单词 | sideline | ||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:sidelines 现在分词:sidelining 过去式:sidelined v. put aside,shelve,put off,put on the back burner,relegate n. hobby,pastime,offshoot,secondary activity,second job sideline 显示所有例句
on/from the sidelines 从旁观者的角度;置身局外watching sth but not actually involved in it
例句释义: 副业,旁线,旁观者的立场,使运动员不能参加比赛,阻止某人参加活动,从事副业,边线,兼职,单打边线 1. Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing will meet with him on the sideline of the meeting. 会议期间,李肇星外长将与他会面。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. In developing countries, how much impact does the price fluctuation of agricultural and sideline produce have on the farmers' actual income? 在发展中国家,农副产品的价格波动会对农民的实际收入造成多大的影响那? xkyn.com 3. or at least it would have been a neat sideline if he hadn't ploughed the profits (an estimated $220m) into charitable causes. 如果他不是把利润(估计有2.2亿美元)献给慈善事业的话,这至少是他一项挺不错的副业。 www.bing.com 4. Bryant said the team would be "drastically different" without Jackson's steady, cerebral presence on the sideline. 布莱恩特说湖人会有“显著的不同”如果杰克逊不在,他是他们场边的大脑。 bbs.9c9t.com 5. Web firms see such indicators as something of a sideline. 网络公司把这样的指标只是作为副业的东西。 www.bing.com 6. When he reached the sideline, he stepped off the stretcher and asked the referee if he could return to the match. 到了场边,朴哲镇跳下担架,问裁判他能否回到场上继续比赛。 www.voa365.com 7. The leasing portfolio is not just a sideline; it is seen as a way of getting a foothold in other business. 租赁组合不只是一种副业;人们认为这是争取在其他行业立足的一个办法。 8. He decided to turn his hobby into a lucrative sideline. 他决定把自己的爱好变成赚钱的副业。 www.hxen.com 9. But for all the big games, when I looked over at the sideline, there was that familiar fedora. 但每次大型比赛,当我抬头环视看台时,那顶熟悉的软呢帽总在那儿。 www.24en.com 10. "It's just a sideline, " he said. 他说“这不过是副业。” www.bing.com 1. Scans on Thursday afternoon showed there was no break but the leg injury could still sideline Vermaelen in the short term. 周四下午的扫描表明他没有骨折,但是脚部的受伤仍然会让费尔马伦短期缺席。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 2. But male colleagues tend to sideline women who do not join late-night drinking sessions, a traditional way of building office camaraderie. 但是男性同事通常会将不参加晚间酒会的女性同事弃之一旁,这种酒会是一种建立同事关系的传统方式。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 3. I shall not be caught sitting on the sideline of life wishing I had done something different. 我不会让人发现我该行而未行,最终坐在生活的边缘,自怨自艾。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. He now owns two California restaurants , one of which he manages as a sideline to drawing Dilbert . 他现在在加洲拥有两家餐厅,其中一家是他作画外的主要营生。 www.bing.com 5. How much did the sideline bring the farmer family in last year? 去年副业使这家农户增加了多少收入? www.for68.com 6. "I understand egg futures are up, " I ventured finally, feigning the insouciance of a man who merged corporations as a sideline. “我想鸡蛋期货价格上去了。”我最后大胆地说,装得好像是个以兼并公司为副业的人,说得漫不经心。 www.douban.com 7. With that money he set up a photo studio, establishing a lucrative sideline selling silver extracted from film developing. 他用这笔钱开了一间照相馆,并发现了一个非常赚钱的副业,即出售从冲洗相片的药水中提取的银。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Jimmy Carter's failure in Iran destroyed his presidency and helped to sideline the Democrats as a political force for a decade. 吉米·卡特在伊朗的失利毁了他的总统地位,也迫使民主党在十年之内无法掌握政治力量。 www.ecocn.org 9. Wang is an owner of a paper-packing factory in Guangzhou. The online store, which has been open for seven months, is just his sideline. 王雪生在广州拥有一家包装制品厂。而这家才开张七个月的网店只是他的副业而已。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 10. Raising pigs is the best household sideline and a good way of making money for farmers. 养猪是最好的家庭副业,是农民致富的好帮手。 www.nciku.cn 1. In addition he was an esteemed poet, with a sideline in witty, mischievous verse. 同时,他身兼一名受人尊敬的诗人,业余写些诙谐俏皮的小诗。 www.ecocn.org 2. He sprints up the right sideline, overwhelming opponents more concerned about the big stars in the center of the field. 他会从右边路快速突进,把那些全神关注本队大牌中场的对手打一个措手不及。 www.bing.com 3. I might as well have announced that I'd taken up bank robbery as a sideline. 可能我也宣称了我会把抢银行作为兼职吧。 www.bing.com 4. Yet instability remains, with the military increasingly moving to confront and sideline the police and security services loyal to Ben Ali. 然而突尼斯依旧动荡不安,军队日益排挤忠于本·阿里的警方和安全机构,双方的冲突也愈演愈烈。 www.bing.com 5. If the page make up the sideline strickle thin, then makes the PS version of drying efficiency increased substantially. 如果拆版时把边线刮薄,那么会使PS版的晒制成果不小不小调矮。 www.bing.com 6. In light of what scientists expect of climate change, that sideline stance is untenable. 鉴于科学家对气候变化的预期,这种旁观者的姿态实在难以自圆其说。 www.bing.com 7. MTV found a sideline in reality television, which has gradually taken over its schedule, particularly in America. 而音乐电视台开发的副业,真人秀节目,也逐步取代了音乐视频,尤其是在美国。 www.ecocn.org 8. Actually I'm a teacher, my writing is just a sideline. 我其实是个教师,写作只是我的兼职。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. One reason to focus on prevention: A weakened Achilles is vulnerable to a tear or rupture, which can sideline an athlete for months. 注重预防的原因在于:脆弱的跟腱很容易被拉伤或撕裂,弄不好会让运动员停赛或停训数月。 www.bing.com 10. Agricultural & sideline products is rich in resources with value-added processing, into the huge potential economic advantages. 农副土特产品资源丰富具有加工增值、转变为经济优势的巨大潜能。 www.elycn.com 1. He immediately crumpled to the ground, hopped off the field and then could not put any weight on the foot while standing on the sideline. 他当即躺在了场上,然后一跛一跛走到场边。在场边检查中他脚上不能负重。 www.nflchina.com 2. Main fruits and vegetables of agricultural and sideline products wholesale, retail, storage and transportation business. 主营蔬菜水果农副产品的批发、零售、储运等业务。 www.tonke.cn 3. The defender's goal is to literally push you to the sideline. 后卫的目标是逐字地推动你的副业。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Either of the forward positions played near the sideline, especially in hockey. 边锋位置尤指曲棍球中在边线附近前部的位置 zhidao.baidu.com 5. lets say the ball lands on the service line and singles sideline. 比如假设回球落在单打边线和发球线交汇点。 bbs.inlishui.com 6. Sam took the ball from the sideline and threw it towards Justin. 山姆从边界线处把球传给贾斯廷。 mysearch.100e.com 7. Less than five years later, Khan's sideline has turned into more than just his profession. 不到五年之后,汗的副业就变得比他的正职还重要了。 kk.dongxi.net 8. Establishing an exercise program is a huge undertaking, and even the most minimal injury could "sideline" you for days - even months. 建立一个训练项目是一项巨大的工作,并且甚至是最小的受伤都会让你修养数日–甚至数月。 youliv.com 9. The net income, composition priority and income-expenditure ratio of industry & sideline came down, and the lowest trough happened in 2002. 工副业纯收入、组分优势度及效益均呈下降趋势,并在2002年出现波谷。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Bryant stood on the sideline watching, waiting for his team to get a defensive stop. 布莱恩特站在场边观战,等待着他的球队将对手的最后一攻拦下并拿下这场比赛。 www.kobechina.com.cn 1. The Americans and the British, however, were reluctant to sideline NATO. 但美国人与英国人不愿意让北约坐冷板凳。 www.ecocn.org 2. For some Manchu people, living in remote mountainous areas, gathering ginseng, mushroom and edible fungus makes an important sideline. 为某些满族的人,居住在遥远的山区,会集人参、蘑菇和可食的真菌做一个重要边线。 www.bing.com 3. President Obama listens to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao during a sideline meeting Saturday. Talk of territorial disputes was off-limits. 周六召开的副业会议上,奥巴马在注意听温家宝的谈话。本次会面没有讨论领土争端的问题。 blog.xmnn.cn 4. Farm and sideline products of the peasants are purchased by the state at reasonable prices. 农民的农副产品由国家按合理价格收购。 www.kekenet.com 5. the other is the commercial rural households, and their operation is sideline production, mainly exist in the rural areas of family SMEs. 另一类是商业化的农户,他们的经济活动更多的是经营副业,主要是存在于农村的家庭式中小企业。 www.fabiao.net 6. During daytime he works at the local TV station as a technician, in the evening, he does televison repairs as his sideline. 白天他是当地电视台的技术员,晚上下班后他又做起他的修电视的副业。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But while politics was Howard's main interest and money a sideline, for his son, those interests were reversed. 然而,霍华德的主要兴趣在政治上,赚钱只是个“副业”,而他的儿子却恰恰相反。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Denmark's crematorium association has revealed its profitable sideline in recycling metal parts salvaged from the dead. 丹麦殡仪协会向外公布了自己的副业,通过回收利用死者身体上的金属部件来盈利。 www.ecocn.org 9. After hobbling to the sideline for treatment, he went back out and scored one of Germany's penalty kicks in the shootout. 跌跌撞撞到底线接受了治疗后,他回归了场地,为点球大赛奉献了他的进球。 catalpa-zi.spaces.live.com 10. I can just see them explaining how our highest paid player was on the sideline balling during practice. 我能想象到他们怎么解释我们的顶薪球员被关板凳的事情。 club.sohu.com 1. Joe is an engineer, but he does some translation as a sideline. 乔是工程师,但作为副业他也从事一些翻译。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. I could have sworn that I saw it hit the sideline. 我可以发誓我看到球打中了边线。 mysearch.100e.com 3. We asked our authors what they do in their practices to prepare for sideline situations, and how it changes their on-field tactics. 我们让作者们说出他们在平时训练时如何应对边线情况,和如何改变他们在场上的战略战术的。 sites.google.com 4. Moreover, Mr Kirchner used his control of public spending to take over Peronism and sideline its centre-right faction. 更有甚者,基什内尔先生利用自己对公共开支的支配权接管了正义党并将激进公民联盟的中央派系彻底边缘化。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. In recent years property development has become a lucrative sideline for government businesses. 最近几年中,国有企业从房地产开发中赚得了不少外快。 www.bing.com 6. Pasture of high quality and abundant farm and sideline products have laid solid foundation to the rapid development of animal husbandry. 优质的牧草和丰富的农副产品为畜牧业的快速发展奠定了坚实基础。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A collection of famous domestic and foreign varieties of agricultural and sideline products. 汇集了国内外农副产品的名优品种。 www.elycn.com 8. Also, they have to avoid using their employer's name to promote any sideline jobs or businesses. 他们还必须避免用雇主的名字来帮助自己的副业工作或业务。 c.wsj.com 9. An outward-looking China cannot afford to stand on the sideline while others write the rules of game. 作为一个对外开放的国家,中国不能被排斥在外而看着他人制定游戏规则。 bbs.translators.com.cn 10. Giving women the vote may also sideline debate over the driving ban. 给女性选举权也可绕开最近的驾车禁令之争。 www.bing.com 1. This paper studies resources' distribution of agricultural sideline products (RDASP) by the method of game theory. 用博弈论方法研究农副产品资源配置问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Capitalist roaders' inside the Communist Party finally won out and began efforts to sideline him as early as 1957. 共产党中的走资派最终胜出,而且早在1957年就开始将其边缘化。 www.bing.com 3. Concerns over the ECB's meeting this week have also kept traders on the sideline. 对欧洲央行本周货泉政策会议的关心也令交易商持币观望。 www.gu8888.com 4. Junior grade Liuguan Wei, love, magic, obtain city permits issued by the Joint Magic artists, students has become a sideline. 大三年级的柳冠维,热爱魔术表演,取得市府核发的接头魔术艺人证后,学生反而成了副业。 www.365magic.com 5. But now rivals wanted to sideline the Pravda editor, and they targeted his sense of humour. 只是,现在他的对手们想让这位《真理报》的编辑靠边站,于是便将他的幽默感作为攻击目标。 www.ftchinese.com 6. NATO's best hope is therefore to sideline him, partly by starving him, and other parvenu warlords, of some of their fat contracts. 因此,NATO最希望将他击退,方法之一是使他和其他一些新贵军阀丧失一些肥水很多的承包合同。 www.ecocn.org 7. However, barring any surprises, Than Shwe will instruct his men to sideline the issue until after the election. 然而,除非有意外,否则,丹瑞将会指示属下们在大选前暂时搁置少数民族问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Chandler reputedly controlled more sideline rackets than anyone else on staff. 据说钱德勒比其他职员有更多的生财之道而闻名。 9. Extraordinary soaring ability is the Wilkins both legs sideline product. 超绝的飞翔能力是威尔金斯双腿的副产品。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A quick pass to a back running toward the sideline. 向朝边线跑的后卫传的一种快传球 dict.hjenglish.com 1. Upon receipt of companions from the sideline after uploading to a tricky ball to a nice left foot Tuishe break each other's door. 在接到同伴从边线上传来的刁钻皮球后以一剂漂亮的左脚推射攻破了对方的大门。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. It is noteworthy that "fan the sale, " the rise of the sideline also the further development of micro-Bo marketing adverse impact. 值得注意的是,“粉丝买卖”这一副业的兴起也对微博营销的进一步发展造成不利影响。 www.showxiu.com 3. He was forced out of the sideline. 他被逼出边线。 www.foodmate.net 4. As a result, many analysts concluded that Washington should sideline Beijing and work instead with Seoul and Tokyo to resolve the issue. 综上所述,许多分析家认定,华盛顿应该甩开北京,转而联手首尔及东京来解决此争议。 www.bing.com 5. But few took seriously the idea that Qaddafi fils could sideline his father and usher in sweeping reforms. 但很少人认真看待卡扎菲儿子可以让父亲退位而由自己推动全面改革的想法。 www.ecocn.org 6. I engaged in agricultural and sideline products processing and trade. 本人从事农副产品加工及贸易。 www.tonke.cn 7. But instead of helping the investigation, the police in Jakarta intervened to downgrade it and sideline the local police chief responsible. 但是协助进行调查,警方在雅加达进行干预并对其降级,并且作为当地警察的兼职对其负责。 www.ecocn.org 8. Elected politicians in Brazil are allowed a business sideline. 在巴西当选的政治家允许持有副业。 www.ecocn.org 9. The government will not "sit on the sideline to watch a free fall of prices, " Huang wrote in a report on Nov. 政府不会“对房价下跌袖手旁观,放任不管”,黄逸平11月8日在一份报告中写道。 www.bing.com 10. The most common sideline involves letting property or running a bed-and-breakfast. 最常见的副业包括房产出租和经营家庭旅馆。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The drying is an important method of preserving farm and sideline products, and it is also applied widely in farm and sideline producing. 干燥是农副产品保藏的重要手段,也是农副产品生产中应用极为广泛的单元操作。 www.fabiao.net 2. More than 200 villagers leave the field but remain in the rural area this year, engaging in sideline occupation. 该村今年有200多位农民离土不离乡,从事副业生产。 terms.shengwuquan.com 3. The team that is fouled is awarded one free throw attempt and the ball on the sideline. 遭到犯规的球队将获得一罚一掷的机会。 chinalakers.3322.org 4. Cider making was a sideline for many farmers. 酿造苹果酒是很多农民的一项副业。 www.hxen.com 5. But as a sideline, he happens to collect cornets. 但业余,他也收藏小铜喇叭。 www.ted.com 6. He runs a profitable sideline selling postcard to tourist. 他在干一个有收益的副业----向游客出售明信片。 tr.hjenglish.com 7. Gansu fanner's income comes from the crop production and sideline, the two accounted for separately about 80 percent and 20 percent. 甘肃农家收入由作物生产和副业构成,两者分别占80%和20%左右。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. FRANK: Well, that's only a sideline. 弗兰克:是,不过只是副业。 www.ebigear.com 9. Junior Liu Guanwei love magic, almost all of Taiwan casual clothes, laughing reading has become a sideline. 大三的柳冠维酷爱魔术,几乎全台走透透,笑称读书成了副业。 www.365magic.com 10. When you have doubt and not sure where the market or stock is going, stay on the sideline. 当你不确定市场和股票的走势时,袖手旁观。 www.bing.com 1. He does a decent sideline in cheap watches, so I begin browsing. 他还卖廉价手表作为体面的副业,所以我开始随便看看。 dongxi.net 2. Will one be working on another sideline business? 是不是某个创始人会投入到另外的副业当中? www.bing.com 3. Curly, you run down the sideline, and you beat that dwarf to the 40, okay? 卷毛,你从侧边跑上去在40码的地方放倒那个矮子,明白吗? engxue.com 4. Don't run yourself silly and end up on the sideline instead of crossing the finish line. 不要傻跑,别跑到马路边上去,您应该冲过终点线。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A shoulder injury picked up at the World Cup in Germany will sideline Senderos until October. 德国世界杯期间肩膀受伤,将会使森德罗斯缺席到十月。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. Test automation is a fulltime effort, not a sideline. 自动化测试是一项全职工作,而不是副业。 wiki.erdandan.com 7. You are needed here at work. Don't let a weekend accident sideline you. 你的工作需要你。别让周末的事故影响你。 bbs.anquan.com.cn 8. You can't be a leader from the sideline. 你不能成为副业中的领导者。 www.infoq.com 9. I do TV as a sideline. I spend the bulk of time doing my main business. 作电视节目是我的副业,我大部分时间都在做我的主要业务。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Don't just sit on the sideline. Do something! 不要只在一旁袖手旁观,干活! www.tianyatool.com 1. My body could stand on the crutches, but my mind couldn't stand on the sideline. 我的身体也许会需要拐杖来支持,但心灵却不会旁观。 www.chinaqking.com 2. My body could stand the crutches but my mind couldn't stand the sideline . 我的身体可以忍受靠拐杖行走,但我的内心无法忍受不能上场比赛。 www.hjenglish.com 3. I've been on the sideline waiting, baby. 我已经在一旁等了好久,宝贝。 tw.group.knowledge.yahoo.com 4. Major efforts should be devoted to develop household sideline in China. 要大力发展中国家庭副业。 www.jukuu.com 5. Many Americans have one or even two sideline occupations . 很多美国人除了正式工作外还有一个,甚至两个副业。 www.hjenglish.com 6. But this is a serious concern, isn't it, not a sideline vanity project? 但是,这是一个严重的问题,是不是,不是虚荣副业项目? www.douban.com 7. Five pinus pentaphyllas ball parks location region is about the sideline length 98 meter, the center distance 122 meters. 五棵松棒球场场地区域为左右边线长98米、中心距离122米。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. If Shenhua can not win this year, Jun Zhu will likely give up the "sideline" Jiliuyongtui. 所以如果申花今年夺冠不成,朱骏很可能就会放弃这项“副业”,急流勇退。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 9. I asked the spectators to keep back from the sideline. 我要求观众们不要走近边线。 hotdic.com 10. We should give him a hand. We can't just stand on the sideline. 我们应该帮他一把,不应该袖手旁观。 login.sina.com.cn 1. We should give him a hand , we can't stand on the sideline. 我们应该帮他一把,不能袖手旁观。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I'm a teacher and writing is my sideline. 我是一个老师,写作是我的副业。 login.sina.com.cn 3. I'm a teacher, writing is my sideline. 我是一名老师,写作是我的副业。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Ships or boats used for transportation or for agricultural or sideline production by rural collective economic units or individuals; and(二)农村集体经济组织以及个人从事运输、农副业生产的船舶; www.lawyee.com 5. That spare time could be used to study or find a part-time sideline. 你可以用空出的时间进行学习或者找一份兼职。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A Discussion on the Allocation Regulations and Realistic Problems of the Agricultural Sideline Products'Wholesale Market 农副产品批发市场布局规律与现实问题的探讨 service.ilib.cn 7. Correlation Analysis and Countermeasure Research on Agricultural FDI Affecting Export of Agricultural and Sideline Products in Shandong FDI对山东农副产品出口影响的相关分析与政策建议 www.ilib.cn 8. A Program for Calculating Coordinates of the Center and Sideline of a Curve Points 曲线中点和边线点的坐标计算程序 www.ilib.cn 9. Making a clear dividing line between the sales revenue from mixed sale and sideline business; 明确混合销售行为和兼营行为的销售额划分问题; www.capitallaw.cc 10. Safe technical requirements for agricultural machinery operating--Process machinery for farm and sideline 农业机械运行安全技术条件农副产品加工机械 www.zftrans.com 1. Application of Monolithic Microcomputer in Data Acquisition for Farm Produce and Sideline Products Purchasing 单片机在农副产品收购数据采集中的应用 www.ilib.cn 2. in Hebei Province, "the top ten agricultural and sideline products market" and "three-star market" ; 河北省“农副产品十大市场”、“三星级市场”; www.elycn.com 3. Yuncheng city has been identified as "agricultural and sideline products processing industry leading enterprises" ; 2006年被运城市政府认定为“农副产品加工产业化龙头企业”; www.tjtychina.cn 4. Sideline of the Fisherman was selected and delivered by the Ministry of Culture to 30 countries, including France for exhibition; 1984年《渔民家的副业》由国家文化部送法国等30个国家展出; ebook.artron.net 5. Sideline Company of Dongshan Town of Jiangning County v. Jiangsu Nanjing Airport Expressway Management Office 江宁县东山镇副业公司与江苏省南京机场高速公路管理处损害赔偿纠纷上诉案 www.lawinfochina.com 6. costume design, acquisition of agricultural and sideline products; 服装设计,农副产品收购; www.stonexiamen.com 7. centralized and assigned purchases of agricultural and sideline products 集中采购分配农副产品 www.crazyenglish.org 8. A new method combining contracted purchase with optional purchase of agricultural and sideline products has been put into practice 对农副产品实行了合同收购和自由选购相结合的新方法 dict.ebigear.com 9. Obtaining of the One-off Surveying Elements of Highway's Helix Line and Its Sideline 公路回旋线及其等间距边线一次性测设元素求解 ilib.cn 10. Thoughts on Strengthening the Construction of Sideline Union Chairman Troop in Grass Roots 加强基层兼职工会主席队伍建设的思考 www.ilib.cn 1. On the Strategy of Brand of local Special Products of Agriculture and Sideline Occupation 试论农副土特产品的品牌战略 service.ilib.cn 2. hilly sideline below, above the edge of the ditch to-hilly slopes; 峁边线以下,沟缘线以上部分为梁峁坡地类; www.fabiao.net 3. Meat Products and Their Sideline Products Processing 肉制品及副产品加工 www.bhi.cn 4. Calculation of Coordination on the Midline and Sideline of Oviform Curve Road 公路卵形曲线中线及边线坐标的计算 www.ilib.cn 5. The Trend Forecast of Agricultural and Sideline Product Price Index 农副产品价格指数变化趋势预测 service.ilib.cn 6. Application of Sideline and Corner Tactics in Competition 跆拳道边角战术在比赛中的应用 scholar.ilib.cn 7. A shot that travels parallel to and along the sideline 与边线平行并且靠近边线飞 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 8. Income of Household Sideline Production 家庭副业生产收入 www.zj.stats.gov.cn 9. Safe Distance Between Channel Sideline and Bridge Pier 航道边线与桥墩之间安全距离的研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Lofting Method of Curved Excavating Sideline in Nature Ground 自然地面下的曲线开挖边线放样方法 www.ilib.cn 1. and you was on the sideline looking cute looking fine 而你在人行道上,看起来是那样的聪明美丽 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The Operation of Domestic Currency Markets and the Development of Trade in Agricultural and Sideline Products in Modern Times 近代国内钱业市场的运营与农副产品贸易 www.ilib.cn |
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