单词 | slip-in |
释义 |
第三人称单数:slips in 现在分词:slipping in 过去式:slipped in 例句释义: 溜下,不声不响地走进去,出差错,滑入式 1. Sometimes, when the young man was lying in bed, he saw the snake slip in and out of his empty boots or up the sleeve of a coat he had worn. 有的时候,年轻人正躺在床上,就看见蛇爬进他的靴子里面然后又爬出来,或者爬到他的大衣袖子上。 www.kekenet.com 2. Yet she had learned by then no longer to let her dupatta slip in public to leave her head uncovered. 然而,布托就在那时懂得了不再在公共场合下让自己的dupatta头巾滑落,以避免在公开露面。 www.ecocn.org 3. In some families, new adults and kids seem to slip in effortlessly, as though they have been there all along. 在一些家庭里,继父或继母似乎可以与孩子轻松地和睦相处,好像他们一直生活在一起。 www.bing.com 4. The Mariposa was deeply loaded, and, hanging by his hands, his feet would be in the water. He could slip in noiselessly. No one would hear. 船吃水很深,用胳膊攀住舷窗,他的脚能够到海水,悄无声息地滑进水里,没有人会听到。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Fagin was arrested on the gallows after, Middlesex in the slip in the escape strangled by his own rope. 费金被捕,后上了绞刑架,塞克斯在逃窜中失足被自己的绳子勒死。 wenwen.soso.com 6. It's compact enough to slip in your pocket and powerful enough to replace both of your portable devices. Still, it won't be for everyone. 所以它绝对足以成为你口袋中的效能王者,不过它依然并不能满足所有人的需求。 cn.engadget.com 7. Next time you're planning that family vacation to a theme park, slip in a little history; the kids probably won't even know you're doing it. 下次计划家庭度假时可以安排在主题公园,融入一些历史元素,孩子们甚至都不会知道你们在做什么。 www.bing.com 8. In many applications a small amount of slip in a connection is not detrimental and is sometimes even desirable. 在许多应用场合少量的溜进来的一种联系,有时并不会有损于甚至是有益的。 www.fzl8.com.cn 9. The Taliban, headquartered in the provincial capital of Quetta, use Baluchistan's 800-mile-long border to slip in and out of Afghanistan. 总部设在省会Quetta的塔利班组织,利用俾路支省800英里长的边界出入于阿富汗境内。 www.bing.com 10. The " motorcyclists " will find it increasing difficult to slip in and out of traffic without crashing. “摩托车族”会发觉在车流当中钻进钻出而不与人擦撞越加困难。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. With Enlight's help, 'Astro Boy' was able to slip in as a co-production rather than an import. 在光线影业的协助下,《阿童木》得以凭借合作制片而非进口电影的身份进入市场。 chinese.wsj.com 2. He took a slip in the bathroom. 他在浴室里滑了一跤。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. There has been a slip in the quality of your work. 你的工作质量有所下降。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Found we had just long enough to slip In an outgoing letter, or pick up an Incoming one. 我们发现我们可以从容的把要寄的信件送出去,或是去收回寄来的东西。 www.jukuu.com 5. One of the best ways to slip in complex information is to disguise it with fun or the 'wow' factor. 悄悄插入复杂信息的最佳方式之一就是用有趣的或者令人惊奇的事实来伪装它。 www.scidev.net 6. Libyans from outside Misrata need special permission to enter the town unless they slip in with a foreign journalist. 其他地方的利比亚人入镇需要特别许可,除非他们跟着国外的记者偷溜进来。 bbs.ecocn.org 7. " Then, rather than waiting for the thing to recharge, you could simply slip in another 1 ampoule of methanol, " says Marsh. 马什说:“到时,你用不着干等着充电,只要再添加1安瓿甲醇就行了。” www.chinaedu.com 8. Would she buy it too, calling the items from a slip in her hand. 也买腰子吗?她念着手里那片纸上的项目。 dict.veduchina.com 9. Since an adult who walks so well can easily slip in the shower, making mistake in the rain is nothing strange. 既然一个走了很多年路的成年人都会容易滑倒,在雨里犯点错一点都不可怪。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A boundary element method for the analysis of interfacial slip in fiber-reinforced composites under transverse loading is presented. 用边界元方法对横向载荷作用下纤维增强复合材料界面的滑移进行分析。 www.chemyq.com 1. Last season, Arsenal allowed leads to slip in important Premiership games during the run-in - most memorably at Bolton and Aston Villa. 上赛季,阿森纳在夺冠的关键比赛中丢掉了比分领先的优势,最让人记忆犹新的是对博尔顿和阿斯顿维拉的比赛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Yesterday's only slight slip in the shares suggests reluctance to abandon a stock with a prospective yield of above 4 per cent. 昨日该公司股价仅小幅下挫,表明投资者不愿放弃这只潜在收益率超过4%的股票。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The latest release schedule from Ubisoft shows a slip in the release date for the PC version of Splinter Cell Conviction. 从育碧最新发布的时间表显示,在对细胞分裂的定罪PC版的发布日期下滑。 game.ali213.net 4. But there would be scant need to worry about a broad slip in productivity. 但也没有必要担心生产率在更多的产业中下降。 www.ecocn.org 5. Version when you want to squeeze compaction to prevent the operation of an offset printing press produces slip in. 装版时给压紧压实,制止在胶印机运转历程洋爆发相差滑移。 www.bing.com 6. It concludes with the phrase, "Voting is a pleasure" , after she puts her voting slip in the ballot box. 在这名女子将选票放进投票箱后,视频以“投票是一种愉悦的享受”作结。 www.bing.com 7. Columbo uses two steps to his method: (a) Get them talking, and then (b) Slip in the real question. 科伦坡的方法分两步:首先,让对方打开话匣子。然后,不经意转向真正想问的问题。 www.bing.com 8. Too many foreigners slip in as tourists and then try to remain on grounds of marriage. 以旅游者身份进入美国、然后以结婚为理由留下来的外国人太多了。 wiki.jukuu.com 9. He was careful not to make any slip in his report. 他小心注意不要在报告里犯任何小错。 www.ebigear.com 10. I managed to slip in a few jokes. 我设法穿插了几个笑话。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. A slip in the oil price to the $60-per-barrel range would likely trigger renewed output cuts from both OPEC and non-OPEC members. 若石油价格滑至每桶60美元左右,OPEC和非OPEC国家将会再度执行减产政策。 www.bing.com 2. A method of compensating for * slip in a thermal printer is provided. 本发明提出了补偿热敏打印机中纸张滑动的方法。 www.bing.com 3. A man managed to slip In behind a patrol and watch the routes the guards take. 有个人必须要跟在一个巡逻警卫后面,然后看看警卫们的巡逻路线。 www.jukuu.com 4. It is therefore imperative to complete the payment slip in accordance with these guidance notes. 按指南一致的完成支付字段是强制性的。 www.gter.net 5. If we filed in late and had to sit up front, nine of us tried to slip in quietly. 如果我们一行九人来晚了只好坐在前面,我们便尽可能悄悄地溜进去。 www2.scut.edu.cn 6. when i infiltrate a group, i have to slip in at the very bottom and move up the ladder slowly. it takes a long time to get that high. 当我进入一个团体时,我不得不进入底部,顺着梯子慢慢向上爬。需要花很长时间到达这个高度。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 7. House prices in America began to slip in some metropolitan areas in mid-2006, and that downwards pressure went nationwide in 2007. 2006年年中美国一些大城市的房价开始滑落,到2007年这股房价压力蔓延全国。 www.bing.com 8. I got a pink slip in my disburse bag today. 今天,我的工资袋里加了一张解雇通知书。 www.chinaauto.net 9. i saw a pink slip in Tony's locker; i guess i won't be seeing him anymore. 我看到汤尼柜子上贴了停止雇用的通知单,我想我再也不会见到他了。 bbs.oralpractice.com 10. In any event, all of us must be vigilant and not LET a single enemy agent slip in. 无论怎样,我们所有的人都必须警惕,不能让一个特务溜进来。 dict.ebigear.com 1. "I am therefore distressed at how far we have let concerns for reputation slip in recent years. " “然而,最近这些年来,我们如此地不珍惜自己的名誉,这令我深感不安。” www.bing.com 2. But they saw their lead slip in the second half, after a well-taken Belgrano goal. 但是在下半场他们眼睁睁的看着领先优势消失。贝尔格拉诺队的进球无可挑剔。 www.bing.com 3. The Art of War by Sun Tzu was composed on a bamboo slip in the 6th century. 孙子于6世纪将《孙子兵法》编写在竹简上。 www.bing.com 4. It is, perhaps, the longest betting-slip in history. 它可能是史上最长的投注单。 www.ecocn.org 5. One slip in the tricky world of stocks and shares can prove very costly. 在资本市场的一个下跌损失是惨重的。 www.bing.com 6. Glaze is mostly translucent, but da Vinci would also slip in small amounts of pigments, such as manganese and lead oxides. 上光处是几乎透明的,但达芬奇又会掺入少许天然色素,如锰,铅氧化物。 www.ecocn.org 7. Slip in, ask, never pay, never reenact. 滑问,从不付出,永远不会重演。 www.englishtang.com 8. 'But now you are so tightly scheduled that a slip in one project can cascade to many more projects' 但是现在你被紧密得安排以致于在一个项目中的闪失就会造成多个项目的崩溃。 www.hjbbs.com 9. Sickles have a blind spot directly behind them where infantry are almost impossible to take out and Terror Drones can easily slip in. 镰刀有一个盲点就在它们的正后方,这个点对于步兵来说几乎是没法利用的,不过对于恐怖机器人来说却是轻而易举。 a.kk55.net 10. If you slip in now, nobody will notice you. 你不声不响地走进去,没有人会注意你的。 1. Somehow he manages to slip in that one of his children scored a perfect 2, 400 on the SAT college entrance exams. 然后他设法转移了话题,说起他的一个孩子在美国SAT大学入学考试中取得了2400分的满分。 www.ftchinese.com 2. I made a slip in spelling. 我不留神拼错了。 www.tingroom.com 3. Fill in this slip in ink, Please. 请用钢笔填写这张凭条。 lingganwang.vip.myrice.com 4. Sales in this category were down 18 percent in 2009, and the organization expects a further 7 percent slip in the new year. 2009年,GPS类产品的销量下降了18%。消费电子协会预计,2010年还会再降7%。 www.bing.com 5. But without having the silicon sock, I'm just going to try slip in it. And so, I run on these, and have shocked half the world on these. 如果没有这个硅质的套子,我就要努力把腿塞进它们,就是这样,我穿着它们跑步,并且用它们震撼了半个世界。 www.ted.com 6. We must find ways then to slow down and slip in some memorable time that will let our children know that we love and care for them. 我们必须找到方法,让我们的时间“慢”下来,然后在其中插入美好时光,让我们的孩子知道,我们是关爱并关心他们的。 dongxi.net 7. Time from work to go to work, in housework slip in quietly. 时间在上班下班中,在家务活中悄悄溜走。 www.bing.com 8. It is, if you will, the proviso they slip in our pockets (Nothing really ends, circle of life, and so forth). 这是,如果你愿意,他们的书在我们的口袋里滑(完真的没什么,圆的生活,等等)。 www.englishtang.com 9. Prices continue to slip in Japan. 日本的物价正在继续下滑。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Analysis of a slip in the socialization degree of contemporary college students 当代大学生社会化程度下降透视 www.ilib.cn 1. Analysis of interfacial slip in fiber-reinforced composites under transverse loading by the boundary element method 横向载荷作用下纤维增强复合材料界面滑移的边界元分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Analysis and Improvement of Slip-in Cartridge Valves Troubleshooting for the Furnace cover Automatic Promotion 炉盖自动提升锥阀故障分析与改进 www.ilib.cn 3. Despite the number four "Desire, " Gibb's streak of Top Ten hits began to slip in 1980; 尽管四个欲望,吉布十大命中连胜在1980年开始下滑; zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 4. Extraction of Weak Structural Information and Evidences of Sinistral Strike-Slip in Kalpin Area, Xinjiang, Northwest China 柯坪地区构造弱信息提取及左行走滑断层证据 www.ilib.cn 5. The design and on-site test of a pipe-blowout preventer slip in water injection well 注水井防喷管卡瓦设计及现场试验 www.ilib.cn 6. Analysis and treatment of artificial aggregate system site slip in Jiangkou hydropower station 江口水电站人工砂石系统场地滑移分析及处理 www.ilib.cn 7. Slip in Publicizing and Education of Marxist Theory and Drastic Change of the Soviet Union 马克思主义理论宣传教育的失误与苏联剧变 www.ilib.cn 8. Deflection, Side-Slip in the Conditions of Driving and Braking and Their Preventive Measures 车辆行驶或制动时跑偏、侧滑及其预防措施 www.ilib.cn 9. Modeling of the Motion and the Estimation of Stick-slip in Pneumatic Cylinders 气缸运动建模及爬行现象判别 www.ilib.cn 10. Transforming the Hydraulic System of Vertical Broaching Machine by Slip-in Cartridge Values 用二通插装阀技术改造立式拉床液压系统 www.ilib.cn 1. On Drag Reduction from Apparent Wall Slip in Highly Viscous Newtonian Fluid Pipe Flow 高粘牛顿流体输送的表观滑移流动研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Design of Injector Hydraulic System with Slip-in Cartridge Valves 二通插装阀注射机液压系统设计研究 ilib.cn 3. A Historical Review of the Errors Slip in Market Economy Spanning the Past Hundred Years 跨越市场经济百年误区的历史回顾 service.ilib.cn 4. A Slip in Lu Xun's Critical Essay and Its Cause 鲁迅杂文中一处小误及其原因 www.ilib.cn 5. Detection of Cycle-slip in the GPS Precise Point Positioning Based on Wavelet Transform 基于小波变换的GPS精密单点定位中的周跳探测 www.ilib.cn 6. The application of water-coal slip in ceramic industry 水煤浆在建筑陶瓷工业中的应用 www.ilib.cn 7. Experiment on Stick-Slip in Low-Speed for NC System 数控机床低速爬行实验系统的验证 ilib.cn 8. Discuss risk and insurance of road engineering from the largest insurance slip in China 由国内最大高速公路保单谈道路工程的风险与保险 www.ilib.cn 9. i slip in bed when you're asleep 当你睡着是我悄悄上床 zhidao.baidu.com |
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