单词 | can(1) |
释义 | can(1)例句释义: 全部 1. Four important settings control how much system resources PHP can consume, as listed in Table 1. 四个重要的设置控制PHP可使用多少系统资源,如表1所列。 www.ibm.com 2. that the influence of a popular micro blog can be compared with a national newspaper if it has more than 1 million fans. 内部人士半开玩笑称,如果一个微博账号拥有一百多万的粉丝,其影响力就相当于一个全国性报刊; blog.sina.com.cn 3. The system can carry data at a rate of 50 gigabytes per second, enough to transfer a full-length HD movie in less than a second. 这套系统每秒具有50G比特的信息传输量,足以在1秒钟内完成一部全光高清电影传输。 www.bing.com 4. In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, you learned how much you can accomplish with the UNIX command line. 在本系列的第1部分和第2部分中,您了解了使用UNIX命令行可以完成各种各样的工作。 www.ibm.com 5. 1: What's the sense of having a public open space where you can't eat, drink or even simple hang out for a while? 什么是意识,有一个公共开放空间,你不能吃,喝,甚至简单的挂出了一段时间? wenwen.soso.com 6. However, if such a shield label can be defined explicitly, it can be just a line of text element in the XML template of a service request. 但是,如果这个屏蔽标签可以明确定义,那么在服务请求的XML模板中只需要1行文本元素。 www.ibm.com 7. Whereas the FETCH can be used to return 1 or more rows allowing a single RPG sub-procedure to be used for CHAIN, READ or READE operations. 但是FETCH能用于返回一行或多行,允许单个RPG子过程用于CHAIN、READ或READE操作。 www.ibm.com 8. For some years the child does not dirty the leather can be used (1), (2) two types of cleaning materials, cheap and easy to get. 一些年来的宝宝不脏的皮革可以用来(1),(2)两个清洁材料,廉价和容易类型。 www.qiyeku.com 9. But can you imagine me living in Tokyo, Japan on only $10, 000 trying to buy, let alone rent a place for that amount for a year? Impossible! 但是你能想象我住在日本,1万美元试买房,更不用说租一年了?不可能! www.bing.com 10. Senders can schedule the gift card to appear on the recipient's Facebook Wall up to a year in advance. 发送者还可以预先设定让礼品卡出现在接受者的Facebook墙上的日期,时间限定在1年之内。 www.bing.com 1. He said he knows where it is now, and I can put in an option on seeing it tomorrow for only $85. 他说他知道那张1美元的纸币在哪里,我可以花仅仅85美元买明天看到它的期权。 www.bing.com 2. Wash your face, will adjust the good paste go up in the face, dry cleaning, pat toner, skin care products can, 1, 2 times a week. 洗你的脸,将调好的酱抹在脸上,干洗,帕特爽肤水、皮肤护理产品,1、2次一个星期。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Heavy-duty professional machines can preserve wines for up to a year after the bottles are open. 重型专业制酒机可以使开瓶后的葡萄酒保质期长达1年。 c.wsj.com 4. In Figure 1, you can see that the data capture environment is intended to run in a distributed model and close to the event data sources. 在图1中,您可以看到数据捕获环境用于在一个分布式模型中运行,并且靠近时间数据资源。 www.ibm.com 5. As you see in Figure 1, IBM and its partners can transform today's networks of vertical silos into a horizontally integrated platform. 正如图1中所示,IBM及其合作伙伴能够将目前的垂直竖井网络转换为水平集成的平台。 www.ibm.com 6. The minimum investment can be just a few pounds, while the annual management fee tends to be between 0. 4% and 1%. 最小的投资份额可以达到几英镑,而管理年费一般在0.4%-1%之间。 www.bing.com 7. But I will backup you at your back. Even your eye sight can't stop at me for more 1 second. I will care about you and protect you silently. 但是我会一直在你身后支持你,即使你的目光不会在我身上多停留一秒钟,我也依然会默默地关注你,保护你。 wenwen.soso.com 8. You can back up your files for only $4. 95 a month and save even more if you pre-pay for a year or two years. 备份你的文件,你只需每月支付$4.95,如果预付1或2年的费用,还可以有优惠。 www.bing.com 9. For Libra, hosting Saturn in your own sign and your first house of "me" can be very painful. 对于天秤座,土星托管在自己的标志,你的“我”可以是非常痛苦的第1宫。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. China limits each to working on no more than two deals at a time, and deals can take a year or more to complete. 中国限定1名保荐人同时处理的交易不得超过两桩,而每桩交易可能要花费一年甚至更长的时间才能完成。 chinese.wsj.com 1. When I was trying to think of the things every startup needed to do, I almost included a fourth: get a version 1 out as soon as you can. 当我列出所有创业者都需要做的工作的时候,曾经很想要尽快作出一个产品的第一版。 www.bing.com 2. Care like this from a professional can cost tens of thousands of dollars a year. 像这样的照顾从专业角度来说一年可以花费1万多美金。 www.bing.com 3. "If you skip the twice-daily coffee you can save $30 a week, " she said. "That's $120 a month and about $1, 500 a year. " 如果你省掉每天两次的咖啡钱,一周就能省下30美元,一个月就能省120美元,一年就能省下1500美元。 www.hjenglish.com 4. He said the 40-year-old would initially manage funds in the range of $1 billion to $3 billion, an amount that can be reset annually. 他说,40岁的库姆斯最开始将管理10亿至30亿美元的资金,这个额度可以每年调整。 c.wsj.com 5. If you can travel a few days after January 1, so much the better, but if you can't, just know you may have to endure a few delays. 如果在一号之后的几天里旅行,况会好得多,但如果必须在那天出行,必须意识到可能的延误。 blog.163.com 6. However, you can put something just a bit more interesting there: Insert the code shown in Listing 1 into the body section of the HTML file. 但是,您可以在其中放入更丰富的内容:将清单1中显示的代码插入HTML文件的body部分。 www.ibm.com 7. You've seen how much good your money can do. Please dial 1-877-IDOL-AID. 你已经看到你的钱所起的巨大作用了。你拨打1-877-偶像-资助。 www.yappr.cn 8. Just how much is available can presently only be estimated at somewhere between 1 million and 2. 5 million tons. 可用的到底有多少目前只被估计在某个地方有一百万到两百五十万吨之间。 www.bing.com 9. If you think of Listing 1 as an XML-based rendering of a given data set, you can render it in other ways. 如果将清单1中的内容看作是给定数据集的基于XML的呈现,那么您还可以使用其他方式进行呈现。 www.ibm.com 10. At the moment, you can install the required components with just a few commands (see Listing 1). 这时,您只需通过运行几条命令(请参阅清单1)即可安装所需的组件。 www.ibm.com 1. If bubbles do not immediately coalesce, the liquid can drain down and produce a structure like that shown in figure 1. 如果泡泡们没有立即融合,液体会流走并产生出如图1所示的一种结构。 www.bing.com 2. The latter can be thought of as sitting at the top of the autonomic computing management value chain (as you'll see in Figure 1). 可以认为自主管理应用程序位于自主计算管理价值链的顶部(如图1中所示)。 www.ibm.com 3. After the game , followed with a mouse selected from the 1 - 31 card , the fastest you can see how much time the game Pai End ? 游戏开始后,用鼠标依次挑选出从1到31的牌,看看你最快能花多少时间把游戏排完呢?。 www.bing.com 4. PLANET GREEN: How Much Food Can You Get for $1? 绿色星球:你能用1美元买多少食物? www.bing.com 5. We can pump our pool up in just a minute or two with our pump. 我们充气泳池只需1到2分钟。 www.elanso.com 6. Even taking into account the cost of filters, water from home is still much cheaper than bottled water, which can run up to $1 to $3 a pop. 即使考虑了过滤器的费用,来自家中的水比瓶装水仍然要便宜很多,可能每瓶要便宜1-3美元。 www.bing.com 7. Choose 1 provides the goods the company, although the price is a very important factor, can'ts think to be a main factor. 选择一个供货商,价格虽然是一个很重要的因素,但不能认为是主要因素。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 8. In the past, you might have needed $10, 000 to get your photo company up and running; now you can do it with a few hundred bucks. 在以前,你可能需要1万美元来开办一家婚纱摄影公司。现在只要几百美元就够了。 www.bing.com 9. These intelligent, versatile predators can swim up to a mile in the ocean and can roam 40 miles at a time. 这些多才多艺的聪明捕食者能在海里游动长达一英里(约1.6公里),而且能一口气漫步40英里。 dongxi.net 10. A JSON object like the one shown in Listing 1 can be inspected during development time using tools like FireBug or simple JavaScript alerts. 在开发期间,可以使用FireBug或简单的JavaScript警告等工具检查清单1中所示的JSON对象。 www.ibm.com 1. A similar number, there would not cite a January 1, you want to know better than I do, should say something wrong, you can laughed. 类似之多,就不一一例举了,想来您比我更清楚,如若说错,你可一笑置之。 www.ept-team.com 2. You can even see a street view of a particular address. 1 And you can double-tap or pinch to zoom in and out on a map. 你甚至可以看到一个特定的地址街道查看一个。1你可以双击自来水或捏来放大地图,并就一个。 www.acpp.com.cn 3. The initial bit of code shown in Listing 1 sets the path for dojo. js and turns debug mode on so you can test your output. 清单1所示代码的初始部分设置dojo.js的路径,并打开调试模式以便测试您的输出。 www.ibm.com 4. The only important thing to note being that the one minus small o which it here (1), can be equal too squared, which is very easy to prove. 唯一要注意的重要的事情是,一减去这个小客体的零,在此这个「一」就等于是零的平方,要证明这一点是轻而易举。 springhero.wordpress.com 5. I can still convert the file format to any other one using one of the new 2000 programs which can read the old 5. 1 files. 另外,这还因为我能将这个老版本软件的文件格式转化成其他2000新版软件所认可的文件格式。 www.zftrans.com 6. But even so, music can enable you to ask for something you'd normally be too shy to ask for. 1即便如此,音乐确实能帮助害羞的你做点什么 www.bing.com 7. When a relationship turns sour you can be sure that at least 1 of these 3 factors is to blame. 如果一段感情开始变坏,那么可以肯定这3条因素里面至少有一条是罪魁祸首。 www.bing.com 8. A pirate copy of Ratatouille, the 2007 Disney film, can be bought on a Shanghai street corner for $1 (and none of that goes to Disney). 在上海的街角,人们花上1美元就能买到迪士尼2007年影片《料理鼠王》(Ratatouille)的盗版光碟(迪士尼从中一份钱都得不到)。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The head, legs, and tail can be pulled at least partly inside to protect the turtle from its enemies (1). 它们的头、脚和尾巴至少可以部分地缩进去,以保护海龟,避免敌人的伤害。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The gastropathic vaccin can effectively interrupt the gastropathic pathogenic bacteria with a chance of up to 72. 1%. 该胃病疫苗能对胃部致病菌有效拦截,保护率达72. treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. A return value of 1 indicates that expression can be converted to at least one of the numeric types. 返回值1指示可以将表达式转换为至少一种numeric类型。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Episode 1 of the third series of RC Racing, shown in Europe on cable channel Motors TV is now online and can be watched in the player above. 第一辑的第三个系列的RC赛车,表明在欧洲汽车有线电视频道电视现已开通,可观看在播放器上面。 www.toptoys.cn 3. With a base price of $1. 4 million, the boat can be fitted with flat-screen TVs, Wi-Fi, a professional kitchen and spacious cabins. 这艘游艇的底价为140万美元,它能够配备平板电视、无线保真(Wi-Fi)上网设备、专业化的厨房和宽大的船舱。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Performing 1 million transactions a second does not mean each transaction can be performed in a millionth of a second. 每秒执行一百万个事务并不意味着每个事务都可以在一百万分之一秒内执行完。 www.ibm.com 5. Now, I said that the text in a fieldset is right-aligned when anybody can see that the text in Figure 1 is left-aligned. 现在,当看到图1中的文本都是左对齐时,fieldset中的文本是右对齐的。 www.ibm.com 6. At the time of this article's writing, version 1. 4 of the JavaMail API was available; you can download it from the Sun Developer Network. 在本文撰写之时,JavaMailAPI版本1.4已经发布;您可以从Sun开发者网络下载。 www.ibm.com 7. 'I don't know if New Moon can beat [Transformers] as it is a huge number, but reaching over $100 million is still a big deal, ' he said. 德加拉伯迪安说,我不知道《新月》能否击败《变形金刚》,因为后者的成绩实在骄人,不过能达到1亿美元已经很不错了。 c.wsj.com 8. Among the reasons for that particular pattern of response one can certainly mention the psychological factors. 1的原因之一特定模式的反应可以肯定提到心理因素。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Brown bears have an extremely keen sense of smell and can detect odors up to a mile away! 棕色的熊对气味十分敏感,能在1.6公里外就闻到气味! dongxi.net 10. This environment is a good starting point to get a feel for what version 1 . 1 Offers. The installation can be used for a proof of concept . 该环境是感受1。1版本所带来的新特性的良好起点;本安装可用于基本概念的验证。 www.bing.com 1. Pick a number from 1 to 10 , and then see how much you can get. 选择一到十之间的一个数字,然后看看你能得到多少。 enews.tacocity.com.tw 2. And scissors compared to the Daojian is an advantage can be processed into a number of paper-cut designs. 以及剪刀比拟,刀剪的1个劣势便是一次能够加农成少个剪纸图案。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. With its thin design and embedded magnet for easy hiding, the Annoy-a-tron can be placed in a variety of locations. 凭借其超薄的设计和嵌入式便于隐藏磁石,惹恼-1-特罗恩可以在不同的地点上。 581la.com 4. The form is very simple, looking for just the name, e-mail address, and phone number of the user, as you can see in Figure 1. 此表单很简单,只是查找用户的姓名、电子邮件地址和电话号码,如图1所示。 www.ibm.com 5. The assembly can be transported to a microliter water droplet containing the enzyme substrate with the aid of an external magnetic field. 在外部磁场的辅助中,将此装置运输到1微升含有酶底物的水滴中。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A 1st house Chiron can be a gifted teacher, and, of course, you can teach others how to do something better than you can do it yourself. 1宫凯隆的人可以是一个极有天赋的老师,当然你是教别人比较自己更出色的那种人。 hi.baidu.com 7. As can be seen, the two parameters (curves) follow one another closely, as would be expected. 可以看出,这两个参数(曲线)后续1另一个密切,正如预计将。 www.tech-domain.com 8. Your hypothetical EJB can be described with a simple interface shown in Listing 1. 使用清单1中所示的简单接口可以描述一个假想的EJB。 www.ibm.com 9. topas is a nice little performance monitoring tool which can be used for a number of purposes (see Figure 1 below). topas是一种非常优秀的小型性能监视工具,它可以用于许多目的(见图1)。 www.ibm.com 10. At the moment I stay very well in Juventus, but I can't say what will happen in the future and I think I will remain here for the next year. 现在我在尤文过得也不错,但我不能保证以后会怎样,我想自己至少还会留1年。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 1. "Brazil is a market that we think can have 1, 000 stores, at least, and we are sitting with less than 100, " he said. “巴西我们将至少要有1000家店,但现在我们只开了不到100家”他说。 www.bing.com 2. The command line interface, described in Part 1, provides a Jython interface with which commonly performed tasks can be automated. 第1部分介绍过的命令行界面提供了一个Jython界面,用于自动化经常执行的任务。 www.ibm.com 3. If you run current through them, you can run 1, 000 times more current through one of these than through a piece of metal. 如果你让它们导电,它们可以携带的电流是一块金属所携带电流的1000倍。 www.ted.com 4. Level 1 is described as descriptive BPMN, which can be used for high-level modeling with a restricted palette of BPMN constructs. 层次1说明为描述性BPMN,它采用BPMN构件的限制性调色板对高层建模。 www.blogjava.net 5. 1, One goal: a boat without a goal can be easily affected by the wind in any direction. 一、一个目标:一艘没有航行目标的船,任何方向的风都是逆风 www.kekenet.com 6. And for somebody age 20, for whom the money can grow for at least 45 years, each dollar is actually costing you nine. 而对于20岁的年轻人来说,他们的钱在未来至少45年内会不断增长,每花1美元实际上相当于9美元。 c.wsj.com 7. This can run for up to an hour, depending on the speed of your system and the type of upgrade you are performing. 升级流程所需的时间最长可达1个小时,这取决于系统的速度和执行的升级类型。 www.ibm.com 8. We are looking for someone who can become a regular part of our growing editorial team and post at least 1 article per day or more. 我们正在寻找的人谁可以成为我们的编辑队伍越来越经常性的一部分,后每天至少一或更多的文章。 www.bing.com 9. As you can see in Listing 1, the only persistence-specific code associated with the User class is the @Id annotation. 正如在清单1中看到的,与User类相关的惟一特定于持久性的代码是@Id注释。 www.ibm.com 10. The id for the object is set to 1, and can be set to any level of the organization to be used as a starting point. 这个对象的id设置为1,可以设置为作为起点的任何组织层。 www.ibm.com 1. In contrast, I can certainly kill any of my own tasks, as shown in Listing 1. 与此相反,我当然可以结束自己的任何任务,如清单1所示。 www.ibm.com 2. You can compile this servlet, register it with Voxeo, and access it by phone, just as you did with Listing 1. 现在您可编译这个servlet、向Voxeo注册它,并通过电话访问它,与处理清单1的方法相同。 www.ibm.com 3. 1 family said, marry too far can't to be with the old man often side, we did not give up. 家里人说,嫁太远不能时常的陪在老人身边,我们不舍得。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Table 1 provides a few switches that you can use when executing piomkpq. For a complete list of switches, please take a look at man piomkpq. 表1提供了一些在执行piomkpq时可以使用的switch语句,要获得完整的switch列表,请参考manpiomkpq。 www.ibm.com 5. You can also blanch them in boiling water for 30 seconds to a minute and then place them into a large bowl of ice water. 也可以在沸水中烫洗30秒到1分钟再把它们放进一大碗冰水中。 www.elanso.com 6. Now you can define a simple function to do nothing more than tell you how many parameters it has and display them as shown in Listing 1. 现在,您可以定义一个简单函数,其用途只是告诉您它所拥有的参数数量并显示这些参数,如清单1所示。 www.ibm.com 7. "No. 1" big dipper ground control center of the system can be expanded to a new generation of navigation system ground control center. “北斗一号”系统的地面控制中心站可扩建为新一代导航系统的地面控制中心站。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. the product containing up to more than 1% protein tastes soft and smooth and can be directly eaten with spoons or straws. 口感非常细腻滑爽,产品可用汤勺或吸管直接食用,蛋白含量高达1%以上。 ip.com 9. AU options shown can be repeated for any of the topologies shown in Figures 1 through 4 and described in conjunction with those Figures. 所示的所有选择可对于图1至图4所示并结合那些附图描述的拓扑结构的任一个重复进行。 www.pat365.com 10. If is others, the young girl early disdains to a to attend to, even see can't see many 1 eyes and then will leave. 如果是其他人,少女早就不屑一顾,连看都不会看多一眼就会离开了。 cnxp.tk 1. Currently, a maximum of one persistent storage unit can be associated to a given instance, as shown in Figure 1. 目前,最多能将一个持久性存储单元关联到一个给定实例,如图1中所示。 www.ibm.com 2. So, if that person runs 15 miles and is able to cut 2, 000 calories over the course of a week, he can lose a pound. 因此,如果一周跑15英里并减少2000大卡的热量摄入,就能减轻1磅。 www.bing.com 3. If you use the integration wizard shown in Figure 1, you can switch between projects and import one project at a time. 如果您使用如图1所示的集成向导,那么就可以在项目之间切换并一次导入一个项目。 www.ibm.com 4. Available as a user extension (UX) in Ext JS, you can now perform edits to a grid at the row level, as shown in Figure 1. 作为ExtJS中的用户扩展(UX),现在可以进行行级编辑,如图1所示。 www.ibm.com 5. LED lights can flicker (hence creating 0 and 1 necessary to transport digital data) fast enough to be imperceptible by human eyes. 它利用人眼察觉不到的闪烁来表示数据传输所必须的0和1。 www.it.com.cn 6. Bitmap and vector graphics the simplest is the difference between 1 and vector graph can be infinitely zoom in, and will not be distorted. 位图与矢度图最单一的不同1、矢度图可以无穷不扩大,而且不会逼真。 www.bing.com 7. Finally, thank you to accept me for being a member of your family in the hope that we can relate to in this time of 1 month! 最后,感谢你们能够接受我成为你们家庭中的一员,希望我们能够在这1个月的时间内相处融洽! www.88769253.com 8. As you can see clearly in Listing 1, each of these eight properties is set in the configuration for each of the three Ext. Window objects. 在清单1中,您可以清楚的看到在配置中要为3个Ext.Window对象的每一个都设置这个8个属性。 www.ibm.com 9. That study found that 1. 5 percent of Russia's population can be considered alcoholics, but Bryun himself said the number was likely higher. 调查显示,俄罗斯人口中的1.5%都是酗酒者,但Bryun却说这个数目很可能是过高了。 www.bing.com 10. Prefixes can be set to different URIs, but cannot be undefined, at least for XML 1. 0 documents. 可以将前缀设置成不同的URI,但不能取消定义,至少对XML1.0文档是这样。 www.ibm.com 1. "Market sentiment has definitely improved a bit. Maybe we can try to reach $1. 30" over the coming weeks, he said. 他说道:“市场人气确实有些好转.未来几周可能会达到1.30美元。” cn.reuters.com 2. Otherwise, clients can wait six months to a year to fill vacancies. 否则,他们就要等上半年到1年,才能填补空缺。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Mercury will no longer be retrograde as of January 15, so you can safely launch plans and sign key documents a few days after that. 水星将不再逆行年1月15日,所以你可以放心的发布计划,并签署了几天之后,重要文件。 www.douban.com 4. Remaining shunt capacitance can be effectively neutralized by a slight modification of the feedback loop, as shown in Figure 1-12. 对反馈回路进行略微的修改就可以有效地消除残存的并联电容,如图1-12所示。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In many cases, problems that previously consumed high-level administrator cycles can now be referred to Level 1 internal support teams. 很多情况下,以前需要高水平管理程序周期来解决的问题现在在内部支持团队中只需要用Level1就可以解决。 www.ibm.com 6. In the example , the AWE mapped memory can only be released up to 1 GB , the min server memory limit . 在此示例中,最多只能释放1GB(即最小服务器内存限制)的AWE映射内存。 www.bing.com 7. Typically, a financial adviser can collect up to an extra 1% of a client's assets each year. 典型地,一个金融顾问每年可以对客户的资产多收高达1%的费用。 www.ecocn.org 8. A code very similar to the code shown in Listing 1 can be used to parse the names which uses underscores to separate words. 可以使用非常类似于清单1的代码来分隔单词。 www.ibm.com 9. Taken together, it is possible that dominant-positive heat shock factor 1 can be used to prevent or cure Parkinson's disease. 这些结果表明,正显性热休克因子1突变体在帕金森病的防治方面可能具有潜在的应用前景。 www.ebiotrade.com 10. match-fixing (1) Can I say that I have never been involved in any form of snooker match -fixing . 我保证,我从来没有卷入过任何形式的对于比赛的操纵活动。 www.kekenet.com 1. Table 1 shows the percentage availability against the amount of time it can be down in a one-year period. 表1给出了可用性百分比与一年内可接受的停机时间。 www.ibm.com 2. Certainly a one-contract floor trader can do a great deal of damage to himself, not unlike falling off a mile-high bridge. 当然,和从1英里高的桥上掉下来不同,交易1份合约的交易者也会极大地伤害自己。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Thus, you can iterate over a collection quite easily using the each method in conjunction with a code block, as shown in Listing 1. 这样,您可以使用each方法和代码块在集合中轻松迭代,如清单1所示。 www.ibm.com 4. 1-2 days a week the Machinist, fitter, welding and other interns must be qualified products can be examined. 每周一至两天的车工,钳工,焊接等实习,必须要有合格的制成品才能通过考核。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Using the Auto Form Filler you can have ONE password that lets you safely logon to any of your web accounts with just 1 click! 使用自动填表,您可以有一个密码,可让您安全地登录到任何您的Web帐户,只要一按一下! xtdownload.com 6. Even a 1% change in flow rate can sometimes be significant, if it is persistent, but that is not always the case. 有时,流速持续不断的改变,即使仅有1%也显得非常重要,但这种情况并不常见。 www.ecocn.org 7. The program is tailored to assist the creation of a image file that you can upload to 1 pup for your listing placement . 该计划是针对以协助建立一个图像文件,您可以上传到一的PUP为您的物品的位置。 xtdownload.com 8. The have estimated that a one hectare plantation would be able to produce 7-8 tons of oil, and all parts of the plant can be used. 据估计1公顷的水果园能够产出7到8吨的油,而且该果树的各个部分均有利用价值。 www.kekenet.com 9. Extraordinarily high response times, or spikes (as shown in Figure 1), can be a concern if they occur frequently. 如果频繁发生的话,那么极高的响应时间,或者异常(如图1所示)可以成为人们的关注点。 www.ibm.com 10. The rental period can be as short as an hour and the operator takes care of insurance, cleaning, repairs and a permanent parking spot. 租期最短可以只有1个小时,而且由运营商负责保险、清洁、维修和永久车位问题。 www.ftchinese.com 1. As Figure 1 shows, recent studies indicate that you can expect half of your projects to be late and one third of them to be over budget. 如图1所示,最近的研究表明,有一半项目将滞后,而三分之一的项目将超过预算。 www.ibm.com 2. Just Sudoku 1. 0 is absolutely free, has an easy to use point-and-click interface and can easily be installed and uninstalled. 刚才的游戏,1.0是完全免费的,易于使用的点和点击界面和可以轻松地安装和卸载。 xtdownload.com 3. A woman may earn 76 cents on the dollar for the same work as a man, but she can fabricate, like, 85 cents no problem. 同样的工作,一个男人挣1美元的时候,一个女人只能拿到76美分,但是她可以捏造,比如说,写成85美分是没问题的。 www.bing.com 4. As you can see in Figure 1, there is a service endpoint implementation (concrete) class and a service endpoint interface definition. 请参阅图1,那里有一个服务端点实现(具体的)类和一个服务端点接口的定义。 www.ibm.com 5. Or, you can select the related PCI slot to let Daughter Card Slot 1 show up to system first with lowest device ID (see Figure 3). 或者,您可以选择相关的PCI插槽以让DaughterCardSlot1首先以最低的设备ID显示给系统(参见图3)。 www.ibm.com 6. In this respect, the Enron scandal of January 2002 can be interpreted as an ironic commentary on the notion of a risk society. 在这方面,2002年1月的安然丑闻可以作为一个对风险社会颇具讽刺意味的脚注。 www.bing.com 7. In FIG. 1, the ground floor may comprise a garage that provides access to a road that can be used by a car 7 or any other means of travel. 在图1中,地面层可包括车库,其提供可由汽车7或者任何其它交通工具所使用的道路的通路。 www.pat365.com 8. As many studies have shown, at least 40% of the variability in returns can be reduced by moving from a single company to 20. 很多研究已经显示,从投资1家公司到投资20家公司,回报的波动性至少可以下降40%。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Even if the President can push through every element of his plan, most analysts agree that unemployment would only tick down by 1%. 大多数分析师一致认为,就算奥巴马总统可以原封不动地施行其计划,他也只能将失业率降低1%左右。 www.forbeschina.com 10. This "squeeze" the word really is not blowing out, and simply to rub elbows with each point, can sit the chances of a seat may only 0. 1%. 这个“挤”字还真不是吹出来的,简直到了摩肩接踵的地步,能坐到座位的机率可能只有0. www.tradeask.com 1. The experimental results for practical infrared image show that the algorithm can detection the point target with SCR of 1. 用实际摄取的图像进行实验,结果表明该算法能检测出信杂比(SCR)为1的红外图像。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 2. Before reading this section, you can benefit from reviewing the General cluster architecture section in Part 1 of this series. 在阅读本节之前,先阅读一下本系列第1部分中有关总体集群架构的章节将会很有益处。 www.ibm.com 3. A cabinet (1) with a pull-out part, preferably a drawer (2), which can be pulled out of the cabinet body is described. 本发明描述一种柜子(1),包括可从柜体中拉出的拉出件、优选抽屉(2)。 ip.com 4. On Pet Society, one of the most popular social games on Facebook, users can pay $1 for a digital bonnet to adorn their virtual pet. 宠物社区(PetSociety)是Facebook上最流行的社交游戏之一,用户在里面可以花1美元购买一顶数字帽子,来装扮自己的虚拟宠物。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Match the verbs with the means of transport in activity 1. Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport. 从下列的动词中找出与活动一中的交通手段相匹配的动词。有些动词的意思不仅仅是指一种交通工具。 www.5ykj.com 6. The doctor told me the worst case: There's less than 1 percent chance that you can die during the surgery. That's a risk. 医生告诉我最坏的情况:在手术过程中,有低于1%的几率你可能会死去。这是一个冒险。 www.bing.com 7. Bleach: (1) Converting a metallic silver image to a halide or other salt which can be removed from the film with hypo . 漂白:1)把金属银的影像转化成能用硫化硫酸钠冲洗掉的卤化物或其他盐类。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. One of these rugged devices can turn 1, 000 litres a day of contaminated groundwater, polluted river water or seawater into drinking water. 这些坚固耐用的设备可以把一个1000升的地下水污染和受污染的河水或海水成为饮用水。 www.ecocn.org 9. In XSLT 1. 0, string and RTF are the only data types that you can use to store an arbitrary number of intermediate results. 在XSLT1.0中,只能使用字符串和RTF存储中间结果。 www.ibm.com 10. The refresh interval for the cached object can be configured, and is set to 60 seconds in the example shown in Listing 1. 可以配置缓存对象的刷新间隔,清单1中的示例将该值设定为了60秒。 www.ibm.com 1. If I send them a message at night, I can expect a reply say 1 or 2 pm the next day in Singapore, assuming they start work at 8 or 9 am. 假设他们早上8、9点开始工作,如果晚上给他们发信息,那么我在新加坡时间第二天下午1、2点钟才能收到回复。 dongxi.net 2. When buying a battery make sure they are rechargeable, have high mAh (energy capacity), and can output at least an amp at any time. 要买可充电的那种,有高mAh(能量的容量),能在任何时候至少可以输出1安培。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Set in your calendar to open your letter 1 year from now. Put this envelope in a safe place where no one can access to it. 在日历上注明,1年后的今天你要打开这封信。把这封信放在安全的地方,确保别人看不到。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. A film short can be anywhere from 3 minutes to an hour and uses only a few characters and locations. 电影短片片长在3分钟到1个小时之间,角色和场景较少。 www.bing.com 5. As indicated in Table 1, a dump can include thread details that can provide unique insights into what was happening at the time of the dump. 如表1所示,一个转储文件可以包含线程的一些详细信息,它们有助于我们理解转储文件生成时所发生的问题。 www.ibm.com 6. A helicopter is moved on the territory using such trolleys. A helicopter weighing 1 ton can be easily moved with it by one person. 直升机是用这样的推车移动的。一吨重的飞机可以这样轻而易举的被一个人移动。 www.bing.com 7. the high dose of alcohol intake can induce the disorder of lipid metabolism, and came into being hyperlipemia. 结论:1、大剂量酒精摄入引起脂质代谢异常,形成高脂血症。 8. You can spend 15 minutes online and look like you've been following them for a year. 你可以在网上花15分钟查好资料,然后装作已经关注这个公司1年了。 www.ezhubbs.com 9. But over the May 1 holiday, he was rising early to eat breakfast and gear up to answer questions like, "Where can I find the toilet? " 但在五一假期,他每天都早早地起床,早餐后便忙着去解答诸如“洗手间在哪里?”此类问题。 www.i21st.cn 10. Even if the recovery can be sustained this year, GDP growth is likely to be a meagre 1% or so. 即使今年能够继续复苏,GDP的增长可能是微乎其微的1%。 www.bing.com 1. An investment professional can argue for any sort of investment decision by selectively ignoring either point 1 or 2. 一个职业投资者可以通过有选择地忽略其中之一而对任何投资决定进行辩护。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The cost for the trips, which can last one to four weeks, starts at $215 a week for non-club members. 该项可能持续1到4周的行程为非俱乐部成员提供每周215美元的资助。 www.bing.com 3. The notion that dangerous climate change can be averted for a mere 1% of global GDP depends on policy being efficient. 危险的气候变化的概念可以避免仅仅1%的全球GDP,依赖于政策是有效的。 www.bing.com 4. By examining Figure 1, you can begin to see the obvious dependencies among the components. 通过仔细观察图1,您会开始明白这些组件之间显而易见的依赖性。 www.ibm.com 5. 1 matters not covered in the terms of the contract, both parties can use supplemental agreement or other agreement in writing again. 本合同条款之未尽事宜,双方可以用补充协议或其它书面形式再作约定。 www.82873.com 6. Bankrate. com says you can get 1. 5% or so if you agree to lock up your money in a CD for a year. Bankrate.com说,要是你把钱定期存上一年,就会得到1.5%左右的收益。 www.bing.com 7. Then 1s can come alive in a way they had not experienced before. 然后1将以一种从未经历过的方式重生。 life-2009.spaces.live.com 8. 'We can expect to see more fluctuations in the radiation levels as we continue venting the No. 1 and No. 3 reactors, ' he said. 他说,随着一号反应堆和三号反应堆继续排放蒸汽,预计辐射水平会出现更多波动。 chinese.wsj.com 9. In Part 1, you saw that you can replace the default JAXP parser implementation with your own implementation by changing a system property. 在第1部分中已经看到,通过更改系统属性,可以用自己的实现替换默认JAXP解析器实现。 www.ibm.com 10. And best of all, it can do this on just a minute (or so) a day. 最重要的是,你只要每天花1分钟时间,就可以做到以上说的这些。 www.bing.com 1. Based on Table 1, you can see that AspectJ, AspectWerkz, JBoss AOP, and Spring AOP are the leading tools in terms of user adoption. 根据表1,可以看出,从用户采用度的角度来说,AspectJ、AspectWerkz、JBossAOP和SpringAOP是领先的工具。 www.ibm.com 2. If you just can't make it through the day without a nap, sleep less than one hour, before 3 pm. 如果做不到不午睡的话,那就在下午三点之前尽量睡少于1小时。 www.ebigear.com 3. Proof of this can be had any of the 13 times a day that women can be found crying, inexplicably. 1天里有13次女人会毫无理由地哭,这就是最好的证明。 www.bing.com 4. The utility model is composed of a head band (1) which can be amplified and decreased, and a telescopic support rod (6). 它是由可以放大缩小的头箍(1)和可伸缩的撑杆(6)组成。 ip.com 5. As you can see in Listings 1 and 2, I've logically modeled a many-to-one relationship between runners and a race. 您可以从清单1和2看到,我在选手和比赛之间逻辑上建立了一个多对一的关系。 www.ibm.com 6. B: Of course. You can pay a deposit of ten pounds, and then one pound a week for sixty weeks. 当然,你可以先付10英镑定金,然后,每月付1镑,一共付60个星期。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. As you can see in Listing 1, no explicit reference is made to any XML tag. 从清单1中可以看出,这里没有明确引用任何XML标签。 www-128.ibm.com 8. You can mark a profile as the default profile under an installation directory at profile creation time, as you can see in Figure 1. 您可以在创建概要文件时,将其标记为安装目录下的缺省概要文件,如图1所示。 www.ibm.com 9. Is an expression of the type float or of a type that can be implicitly converted to float, with a value from -1 through 1. 类型float或可隐式转换为float的类型的表达式,其取值范围从-1到1。 technet.microsoft.com 10. As you can see by comment 1: "Mr Frater this list is so much better. " 就像你在第一条评论中看到的那样:“佛雷特先生,这张榜单实在是太好了。” www.elanso.com 1. This island is only 1. 78 square kilometers in area, can be more than an hour walking around the island circuit. 此岛面积才1.78平方公里,步行一个多小时就可以绕岛一圈。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. A disc brake, which can be applied mechanically, electrically, or hydraulically to stop the rotor in emergencies. 1盘式制动器,可应用于机械,电气,液压或停止转子在紧急情况下。 www.lunwenbang.cn 3. Wherever you can, whenever you can, always drive fear out of the workplace. Fear is "Public Enemy #1" of an innovative culture. 尽你所能地把恐惧挡在工作室之外。恐惧是创新文化的“头号公敌”。 www.bing.com 4. However, samples less than 1% of a population can often provide good reliability, give a credible sampling procedure. 但如果抽样程序正确的话,不到总体的1%就能提供很好的准确性。 22eng.com 5. The class shown in Listing 2 demonstrates how you can split the processing of a document, shown in Listing 1, between multiple handlers. 清单2中展示的类演示了如何在多个处理程序之间划分对一个文档(如清单1所述)的处理任务。 www.ibm.com 6. Spiral scraps discharge machine important features: 1 can be made into a degree or take carry lower degrees. 1可制做成程度或带提降低度。可单机或多台配合运用。 news.youboy.com 7. Our first case (Figure 1) shows how a drawing tool typically handles flow diagrams, which can be very ambiguous. 我们的第一个案例(图1)将说明绘图工具通常如何处理工作流关系图(可能非常容易混淆)。 www.ibm.com 8. Fly disinfestation unit 2 and body of a trash can plastic, made of steel or stainless steel processing. 灭蝇装置2和垃圾桶体1可用塑料、钢材或不锈钢加工制成。 www.good2.com 9. these summer days are getting to be more than I can take. 1这些夏天的日子变得让我难以忍受。 wenwen.soso.com 10. By increasing productivity, reducing health care costs and preventing illness, sanitation can produce up to $9 for every $1 invested. 依靠增加生产能力,减少医疗费用以及预防疾病,卫生设施能使每投资1美元产生出高达9美元的回报。 dongxi.net 1. Believed to be the only such trail on a university campus in the nation, you can see over 1, 100 varieties of the flower. 相信我,在这个全国校园内唯一的一条小径,你可以看见1200多种不同的花卉。 www.elanso.com 2. Nature gave Sri Lanka an average annual rainfall of an impressive 1, 700 mm, although dry areas can go for up to six months without water. 大自然给了斯里兰卡令人吃惊的1700mm的年平均降水量,尽管干旱地区可能最多6个月没有水。 www.scidev.net 3. The brownies can be stored in an airtight container for up to 4 days or frozen for 1 month. 这个布朗尼可以在密封容器里放4天或者冷藏一个月。 www.dianping.com 4. Figure 1: A PPM solution can provide the benefits described in the text at right for each tier of the organization, as shown in the pyramid. 图1:如图中金字塔所示,一个PPM解决方案可以为组织的每一层级提供右面文字中所描述的好处。 www.ibm.com 5. landlord does not prevent you can try, I can go on like this month, 1 to 2 pounds lean, and very calm! 楼主不防可以试试的,我一个月这样下去都可以瘦1~2斤的,十分镇静! 99mrw.5d6d.com 6. I can't say if I was the first guy here (for the 1 p. m. practice), but I was here at 9 o'clock. 我不知道我是不是第一个来(训练)的人,但我上午9点就已经到了(训练于下午1点开始)。 www.bing.com 7. They can barely dig it out fast enough to meet demand. Rio Tinto plans to double its 2007 iron-ore production (160m tonnes) in four years. RioTinto公司计划在四年之内铁矿石产量能够比2007年(1.6亿吨)增长一倍。 www.ecocn.org 8. Sifteo's one and a half inch Cubes come in sets of 3, but games can be played using up to 6 cubes. Sifteo一套共有3个1.5英寸大小的方块,玩游戏时最多可用6个方块。 www.bing.com 9. It includes some of the world's largest stands of fast-growing aspen trees, which can gain 5 feet (1. 5 meters) in a year. 这片莽原区包括了几块世界上最大的颤杨林地。这些颤杨树增长非常迅速,一年内可以长高5英尺(约1.5米)。 www.bing.com 10. This machine uses liquefied petroleum gas or propane gas as fuel, easy to get. Flame can reach 1-3 m high. 本机器采用液化气或丙烷为原料,经济耐用,火焰呈蘑菇云状或柱状,高度可达1-3米。 www.qy6.com 1. Each electrical heater band can be arranged in a sealing bush 1 which is combined with the oil tube in case of the contact with oil. 每段电热带可置在与油管结合的密封套筒1里,以防与油液接触。 ip.com 2. Given that these objects can have masses equivalent to one billion Suns, it takes a special set of conditions to cause this to happen. 鉴于这些对象可以有群众相等于1亿个太阳,它需要一套特殊的条件导致这种情况发生。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. 1. "In Stock Nearby" Now you can search and receive information directly from local stores to see what's available and where. 1。“InStockNearby”:让用户通过搜索可以直接获得本地店铺的产品信息及店铺信息,从而了解产品是否可以买到及店铺的位置。 www.bing.com 4. As you can see in L Listing 1, if the object being persisted is a Race, then its distance is determined and, accordingly, a shard is picked. 如您在清单1中所看到的,如果持久化对象是一场Race,那么其距离被确定,而且(因此)选择了一个切分。 www.ibm.com 5. As mentioned earlier, each registry can only be used in 1 domain at a time. 如前所述,每个注册表一次只能用在一个域中。 www.ibm.com 6. Find things to enjoy about winter. A snowy, icy, cold, or rainy world can be beautiful and often has sounds and smells all its own. 1找一些可以在冬天做的娱乐活动,一个被大雪覆盖的,结冰的,寒冷的或是一个下雨天都可以是美好的,并且散发出自己独特的气质。 www.bing.com 7. Check out this list of ways you can sharpen your skills, your outlook, and be your very best for Round 1 right around the corner. 请看看如下的方法,你可以提高你的申请技能和看法,并且在接下来的第一轮申请中做到最好。 www.bing.com 8. Among them, DHV-1 is the most virulent, since the mortality rate can reach high up to 80% once ducklings infected within 3 weeks old. 三种鸭肝炎病毒以DHV-1病原性最强,当3周龄以内之小鸭感染DHV-1病毒时,其致死率高达80%以上。 www.docin.com 9. If you can't watch the whole video, at least fast-forward to 1: 50 where the robot can be seen running and jumping. 如果你看不完整段视频,起码也要快进到1:50的位置,你可以看到该机器人可以跑和跳。 www.bing.com 10. Hopefully TMac can keep it up. But now Ron isnt shooting all that well. 希望麦迪计息保持下去,但是现在阿尔斯通不再百发百中….12投1中。 www.nba100.com 1. You can send |0 as an attachment to an e-mail message or send |1 as the body of an e-mail message. 您可以将|0以电子邮件附件的形式发送,或将|1以电子邮件正文的形式发送。 www.jukuu.com 2. As you can see in Figure 1, the human voice produces a distinct average of characteristic frequencies when speaking. 如图1所示,人类语音在说话时将生成独特的平均特征频率。 www.ibm.com 3. Electrospinning is a new technique, which can be used to prepare nanofibers with a diameter down to 1nm. 静电纺丝是一种新技术,它可制备出直径为纳米级的丝,最小直径可至1纳米。 www.chemyq.com 4. When "Downton Abbey" returns to PBS in January 2013, viewers can expect to see Lady Mary's wedding to Matthew Crawley. 当2013年1月《唐顿庄园》第三季在PBS首播之时,观众们将会看到Mary和MatthewCrawley的婚礼。 www.hjenglish.com 5. As for the actual release, this depends on how soon we can resolve the remaining issues but we hope to have it out within 1-2 weeks. 至于最终的发布取决于我们能够多快解决剩下的收尾工作,希望会在最近1-2个星期内公布。 www.cngba.com 6. The psychological trick of seeing a one instead of a two at the front of a price, as in $19. 99 versus $20 can work to increase sales. 看价格的前部先看到的是1而不是2,比如$19.9对$20,这一心理技巧能起到增加销售的作用。 www.bing.com 7. Please send your curriculum and please show that you have good contacts and that you can sell at least 1 container each time. 请展示您的销售能力,每次能销售一个集装箱以上的产品;提成很高。请发送简历至wendy。 www.alsox.com 8. Bordered by a red rectangle in figure 1, the body is the place where any iWidget can be displayed to the user. 图1中红色矩形包围的部分,主体是向用户显示iWidget的地方。 www.ibm.com 9. As you can see from Figure 1, the production of an will affect the quality of the final product. 从图1可以看出,出产历程洋的每一个粗节都不兵感化到首先产物的质度。 www.bing.com 10. World population can be stable only if fertility rates around the world average out to 2. 1 children per woman. 只有世界范围内的出生率能达到平均每位妇女生育2.1个子女,世界人口才可能稳定。 www.zftrans.com 1. You can take notes about what you experienced at the end of each day, or you can just go by feel; maybe rate each day on a scale of 1 to 10. 你可以在每天睡觉之前把自己的经历记下来,或者只是跟着感觉走,你还可以把这两天的进展按照1到10的标准评评分。 www.zftrans.com 2. STEP month and day is set to 1 hour and minute settings can be divided into 10, and a bit were set. 月和日的设置STEP为1,小时和分钟的设置可分十位和个位分别设置。 www.cntrades.com 3. And your next question is, can you light a little torch bulb with a battery, a bulb and one piece of wire? 问题二,你能否点亮一个小灯泡只用1个电池、1个灯泡、和1条电线? www.ted.com 4. As you can see in the attached file, we need 5 labels in one booklet with the same serial number followed by the next number, and so on. 你可以看到附件中,1个小册子中需要五个标签,而且是能够延续到下一个编号的相同序列号,等等。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Who can make a rainy day smile at me in such a sunny way? 谁能使1个雨天以这样阳光明媚的方式向你微笑? blog.sina.com.cn 6. Plan 1: put your money to donate to the hope project, let the child can roam disaster areas in the sea of knowledge. 方案1:把钱捐到希望工程,让灾区的孩子也能遨游在知识的海洋。 wenwen.soso.com 7. In Figure 1, you can see that each software stack (operating system and applications) is an isolated virtual machine (VM). 图1显示,每个软件堆栈(操作系统和应用程序)都是一个独立的虚拟机(VM)。 www.ibm.com 8. The production practice has shown that this machine can improve the grade of magnetic concentrates by1. 5%. 生产实践表明,该机可提高磁选精矿铁品位1.5个百分点; www.chemyq.com 9. As you can see in Figure 1, some code review rules come with an automated solution (or quick fix). 如图一所示,一些代码复查规则给你提供了一个自动的解决方案(或者快速修复方法)。 www.ibm.com 10. As you can see in Listing 11, grabbing the last column in a result set is as easy as indexing with a -1. 您在清单11中可以看到,提取结果集的最后一个元素非常容易,只要用-1作索引就可以。 www.ibm.com 1. And yet no one has tried seriously to close the gap, which can be done only by (1) raising taxes or (2) cutting expenditures. 然而,从来没有人认真考虑来弥补这个缺口,方法有两个,要么提高税率,要么降低支出。 www.bing.com 2. Optionally, you can connect a note to a part of the diagram, as shown in Figure 1. 您可以选择将说明与关系图的某个部分联系起来,如图1所示。 www.ibm.com 3. The potential is good - to properly treat and remediate a single piece of these agents of death can cost US$1 Million. 这些是很有赢的潜力的——让这些死的人得到适当的对待和修复,单份赔偿就可以达到100万美金。 tieba.baidu.com 4. The concentrate can be diluted up to 1: 32 depending on applications, which range from tough oven spills to floors. 浓缩的清洁剂根据情况可稀释到最大1:32,可清洁从烤箱溢出物以及地板之间的顽固赃物。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 5. Intended for short runs, the unit can run batches of up to 1, 000 labels at a time. 用于小批量生产,该单位可以运行批多达1,000个标签上。 zxhxj.a1pak.com 6. The train CJ-1 have ability to degradation of macromolecules, cellulose can be used as a metabolic substrate. CJ-1具有降解大分子物质的能力,可以利用纤维素作为底物进行代谢。 www.fabiao.net 7. As you can see there is a LOGO on the polyester ribbon - Dove . The polyester ribbon must be shiny and very good quality. 你可以看到,沐浴花的涤纶饰带上有一个logo,“Dove”,涤纶带必须是光面的,而且质量上乘,宽度为1.1厘米。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The same basic circuit configuration shown in Figure 1-8 can be used as an input preamplifier for a nanovoltmeter. 与图1-8所示相同的基本电路结构也可以用作纳伏表的输入前置放大器。 www.eefocus.com 9. If I can, 1 would knead everything in my heart into today' s departure, but I can't do it! 如果我能,我愿将心底的一切都揉进今日的分别。但是我不能啊! www.miteo.net 10. If you use parted, you can use the set command to turn on the lvm flag, as in set 1 lvm on to flag partition 1 as an LVM partition. 如果您使用parted,那么您可以使用set命令来打开lvm标记,正如在set1lvmon中标记分区1作为一个LVM分区。 www.ibm.com 1. eg: The Rank 1 player of the contest can pick one of the following phoenix icon as one of his character Icon. 比赛第1名的玩家,可以选择以下其中一个凤凰图像,作为他其中一个角色的图像。 www.rockybbs.com 2. Destroying the Blue Tiberium in patch 1. 09 can be very bad for your opponent. 在1.09版里摧毁蓝色泰矿会是你的对手变得非常不利。 www.gamersky.com 3. Insurance costs can be less than 1% of the price of the art work, according to Nick Brett, underwriting director at AXA Art Insurance. 安盛艺术保险公司(AXAArtInsurance)的核保主管布雷特(NickBrett)表示,保险费是艺术品售价的1%不到。 chinese.wsj.com 4. In order to achieve the proposed goals autonomic systems can be broken down in four different fronts, as depicted in Figure 1. 为了达到这个被提议的目标,自治系统可以划分成四个不同的方面,如图1。 www.ibm.com 5. As you can see in Figure 1, the form captures a name, description, and a date. 可以从图1中看到,表单捕捉到一个名称、描述和一个日期。 www.ibm.com 6. All six outlets are controlled by a foot switch which can be positioned up to 1. 5 meters away. 所有六个电路口都是由一个由脚按钮控制的,它可以延长至1.5米。 www.elanso.com 7. Typically, an investor can sell a stake for 1-5% less than its current value to another investor in order to leave a hedge fund. 具代表性的是,一位投资者能向另一位投资者以每股低于现行价1-5%的价格抛售其股份以避免对冲基金。 www.ecocn.org 8. In Part 1, we talked about how multiple resource managers can be enlisted in a single transaction, coordinated by a transaction manager. 在第1部分中,我们讨论了如何在单个事务中征用多个资源管理器,事务管理器如何协调这些资源管理器。 www.ibm.com 9. Many of these problems can be corrected through safe sex education, which opponents of condoms also oppose. (注释1)许多这类问题都能通过性安全教育予以修正,但就算是这样,反对者们依然反对。 www.bing.com 10. In the first of this two-part series, " Simple linear regression with PHP, " I explained why a math library can be useful for PHP. 在这个由两部分组成的系列文章的第1部分(“用PHP实现的简单线性回归”)中,我说明了数学库对PHP有用的原因。 www.ibm.com 1. The MPI API has several functions that you can apply directly to solve this problem, as shown in Listing 1. MPIAPI有多个函数可以直接解决这个问题,如清单1所示。 www.ibm.com 2. Wetting agent at 1% concentration level can keep the peat keep more water, that will be very beneficial to the growth of crops. 湿润剂在1%的浓度水平下,能够使草炭在保持更多的水分的同时有更大的通气性; www.fabiao.net 3. From a shell prompt, you can display the path name of the directory you're in by running the command pwd, shown in Listing 1. 从shell提示,您可以显示您所在的目录的路径名,方法是运行命令pwd,如清单1所示。 www.ibm.com 4. Create the web. xml file shown in Listing 1 under the WEB-INF directory so you can serve up static file content from the WAR. 在WEB-INF目录下创建如清单1所示的web.xml文件,这样就可以提供来自WAR的静态文件内容。 www.ibm.com 5. Google says adding 1 buttons to your pages can help your ads stand out on Google. 谷歌表示添加“ 1”按钮可以帮助你的页面广告在谷歌中脱颖而出。 www.bing.com 6. The token rule: The token rule can match any of a number or sequences, somewhat arbitrarily, which I named to match the chef. l grammar. token规则:token规则可以匹配任何数或序列,这些数和序列是我为匹配chef.1文法而指定的(有些随意)。 www.ibm.com 7. Loggerhead turtles can stay underwater for up to an hour. 蠵龟在水下停留的时间长达1小时。 www.bing.com 8. To maximize reliability, we want to ensure that the database spaces are in a consistent state so their use can be resumed on the target. 为了尽可能提高可靠性,我们1希望确保数据库空间处于一致的状态,以便在目标系统上恢复它们。 www.ibm.com 9. In Figure 1, you can see that the ProcessPurchaseOrder BOD starts this scenario by communicating a customer's demand for an order. 在图1中,可以看到ProcessPurchaseOrderBOD是通过传送客户的订单需求来启动该方案的。 www.ibm.com 10. Fake blood can be concocted out of one part water, three parts corn syrup, and red food coloring. 可以用1份水、3份糖浆和一些食用色素调合一下,做出人造血。 www.bing.com |
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