单词 | star formation |
释义 | 例句释义: 恒星形成,星球的形成,星状组合,组成 1. Star-forming regions don't seem to have enough molecular gas to keep up the star-formation rates we observe. 我们观察到恒星形成区域似乎并没有足够的分子气体来保持恒星形成率。 www.equn.com 2. "Anemic" galaxy NGC 4921 belongs to a class of galaxies in which star formation is nearly absent, giving it a haunting translucency. “贫血”星系NGC4921属于这样一类星系,在这类星系中几乎不存在恒星形成,它只是一个萦绕的半透明物。 www.bing.com 3. The galaxy is running out of raw gas and dust, with the dark streak representing the last material available for star formation. 该星系正在消耗完自己的原料气体和尘埃,中间的暗条显示了形成这颗恒星的最后一些可用物质。 www.bing.com 4. Hubble found a hot, blue zone of star formation in the left-hand galaxy, caused by an ever-increasing storm of gravity from the other. 根据“哈勃”的观测,左侧星系存在一个蓝色炽热恒星形成区,由来自另一个星系的引力不断增大所致。 www.bing.com 5. They discovered that star formation is pretty well non-existent until the surface density reaches a certain threshold in parts of the cloud. 他们发现恒星只有在表面密度达到一定的阀值时才会较好的形成。 www.bing.com 6. The result would be to keep the rate of star formation reasonably smooth, stopping a galaxy burning itself out in a mere few billion years. 这样,便能够使新星的形成较为顺利,而且星系不至于在几十亿年后就自行烧毁。 wuzengping.blog.163.com 7. at the current epoch in galactic history , star formation appears to take place in dark - cloud complexes. 在星系发展的现阶段,恒星的形成看来是在暗云复合体内进行的。 www.ichacha.net 8. The wind likely carries enough energy to heat the surrounding gas and suppress extra star formation. 强风可能携带了足够的能量去加热周围的气体并抑制其他恒星的形成。 www.bing.com 9. Wisps of green are organic molecules called Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) that have been illuminated by the nearby star formation. 丝状绿色结构是星云中的多环芳香烃有机物被邻近的恒星照亮的结果。 www.astronomy.com.cn 10. Helium, the second most abundant element in the universe after hydrogen, is one of the main ingredients of star formation. 氦是宇宙都仅次于氢的第二多元素,是形成恒星的主要原料。 www.bing.com 1. This cosmic cloud is one of many sites of star formation within the Milky Way galaxy. 这巨大的星云是银河系中无数的恒星诞生地之一。 www.bing.com 2. W5 is also known as IC 1848, and together with IC 1805 form a complex region of star formation popularly dubbed the Heart and Soul Nebulas . W5也叫做IC1848,与IC1805一起构成了一个复杂的恒星形成区,也就是闻名遐迩的心与魂星云。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. And he included in there the rate of star formation, the rate of planets, but crucially, intelligence. 他包括了星球成型的比率,行星的比率,以及最关键的,智慧。 www.ted.com 4. In short, quasar activity, like star formation, was more vigorous in the distant past, a third sign that we live in relatively boring times. 简单地说,类星体的活动就像恒星的形成一样,在遥远的过去比今天更为猛烈,这是第三个指标,显示出我们生活在一个相对较为乏味的年代。 www.jukuu.com 5. This heavyweight is challenging astronomers' theories of star formation, smashing through the upper limit they thought existed on star mass. 这颗重量级恒星颠覆了天文学家的恒星形成理论,他们认为恒星的质量存在一个最大上限。 www.2abc8.com 6. The Chamaeleon dark cloud is one of the most active star formation sites near our Solar System. 蝘蜓座黑暗星云是太阳系附近其中一个最活跃的恒星诞生区。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 7. Such embedded, dark, tendril-shaped clouds contain the raw material for star formation and hide protostars within the obscuring cosmic dust. 像这种嵌入式卷须状黑暗星云含有恒星组成的稀有物质,在模糊的星际尘埃中潜藏着原恒星。 www.bing.com 8. Bursts of intense star formation seem to last about 10 million to 20 million years around a typical quasar. 在一个典型的类星体周围,剧烈活动的恒星构造的爆发看起来会持续大约一两千万年。 www.bing.com 9. Another possibility is that there's been a recent burst of star formation in our galaxy's crowded center. 另一种可能性就是,在拥挤的星系中心近来有一次恒星所形成产生的爆发。 www.bing.com 10. A primordial star at the outer edges of our Milky Way galaxy may upset current theories of star formation in the universe. 位于我们银河系外缘的一颗原恒星也许会推翻现存的宇宙恒星形成理论。 www.fanyitie.com 1. Following up with the Spitzer Space Telescope, the researchers saw signs of star formation within the blobs. 接着,研究人员利用斯必泽太空望远镜观测到气泡内有恒星形成的迹象。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 2. Star clusters like NGC 3603 provide important clues to understanding the origin of massive star formation in the early, distant universe. NGC3603星云给了我们一个重要的提示,让我们明白了星团在早期,遥远的宇宙里形成的原始状态。 www.bing.com 3. Interstellar gas clouds can be the seeds of star formation, if they are dense enough for gravity to create an eventual collapse. 星际气体云可以是星形成的萌芽,如果它们密度足够大到引力引起最终的坍塌。 www.chinaufo.com 4. The gas within galaxies, however, does collide, and an avalanche of star formation commences. 不过,星系中的气体却会碰撞,于是恒星形成的“雪崩”过程开始了。 www.bing.com 5. The ring around the black hole is bursting with new star formation. 那个围绕着黑洞的环中正在绽放着恒星诞生的焰火。 www.bing.com 6. Explanation: The center of the Lagoon Nebula is a whirlwind of spectacular star formation. 说明:礁湖星云中心上演着波澜壮阔的恒星形成大篇章。 bbs.astron.ac.cn 7. Perhaps the hole pulls material toward the galactic center, enabling star formation. 或许这个黑洞会将物质拉往星系中心,进而促成了恒星的生成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. NGC 4214 contains a large amount of gas, some of which can be seen glowing red in the image, providing abundant material for star formation. NGC4214包含巨量的气体,其中一些在图中呈红色,为恒星诞生提供了大量原料。 top.jschina.com.cn 9. Massive star formation and star formation in star clusters will be very important in the future work. 大质量恒星形成以及星团环境中的恒星形成。 www.juyy.net 10. Mergers cause gases to flow towards the galactic center, which can trigger phenomena like rapid star formation. 合并导致气体流向星系中心,从而触发象快速的恒星形成一类的现象。 www.bing.com 1. in high - redshift galaxies , however , the rate of star formation is 10 times as great. 但是,在高红移的星系中,恒星形成率是这个数目的10倍之多。 www.ichacha.net 2. Reddish nebulae in this image reveal regions of active star formation, where young, hot stars heat up nearby gas clouds. 图中泛红的星云透露出活跃的恒星形成区域,在那里年轻的灼热恒星辐射激发了附近的气体云发光。 www.astronomy.com.cn 3. Instead, their large clouds of molecular gas and dust do, triggering furious episodes of star formation. 反而它们所在的巨大分子气体和尘埃云发生了碰撞,形成了剧烈的恒星形成区域。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Astronomers pieced together this star-formation story with the help of Hubble's sharp vision. 借助哈勃的高分辨率图像,天文学家拼合了此星系的恒星诞生故事。 www.astronomy.com.cn 5. Neither galaxy contains any young, massive stars or shows traces of recent star formation. 这两个星系内都没有显示出年轻的、大质量恒星形成的迹象; instapedia.com 6. Composed of denser cooler gas and dust the tadpoles are around 10 light-years long, potentially sites of ongoing star formation. 蝌蚪是由密集的寒冷的气体和星尘所组成的,大约10光年长,可能存在正在形成的恒星。 www.bing.com 7. NGC 6946 is bright in infrared light and rich in gas and dust, exhibiting a furious rate of star formation. 这个星系在红外线区域很明亮,富含气体和尘埃,这些都显示出恒星正以飞快的速度形成。 www.bing.com 8. What are the grounds for believing that a relation exists between gas-dust complexes and the star formation process? 于是,我们要问,认为在气尘复合体与恒星形成过程之间存在联系所立足的基础是什么呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The cosmic cloud is also our closest massive star-formation factory, and astronomers suspect that it contains about 1, 000 young stars. 该星云也是离我们最近的大质量恒星制造厂,天文学家们怀疑它含有大约1000颗年轻恒星。 my.opera.com 10. The right-hand galaxy, representing the '0', forms a ring of clumpy but intense star formation. 右侧的星系则形成了一个破碎的环状,其中有剧烈的恒星生成过程,拼成了“0”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. a second stage of new star formation. 这引发新恒星形成进入第二阶段。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. It is a large region of star formation found within the Eagle Nebula. 它是自天鹰座星云内发现的一个大的星球形成区域。 word.hcbus.com 3. They could be left over from a burst of star formation several million years ago. 它们有可能是数百万年前的恒星暴增所残存下来的。 www.showxiu.com 4. As long as the black hole is raging, star formation in the galaxy is put on hold. 只要黑洞持续高温,星系内的星体形成就不得不暂停… xinwen.jzhrb.com.cn 5. Many of Barnard's dark nebulae are themselves likely sites of future star formation. 许多巴纳德暗星云本身可能就是未来恒星诞生的地点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. This gravitational tug of war may also have triggered an increased level of star formation in M51 . 这样的重力拖拽之战也许也是触发M51中恒星形成水平高低的原因。 www.astronomy.com.cn 7. Located about 5, 000 light years from Earth, this composite image shows the Rosette star formation region. 这幅图像显示了距地球5000光年的罗赛塔星云的恒星诞生区域。 www.bing.com 8. As a result, galaxies in clusters become starved of gas over time, and black hole activity and star formation in these galaxies slows. 结果,随着时间的推移,星系团内的星系就会缺乏气体,因此这些星系中黑洞的活跃性减弱,新星的形成速度放慢。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Major improvement has been made in the studies of interstellar molecular clouds and star formation. 一方面是星际分子云与恒星形成的天文研究取得了令人瞩目的成就。 www.dictall.com 10. The third galaxy (to the far left) is more compact, but shows evidence of star formation. 另一个星系(在最左边)更紧凑,但有恒星形成区的迹象。 www.bing.com 1. We can start by taking the average rate of star formation (R*) in our Galaxy, the Milky Way. 我们从银河系中的恒星形成的平均速度(R*)算起。 www.bing.com 2. Astronomers also use massive clusters to study distant starbursts that occur when galaxies collide, igniting a flurry of star formation. 当星系碰撞,点燃了星体构造的活动时,天文学家也用团块星云来研究遥远的星体爆炸发生的情形。 www.bing.com 3. A new model is developed to study the star formation and chemical evolution in globular clusters (GCs) in this thesis. 本文对银河系球状星团中的恒星形成及化学演化进行了研究。 www.fabiao.net 4. It takes an infrared view to catch the light from these shrouded regions and reveal the earliest stages of star formation 要用红外光来从这些迷蒙的区域捕捉光并揭示造星的早期阶段。供图:NASA www.bing.com 5. Star Formation Properties of Cluster and Field Galaxies 团星系和场星系的恒星形成性质 www.ilib.cn 6. The Observation and Research of Massive Star Formation 大质量恒星形成的观测和研究 service.ilib.cn 7. The Astronomical Phenomena in the Process of Star Formation 恒星形成过程中的天体物理现象 service.ilib.cn 8. Star Formation in Bean Nebula 在豆状星云中恒星的形成 www.bing.com |
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