单词 | subtlety |
释义 |
复数:subtleties n. delicacy,subtleness,refinement,intricacy,elusiveness 例句释义: 微妙,敏锐,细微,狡猾,巧妙,精细,精妙 1. It was evident that this excess of caution proceeded from an experience that no subtlety on the part of their enemies could deceive them. 虽然,他们的这种过分的小心,是从经验中得出的,因而不管有多狡猾的敌人,都别想骗过他们。 www.bing.com 2. Butler wanted him to see clearly that fidelity was the point in this case fidelity, tact, subtlety, and concealment. 巴特勒希望他看清楚,这种事情的关键是忠心--忠心、老练、巧妙,不露声色。 3. I find beauty in simplicity and subtlety. You know? I find when you are beat over the head with stuff, sometimes I, I, it turns me off. 我眼中的美存在于简单与微妙之中。你可知道?我发现如果一个人对一件事的表述过于繁琐,我会产生厌烦。 www.bing.com 4. He was, upon the whole, the more liberalminded, though, with greater subtlety, he had not so much heart. 整个说来,他比较豁达一点,虽然脑筋较为灵活,却少些心计。 5. It was therefore necessary to fuse all the elements together and play with subtlety, in keeping with the manner of these two chefs. 因此,有必要一起玩精到,在保持与这两个厨师的方式,融合所有的元素。 www.gtn9.com 6. Cuthbert was, upon the whole, the more liberal-minded, though, with greater subtlety, he had not so much heart. 总的说来,卡斯伯特是一个气量更加宽宏的人,不过他虽然显得更加敏感,但是却少了许多勇气。 www.hjenglish.com 7. She did not comprehend the subtlety of his remarks. 她并没有理解他话中的微妙含意。 wenku.baidu.com 8. "Being able to call him my husband is so definitive, " Katami said. "There is no subtlety to it. It is absolute. " 卡塔米说:“能称他为我的丈夫是确定无疑的,没有丝毫含糊,千真万确。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Even he, however, might have been surprised by the subtlety of the effects now being detected by researchers looking into human mating. 即使达尔文自己也许也会被当今科学家们观察发现的人类繁殖的微妙之处所惊讶。 tysurl.com 10. Schumpeter rivalled Keynes in range of experience and subtlety of thought, and surpassed him in breadth of scholarship. 在经历和思考的精微方面,熊彼特与凯恩斯不相上下,在知识广度方面则超过了凯恩斯。 www.ftchinese.com 1. XUE Tao, a famous female poet in Tang Dynasty, injected in her poetry the cream of Chinese culture with her peculiar feminine subtlety. 唐代著名女诗人薛涛,以女性特有的笔触,在其诗中浸入中国文化的玉乳琼浆。 dict.bioon.com 2. The subtlety of the chalky black paper on the website for Made to Kill, a web design firm, keeps the focus on the company's portfolio. 杀手级(MadetoKill)是一个网站设计公司,它采用垩白黑纸作为背景图片。垩白黑纸的精妙之处是:它使公司的投资组合成为焦点。 www.bing.com 3. In that case, you might have to consider more conservative styles, as even in the most casual workplaces, subtlety goes a long way. 这种情况下,你也许该考虑一些更耐穿的款式。这样即使是在最随便的工作环境,这种聪明的选择也能让你的牛仔裤穿很长时间。 www.bing.com 4. if you are trying to disappoint me, tigeress you need more accuracy, Monkey quicker speed, crane hike, viper subtlety, mantis. . . ! 你们让我失望的本领真好,悍娇虎你需要更加精准,猴王再快点,仙鹤注意飞行, blog.sina.com.cn 5. Prudence should use as much suspicion as subtlety uses slaves, and none need to be so good as to enable others to do him ill. 使用怀疑时的审慎和使用圈套时的精明要旗鼓相当,绝对不必心地太好,以至于别人能对你使坏。 yuzhuoqin.yunshow.com 6. "It will need to be more improvisational, " he said. "There will be a need for more subtlety and grayness. " “要变得更为即兴,”他说,“变得更为精妙和智能。” www.bing.com 7. But the most typical use of generators will be for defining iterators; so some of the subtlety is not always worth worrying about. 但生成器最典型的用途是用来定义迭代器;所以不值得总是为一些细微之处而担心。 www.ibm.com 8. But "Talk to Me" starts out broad and schematic only to surprise you with its subtlety as it unfolds. 但“跟我谈”展开了广泛而示意图只是你感到惊讶与微妙,因为它的来临。 www.sjgcz.cn 9. Subtlety has never been one of Margaret's talents. 玛格丽特向来对处理具体小问题不内行。 10. As is China's wont, the point last week was made with little subtlety: Those that don't comply will face consequences. 按照中国的习惯做法,中国银监会上周明确提出了这一要求:未能达到要求的银行将面临惩罚。 www.bing.com 1. I shall wait for you masters of tact and subtlety out here. 我会在这儿等你们这些精于圆滑言辞的大老爷们。 ellesime.anetcity.com 2. The retro olfactory aromas of honey and cloves come through with subtlety, giving the wine extra depth and contributing to its good length. 蜂蜜与李子的香味给予这款酒以精细且深邃的口感,余味悠长。 www.ttwines.com 3. But a new study finds there's more subtlety in how we view scantily dressed people. And that it's not just women who are objectified. 一项新的研究发现,其实我们在看衣着暴露的人时还有更细微的心理活动。而且,女性也并不是唯一的打量目标。 ielts.hjenglish.com 4. Steger, seeing there was no chance to soften the judge's mind by any subtlety of argument, returned to Cowperwood. 斯蒂格发现已没有机会利用微妙的诡辩来软化推事的主张了,就回到考帕伍德身边去。 5. Indeed this subtlety is precisely why run-time exceptions are a bad idea for external conditions that should be handled by code. 正是由于这个微妙的原因,让运行时异常成为代码要处理的外部状况是一个坏主意。 www.ibm.com 6. It was an education, too, in many-sidedness, subtlety. 从细微的角度来审度,在很多方面,这也是一种教育。 25488170.qzone.qq.com 7. The danger lies in that the Kalachakra Tantra ritual subtlety builds an ideological foundation for a future "war of religions . " 危险在于时轮大法的仪式为未来的“宗教战争”巧妙地提供了一个意识形态的基础。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. They together, with linguistic subtlety wipe out a belly laughs and wonderful with wisdom spark. 他们在一起,用连珠妙语擦出令人捧腹不已的精彩笑料和智慧火花。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Then, using computer-generated animation that's short on subtlety, the commercial demonstrates how the bidet function works. 然后利用电脑生成并不含蓄的动画,商家演示了这个浴盆如何工作原理。 www.bing.com 10. Master of Subtlety: The bonus damage from this talent is now properly removed when a Rogue loses stealth from zoning . 敏锐大师:在转换区域导致潜行消失时,此技能的伤害加成将被正确移除。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. All the work of the Paris embroiderers was exquisite in its artistry and subtlety. 所有的巴黎刺绣工在艺术和细微间是精致游走。 www.suiniyi.com 2. He adds that the subtlety of rebalancing the style of leadership is in "where you control tightly [and] where you give space" . 他补充道,调整领导风格的精妙之处在于“何时收紧控制,(以及)何时留出空间”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Some of the works are rich in humanistic introspection, subtlety hardly concealed beneath the magnitude. 有些作品则充溢了丰富的人文内省,在沉雄博大的背后难掩细腻微妙的情致。 robertnxd.blog.163.com 4. Refers to the colors used, Sketch style requires the artist to have advanced shading techniques for subtlety. 相比起颜色的使用,素描图案要求纹身师对阴影有精确的掌握。 blog.163.com 5. Leaflets 5--9, spatulate, apex long caudate and with a filiform easily broken tip; sepals thick, subtlety. 小叶5--9,匙形,先端长尾状并且具一容易弄断端部;萼片厚,近肉质。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. "It would have been difficult to create facial expressions and subtlety of movement using [the old] approach, " Dykstra says. “如果用(上一部电影的)那种方式呈现,就很难做出面部的表情和细微的动作,”戴克斯特说道。 dongxi.net 7. They say it's capable of a chromatic subtlety that film can't match. 他们说数位也能有底片无法匹敌的色彩精细度。 www.1111.com.tw 8. The subtlety and strength of consciousness of a person stands in relation to this ability to communicate. 一个人意识的细节和强度,与这种交流能力有关。 open.163.com 9. It's time for you to demonstrate subtlety. 你可以在此时证实一些最细微的地方。 www.12xz.com 10. Reading can acquaint you, that means to make you understand, to make you familiar with the subtlety and beauty of the language. 阅读可以使你领略到语言的美,并且沉醉其中。 blog.cersp.com 1. Wenger - Subtlety can find the right balance Get the balance of your team right and the results usually follow. 正确保持球队的平衡,好成绩就会接踵而来。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 2. The subtlety of Ikey's action becomes apparent upon recital of his subsequent move. 对艾奇接下来的叙述显然就是他精明的行动了。 www.zftrans.com 3. But in the tweaking, not only was the syntax lost, but the subtlety as well. 但是这一扭曲,不但改变了句法结构,整个话语的精妙意蕴也消失了。 dongxi.net 4. More experienced players will be charmed by the beautiful components, and surprised by the depth and subtlety of the game. 较有经验的玩家会被这个游戏别致的配件所吸引,也会对这游戏的深奥及微妙之处感到讶异! dictsearch.appspot.com 5. But the movie has its own deficits -- a lack of variety, originality, subtlety, clarity and plain old charm. 但是,这部电影还是有它的不足:缺少变化和独创性,叙事不够精妙和明确,使用的都是些平淡无奇的过时噱头。 chinese.wsj.com 6. But despite the subtlety of the orange box, some neighbors say its effects have been all too apparent. 但是尽管这个桔色盒子的精巧,有些居民说它的影响太明显了。 www.bing.com 7. You ought to practice the things that you're not good at, and somehow that subtlety escapes. 一个人应该训练自己并不擅长的东西,而有些人意识不到这点。 open.163.com 8. He placed his whole ambition in those speculations in whose beauty and subtlety there in no admixture of the common needs for life. 他一心追求那美妙的、不夹杂俗世需求的学问。 9. It requires swiftness, subtlety, moving without leaving an imprint. Do I have such a quality? 它需要机敏、巧妙、不留痕迹地运动,我有这样的巧妙吗? www.j-krishnamurti.org.cn 10. An actor of commanding subtlety , Leslie rarely overstated an emotion because he knew what the camera saw: he knew the camera loved him. 身为一个掌控全场的含蓄演员,张国荣很少过度表达情感,因为他知道摄影机看到什麽:他知道摄影机爱他。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. And something that doesn't always go along with that: subtlety, the subtlety of discerning and intelligent minds. 我们还想起并不总是与朝气并存的敏锐,这是指洞察事物的敏锐和睿智的头脑的敏锐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The "international theme" is handled here with the greatest subtlety. “国际题材”在这里处理得非常细腻。 3. When doubt occurs, it stops the expansion process because you deny the subtlety of what is coming to you. 当怀疑出现,它阻止扩展的过程,因为你们否认正在走近你们微妙的思想。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Unlike most artists, Peng Si's emphasis on aesthetics and artistic sensibility rests on the density and subtlety of language. 与大多数当代艺术家不同,彭斯强调审美和艺术敏感,强调艺术语言的密度和微妙性。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. There are times (and this is such a time) when subtlety is the more powerful weapon. 有时候(且就是现在)细节是更有力的武器。 www.tianya.cn 6. announced themselves with the subtlety of a brass band. 以铜管乐队般美妙的声音宣布他们的到来。 yizitong.cn 7. The facade assembly consciously adds a note of subtlety and sophistication to the overall composition. 正立面的装饰元素有意识地对微妙和复杂的整体组成进行注解。 www.archiant.com 8. How often had he seen weaklings no more dishonest than himself, but without his courage and subtlety. 他看到许多笨蛋,并不比他自己不诚实,只是缺乏他的勇气和技巧而已。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Of course, understanding exactly what this signifies requires some subtlety. 当然,精确地理解这些含义需要一定的智慧。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Nobody noticed the subtlety of his remarks. 没有人听出他话中的微妙含义。 www.zikao365.com 1. English also has few of the diminutives that add subtlety to Slavic social interchange. 英语也很少有那种像斯拉夫语中用于表达社交中微妙差别的昵称。 www.ecocn.org 2. The necessary actions of the project manager and the technical manager can lead to strained relationships if not handled with subtlety . 项目经理和技术经理如果没能处理那些细小的事物,他们的常规行为有时会导致团队中的紧张关系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He had strength for the long game, finesse and subtlety for the short game, but also a daring that bordered on recklessness. 他有着长距离球所需的力量,短距离球所需的技巧和敏锐,但是他太大胆,几近鲁莽。 www.ecocn.org 4. Deadliness in the Subtlety tree, increases your Attack Power by a percentage. 新赋致命被置敏锐系赋树,效按击。 ec.mydict.com 5. Culinarily , sashimi represents the Japanese cultural appreciation of subtlety. 从烹饪上说,生鱼片代表了日本的精明文化价值观。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The piling up of conditions and reservations, though a mark of subtlety, makes him seem vacillating and weak. 他会把种种条件和限制堆砌在一起,尽管这样讲话标志着他的细腻敏锐,但也使他显得优柔寡断、软弱无力。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. In Chris Granade's opinion, this can result in "lacking subtlety that would disturb that shared understanding" . 在ChrisGranade看来,这可能会导致“妨碍共享理解的灵活性的欠缺”。 www.infoq.com 8. Ambiguity is a quality of much fine writing, endowing it with richness, subtlety, or surprise. 晦涩是许多优秀作品的特点,这赋予它们以意味深长,深奥微妙或语出惊人之感。 www.jukuu.com 9. America's response should mix military strength with diplomatic subtlety. 美国的反应最好是外交与军事相结合。 www.bing.com 10. One shrewd thing he did, which indicated the foresight and subtlety of the man. 他干的那件精明事,表现了这个家伙的深谋远虑和巧妙干炼。 www.bing.com 1. Follow-through and overlapping action are two techniques that help make the action richer and fuller with detail and subtlety . 顺势移动和重叠动作是两种有助于通过细节和微妙动作来使动作更富有和完全技术、。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. in the ultra-subtlety processing aspect, the demand on nanometer products is rising at rapid speed. 而在超精微加工方面,纳米产品需求成几何级上升。 www.chemyq.com 3. He shows a breadth of erudition and subtlety of mind unparalleled among other economists. 他有渊博的学识和深刻的思想,其它经济学家难以望其项背。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The picture as it is in the Louvre today has lost some of its subtlety. 这幅现存于卢浮宫的油画已失去了它的一些精妙之处。 www.hotdic.com 5. It contains over 720 uniquely structured buildings, each subtlety decorated and finely designed. 它包含720多个独特的结构建筑物,每一个微妙和精心设计的装饰。 q.sohu.com 6. But in recent months, China has eschewed any hint of subtlety in protecting Pyongyang. 但最近几个月,中国在极力回避任何力挺平壤方面的言行。 www.bing.com 7. The subtlety of Bohea Lapsang makes cheaper versions taste like burnt toast. 正山小种的精妙,使得便宜的茶叶品尝起来如同烤焦的面包。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The continuity of history, the subtlety of daily life and fate of individuals were washed out by the wave of history. 历史的连续性、日常生活的细微性、个人的命运,总是被历史洪流冲刷。 my.donews.com 9. Each side could (and did) exaggerate the subtlety of the other. 双方都可以夸大对方的狡诈,也都这么做了。 www.bing.com 10. He realized subtlety of China's messages , the gap between hot rhetoric and cool action . 他意识到中国传出信息时的微妙特点,激烈的言辞和小心翼翼的行动。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The subtlety of color is absolutely unbelievable . 这色彩的精美是令人难以置信的。 www.bing.com 2. Elegance of form and subtlety of glaze were hallmarks of imperial taste at this time. 外形典雅,色泽淡雅,代表了此时皇家的品味。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He delighted in female subtlety, slyness and fecundity. 女性的微妙、狡猾令他高兴。 www.bing.com 4. Orane, height. Viper, subtlety. Mantis. 仙鹤不够高,灵蛇不够敏捷螳螂。 www.kekenet.com 5. Delicacy OR subtlety in craft, perfORmance, OR effect. 精巧优美或精妙的手艺、表达或效果 dict.ebigear.com 6. Hollywood blockbusters aren't usually notable for their artistic or political subtlety. 好莱坞巨片通常并非以其艺术或政治敏锐性著称。 english.tw 7. the subtlety of the wild primroses and violets ? 野生报春花和紫罗兰的娇嫩? wenku.baidu.com 8. Arcane Focus and Subtlety should affect all spell schools instead of just the Arcane tree. 奥术集中和奥术精妙对所有系起作用。 bbs.menghuandao.com 9. So subtlety is out and it's back to the age-old problem for both men and women: who has the guts to risk rejection with the direct approach? 所以,有了更细微的问题,也即对于男人和女人,都回到那古老的问题:谁更有胆量承担拒绝直接态度的风险? www.bing.com 10. Premeditation (Subtlety) duration increased to 20 seconds, cooldown reduced to 20 seconds. 预谋持续时间减为20秒,冷却也减为20秒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It showed that the government of China can deal with dissent with subtlety and restraint. 它显示中国政府能够微妙、克制地对待异议。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Is a vivid portrayal of Guilin scenery subtlety. 是桂林山水精到传神的写照。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The Star Wars movies weren't especially big on subtlety. 《星球大战》电影系列细微之处上不是特别精湛。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But when subtlety or speed is required, you beat them. 当需要噼里啪啦讲话,需要讲得很微妙时,你会胜过他们。 www.ftchinese.com 5. And here, too, subtlety gets you nowhere. 而在这方面精打细算也可能毫无作用。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A little more subtlety wouldn't have gone amiss! 稍微动下脑筋就不会出现这种问题了! www.bing.com 7. I have noticed that. -They even used, do you see this background, images to subtlety influence your beliefs about weather. 我已经注意到。-他们甚至使用,你在背景中看到的图像微妙地影响你对天气的看法。 qac.yappr.cn 8. I do not doubt your prowess with a blade, but you have much to learn about the value of subtlety . 我不会怀疑你拿剑的本领,不过有些细微事情的价值,你还要多多学习呢。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. "Shadowstep" (Subtlety): The cooldown has been reduced to 15 seconds. “迷踪步”(敏锐):冷却时间减少到15秒。 bbs.ngacn.cc 10. Subtlety-- not your style, I know. 隐晦之处不过不是你的风格 www.kekenet.com 1. The Chinese authorities have responded with their usual subtlety. 中国当局用其一如既往的细致安排回应了各赞助商的要求。 www.bing.com 2. Don't use subtlety on us. We're slow. 别给我们来隐晦的。我们不太灵光。 sfile.ydy.com 3. I just know that those with true romance and poetry in their soul will see the subtlety immediately. 我始终相信那些心中真正充满浪漫和诗意的人会立刻体会到其中的精妙。 www.bing.com 4. Bulter wanted him to see clearly that fidelity was the point in this caseDfidelity, TACT, subtlety, and concealment 巴勒特希望他看清楚,这种事情的关键是忠心――忠心,老练,巧妙,不露声色。 dict.ebigear.com 5. You encounter one subtlety, though: How do you order the digits? 不过有一个微妙之处:如何排列数字? www.ibm.com 6. If we have any brains we'll do the same thing but I've seen no evidence that we've the subtlety to pull that off. 如果我们有大脑,我们会做同样的事情,但我没有发现能表明我们已经神不知鬼不觉地做了的证据。 www.elanso.com 7. They can sense each other's intentions with great subtlety . 他们能敏锐地感觉到彼此的意图。 www.qeto.com 8. This is a wood carving of subtlety. 这便是木雕的的精妙之处。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Shadowstep (Subtlety) can now be used at any time, not only while stealthed. 暗影步(敏锐):现在此技能在任何时候都可以生效(原来只能在潜行时)。 www.bing.com 10. Some subtlety exists in the code in Listing 10 that is exposed by the code in Listing 12. 清单10的代码中存在的微妙之处被清单12中的代码公开了。 www.ibm.com 1. North Korea can not be accused of subtlety. 没有人能指责朝鲜滑头。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Subtlety isn't her strong suit, is it? 聪敏不是她的强项对吧? edu.sina.com.cn 3. well , i like proust s subtlety and his well - bred anarchy . it makes you very dead , really. 总之,我喜欢普鲁斯特的锐敏,和他的高尚的无政府情态。 www.ichacha.net 4. While Farage's speech probably provides some catharsis for fed-up Europeans, the non-subtlety of his anti-German remarks was striking 佛瑞格的发言也许为欧盟不满情绪提供了部分宣泄出口,其毫无微妙之处的反德言论相当引人注意 kk.dongxi.net 5. Able to make or detect effects of great subtlety or precision; sensitive: 能够找到或探明很细微之别或精确度的;敏感的: zhidao.baidu.com 6. Innovate at Subtlety--Remark on Promoting Scientifically Ideological and Political Education to College Students 创新更在细微处--论科学推进大学生思想政治教育 ilib.cn 7. Unusable controls; harsh sound; lack of subtlety 音量控制无法用.声音粗糙.缺乏细腻度 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It is a night of sorrow, a song of subtlety, 悲伤之夜,精妙之歌 zhidao.baidu.com |
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