单词 | slots | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | slots是slot的复数
复数:slots 现在分词:slotting 过去式:slotted n. slit,hole,opening,niche,space v. position,locate,fit,insert,slip slots 显示所有例句
例句释义: 机会,窄缝,投放,插入,塞进,装入,插槽,老虎机,角子老虎机 1. The difficulty level is all right and thanks to the save and autosave slots, you can keep returning until you defeat that pesky Orc. 游戏难度比较中庸,幸亏有存储和自动存储空间,你可以在打败讨厌的兽族之前不断挑战。 forum.minisoyo.com 2. Pry slots make it easy to remove the cap for bearing installation and maintenance. 撬棍槽可用来方便地将座罩从轴承上拆下,以便安装和维护。 www.kuenglish.info 3. The system consists of a tooth-and-slots board, detection submodules distributed along the track and a central processor. 研制一套由车载齿槽板、沿轨道分布的检测子块及一台上位处理器组成的轨道车辆地面式定位测速系统。 www.dictall.com 4. Instead, the newspaper said, the extra time slots would be filled with programs that "promote harmony, health and mainstream culture. " 并且说多余的时间应该有一些“有助于构建和谐,健康的主流文化” www.bing.com 5. The Slimy Bastards section was like the Harvard of the uninfluential, with not nearly enough slots for all the deserving candidates. 其中“无耻混蛋”部分属于无影响人士中的哈佛,有大批合格的候选人为挤进来而打破头。 www.bing.com 6. Each user is allocated preassigned time slots for transmission irrespective whether the data is ready to send or not. 用户被预先指定了传输的时间片无论他是否有数据要发。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. "It is part of a huge game of musical chairs over the next two years as officials hit retirement age and others move into the empty slots" . “某些官员达到退休年龄,其他人来填补空缺,这是未来两年里将会上演的一场庞大的‘音乐椅’游戏的一部分。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Old computers are like that, the motherboard's memory slots should be too much dust, blown about with an air gun. 老电脑都是那样的,应当是主板的内存槽灰尘太多了,用气枪吹一下。 diannaowenti.5d6d.com 9. the access door along the pair of sides provided with the kidney slots takes the shape of a Z. 检修门沿具有腰形槽的一对边上呈之字形。 ip.com 10. This type is generally used for milling deep slots, since the staggering of teeth provides for greater chip space. 因为摇摆牙提供更加巨大的芯片空间,这个类型为碾碎深槽孔通常使用。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. In front of me was the shelf that had all the little address slots for sorting the mail. 在我面前的是一个大大的架子,上面全部是些写上了地址的小格。 bbs.readnovel.com 2. Self has no classes (you create new objects by cloning other objects), and no variables (only named slots with methods and objects). Self不含类(通过复制其他对象创建新对象)也不含变量(只有带方法和对象的已命名的slot)。 www.ibm.com 3. The aircraft would be made from composites that smoothed the airflow; the design has no slots or flaps. 飞机将采用表面光滑的复合材料制造以减少同气流的摩擦,并且不再附有翼缝和襟翼等结构。 tr.bab.la 4. Since slots are normal member functions with just a little extra spice, they have access rights like ordinary member functions. 因为插槽是略为扩展的普通成员函数,他们拥有普通成员函数的访问权限。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If this option is checked, the camera would have to be connected to one of the USB slots in your computer or USB hub. 若是这个项目开启了,那照相机应该连结到您主机的USB插槽或USB集线器上。 translations.launchpad.net 6. Equipment is also much more basic, involves fewer slots, and is all handled on a 3D paper-doll (like Baldur's Gate II, but in 3D). 装备则更加基本,含有较少的槽位,而且全部在类似BG2的界面中处理,不过当然是3D的。 bbs.ngacn.cc 7. In the protocol, the nodes with packets to send contend to reserve channel resources during access slots of every frame. 有分组发送的节点在每帧的竞争接入时隙中竞争接入。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. KMT lock nuts have slots around the circumference with two diametrically opposed flats on all nuts up to and including size 15 . 尺寸代号小于等于15的KMT锁紧螺母在圆周上都有两个直径方向相对的槽。 www.bing.com 9. Made of insulated copper wire that is inserted into slots and protected by a fiber paper that is sometimes referred to as fish paper. 制成的绝缘铜线是插入插槽和保护的纤维纸,有时称为鱼文件。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Secondly, we learn that sometimes God would use other believers to call us to serve him, to fill the empty slots of ministry. 其次,我们知道:有时候,神使用其他信徒来呼召我们事奉他,来填补事工中的空缺。 www.hcchome.org 1. It had its own file system for storing files, and slots, ports and drives to connect accessories. 它有自己的文件系统来存储文件,还要有插槽、端口以及驱动器去连接外设。 www.bing.com 2. Peripheral component interconnect (PCI) slots in the system can be individually assigned to a logical partition. 可以将系统中的外围设备互连(Peripheralcomponentinterconnect,PCI)插槽单独地分配给一个逻辑分区。 www.ibm.com 3. Happy for a place to be out of the cold, some have the glazed look of pensioners playing slots at Las Vegas. 这些人乐得有一个地方避寒,其中有些人眼神放光,就像在拉斯维加斯玩老虎机的美国退休者。 www.ftchinese.com 4. a table used for gambling; may be equipped with a gameboard and slots for chips. 赌博时使用的桌子;可以装赌台或筹码投币口。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. 1UP: Yeah, that's another thing: I wish the DSi would have had two card slots like the prototype! 恩,那又是另一件事:我曾希望DSi像原型一样有两个卡带插槽! www.bing.com 6. None of that, however, appears to have dampened enthusiasm among STL aspirants , some 200 of whom applied for 57 slots in the first class. 不用说,这对申请STL的200多名有志者来说是泼冷水了。他们将竞争首届的57个名额。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Any new entrant will obtain grandfathering rights over the relevant slots once it has operated a route for a predetermined period. 任何新航空公司一旦在事先确定的时期内运行一条航线,都将获得相关航线的终身运营权。 www.bing.com 8. The lower grooves or grooves often have holes or slots in the bottom of the grooves to permits oil drainage from behind the rings. 下部的环槽在其底部通常有孔洞或狭槽,其作用是为了促成从活塞环后部能够形成排油。 xiaozu.renren.com 9. You can install the applications to understand different ways to create vault slots, and to set and get credentials into vault slots. 您可以安装这些应用程序,从而了解创建保险库槽以及设置凭证并将凭证放入保险库槽中的不同方式。 www.ibm.com 10. The chassis has slots in which blade servers (the actual blades) can be placed to take advantage of the surrounding infrastructure. 这种机壳拥有一些插槽,其中可以放置一些刀片服务器(实际刀片服务器)来利用周围的基础架构。 www.ibm.com 1. At the bottom of the space, the timber lining has a complex series of irregular slots that controls the shorter frequencies. 而在整个空间的底部,木饰面上刻有一系列复杂的不规则槽,来处理短波的声音。 www.360doc.com 2. Time slots for your oral presentations will be selected in the last class and changes will not be allowed. 在最后一堂课时,你将选一个时间讲解你的口头报告,并且不允许改变口头报告时间。 www.myoops.org 3. By using your third advisor, the Master of the Guard, you can expand a kori to hold up to four manufactory slots. 您的第三个顾问——防卫官,可以帮助您扩张你的省份以获得四个工厂空位。 bbs.52pcgame.com 4. The system is not perfect: children from higher-income families enjoy an advantage in competing for the top slots. 这种体制并不完善:高收入家庭的孩子在竞争高职时享有优势。 www.elanso.com 5. But as he watches upperclassmen regularly abuse stimulants as they compete for top college slots, he is not quite sure. 但当看到高年级学生在争夺顶级大学录取通知书的过程中经常服用兴奋剂之后,他现在不那么肯定了。 cn.nytimes.com 6. He said the city's morgues are filling up, with 1, 300 of the 1, 500 slots taken. 他说,莫斯科的太平间非常拥挤,1,500个停尸位中的1,300个已被占满。 www.qeto.com 7. This behavior is admittedly silly for this example, because slots have no side effects and the result is the last slot connect. 对本例来说,该行为确实有点傻,因为这些插槽没有副作用并且结果就是最后的插槽连接。 www.diybl.com 8. Every year, he told us, the town has a lottery to allocate the right to rent one of the scare docking slots. 他告诉我们,每年,镇上有一个彩票活动,中彩的人能享有出租一个稀缺泊位的权利。 blog.163.com 9. They are made of a thin, abrasion-resistant polyamide stretch fabric with individual toe slots that look like your foot. 这鞋是由薄鞋底,防磨尼龙弹力面料鞋面,单独的脚趾套,穿上去,就象是一只猩猩的脚。 www.runbible.cn 10. The radical direction of the air cylinder body is provided with long slots which are symmetrical and communicated. 所述气缸体径向设有对称并相通的长槽。 ip.com 1. For 2009 the price has risen to $3m, but at least ten slots (out of 67) are still looking for a buyer. 2009年广告席位价格已经升至300万美元,但至少10个席位(总共67个)仍在寻找买家。 www.ecocn.org 2. Each data page has up to 255 "slots" that hold the offset into the page where a given row can be found. 每个数据页有最多255个“slot”,它包含给定行在页中的偏移量。 www.ibm.com 3. Cultural default is to fill in the slots by the way of the intended reader retrieving the relevant cultural information in his schema. 文化缺省就是通过作者的意向读者恢复其记忆图示中的相关文化信息,填充缺省空位。 www.boshuo.net 4. She suggests companies like LiveOps where you can sign up for call-center slots done from home that pay up to $20 an hour. 她推荐像Liveopps.com这样的网站,你可以在这样的网站上申请在家里做电话营销的工作,每小时薪水约为15美元。 c.wsj.com 5. The Automat was a cafeteria with its prepared foods behind small glass windows and coin-operated slots. 的自动化是一个餐厅的食物准备后面的小玻璃窗投币式插槽。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Our advertising is off to the side and in a couple of slots across the top. 我们的广告是在边上或者是在最上面的一两个位置上出现。 hi.baidu.com 7. The cold end is formed by cutting two longitudinal slots along the length of the tube. 冷端部沿着管长方向有两个纵向的凹槽。 www.contech-development.com 8. Three of the four slots are reputed to be too violent and dangerous for your mother-in-law. 对于这四道狭缝中的三个来说,您的岳母要穿过去可能会太费力、太危险,它们因此而闻名。 www.ibm.com 9. There were no extra slots or ports, and he would even use special screws so that hobbyists could not open it up and modify it. 没有额外的插槽和端口,他甚至使用特殊的螺钉以至于电脑爱好者无法打开主机进行修改。 dongxi.net 10. A floating mandrel, also known as a French type, floats in slots in the dummy block and aligns itself in the die when extruding. 一个浮动的心轴,也被称为法国的类型,在插槽彩车在虚拟块对齐时,模具本身挤出。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Magnet wires wound in slots in a lamination stack of a dynamoelectric machine are encapsulated, in whole or in par, with plastic. 缠绕于电动发电机的叠片结构的狭槽中的磁线被利用塑料完全地或部分地封装起来。 ip.com 2. For instance, training more oncologists is expected to provide only a modest bump because of a limited number of slots in training programs. 举个例子,好比因为培训计划数量有限的投币口,培养出更多的肿瘤专家预计只能有一个微弱的产出。 www.med66.com 3. We hire for the long term, not to fill some number of production slots. 我们将长期雇佣,而不是为了短期任务。 www.douban.com 4. The coil is formed to the proper size so that the complete coil can be inserted into the stator slots at the time the stator is wound. 在制作定子绕组时,线圈被做成适当的尺寸,以便将整个线圈置于定子槽中。 www.docin.com 5. in claim 1, wherein the at least one hinge fitting includes a plurality of shear pin slots configured to receive corresponding shear pins. 该装置所规定的索赔1,其中至少有一个铰链配件包括一个多元化的剪切针插槽配置得到相应的剪切销。 www.showxiu.com 6. The character got 27 inventory slots which seem to be enough. 角色身上有27个空栏位看上去足够多了。 www.1t1t.com 7. The effects of the number, length and width of the slots on the thermal deformation of a circular sawblade were investigated in this paper. 本文研究了圆锯片径向槽的数量、长度、宽度对圆锯片热变形的影响。 www.chemyq.com 8. These "radios" funnel much of the money from slots and tables to fund purses and subsidise breeders. 这些赌马场从老虎机和牌桌上得到许多用来补充资金和补贴饲养者的钱。 www.ecocn.org 9. and the rest of the divided time slots are used for carrying data of other service types. 使用划分的时隙中剩余的时隙,承载其他业务类型的数据。 ip.com 10. In contrast, the Asian emerging markets generally look the safest, taking all six slots at the bottom of the table. 相比之下,亚洲的新兴市场大体上看起来是最安全的,占据了列表底部的六个席位。 www.ecocn.org 1. Instead of moving a physical surface, fluidic controls divert the airflow over a wing by blowing compressed air out of narrow slots. 与通过物理表面进行移动的方式不到,流体控制通过一个细小的狭槽吹出压缩空气,来改变通过翼面的气流。 www.bing.com 2. A storage magazine for data cartridges includes a plurality of storage slots located side-by-side and potentially above one another. 一种数据盒贮放仓,包括多个并排、也可上下设置的贮放槽。 www.hgpf114.com 3. The slots on the stator core are skewed slots forming certain angles with an axial line of the stator, and the slots are semi-closed slots. 所述定子铁心上的槽为与定子的轴线成一定角度的斜槽,并且所述槽为半闭口槽。 ip.com 4. Exactly what the new-style class _slots_ attribute is supposed to be used for is nowhere made clear. 新式类_slots_属性的具体用途并不十分明了。 www.ibm.com 5. Data slots can be allocated by a name or by an index number. 数据槽可根据名称或根据索引号来分配。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Adviser, Paul Sweeney, warned that Aer Lingus will eventually lose its landing slots at Heathrow Airport if the company is privatised. 爱尔兰工会的经济分析家保罗。瑞尼警告说,如果爱尔兰航空私有化的话,其最终将丢掉其在英国伦敦希思罗机场的降落权。 dict.ebigear.com 7. A heat dissipation slot is arranged between the two lamp feet of the base, and two symmetrical positioning slots are provided on the base. 底座的两个灯脚之间设有一条散热槽,且底座设有两条相对称的定位槽。 ip.com 8. It comes to force changes in the law of the curve to changing the number of slots and the angle of cutting edge. 通过改变滚梯刀的槽数和前角,得出作用力曲线的变化规律。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The expanded air sac presents a microspheric squash shape, and the surface is provided with slots which are arranged in order. 膨胀后的气囊呈球型南瓜状,表面有规则排列的沟槽。 ip.com 10. A breathing method was set up to solve the problem of temperature stress in large volume concrete constructions without slots. 针对不设缝大体积混凝土结构的温度应力问题,提出了一种“可呼吸”的解决方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. By running the command, we are able to locate all network interface cards reside at different slots of the server. 运行该命令,我们即可找到位于这台服务器不同插槽上的所有网卡。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. But cantering into that good night as an appendage to a slots parlour seems a sad fate for the sport of kings. 但是跑马已成为营业室老虎机的附属,对于这项“帝王的运动”来讲,命运很可悲。 www.ecocn.org 3. It's meant that, when one player is out, someone else slots in and no-one really notices the difference. 这就意味着一旦有一名球员离开,其他人补上,没有一个人是不可替代的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. To protect the "air Express, " the efficiency of the construction of the far yellow airport terminal slots, for "Air Express" use. 为保障“空中快线”的效率,黄花机场修建了远机位航站楼,专供“航空快线”使用。 www.ecocn.org 5. By 1931 Frank Costello, a mobster in New York, raked in $25m a year from his 25, 000 slots. 1931年,纽约匪首弗兰克·科斯特洛(FrankCostello)一年就能从他掌握的25000台老虎机中获利250万美元。 www.bing.com 6. Centers of holes & slots in left side frame to be in line with the center and slots of the right side frame within . 015. 左侧框架孔和槽的中心必须和右侧框架孔和槽的中心成直线,误差不超过0. www.jxcad.com.cn 7. Used for various aluminum profile slots and holes processing. 该机可用于铝型材各种形状孔、槽的加工。 jnlide.china.b2b.cn 8. But this method occupies the special sub-carriers or time slots and then reduces the system spectrum efficiency and data transmission rate. 但该方法占用专门的子载波或时隙,降低了系统的频谱利用率和信息传输速率。 www.fabiao.net 9. Book The act of reserving a slot or set of slots on a schedule for a service or resource. 预约对某些服务或资源做一个或多个时段保留或约定的动作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Managed thread local storage provides dynamic data slots that are unique to a thread and application-domain combination. 托管线程本地存储区提供了某一线程和应用程序域组合所独有的动态数据槽。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Airlines want more capacity at Heathrow: scarce take-off and landing slots have recently changed hands for up to £ 30m ($48m) apiece. 航空公司都希望在希思罗得到更多的容纳能力:稀缺的起降时段在近期的转手费用更是涨到了每个3000万英镑,约合4800万美元。 www.ecocn.org 2. Parameters occupy different numbers of frame slots depending on the size of the parameter value compared to the standard word size . 不同的参数占用不同数量的堆栈结构位置,这取决于参数值类型的大小与标准字大小的比较。 www.bing.com 3. Additional components can be coupled to a motherboard through its expansion slots. 额外的元件可以通过其扩展槽连接到主板上。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Previous PHS systems required one of four slots to be used as a control channel. 以前的PHS系统需要4个时隙之一,以用作控制信道。 www.docin.com 5. When Oscar time rolls who will we see featured in those five coveted best actor slots? Here are a few guesses. 当奥斯卡的步伐在接近,谁又是让人垂涎的最佳演员的大热门呢?下面为我的一些猜想。 xianguo.com 6. This paper mainly focuses on the antenna radiation characteristics of slots in the broad wall of a rectangular waveguide. 本文重点对波导宽边缝隙天线的辐射特性进行了分析和研究。 www.boshuo.net 7. Be sure that you do not remove metal when cleaning ring grooves or oil slots. 清洁活塞环槽或油环开缝,绝对不能损伤金属部分。 www.tdict.com 8. Increasing the collection capacity involves allocating additional collection slots, which incurs both performance and memory overhead. 增加集合容量包括配置额外的集合位置,这会引起效能及记忆体额外负荷。 technet.microsoft.com 9. And by adopting the way of two H-slots arranged in a "T" configuration, the isolation is improved. 而隔离度的改善则是采用了两个H形缝隙排列成“T”型结构。 www.fabiao.net 10. A first branch 127 of the push bus 125 may take up to 96 time slots, where each time slot is reserved for one of the thermal sensors 120. 推入总线125的第一分支127可以占据96个时隙,其中每个时隙都为热传感器120之一所保留。 www.pat365.com 1. BC: My little girl! Low on hit points and with no more spell slots today, pumpkin? 我的小女儿!生命值很低,而且今天也没有法术位了,是吗,宝贝? www.anetcity.com 2. The circulatory system must be installed in expansion slots and storage tank to ensure the operation of safe operation. 循环系统中必须安装膨胀槽和贮油槽,确保操作安全运行。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Video capture cards are a class of video capture devices designed to plug directly into expansion slots in personal computers and servers. 视频捕捉视频采集卡的视频采集,旨在插入个人电脑和服务器的扩展槽直接设备类。 baike.soso.com 4. If none of the slots is suitable, the sender can send an IM requesting an earlier or longer slot. 如果没有一个时间有空,发送器会发送一个即时通讯请求,在提前或延后的一个时间段里。 www.elanso.com 5. Foreign residents are vying for eight slots to carry the Olympic torch on Chinese soil in the traditional relay prior to the Games. 在华外国人正在争夺中国境内奥运火炬手的8个名额,火炬接力是奥运会前进行的一项传统活动。 www.kekenet.com 6. A week before, she put fliers into our mail slots. 大扫除的前一个星期,她又把通知投进我们每一家的信箱。 aa328269454.blog.163.com 7. All the advertising slots for the 2008 Super Bowl had been sold by the end of November 2007, despite the $2. 6m price of each. 2008超级杯所有的广告席位已于2007年11月之前售罄,尽管每个席位价格达260万美元。 www.ecocn.org 8. Next to it is a mahogany block with a round edge to smooth the inner surface of the string slots. 紧靠它的是一个圆边的桃花心木木块用做打光弦槽的里面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. place up to two slices of bread, muffins, or bagels into bread slots. 将2片面包,松饼,或硬面包圈插入面包槽。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The redesigned system offers more storage and convenience with illuminated slots to make it easier to find the proper keys. 重新设计的系统提供更多的存贮空间和便利条件,还带有发光槽使其更容易找到正确的钥匙。 www.21csp.com.cn 1. The insulating body comprises a base part and a plurality of conducting slots arranged in the base part. 绝缘本体包括基部及设于其内的若干通槽。 ip.com 2. This chamber contains a slightly eccentric cylinder which can be rotated to make either the upper or the lower slots bigger. 该腔室有一个很纤细的偏心气缸,它可以旋转以使唤得下部或者上部狭槽的气流更强。 www.bing.com 3. Each stream contains messages that occupy the resources in a periodically repeating selection of time-slots. 每一个流都包含了消息,这些消息在周期性重复选择的时隙中占用了资源。 www.hgpf114.com 4. Into the slots vacated by Poland and Belarus should come the western and central parts of Ukraine. 波兰和白俄罗斯空出来的地方将由乌克兰的中、西部分填补。 www.ecocn.org 5. Filing the thought under all three slots would be highly inefficient, although possible. 尽管可以将一个想法插入到三个记忆槽里,但其效率则非常低。 www.bing.com 6. The small value of glass breakage diameter and high material removal rates can be obtained by using diamond tool with small slots. 在电镀金刚石工具端部开槽,可获得小的玻璃崩边直径和高的材料去除率。 www.chemyq.com 7. Interior with full length currency compartment, checkbook compartment, credit card slots and identification window. 内政部与全长货币车厢,车厢支票簿,信用卡插槽和识别窗口。 www.freemerce.com 8. And many airports are inefficiently priced, with established airlines claiming "grandfather" rights over scarce take-off and landing slots. 而且许多机场定价不善,老牌的航空公司声称对稀缺的起飞和着陆配位享有“祖父”权利。 www.ecocn.org 9. Thus the insulating paper is inserted into the slots of an armature preciously and efficiently . 保证将绝缘纸准确而快速地插入线槽内。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Oil ring slots, or holes, must be clean; a drill of the proper size is handy for this job. 油环开缝或孔隙必须清理干净,用适当尺寸的钻机进行这项工作较为便利。 www.showxiu.com 1. Note that signals can also carry any data to the slots they are connected to, even though we don't show examples of that here. 信号也可以将任何数据传送到它们所连接的插槽,尽管在这里我们没有显示这样的示例。 www.ibm.com 2. So far, about half of the research slots are claimed for the first year. 到目前为止,第一年大约一半的研究资源已经分配了。 www.ibm.com 3. A wellbore tubular in which slots or holes have been made before the string is assembled and run into the wellbore. 在管柱被安装和下入井筒以前已经带缝或孔的井筒管子。 www.infopetro.com.cn 4. Multipurpose vernier depth gages are suitable for measuring depth , steps , T-slots , internal dimension and external dimension. 多用深度游标卡尺,可用于深度、台阶、T型槽及内外尺寸的测量。 www.showxiu.com 5. Paisley print interior with full length currency compartment, zip compartment, credit card slots and identification window. 佩斯利全长货币隔层,拉链隔间,信用卡插槽和识别窗口打印室内。 www.freemerce.com 6. Julia: Considering it was a cleric that did all the real work, you can bite my spell slots, meat shield. 考虑到实事全是个牧师干的,有本事你把我的法术位吃了啊,肉盾。 ellesime.anetcity.com 7. Cupronickel scabbard, fragmentary hilt, double blood slots on blade, of two hanging styles. 此鞘为白铜,刀柄残缺,刀刃双血槽,有两种挂式。 www.biodic.cn 8. Here, Israel, Switzerland and the United States occupy the top three slots. 以色列、瑞士和美国占据了前三名的位置。 www.scidev.net 9. High quality abrasive polishing stones designed for: Cutting Sear Angles, Truing Hammer Hooks, Dressing Trigger Ways and Cleaning Slots. 高品质的研磨抛光宝石设计:切削瘢痕角,锤钩修整,修整触发方式和清洗槽。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Much of the jockeying for appointments to top jobs is already underway, especially for key slots in the Politburo. 现在围绕着高层职位的争夺工作已经开始了,尤其是政治局的关键席位。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In Slots and Video poker, just press the 'Cash out' button to remove your coins from the machine back to your balance. 在电子扑克和角子老虎机,按「提出现金」从机器去除您的硬币回到您的帐户余额。 www.kuenglish.info 2. That way, if the ideal slot is full, the map implementation looks in the next few slots to find an open slot. 如果目标位置已经被占用,映射实现就查看附近的几个位置找到一个没有使用的位置。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Public folder replication will run during the time slots that you specify. 公用文件夹复制将在指定的时间空档期间运行。 technet.microsoft.com 4. The second branch 135 of the push bus 125 may take up to 96 time slots. , where each time slot is reserved for one of the EMON counters. 推入总线125的第二分支135可以占据96个时隙,其中每个时隙都为EMON计数器之一所保留。 www.pat365.com 5. Low on hit points and with no more spell slots today, pumpkin? 生命值很低,而且没有本日法术了,是吗,宝贝? www.anetcity.com 6. In most instances, it is the size of the perforations (usually holes and slots) that determine the minimum size of debris will be removed. 大多数情况下,筛板的孔隙(通常为孔或条孔)衡量将被除去的杂质的尺寸。 maxyeah.com.cn 7. Xi and Li remaining. It could also be whittled down to seven members, leaving five open slots. 虽然委员会可能会减为七名成员,但这意味着还有五个空缺需要填补。 www.acsf.cn 8. Roomy interior with six credit card slots, three billfolds, two checkbook compartments. One middle zippered coin compartment. 宽敞的内部有六个信用卡插槽,三个皮夹格子,两个支票存放格。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Featuring hands free opening slots for freedom of hand movement vital for opening car doors or pressing the button at the pelican crossing. 配备手的手行动自由开放在车门或按下按钮鹈鹕过境自由开放的重要时段。 bbs.canjiren.net 10. The data slots are unique per thread or context; their values are not shared between the thread or context objects. 对于每个线程或上下文,数据槽都是唯一的;它们的值在线程或上下文对象之间不共享。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Multiple Character slots, new Achievements, more Leaderboards, dodge button size slider, and audio volume controls! 多角色存档槽,新成就,更多的排行,调整躲闪按钮滑块大小,音量控制! www.baike.com 2. To improve the efficiency further, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to reduce the number of time slots. 为了进一步提高连续建模近似求解问题的效率,提出启发式算法用于减少时间槽数目。 journal.ecust.edu.cn 3. The new runway will create an additional 110, 000 landing slots a year, 60, 000 of which will be used for international flights. 新建飞机跑道一年将新设11万个停机位,其中6万个停机位用于国际航班。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Similarly, the. NET Framework provides two mechanisms for using context local storage: context-relative static fields and data slots. 同样,.NETFramework提供了两个使用上下文本地存储区的机制:上下文相关的静态字段和数据槽。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. You may sign up for up 3 consecutive slots at a time . 是否译为,你可以填表要求3个连续的时间段。 www.bing.com 6. Traditionally, the environment and energy slots have not been the highest-profile positions in the President's Cabinet. 从传统来看,环保和能源的职位在总统内阁中没有引人注目的地位。 www.bing.com 7. Currently the asphalt concrete pavement pit slots and crack are patched by heating asphalt mixtures mostly and needs higher temperature. 目前对沥青混凝土路面坑槽、裂缝等病害的修补多采用热拌沥青混合料的形式,温度要求较高。 www.dictall.com 8. The trade-offs between using these two mechanisms are similar to the tradeoffs between using thread-relative static fields and data slots. 使用这两种机制之间的折衷方案类似于使用线程相关的静态字段与使用数据槽之间的折衷方案。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. the pass whose symmetrical line and rolling line are concurrent, the slots on two rolls are distributed symmetrically to the rolling line. 对称线与轧制线重合的孔型,在两轧辊上的轧槽相对于轧制线对称分布。 ip.com 10. Magneto Bearing is similar in its construction to the deep-groove ball bearing without filling slots. 磁轴承是在构造上类似的无装配槽的深沟球轴承。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. When the third element is removed from the above List, the other items "behind" it slide up to fill the empty slots. 当第三个元素从上面的List中被移除时,其“后面”的各项会上升填补空位。 www.ibm.com 2. Business card printing and membership card making so not only will not be Wick, after monochamus household pipeline girth return slots. 制卡和会员卡制作因此不但不会被吸走,更可经过管道环返回日用墨槽。 www.bing.com 3. This example shows more returning of values from slots to the signal invocation. This time, custom combines are defined and used. 本例进一步显示了从插槽向信号调用返回值。这次,定义并使用了自定义合并器。 boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 4. By default, slots are called in first-in first-out (FIFO) order, so the output of this program will be as expected. 默认情况下,插槽以先进先出(FIFO)的次序被调用,因此该程序的输出应该是。 qa.alibaba.com 5. a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities. 能够插入计算机突出的侠槽的以增加计算机容量的一种印刷电路。 www.1stenglish.com 6. They warned the airlines could be forced to give up valuable take-off and landing slots, according to documents seen by the Financial Times. 英国《金融时报》看到的文件显示,欧洲监管机构警告称,上述航空公司可能会被迫放弃有价值的起飞和着落配置权。 www.ftchinese.com 7. This digital photo frame offers a very friendly user interface, and built-in memory card and USB slots to satisfy all needs. 值得一提的是,这款数码照片相框提供了操作简明的用户界面,内置的记忆卡和usb接口可以满足您的各类需求。 www.elanso.com 8. Schedule time slots throughout the week for when you'll be working on this goal, and do this weekly. 对一周为这件事安排实现这一目标的时间,然后去履行。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. It may be feasible to strengthen the timber beams by inserting steel plates into slots. 用钢板插入来加强木料和横木的方法是可行的。 www.nciku.com 10. Square files are used to enlarge square and rectangular openings , filings, slots, keyways and other similar purposes. 主要是为了扩大方形和长方形、锉削、槽孔、键槽和其他相似的用途。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Instead of displaying all of the time slots in a grid, the Summarize view displays a summary list of Calendar entries. Summarize视图显示的是Calendar条目的总列表,而不是在一个网格中显示所有的时隙(timeslots)。 www.ibm.com 2. Then comes the delicate phase of inserting into designated slots in a cardboard holder for storage. 最后仔细地插入存放在柜里特定的插槽中,储存待用。 www.iwatch365.net 3. To broach points crumbs slot with design, calculation, slot width chip runs the number of slots crumbs. 再对拉刀分屑槽进行设计,分别用公式计算出分屑槽宽、分屑槽的个数。 wenwen.soso.com 4. All classes that inherit from QObject or one of its subclasses (e. g. QWidget) can contain signals and slots. 所有从Qobject或者它的一个子类(比如:QWidget)继承的类都包含信号与插槽。 www.mscto.com 5. A bus driver for a Plug and Play bus has the ability to enumerate its bus by scanning all possible slots at start-up time. 对于即插即用总线的一个总线驱动有能力在启动的时候通过扫描所有可能的端口来列举它的总线。 dict.bioon.com 6. 'Every year, all the big studios in the world are fighting for these slots, which means films like Avatar and Harry Potter dominate . 每年世界各地的影视公司都在争取这些名额,大多都是像《阿凡达》和《哈利波特》这样的大片。 www.24en.com 7. He wanted to include eight slots on the Apple II for users to insert whatever smaller circuit boards and peripherals they might want. 他想为苹果二代机(AppleII)添置八个插槽,以方便用户嵌入他们可能需要的小型电路板和外设。 dongxi.net 8. Wires in rows are arranged and positioned on the top openings of the separation slots. 成排导线安置定位于隔槽的顶开口。 ip.com 9. Guide pins are inserted through the guide slots to slide along the guide slots. 插入并穿过所述引导槽并沿着引导槽滑动的导引销; ip.com 10. The clip has good precision, targeted mainly slots for the connecting rod parts milling machining process. 该夹具有良好的加工精度,针对性强,主要用于连杆零件铣槽工序的加工。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Offering slots for free is akin to an airline giving away spare seats for nothing in the hope of making something from meals and fees. 提供免费服务如同航空公司免费派送剩余的机票,以希望赚些餐饮、服务费。 www.bing.com 2. In particular embodiments, the longitudinal ends of the blades are received in slots in the first and second plastic blocks. 某几型产品中,刀片的纵向末端收藏于第一、二根塑料块的凹槽内。 www.zftrans.com 3. Use a local table to accumulate files and subdirectories in separate slots, then process both categories accordingly. 使用一个本地表在单独的slot中存放文件和子目录,然后相应地处理两个类别。 www.ibm.com 4. By etching two U-shaped slots in a rectangular patch, the triple-band character can he obtained easily. 通过在矩形贴片上开双U形槽,非常容易获得三频特性,而且可以很方便地实现对三个谐振频率的单独调节。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The administrator attempts to schedule job processes at incremental time slots based on expected duration of each job execution. 管理员要根据每个作业预期的执行时间,确定调度作业处理的时间间隔。 www.ibm.com 6. Milling machines cut flat surfaces, grooves, shoulders, inclined surfaces, dovetails, and T-slots. 铣床可以切割平面、凹槽、台肩、斜面、楔形和T形槽。 www.showxiu.com 7. Joan: They keep five slots open for women, one unofficially for a Wellesley girl. 他们给女性留了五个名额,其中之一已然非正式的声明是留给韦尔斯利学院的女生。 www.kekenet.com 8. The internal hanging well slots overcome the problems of limited platform space and application of well stimulation. 内挂井槽解决了海上平台空间、平台资源有限与实施挖潜的矛盾; www.ceps.com.tw 9. They weave narratives from seemingly innocuous blogs, magazine ads, TV slots, fashion labels and public phone calls. 他们从看似无害的博客、杂志广告、电视片断、时尚标签和公共电话中编织叙事。 www.bing.com 10. While putting letters into the slots, I was struggling to memorize briefly where each of the 1000 addresses would go to which slot. 当我把信件放进小格的同时,我也在努力记住那1000 个地址小格的大概位置。 bbs.readnovel.com 1. This is just one use for this most excellent shader, you may add it to other material slots as well as incorporate it into your lights. 这仅是这个非常优秀的着色器运用的一个方面,你可以把它添加到其它的材质通道中,也可以把它包含到你的灯光里。 edu.gamfe.com 2. Used for copy routing processing various kinds of holes, grooves and water-slots on aluminum windows and doors. 该机床用于铝门窗的各类型孔、榫槽、流水槽等的仿形加工; www.jntxglass.com 3. Be suitable for spot welding between rotor wire head and electromotor commutator with hooks and slots and plane commutator. 适用带钩,开槽电机径向、平面换向器与转子导线线头的点焊。 www.eastjl.com 4. The result shows that less time-slots of the single photon detector in the scheme may help to improve the performance of the QKD system. 结果表明,在同等条件下采用较少的探测时间门可以提高量子密钥分发系统的性能。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. the two trays are fixed symmetrically, said parallel spacing device is matched with two slots on trays, and installed between two trays. 两个托盘对称设置,所述平行定距装置与两个托盘的卡槽匹配卡入,且设在两托盘之间。 ip.com 6. OPTICS AND OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. MICROSCOPES. CONNECTING DIMENSIONS OF TUBE SLIDES AND TUBE SLOTS. 光学和光学仪器.显微镜.镜筒与镜筒滑槽间的连接尺寸 www.mapeng.net 7. The machine is mainly used for processing lock holes and hardware holes and slots. It can also be used for copy milling procession. 主要用于门窗锁孔、槽的加工可进行仿形加工。 www.haolb.com 8. When it comes to quality of living, Zurich, Geneva and Bern have for years occupied top slots in international rankings. 当谈到生活质量水平,苏黎世、日内瓦和伯尔尼这些城市有好几年都是占据国际理想生活城市的前列。 www.hjenglish.com 9. The accurate temperature reading and display based on time slots have been applied in distributed temperature measurement system. 文中基于时序进行温度的正确读取与显示已经应用于分布式测温系统中。 www.ca800.com 10. A belt with loops or slots for carrying small tools or other equipment. 皮带上有可装一些小工具或装备的环或槽。 soft910.com 1. The model can let advertisers express their non-discriminate and super-additive utility of advertising slots. 该模型能让广告主自由的表达广告机会之间的无差异及互补效用。 lib.cqvip.com 2. furthermore, proposes the computer-drawing method of the slots-number phase chart with two pairs of poles. 除此,还提出了双极对槽号相位图的机器作图法。 joa.csee.org.cn 3. The elite schools in technology, business, law, theater, culinary arts, or any domain, get more applicants than they have available slots. 在科技、商学、法律、戏剧、烹饪等领域的一流学府,会收到多于录取名额的申请。 dongxi.net 4. Regarding the statement about needing to save two slots for observers. . . 声明对有关需要保存两个观战员… hi.baidu.com 5. The housing purchase window will now show the correct number of vault slots for each type of house. 房屋购买视窗将会明确地指出各类型房屋储藏室的储位量。 www.jukuu.com 6. They are a popular art form born of the television age and the need to compress visual messages into very short, very expensive time slots. 这种体裁的视频段应电视年代而盛行起来,需求紧缩视觉信息于很小的且很昂贵的是时间段中。 www.0717zx.com 7. IMPLANTS FOR SURGERY. METAL BONE PLATES. HOLES AND SLOTS CORRESPONDING TO SCREWS WITH CONICAL UNDER-SURFACE. 外科植入物.接骨用金属板.圆锥形螺丝用的铝孔和扩孔 www.mapeng.net 8. and the used encoding sequence and the length and the bit time slots thereof are stored by the control and analysis unit. 所用编码序列及其长度、比特时隙由控制分析单元存储; ip.com 9. The window slots were designed for documents to be slid back and forth, not handed. 窗口凹槽的设计是为了材料可以来回滑动传递,而不是让你用双手递交。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Can be used to manage the call context slots in application code. 可用于管理应用程序代码中的调用上下文槽。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Can be used to manage the call context slots in application code. 可用于管理应用程序代码中的调用上下文槽。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. For the enclosures, rubber plugs are required in the holes provided for access to the mounting slots. 外壳上凡是为了接近安装槽口而提供的孔洞都需装设胶塞。 www.1x1y.com.cn 3. Advertising slots in soaps are expensive to purchase, but guarantee large numbers of viewers seeing the advert. 在肥皂剧中插播广告的费用非常昂贵,但能保证大批观众看到广告。 www.hxen.com 4. In this paper, a set of precise and stable solutions, based on the tooth-and-slots of LSM (linear synchronous motor), is developed. 本文通过研究,确立了一套精度高,运行稳定的基于磁浮列车齿槽结构的测速系统技术方案。 www.fabiao.net 5. Mainboard has too few memory slots. Upgrading the memory may be difficult or expensive. 主板的空闲插槽太少了.升级内存的话可能比较困难或者昂贵 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The slot manager daemon (pkcsslotd) manages slots (and therefore tokens) in the system. 槽管理器守护进程(pkcsslotd)管理系统中的槽(因此也包括令牌)。 www.ibm.com 7. That in turn means that websites will be able to charge more for their advertising slots. 反之这也意味着网页会对他们的广告摊位上收费更多。 boboan79.blog.163.com 8. Based on the timing of the frame synchronization signal, a second radio adjusts the timing of transmit and receive time slots. 基于帧同步信号的定时,第二无线电调节*和接收时隙的定时。 www.bing.com 9. Signals and slots are loosely coupled: a class which emits a signal neither knows nor cares which slots receive the signal. 信号与插槽是松耦合的:一个发出信号的类不知道也不关心哪一个插槽接收到这个信号。 www.mscto.com 10. The controller broadcasts a beacon that lets all devices synchronize with each other and allocates time slots for the devices. 控制器广播信标,让所有设备互相之间同步,它还给每台设备分配时隙。 www2.ccw.com.cn 1. there are a number of thoughtful slots and pockets for storing things , including a lighted glovebox. 乐骋有若干深思的储存物品空间,包括一个浅的手套箱。 www.ichacha.net 2. There sets many mesh spots and V type slots on the back surface, the exit surface has many even ladder type prisms structure. 其中,该导光板的底面分布有许多网点或V形槽,该出射面具许多均匀排布的梯形台状棱镜结构。 ip.com 3. NASA and its partners in the space station program have needed all slots on the three-person Soyuz just to fly station crew members. 原因是,NASA和合作者为了空间站项目的需要,一直占用了联盟号运载飞船上的三个位子。 www.bing.com 4. By using folded patch and etching slots on patch, a compact triple-band PIFA can be easily obtained. 提出使用折叠贴片以及多矩形缝隙加载技术设计具有三频特性的小型PIFA天线的思路和方法。 www.boshuo.net 5. There are 23 slots at the department that need confirmation by the Senate, and only two have been filled. This is not the Senate's fault. 到这会子了,这部门还23个席位巴巴等着参议院确认呢——而走马上任的只有俩。 www.ecocn.org 6. Memory slots are located in pairs of two on either sides of the socket. 内存插槽位于两对对插座两侧。 bbs.pczilla.net 7. Tooling Plate: Standard dowel locating holes and accurately milled locating slots. 模具板:标准定位桩孔,定位准确磨槽。 www.testmart.cn 8. It has outer receiving type expanded slots, which make up-grading Easy. 具有外接收式可扩充插槽,可防护升级轻松又容易。 www.catv888.com 9. All the iMacs now have slots for SD flash memory cards, and the large-screen models can act as external monitors. 所有的新一代iMac都配备SD闪存卡插槽,拥有更大屏幕的型号可用作外置显示器。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Motherboardstend to the latest slot technology such that PCI slots are becoming legacy support with PCI-Express becoming the standard. 主板往往最新的技术,例如该插槽PCI插槽正成为与传统支持的PCI-Express成为标准。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. American and Alaskan Airlines ultimately won rights to seven of Jet Blue's slots on a temporary basis. 美洲航空公司和阿拉斯加航空公司最终只是暂时性地获得了JetBlue的7个时间段。 www.24en.com 2. Artillery Captains should no longer have too many Siege Engine production slots (they should have 3). 炮兵队长不再有过多的武器制造空间了(将会有3个空间)。 www.10zj.com 3. This paper introduces a low speed PM synchronous motor with approximate number of poles and slots which is designed for actual use. 根据实际工程问题需要设计一台极槽数相近配合的低速永磁同步电动机。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Named slots can be convenient, because you can use a mnemonic identifier. 因为可以使用助记标识符,所以命名槽可能是很方便的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Performance to landscape (latitudinal) bolt of cloth or tread pattern overlay slots available (manual printing by prepending a). 表示为横向(匹布纬向)空档或斑纹重叠(手工印花时爆发)。 www.bing.com 6. WAR Community Team: Yes, all of the major armor slots are visible onthe character: torso, pants, gloves, cloak, helm, even the belt! WAR公关团队:是的,所有的主要装备槽都能在角色身上被看到,上衣,裤子,手套,斗篷,法杖,甚至是腰带。 bbs.warac.cn 7. It could fill four, but getting suitable landing and take-off slots at Heathrow airport is almost impossible. 可以装满四架飞机,但是几乎不可能在希思罗机场找到合适的起降空位。 www.ecocn.org 8. Three PCI slots: Expansion slots for custom system configurations and future add-in card upgrades. 3个PCI插槽:用于定制系统配置和未来插卡升级的扩展插槽。 www3.intel.com 9. Jiangsu wants desperately for censors to allow the 90-minute show to remain in its Saturday and Sunday prime-time slots. 江苏卫视十分希望审查人员能够手下留情,以便让这档时长90分钟的节目继续留在周六和周日的黄金档。 www.bing.com 10. Instead Apple opted for just its proprietary Dock Connector and now offers add-on adapters for USB and SD card slots. 苹果在其专利产品DockConnector上提供了USB和SD卡插槽的附加适配器。 dongxi.net 1. Instead Apple opted for just its proprietary Dock Connector and now offers add-on adapters for USB and SD card slots. 苹果在其专利产品DockConnector上提供了USB和SD卡插槽的附加适配器。 dongxi.net 2. The controller authenticates the devices and assigns time slots for each device to transmit data. 控制器确认设备,并向每台设备分配时隙,以便发送数据。 www2.ccw.com.cn 3. Be suitable for spot welding between electromotor commutator with hooks and slots and rotor wire. 适用带钩、开槽电机换向器与转子导线的点焊。 www.eastjl.com 4. Tourists will benefit from a new ticketing system allowing them to prepay for reserved half-hour time slots online. 游客将受益于新的票务系统允许他们以预付保留半小时的时间上网。 www.en400.com:8080 5. Other airlines protested Jet Blue's control of empty slots. Certainly eager to add slots and flights of their own. 其他航空公司反对JetBlue控制空余的飞行时间段,突然急切地想增加自己的时间段和航班。 www.24en.com 6. On the other hand, Fiat also makes brilliant cars like the 500, which slots into a segment where Chrysler is completely absent. 另一方面,也使得菲亚特汽车一样灿烂500插槽到部分地方克莱斯勒是完全没有。 usa.315che.com 7. The armature includes an armature iron core having slots and teeth and armature windings wound in the slots. 电枢具有具备沟槽和齿的电枢铁芯、和卷绕于沟槽的电枢线圈。 ip.com 8. Many companies actually have slots available, but cannot find people qualified to fill them. 很多企业实际上有不少职位空缺,但难以找到称职人选。 www.ecocn.org 9. Size-wise, it slots in against the Toyota Corolla - slightly larger than the Prius and Honda Insight. 大小角度看,它插槽对丰田花冠-略大于普瑞斯和本田Insight。 usa.315che.com 10. Machine tool tables. T slots and accessories. Dimensions and tolerances. 工作母机台面.T形槽和配件。尺寸和公差。 www.tdict.com 1. Machine tool tables. T slots and accessories. Dimensions and tolerances. 工作母机台面.T形槽和配件。尺寸和公差。 www.tdict.com 2. Rainwater and snowmelt cut and rubbed the red rock of this region for eons to form these slots. 雨水和融雪水削减和摩擦的红岩的这一地区形成的永久形式的这些插槽。 www.360doc.com 3. and (c) slot allocating means for allocating the uplink and downlink slots for the mobile stations, based on the determination result. 以及时隙分配装置,用于根据该确定结果,为所述移动台分配上行链路和下行链路的时隙。 ip.com 4. The advantages over two separate cards are cost and utilization of expansion slots in the computer. 在两个单独的卡的优点是成本和电脑的扩展槽利用。 baike.baidu.com 5. "Remedies may include . . . the transfer of airport slots" to other carriers, it says. 该委员会表示:“补救措施可以是……将机场配置权转让给”其它航空公司。 www.ftchinese.com 6. External Tax rate rules service: provides current tax rates on different income slots. ExternalTaxraterulesservice:提供不同收入水平的当前税率。 www.ibm.com 7. Fewer slots. Fewer buttons. More privacy and personalization. 减少插槽和按钮,扩大隐私和人性化。 www.bing.com 8. Students and their parents think the answer is yes, and competition for slots at top-ranked (and costly) schools seems higher than ever. 学生和家长们都认为答案是肯定的。现在,争上顶尖学校的竞争似乎比以前更激烈了。 www.putclub.com 9. The nodes could transmit data without collision during their own slots in the data transmission process. 在分布式传输过程中,因为节点只在自己的时隙内通信,所以避免了冲突。 www.boshuo.net 10. The number of slots per frame depends on the bit rate. 每帧的隙数依赖于位速率。 www.1stenglish.com 1. The number of slots per frame depends on the bit rate. 每帧的隙数依赖于位速率。 www.1stenglish.com 2. Start with the premise that there are way more qualified candidates than slots available. 先申明本文的一个前提:合格的候选人多于可提供的名额。 dongxi.net 3. The two internal memory card slots are compatible with SD, MicroSD, MiniSD, MMC, and RS-MMC. 两个内置内存卡插槽兼容SD、MicroSD、MiniSD、MMC和RS-MMC。 www.ibm.com 4. Both networks have slots for memory cards, HDMI ports for connecting to HD screens and three USB ports. 两款上网本都配置存储卡接口,用于连接到高清晰屏幕的HDMI接口以及三个USB接口。 www.acsf.cn 5. Only the slots associated with iterators that are actually dereferenced will be invoked. 仅有实际解引用的迭代器所关联的插槽才会被调用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. two adjacent column components are spliced together by the rabbets and the slots. 相邻两柱体构件通过榫头和凹槽结构拼接。 ip.com 7. Interior lining features three bill compartments, zip closure coin pocket, 11 credit card slots, and ID window with thumb glide. 内衬采用三个法案车厢,拉链零钱袋,11个信用卡插槽,和ID用拇指滑过窗口。 www.alasale.com 8. ring shaped cutters on internal side of the pipe wall at both sides of the buffer slots. 环形卡刀,设置在管壁内侧上,位于缓冲卡槽的两侧。 ip.com 9. In fact, demand has begun to exceed slots, and the program is expanding. 事实上,现在的课程是供不应求,中心的项目正在扩大。 www.voanews.cn 10. Store business, personal, and tax-related receipts in different slots. 把工作、个人、和税有关的发票放在不同层中。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn |
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