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释义 | sikes是sike的复数
复数:sikes 例句释义: 赛克斯,赛克斯标准,英国方式 1. The re was silence for a time, while Fagin thought. Then he made a sign to Sikes to tell Nancy to leave the room. 费金在考虑着,半天没人吱声。然后他给赛克斯递了一个眼神,暗示他先让南希出去。 www.iamlk.cn 2. To which Mr. Sikes replied, he was joking; as, if he had been sober, there would have been strong reason to suppose he was. 赛克斯先生回答说对方是在开玩笑,因为,除非是他喝醉了,他有的是理由去证明自己是在说笑话。 novel.tingroom.com 3. 'I'm afraid, Mr Sikes, 'he said, 'the boy may say something which will get us into trouble. “赛克斯先生,”他说,“我怕这孩子会说些给我们带来麻烦的话。” www.iamlk.cn 4. On the evening after the Bumbles' little business meeting, Mr Bill Sikes, waking from a sleep, called out to ask the time. 在班布尔夫妇那次小小的业务洽谈之后的晚上,比尔·赛克斯先生一觉醒来,大声地问着是什么时候了。 cet.hjenglish.com 5. And if Sikes doesn't return that boy to me, dead or alive, I'll tell the police about him and I'll get Sikes hanged. 如果赛克斯不把这孩子还给我,不管是死是活,我会去警察局告他的,我会把他送上绞刑架的。 www.iamlk.cn 6. 'Where's that? 'asked Fagin, bending his head forwards, his eyes staring excitedly at Sikes. “那是哪儿?”费金问,并把头往前伸了伸,兴奋地盯着赛克斯看。 www.iamlk.cn 7. As Nancy helped him out of bed, Sikes swore and cursed a ther clumsiness. Illness had not improved his temper. 南希扶他从床上起来时,他张口就骂,嫌她笨手笨脚。一场大病也没能使他暴躁的脾气有所改变。 cet.hjenglish.com 8. They sat the re in silence, wondering where Sikes was. It was already dark when They heard a sudden, hurried knock at the door downstairs. 他们默默地坐在那儿,猜想着赛克斯会到哪儿去了。当他们突然听到楼下一阵急促的敲门声时,天已经黑了。 www.tingclass.net 9. By then, Sikes was very drunk, and Fagin got up to leave. 到这时,赛克斯已喝得酩酊大醉了。 www.iamlk.cn 10. 'Get up! ' murmured Sikes, trembling with rage, and drawing the pistol from his pocket; 'Get up, or I'll strew your brains upon the grass. ' “起来。”赛克斯气得直哆嗦,从衣袋里拔出手枪,低声喝道。“起来,不然我叫你脑浆溅到草地上。” novel.tingroom.com 1. Sikes gave him a large rough cape to button over his shoulders. 赛克斯给了他一件粗布斗篷,叫他披在肩上扣上扣子。 novel.tingroom.com 2. 'Yes, she will, Fagin. 'Sikes was right. With a mixture of threats and promises, he soon persuaded Nancy to go. “是的,她会去的,费金。”赛克斯说对了,他连威吓带许诺,很快就说服了南希去做这件事。 www.iamlk.cn 3. 'Now then! ' said Sikes, holding out his hand. “走吧。”赛克斯说着,伸出一只手。 novel.tingroom.com 4. Bill Sikes was sitting by his fire with his dog when Fagin entered. 费金进去时,比尔·赛克斯和他的狗正坐在火炉旁。 www.iamlk.cn 5. Toyota is sending engineers look to look at Mr. Sikes's car, the company said Tuesday. 丰田公司周二表示,已派出几位工程师检查赛克斯的车辆。 c.wsj.com 6. Sikes kept straight on, until they were close upon the bridge; then turned suddenly down a bank upon the left. 赛克斯头也不回地走着,眼看就要到桥边了,突然又转向左边,朝河岸走下去。 novel.tingroom.com 7. Sikes had disappeared for an instant; but he was up again, and had him by the collar before the smoke had cleared away. 赛克斯已经不见了,但转瞬间又冒了出来,趁着烟雾还没消散,一把抓住奥立弗的衣领。 novel.tingroom.com 8. So it was decided that O liver would help Sikes with the robbery in two days' time. 就这样,奥利弗被选定协助赛克斯在两天之后去干这件入室盗窃的事。 www.iamlk.cn 9. Therefore, he put in front of us characters like evil Fagin, cruel Bill Sikes and a bunch of thieves and criminals. 因此他为我们写了邪恶的费金,残暴的比尔。塞克斯,以及一大群窃贼强盗。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Sikes got up and locked the door. 赛克斯站了起来,锁上了房门。 www.tingclass.net 1. So Dr Losberne went down to the kitchen to talk to the three servants who had surprised Sikes and Oliver during the robbery . 因此,罗斯文伯恩医生到下面的厨房里去和当晚撞见了赛克斯和奥利弗来偷窃的三名仆人说说这事。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Not a word was spoken; for the driver had grown sleepy; and Sikes was in no mood to lead him into conversation. 路途中谁也不说一句话,车把式不停地打瞌睡,赛克斯也没有心思引他搭话。 novel.tingroom.com 3. Bill Sikes broke open a small window at the back of the house, the n shone his light into Oliver's face. 比尔·赛克斯打破房子后面的一个小窗户,然后把手中的灯光射在了奥利弗的脸上。 www.tingclass.net 4. The dog wagged his tail, but moved not. Sikes made a running noose and called him again. 狗摇了摇尾巴,但没有动弹。赛克斯打了一个活套,又一次唤它过来。 novel.tingroom.com 5. Bill Sikes is a rough man and thinks nothing of blood when he is angry . 比尔·赛克斯生性残暴,他发起脾气来是不管别人流血的。 www.bing.com 6. Thirteen-year-old Jackson Sikes has been struggling for years to raise his test scores in math. 13岁的杰克逊-赛克斯(JackonSikes)多年来一直难以提高数学成绩。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Sikes told authorities he was driving on Interstate 8 outside San Diego when the accelerator became stuck. 赛克斯说,当局他是在8号州际公路驾驶以外圣地亚哥时,加速度托尔被粘。 www.good2.com 8. 'They've hit him! ' shouted Sikes. 'He's bleeding. ' “他们打中他了!”赛克斯喊道,“他在流血。” www.hjenglish.com 9. "We provide that initial market for these companies, and in some cases it will help our mission, too, " Sikes said. 赛克斯说:“我们为这些公司提供一个初步的市场,而且在一定程度上,这也有利于我们的使命。” www.america.gov 10. 'Take this lantern, ' said Sikes, looking into the room. 'You see the stairs afore you? ' “拿上这盏灯,”赛克斯朝屋子里望了望说,“看见你面前的楼梯没有?” novel.tingroom.com 1. Sikes loaded the pistol with great care . 赛克斯小心地把子弹装进枪膛。 www.bing.com 2. The re were so few possessions or comforts in the room that it was clear Mr Sikes had met hard times. 屋里没有什么家什和用具,很明显,赛克斯先生遇上艰难的日子了。 cet.hjenglish.com 3. 'Keep quiet, can't you? ' replied Sikes, with a threatening look. 'The room-door is open, is it? ' “你就不能少说两句,嗯?”赛克斯瞪了他一眼。“通房间的门是不是开着的?” novel.tingroom.com 4. 'Is he safe? 'asked Sikes. 'Because if he tries any tricks on me, I'll kill him! ' “他保险吗?”赛克斯问,“他要是跟我耍花招,我会杀了他的。” www.iamlk.cn 5. 'Take his other hand, Toby, ' said Sikes. 'Look out, Barney. ' “托比,抓住他那一只手,”赛克斯说道,“巴尼,瞧瞧外边。” novel.tingroom.com 6. Sikes and his companion enveloped their necks and chins in large dark shawls, and drew on their great-coats; 赛克斯和他那位搭档各自用黑色大披巾将脖子和下巴裹起来,穿上大衣。 novel.tingroom.com |
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