单词 | sides | ||||||
释义 | sides是side的复数
复数:sides 现在分词:siding 过去式:sided adj. n. dark side,wrong side,bright side,high side,opposite side v. n. take side,see side,leave side,stand side,come side
例句释义: 方面,侧面,旁边,边,偏袒,支持,宽度仅有…,站在…的一边,侧面的,横,次要的,片面的,边数,面数,侧边 1. "It is an investment, " he said, as he stretched his arms the width of the room, laying his palms flat on opposite sides of the wall. 他表示:“买下这房其实是一笔投资。”斯科特伸开双臂衡量房间的宽度,他的两只手轻易就能触到两边的墙壁。 www.ebigear.com 2. Web page printing has usually been a hit or miss affair and large pages can be cut off at the bottom or the sides. 网页打印通常是命中或错过事理和大页可能被切除于底部或边。 bbs.pcbeta.com 3. Management experts said the dismissal of chief executives is usually a more stately process, involving lawyers on all sides. 管理专家称,解雇首席执行官通常是一个比较慎重的过程,会需要双方的律师都在场。 dongxi.net 4. There will now be a full hearing in a week's time when the arguments will be laid out on both sides. 一周之内将有一个全面的听证会,在这个听证会上双方可以进行辩解。 www.tingclass.com 5. Both sides of what he calls "Japan's nuclear power mafia" are motivated by a desire to defend atomic power from its critics. 他认为双方组成了“日本核电黑手党”,一心只想为核电辩护、使之不受外界批评影响。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Once the professional negotiators who work for both sides have agreed on a sum, the money is usually dropped from a light aircraft. 一旦双方的谈判专家在赎金数目方面达成一致,赎金一般从轻型飞机抛到指定地点。 www.ecocn.org 7. One dead photographer does not do much for the cause he cares about, even if he did feel compelled to weigh in and take sides. 一个摄影记者,即便他认为自己有必要选择立场而支持某一方,一旦他死了,则于他所关心的事业来说也是没有多大帮助的。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Unfortunately, popularity was one of the weaker sides of Olympic archery. 不幸的是,奥运会射箭比赛在当时的人气是很差的。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Stylist: If you're going to cut the top that short, then might I suggest that you fade the sides a little shorter as well? 发型师:如果您想把上面再剪短些,那我建议您两边也要跟着短些。 www.ryedu.net 10. The purchase landed it a windfall profit and a leading position in fixed-income trading on both sides of the Atlantic. 此项收购使巴克莱获得意外的暴利,成为大西洋两岸固定收入交易的佼佼者。 www.ecocn.org 1. The boat was eighty feet long , flat-bottomed , with big wooden eyes on both sides in the front and was colorfully painted at the back . 船是八十英尺长,平底,大木眼睛在前两方,并在背面涂上五颜六色。 www.12345677.com 2. We think such a court consisting of arbitrators from both sides must be fair and able to handle the dispute without bias or partiality. 我们认为由双方指定仲裁员组成的仲裁庭能够公正的解决争议。 www.etest8.com 3. The shoes and I just sort of stare at each from our separate sides of the computer screen. 我和那些鞋各自在电脑屏幕两边注视着对方。 cn.wordmind.com 4. Things reached the point where the two groups sat on opposite sides of the church, glaring across the aisle. 事情到了两群人马各坐在教堂里相对的两边,隔着通道怒目相视的地步。 www.jukuu.com 5. He took it up and disclosed a shapely little treasure box whose bottom and sides were of shingles. 他把它拿开,揭露出来一个样子很不错的小宝箱子,这个宝箱的四周和底都是木瓦拼的。 www.jukuu.com 6. Please make it a bit shorter in the back(on the sides). 后面(两边)请剪短一点。 www.tingroom.com 7. Hiro sank to his knees, his head bowed, his arms lips by his sides. 希罗弓起了身体,低垂着头,双臂无力的挂在身边。 blog.cctvcnm.com 8. If you tend to leak air at the sides, you will probably cease this annoying habit. Annoying for you, and for the audience as well. 如果你嘴角习惯性漏气,你可能通过这个口型纠正这种让你和观众都讨厌的习惯。 www.clarinet.com.cn 9. However, he said the new royalty agreement incorporates an "experimental approach" that addresses concerns on both sides. 不过,他说新的版权费协议采取了一个“实验性的方法”来兼顾双方的利益。 www.bing.com 10. Fold the material at the front end of the trap to expose the opening while still covering the top, sides and back of the trap. 当仍然包含的圈套顶端,边和背后的时候,在圈套的前面结束折叠材料暴露开始。 bbs.movshow.com 1. The two wingers would switch sides halfway through the first period but possession in and around the penalty area was hard to come by. 开始阶段,两个边锋在中线附近换边,但是很难在禁区附近寻找到机会。 www.chelsea.net.cn 2. For the summer though, once I get all these muscles how I'm gonna take a little, you know, weight off the sides so I fit in my swimsuit? 但拿夏天来说,有一次我锻炼了肌肉,但体重只减轻了一点儿。你看!将周围这些减下去就可以穿游泳衣了? 3. He said he offered to get everyone to agree to create a package of solutions, so both sides can agree to the same timeline. 他说,他提出让各方都同意设立一套解决方案,这样双方都能同意根据相同的时间表做出安排。 www.voanews.cn 4. According to Midrash , what was interesting about the lettering was that it was able to be read correctly from both sides. 按照犹太法学博士的圣经注释,关于所刻字母的解释为从两侧可以正确读。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. As I said just now, the border control departments of the two sides are further investigating and handling the case. 我刚才说过,中朝双方的边防部门正在就此案件进行进一步的调查和处理。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. A federal arrangement might have worked if both sides had shown flexibility and magnanimity, but neither proved able to do so. 如果双方都表现出弹性和宽宏大量,成立的联邦就会起作用;但情况并非如此。 www.ecocn.org 7. Both sides seem to be willing to wait until summer's end to see in what direction the Manhattan real estate market will move. 双方似乎地都愿意等到这个夏季末,想知道曼哈顿的房地产市场会朝哪个方向发展。 www.elanso.com 8. In Chile, Antarctica and Brazil, he is likely to hear and observe evidence on both sides of that argument. 在智利、阿根廷和巴西,潘基文有可能听到和看到两种论点的证据。 www.ecocn.org 9. Webster said the two sides were joined together socially, economically, culturally, and in many other ways. There was no way to divide them. 韦伯斯特说,南北双方在社会、经济、文化和其他各个方面都密切地联系在一起,没有什么可以让南北双方分裂。 www.bing.com 10. In the current negotiating process both sides worry about the agricultural trade, making it a sensitive area and focus of the negotiations. 在谈判的过程中,中澳双方都对农产品贸易问题顾虑较大,使之成为谈判的焦点和敏感领域。 www.fabiao.net 1. The two sides were still negotiating the date and other details of the ship visit, he said. 他表示,双方仍在就高波号访华的日期及其他具体事宜进行协商。 www.ftchinese.com 2. If Icann does not demonstrate that it genuinely intends to prevent abuse of trademarks, the two sides could end up in court, she warns. 如果Icann不证明它真心想要防止商标滥用的话,那么双方可能最终对簿公堂,她警告说。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Where the iMac is squarish and silver, the XPS One is all black and rectangular, with speakers attached to the sides and a wide glass base. iMac形状较为方正,颜色为银色,而XPSOne则是通体黑色的长方形,两旁是音箱所在,还有个宽宽的玻璃底座。 www.ebigear.com 4. But the big imponderable is how much appetite there is on both sides of the Atlantic for real diplomatic engagement. 但是最大的不确定因素在于大西洋两岸对进行实质性的外交接触有多大兴辑。 www.ecocn.org 5. The terraced hill sides, as we went up in a jhampan, were all aflame with the beauty of the flowering spring crops. 我们坐着轿子上山时,沿路的山坡,都映照在春天里稻花盛开的美景中。 www.bing.com 6. When I go alone at night to my love-tryst, birds do not sing, the wind does not stir , the houses on both sides of the street stand silent. 当我在夜晚独自去约会时,鸟儿不鸣,风儿不吹,大街两旁的房屋静静地站着。 blog.163.com 7. Maybe that's one of the secrets of Chinese civilisation and why it has lasted so long: that balance of the two sides. 或许这正是中国文明以及它为什么如此渊源流长的秘密之一:儒与道的平衡。 www.eucma.org 8. But the local government is only a small portion of the building on both sides of the main installed cable TV. 但当地政府只是在主干道两旁的小部分建筑安装了有线电视。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. When you really study the life of Leary, you see both sides of him. 如果你真的研究过他的生平,你可以看到他身上的两面性。 www.bing.com 10. The two sides' interests turn out to be aligned, or at least not in conflict. 由此,合资双方的利益趋于一致,或者至少不会是相互冲突的。 www.bing.com 1. Whether Nick should be allowed to continue doing this or not is really a problem. There seem to be two sides regarding the argument. 尼克是否应该被允许继续做下去确实是个问题。关于这个争论好像出现了两派。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. I thought it would be fun to be a judge of the game. But finally I found I was on the hot seat. Both sides said that they won. 我本以为给这场游戏当裁判很有意思,但是最后我发现我处在了很尴尬的境地。双方都认定他们才是赢的那一方。 nciku.com 3. The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than or equal to the length of the remaining side. 一个三角形的任两边长之和一定大于或等于第三边的长度 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Overloading a small boat can be dangerous, because if the boat sinks too deeply into the water, water may enter the boat over the sides. 超载小船可能非常危险,因为如果船吃水太深,水可能漫过船弦,进入船内。 bbs.enfamily.cn 5. Her eyes have moved from the sides of her head to the front of her face and her ears are standing out from the sides of her head. 她的眼睛已经从头的两边移到了脸上,她的耳朵现在也长到了头的两边。 www.bing.com 6. The mere prospect of a deal seems to be forcing both sides to buck up their business, though. 然而,仅仅是这笔交易的可能性,似乎就正迫使双方加强自身业务。 www.ftchinese.com 7. There is only one brain and one tongue, but the two sides of these organs look as much alike as the two hands. 只有一个脑和一只舌头,但这些器官的两侧看起来就像双手那样相像。 www.tdict.com 8. I opened the empty refrigerator. "Not cereal, " I said, watching the sides of his mouth drop. 我打开空空的冰箱,“没有燕麦片了,”我说道,看见他瘪起嘴。 www.bing.com 9. This problem must be solved before it's too late. Otherwise, it would be a great obstacle to the work of both sides. 此问题如果不能及时得到解决,为给今后双方的工作造成很大的阻碍! www.1x1y.com.cn 10. Despite that possibility, Cossa said all sides will ensure that any escalation will "not get out of control. " 尽管存在这种可能性,但是科萨称,相关各国将会确保紧张局势“不失控。” blog.sina.com.cn 1. She had an impartial mind, and saw the two sides of a question clearly enough to find little to choose between them. 她有一颗无偏见的心,她能十分清楚地看到一个问题的两方面,她发现在他们两人之间很难叫人进行选择。 www.bing.com 2. OK, so we seem to be all set, except we are still missing one part of our surface, S, because we also need to look at the sides. 我们似乎已经全准备妥当了,除了遗留下来的曲面S的某些部分,因为我们也需要考虑侧面。 open.163.com 3. The Chinese leader said the sides should speed up talks on an investment agreement as well to continue the growth. 这位中国领导人说双方应该加快投资协议的和谈来保持持续增长。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. He said the two sides should make full use of the joint committee on bilateral cooperation as a platform to push forward the cooperation. 今后双方应充分利用双边联委会平台,推进新中合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. Both sides agree that the private property of any individual would not be seized or usurped, except permitted by the laws. 双方同意任何私人的财产除非法律允许都不能被没收或侵占。 www.newforces.org 6. He said threats of boycotts on both sides of the debate "created resentment and made dialogue harder" . 曼德尔森表示,欧洲和中国争论双方的抵制威胁“制造了不满,加大了对话的难度”。 www.ftchinese.com 7. He discovered that the more sides a polygon had the closer its circumference was to that of a circle. 他发现,更多的多边形双方已接近其周长是到一个圆圈。 bbs.putclub.com 8. I declined to take sides with him in the dispute. 我拒绝在那场争论中拥护他。 www.unsv.com 9. Surrounded on all sides by Calcutta houses and walls, he would dream night after night of his village home, and long to be back there. 周围除了加尔各答的房子墙壁外还是房子墙壁,他每晚都会梦见他的村庄,并深深渴望着回到那里。 www.bing.com 10. He tried to move faster but found his feet were lead and his arms tied to his sides. 他尽力想走快点,但发现他的双脚象灌了铅,双臂象粘牢在了体侧。 min-soul.spaces.live.com 1. Assess external rotation by having him place his hands behind his neck with his elbows out to the sides. 医生让病人将双手置于颈后,肘部向外来判定外部旋转程度。 www.yappr.cn 2. But, she said, Obama's state visit has shown that both sides realize they need to be more strategic about how they think about that bond. 但是多尔曼迪说,奥巴马的国事访问显示出,双方意识到他们需要在如何看待双方关系方面更具有策略性。 www.hxen.com 3. A baby pig to resist the enemy's game, that is, put the eradication of its enemies on both sides, have put the sky bird hit the ground. 一款猪宝贝抗敌的游戏,就是把其两边的敌人消灭,还有把天上的小鸟打到地上。 www.fishjava.com 4. Stupidly , the men on both sides of her opened their doors and got out, leaving her a choice of exits. 愚蠢,她两边的男人都开门下去了,剩下她自己选择出口。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. There was pressure from both sides, so unfortunately we were never really able to give him the kind of service he likes. 比赛双方都有压力,但很不走运的是我们并没有为阿毛里传出他所喜欢的球。 www.juvechina.com 6. Fighting along the turbulent border has raged since last month as the two sides accuse each other of trying to seize ancient temples. 从上个月开始,这个边界就不断暴发冲突。原因是两连都指责对方想把寺庙据为已有。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. This is followed by two sharks from both sides to take her up to her in the middle, pushing her to travel forward. 这是后两个鲨鱼双方带她到她在中间,把她的旅费前进。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Mouse operation , it all turrets drag on both sides of the road layout , it will destroy the enemy on the road ! 鼠标操作,点击各类炮塔拖动到路两边布置好,将敌人消灭在路上! www.bing.com 9. Both sides said the disagreement would not significantlcdfds. com impede relations. 双方都表示不的分歧阻碍了国与国之间的关系。 www.cdfds.com 10. "Quite right, " the officer replied as he showed the lieutenant the coin which had heads on both sides. “非常准确”,官员答复,当他让陆军中尉看两边面有头的硬币时。 www.sxms5.com 1. She maintains that if both sides are barreling down on her, it must mean she's doing something right; it proves her independence. 她认为,如果民主党和共和党都对她不满,那一定说明她在做着一些正确的事,说明她没被他人意见左右。 www.ecocn.org 2. One piece of that debate is now over, though: Both sides have agreed that the preferred file format will be zipped XML. 尽管部分争议已经平息:双方都承认首选的文件格式应该是压缩XML。 www.ibm.com 3. Fight double-vision and two ears horizontally, the beard on both sides, tail slapping ground up, two forelegs, ready to voldemort leaping. 争斗时瞳孔放大,两耳平伸,胡须向两边竖起,尾巴拍打地面,两前肢伏地,随时准备跃起。 ww.mf08s.com 4. What seems to be the problem is the unification between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. 问题似乎是在台湾海峡两岸之间的统一。 yingyuzuowen.org 5. Verizon, meanwhile, seems to be playing both sides of the latest smartphone war. 与此同时,Verizon似乎正在最近的智能手机大战中两面讨好。 www.kekenet.com 6. "We believe that all sides should take more steps to ease tensions and resolve problems, not the opposite, " she said. “我们认为各方都应采取更多措施缓解紧张局势,切实解决问题,而不是走向相反方向,”她说。 www.bing.com 7. "I think what we're going to have to do is somehow figure out a way to compromise on both sides and get things back in order, " he said. 伍兹说:“我想我们目前必须做的是,某一位参选者能够找出办法让双方妥协,然后让事情回到正轨。” www.2abc8.com 8. It would be a speech in which he would ask both sides, he said, the US and the Muslims to listen to each other and to learn. 他透露,在演讲中他将号召美国和穆斯林国家听取对方意见并互相借鉴。 www.eoezone.com 9. At some point during the war he seems to have changed sides. 战争期间,他好像在某个时候转投向过对方营垒。 wenwen.soso.com 10. if he does, Mr Reid will have to find at least one Republican willing to switch sides to save his bill. 要是他说话算话,MrReid就只好另觅一个愿意变换立场的共和党人来拯救他的法案了。 www.ecocn.org 1. He said the two sides have agreed on 'rough mechanisms' to resolve such problems. 他说双方同意用抓大放小的办法处理这些问题。 c.wsj.com 2. In some cases, red won or both sides of the woman is often only a smile, a look or a word can be done Dunxiao anger, and even Woshouyanhuan. 有时候,争得面红耳赤或剑拔弩张的双方往往只需女人一个微笑、一个眼神或一句息事宁人的话语就能火气顿消,甚至握手言欢。 yinghanhuyi.com 3. An ovenized oscillator package including at least a heater and a crystal package mounted on opposite sides of a circuit board. 一种振荡器组件,至少包括:限定相对的顶部和底部表面的电路板; ip.com 4. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. 它永远看不到顶端的出口,只会一直在杯底周围寻找出路。 gb.cri.cn 5. The Iranian ambassador to Iraq Hassan Kazemi later said the two sides would meet again in less than a month. 伊朗驻伊拉克大使哈桑?卡齐米?库米之后表示双方将在一个月内再次会晤。 www.eoezone.com 6. He was also very generous and grateful to the fans as well, signing things for quite some time after the event on both sides of the court. 他对粉丝也显得大方和感激,训练结束后他给赛场两边的球迷签名,停留了不少时间。 vc15.cn 7. They inserted the poles into the rings so they would be on the sides of the altar for carrying it. They made it hollow, out of boards. 把杠穿在坛两旁的环子内,用以抬杠。并用板做坛,坛是空的。 www.ebigear.com 8. The enemy came quickly, making allies your fortress at once, numeral hint on all sides can fix a few walls, can't have indentation! 敌人都快来了,赶快修好您的城堡,数字提示四周可以修几堵墙,不能有缺口哟! www.p4pp.com 9. And yet, to open a new and bright chapter between the U. S. and Vietnam, it seems best if both sides close the door of the past. 然而,对美国和越南来说,关闭历史记忆的门,对两国建立正常邦交,打开一个新的灿烂的篇章,似乎是最好的选择。 www.bing.com 10. This idiom is used metaphorically to mean to be in a helpless and critical situation, surrounded by the enemy on all sides. “四面楚歌”这个成语用来比喻处在一种无助危险的形势下,周围都是敌人。 bbs.24en.com 1. if he does, Mr Reid will have to find at least one Republican willing to switch sides to save his bill. 要是他说话算话,MrReid就只好另觅一个愿意变换立场的共和党人来拯救他的法案了。 www.ecocn.org 2. He said the two sides have agreed on 'rough mechanisms' to resolve such problems. 他说双方同意用抓大放小的办法处理这些问题。 c.wsj.com 3. In some cases, red won or both sides of the woman is often only a smile, a look or a word can be done Dunxiao anger, and even Woshouyanhuan. 有时候,争得面红耳赤或剑拔弩张的双方往往只需女人一个微笑、一个眼神或一句息事宁人的话语就能火气顿消,甚至握手言欢。 yinghanhuyi.com 4. An ovenized oscillator package including at least a heater and a crystal package mounted on opposite sides of a circuit board. 一种振荡器组件,至少包括:限定相对的顶部和底部表面的电路板; ip.com 5. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. 它永远看不到顶端的出口,只会一直在杯底周围寻找出路。 gb.cri.cn 6. The Iranian ambassador to Iraq Hassan Kazemi later said the two sides would meet again in less than a month. 伊朗驻伊拉克大使哈桑?卡齐米?库米之后表示双方将在一个月内再次会晤。 www.eoezone.com 7. He was also very generous and grateful to the fans as well, signing things for quite some time after the event on both sides of the court. 他对粉丝也显得大方和感激,训练结束后他给赛场两边的球迷签名,停留了不少时间。 vc15.cn 8. As he played he sat bolt upright, gaunt and aquiline, unsmiling in his crisp, perfect suit, with his elbows held close to his sides. 在演奏时他的背挺得笔直,瘦削且轮廓分明,穿着一身干净得体的西装而表情严肃,手肘紧靠在身体两侧。 www.bing.com 9. Place 1 piece of pre-made pie dough down into a (9-inch) pie pan and press down along the bottom and all sides. 将买来的现成饼皮放到一个约9寸的烤盘中,将边缘和底部都压紧。 gb.cri.cn 10. They inserted the poles into the rings so they would be on the sides of the altar for carrying it. They made it hollow, out of boards. 把杠穿在坛两旁的环子内,用以抬杠。并用板做坛,坛是空的。 www.ebigear.com 1. The Iranian ambassador to Iraq Hassan Kazemi later said the two sides would meet again in less than a month. 伊朗驻伊拉克大使哈桑?卡齐米?库米之后表示双方将在一个月内再次会晤。 www.eoezone.com 2. He was also very generous and grateful to the fans as well, signing things for quite some time after the event on both sides of the court. 他对粉丝也显得大方和感激,训练结束后他给赛场两边的球迷签名,停留了不少时间。 vc15.cn 3. As he played he sat bolt upright, gaunt and aquiline, unsmiling in his crisp, perfect suit, with his elbows held close to his sides. 在演奏时他的背挺得笔直,瘦削且轮廓分明,穿着一身干净得体的西装而表情严肃,手肘紧靠在身体两侧。 www.bing.com 4. Place 1 piece of pre-made pie dough down into a (9-inch) pie pan and press down along the bottom and all sides. 将买来的现成饼皮放到一个约9寸的烤盘中,将边缘和底部都压紧。 gb.cri.cn 5. They inserted the poles into the rings so they would be on the sides of the altar for carrying it. They made it hollow, out of boards. 把杠穿在坛两旁的环子内,用以抬杠。并用板做坛,坛是空的。 www.ebigear.com 6. The enemy came quickly, making allies your fortress at once, numeral hint on all sides can fix a few walls, can't have indentation! 敌人都快来了,赶快修好您的城堡,数字提示四周可以修几堵墙,不能有缺口哟! www.p4pp.com 7. And yet, to open a new and bright chapter between the U. S. and Vietnam, it seems best if both sides close the door of the past. 然而,对美国和越南来说,关闭历史记忆的门,对两国建立正常邦交,打开一个新的灿烂的篇章,似乎是最好的选择。 www.bing.com 8. This idiom is used metaphorically to mean to be in a helpless and critical situation, surrounded by the enemy on all sides. “四面楚歌”这个成语用来比喻处在一种无助危险的形势下,周围都是敌人。 bbs.24en.com 9. We're really excited about this fight and that the two sides have come together to make it happen. 我们非常高兴这一斗争和双方走到一起,使之成为现实。 bbs.quanji.net 10. He observed that, at night, a plant's leaves drooped next to the sides of the stem but in the morning they rose as if to worship the sun. 他发现,植物的叶子在夜间低垂于茎干的两侧,但到了早晨,这些叶子又升直了“身板”,似乎在向冉冉升起的太阳崇拜致意。 www.bing.com 1. And yet, to open a new and bright chapter between the U. S. and Vietnam, it seems best if both sides close the door of the past. 然而,对美国和越南来说,关闭历史记忆的门,对两国建立正常邦交,打开一个新的灿烂的篇章,似乎是最好的选择。 www.bing.com 2. This idiom is used metaphorically to mean to be in a helpless and critical situation, surrounded by the enemy on all sides. “四面楚歌”这个成语用来比喻处在一种无助危险的形势下,周围都是敌人。 bbs.24en.com 3. We're really excited about this fight and that the two sides have come together to make it happen. 我们非常高兴这一斗争和双方走到一起,使之成为现实。 bbs.quanji.net 4. He observed that, at night, a plant's leaves drooped next to the sides of the stem but in the morning they rose as if to worship the sun. 他发现,植物的叶子在夜间低垂于茎干的两侧,但到了早晨,这些叶子又升直了“身板”,似乎在向冉冉升起的太阳崇拜致意。 www.bing.com 5. There is only one solution. "Better policy decisions on both sides of the Atlantic are needed to get us out of this fix, " said Fels. 只有一个解决之道.Fels表示,“大西洋两岸必须都推出更好的政策决议,才能脱离这场困境。” cn.reuters.com 6. It's just a different atmosphere out there. Much more space on the sides and in the back. When you hit the ball, the sound is different. 这里的氛围完全不同,边线和底线后有更多的空间,当你击球的时候,甚至声音都是不一样的。 tieba.baidu.com 7. With the two sides at loggerheads, IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said the IMF will take a bigger role in currency issues. 在两方僵持的局面下,IMF总裁斯特劳斯-卡恩(DominiqueStrauss-Kahn)说,IMF将在货币问题上发挥更大的作用。 chinese.wsj.com 8. More momentous for citizens on both sides of the strait was the agreement that opened the door to group tours from the mainland. 对于海峡两岸的民众而言,更加具有重大意义的是对大陆旅游团开放门户的协议。 www.bing.com 9. Obama praised that Kagan was a person who can establish common views on two opposite sides, and she was an outstanding legal scholar. 奥巴马称赞卡根是一位能在对立双方之间建立共识的人选,是一位杰出的法学学者。 www.12edu.cn 10. If he or she argues a lot with the parents, this can be very uncomfortable for you, especially if you're asked to choose sides. 如果他(她)和父母发生分歧,你的处境会很尴尬,尤其是对方还要你选择站在哪一边。 www.bing.com 1. With the two sides at loggerheads, IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said the IMF will take a bigger role in currency issues. 在两方僵持的局面下,IMF总裁斯特劳斯-卡恩(DominiqueStrauss-Kahn)说,IMF将在货币问题上发挥更大的作用。 chinese.wsj.com 2. More momentous for citizens on both sides of the strait was the agreement that opened the door to group tours from the mainland. 对于海峡两岸的民众而言,更加具有重大意义的是对大陆旅游团开放门户的协议。 www.bing.com 3. Obama praised that Kagan was a person who can establish common views on two opposite sides, and she was an outstanding legal scholar. 奥巴马称赞卡根是一位能在对立双方之间建立共识的人选,是一位杰出的法学学者。 www.12edu.cn 4. If he or she argues a lot with the parents, this can be very uncomfortable for you, especially if you're asked to choose sides. 如果他(她)和父母发生分歧,你的处境会很尴尬,尤其是对方还要你选择站在哪一边。 www.bing.com 5. No doubt, appreciate the view of Sydney is one of the best cruising in the clear water of Sydney Harbor to see the two sides. 无疑,欣赏悉尼的最佳视点之一是游弋于悉尼港的碧水中向两岸眺望。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Americans do not like to talk from the two sides are too close, they are used to maintain a certain distance from the body. 美国人谈话时不喜欢双方离得太近,惯于两人的身体保持一定的距离。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The top part of the building overhangs the bottom structure on all sides, with a rhythm of rectangular apertures covering its facade. 建筑的上部全部悬架于底部结构之上,并在外立面上顺序排列着长方形钢板开口。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. "A budget has two sides and looking at it from only one side is a bad way to address fiscal problems, " he said at the Reuters Summit. “预算有两个方面,仅考虑一个方面并非解决财政问题的好方法,”他在路透峰会上说.(完) cn.reuters.com 9. when i go alone at night to my love-tryst, birds do not sing , the wind dose not stir , the house on both sides of street stand silent. 九当我独自在夜晚去约会时,鸟人不鸣,风儿不吹,大街两旁的房屋静静的站着。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. They're trying to work out a peace formula acceptable to both sides in the dispute. 他们正在设法制定出一个争执双方都可接受的和平方案。 www.kekenet.com 1. "A budget has two sides and looking at it from only one side is a bad way to address fiscal problems, " he said at the Reuters Summit. “预算有两个方面,仅考虑一个方面并非解决财政问题的好方法,”他在路透峰会上说.(完) cn.reuters.com 2. when i go alone at night to my love-tryst, birds do not sing , the wind dose not stir , the house on both sides of street stand silent. 九当我独自在夜晚去约会时,鸟人不鸣,风儿不吹,大街两旁的房屋静静的站着。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. They're trying to work out a peace formula acceptable to both sides in the dispute. 他们正在设法制定出一个争执双方都可接受的和平方案。 www.kekenet.com 4. Whenever amateurs and professionals are on the opposite sides of an argument, you know which side to choose. 无论何时只要业余选手和专业交易者的意见相反,你心里应该明白谁是对的。 www.bing.com 5. Cao Chong ordered the elephant to an empty boat, to see how deep draft vessels, inscribed with marks on both sides of the ship's side. 曹冲命人把大象牵到空船上,看船吃水有多深,在船舷两边刻上记号。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Times are clocked on both sides of the Atlantic and there is keen competition to see whether the British or American housewives run fastest. 大西洋的两岸,时间都被定好,因而人们渴望看看究竟是英国的家庭主妇跑得快还是美国的家庭主妇跑得快。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Stress builds up in the rock on both sides of the fault and causes the rock to break and shift in an earthquake. 压力在断层两侧的岩石中产生,并且引起岩石在地震中破裂和滑动。 www.dictall.com 8. She scrabbles at them but, as she scrapes, the sides cave in on top of her hands. The hole remains shallow. 她试着将它们刮到一起,但当她刮的时候,两侧的石子就会塌落在她的手上,洞还是很浅。 www.bing.com 9. Angola has been rumoured to be ready to send paramilitaries to help retrain the Zimbabwean police, although both sides have now denied this. 安哥拉一直被传闻准备派准军事部队去帮助限制津巴布韦的警察,但双方现在都一直否认这点。 www.ecocn.org 10. After two years of destructive volatility the time has come for both sides to work together to build on this common interest. 经过两年极具破坏性的震荡之后,双方是时候协作建立这种共同利益了。 www.bing.com 1. She scrabbles at them but, as she scrapes, the sides cave in on top of her hands. The hole remains shallow. 她试着将它们刮到一起,但当她刮的时候,两侧的石子就会塌落在她的手上,洞还是很浅。 www.bing.com 2. Angola has been rumoured to be ready to send paramilitaries to help retrain the Zimbabwean police, although both sides have now denied this. 安哥拉一直被传闻准备派准军事部队去帮助限制津巴布韦的警察,但双方现在都一直否认这点。 www.ecocn.org 3. After two years of destructive volatility the time has come for both sides to work together to build on this common interest. 经过两年极具破坏性的震荡之后,双方是时候协作建立这种共同利益了。 www.bing.com 4. There is one hole in the surface and the two sides of the protection box used for secondary wiring. 护罩正面及两个侧面各有一个孔供引出二次接线用,安全可靠。 www.chinapower.com.cn 5. You produce a fine mahogany hardwood rod and proceed to show it on both sides. 你生产一把美好的桃花心木硬木标尺并且继续显示它在双方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. We go all over Europe playing top teams and we play against the best sides in this country, but that was one of the hardest games we've had. 我们已经跟欧洲列强和本国豪门交手过多次,但这是我踢过的最困难的比赛之一。 engbbs.fans1.com 7. The two sides talked around-the-clock, trying to reach an agreement before the approaching deadline. 双方夜以继日地谈判,努力在最后期限来临之前达成协议。星期一是美国法定假日哥伦比亚日。 www.qeto.com 8. She fell a laughing at my scruples about remarrying, and told me the other was no marriage, but a cheat on both sides. 她大笑起来,笑我对于再嫁的问题还这么顾虑,还告诉我另一对并不算结婚,只是双方凑成的一个骗局。 www.bing.com 9. But at least both sides got to express their views without trading blows or dispatching gunboats . That's what summits are for. 不过,至少双方在表达意见时没有提到采取贸易报复或派遣炮艇,这就是峰会的意义之所在吧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. He said there are mountaintop mining sites on several sides of his home and that valley fills upstream taint the water. 他家附近都是山顶煤矿,他认为这些煤矿污染了水源。 www.bing.com 1. She fell a laughing at my scruples about remarrying, and told me the other was no marriage, but a cheat on both sides. 她大笑起来,笑我对于再嫁的问题还这么顾虑,还告诉我另一对并不算结婚,只是双方凑成的一个骗局。 www.bing.com 2. But at least both sides got to express their views without trading blows or dispatching gunboats . That's what summits are for. 不过,至少双方在表达意见时没有提到采取贸易报复或派遣炮艇,这就是峰会的意义之所在吧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He said there are mountaintop mining sites on several sides of his home and that valley fills upstream taint the water. 他家附近都是山顶煤矿,他认为这些煤矿污染了水源。 www.bing.com 4. "Chinese people on both sides of the straits tend to see history from their own national scope, " she said. “两岸的中国人倾向于从各自的角度看待历史,”他说。 www.bing.com 5. A woman's pelvic floor muscles include several layers of muscle attached to the front, back and sides of the pelvic bones. 女性盆底肌是由多层肌肉(还有筋膜)组成的,主要覆盖在骨盆的前、后部分以及侧面。 www.bing.com 6. Those include uncovering how bubble growth rates vary with the number of bubble sides and minimizing the surface area per unit volume. 比如探究气泡生长速率如何随气泡面的数目变化而变化,以及单位容量内使表面积最小化。 www.bing.com 7. Optimistic generals will be found, usually on both sides, before the beginning of every military conflict. 通常在每个军事冲突开始的战争双方都能发现这样乐观的将军。 www.360doc.com 8. Size of the two pairs of stone lions guarding the door on both sides, surrounded by ancient trees vigorous straight into the sky. 大小两对石狮把守大门两侧,周围古老苍劲的大树直插云天。 www.elycn.com 9. There have been no indications to date that the Spaniards would take sides in the war as a result of this particular operation. 此一特殊行动的结果,并无迹象表示西班牙人将在战争中采取旁观态度。 10. Wen said the two sides had broad common interests in safeguarding regional peace and stability and promoting sustainable development. 双方在维护地区和平稳定、促进可持续发展方面有着广泛的共同利益。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. Wen said the two sides had broad common interests in safeguarding regional peace and stability and promoting sustainable development. 双方在维护地区和平稳定、促进可持续发展方面有着广泛的共同利益。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. The plan was that the two sides should reach an agreement, the details to be worked out later. 计划是双方应该达成一致,细节晚些时候出台。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. And he put the staves into the rings on the sides of the altar, to bear it withal; he made the altar hollow with boards. 把杠穿在坛两旁的环子内,用以抬坛,并用板作坛,坛是空的。 www.examw.com 4. She walked with her arms away from her sides and her sleeves tucked up, her bare arms all covered with fruit juice. 她走过来的时候双臂远离两跨,袖子卷了起来。只见她裸露的臂膀上全是果酱。 taofchina.spaces.live.com 5. Just as wu could not see the two sides of a coin, to choose one more system is bound to give up the other moral systems. 这就好像我们不能同时看到一枚铜板的两面一样。选择了一种道德体系就势必要放弃另外一个道德体系。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Both sides, however, said the incident would not affect diplomatic ties. 然而,双方都称这件事不会影响两国的外交关系。 9.yeezhe.com 7. The Washington conference would have had far more impact if the two sides announced an agreement to deal with that. 如果双方就处理这件事宣布一份协议,华盛顿的会议就会产生更加深远的影响。 www.bing.com 8. Whenever you are trying your first cigarette, or whenever you are asked to take sides in an argument, you are always in a sense of dilemma. 当想学着抽第一支烟的时候,当不得不在一个争论里支持一方的时候,你总感到为难。 www.hjenglish.com 9. The gentleman next to you wonders if you would care to swap seats with his wife, as they have been seated on different sides of the plane. 坐在您旁边的先生想知道,您愿意跟他的妻子换一下座位吗?他们坐在不同的一侧。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The president, he said, would not be taking sides. 他表示,总统将不会站在任何一方。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The president, he said, would not be taking sides. 他表示,总统将不会站在任何一方。 www.ftchinese.com 2. While Mendelson said he thought it was more likely Google would leave China, he said a compromise could give both sides something they want. 尽管Mendelson表示,他认为谷歌还是更有可能会离开中国市场,但双方达成妥协或是互惠互利的。 cn.reuters.com 3. Information asymmetry is the total transaction when one of the two sides can only obtain incomplete information. 信息不对称现象是指交易双方总有一方只能获取不完整的信息。 www.12edu.cn 4. Then she pinned a few fistfuls to the sides of my head, where my hair was pulled away from my face and looked somewhat braided. 然后她把几小把头发向我头的一侧撩了撩,把我的头从面前拢开,看上去有些像编成的辫子。 www.mibphils.com 5. Houses sprung up on both sides of the bridge and stood until it was pulled down in 1831, making way for a more elegant, classic structure. 住宅如雨后春笋般冒出来两岸的桥梁,站在直到推倒在1831年,使道路更加优雅,经典的结构。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Whichever group that you choose to listen to, it is always good to get the solid facts and information from both sides of the argument. 两者组您所选择的听,它始终是很好的获得了坚实的事实和资料,从双方的论据。 uzmart.com 7. Tom did not take sides in the quarrel between them. 汤姆没有介入他们的争吵。 english.knna.com 8. The meeting is expected to produce a framework to allow the two sides to conclude a new nuclear weapons reduction treaty by the end of 2009. 预期两位总统的会晤将产生一个框架,使双方能在2009年底前达成新的削减核武器条约。 www.america.gov 9. Be careful metering in situations like this, as the dark area on the sides of the frame may fool your meter. 在这样的情况下仔细测量环境,如暗区在画面侧面可能欺骗你的公尺。 forum.home.news.cn 10. Her hair is usually styled with lots of body and lush volume built in around the crown and throughout the sides. 她的头发通常是样式与量体和茂密的地段建造皇冠和周围的整个方面。 www.zzmyt.com 1. Her hair is usually styled with lots of body and lush volume built in around the crown and throughout the sides. 她的头发通常是样式与量体和茂密的地段建造皇冠和周围的整个方面。 www.zzmyt.com 2. However, if Alonso forces the matter, the two sides could quickly converge. 不过如果在阿隆索强烈要求下,双方也许能够迅速达成一致。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Organizers of the Shanghai event felt "there was no need to make both sides embarrassed and stop our guests in their tracks, " he said. 他说,上海市政厅会见的组织者们觉得“让双方尴尬是没有必要的,让我们的客人为难也没有必要”。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. As a Chinese American, I am more than thrilled to see such a wonderful ambassador who bridges the two sides. 作为一个美籍华人,看到有这样一位架起中美友谊桥梁的神奇使者,我难以言表自己的兴奋之情。 www.bing.com 5. I recommend you leave it a little long on top. But we should take in the back and sides a bit more. That's more fashionable now. 我建议你上面留长一点。后面和两旁剪短一些,这样的发型比较流行。 talk.oralpractice.com 6. This communication breakdown could have been resolved if there had been a little more flexibility and compromise on both sides. 如果他们双方不是那么倔强的话,他们的沟通不会失败而且是可以解决的。 www.gzwulong.net 7. Josh sees a whole school of these things, like a fleet of ships, emerging from the clouds on both sides of him. 杰克看见整整一群这样的东西,像一列舰队一样从他两边的云层出现。 www.bing.com 8. "It's hard to win the Premier League because our top four sides plus Barcelona probably make up the best five sides in Europe, " he said. “赢得英超冠军是很困难的,因为英超四强加上巴塞罗那是欧洲最好的五支球队,”他说道。 engbbs.fans1.com 9. Beijing also has geography to battle. It is ringed by mountains on three sides and far from the ocean, trapping pollution as if in a bowl. 北京所处地理位置也颇为不利。北京三面环山、远离大海,如同一个大碗,污染物质易聚不易散。(实习编辑:顾萍) www.neworiental.org 10. If a woman could talk out of the two sides of her mouth at the same time, a great deal would be said on both side. 假如女人能够同时从嘴巴的两边说话,那么两边都会说上一大堆话的吧。 www.hotdic.com 1. Cut him up in thin slices and grill him on all sides with a dash of lemon juice, olive oil and garlic on it. 把它切成薄片,涂上点儿柠檬汁、橄榄油和大蒜,再把它给烤了。 www.ebigear.com 2. So the poor old Lion floundered about and floundered about, and as he could 't get up the steep sides of the well, he was drowned dead. 所以,可怜的老狮子在井中一直不停的挣扎捶打着,他然不能从陡峭光滑的井中爬出来了,最终,他被淹死了。 www.dreamkidland.cn 3. Since the beginning of this year, the two sides have maintained close communications and coordination on the preparations for the dialogue. 今年以来,中美双方就第二轮战略与经济对话的筹备工作保持着密切的沟通和协调。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. Since then i've seen him in Gorgeous, Hero and Infernal Affairs, all which show different sides to his talent. 从那时起,我看了《玻璃樽》《英雄》和《无间道》,这些都从不同侧面展示了他的才华。 www.tianya200.com 5. But the gap between the two sides is still significant and negotiations are unlikely to be concluded by the year-end. 但双方今年的要价仍然相差甚远,相关谈判不可能在年底之前结束。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Jia hoped that both sides will continue efforts to become a fine example of regional cooperation between the two countries. 希望双方继续努力,开创中乌地方合作的典范。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. The UN treats the situation in Burma as if it is just a dispute between two sides, and they must mediate to find a middle ground. 联合国完全把缅甸局势看作两派之间的争吵,它们非要居中调停找到中间立场。 www.bing.com 8. At the beginning, both sides did not reach cooperative consensus, develop severally later. 一开始,双方未达成合作共识,后来各自开发。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Since it has no first-hand information, China is still studying and assessing information from all sides in a serious and prudent manner. 中方不掌握第一手情况,仍在认真、慎重地研究和评估各方面信息。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. a source close to lampard said : " the two sides are very close . the signs are everything will be sorted within the next week or so . " 一位蓝帕德好友也透露:“双方都非常接近。一切都将在下周之前得到解决。” www.ichacha.net 1. He said that both sides bear a strong wish to further promote bilateral relations from a strategic high. 双方都有从战略高度进一步推动两国关系发展的强烈愿望。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. Charlton seem to be one of our bogey sides at the moment, but we should have come away with a victory. 在那一刻查尔顿就象是一头捆饶我们的猛兽,但是我们仍然获得了胜利。 eriksson.blog.enorth.com.cn 3. The areas most commonly referred to as blind spots are the rear quarter blind spots, areas towards the rear of the vehicle on both sides. 最严重的地区通常被称为盲点的后方季度盲点,实现地区后面的车辆两侧。 bbs.jysq.net 4. and a fourth lens formed of a biconcave lens having aspheric surfaces on both sides and an inflection point on an upper aspheric surface. 第四透镜,由双凹透镜形成,在两侧上具有非球面表面,在非球面表面上具有拐点。 ip.com 5. Following the beating-up of MDC leaders last March, South Africa's president, Thabo Mbeki, has been trying to mediate between the two sides. 继2007年3月民主变革运动的多位领导人被毒打事件之后,南非总统塔博?姆贝基(ThaboMbeki)一直就在试图在两边调停。 www.ecocn.org 6. Now the two sides are battling it out in court amid a flurry of injunctions. 现在双方正在法庭上争论那些混乱的条令。 www.ecocn.org 7. But he also said the two sides did not happen during the armed conflict. 不过他也表示,期间双方并未发生武力冲突。 www.englishtang.com 8. Q: During the recent Tokyo Film Festival, the two sides across the Taiwan Straits disputed over the name under which Taiwan participates. 问:最近举行的东京电影节上,两岸由于台湾参与名称问题发生争执。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. But she did attempt to limit the damage to the newly warming relations between trustbusters on both sides of the Atlantic. 不过考虑到美欧双方竞争监管当局的关系刚刚和暖,她也确实努力地调和自己的言论以减少对此关系的破坏。 www.ecocn.org 10. It had flat teeth in the front of its mouth, and no teeth on the sides or in the back of its mouth. 嘴的前部长着扁平的牙齿,嘴的侧面和后部则没有牙齿。 zonghe.17xie.com 1. Yet the readiness to coexist on both sides may be stronger than is often realised. 不过双方和平共处的意愿可能比通常想象的更强烈。 www.ecocn.org 2. It was obvious on all sides that this was what the great majority of farmers and businessmen wanted most. 各方都清楚,这正是绝大多数农场主和企业人员最想得到的。 3. I used to be like that too until I got to know more and saw the ugly sides of what was happening. 曾经我和他们一样,知道我知道的越多,了解到那些正在发生的事情丑陋的一面。 www.tieku.org 4. Mr. Chiang said the two sides have yet to finalize the date for the new negotiations, which are to be held in Taipei. 江丙坤谈到,双方还没有确定新一轮商谈的具体启动日期,但地点已安排在台北。 www.bing.com 5. The general ordered that the deployment of his troop should be on both sides of the road. 将军命令部队部署在公路的两侧。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. At the front was a sharp point of iron that could smash through the sides of wooden ships. The Virginia could not move fast. 在这艘战舰的前面是用铁制成的尖角,它可以冲破木船。 www.bing.com 7. Budapest was embarrassing, a rare moment when people on both sides dropped the ball, but I knew it would pass. 布达佩斯感到困窘,双方都犯了错,这是一个极少出现的情况,但我知道事情总会过去。 www.bing.com 8. Diplomats from both sides are in "contact" to "arrange" the meeting, He said at a press conference in Beijing. 他在北京举行的记者招待会上说,双方外交人员将共同协商确定会谈相关事宜。 www.suiniyi.com 9. He said the two sides should strengthen cooperation in various areas in accordance with the principles and spirit of the treaty. 我们要按照条约的原则和精神,进一步加强两国在各个领域的合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. Therefore, from this point of view, loyalty is the matter with the staff of both sides, both sides are equal. 因此,从这个角度看,忠诚是企业与员工双方的事情,双方是平等的。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. For drawer-sides, therefore, Mr Peters liked reclaimed Victorian timber, which was "as stable as it was ever going to be" . 因此,做抽路板的时候彼得斯先生喜欢用维多利亚时代的回收木材,因为它们“一如既往的稳固耐用”。 www.ecocn.org 2. Adam Lambert : yeah- I love it! Some of it's really fun and upbeat yet honest and real. Other tracks are moody, dark. Both sides of me. . . 是的,我爱它!有些歌曲真的很让人开心,很乐观,而且很真实。其他的一些会很情绪化,黑暗。这是我自己的两面。 page.renren.com 3. Rasmussen's visit to Ukraine has not changed between the two sides "hollowing out" of the status quo, visit a few substantive results. 拉斯穆森此次访乌并未改变双方关系“空心化”的现状,访问取得的实质性成果寥寥无几。 www.englishtang.com 4. There was a little blue in the middle of the sky, but on all sides it had turned red, as in a terrible lightning storm. 天空一片火红,并且越来越红,只露出中间一点儿蓝色,好像一场暴风雨即将来临。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. That is why all sides will battle for ports, markets, slaughterhouses, banana plantations-and anything else that earns a bit of money. 港口、集市、屠宰场和香蕉种植园这些地方虽然收益甚微,各种力量还是会恶战相争,原因就在于此。 blog.ecocn.org 6. It had a beak like a bird. It had no teeth in the front of its mouth, but it did have teeth on the sides of its mouth. 它的喙长得像鸟的一样,嘴的前部没有牙,但在嘴里两侧长着牙。 blog.chinakids.net.cn 7. Enthusiastic and emotional passengers boarding the train in India said the service will help people on both sides restore links. 在印度登上火车的乘客激动的说,该项服务将能帮助双边的人们重建关系。 www.ebigear.com 8. Reports from both sides of the Atlantic show that female students dominate university courses, yet women still do not make it to the top. 来自大西洋两岸的报告均表明,尽管女生在大学课堂上占尽优势,但女人依旧没有攀上顶尖位置。 www.tesoon.com 9. A man with few friends is only half-developed; there are whole sides of his nature which are lockes up and never been expressed. 一个朋友很少的人只发展了一半,他的潜能被封锁着并且未曾被开发。 bbs.putclub.com 10. In fact, Harpers Ferry changed hands eight times during the war, which shows just how much both sides wanted to control it. 事实上,哈普斯渡口在战时曾经易手八次,这也显示出双方都非常想要拥有此镇的控制权。 www.24en.com 1. "Senior leaders from both sides will need to talk further about this . . . That would be a second phase of our engagement, " she said. “双方的高级领导人将进行进一步的磋商……这会是签订合约的第二步”,她说。 www.bing.com 2. He was bright in the sun and his head and back were dark purple and in the sun the stripes on his sides showed wide and a light lavender. 它在阳光里亮光光的,脑袋和背部呈深紫色,两侧的条纹在阳光里显得宽阔,带着淡紫色。 www.jukuu.com 3. There are advantages and disadvantages on both sides, " he said. " The Germans have a good break in the winter and are fresh in spring. “双方都有优势和劣势。”教授表示,“德国人将享有冬歇期,来年春天他们将焕然一新。” www.arsenalchina.com 4. Both sides were interested in the idea, and our discussion even went into details. However, due to many reasons it did not work out. 双方都非常有兴趣,甚至已经谈到很具体的程度,不过后来因为其他原因,没有能够进一步实施。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. See the world in another perspective, to see another world. Do not cling to one way of thinking, both sides of the ever-present in anything! 用另一种眼光看世界,看到的是另一个世界。别执着于单向思维,双面性永远存在于任何事物! www.gotofob.cn 6. And it would be most unbecoming for a proud man to fly from danger, swing his arms by his sides, or to wrong another. 因此,逃避危险袖手旁观,或错待他人,这些是最不符合骄傲人的特点。 www.jukuu.com 7. about in the gate two sides are exhibiting the clear Qian Longyear the fine quantity and said the sundial (free opens to tourist). 阙左右门内两侧陈列着清乾隆年间嘉量和曰晷(均免费向游人开放)。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. He took it up and disclosed a shapely little treasure-house whose bottom and sides were of shingles. 他把它拿开,露出一个底和四周是松木瓦块的小宝箱来。 chinaorb.com 9. But still, if it's small enough and it looks like a rectangle, so let's just try to figure out, what are the sides of your rectangle? 但是如果它足够小,我们仍可以把它看成矩形,我们需要知道,这个矩形的边是什么? open.163.com 10. The amended marital property system between the two sides of Taiwan Straits tends to be similar in some aspects while conflicts still exist. 修改后的两岸新夫妻财产制,虽然呈现出一些共同点,但仍有诸多冲突。 www.dictall.com 1. These statements can take the form of two equal sides, like an equation, or the statement "A spinster is female and unmarried" . 对这些知识的叙述表现为一种两边等价的形式,像一个方程,如“‘spinster’就是未婚女子”。 www.bing.com 2. The alliance should be a hard-headed "partnership of choice" serving national interests on both sides, he said. 他表示,结盟将是一次头脑清醒的“选择性的伙伴关系”,符合双方的国家利益。 www.ecocn.org 3. The Egyptian pyramids are massive monuments with a square base and four triangular sides rising up to a point. 埃及金字塔是巨大的历史遗迹,这是以正方形的为基底、四面成三角形不断上升直到汇聚到一点。 www.bing.com 4. So the simple fact of the seminar, with a high-ranking presence from both sides, spoke to the easy nature of the bilateral relationship. 因此,此次有中美双方高级官员出席的研讨会,本身就反映了双边关系的从容性质。 www.ftchinese.com 5. To seek work with a famous company, you must get ready to meet with fierce competition and challenges from all sides. 在有声望的大公司求职,你必须做好准备迎接激烈的竞争以及来自各方面的挑战。 aqws.86blog.cn 6. She put a handful of pins into the shoulders and sides of my gown and told me to pick it up in two days. 她在脱衣服的肩和长袍上放了很多烧针,让我两内后过来拿。 hi.baidu.com 7. All I'm trying to say is that you don't seem to be looking at both sides of the issue. 所有我想说的只是我认为你好像没有看到事情的正反两面。 www.hxen.com 8. Maybe it would not be such a bad thing for wars to be so devastating to both sides that they would not happen. 敌对双方都不愿意看到毁灭性的场面出现,对战争而言也许不是个坏事。 www.tianya.cn 9. The active mouth boils, sending red lava over its sides, and once in a while shoots hot streams up to 100 metres into the air. 积极口,说到底,发送红色的熔岩在其两岸,一旦在一个芽,而热起来的溪流米至100米到空气中。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Pro-players would be able to flank an enemy from 3 sides, while sneaking a unit in the enemy's back. 职业竞技玩家可以兵分三路侧翼包夹对手大军,还能在敌军后方派出了一个单位去进行骚扰。 bbs.17173.com |
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