单词 | strangled |
释义 |
例句释义: 哽塞的,哽咽的,顿住的,不可思议,绞颈,卡住的 1. He strangled her with a pair of arms while gutting her with a lightsaber held by a third, killing the Jedi Master. 他以一双手臂掐死了葛莉雅,并取走了她的光剑,这是他所杀的第三位绝地大师。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. With a strangled cry, the assassin dropped from the tree and hit the ground. He began to run. 刺客忽然大叫一声,从树上跳到地上,拔腿就跑。 www.starwarschina.com 3. James's breathing was as if strangled; his eyes were closed. 詹姆士的呼吸就象有人扼着脖子似的,眼睛闭着。 4. She dropped her eyes to his chest, all but strangled by the mad beat of her heart. "Yes, " she said huskily. "That I care for you. " 她看着他的胸脯,她的心悸动,憋闷得要窒息。“在乎,”她嘶哑说。“我在乎你。” blog.sina.com.cn 5. She thought of her mother as already in the grave; and she would not let herself be strangled by the hands of the dead. 她觉得母亲已经进了坟墓;她决不能让自己扼死在死人的手里。 6. For a system allegedly being strangled in its bed, U. S. capitalism seems to be in astonishingly robust shape. 美国资本主义体系虽然据称正被扼杀在床上,但它却似乎令人惊异地充满活力。 www.qeto.com 7. Ned: You were strangled to death with a plastic sack. It's probably an odd telling to hear - I wasn't sure how to sugarcoat it. 你确实被个塑料袋套上给闷死了。可能听着挺怪的,我不知晓怎么说才能好听点。 xinziw.hn00.com 8. Professor refused to see her to forgive, so that he strangled the girl almost hatred. 教授见到她仍不肯原谅,仇恨差点使他掐死女孩。 www.bluraycd.com 9. She is very relieved but when she is about to get out of the car, Karl pulls her back in. . . Her body is then found - she'd been strangled. 她很欣慰,但是当她即将走出汽车,卡尔拉她回…她的尸体,然后发现-她被勒死。 blog.163.com 10. And now, Suzanne is dead as well, strangled on her late night jog while vacationing with Craig at a vegetarian health resort. 现在,苏珊已经死了的好,她深夜勒死慢跑,而与克雷格素食度假疗养胜地。 www.ccebook.net 1. Then one of them ran and cut him down with a sword, and he tumbled on the grass, half strangled , and unable to speak for the time. 然后其中一人跑来用剑砍下他,他跌落在草上,但已被吊得半死,好一会时间不能说话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Perhaps he had had a love affair in early life which he had to strangle-perhaps all early love affairs ought to be strangled. 大概他早年也坠入过情网,但这种感情早已给他扼杀--少年时期的一切爱情,也许照理都应该格杀不论。 dict.veduchina.com 3. She was almost strangled on a piece of meat that caught in her throat. 她差点被她喉咙里面的一片肉掐死。 zinisha.anyp.cn 4. It was the doctor's professional opinion that the victim had been strangled. 根据该医生的专业意见,受害人是被勒死的。 www.wordreference.com 5. Narrator: As she was thinking "That was dumb, " Chuck was strangled to death with a plastic sack. 正当她想着“还真够笨的”,查克就被一个塑料袋给闷死了。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Police said that Sophie might have been strangled, indeed the cause of death pending autopsy Shifa Hospital. 警方说﹐索菲可能被人勒死﹐确实死因有待法医院解剖。 www.englishtang.com 7. The inspector is made of sterner stuff, however, and governs himself long enough to enquire after Watson in a high, strangled tone. 但探长很快控制住了自己的感情,他用一种高而近乎窒息的僵硬声音来向华生问好。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Fagin was arrested on the gallows after, Middlesex in the slip in the escape strangled by his own rope. 费金被捕,后上了绞刑架,塞克斯在逃窜中失足被自己的绳子勒死。 wenwen.soso.com 9. a fresh life of being maimed, strangled, many hearts have been fooled by the good heart and was shocked . 一条条鲜活的生命被残害,被扼杀,一颗颗善良的心灵被愚弄、被震撼。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Life should be touched, not strangled. You've got to relax, let it happen at times. 你需要感受生活,而不是在生活中苦苦挣扎。你需要休息,有时顺其自然就很好。 www.bing.com 1. The kidnapper strangled the child with a piece of string. 那个绑架者用根绳子把这小孩勒死了。 www.hxen.com 2. Police conducted an autopsy and confirmed the girl was strangled to death, but they wouldn't say if she had been sexually assaulted. 警方对尸体进行了解剖,证实女孩是被掐死的.但没有说明是否遭到过强暴。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Lamar Odom comes off a horrific summer in which his infant son died, strangled accidentally in his own bed. LamarOdom经历了一个痛苦的暑假,丧子之痛,他的儿子意外的在自家的床上扼死。 nba.cpgl.net 4. He strangled her to death by a cord put around her neck. 他用细绳绕在她的脖子上,将她勒死。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Will the Mediterranean union seize the moment, or will it be strangled by southern politics and European squabbles ? 地中海联盟是把握住机遇伺机壮大,还是最终被南方政治困局和欧洲争端扼杀在摇篮里?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Isolated and economically strangled, the colonel and his regime would be lucky to survive indefinitely. 随着分裂和经济上的扼杀,上校和他的统治要是可以千秋万载才是咄咄怪事。 www.bing.com 7. Then he gave a strangled scream and wrenched at the on off knob. 随即发出一声窒息的尖叫,猛地关掉音响。 www.bing.com 8. Instead of answering, she puts her hands over her ears and lets out a strangled yell. 她没有去接,而是用双手捂住耳朵,发出一声压抑的叫声。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Or could it be some spider embroidering a half yard of muslin as a tie for that strangled neck? 抑或是一只蜘蛛正在那被勒的脖子上绣半尺薄纱聊作领带? blog.sina.com.cn 10. She almost strangled on a piece of meat that caught in her throat. 一块肉卡在她的喉咙里差点把她憋死了。 chinafanyi.com 1. They refused. A week later he strangled his nagging wife. 警方拒绝了他的要求。一周以后,他把唠叨不休的太太勒死了。 www.tingclass.net 2. The hooligan strangled her with a piece of string. 那流氓用一根绳子把她勒死了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. in some rural areas girl babies have been reported to be killed immediately after birth - strangled , suffocated or buried alive. 在一些乡下地方有报道说女婴在一出生就被扼死,闷死或活埋。 www.ichacha.net 4. Unless you think he strangled you because he's married. 除非他结婚了所以要掐死你。 www.b2b99.com 5. I once strangled a middle aged woman with a gentle smile that I met in the subway and followed home to. 一次我勒死了一个拥有慈爱面目的中年妇女,我从地铁跟到她家动手。 www.zww.cn 6. Dekker later made a comeback, but in May 1968, he was found strangled to death in the bathroom of his Hollywood home. 德克尔后来重返演艺界,但是1968年5月,人们发现他在自己好莱坞住房的浴室中因窒息而亡。 www.elanso.com 7. Our stupid snake got out in the middle of the night and strangled the baby. 我们家那该死的蠢蛇在半夜跑出来把小孩勒死了。 www.suiniyi.com 8. They were strangled in the cradle, and the guiding principles and separation of powers that Sun Yat-sen espoused perished with his passing. 它们于襁褓之时,便遭扼杀,随着孙逸仙的逝去,其主张的指导纲领和分权思想也随之而去。 zhan.renren.com 9. A week later he strangled his nagging wife. 一周之后,他把唠叨不休的太太勒死了。 www.starryclub.com 10. But it rushed to outlaw snoods (neck-warmers) on the field: Mr Blatter feared that a player might be strangled. 但是它却迫切地将使用发网(暖脖子用的)宣布为不合规定:布拉特先生唯恐球员会被发网缠住。 www.ecocn.org 1. Entering the Qing Dynasty, the intellectual's prevailing custom was strangled due to the arrested development of new economic factors. 清朝建立后,由于扼杀了萌芽的新经济因素,使得明末士风遭到摧残。 www.fabiao.net 2. This TV show was strangled soon after broadcasting owing to its low moral quality. 这部电视剧因为格调低下刚刚播出就遭到封杀。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Two hours later she was dead, her strangled naked body displaying marks of severe beating. 两个小时后,她死了,是被勒死的。从她赤裸的尸体上可以看出被暴打过的伤痕。 www.ecocn.org 4. Chuck: I had the strangest dream: I was being strangled to death with a plastic sack . . . 我做了个超奇怪的梦,梦见自己被个塑料袋套上给闷死了。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Police in the northern Indian state of Punjab say four children found dead on Tuesday were strangled. 印度警方在北部旁遮普说四个孩子被发现死在星期二勒死。 www.2getnews.com 6. It appears that cat only activities in the square, otherwise, it may be strangled alive. 看来,母猫只能在这一平方米内活动,不然,它可能会被活活勒死。 www.bing.com 7. End, the kid's creative power drive check and supervision, the God gives of the natural endowments be strangled in the cradle. 最终,孩子的创造力被制约,上天赐予的天赋被扼杀在摇篮里。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. At the end of twelve years he had to be strangled. 十二年后只能把他勒死了。 source.yeeyan.org 9. Mary lived in Southern-Africa, which strangled normal human nature. She lost the subject of her own life. 玛丽生活在扼杀正常人性的殖民制度统治下的南非,她被无形的殖民之网越缠越紧。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Yet I have seen hundreds of men and women strangled on-screen in a video game, and couldn't give a damn. 虽然我看过成百上千的男人和女人在电子游戏中被勒死,但我从来不TMD在乎。 www.bing.com 1. He strangled her with a nylon stocking. 他用尼龙长筒袜勒死了她。 www.bing.com 2. the child clung round my neck in terror, and almost strangled me. 那个孩子吓得紧紧地抱住我的脖子,差点把我掐死。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In recent years, solar power growth has been strangled by established polysilicon makers' unwillingness to expand capacity rapidly. 近年来,由于现有多晶硅制造商不愿意迅速扩大产能,太阳能行业的增长一直受到制约。 www.ftchinese.com 4. He strangled her with her own scarf. 他用她的围巾把她勒死了。 dict.netat.net 5. I almost strangled a visiting friend when she poured heaping glasses of milk that we were trying so hard to conserve. 当一位来拜访的朋友倒了满满一大杯牛奶准备喝时,我差点冲动得想掐死她,因为那是我们好不容易节省下来的啊! www.bing.com 6. The Israeli desire that we run diplomatic interference while it strangled an Egyptian army trapped after the cease-fire. 以色列要把停火之后被包围的一个埃及集团军置于死地,却希望我们进行外交干预。 7. The countryside suffered. Indigenous entrepreneurs were starved of funds and strangled with red tape. 乡村因而受挫,乡村企业家们因为缺少资金外加政府的繁文缛节而没有了活路。 www.ecocn.org 8. Every year-every month, almost-men were strangled in England for what he had done. 每年--几乎是每个月--在英国都有人因为犯了他干下的那种罪行而被绞死。 9. 'If the little fiend had got in at the window, she probably would have strangled me! ' I returned. 如果那个小恶鬼从窗户爬了进来,她肯定会掐死我的! www.24en.com 10. But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood. 只要写信,吩咐他们禁戒偶像的污秽和奸淫,并勒死的牲畜,和血。 www.ebigear.com 1. This adds pressure on the Palestinians' recently elected Hamas government, which is being strangled by a world economic boycott. 此举给巴勒斯坦新近当选的哈马斯政府增加了压力。由于经济上受到(西方)世界的抵制,哈马斯政府正在被扼杀。 www.ecocn.org 2. "Strangled Jiang Sheng, the pace slowed down, from side to bypass, and not to enter the flock, " Ma said Guan. “勒住缰绳,放慢脚步,从旁边绕过去,不要进入羊群”马倌说道。 fengshangsj.blog.sohu.com 3. I have withered within me all human hope. With the silent leap of a sullen beast, I have downed and strangled every joy. 我把人类全部希望都在我思想里活活闷死。像猛兽扑食,我在狂喜中把它狠狠勒死。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. At first, their language sounded out of tune, full of strangled consonants and static. 起初,他们的语言听起来很走调,像是勒着喉咙发出来的辅音和静电干扰的噪音。 www.ebigear.com 5. She strangled before she was taken to hospital. 她在被送往医院之前便窒息而死。 www.bing.com 6. Japan's long-term growth rate has undoubtedly been strangled by the lack of reform. 日本的长期增长率无疑受扼于缺乏改革。 www.ecocn.org 7. As GM collapses, strangled by its attachment to old models, China is developing electric cars. 当通用汽车公司由于依赖过时的汽车款式而破产时,中国则正在开发电动汽车。 www.bing.com 8. He strangled his victim with a nylon stocking. 他用尼龙长筒袜勒死了受害者。 www.bing.com 9. One morning she woke up and strangled her sleeping boyfriend to death. 一天早上,她醒来后将还在熟睡中的男友勒死。 www.bing.com 10. She's standing there waiting to be strangled. 她站在那里等着被人勒死呢。 www.bing.com 1. Cybernetics was strangled by "putting the observer inside the box. " “把观察者放进盒子里”这句话扼杀了控制论。 www.bing.com 2. Screaming with pain, the gray-haired con artist hopped from the chair as Silverman strangled his instep with both claws. 这个头发花白的顶级骗子疼得嗷嗷大叫,从椅子上蹦了起来,而此时希尔弗曼正用他的两把钳子,死死卡住他的脚背。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. A number of women were found beaten, strangled or stabbed and dumped in the area within a two-month period in 1998-99. 在1998-1999年两个月的时间内,人们发现数名妇女被殴打、勒死或刺死,并丢弃在这个地区。 www.bing.com 4. A preliminary coroner's report indicated Fiore was strangled. 初步验尸报告显示,菲奥雷被勒死。 www.tianya.cn 5. These were very intimate murders -- he strangled his victims. 这些都是非常亲密的谋杀,他扼死了他们。 www.ted.com 6. Like predatory beasts, I put it in ecstasy was strangled. 像猛兽扑食,我在狂喜中把它狠狠勒死。 www.fav114.com 7. THE CAPPADOCIAN: Strangled? 勒死了? www.bing.com 8. "Fifty-eight twenty-one. " My voice sounded strangled. 我的声音听起来快要窒息了。 bbs.koolearn.com 9. You are a small tender plant strangled by rampant weeds. 你是被猖獗的杂草勒紧的一株小小柔弱的植物。 www.hxen.com 10. Both were married and both had apparently been strangled. 两个人均已结婚,且明显都是被人扼死的。 www.24en.com 1. Prosecutors and police claim that Sortu is Batasuna, and hence ETA. Both want it strangled at birth. 检察官和警方都声称索图就是巴塔苏纳党,就是埃塔的分支,双方都想把它扼杀在摇篮里。 www.ecocn.org 2. The recruit raped and strangled the schoolgirl. 那名新兵强奸并勒死了那个女学生。 dict.bioon.com 3. Japan were acquiescing in being strangled. 日本默然同意别人把它捏死。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In recent years, eight children have died, and 16 were nearly strangled by pull cords. 近几年,已有8名儿童因此丧命,拉绳害得16人差点窒息而亡。 www.bing.com 5. France imposed a huge debt that strangled Haiti. 在以前,法国强加的巨债扼杀了海地的发展。 www.bing.com 6. Witnesses say Daniel grabbed the family dog, beat and strangled it. . . then started to eat it. 目击者称丹尼尔抓住一只宠物狗,痛打并且扼住它的脖子,之后,就开始啃食这条狗。 ts.hjenglish.com 7. He strangled her. . . 他扼住她的脖子… www.engxue.com 8. The government strangled the economy with prohibitive tariffs and tight money to defend the gold standard. 政府用限制性关税和货币紧缩来维系金本位制,结果遏制了经济。 www.bing.com 9. But that we write to them to abstain from the contaminations of idols and fornication and what is strangled and blood. 只要写信,叫他们禁戒偶像的污秽和淫乱,并勒死的牲畜和血。 edu.china.com 10. Strangled by their own rope. 被自己的缰绳绞死 zhidao.baidu.com 1. If this is inhibited by fiscal tightening, recovery will be strangled. 如果财政紧缩抑制了这种支出,那么复苏就将被扼杀。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The work rules that strangled productivity for decades on many of GM's U. S. factory floors barely exist in China. 几十年来,劳动法规限制了许多GM美国工厂的生产力,但这些规矩却很少在中国出现。 www.bing.com 3. strangled me with his hands and with electrical cord 用他的手和电线掐我。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. When I am strangled in poverty I shall tell myself that this too shall pass; 穷困潦倒时,我告诉自己,这一切都会过去; blog.sina.com.cn 5. Sa: Have you fallen down? Are you bleeding? Is Clarise there? Has she been strangled? 山:你跌倒了吗?在流血吗?克莱里斯在不在?她是不是窒息了? www.cuggw.edu.cn 6. I grew up near Los Angeles in southern California, a region strangled by highways, the blight of American cities and the landscape 我是在美国加州南部的洛杉矶长大的,这个地区已经被高速公路这个给城市与自然景观蒙上阴影的怪物所扼杀了。 dict.ebigear.com 7. The Architects Should Be Strangled? --Questioning the Winning Tender of CCTV New Headquarter 应当绞死建筑师?--中央电视台新大楼中标建筑方案质疑 www.ilib.cn 8. at three , he was nearly strangled by a curtain cord 三岁时他差点被窗帘绳勒死 www.ichacha.net 9. Bandar Abdulaziz, 32, was found beaten and strangled in the Landmark Hotel 班达尔发现被打死在置地广场酒店。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. Strangled by these laces, laces I can barely talk 由这些花边、鞋带勒死我几乎不能说话 wenwen.soso.com 1. I'm strangled by your haunted social scene 你的上流梦,让我窒息 zhidao.baidu.com 2. That rose in strangled ebony curls 黑色发卷中的那支玫瑰 blog.tianya.cn 3. Sixteen Year Old Boy Who Strangled a Four Year Old Child To Death, 1944 《勒死一个四岁幼童的十六岁青年》,摄于1944年 www.bing.com 4. When I was seven I strangled my first parrot, 我七岁的时候掐死了第一只鹦鹉 blog.sina.com.cn |
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