单词 | solve |
释义 |
第三人称单数:solves 现在分词:solving 过去式:solved v. n. solve problem,solve crisis,solve issue,solve question,solve equation adv. v. completely solve solve 显示所有例句 例句释义: 解决,处理,解答,破解,求解,解释,溶解 1. Such an administrative structure seems to well solve the insufficiency of primary care and inefficiency of special care at present. 这样的管理结构从目前来看较好的解决了初级卫生服务供给不足和专科卫生服务效率低下的问题。 wszc.alljournals.com.cn 2. As a chemist, he felt that if he could not solve what he calls the "home problem, " then his education would not be very useful. 作为一个化学家,他感到如果他不能解决他口中的家乡问题,那么他受的教育就会成为一纸空谈。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. To solve these problems, your script needs to be able to catch or trap some of the signals discussed in Terminating a child process. 要解决这类问题,脚本需要能够捕获或trap终止子进程一节讨论的信号。 www.ibm.com 4. Almost half of those who sat the exam were unable to solve elementary maths questions and a third failed a reading comprehension test. 参加考试的人中几乎有一半没能解出初级的数学试题,三分之一未能通过阅读理解测试。 www.ecocn.org 5. We are definitely part of the NoSQL movement in that we are trying to solve problems that RDBMS are not addressing right now. 当然支持NoSQL运动了,因为我们正在解决RDBMS目前所没有解决的问题。 www.infoq.com 6. It also ought to have been a reminder that individual governments cannot solve international problems. 我们还应谨记,一个国家的政府不能有效解决国际问题。 www.bing.com 7. It took me a few days to figure it out. Because by helping to solve the problem, he had robbed me of my God-given right to complain. 过好几天后我才想明白:因为他帮我解决了问题,但同时也剥夺了我天经地义的发牢骚的权利。 c.wsj.com 8. Every time there is an EU summit and an announcement of a new deal to solve the crisis, markets bounce for a few days. 每当欧盟(EU)召开峰会和宣布新的危机解决方案时,市场就会出现几天的反弹。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Is your first reaction when trying to solve a problem to put more effort in or to step back and build the other three capacities? 当你试图解决一个问题时,你会是埋头苦干呢还是用这三个要素回头看看? www.bing.com 10. "If I were to help the government, I would probably create more problems than [I would] solve, " he said. 他表示:“如果我去给政府帮忙,因我而产生的问题可能比(我)解决的问题还要多。” www.ftchinese.com 1. Obama may be finding it difficult in this economic climate, Pan says, but at least he's not trying to solve things through war. 潘说,在如今的经济环境下,奥巴马也许会觉得步履维艰,但最起码他不会试图用武力解决问题。 www.bing.com 2. When he had a problem to solve, he would work at it until he found an answer. 当他有个问题要解决时,他总是想办法一直到找到答案为止。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. To try to solve the world's problem without solving your individual problem is futile, utterly empty, because you and I make up the world. 尝试解决世界的问题,看不到你个人的问题,这是无效的、完全没有意义的,因为你和我构成了这个世界。 www.nn5566.com 4. The structure can effectively solve the problems that the parts on the gear box are easy to drop off during assembling, and the like. 这种结构可以有效避免装配时齿箱上的零部件容易脱落等问题。 ip.com 5. The question of fund is a difficult problem which is not easy to solve in our rural economic development throughout. 在我国农村的经济发展中,资金问题始终是一个不易解决的难题。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. He presented me with a physics problem that he couldn't seem to solve. 他给我看了一道物理题,这题貌似他解答不了。 www.bing.com 7. Architecture: To help solve multifaceted problems that arise while implementing the initial concept of a design to its actualization. 建筑方面:帮助解决出现的多层面问题,同时根据一件设计的实际执行状况来落实最初概念。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Just as you use a hammer to help you drive a nail into a wall, so you use a computer to help you solve a problem. 就像你用锤子往墙上钉钉子一样,你使用电脑去解决一个问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. When you first start off trying to solve a problem, the first solutions you come up with are very complex, and most people stop there. 当你开始想要解决一个问题时,你最先想到的解决方法总是非常复杂的,而往往大多数人都止步于此。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. OBJECTIVE To solve the question of "double loop" in the potency determination of Gentamicin Sulfate Granules including the content of sugar. 目的解决含糖庆大霉素颗粒剂供试品溶液抑菌圈出现的“双圈”问题。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 1. He was really only interested in the problems of his time, which he thought through perceptively and tried to solve in an original way. 他只对他那个时代的问题感兴趣,他敏锐地观察,深入地思考,试图用独创的方式去解决它们。 www.2r2y.com 2. This coefficient was used to solve the heat transfer between the melt and cooling water, namely the heat transfer capacity of the mold. 该系数用于解决金属和冷却水之间的传热,即反映结晶器的传热能力。 www.chinamet.cn 3. I wanted someone who could solve any deployment issue we might encounter or would at least know who to call for help if they couldn't. 我需要那些可以解决部署问题的人,或者如果他们解决不了,至少应该知道找谁来帮忙的人。 www.cnblogs.com 4. We do not look to ourselves as the engine to solve the problems; we only look to ourselves in joining you to jointly solve the problems. 我们不认为自己是解决问题的引擎;我们只认为自己应该是与你们共同解决问题的一份子。 www.america.gov 5. uh, then you get a feeling that maybe we're playing politics instead of actually trying to solve problems for the American people. 嗯,然后你感到或许我们在玩政治,而不是实际尝试为美国人民解决问题。 www.yappr.cn 6. I had a small indoor garden of my own - and he was good enough to tell me how to solve some of my problems. 后来谈到我自己有个小型的室内花园时,他非常热忱的告诉我,如何解决几个我所要解决的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. So, people continued to come to this not-so-holy man, to have him pray to God and solve their problems. 所以人们还是继续来找这个不是很圣洁的人,请他向上帝祈求,解决他们的问题。 sm2000.org 8. A substantial saving in labor, to avoid the case of a short piece to solve the labor into and out of difficulty and when personal safety. 大量节省人工,避免在工件短的情况下,解决了人工放入和取出时的难度与人身安全。 cn.esunny.com 9. There was a mutual understanding that by working together, the U. S. and China can solve some of the biggest problems we face. 双方达成了共识:通过合作,中美两国可以解决我们所面临的一些重大问题。 chinese.wsj.com 10. His "engine" could have been used to solve many number problems. 他的机器本来是能够用来解决一些数字方面的问题的。 360edu.com 1. In this Sci-Fi epic, Tom Cruise is trying to solve the case of a murder he's destined to commit. 在这部科幻史诗里,汤姆克鲁斯要阻止他命中注定要犯的一宗杀人案的发生。 www.bing.com 2. He thought it was the best way to solve his military service problem and his future as a programer. 他认为这是解决他服兵役问题的最佳办法,他将来会成为一名程序员。 wenwen.soso.com 3. And I believe that I can solve all the problems and face all the challenges which used to trouble me with my confidence and strength. 但是我相信我能够用我的力量和自信来解决、面对曾经让我困扰的问题和挑战 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The local optimal solution is often got when general algorithm was applied to solve continuous location of distribution center. 在用常规算法对配送中心进行连续性选址时,很容易陷入局部最优解。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Mr. Gutierrez said the U. S. isn't ruling out that option, but emphasized that 'our preference is to solve issues through dialogue. 古铁雷斯称,美国并不排除这样做的可能性,但同时强调说,会优先考虑通过对话来解决问题。 hi.baidu.com 6. "I said, 'That's not what I want to see. ' I want to see cold, cool, deliberative action. Empathy is not going to solve this problem. " “我说,‘这不是我所希望看到的。’我希望看到不带感情、冷静、慎重的行动。感情用事不会解决这个问题。” www.ftchinese.com 7. By the means of blame someone else to solve problem is often referred to as look for scapegoats. 用怪罪别人的办法来解决问题通常被称为寻找替罪羊。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. The FDA said the company did not initially disclose the first tests to investigators trying to solve the current salmonella outbreak. 食品和药物管理局说,这个公司开始没有向试图解决当前的沙门氏菌爆发的检查人员透漏最初的那些检验。 www.bing.com 9. B: I'm trying to solve this problem, but I just can't seem to find the right answer. 我正试图解决这个问题,但我就是找不到正确的答案。 www.ushi5.com 10. You won't wake up in the morning dreaming about how to solve it, or go to bed wondering how much it's costing you to ignore it. 你将不会在早晨醒来梦想如何去解决它,不会在上床前思考如果忽略这个问题会造成多大的损失。 www.bing.com 1. They may be able to give you very specific advice, but aren't likely to be able to immediately solve the problem for you. 他们或许可以给你提供非常具体的建议,但不太可能马上替你解决问题。 c.wsj.com 2. I immediately and related personnel connection for you to solve this problem, the money to pay for your next week. 我马上和相关人员联系为您解决这个问题,下周为您支付此笔款项。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Our engineering department can be the extension fo your, and will be very pleased to solve the difficulties with you. 我们的工程设计部可以当作你们工程部门的延伸,我们将很高兴与你们一起解决困难。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. point to solve this problem is to ask him to apologise to her. 解决这个问题的关键是让他向她道歉。 www.shanbay.com 5. Musole said he thought he could solve the mystery if he could interview members of the ABC team and Mark and Delia Owens. 穆索莱说,如果他能够和美国广播公司摄制组的成员和欧文斯夫妇面谈的话,他想他可以解开谜团。 www.bing.com 6. To solve this problem, step back for a minute and focus on your employees instead of the tasks that they can't seem to remember to do. 想解决这个问题就要退一步想想,关注员工而不是那些员工不愿意做的任务。 www.bing.com 7. He did not solve the problem of the grounds of everything-as-one, although he changed the focus of his discourse. 尽管程颢将论说重心作了转移,却并没有解决万物一体说的根据问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Development must now be speeded up to help solve the critical issue of inadequate primary energy sources in many areas. 现在必须加快发展的速度,帮助解决许多地区一次性能源不足的关键问题。 www.scidev.net 9. Two thousand workers had been sacked before the company found a way to solve the problem. 在公司找到解决办法之前,已有两千个工人己被解雇了。 www.etweb.fju.edu.tw 10. He said the government was partly to blame for the recent violence because it was unable to solve the nation's problems. 他表示,政府对最近发生的暴力事件有部分责任,因为它未能解决国家问题。 bbs.putclub.com 1. This flexibility gives you many choices when trying to solve scalability or performance problems in a particular XML parser. 这种灵活性为您在一个特定的XML解析器下解决可扩展性或性能问题时提供更多的选择。 www-128.ibm.com 2. I ll try to give you a good idea of what problems each area is trying to solve, one area at a time. 我将试图让您依次深入了解每一个领域要解决什么样的问题。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Philo Farnsworth had to solve several problems before he could produce a working television system. 菲罗.范斯沃斯在他研制电视系统前,必须先解决几个问题。 www.bing.com 4. Some of my colleagues expended a great deal of time finding people with the expertise needed to solve particular problems. 我的一些同事花了大量的时间去结交拥有专业知识的人,以解决他们自身面临的问题。 chyl.tallzhi.com 5. He said that the six parties did not sit together to play up their differences and rather sought ways to solve problems. 他说,六方这次坐到一起,不是为了扩大和渲染分歧,而是在承认分歧的基础上,寻找解决问题的途径,开辟解决问题的前景。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. Sir Stuart said he had come to Shanghai to "put some urgency and drive" into efforts to solve the store's problems. 斯图尔特爵士表示,他来上海是为了“增加一些紧迫感和动力”,以帮助解决这家店的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Question: How much faster did this group solve the problem? 问题是:这群人比另一群人的解题速度快了多少呢? www.ted.com 8. Of course, these tools can only help you to identify the problem. It's then up to you to solve it. 当然这些工具只能帮助确定问题的所在,如何解决还要靠您自己。 www.ibm.com 9. While this does not indicate your harp is ruined, often people do ruin their harps trying to solve this problem . 然而这不意味着你的口琴报废了。人们经常把他们的竖琴做报废处理,来尝试解决这个问题。 www.chinaharp.com 10. PW membrane method has been used for treating this kind of wastewater, so as to solve the problem of pollution control. 采用PW膜法处理高浓度制药发酵废水,解决了污染问题。 www.chemyq.com 1. However, he said, Taobao Mall basic strategy is to use the platform of the ways and means of the Internet to solve this problem. 不过他表示,淘宝商城基本的战略还是用平台化的方式和互联网的手段来解决这个问题。 3us-old.enghunan.gov.cn 2. But for strong non-quadratic form and the sharp change in curvature function, the quadratic model seems to unable to solve it. 然而,对于非二次性态强、曲率变化比较剧烈的函数,二次模型信赖域算法显得力不从心。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. Here's what he did. He gathered his participants. And he said, "I'm going to time you. How quickly you can solve this problem? " 他将参与者聚集在一个房间里告诉他们“我要开始计时。看看你们能多快解决这个问题?” www.ted.com 4. This paper is trying to solve two questions: First, why should the Intellectual Property be protected in international trade? 因此,本文的论述主要围绕两个问题:一是在国际贸易中为什么要进行知识产权的保护; www.fabiao.net 5. As a child, I wanted to be a detective. I thought a detective was really great because he could solve criminal cases to do justice. 从小,我就想变成一个侦探。我觉得一个侦探非常棒,因为他能公平的解决刑事案件。 wenku.baidu.com 6. To solve it, a new concept Network Service Capacity (NSC) has been introduced to measure network service performance. 为解决该问题,本文提出用网络业务容量度量网络业务性能。 lib.cqvip.com 7. If you think the goal was to solve the country's fiscal crisis, then obviously the Super Committee was a complete failure. 如果你觉得目标是为了解决美国的债务危机,那么超级委员会就是个超级失败。 www.bing.com 8. If you imagine trying to solve all the world's problems at once, though, you're likely to quit before you finish rolling up your sleeves . 假如你想在片刻之间解决世上所有的问题,那么你有可能在卷起袖子准备大干一场前就知难而退了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. A project called the World Community Grid has found a way for computers connected to the Internet to help solve humanitarian problems. 一项称作全球联众网(theWorldCommunityGrid)的计划找到了一种将连接在国际互联网上的电脑用来帮助解决慈善问题的方法。 www.unsv.com 10. I promised that I would share with you how I attempted to solve the problems and what I learned in the process. 我保证将与您分享我是如何试图解决这些问题和在这一过程中学到的知识。 www.ibm.com 1. I think of technical interviews as the kind where you go into a room with an interviewer and solve problems on the whiteboard for an hour. 我认为技术面试是这样的一种形式,与面试官一同进入一个房间,再花上一个钟的时间在白板上解决问题。 dongxi.net 2. So please just tell me what has happened, ahd I really want to help you for be together with you to solve the problem. 所以,请你尽管告诉我到底发生了什么事,我真的想帮助你,与你同心协力去解决问题。 zhidao.17gou5.com 3. As you might guess, just one decade of the brain was not enough to solve all of the problems that plague the lump atop our spinal cord. 你可能已经猜到了,仅仅是一个大脑的十年不足以解决脊椎上方这一块所制造的所有的麻烦。 www.bing.com 4. It is not clear that voters will thank him for his trouble, though they may appreciate his energetic efforts to solve the euro-zone crisis. 现在还不清楚选民是否会因为他的麻烦而感谢他,尽管他们可能会很感激萨科齐在解决欧债危机上所作的积极努力。 www.ecocn.org 5. It is an almost impossible problem to solve, as the vast amounts of money needed to do so just do not exist. 它几乎是不可能解决的问题,因为这些急需大量不存在的金钱去填补。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. Therefore I believe that if I were to go, I would not necessarily be able to solve problems, but it would cause me a lot of trouble. 因此我相信,即使我去了,也未必能解决问题,倒是会给我带来许多麻烦。 www.ftchinese.com 7. For people trying to solve the national obesity epidemic, or just to lose a few pounds, exercise is more fun than dieting. 对于努力解决国家肥胖流行病的人来说,或者只是想掉几磅肉的人,锻炼比节食更有趣。 www.bing.com 8. It's fairly easy to solve: learn how to say you don't eat meat or milk or cheese or butter in whatever language you'll be encountering. 这很容易解决:学会用当地的语言说你不吃肉、牛奶、奶酪、黄油。 www.bing.com 9. It was good that we finally had it out with each other. Now we can try to solve our problems. 我们终于吵了一架,这是好事,现在我们可以尝试来解决我们的问题了。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Especially if you have a problem that's too vague, investigating facts is usually more productive than trying to solve it right away. 尤其如果你的问题太模糊,调查事实往往比立刻解决更有作用。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. There is also the concept of architectural control that this method does not solve either. 也有一些构建管理的概念利用这种方法是无法解决的。 www.ibm.com 2. "No one is going to get serious about Fannie and Freddie, and what will happen to them, until we solve the current crisis, " he said. “在我们开始着手解决当前危机之前,没有人认真对待房利美和房地美,以及他们将会发生的变化”,他说。 www.bing.com 3. Climbing to the top of the beanstalk, he found a castle and a giant, but with very modern problems that only Jim could help solve. 攀登到顶部的青苗,他发现了一个城堡和一个巨人,但非常现代的问题,只有吉姆可以帮助解决。 www.ccebook.net 4. What the researchers had not told their subjects was that there is a much simpler way to solve these problems. 研究者没有告诉他们的受试者的是,求解这类问题有更简单的办法。 www.bing.com 5. "I don't trouble myself worrying over things that I cannot solve, " she said with a glint in her eyes. “我不打扰我自己就事情着急我不能解决”,她与她的眼睛中的一种闪烁说。 post.baidu.com 6. Trying to solve the conundrum of Israel and Palestine was by far the biggest burden of his years on the throne. 侯赛因统治至今最大得负担就是努力解决以色列与巴勒斯坦的难题。 www.ecocn.org 7. Han has been trying to solve this problem by seeking cooperation with a publisher that already has a license for an existing title. 韩寒试图通过找到一家可以合作的,已经拥有牌照的出版商来解决这个问题。 www.douban.com 8. If he were to come this evening, I would ask him to help solve the problem. 要是他晚上会来,我就请他帮助解决这个问题。 english.zhongzhao.com 9. To politicize trade issues or to get too emotional about them does not help solve problems, therefore we are not in favor of such practice. 反之,将经贸问题政治化、情绪化,则无助于解决问题,我们不赞成这样的做法。 babelle.blog.163.com 10. It was not easy to solve so many problems in such a short time; three years ago it would have been inconceivable. 这么多的问题,在这样短的时间内得到解决,确实不容易,在三年以前是难于想象的。 www.hotdic.com 1. "I don't trouble myself worrying over things that I cannot solve, " she said with a glint in her eyes. “我不打扰我自己就事情着急我不能解决”,她与她的眼睛中的一种闪烁说。 post.baidu.com 2. Trying to solve the conundrum of Israel and Palestine was by far the biggest burden of his years on the throne. 侯赛因统治至今最大得负担就是努力解决以色列与巴勒斯坦的难题。 www.ecocn.org 3. Han has been trying to solve this problem by seeking cooperation with a publisher that already has a license for an existing title. 韩寒试图通过找到一家可以合作的,已经拥有牌照的出版商来解决这个问题。 www.douban.com 4. If he were to come this evening, I would ask him to help solve the problem. 要是他晚上会来,我就请他帮助解决这个问题。 english.zhongzhao.com 5. To politicize trade issues or to get too emotional about them does not help solve problems, therefore we are not in favor of such practice. 反之,将经贸问题政治化、情绪化,则无助于解决问题,我们不赞成这样的做法。 babelle.blog.163.com 6. It was not easy to solve so many problems in such a short time; three years ago it would have been inconceivable. 这么多的问题,在这样短的时间内得到解决,确实不容易,在三年以前是难于想象的。 www.hotdic.com 7. I'm not a part of any agenda, You've got to trust me. I'm her just like you. To solve this. 我不是什么局内人,你得相信我,我来这和你一样,是为了破案的。 bbs.myxfiles.com 8. Mr Gou apologised repeatedly, and said he had trouble sleeping but would not stop trying to solve the problem. 大约从深圳记者那得到消息,郭台铭一再道歉,并说他一直失眠但不会停止努力去解决此问题。 www.bing.com 9. However, the update did not completely solve the problem and Apple then said the true solution was to use the iPhone 4 with a case. 结果这并没有将问题完全消除,苹果又表示,真正的解决方案是给iPhone4加一个外套。 www.forbeschina.com 10. weight-loss business professional market analysis, planning, diagnosis, solve your confusion on the industry to help you to easily join. 企业进行专业减肥市场的分析、企划、诊断、解决你对行业的困惑,帮您轻松入行。 www.kmswcp.cn 1. However, the update did not completely solve the problem and Apple then said the true solution was to use the iPhone 4 with a case. 结果这并没有将问题完全消除,苹果又表示,真正的解决方案是给iPhone4加一个外套。 www.forbeschina.com 2. weight-loss business professional market analysis, planning, diagnosis, solve your confusion on the industry to help you to easily join. 企业进行专业减肥市场的分析、企划、诊断、解决你对行业的困惑,帮您轻松入行。 www.kmswcp.cn 3. Organize the regular convention production meeting once a week, analysis production situation, propose and solve the question. 每周一次定期召开生产会,分析生产形势,提出解决问题的办法和措施。 www.gao8dou.com 4. In trying to solve economic problems by political demagoguery, Chiang Kai-shek had revealed the desperateness of his position to everyone. 蒋介石试图用蛊惑人心的政治手法解决经济问题,这反而使大家都看出,他已经到了山穷水尽的地步。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. But trying to solve a crisis by getting round a law, even a bad law, is not sustainable either. 不过试图通过绕过法律(哪怕是一部糟糕的法律)的方式来化解危机,也不是一种可持续的做法。 www.ftchinese.com 6. "I feel it's my responsibility to let the truth help promote social progress or solve social problems, " the Shanghai native said. “我认为我的责任就是让事实推动社会进步或者解决社会问题,”这个上海本地人说到。 www.bing.com 7. Above all, they were still trying to solve the biggest problems of all: what caused the very start of the Big Bang, the Singularity? 总之,他们仍然在努力解决这些最重要的问题:什么引起了宇宙大爆炸的最开端,“奇点”? blog.sina.com.cn 8. Sustains involvement and perseveres, particularly when trying to solve a problem or reach a satisfactory conclusion. 有持续性地参与,有毅力地尝试解决新问题以达到满意的结果 blog.sina.com.cn 9. No doubt, biology and psychology can solve, or will soon be able to solve, the "problem of transforming man" . 毫无疑问,生物学和心理学能够或不久就能够解决“改造人的问题”。 10. The message from this meeting was that the world's two largest economies are working in tandem to help solve the global financial crisis. 这次会议所透露的讯息是世界上两大经济强国正一前一后的展开工作,帮助解决世界性的金融危机。 www.bing.com 1. The message from this meeting was that the world's two largest economies are working in tandem to help solve the global financial crisis. 这次会议所透露的讯息是世界上两大经济强国正一前一后的展开工作,帮助解决世界性的金融危机。 www.bing.com 2. And there is no doubt that I have been working so hard to solve the existent problem with a minimum damage for each parties. . . 毫无疑问,我方在尽可能不伤害双方利益的前提下,竭尽权利地解决我们之间存在的问题。 zhishi.sohu.com 3. Go to ftp inspect products from the beginning to container loading, being able to detect the defects and solve problems. 驻工厂验货,从下订单后原材料采购到装柜全程检验,能够发现问题并解决。 www.gao8dou.com 4. The problem we're actually trying to solve is where one stat is so far superior to other stats that the rest of the item is irrelevant. 我们现在希望解决的是一个属性的价值高出其他属性太多,这导致很多装备至此沦为二流装备。 game.163.com 5. "One wise idea might be to leave it to future generations to solve the issue, " Mr Yamaguchi told reporters before he departed for Beijing. “交由后世解决可能是避免不测事态的方法,”山口在启程前往北京之前对记者们表示。 www.putclub.com 6. Back pain can be a tough mystery to solve, but with a doctor's help you should be able to track down the cause. 后背疼也很难解决,但是如果有一名医生帮助你的话,你也许能够找到疼痛的原因。 www.bing.com 7. Generally, editing configuration settings is not recommended unless you are trying to solve a specific problem. 除非试图解决的是特定问题,通常建议您不要编辑配置设置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. They create jobs that did not previously exist and solve problems that people assumed were part of the natural order of things. 他们创造出此前未有的工作种类,解决人们此前认为只能听天由命的难题。 www.ecocn.org 9. In February the company sent him to Italy for a year to help partners install equipment and to solve technical problems. 二月份时,公司派他去意大利常驻一年时间,以帮助合作商安装设备和解决技术问题。 www.i21st.cn 10. Most mathematicians would pay a million dollars to be able to solve any one of those problems. 要是能解决上述五大难题中的任何一个,我想多数数学家愿意自掏百万美元。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Most mathematicians would pay a million dollars to be able to solve any one of those problems. 要是能解决上述五大难题中的任何一个,我想多数数学家愿意自掏百万美元。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Since no matter how mood, sooner or later things to solve, that how to tell people the heart do not fast? 既然不管心情如何,事情迟早要解决,那又何若叫别人心生不快呢? blog.bandao.cn 3. but presently we have no concrete prescript in the field . this thesis is trying to solve this problem. 但目前国内尚无相关的具体规定,本文在这些方面做了初步的尝试。 www.ichacha.net 4. He shows the thought process in trying to solve this problem and iterates through different versions of his short program. 他展示了尝试试解决此问题的思维过程,并将他的短小程序迭代了几个不同的版本。 www.ibm.com 5. Simply providing a forum for people to ask questions and discuss ideas isn't going to help solve interoperability issues. 仅为人们提供询问问题和讨论想法的论坛无法解决互操作性问题。 www.ibm.com 6. You could solve this problem by regrouping all the available alternatives to a grammar rule, but manual regrouping is often error prone. 解决方法是对语法规则的所有可用的替代内容进行重新分组,但是手动重新分组很容易出错。 www.ibm.com 7. The issue of society balance is quite complicated, but the knot to solve complicacy is usually very simple: have room for maneuver. 社会平衡非常复杂,但复杂的事情道理往往很简单,无非是:进退得当。社会发展过快就会透支生力、过犹不及,无异于拔苗助长。 blog.163.com 8. Well, you may not have to solve for X to get a good job or to be a good parent. 也许你不必因为能求得X的值才能找到一份好工作,或者做一个好父(母)亲,但你必须认真思索困难的问题。 www.kouyi.org 9. Moving his server communication engine to use NIO in an impressively short amount of time, Marcos was able to solve his scalability problem. 通过在相当短的一段时间内将服务器通信引擎改为使用NIO,Marcos能够解决所面对的可伸缩性问题。 www-128.ibm.com 10. The only means to solve the problem is to do as he said. 解决这个问题的唯一方法就是按照他说的去做。 www.tiantianbt.com 1. The only means to solve the problem is to do as he said. 解决这个问题的唯一方法就是按照他说的去做。 www.tiantianbt.com 2. To help solve this mystery, scientists went on an ocean expedition to drill into a large, 145-million-year-old underwater supervolcano. 为了解开这个谜,科学家们进行了一次海洋探险,去钻探145亿年前就在水下存在的超级火山。 www.bing.com 3. out of the country's five-year time never feel relaxed over time will wait for you to solve the problem. 在国外的5年时间里从来没有觉得轻松过,因为时刻都有新问题等你去解决。 www.bing.com 4. Another problem any binding tool needs to solve is how much of an object graph to persist. 任何绑定工具都需要解决的另一个问题是一个对象图(objectgraph)能够实现多大程度的持久化。 www.ibm.com 5. How much of the money is going into concrete and boosting consumption, not into solving the really profound problems we have to solve. 到底有多少钱投入到了具体的消费增长中,而不是用来去解决我们必须解决的真正严重的问题 www.ted.com 6. What happened when you told him your concern and invited him to solve the problem with you? 当你告诉他你的担心,并且让他和你一起解决问题,看看会发生什么? www.bing.com 7. Field applications show that these techniques can be successfully used to solve problems of cementing the long open holes in this area. 现场应用表明,这些技术措施较好地解决了该地区封固长裸眼段的难题。 www.chemyq.com 8. Do not know the names of the suspects , appearance, age, such clues can be no doubt be the key to solve the case. 在不知道嫌疑人姓名、长相、年龄的情况下,能得到这样的线索,无疑成为破案的关键。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We might be able to solve one of our biggest problems, the energy problem, this way. 这样子我们也许能够解决一个大问题,那就是能源问题。 www.59edu.com 10. The results show that this analytic method used to solve nonlinear three-dimensional problems for composite laminates is effective. 结果表明,该解析方法对于求解层合板的三维非线性问题是有效的。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn 1. The results show that this analytic method used to solve nonlinear three-dimensional problems for composite laminates is effective. 结果表明,该解析方法对于求解层合板的三维非线性问题是有效的。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn 2. baby, to be a strong and sunny boy, you know, crying can't solve any problem. 宝贝,成为一个坚强的、阳光明媚的男孩,你知道,哭不能解决任何问题。 tieba.baidu.com 3. There's the kind you can solve by yelling and the kind you can solve by buying some sort of software. 一种问题可以通过怒吼来解决,另一种可以通过购买某种类型的软件来解决。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Sometimes though, you'll run into a problem you just cannot solve at the moment or do not have the time to deal with. 可是有时,您会遇到当时刚好无法解决或没有时间处理的问题。 www.ibm.com 5. One day he worked out a problem which none of the other students had been able to solve. 有一天,他制订了一个问题,其他学生没有得以解决。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. They were "trying to solve a pain that I don't have, or maybe [one] I'll get after three years" . 他们“试图解决我本不存在的痛苦,或者我三年后才会遇到的问题”。 www.ecocn.org 7. The results show that the extrusion process with the disc can basically solve the question of aggradation-caboodle. 结果表明,漏盘反挤工艺能基本解决沉积堆的问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. But it would be easy to overstate both the problems facing Ms Rousseff and the odds that she will fail to solve them. 不过罗塞夫所面临的问题很容易被夸大,而对她能顺利解决问题的可能性则信心不足。 www.ecocn.org 9. Here was a company trying to solve what's become this unimaginable problem for our chefs. 这个公司正是要试图解决一个对于我们厨师来说正在变得不可想象的问题。 www.ted.com 10. Give me a restless hour or two in bed and I can solve, to my own satisfaction, all the doubts of humanity. 只要我躺在床上有一两个小时睡不着觉,我就能令自己满意地解决人类一切的疑虑。 www.bing.com 1. The paradox of the shadow detection was that it was difficult to solve false shadow detection and shadow missing problems simultaneously. 常用的阴影检测算法很难同时解决好阴影的误检和漏检这一对矛盾问题。 stae.com.cn 2. There will be problems at all levels of difficulty, so no student should be unable to solve close to six problems each week. 作业会有不同难度的问题,所以应该所有学生均可在每星期解决接近六条问题。 www2.myoops.org 3. But the need to balance investment with protection for Indian firms and workers should be relatively easy to solve, Mr. Bhoothalingam said. 布塔林加姆说,但平衡投资与保护印度公司和工人之间的需求应相对易于解决。 www.voa365.com 4. Although extra work is required in many situations, your ability to be flexible and solve problems is usually an asset. 尽管你在许多情况下需要额外的工作,但你的灵活变通和解决问题的能力通常很宝贵。 qqly2.cn 5. However, since the stakes are so high, that hasn't stopped teams of enterprising physicists from trying to solve superstring theory. 然而,由于利害关系如此之高,这并没有阻止试图解决超弦理论的物理学家团队进取。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Or like your dad, earning lots of money only to be in debt up to his eyeballs, hoping more money will solve the problem. 或是像你爸那样,挣很多钱却眼看着债台高筑,希望靠更多的钱来解决问题。 www.hotdic.com 7. One clever 18-month-old monkey solve the problem by washing the sweet potatoes in a nearby river, She taught this to her mother. 一个18个月大的机灵猴子解决了这个问题,她在附近的河中清洗甜薯,并把这个方法教给了妈妈。 www.donghairen.com 8. There's a tendency for people with that sort of background to just want a really difficult problem to solve. 拥有那种背景的人有一个倾向,即仅仅想要解决一个确实很难的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Whenever I write down whatever I'm trying to solve, it helps clear my mind, and I'm sure it'll help you as well. 每当我写下了我想要解决的问题时,都会让我理清思路,我确信这种方法也会帮到你。 www.bing.com 10. Heuristic approaches and knowledge - based systems also have been used to solve larger size problems of site lay-out . 启发式方法和知识为基础的系统也已被用来解决大大小问题的网站布局。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Sometimes, trying to solve a problem with a computer is simply not as efficient as a few million years of evolution. 有时,试图用计算机来解决问题不如借助几百万年演化而来的能力效率高。 www.ibm.com 2. Beware of companies promising to solve your problems instantly - they may be trying to take advantage of people when they're vulnerable. 提防公司答应马上解决你们的问题,他们可能企图利用人们当他们脆弱。 actuafreearticles.com 3. And standards do not solve everything: RFID, like any other technology, is subject to the laws of physics. 同时,标准也不是能解决所有的事情——像其他技术一样,RFID也受到物理学的制约。 bbs.ecocn.org 4. I may not be able to solve your problem , but I can at least help. 我也许不能解决你的问题,但至少我可以帮下忙。 club.esnai.com 5. Two vital ingredients seem to be necessary to make a scientist: the curiosity to seek out mysteries and the creativity to solve them. 能否成为一个科学家有两个关键因素:探求未知事物的好奇心和解决问题的创造力。 www.bing.com 6. You've got to stick at it and then figure out a way to solve the problem, even if it's really, really hard. 你遇到了难题,就要去找方法解决它,即使这是个很难很难的问题。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. Comparison of academic achievement is all the teachers and leaders need to face and solve a real problem. 学科成绩的比较研究是目前所有教师和领导需要面临、解决的一个实际问题。 lunwendaren.com 8. It is shown that this algorithm can effectively solve the long-term optimal joint operation model with complicated and various constraints. 研究表明,这种方法可以有效地求解具有复杂、多变约束条件的长期联合优化调度模型。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Overall, the logical order of this paper "to ask questions - analysis of the problem to solve the problem" . 本文从整体看是按照“提出问题——分析问题——解决问题”的逻辑顺序。 www.lunwenchina.net.cn 10. Well, you know, I worked in the White House for eight years, and tried very hard to solve this crisis. 这个,你也知道,我在白宫工作了八年,做过很多努力试图解决这个危机。 www.bing.com 1. Please provide assistance and a quote for how much it would take to instruct me how to solve this issue. 请提供援助和为多少则需指导我如何解决这个问题的报价。 www.bing.com 2. I began to think of various mysterious problems and tried to solve them by myself. 我开始思考各种神秘问题并尝试自己解决。 www.seed.slb.com 3. Each body was a slightly different bit of code trying to solve the same problem as its million siblings. 每个躯体都是略微不同的位码,它们努力和其百万同胞一样解决同样的问题。 www.showxiu.com 4. When you think back in your life to the times when you worried excessively, did your worrying actually solve anything? 你回想一下,在你的生活中,你的焦虑有解决过任何问题吗? www.bing.com 5. An election would not solve these problems, but it might at least encourage parties to tell voters what they stand for. 一个选举无法解决这些问题,但它至少能鼓励政党向选民大声说出自己的立场。 www.ecocn.org 6. Otherwise, if he himself can't solve this problem, it is of course useless for you to treat him as a refuge. 否则,若他自己不能解决,你去找他有什么用呢! bbs.longquanzs.org 7. Fior began to boast that he was able to solve cubics and a challenge between him and Tartaglia was arranged in 1535. 塔塔利亚也自称能够解三次方程,于是两人在1535年进行了比赛。 www.wyzxsx.com 8. They've got some approach that they believe is unique in trying to solve some of these problems. 他们都认为自己,有解决这些问题的独特方法。 open.163.com 9. We expect applicants to be able to solve routine problems as a matter of course. After all, that's what most education is concerned with. 作为基本要求我们肯定是希望申请人能解决一般问题,毕竟这是大部分教育所关心的。 www.bing.com 10. The research and the simulation calculation demonstrate that this method can solve the interpolation of these unknown-formula curves. 通过理论研究和仿真试验表明,这种方法能够较好地完成这类曲线的插补。 www.chemyq.com 1. In general, it bothers me to see elitist developers make limiting decisions on my behalf, without knowing what problem I am trying to solve. 通常,当有些很精明的程序员对我的做法说三道四,却又根本不知道我是在解决什么问题时,我很苦恼。 news.cnblogs.com 2. For over 20 years, scientists have been trying to solve the riddle of how this peroxide is produced and why it does not cause any damage. 在过去的20年里,研究人员一直尝试弄清这种过氧化氢如何产生以及它为什么不会造成任何伤害等问题。 bbs.bioon.net 3. " But he said he hoped to reach a peaceful settlement with them " and I think by tomorrow we will solve it. 但他表示希望用和平的方式进行处理,“我认为到明天问题就能得到解决”。 hi.baidu.com 4. If there is any problem, you can find him and to told him, he might be able to help you solve He is a responsible for these things. 如果有什么困难可以去找告诉他,他也许能帮你解决。他就是一位专门负责这些事情的老师。 www.sojump.com 5. In an attempt to offer her sympathy, one of her colleagues suggested that maybe the GM soy will solve the over population problem! 在试图向她表示同情,她的一位同事建议,或许对转基因大豆将解决超越人口的问题! blog.sina.com.cn 6. And she knew how to solve the problem. The only reason I believe that you can guess that she was careless. 她也知道该如何做,唯一的原因我想您也能猜出得出来,那就是她太粗心了。 1363.cn 7. One of the problems you will solve in the next part is how to handle the ball physics and how to detect which part of the paddle you hit. 你在下一章里要解决的一个内容是如何处理球的物理效果和如何侦测你碰到的是挡板的哪一部分。 www.diybl.com 8. Space experts are trying to solve the mystery of 'a UFO fragment' which crashed close to a village in Siberia. 航天专家正在设法揭开这个在西伯利亚的村庄附近坠毁的“飞碟碎块”的秘密。 www.bing.com 9. In the HTML days, validation usually turned out to be a real headache, and to solve this developers generally took one of three approaches. 在HTML时代,验证通常是很头疼的问题,开发人员解决这一问题的方法一般有三种。 www-128.ibm.com 10. "We need to be part of the boardroom conversation. Our clients need to see us as helping to solve real business issues. " “我们需要在董事会上有发言权。我们的客户需要将我们看作是帮助他们解决实际商业问题的人。” www.ftchinese.com 1. Will try to help and solve the technical problems you face to the best of my knowledge! 如果你碰到什么问题,请把困难说出来,我会尽量帮助你的! jingrurulez.proboards46.com 2. This would seem to be the natural way to solve this issue, but it might be hard to execute! 这看来是解决这个问题的自然的方法,但或许很难执行! www.bing.com 3. This resulted in him bypassing the hairdresser and trying to solve the problem with a cheap DIY dye kit. 结果,他没有去理发店,而是试图用一种便宜的DIY染发工具解决这个问题。 www.ftchinese.com 4. If arrived one end, the affair still could not solve, that also can explain that I really judgment by destiny to have no penny with him. 若是到了最后,事情仍然无法解决,那也只能说明我和他真的有缘无分。 www.dqbuluo.com 5. There was no preconceived idea of who that was, just the right solution to solve all those problems. 没有其他可以想到的办法了,只有找到合适的办法来解决所有的苦恼! www.lfc.org.cn 6. Athena: You could solve the problem clumsily by requiring the mail server to ask for a password before I could use it. 你可以用一个笨办法解决这个问题,让服务器要求你输入口令。 hi.baidu.com 7. Don't hesitate to turn to him in time of difficulties, and he can always solve the problems at a stroke . 有困难的时候你可以毫不犹豫地去寻找他的帮助,他总是能一下子救解决问题。 www.xuancaijiaxuan.com.cn 8. A performance problem with a system is often very hard to solve. 针对系统的性能问题常常是非常难解决的。 www.ibm.com 9. Use in the database compress a technology, it is to solve (perhaps alleviate at least) place of this kind of pressure one of made effort. 在数据库中使用压缩技术,是为了解决(或者至少缓解)这种压力所做出的努力之一。 pjprimer.com 10. Note that it is beyond the scope of these topics to ensure that a server is healthy, or to diagnose or solve user experience problems. 注意,有关确保服务器正常运行以及诊断或解决用户体验问题的内容,超出了这些主题的论述范围。 technet.microsoft.com 1. In software, an intractable problem can usually be replaced by an equivalent one that's easy to solve. 在软件领域,一个难以对付的问题通常可以被一个等价的较易解决的问题代替。 www.cnblogs.com 2. 'It's about following the companies you are interested in, finding out what problems the company is trying to solve, ' Purdy said. 珀迪说,“要追随你感兴趣的公司,努力去搞清楚这家公司正在试图解决哪些问题。” chinese.wsj.com 3. an expectation that management will help, but may not be able to solve the problem without your cooperation and that of the other person. 期待管理人员将会提供帮助。不过,如果没有你的合作、对方的合作可能也不能解决问题。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. In the absence of any further evidence the police were unable to solve the murder. 由于没有进一步的证据,警方无法侦破这起谋杀案。 bulo.hjenglish.com 5. It is as though Saturn wants to temporarily take away all your support! lines so that you - and only you - can solve the problem at hand. 它似乎想暂时拿走你所有的支持,这样你,只有你,可以解决问题。 blog.163.com 6. The law would not be applied, however, if the U. S. determined that action was being taken to solve the problem. 法律不会被应用,然而,如果美国决定,正在采取行动来解决问题。 www.bing.com 7. What I discovered was that everybody solved the problem, but there was a lot of variation in how long it took them to solve. 不过却发现虽然每个人都解出问题,不过解题所花的时间差别很大。 local.joelonsoftware.com 8. Although Clinton made a good effort in politics, culture, economy and education, he made some wrong policies to solve the world's problems. 尽管克林顿在政治、文化、经济和教育方面都付出了努力,但他在解决国际问题上也出台了一些不当的政策。 www.englishtang.com 9. Our findings can be used to understand the meanings of various common terms and solve the language problem in integrating both medicines. 本文研究成果,可协助解决中西医合作时的沟通语言问题,了解彼此语言的运用范畴,促进两者之整合。 www.teps.com.cn 10. The results show that this method can well solve the sensitivity analysis of this trajectory, and the analysis is fast and precision. 结果表明,该方法能很好的解决了该弹道灵敏度分析问题,且分析速度快、精度高。 cn.qikan.com 1. The application of what you know will help you solve new problems. 应用你的知识可帮你解决新问题。 blog.cersp.com 2. You know, I think the fax machine is out of toner, I can change the toner cartridge. That should solve the problem. 我想,可能是传真机的调色剂出了问题,我可以把调色块更换一下。那样问题就都解决了。 www.bing.com 3. This is a chance for you to practice the techniques involved in developing a set of experiments to solve a biological problem. 这对于你来说是一个训练技能的机会,包括创制一系列实验,解决一个生物学问题。 www.myoops.org 4. Where problems occur, a simple re-clean may solve the matter. 哪里出现问题,一个简单的重新清洁,可能会解决此事。 www.ganxi-ganxiji.cn 5. Google, founded by two brainboxes, uses billboards bearing a mathematical problem: solve it for the telephone number to call. 由两位天才创建的谷歌搜索网站在广告牌上出了一道数学题:能解出此题者,可找,与其联系的电话号码。 www.ecocn.org 6. When businessmen offer to pay more taxes to solve a problem, you know it is a real problem. 如果企业家提出增加纳税来解决一个问题,可想而知问题确实严重。 web.worldbank.org 7. It had been an important concept to solve the settlement construction and urban environment. 地景建筑开始成为当代解决建筑与城市环境关系的一种重要设计理念。 www.fabiao.net 8. We often rush around looking busy, trying to solve problems, but in reality, we are often compounding them. 整天看上去很忙,一直在想办法解决问题,但是实际上,我们常常把问题搞得一团糟。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Most students and their parents are trying to solve the difficulties that surround the application process. 大部分学生和他们的家长试图解决围绕填报志愿出现的问题。 www.hxen.com 10. Paying students is like "drinking poison to end thirst" -- trying to solve a problem without considering the effects. 给学生奖金就像“饮鸠止渴”--不考虑后果的去解决问题。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. But the critical point was that, in the process, we were trying to teach Benjamin that one can solve a problem effectively by oneself. 但关键的一点是,在这个过程中,我们试图教本杰明懂得一个人是能够有效地解决问题的自己。 www.03964.com 2. We have made a concession to you to solve this problem. We hope you are satisfied with it. 我方对这一问题已作让步,希望你们对此满意。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Alternatively, you may try to solve a sticky problem that has come up in a present relationship. 或者,你也可能尝试解决现在关系中的棘手问题。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Paying students is like drinking poison to end thirst. Trying to though of solve the problem without considering the effects. 给学生奖金就像“饮鸩止渴”—试图不考虑后果的去解决问题。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 5. Yes, it depends on what you're using it for, I mean, I imagine yes, as a cop, for me on my show, it's very useful, it helps me solve crimes. 是的,这取决于你如何使用,我的意思是,我想是的,作为一名我曾经扮演过的警察,这非常有用,它帮助我解决犯罪问题。 www.kekenet.com 6. The world's navies are trying to stop pirates. But will shooting them solve this growing maritime problem? 万国海军试图遏阻海盗猖獗,但是杀光海盗就能阻绝海洋问题滋生吗? www.bing.com 7. President Obama called on all Americans to accept personal responsibility for trying to solve the challenging tasks confronting the nation. 奥巴马总统呼吁所有的美国人在设法解决美国面临的具有挑战性质的任务时承担他们个人的责任。 www.ebigear.com 8. The results of these tools should be combined together and made a comprehensive analysis to solve the problem. 应将这些手段有机结合起来,综合分析这些手段取得的结果来解决问题。 www.fabiao.net 9. By means of it, problems in the management of state-owned assets and the ways to solve the problems can be found. 通过清产核资能够发现高校国有资产管理中的种种问题,进而找到解决问题的办法。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Usually, it is not easy to solve these problems. Analytical solutions exist only in very special cases. 一般来说,解这些偏微分方程是很困难的,仅在一些特定的条件下才会存在解析解。 www.phpfans.net 1. People want to be able to have instant access to reports or books that promise to solve their problems in a flash. 人们希望能够即时访问报告或电子图书的承诺,以解决他们的问题在一瞬间。 corrugatedroofing.info 2. You could solve the problem by coming back to recession-hit London, where you would be less likely to have such excitements in your life. 你也可以回到受衰退重创的伦敦,从而解决问题。在伦敦,你的生活中不太可能碰到此类刺激。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Google, founded by two brain boxes, uses billboards bearing a mathematical problem: solve it for the telephone number to call. 谷歌,这家由两位天才创立的公司,使用户外广告牌来为某些数学问题寻找答案:如果你解决了它,请拨打以下电话号码。 club.topsage.com 4. Also, common ownership hindered turnaround when trying to solve complex and wide reaching problems. 并且,当试图解决复杂且影响广泛的问题时,公用所有权会对此产生阻碍。 www.ibm.com 5. Granitic geometrical dimension, color due to natural causes, not easy to solve. 花岗石的几何尺寸、色差问题由于天然原因,不易解决。 www.yangjiaoxian.com 6. I do not know so much can help you solve the problem, hoping to lift your troubles. 我不知道这么多可以帮助您解决问题,希望能解除您的烦恼。 www.qiyeku.com 7. If you discover a poison message, you might be able to solve the underlying cause of the problem quickly. 如果发现有害消息,则有可能很快解决产生此问题的根本原因。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Once the good leader has observed and is satisfied that she has uncovered the truth, she then sets out to solve the problem. 一旦好的领导者已经观察了并满意于她已经揭开了真相,那么她会着手解决问题。 www.bing.com 9. The high drop point fiber core grease could solve the problem of grease flowing off the wire rope together with the surface grease. 与表面脂配合使用可改善钢丝绳脂的流淌问题。 www.chemyq.com 10. Many of our technical people are working with our customers and our development teams to solve problems that have never been solved before. 我们的许多技术人员与我们的客户和开发团队一起来解决我们从未遇到过的问题。 www.ibm.com 1. To solve this problem , transactions group a series of operations in such a way that the integrity of the final result can be assured . 为解决这一问题,事务以一种最终结果的完整性可以得到保障的方式将系列操作进行分组。 www.bing.com 2. Let me set up the stock market problem facing investors now and then show you how target prices can help solve it for individual stocks. 我先来准备一下股市里投资者时不时要面对的问题,然后告诉你目标价位可以怎样帮助你解决这些有关个股的问题。 www.bing.com 3. Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future. 政府应该把更多的注意力放在解决当务之急,而不是试图解决将来预期的问题上。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Note that it is beyond the scope of this article to ensure that a server is healthy , or to diagnose or solve user experience problems . 确保服务器正常、诊断或解决用户体验问题不在上述主题的讨论范围之内。 www.bing.com 5. Were you able to pinpoint what went wrong at the end of last season besides the injuries and what you need to do to solve those problems? 你能告诉我们上个赛季,除了伤病之外,湖人队还有什么问题吗?你何解决这些问题? www.kobechina.com.cn 6. By any means, the company must spare extra efforts to solve problems brought by an office dating. 无论如何,公司必须不予余力地去解决办公室恋情带来的问题。 www.hxen.com 7. we regretted for the inconvenience we had taken to you, and we would solve the problem properly, beg your forgiveness once more. 给您带来的不便我们深表遗憾,我们会妥善处理这件事的,再次请求您的原谅。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. What creature is Ashley tracking beneath the city while her mother and Will work to solve the mystery of the strange women? 当阿什莉的妈妈和威尔在研究如何解开奇怪女人的秘密的时候,阿什莉在城市底下追捕什么怪物?。 bbs.flyine.net 9. They're actually trying to solve an incredibly difficult problem in artificial intelligence. 事实上,他们是想解决困惑人工智能多年的一个老大难问题。 www.bing.com 10. And he told Americans that it was not the responsibility of the national government to solve all their problems. 他告诉美国人,这是不是国家政府有责任解决所有问题。 www.englishtang.com |
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