单词 | side note |
释义 | 例句释义: 旁注,边注,边注脚 1. As a side note, I found a bit of bias toward Google content. 提一句,我觉得Google提供的内容有些偏袒自己的东西。 www.bing.com 2. As a side note, the reader who called me a pedophile priest made me curious enough to research how priests were financially remunerated . 那个读者称我为有恋童癖的牧师,使我非常好奇牧师是如何得到经济酬劳的,决定调查一番。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. On a side note, nearing the end at 3. 55 he sounded a bit like Jay there. Just a bit (not that it's good or bad). 顺便提下,在歌曲末尾3’55秒处,力宏的声音听起来有点儿像周杰伦,只是有一点儿像,(并不是说它好或坏)。 www.leehom-cn.com 4. A side note: I do tend to get a lot of mail violently attacking me, then asserting that nobody at all is listening to what I say. 注:我的确经常收到大量激烈声讨我,继而说根本就没人听你那一套的邮件。 www.bing.com 5. As a side note, tied arrays happen to be the most complex tied variable type, and the least often implemented on CPAN by my count. 顺便说一下,绑定的数组正好是最复杂的绑定变量类型,而且根据我的统计在CPAN上也实现得最少。 www-128.ibm.com 6. As a side note, there are a few options available to access JMS from . NET even if your preferred vendor does not provide a . NET client. 顺便说明一下,即使你选择的供应商不提供.NET客户端,仍旧有一些方法可以使你通过.NET来访问JMS。 www.infoq.com 7. On a side note, if I'm not responding, that's simply because I'm going on vacation for the next week and will be completely offline. 旁注,如果我没有任何回应,我下个星期很可能在度假,断网。 www.bing.com 8. A side note about delivering news, bad and good: When bad news comes, get it all out in the open at once. 关于发布消息的旁注,好和坏:当坏消息来时,立即把全部公开。 www.bing.com 9. As a side note, it's a good practice to keep all of your installed applications in a designated area. 另外一个提示,将所有程序安装在某个指定分区,是一个好习惯。 www.bing.com 10. Just a side note, there is also a bitwise operator you can use if you want to trace everything except a certain component. 另外提醒一点,如果想跟踪除了某个组件之外的所有组件,还可以使用另一个位操作符。 www.ibm.com 1. On a side note, one should note that it will be possible to carry your weapons in a sheath. 还有一点您要注意,在佩带的武器外面会有鞘。在城镇或者城市中是非常重要的。 www.10zj.com 2. In Western countries in negotiations, meetings and other official business setting, even if it is a side note, it is nice. 在西方国家的谈判、会议等正式商业场合上,即便是一张便笺,也是非常精致的。 www.bing.com 3. (A side note: Microsoft later sold off its Apple shares, which would be worth several billion dollars today). 题外话:微软后来抛售了手中的苹果股份,否则,这些股份的价值将高达数十亿美元。 www.fortunechina.com 4. As a side note, you can see now that a task engine is not really a sub-component of a business process engine. 作为一个附注,你现在可以看到任务引擎并不是一个业务过程引擎真正的子组件。 www.infoq.com 5. As a side note, this illustrates that XML is not only a syntax, but it is also a standard data model. 顺带提一下,这表明XML不仅是一种语法,而且也是一种标准的数据模型。 www.ibm.com 6. In a side note, Gates is so rich, it's not worth his time to bend over and pick up a $100 bill. 值得一提的是,盖茨是如此富有,这并不值得他花费时间为了一点钱而去伏案工作。 www.elanso.com 7. As a side note, observe that we use a backslash to extend the xtics command over more than one line of input. 作为边注,注意我们使用反斜杠将xtics命令扩展成多个输入行。 www.ibm.com 8. One other side note, to this day, I've never told my parents that I got fired. 另一方面,时至即日,我都没有告诉我父母我遭到解雇。 www.mytpo.com 9. As a side note, the emulator runs on VirtualBox, a virtualization product from Oracle. 注意,该模拟器运行在来自Oracle的虚拟产品VirtualBox上。 www.infoq.com 10. Side note: ETS' computer-based practice test is helpful, but it's only available to Windows users for download. 旁注:ETS基于计算机的练习测试是有用的,但是它只给Windows用户下载使用。 www.bing.com 1. As a side note, if the Lakers do deal Odom, they should ship off Kwame Brown too, because. . . 顺便说一声,如果湖人果真把奥多姆交易了,他们应该顺便把布朗也处理了,因为。 bbs.tbba.com.cn 2. Side note: if you don't live alone, your housemates or family members might not appreciate all the yelling. 边注:如果你非独居,你的室友或家人或许并不会对你的喊叫全盘接受的。 www.bing.com 3. Side note: prolactin also explains why men are sleepier after intercourse than after masturbation. 旁注:泌乳刺激素也解释了,为什么男人在做爱后比手淫后更想睡。 www.bing.com 4. Side note: Shared libraries can be loaded dynamically through an API. 附注:共享库可以通过一个API动态装载。 fink.sourceforge.net 5. On a side note, You could also try taking a power nap. 你也可以小息充电,打个盹。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. On a side note, should France get downgraded EFSF’ s AAA rating likely to come under pressure. 另外,如果法国被降级,外汇学习,则EFSF的AAA评级很可能会受到压力。 www.zy313.com 7. As a side note, rendering in grey first and then going to the color balance window is also a fun way to give your parts color. 首先用灰色上色,然后用色彩平衡窗口修改以获得局部的色彩同样是个有趣的方法。 bbs.hxsd.com 8. And as a side note: Universities in the USA (and elsewhere) are teaching China to do just that. 顺便提一下:美国大学(还有很多其他的地方)正在教中国如何创新。 www.ltaaa.com 9. Waste: washing machines uninterrupted waterside Chonglin side note, the laundry drainage way. 浪费:洗衣机不间断地边注水边冲淋、排水的洗衣方式。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. On a side-note, one has to mention that China has yet to provide a internationally competitive University. 这在侧面说明,中国没有一个具有国际竞争力的大学。 bbs.kaspersky.com.cn 1. Side note, destroyed ships leave things from cargo. You can pick them up! Glorious day! 注意,被摧毁的船会有些神秘宝物留在空中,收集吧。 game.ali213.net 2. Side note Short lines of text set in the margins. Synonymous with Marginal note. 排在页边空白位上的短句。亦称栏外注。 big5.cgan.net 3. Side note: The libltdl library included with all libtool versions will only work on Darwin when dlcompat is installed. 附注:所有libtool版本所包括的libltdl库只有在安装了dlcompat的Darwin才可以使用。 fink.sourceforge.net 4. On a side note, I've just realized what an amazing invention sliced bread is (invented in 1928). 从另一个方面讲,我刚刚认识到切片面包是一项了不起的发明(于1928年发明)。 www.kekenet.com 5. On a side note, I liked Fisher's response when told that AK was crying. 一个侧面的消息里,我喜欢费舍尔在得知AK哭了之后的反应。 club.sohu.com 6. Quick side note to this strip, yesterday we told you about the Beast. 赶快对这条进行边注,昨天我们告诉你关于野兽。 www.bing.com 7. On a side note, messy loose braids are super "in" right now too. 还有一点要注意,凌乱松散的辫子也是现在的超级流行。 www.kekenet.com 8. On a side note, Ovum is reporting that Google will dominate the tablet market by 2015 with 36% of market share. 值得注意的是,Ovum[1]报告指出到2015年谷歌将占有平板电脑的36%市场份额。 www.bing.com 9. As a side note, use this first exercise to get to know your camera well. 附注一点,要从这次的练习去熟悉你的相机。 dict.ebigear.com 10. On a side note, I would like to thank users for something that is making me very happy this year: Activity around this season period. 在旁注,我要感谢的东西是让我很高兴今年的:大约在本赛季期间的活动用户。 u888.net 1. On a side note, in mathematical terms, RAID 1 is an AND function, whereas RAID 0 is an OR. 从一个方面说明,在数学术语上,RAID1是“和”函数,而RAID0是“或”函数。 www.bing.com 2. As a side note, Obama also mentioned that hackers were able to hack the Obama campaign's systems last year. 奥巴马还附带提到,去年黑客曾具备攻击奥巴马竞选系统的能力。 www.bing.com 3. On a side note, I have noticed that Muslims have become very reactionary these days. 另外,我注意到,穆斯林这些天变得非常保守。 www.2muslim.com 4. on a side note: tae yang was shy when it came to our partner work but he definitely knows when and how to perform. 顺带一提:当我们要合作的时候他真的很害羞,不过他绝对很清楚自己何时和应该如何去表演。 blog.163.com 5. On a side note, the sound is played only if a dialog is displayed. 在边注中,只有在对话显示时才播放声音。 www.ibm.com 6. Here's an interesting side note. 这里出现了一个有趣的边注。 www.ibm.com 7. Side-note: It was so fun to recreate 1982! ! ! 边注:1982年再造实在是太好玩儿了!!! www.douban.com 8. On a side note, yesterday Hong Kong's financial secretary stated that there was no need or intention to change HKD peg to the USD. 另一方面,香港财政司昨天表示,没有必要或打算改变港元盯住美元的策略。 www.txbcs.cn 9. As a side note, when I asked the owner what the hottest product is, he said e-book readers. 我采访厂长时问他厂里生产的最好的产品是什么,他说是电纸书。 www.bing.com 10. On a side note, not only does this increase the room to deploy, but also to maneuver, which I find helps the BAI somewhat. 在边注,这不仅增加空间部署,而且动作,我觉得这有点帮助白。 www.clanlong.com 1. On a side note, this is a difficult post to write, because I call nearly every person in that room a friend. 说句题外话,写这篇文章很难,因为那间屋子里的每一个人都是我的朋友。 dongxi.net |
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