. "Things are slower in Europe, but we think it's going to be a real bright spot for us in the next two to three years, " Psaros said. “欧洲进展较缓慢,但我们认为未来两三年这块市场将成为一大亮点,”他指出。 cn.reuters.com 8. Those assumptions are generous, since the cuts in spending, coupled with a strong euro, would probably lead to much slower economic growth. 这两个假设都很乐观,因为缩减支出和欧元坚挺可能会导致经济增速更加放缓。 www.fortunechina.com 9. The opposite effect happens on the other side of the ball, where the air travels slower relative to the centre of the ball. 相反的作用发生在球的另一侧(空气流速较慢)。 www.bing.com 10. Then I was at Feyenoord so they asked me to do it a little slower. 然后我进了飞燕诺,他们让我慢一点。 www.bing.com 1. Personally I'd have liked it a tad slower, as earlier, but i'm probably being over picky there. 个人而言,我就得喜欢一点点低,提前,但我可能有过分挑剔。 bbs.winning11cn.com 2. Mr Neuffer notes that dispute settlement is even slower for high-tech industries, where product lifecycles can be less than a year. 纽佛指出,高科技行业的争端解决时间甚至更长,而其产品的生命周期却可能不到一年。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Secondary server at my house, had the required hardware, but got bogged down in the slower network. 在我家中的服务器,有需要的硬件,但受阻于速度较慢的网络。 www.cnshadowbane.com 4. With just a slight mismatch between prices and incomes, a brief period with a slower increase in prices will improve affordability. 如果房价和收入之间仅有小幅的不匹配,那么短暂的房价上涨速度放慢就能提高居民置业的负担能力。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Slower growth is, in part, a welcome sign that their central banks have taken action, and that those measures are beginning to work. 鉴于这些国家的央行已经采取措施,并且这些措施的效果正在开始显现,经济增长放缓不失为一个好的兆头。 www.ecocn.org 6. The average survival rate ranges from less than a year for the most advanced cancers to about five years for slower growing tumors. 平均的存活范围从大多数癌症晚期的少于一年到扩散缓慢的肿瘤的五年。 bbs.putclub.com 7. And even those who are slower than I am to call out the names or write down the signs cannot escape that the new season is here. 即使不能像我这么快说出他们的名字,或者记录下这些音符的人,也不可能注意不到新的季节来了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The transform is needlessly slower than necessary as well, though a shift-based transform might be out of the question due to patents. 转换是不必要的,比需要的慢,即使因为专利原因不能考虑基于移位的转换。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He would like to see a follow-up study of slower-evolving creatures before he will be won over. 他想在他被证明错误之前先看到接下来的对进化速度比较慢的生物的研究。 www.dxy.cn 10. The fellow villagers said in tears: "She was really a good child, but her response was just a little bit slower. " 乡亲们流着泪说:“娃是个好娃,就是反应慢了点。” blog.sina.com.cn 1. All day long the sound of helicopters filled the air as they ferried up and down the northeast coast. At ground levels progress was slower. 在东北部海岸,直升机的声音一整天在空中回荡,在地面上的进展非常缓慢。 www.tingclass.com 2. Ella: We've only been here two days. Give it a chance. We're here to enjoy a slower pace of life, remember? 我们在这儿只有两天的时间。抓住这个机会吧。我们来这里是要享受一下慢节奏的生活的,你忘了吗? www.bing.com 3. Tony Blair has hinted at a slower retreat, saying British troop numbers may be cut by half within a year. 布莱尔暗示了撤军进程会更慢,他说,在一年之内,英军人数可能会裁减一半。 www.ecocn.org 4. And I. B. M. said late Monday that the pace of its services contracts was slower than it had expected. IBM公司在周一晚些时候发布的财报中表示,该公司服务合同的收入增长步伐慢于自己的预期。 dongxi.net 5. This was more accurate, but there was a problem; as the spring unwound, the hands of the clock moved slower, and the clock lost time. 这种钟更精确,但是存在一个问题,就当发条不紧了的时候,指针运动变慢,也就使指示的时间变慢了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. To see how the pulse can act like a black hole, imagine that it is sent chasing after a slower, weaker pulse. 要想了解脉冲如何扮演黑洞的角色,想像一下它如何追逐一个更慢更弱的脉冲。 www.ecocn.org 7. There is nothing bad about asking someone to repeat or speak slower. It's better to ask than to pretend you understand . 让人们重复或者慢点说没什么不好的,请教比装懂好得多。 www.4apx.com 8. And China is trying to go for a slower, but more sustainable model of growth. 中国试图寻找一种更加缓慢,更加可持续的经济增长模式。 www.voanews.cn 9. But he said the progress had been slower than he expected. 但是他说,进展要慢于预期。 www.jp345.com 10. You can use the Graph Editor to edit the shape of the curve to make the door rise faster, slower, and higher as the ball approaches it. 你能使用图形编辑器编辑曲线形状使当小球逼近门时,门上升更快,更慢和更高。 hi.baidu.com 1. Meanwhile, he added, "spillovers to other countries from slower US growth have so far at least been minimal" . 他同时补充称:“到目前为止,美国经济增长放缓对其它国家的溢出效应,至少一直处于最低限度。” www.ftchinese.com 2. Just how much slower is still up for grabs. 而变多慢那还仍然是待价而沽。 www.bing.com 3. The men's fragrance market has continued to grow despite the global financial crisis, albeit at a slower pace. 即使在全球金融危机下,男人香水市场还是在不断扩大,只不过是扩大速度减慢了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Remember the slower the enemy the better off you are. So set your sights on the next fastest ship and repeat. 记住,敌人越慢,对你越好。因此你应该继续继续打击次快的船,依次类推。 game.ali213.net 5. The operation itself was navigated easily enough, even if some of the side-effects were demeaning and the recovery slower than I had hoped. 虽然一些副作用令我难堪而且恢复速度也没有我期望的快,但手术本身非常顺利。 dongxi.net 6. We were in a massive cloud, and began to descend at a much slower speed. 我们落进了大块的云中,并开始以慢了许多的速度下降。 www.seed.slb.com 7. This verb is always working, but due to the large number of searches, it may be slower than a native e-mail verb implementation. 此谓词会始终工作,但由于搜索数量非常大,它可能比本机电子邮件谓词实现慢。 www.ibm.com 8. "Erosion seems to be slower, " said David Kass, a Mars atmospheric scientist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. “侵蚀的似乎要慢一些,”来自加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳市的美国宇航局喷气推进实验室火星大气科学家DavidKass这样认为。 www.bing.com 9. January is often quiet, and with a slower pace, you would have time to rest up. 1月通常是安静的,慢节奏的,你将有时间休息咯。 www.chinatarot.com 10. I've discovered that slower, more gentle love-making can leave me a little more satisfied as it takes a bit longer to climax. 我发现缓慢一些、多点温柔的做爱方式可以更让我满足,因为到达高潮的时间更长一点。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. If only that outfielder had been a little slower. O'Brien would have made a home run (homer). 假如那外野手再慢一点,欧布里恩打出的球将是(场内)本垒打。 www.1stenglish.com 2. Even so, this did not mean it was inevitable that amputee sprinters would be slower runners. 即便如此,也不意味着截肢短跑运动员就必然是速度较慢的赛跑选手。 www.bing.com 3. Quite frankly, I've never been asked if IBM could make DB2 slower, or more difficult to use, or less available - well, you get the point. 十分坦白地说,从来没人问过我IBM是否可以使DB2更慢一些,或更难于使用,或不那么可用——您应该已经明白了。 www.ibm.com 4. And, if it's farther away from the sun, then it has to go slower so that the area remains proportional to time. 如果当它远离太阳的时候,它的速度会变慢,这样面积就始终和时间成比例变化。 open.163.com 5. The boat was going even slower now, and the engine chugged monotonously beneath them as if it were singing a lullaby. 船是更加走得慢了。轮机声喀嚓——喀嚓——地从下舱里爬上来,像是催眠曲。 www.jukuu.com 6. As the economy grinds away, consumers have continued to trade down -- opting for slower but less expensive shipping options. 当时经济不断碾磨,消费者会持续降低交易——选择慢一些,但较便宜的航运。 www.aitrans.net 7. Do not be concerned with it; under no circumstance should you try to practice the staccato motion that way in slower tempos. 不必在意它,在任何时候你不要设法在慢节奏练习断奏。 www.pianoweb.cn 8. And the biggest consequence of walking on crutches -- as I did for a year and a half -- is that you walk slower. You hurry. 使用拐杖行走的最大弊病-我拄拐一年半-就是行走缓慢。 www.ted.com 9. Sometimes the inventory manager increases his levels of inventory to meet the requirement of a less expensive but slower means of transport. 有时候,库存经理增加库存量以期达到价格低廉,但速度较慢的运输方式的要求。 www.0xue.com 10. It is not that I am getting any slower. But I do not need to race quick strikers, I try to be in the right position all the time. 我没有变慢。我不需要去追赶那些速度型的前锋,我会努力出现在在合适的位置。 www.thefa.cn 1. The results showed men were slower and less accurate after trying to impress the women. The more they fancied them, the worse their score. 结果显示男性们在企图给美女留下深刻印象后,反应速度和准确率都有所降低。所交谈的女性越吸引他们,他们的结果就越糟。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. With stops, the trip from Cincinnati to Cleveland would have been significantly slower by rail than by car. Who would ride such a thing? 加上停靠站点的时间,从辛辛那提到克里夫兰的火车将明显比汽车慢,谁还要坐这玩意儿? www.bing.com 3. This was the result of both faster growth in average labour costs and slower growth in productivity. 这是较快的平均劳动力成本增长和较慢的生产力增长共同作用的结果。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But she was more guarded and slower to trust than Harold was. 不过跟哈罗德相比,她显得更加谨慎,在信任的问题上也更加地迟滞。 www.bing.com 5. Both groups are simulating a large number of model neurons and connections between them. Both models run much, much slower than real time. 两组工作人员都对大批仿制神经元细胞进行模拟并让这些细胞之间互相联系,两个模型都远没达到实时工作。 www.bing.com 6. The operation photograph that this class number occupies is slower than other data type, because this should keep away from, use. 这类数据的操作相比其它数据类型较慢,因此要避开使用。 pjprimer.com 7. It has a dual-core processor with a base processor speed that is quite a bit slower than my single-core desktop. 它有一个具有基本处理器速度的双核处理器,该速度要比我的单核桌面机慢得多。 www.ibm.com 8. Early models were even slower than today's; range was limited and batteries died in less than a year. 早期的一些型号速度比现在的更慢,行程有限,电池寿命还不到一年。 www.bing.com 9. And what if the slower rise in yields reflects something more fundamental, the approach of some sort of biological limit in plants? 而如果收益率增长反映了更多根本的东西怎么办,比如说植物中的某种生物极限呢? www.ecocn.org 10. Each neuron seems to have a "clock speed" on the order of kilohertz, which are a million times slower than gigahertz. 每个神经元的“时钟速度”只是数千赫兹,比千兆赫兹慢了100万倍。 www.bing.com 1. This type of operation is always going to be slower than just doing the same operation directly. 这类操作总是慢于只直接执行相同的操作。 www.ibm.com 2. The more staff assigned to a project, the slower the project often seems to go. 越多的人员被分配到一个项目中,项目的进展往往看起来越慢。 www-128.ibm.com 3. But the results are still strange: B ought to be the same as A, and the fact that it is slower than C is surprising. 但是,结果仍然很奇怪:B应该与A差不多,可是它比C还慢,这很让人吃惊。 www.ibm.com 4. Between 1974 and 1975 , the money supply continued to increase but at a much slower pace than the price level was rising . 在1974和1975之间,钱补给继续增加但是在一个较非常慢的速度超过价格水平正在升起。 www.bing.com 5. The slower the dance was, the fewer the times it could be repeated in a minute. 舞跳得越慢,(在)一分钟内所能重复的次数就越少。 youngchinese.blog.163.com 6. Broader reform of the system could take place in slower time. 这一系统可以在近期推行广泛的改革。 www.ecocn.org 7. Pardon? Could you say it a little slower ? 对不起,你能稍微说得慢一点吗? zhidao.baidu.com 8. That's a bit slower than you're used to when you develop websites, but just keep in mind what you're dealing with and you should be OK. 这比起您习惯的开发网站时的速度要慢一些,但是只要记住您在处理什么,就没有问题。 www.ibm.com 9. In a moderately quick tempo, usually considered to be slightly slower than allegro but faster than andante . Used chiefly as a direction. 以稍快的速度的,通常被认为比快板稍慢,但比行板稍快。主要用作演奏演唱指示。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Also, a curveball is usually a little bit slower than a normal pitch, so it throws the batter's timing off. 此外,曲球的球速也往往比一般球慢一点,让打击者错过击球时机。 www.taipeitimes.com 1. Enterprises and manufacturing companies are moving much slower, but it is just a matter of time. 各公司和制造企业迁移得慢些,但这只是时间问题。 www.bing.com 2. The only difference is one of time: Although electric propulsion is very fuel efficient, it is slower due to power limitations. 唯一不同的就是时间:尽管电力推进器是非常高效燃料,它还是取决于能量的限制。 www.bing.com 3. This higher path reflects a slower pace of economic recovery rather than any let-up in the chancellor's zeal for fiscal austerity. 这根赤字增加的扬线反映了经济复苏步伐放缓,但并不意味着财政大臣热衷于财政紧缩政策。 www.ecocn.org 4. The advance of the Army proved to be slower than planned and the first snow began to appear as early as October. 事实证明先头部队的开进慢于原计划并且第一场雪早在10月就已经降下。 www.tujiwar.com 5. Whereas Groupon apparently wants to launch and expand quickly, Tencent seems to prefer a much slower approach. 尽管Groupon显然希望网站迅速上线并扩大规模,但腾讯看起来更喜欢缓慢地推进策略。 www.fortunechina.com 6. In our tests, the signal strength and connection speed was adequate, but may be a bit slower than your used to. 在我们的测试中,信号强度和连接速度还不错,不过也许会比大家平时使用专门路由器的速度要稍慢。 blog.163.com 7. China and its neighbors have been slower in rolling out the networks necessary to make smartphones, well, smart. 中国及其邻居们在满足智能手机带来的移动网络需求的升级上面,动作稍微缓慢,但无疑是明智的。 www.bing.com 8. Companies ran down inventories at a slower pace, a contributor to growth that should continue for at least two more quarters. 企业库存在以较缓速度减少,至少在未来2个季度,应该仍对经济继续产生刺激作用。 www.bing.com 9. Growth in shipments to the Rest of the World is expected to be slow at a CAGR of 0. 9%, due to a slower influx of capital investment. 受到资本投资流入更慢的影响,其他地区的出货额预计增长缓慢,综合年度增长率仅为0. word.hcbus.com 10. The slower you travel, the easier it will be to work out a mutually beneficial arrangement with a local community or host. 你走的越慢,你就越容易找出可以和当地社会或主人互利互益的方法。 www.bing.com 1. Higher government spending tends to be associated with slower growth, but which is cause and which is effect? 高政府支出,常常与增速放缓相连,但何为因,何为果? www.bing.com 2. Einstein's vision was that space and time are fluid, intertwined, affected by our motion: the faster you move, the slower you age. 然而,在爱因斯坦看来,空间和时间是流动的,相互缠绕的,而且它们还受到运动的影响:你移动的速度越快,就老得越慢。 www.bing.com 3. These filters cut down the light passing through your lens and into your camera which in turn allows you to use a slower shutter speed. 这种滤镜会减少通过镜头进入相机的光线,从而让你能够使用较慢的快门速度。 dongxi.net 4. But Premier Wen has already said he is looking at a somewhat slower pace of growth, for two reasons. 但温家宝已经表示,他希望能降低经济增速,原因有两个。 c.wsj.com 5. Serve it a little slower, please. 请把球发慢一点。 www.1stenglish.com 6. Would you please say it a little slower? 请慢点说好吗? caiabc.com 7. In contrast to that in the city, time seems to go by slower. 与城市生活相比,在乡下的时间似乎过的很慢。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. By thrusting slower at the start it's much easier for you to last longer because you're stimulating yourself less. 缓慢些的动作因为减少了对你自己的刺激,使你更容易持久。 www.bing.com 9. And I said at that point, you need to go slower and you need to go softer or you're going to pull my urostomy bag off. 那时我说,你要慢一下,轻一点,否则你会将我的尿袋盖子拔下来的。 bbs.koolearn.com 10. If the link is slower , the router may not be able to converge, routing updates might become lost, or suboptimal path selection may result. 如果该线路比较慢,路由器可能不会收敛,路由可能会失去更新,或者导致选择次佳的路径。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Practice at this speed for a while, then try slower speeds to make sure that you are completely relaxed and absolutely accurate. 以这种速度练一会,然后尝试放慢速度以保证你能完全放松并且绝对准确的弹奏。 www.popiano.org 2. There has been a slower trickle of "free schools" , entirely new state schools with the same operational freedoms as academies. “自由学校”(见注解2)增长则比较缓慢,全部是新的公立学校,拥有与专科学校一样的运营自由。 www.ecocn.org 3. Plus, any new express trains might have to share those lines with slower freight traffic. 另外,任何新的快线火车可能必须和那些运行速度缓慢的货运火车共享铁路。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. This was a slower pace of life, and travelling long distances was an accepted part of living here. 这里的生活节奏缓慢,长途跋涉已被生活在这里的人们所接受。 www.who.int 5. Sustained release formulations ensure that the drug is released continuously into the body at a slower , but steady rate. 缓释剂是要确保药物不断的,慢慢的,但稳定的速度被释放到身体。 www.cn5135.com 6. "A sharply slower GDP number would have triggered a lot more criticism from interest groups opposed to tight money, " he said. 他表示:“如果GDP增长明显放缓,会招致反对紧缩货币政策的利益集团更多的批评。” www.ftchinese.com 7. And foreign sales are bound to fall again as America stagnates and a two-speed Europe converges on a single, slower pace. 鉴于美国的萧条以及双速欧洲单一且缓慢的步伐,外贸销售势必再次下跌。 www.ecocn.org 8. That may be a slower process than imposing a quota, but it is also likely to be a more meaningful and effective one. 这一过程比硬性规定女性比例漫长,但可能是更高效、更有意义的方法。 www.ecocn.org 9. "Slower energy demand provides an opportunity to move away from coal, " he said. 他说“减缓的能源需求给我们提供机会远离煤炭”。 www.bing.com 10. Wugang, another top steel producer, revealed last Thursday that it had less cash on its balance sheet because of slower customer repayments. 另一家领先炼钢企业武钢(Wugang)上周四表示,由于客户付款较慢,该公司资产负债表上的现金有所减少。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Recovery could be slower than expected if household consumption does not return to a more normal growth trend soon. 如果家庭消费不能很快恢复到更为正常的增长态势的话,复苏可能比预计的还要慢。 www.bing.com 2. In this case, the employees might be very tired and upset; they might work slower or produce lower quality work as a result. 这种情况下,雇员会十分劳累和心烦,结果他们可能会干的更慢或工作质量低下。 bbs.xiaoma.com 3. One of the ways in which administrators can improve performance for slower networks is to use GZIP compression. 管理员可以用来提高较慢网络的性能的一个方法是使用GZIP压缩。 www.ibm.com 4. The lure of a growing middle class in emerging markets, particularly amid slower consumer spending in the U. S. , has been hard to ignore. 新兴市场中产阶级的人数不断增长,特别是在美国消费性支出减缓的情况下,其诱惑难以抵挡。 c.wsj.com 5. It works like this: Light moves slower in water than in air, and the sudden deceleration alters its direction of travel. 折射原理:光在水中的速度比在空气中的速度慢,当光速突然减慢时,将改变光线行走的方向。 dongxi.net 6. While it may have a slower CPU, the Blackberry makes up for it with its office applications. 尽管它可能有一个较慢的中央处理器(CPU),黑莓以其办公室应用程序弥补了这一缺陷。 www.bing.com 7. Domain - neutral code cannot be unloaded , and performance may be slightly slower , particularly when accessing static members . 非特定于域的代码无法卸载,并且性能可能会稍微降低,尤其是在访问静态成员时。 www.bing.com 8. Each day seems to be going faster (I am actually getting slower but it feels like it's passing more swiftly). 一天一天的时间过得越来越快。(事实上我降低了速度,但感觉跑到更快了。) www.bing.com 9. In Europe, it continued to expand, but at a slower rate than earlier. 在欧洲,森林覆盖面积一直在增加,但是增加的速度比过去缓慢。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. If the Arctic is warming faster than might be expected, other parts of the world are warming slower. 如果北极圈的变暖速度比预测快,那么地球其他地方变暖的速度会慢一些。 www.ecocn.org 1. But for places like the U. S. , a slower growing China, hobbled by its fight against inflation, probably doesn't matter that much. 对于美国等地区来说,如果中国经济增长速度因为抗通胀而变慢,或许并没有那么事关重大。 c.wsj.com 2. And it begins beating slower again. Because he closes his eyes and falls back asleep. 现在她的心跳再一次放慢了,因为他闭上眼又睡着了。 www.bing.com 3. 'Any slower and you might as well ride a bicycle, ' she said. 她说,要是低于时速,你最好骑自行车算了。 www.ttxyy.com 4. And that suggests the yuan will appreciate at a slower pace, raising the prospect of renewed trade tensions with the U. S. 而且那表明人民币将以较慢的速度升值,提高了中国与美国再度爆发贸易紧张的机率。(作者DavidJ。 www.stnn.cc 5. "A large generation time is often believed to result in slower mutation rates, " Weir explains. 韦尔解释说:“科学家们通常认为,世代时间的加长会导致变异速度变慢。” huzhangao.blog.163.com 6. With this workout, use landmarks to dictate the length of your faster and slower segments. 在这个方案中你可以用路标标明你快跑的路段和慢跑的路段。 www.bing.com 7. In terms of price, Qi said, Shenyang's home price would rise steadily in general, but the rise would be slower amid the measures. 另外在价格方面,齐锡晶预测,沈阳的房价总体上应该是呈稳中上涨趋势,只不过在房地产宏观调控政策的影响下,涨幅会放缓。 epaper.lnd.com.cn 8. Service has got slower, waiting times longer. An uncontested divorce now takes about half a year, she says. 她说,服务变慢了,排队时间长了,一个无争议的离婚案现在就要花去半年时间。 www.bing.com 9. It should not have been a surprise that some economies would grow faster or slower than predicted. 一些经济体的增长率与预期水平有出入,这不应令人感到奇怪。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Geminids are slower than other shooting stars and are known to make beautiful long arcs across the sky. 双子座流星雨比其它的要慢,并以能在夜空划出美丽的长弧而著名。 ng.trends.com.cn 1. The reason might be related to a slower digestion rate, dietary fiber and the existence of anti-nutritional factors. 其原因可能与其较慢的消化速度、膳食纤维和抗营养因子的存在有关。 www.bing.com 2. Instead it predicts that time slows down in a gravitational field, making clocks run a little slower on Earth's surface than in deep space. 与此相反,相对论预测,时间在引力场作用下要放慢,例如,在地球表面运行的时钟略慢于高度深空。 www.bing.com 3. The slower economic growth since the second quarter was mostly the result of proactive macro regulations, Wen said. 第二季度后经济增速略为放缓,在很大程度上是积极的宏观调控的结果,温总理表示。 www.hxen.com 4. This increase could also be associated with slower development, fewer offspring, and a longer life span. 这种增大也与发育缓慢、后代数量少以及较长的寿命有关。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 5. That way one of those in the microwave domain can be selected to deliver a countable beat, a million times slower. 这样的方法在微波领域能用来减慢光频率一百万倍,使得其变得可测量。 www.yayan123.com 6. 'Decision-making may be a little bit slower, but that's a maturing of our democracy, civil society and politics. ' 决策过程可能会慢一些,但那是我们的民主、公民社会和政治在走向成熟。 cn.wsj.com 7. "If the relationship will ultimately end, it will end at a slower rate. And if it leads to marriage, it will do that more slowly, " he says. 他还说,“如果这种关系最终会结束,也会结束的慢一些;但如果双方选择结婚,这也将会经历更长的时间。” www.bing.com 8. But come on. This is as tiring a defense as you can write up. As the season rolls on, players are getting lazier and slower to rotate. 但是,这样的防守会让队员感到很累的,随着赛季的深入,球员会越来越懒于轮转换位,轮转换位的速度随之也会变慢。 www.kobechina.com.cn 9. Dalian's plans are for a shorter, slower, three-kilometer line along a yet-to-be-determined route in the city's development zone. 大连则计划在这个城市开发区建造一条距离短一些、速度低一些的三公里长的线路,具体的路线目前还没有确定。 ept-cn.com 10. This can be a problem on slower networks because NFS writes can be very expensive. 这在低速网络上将会出现问题,因为NFS写入成本可能会非常昂贵。 www.ibm.com 1. At slower speeds they would have turned into graphite, much to the chagrin of brides-to-be everywhere. 与随处可见的准新娘的懊恼一样,稍微慢一点它们就会变成石墨。 www.ecocn.org 2. And we think one of the big drivers of that is an anticipation of slower growth , not only in the U. S. , but globally . 然而我们认为其中一个重要的原因是增长缓慢的参与,这不仅是美国,而是全球化的。 www.bing.com 3. The tax burden also has increased in the U. S. , but at a much slower rate, rising to 28% for that year. 美国的税负也增加了,不过速度慢得多,到2006年只占到GDP的28%。 www.bing.com 4. Despite the economy's slower pace, industrial production continued to rise. 尽管经济增速放缓,但工业生产继续增长。 dongxi.net 5. Changes to influenza viruses can happen as a result of quick mutations or as the end result of a slower drift in genetic material. 发生在流感病毒上的变化,可能源于某种快速变异,也可能是遗传物质缓慢漂移的最终结果。 www.bing.com 6. If you've ever wondered why your PC is noticeably slower after you have used it for a while, a slow file system is the cause. 如果您曾经考虑过PC机使用一段时间后速度明显变慢的原因,缓慢的文件系统就是祸首。 mymemory.translated.net 7. If progress is to be made, it will have to be at a far slower pace than Global Zero is urging. 如果真有进展,那也是远慢于全球零核催促的步伐。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. It plugs into a 12-volt outlet and then gives you two USB outlets: a "quick charge" and a slower trickle charge plug. 把它插进一个12伏的插座,它上面有2个USB插口:一个“快速充电”口,一个慢速充电口。 www.bing.com 9. It had past a half year or so since I installed my office computer last time. It worked much slower recently. 我的办公室电脑上次安装时间大约是在半年前,最近感觉运行速度慢了很多。 blog.163.com 10. Google executives say they started preparing for slower growth more than a year ago. 谷歌管理人士表示,他们一年多前就开始为增长放缓做准备了。 www.ebigear.com 1. The slower rate of warming in the past decade might be due to a 10 percent drop in stratospheric water. Cause: unknown. 过去十年升温的速度较慢,也许是因为同温层水降低了10%。原因:未知。 www.bing.com 2. The first difference you might notice is the bigger index, which is now twice as long -- without making searches any slower. 你能发现的第一个区别是现在的索引比以前大了,几乎是原来的2倍,但是搜索速度并没有变慢。 www.bing.com 3. Use a local filesystem. Remote filesystems are typically quite a bit slower for indexing. 远程文件系统一般来说都会降低索引速度。 archive.cnblogs.com 4. This would probably be slower than we'd like, but easy to make work. 其速度可能比我们想的要慢点但实现起来很简单。 www.infoq.com 5. In general, this forecast model is only suitable for the testing unit with slower medium temperature change and stable flow velocity. 该模型一般适用于介质温度变化较慢、流速稳定的试验装置。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Quite often, customers running their application in such a complex environment complain about slower response time. 在这种复杂的环境中,运行应用程序的客户常常抱怨响应时间太长。 www.ibm.com 7. I can't stress that enough, and Americans in general tend to be slower off the mark in this regard than managers from other countries. 这一点必须着重强调。相比其他国家的管理人员,美国人通常在这方面要慢半拍。 www.fortunechina.com 8. You'll be a part of the conversations requiring you to temper your intake and eat slower. 成为会话中的一份子要求你少吃点和吃慢点。 www.elanso.com 9. That way, changes to faster-changing data will not force the container to serialize and propagate the slower-changing data as well. 这样,对快速改变的数据的改变也不会迫使容器去序列化并传播慢速改变的数据。 www-128.ibm.com 10. You might have to work up your mileage slower than you want to. 您可能需要比您想象更慢的速度提高您的里程。 bbs.running8.com 1. Many economists see China settling into a path of somewhat slower growth of 8% to 9% by the end of this year. 许多经济学家认为,至今年年底,中国经济增长会略微放缓,至8%至9%的增速。 c.wsj.com 2. Running a query in federated mode is usually slower compared to the same query that accesses only local data because of the network latency. 由于网络的延迟,以联邦模式运行查询一般比只访问本地数据的相同查询要慢一些。 www.ibm.com 3. People early in the past, now, better the conditions slower growth, twenty or thirty people collectively referred to as children. 过去的人早熟,现在么,条件越好成长越慢,二三十岁的人统称小孩。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The closer we got to the turnoff for my grandparents' house, the slower the car went. 当汽车愈加接近爷爷奶奶住宅的岔道时,爸爸就把车子开得愈慢。 www.bing.com 5. I tend to work slower than other craftsmen but make up for it by not having to tear apart and redo as many mistakes. 我试着把工作节奏放得比同行慢一些,但完成后不会由于错误百出需要推倒重来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Slower growing plants may force to adjust your initial views of spending, but will save you money over the long run. 植物生长较慢,可能会迫使您的初步意见,调整支出但是你可以节约资金逾远。 actuafreearticles.com 7. 'We always expected it to be a very slow recovery; we expect it to be slower now, ' Mr. Mackay said. 麦凯说,我们向来预计美国经济的复苏会是非常缓慢的,现在我们预计复苏会更加缓慢。 chinese.wsj.com 8. If your current system is slower than you would like it to be, take a look at boosting its performance. 如果你目前的电脑系统比你预想的要慢,那就去提高它的性能。 www.bing.com 9. It would help if you could try to speak a little slower. 麻烦您说慢点。 wenku.baidu.com 10. It can be easily mixed with resin, and is proposed to be added at the final stages of mixing with a slower mixing speed. 空心玻璃微珠极易与树脂混合,一般建议在较慢的搅拌速度下在混合的最后阶段加入空心玻璃微珠。 www.uupx.com 1. This collection is slower than a normal collection, but such a collection happens very infrequently. 这个收集比正常的收集更慢,但是这类收集很少发生。 www.ibm.com 2. The recovery has certainly gone much slower than I thought. 恢复肯定会比我相像的慢。 www.bing.com 3. Slower growth in China's economy "could limit upside and create downward momentum" in the U. S. stock market, he said. 中国经济成长放缓可能使美国股市“上行受限,并可能创造下滑动能”,他表示。 cn.reuters.com 4. Slower future growth, based on more domestic spending and a smaller trade surplus, would direct China to a more sustainable path. 国内消费增加和外贸盈余的缩小必然会导致未来的增长速度放缓,但这也会将中国带向一条可持续的道路。 www.ecocn.org 5. Many of the slower dances are danced to the lyrics of tragedies. He meant that you turned it into a comedy. 很多较慢的舞蹈都是跟着悲剧的歌词跳。他是说你把它变成了一出喜剧。 talk.oralpractice.com 6. After a while, the bigger man began to tire. His cuts came a little slower, a little lower. 一会儿,大块头开始疲劳了,他的劈砍变的有点迟缓,攻击力也变弱。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Until last month, the rate of decline in exports had been slower than for other big Asian economies. 上个月以前,中国出口跌幅一直小于其它亚洲大型经济体。 www.ftchinese.com 8. While speed-reading may be fine for easy material, slower reading can be much more effective for absorbing complex, challenging works. 快速阅读可能适用于简易读物,而慢读对于较复杂的、具有一定难度的名著更有成效。 shanxi2010.teacher.com.cn 9. In contrast, Titan orbits comparatively far from Saturn, where impact velocities are slower and an atmosphere can survive. 相反的,土卫六是以相对较远的距离环绕土星,此处撞击速度较慢,所以大气得以保留下来。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 10. A working life that stretched out for longer but clipped along at a slower pace might suit most people rather better . 对多数人来说,工作寿命延续更多年、以更为缓慢的步伐不断得到修正,可能会更为妥当。 www.bing.com 1. The longer the economy's expansion goes on, the slower productivity growth is bound to be. 经济扩张持续的时间越长,生产率增长一定也会更慢。 www.ecocn.org 2. Progress in this direction would probably be a little bit slower under Democratic leadership than it was previously. 在民主党的领导下,这一方向的进程可能会比以前慢一点。 www.ftchinese.com 3. And progress reports over the past five years indicate that it has met its goals, even if at a slightly slower rate than planned. 而且过去5年的进展报告表明,它已经达到了其目标,即便比计划得稍慢。 www.scidev.net 4. Depending on your connection speed and processor speed, authoring a site remotely can be slower than authoring one locally. 根据您的连接速度和处理器速度,远程制作站点可能比本地制作慢。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Eighty percent sayenvironmental issues should be prioritized, whether or not it leads to a slower economy. 有8%的巴西人表示无论经济发展放缓与否,环境问题都应该优先解决。 www.bing.com 6. Do you think you could go a little slower? 你看能不能走慢点儿? www.hxen.com 7. "He's still slower than the other chickens on the farm, but he's walking better already, " she said. “它仍然比农场其它的鸡走得要慢,但已经比以前好多了,”她说。 www.bing.com 8. And just as booming credit once underpinned strong domestic spending, so tighter credit will mean slower growth. 只是发展迅速的信贷曾经支撑着强力的国内支出,因此,信贷的进一步紧缩意味着经济增长的放缓。 www.bing.com 9. Thus, housing was excused from the necessity (burden) of theory and art and was free to evolve within the slower norms of convention; i. e. 因此,住宅被从理论和艺术的必然范畴(都会)中排除,而现在则逐渐被从传统规范中解放而得以演进。 www.myoops.org 10. After eating take a slower walk back to the office. This will help you better digest the meal you just ate. 吃完午饭后再慢步返回办公室,这将帮助你更好地消化。 www.elanso.com 1. The slower participant was no longer being pressured by a tower of units waiting for them. 速度较慢的参与者也不再经受等待他的堆成山的物品的压力了。 www.ibm.com 2. Money supply is still expanding at a rate of nearly 30% on-year, while bank lending continues to surge, albeit at a slower pace. 中国的货币供应量仍在以同比将近30%的增速扩张,银行信贷继续上升,只是步伐有所放缓。 c.wsj.com 3. The latter method is slower to set up but faster to run, making it ideal for applications that reflect on a particular class often. 后一种方法设置较慢,但运行更快,因此它对于经常反射特定类的应用程序非常理想。 www.ibm.com 4. As you approach a black hole, the increasing gravitational field makes time tick slower and slower. 因为当你接近一个黑洞时,不断增强的引力场是时间变得越来越慢。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In the short term, the crackdown on the property market is likely to mean China's growth will be slower than it would have been otherwise. 短期内,打压楼市很可能意味着中国的增长将比不出台紧缩政策要慢。 c.wsj.com 6. A streamed image -- especially one viewed at slower modem speeds over the Internet -- is far from television-like. 流式图像(特别是在因特网上用较低的调制解调器速度观看时)远比电视差。 qq163s.cn 7. The U. S. factory sector shrank in April, but at a slower pace, suggesting some stability for manufacturers and the broader economy. 美国4月制造业继续萎缩,但下滑速度放缓,这暗示制造业和整体经济有所走稳。 cn.reuters.com 8. Some people they might have a very fast stroke, other people, they might have a slower, smoother stroke. 有些人击球速度可能会很快,而另外一些人的击球速度可能会慢一些,更流畅一些。 www.s1979.com 9. Profile for the Merge Agent; this profile uses a set of parameters that are better suited to the slower communications link. 配置文件,此配置文件使用一组更适合慢速通信链接的参数。 www.juyy.net 10. Separately, US consumer confidence in June has fallen to its lowest level since August, pointing to slower economic growth this year. 此外,美国6月份的消费者信心指数已跌至去年8月份以来的最低水平,预示着今年美国经济将会放缓。 www.ftchinese.com 1. So it's telling us that the speed of achievement of brain enlargement in primates was a little slower than perhaps we had thought. 也就是说灵长类动物大脑的飞速发展比我们原来推算的要慢一点。 www.kekenet.com 2. An older or slower machine is quite appropriate, as long as the operating system and basic features are the same. 只要操作系统和基本特征是相同的,旧一点慢一点的机器也是很合适的。 www.ibm.com 3. When older generations need to be collected, there is a major collection that is often much slower because it involves all living objects. 当需要对较老的一代进行垃圾收集时,会有一次较大的收集,因为涉及到所有存活对象,所以这次收集通常比较慢。 www.ibm.com 4. As a consequence, although exports are declining, Chinese production capacity is declining at a slower pace than Chinese consumption. 因此,虽然出口在下降,但中国产能的下降速度要低于消费下滑的速度。 www.bing.com 5. This means that roughly one out of five women will see levels doubling at a slower rate and their pregnancies are just fine. 这意味着有五分之一的人翻倍较慢,但是他们的怀孕正常。 www.19lou.com 6. If this proves to be a permanent shift, slower productivity growth bodes ill for inflation and living standards. 如果这被证实为永久性转移,更加缓慢的生产率增长预示着通货膨胀和生活水平的凶兆。 www.ecocn.org 7. That would enable more-efficient generators to take market share, offsetting some of the impact on them from slower growth overall. 这会导致效率更高的发电厂得到更多的市场份额,抵消增长整体趋缓对它们造成的部分冲击。 chinese.wsj.com 8. If the previous generation was intent on modernising Japan at high speed, the next one prefers a slower pace with less consumption. 如果说前面的一代加速了日本的现代化,那么下一代更加欣赏的则是少量消费带来的慢节奏。 dongxi.net 9. But the reality will probably be slower and messier, and it's unlikely to leave anybody completely satisfied. 但是现实可能会更缓慢复杂,不太可能使每一个人都完全满意。 www.bing.com 10. No one could make me do anything faster or slower than I wanted. 没有人能让我比我想要的更快或更慢地做任何事情。 www.bing.com 1. For the most part, I find this slower than using a mouse and keyboard, but it could be of great benefit to people with certain disabilities. 最重要的是,虽然我觉得这比用鼠标和键盘要慢,但是这对有一定残疾的人来说却是一大福音。 www.elanso.com 2. Analysis and planning activities always move at a slower pace, and the team should build gradually at the start of a project. 分析和计划活动总是以较慢的步伐移动,团队应该在项目开始时逐步的将他们建立起来。 www.ibm.com 3. Followed by an analysis of women duo CD of some shortcomings phone: unstable product quality, product updates slower. 随后分析朵唯女性手机的一些不足之处:产品质量不够稳定,产品的更新速度较慢。 www.gupiaochina.com 4. Also, some users may be using a slower machine, on which "autosaving" large documents may take significant time. 而且,有些用户使用的机器可能速度比较慢,在这样的机器上,“自动保存”大型文档可能需要占用很长时间。 www.ibm.com 5. Use of redirected output for large sorts is usually slower than specifying the output file name directly to sort. 做大量排序时使用重定向输出通常比直接指定输出文件名称来排序慢。 www.fan6.net 6. The medium and heavy ships are more robust, slower ships with a larger number of crew aboard. 中型战舰和重型战舰更坚固,速度更慢,但甲板上有更多的船员。 game.ali213.net 7. In part, this reflects slower-than-expected growth in the personal-computer (PC) market, of which HP has a larger share than any other firm. 从一方面说,这一举措反映了惠普享有最大份额的个人电脑市场增长比预期缓慢。 www.ecocn.org 8. However, for the rest of Asia, slower exports out of China could mean less demand for imports into China. 然而,对其他亚洲国家而言,中国出口量的放缓意味着中国对进口需求的进一步减少。 www.bing.com 9. but slower growth and a perception of rising inequality have changed attitudes towards the culture of political impunity. 但是如今经济的缓慢增长和日益强烈的不平等感改变了他们对政治豁免的看法。 www.ecocn.org 10. This sentences the U. S. to another generation of widening inequality and slower human capital development. 这使美国进入了另一个时代,一个更多的不平等和更缓慢的人力资本发展的时代。 www.bing.com 1. That points not to a revival but rather to a slower rate of GDP decline in the present quarter (it could scarcely get worse). 这虽然并不意味着经济复苏,但是至少表明这一季度GDP下滑的速度会慢些(它也很难更糟了)。 www.ecocn.org 2. Relaxation produces better health through deep rhythmic breathing, muscle loosening and a slower heart rate. 放松通过深呼吸、肌肉放松、心跳减慢来促进健康。 wroder.blog.163.com 3. Economic growth has been slower than many, including the Fed, had forecast a year ago. 经济增长比很多人,也包括联储,一年前预期的更缓慢。 www.ecocn.org 4. The restaurant chain's future growth is likely to be slower than before, given that it already commands 6% of China's dining market. 小肥羊目前已占中国餐饮市场6%的份额,将来的发展速度可能要比之前有所放缓。 www.bing.com 5. arbitrary sizes will also work but can load slightly slower and take up a bit more memory. 任意大小的也可以工作但是加载的比较慢并会占用较多的内存。 game.ceeger.com 6. It is anticipated some of the best students will average one problem or more per day for the first two sections (slower after that). 可以预料,一些优秀的学生将会以每天一道甚至更多的速度通过前两节(之后的速度会慢下来)。 apps.hi.baidu.com 7. Housing data has also come in weak, with a sharp fall in mortgage applications and continuing (but slower) declines in house prices. 房产业数据也出现疲软,抵押贷款申请大幅减少,房屋价格继续下跌(但速度减慢)。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Much slower sales growth this year has prompted strong lobbying by the auto industry for a renewal of government incentives. 今年大为减缓的销售增长已经推动汽车工业发起强大游说,要求政府恢复刺激政策。 dongxi.net 9. The report a month ago was that second quarter growth was even slower than sharply revised forecasts, coming in at only 2. 4%. 一个月前的报告显示,第2季度的经济增速甚至比大幅调低的预测值还要慢,仅仅增长了2. www.forbeschina.com 10. The first page load will be significantly slower, as the external file requires an additional HTTP request to be sent to the server. 第一个页面加载时特别慢,因为外部文件需要发送额外的HTTP请求到服务器。 www.ibm.com 1. A time when her mind is at peace and her heart beats slower. 这是一个使她思想平静、心跳放慢的时间。 www.bing.com 2. The so-called blue chip stocks are those that excellent performance, but slower growth in the company's stock. 所谓绩优股是指那些业绩优良,但增长速度较慢的公司的股票。 www.xiami360.com 3. The rsync tool can be an effective way of copying and synchronizing files, especially over slower links. 对于复制和同步文件,尤其是在较慢的连接中,rsync工具可能是一种有效的方法。 www.ibm.com 4. Disks do not make computers better, more powerful, faster, or easier to use. Instead , they make computers weaker, slower, and more complex. 磁盘不会让计算机更好,更强大,更快或者更加容易使用;相反,它使计算机更加脆弱,更慢,而且更为复杂。 www.jukuu.com 5. The existence of slower students has become a problem that must be studied in the teaching work of school education. 后进生的存在,成为学校教育教学工作中一个必须研究的问题。 www.dictall.com 6. They discovered that the farther away from the feeding station was, the slower the dance was. 他们发现喂食点离蜂巢越远,这种舞步就越慢。 www.bing.com 7. Sometimes, the contents of a ROM chip are copied to SRAM or DRAM to allow for shorter access times (as ROM may be slower). 有时,内容的光碟片复制到SRAM或DRAM芯片,以便缩短存取时间(如ROM可能会比较慢)。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Wilshere is better technically than Makelele. He's slower than Makelele but when he receives the ball he is more dangerous than Makelele. 威尔谢尔的技术比马克莱莱更好,速度相对较慢。但是当他接到球的时候,他比马克莱莱更有威胁。 www.bing.com 9. So if the consumption share of GDP grows, it will take many years or much slower GDP growth before this happens to any significant extent. 因此,如果消费占GDP比重真的出现上升,那么中国人也得在多年之后或经历比现在低得多的GDP增速之后才会看到显著的升幅。 www.ftchinese.com 10. This means that the energy is released in a more controlled and slower way, making sultanas an ideal breakfast food. 换言之,能量是在一种比较能控制且缓慢的状态下被释放,这使它很适合早餐食用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. This meant that high-level languages tended to be a good bit slower than assembly or machine language. 这就意味着高级语言要比汇编语言或机器语言慢许多。 hi.baidu.com 2. The technology is still improving but at a slower pace, and productivity trends will soon reflect that. 半导技术还在革新,但速度更缓了,生产率的趋势很快就可以反映出来。 www.ecocn.org 3. Over the last two months, the offshore forward market for the Chinese currency has shown a much slower rate of appreciation. 近两个月来,人民币离岸市场远期汇率所显示的升值速度已大幅放缓。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A. Sometimes they see that the planet pulls the star to one side and makes it move slower. 有时候,他们看到行星把恒星拉到一边,使它运行的慢 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Note: dribble turns, slower start, to be gradually increased after skilled rotation speed, frequency and time limited. 注意:运球转动时,开始时要慢一些,待熟练后可以逐渐提高转动速度,次数和时间不限。 www.xiami360.com 6. Slower leak rates can be obtained with these connections depending on surface finishes, gasket materials, and mechanical condition. 依赖于表面光洁度、衬垫材料和机械状况,用这些接头可以获得更慢的泄露率。 www.jukuu.com 7. Disadvantages: Uses a "virtual machine" to run portable byte-code rather than native machine code, so apps are slower than true compilers . 缺点:使用一个“虚拟机”来运行可移植的字节码而非本地机器码,程序将比真正编译器慢。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Australia's central bank has cut its forecast for growth due to a "slower-than-expected" recovery from floods earlier this year. 澳大利亚央行已调低其经济增长预测,受今年早些时候的洪灾的影响,经济恢复低于预期。 www.bing.com 9. If the fish grow slower, the spray of their tail will be lower down as well to form a beautiful heart-shape. 如果金鱼生长较慢,其尾部的伸展也会较为迟缓,能形成唯美的心形。 img7.zhubajie.com 10. Fund sales have been slower in that period, and banks have been getting used to new regulatory processes. 基金销售在那个时期出现放缓,银行则一直在努力适应新的监管程序。 www.ftchinese.com |
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