单词 | sleeping in |
释义 | sleeping in是sleep in的现在分词
第三人称单数:sleeps in 现在分词:sleeping in 过去式:slept in 例句释义: 睡懒觉,〈英〉住在东家家里,睡过头,熟睡的猫壁纸,熟睡的猫桌布,学生的上课时间和睡眠习惯 1. The cat is used to sleeping in that basket and refuses to be moved to any other places. 猫已经习惯睡在那个篮子里而不愿被移到别的地方。 wljy.axhu.cn 2. They worked into the night, sleeping in their offices or on the floor, trying to catch up to be ready for October 29. 他们工作到深夜,晚上就睡在办公室地板上以便为十月29日开盘做好准备。 www.bing.com 3. Whenever I see a toddler or small animal sleeping in a ridiculous position, a little part of me gets terribly jealous. 无论何时,当看见一个小孩或者其他什么动物以夸张的姿态沉睡时,我总会不由自主的产生一种羡慕感。 www.bing.com 4. A beggar who was seen through the light of electric torch was sleeping in front of him door. 手电筒的光照出一个乞丐睡在他家门口。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. He is going to be King over all the earth. You will find Him in a stable sleeping in a manger. 今晚在伯利恒,一个叫耶稣的婴儿诞生了,他将成为地球上的国王,你们在一间马厩的马槽里能够找到他。 www.ebigear.com 6. A passer-by looks at a woman sleeping in an upright bed secured to the wall of a high-rise building in the Japanese capital, Tokyo. 在日本首都东京,一名路人望着一名女子睡在垂直的床上,被固定在某高层建筑上。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Yesterday morning I was in a very upmarket part of London for a client meeting and I saw a young woman sleeping in an alleyway. 昨天上午,我在伦敦一处高档的地方约见客户,看到一个年轻的女子睡在小巷子里。 www.bing.com 8. Makgatho began sleeping in my bed. He was a gentle child, a natural peacemaker , and he tried to bring me and his mother together again. 马可戈索开始同我一起睡觉,他是个文雅的孩子,还是个自然的调解人,他曾经试图让我和他母亲重归于好。 dict.veduchina.com 9. Then he crept back to the bear who now lay without a care, sleeping in the sun, and greased his chaps and cheeks with it. 然后,他蹑手蹑脚回到承担谁现在躺在没有照顾,在阳光下睡觉,和他的章润滑与它的脸颊。 www.youeredu.com 10. Still, he continued to call on owners as he traveled across the USA, sleeping in his car to save money. 但是,他在穿越美国的旅行途中仍坚持拨打电话给那些餐馆经营者。为了节省开支,他睡在小汽车上。 www.bing.com 1. A Malaysian legislator resigned Tuesday after photos of her sleeping in the nude were circulated among the public. 因裸睡照片外泄,马来西亚37岁的女议员黄洁冰17日辞职。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. As the child lay sleeping in his cot, the wolf leapt in through the window; his eyes fixed firmly upon the boy. 就在孩子躺在摇篮里睡觉的时候,狼从窗户跳了进来,眼睛紧盯着熟睡的男孩。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. One clear, bright night, as Artemis drove her carriage across the heavens, her a beautiful youth sleeping in the peaceful valley below. 一晚,当阿尔特弥斯驾着马车穿越天空时,无意中看到一位漂亮青年正在面静谧的山谷中睡觉。 www.pets12345.com 4. Back then, Mr. Madoff was sleeping in the bottom bunk and exercising every night by walking around the track. 那时马多夫睡在下铺,每晚在跑道上散布,算是做运动。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Dressed in blue and sleeping in a blue room is good for the head and the body, because this kind of colour makes a concordant sense. 穿兰色的衣服和睡在一个蓝色的房间里对头脑和身体都有好处,因为这种颜色产生和谐的感觉。 wenwen.soso.com 6. A pillow is a large cushion support for the head usually used while sleeping in a bed or for the body as used on a couch or chair. 枕头是一个人睡在床上支撑头部、或者用于沙发或椅子以支持身体的大垫子。 www.bing.com 7. But I decided I was better off with my toes sticking off the end (if I really stretch out) than sleeping in Jello. 但我宁愿拉展身子时脚趾伸到床外,也不愿睡在果冻里。 www.bing.com 8. This might involve extra sleep by napping, going to bed early, or sleeping in to catch up. 这可能包括额外的午睡、早睡或者情不自禁的打瞌睡。 career.51youcai.com 9. After a summer of sleeping in or doing things on your time, the alarm bell announcing that first day of school can be a rude awakening. 一整个暑假你都在睡懒觉,自由安排时间做自己的事,宣告开学第一天来临的闹钟的确令人不快。 cn.qikan.com 10. As the total amount of time executing in user space is tiny compared to the time spent sleeping in kernel space, it gets rounded to zero. 由于花在用户空间执行的时间与花在内核中睡眠的时间相比非常小,因此就被取整成零了。 www.ibm.com 1. I found a little caat sleeping in the boot of my car. 我发现一只小猫在我的行李箱里醋睡。 liu-jing.lj.blog.163.com 2. One night in spring when the flowers were blooming, I saw you sleeping in the long grass outside your tent, and I loved you. 在那个春天的夜晚,花朵竞相开放时,我看到那帐篷边高高草丛中你沉沉睡去的样子,我便爱上了你。 www.dreamkidland.cn 3. But one day Sara came into her bedroom, and there was Becky, sleeping in a chair. 可是有一天萨拉回到房间里的时候,贝基正躺在一张椅子上睡着。 www.chinaedu.com 4. "We haven't received any subsidies and there are still people sleeping in tents. . . . The emergency is not over, " he said. 里特玛说:“我们没有收到一分钱的政府补助,灾民还睡在帐篷里。紧急状况还没结束。” newssgo.com 5. Although we were sleeping in a tent far from the tottering remains of Yangzi, it was a long time before my heart stopped racing. 我们住的帐篷离地震破坏最严重的映秀还很远,但我的心还是长时间狂跳不已。 6. Sinister edge . . . Henry Moore's Pink and Green Sleepers (1941), of figures sleeping in London's Underground during the blitz. 凶险的边缘…亨利·摩尔的粉绿沉睡者(1941),描绘了闪电战中睡在伦敦地下的人。 www.bing.com 7. Parents might remember how annoying it was when we were sleeping in a dorm room and a roommate came in late and turned on the light. 家长们都知道,当你在寝室睡得好好的,突然有晚归的室友打开了灯是多么恼人的事情。 www.ttxyy.com 8. They could be spotted sleeping in study hall, dashing to and from the parking lot, or inventing unique excuses to leave classes. 你经常可以看到他们在学习室睡觉,或是从停车场跑进跑出。要么他们就找借口逃课。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. The king died a strange death while he was sleeping in the garden of his castle. 国王死的很奇怪,是在自己的城堡睡觉的时候死的。 bbs.24en.com 10. People who tell you never to let little things bother you have never tried sleeping in a room with a mosquito. 那些叫你不要因为小事而烦心的人,其实他们自己根本就是站着说话不腰疼。 bulo.hjenglish.com 1. Open your eyes and think of you, sleeping in the lazy, or busy. 睁开眼睛,想到你,是在懒睡,还是在忙碌。 www.bing.com 2. This resulted in me getting dumped by my first girlfriend and sleeping in bed all day feeling sorry for myself. 这样做的后果是我被初恋女友甩了,一整天躺在床上自怨自艾。 www.bing.com 3. She looks so beautiful sleeping in your bed wrapped in nothing but a sheet. 除了一张床单,她一丝不挂地躺在你的床上看起来如此美丽动人。 www.bing.com 4. They found a man sleeping in an empty room. 他们发现了一个人在一间空房间里睡觉。 www.pkuschool.com 5. My heart stopped. Our love fall asleep, it was surprised by the snow. But those who are sleeping in the snow, do not notice death. 所以本人更喜好睡着,大雪带给本人一场惊喜,之后本人又沉入睡眠,不再想清醒的睡眠。 tu.yo52.com 6. England stars will soon begin their build-up to this summer's World Cup by sleeping in special altitude tents. 英格兰队的球星们将会睡在这种特殊的“高原帐篷”中来开始他们夏季世界杯的征程。 en.v.wenguo.com 7. stopped. Our love fell asleep, it was surprised by the snow. But those who are sleeping in the snow, do not notice death. Keep well. 惊醒了。但是那些还在雪中沉睡的东西,并没有意识到死亡。请珍重。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. From a quiet lakeside sunset to sleeping in on a rainy day, life's greatest simple pleasures can only be purchased with mindful awareness. 从湖边安详的日落到雨天的酣眠,只要用心,就能获得生活中最好的小乐趣。 www.suiniyi.com 9. Opening the attached document, I found an article discussing why sleeping in an unmade bed was healthier than sleeping in a made one. 打开附件,我看到了一篇讨论为什么睡在没叠被子的床上比睡在叠好了的床上更健康。 www.bing.com 10. But It is unaccustomed to me to live with a person that like acting in night and sleeping in day! 不过和昼伏夜出的人住在一起还真有些不习惯啊! blog.sina.com.cn 1. When he visited us in the White House, I kidded him about sleeping in Lincoln's bed, which Bo Forney had turned down. 博.福尼来白宫看我们的时候,我曾跟他开玩笑,说让他睡在林肯的床上,他拒绝了。 www.bing.com 2. One hot day, after dinner, his master was sleeping in a summer-house , with Fido by his side. 一个大热天,他的主人吃完晚饭后就在凉亭睡觉,费多待在主人旁边。 www.kekenet.com 3. One hot afternoon in the summer, the old man was sleeping in his chair in the garden. 在夏天一个很热的下午,老人在庭院里的椅子睡觉。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Some had been waiting for three days, sleeping in cars, in an increasingly frantic effort to get dollars and euros. 有些人都等了3天了,他们睡在车里,拼了命的将卢布兑换成美元和欧元。 dongxi.net 5. Fall sleeping in arms of the child , you know how much I love you, your's mother ; 睡在臂弯里的孩子,你可知道,母亲是多么的爱你; 165194265.qzone.qq.com 6. Once, a great lion was sleeping in a wood. A little mouse happened to come and ran over his face. 很久以前,一只狮子在睡觉的时候,恰好有一只小老鼠不小心从他的脸上跑过。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Now, it chanced that an old man sleeping in a hovel on a pallet of straw was, awakened by these cries. 恰好有位老人正在一个窝棚里的茅草床上睡觉,他被这些喊声惊醒了。 www.bing.com 8. This means going back to the place where we left the chimp family sleeping in a tree the night before. 这意味着我们要返回前一天晚上我们离开黑猩猩一家睡觉的大树旁。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Noah kept going over to the bunny cage and looking in -- even sleeping in front of the door to the cage. 诺亚不断地到兔宝宝的笼子里探望-甚至在笼子门前睡觉。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. We ought to teach true, serene airplane sleeping in college, with a primer class as a high school elective. 我们该在大学里教授如何在飞机上睡得实在,安详。高中里应该设个入门班选修课。 dongxi.net 1. The young woman, with a baby sleeping in her arms, was wandering in the street. 那位年轻妇女,怀抱一个熟睡的婴儿,漫步在大街上。 www.jl789.com 2. Is your child sleeping in her own bed through the night or is she climbing in with you at two o'clock in the morning? 你的孩子是否整个晚上都是单独睡还是早上两点时爬到你身边? www.elanso.com 3. However, the two most effective ways that work on me are sleeping in and taking long walks. 可我感到对自己来讲最有效的方式是猛睡觉和散长步。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. If not, all five of them would be sleeping in their van again as they had the night before. 如果不允许的话,他们五个人只能像昨晚一样,在自己的面包车里再度一夜。 www.bing.com 5. Gradually voice whispers around my ear and quietly sigh: "You are still sleeping in the Sky River ideal dream without ending ah? " 声音逐渐化为喃喃轻语环绕于耳边,它平静地叹息道:你仍沉睡在天河理想之梦里绵绵无期啊? blog.sciencenet.cn 6. Sources close to the case claim he is having difficulty sleeping in a proper bed and wants to return to the wild. 据知情人士透露,Ray现在躺在正常的床上就睡不着觉,他想要回归自然。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. Why did both of us do not love sleeping in a bed? integration of the way? 不爱为啥咱俩睡在一张床上?融为一体啦?。 zjzhng.blog.163.com 8. Kiss me sweet I'm sleeping in sorrow all alone to see you tomorrow in my dream I'm calling your name you are my love. 甜蜜的亲吻我我睡在伤痛中都是孤独在明天见到你在我梦中我在叫你的名字你是我的爱。 bbs.comic.qq.com 9. It was a partly sunny morning as Dawn was still sleeping in her room which was in a Pokemon Center. 它是黎明仍睡在她的房间,这是在他的口袋妖怪中心部分阳光明媚的早晨。 zaixian-fanyi.cn 10. By about 4 in the morning I found myself sleeping in my dorm, which was to be my home for the next 4 and a half months. 凌晨4点,我终于躺在自己的宿舍床上睡觉了,这里就是我未来4个半月要住的地方。 www.ltaaa.com 1. At the time, your Prince Charles barely glanced at the tiny baby sleeping in her cot. 当时,您的查尔斯王子几乎瞥了一眼睡在摇篮的小婴儿。 www.dltcedu.org 2. He is always sleeping in class. , he is not interested in this subject. 他经常在课堂上睡觉。很明显,他对上课内容没兴趣。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. They both went softly into the kitchen, where the baby was sleeping in a wicker cradle. 他们俩轻轻地进了厨房,孩子正在屋里一个柳条编的摇篮里睡觉。 dict.ebigear.com 4. It is not an easy sight to see your own body sleeping in bed. 要看到你自己睡在床上的身体并不容易。 my.opera.com 5. Not used to the comforts of modern living, Nhan struggled at first with simple behaviors like sleeping in a bed and eating new foods. 由于还不习惯现代化的生活方式最初被带回来的铁男连简单的在床上睡觉和吃新的食物都困难。 www.bing.com 6. You were sleeping in darkness, I kept awake, I had dreamed the place where was really far. 你们在暗中睡着,我醒着,我梦到那个去处了,那真的很远。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for the mind and body because this colour creates the feeling of harmony . 穿着蓝色衣服或睡在蓝色的房间里对我么难得身心都很有好处,因为这种颜色能够使人产生和谐的感觉。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I would rather spend my time on sleeping in bed or watching TV instead of working in the garden. 我更喜欢花时间来睡懒觉或者看电视,而不是在花园劳动。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Sleeping in on Saturday after a few weeks of too little shuteye may feel refreshing, but it can give a false sense of security. 在一连几个星期睡眠不足的情况下,到了周六睡个懒觉可能会让你感到神清气爽,但这会给你一种错误的安全感。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. I remember clearly my mother and I sleeping in my dad's room the night before he died. 我记得很清楚,父亲去世前那晚我和母亲睡在父亲房间。 www.yayan123.com 1. When he came in, I happened to be sleeping in bed. 他进来时,我碰巧正在床上睡觉。 www.kekenet.com 2. Staying up later on Friday or sleeping in on Saturday sends the brain an entirely new set of scheduling priorities. 星期五熬夜、星期六睡懒觉向大脑发送一套全新的时间节律。 www.bing.com 3. Cupid flew down to the Earth. He found Psyche sleeping in her room . 于是丘比特飞到了人间,他发现波西卡正在她的房间里熟睡。 dict.veduchina.com 4. I looked on the rise, the fourth floor lamp that has long put out the light today, the entire building floor, sleeping in the darkness. 抬头一望,四楼那盏长明灯今天竟然熄灭了,整幢楼沉睡在一片黑暗之中。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The girls had been sleeping in the yard beside their father's lifeless arm, which protruded from the rubble. 地震以后,她们俩就一直睡在院子里,身旁就是长眠的父亲从瓦砾堆中伸出的冰冷的手臂。 www.bing.com 6. When mother went into the house, she found her baby was sleeping in bed, with his lips moving. 当妈妈走进房子的时候,她发现自己的孩子正睡在床上,嘴唇一直在动。 wenku.baidu.com 7. After serving in World War II, he found himself out of work, homeless and sleeping in a park. 从二次世界大战中退役后,他成了一个没有工作,睡在公园里的流浪汉。 www.bing.com 8. It's a beautiful facility but it's in the middle of nowhere, he'll be sleeping in a dormitory - it's almost a boot camp. 那是个美丽的地方,可是那里前不着村后不着店。他大概得每天睡在宿舍里——那简直就是个新兵营。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Sleeping in a large tent with my men, I woke to the sound of a Mark-43 Squad Automatic Weapon. 当时我和我的战友们正睡在一个巨大的帐篷里,随后我被MK43班用自动武器的声音吵醒了。 c.wsj.com 10. They both went softly into the bedroom, where the baby was sleeping in a cradle . 他们两个轻手轻脚地走进卧室,因为孩子正在那儿的摇篮中熟睡。 wenku.baidu.com 1. On a recent night, he was sleeping in his car when two guys tried to steal it. 前段时间的一个晚上,当有两个家伙想偷他的车的时候,他正睡在里面。 www.bing.com 2. was from the beginning sleeping in the small cocoon. 从在小茧睡觉的开始。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Lately I have been sleeping in later and later but I still feel tired and drowsy during the day. 最近我起来的越来越晚,但是白天的时候我仍感觉十分昏昏欲睡疲惫不堪。 www.elanso.com 4. Seeing a father sleeping in the toilet with his son in his bosom, outside there being guard driving them out. 看到一个父亲抱着儿子睡在厕所里,外面的驱逐声让再坚毅的男人都流下眼泪。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 5. SOMEWHERE in Transylvania, Dracula the monster lies sleeping in his coffin, waiting for night to fall. 特兰西瓦尼亚的某地,妖怪德拉库拉躺在棺材里等待夜色降临。 www.douban.com 6. The dewdrop is sleeping in the lotus leaf; the Star is sleeping in the Sky. 露珠在荷叶上睡觉,星星在天空中睡觉。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. After sleeping in a small roadside cabins , they found their hotel suite commodious. 后睡在路边的一个小舱内,他们发现他们的酒店套房宽敞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. For years he has made a practice of sleeping in a different bed each night, thinking a moving target is harder to hit. 多年来,他已作出的做法睡在一个不同的床每晚,思维运动的目标是很难击中。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. As I try to imagine 19 people sleeping in this small space, it struck me how immaculate it was. 我极力的想象这19个人在这样狭小空间里,怎样生活,而让我震惊的是这个地方太整洁了。 www.kekenet.com 10. They changed the open event of long-distance, Xiao Zhang every night sleeping in the car, almost all of the time walking on the road. 两人换着开,遇上长途,小张夜夜睡在车上,几乎所有的时间都行走在路上。 www.bing.com 1. Thousands of protesters, many of them bussed in from the countryside, are sleeping in the shadows of luxury hotels and shopping malls. 在数千名反对者中,很多人是乘坐公共汽车从乡下来到曼谷的,现在已纷纷屈膝在豪华饭店和大型购物中心的檐边而宿。 www.ecocn.org 2. When I was young, sleeping in the dark often terrified me. 小时候,在黑暗中睡觉让我感到很害怕。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. LION is sleeping in the forest. Mouse comes and runs on Lion's face. Lion gets very angry. He catches Mouse, and he wants to eat Mouse. 狮子正在森林里睡觉。老鼠过来了并从狮子的脸上跑过去。狮子非常生气。他抓住了老鼠,想要吃掉他。 www.ncneedu.cn 4. One official in Chicago reported in nineteen thirty-one that several hundred women without homes were sleeping in city parks. 在美国芝加哥正式报告一九三一年有几百家妇女在没有城市公园睡觉。 www.englishtang.com 5. My pleasure, sleeping in a dream. No, but sweet smile. My love, in your mind, no result, but sweet dream, the dream is who smile. 我的快乐,沉睡在梦中。没有醒,却有甜甜的笑容。我的爱情,在你的心中,没有结果,却是甜甜的梦,那梦中,是谁的笑容。 www.juexiang.com 6. Anton tramped the streets for several days, sleeping in doorways and on the Embankment, until he was in utter despair. 安东践踏了好几天的街头,在门口睡觉,对路基,直到他彻底绝望了。 home.24en.com 7. Scientists have discovered a cure for the dreaded Monday morning blues - stop sleeping in on weekends. 科学家发现一种恐惧星期一早上的焦虑症的治疗方法--停止在周末睡懒觉。 www.hjenglish.com 8. When someone asks me what my favorite interest is, the answer must be sleeping in. 每当有人问我,最喜欢做的事情是什么,那答案一定是睡懒觉! blog.sina.com.cn 9. Meanwhile, my wife, Kelly, and I start sleeping in shifts. 其间,我与妻子凯利开始轮流着休息。 www.bing.com 10. The remaining chimps also avoided sleeping in the area where Pansy had died even though keepers had cleaned and disinfected it. 剩下的黑猩猩也开始避免在潘茜死去的地方睡觉,即使饲养员已经对那里进行了清理和消毒。 www.bing.com 1. There were several large trucks laden with construction materials or oinking pigs, their drivers sleeping in the cabs. 周围有一些大卡车,装载着建筑材料和哼哼唧唧的猪,司机们都在驾驶室睡着觉。 www.bing.com 2. Li ping used to class late, don't listen earnestly, sleeping in the class. 李平过去常常上课迟到,不认真听讲,上课睡觉。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Staying up shows the lack of courage to finish the day . Sleeping in shows the lack of courage to start another day . 熬夜显示缺乏勇气来完成这一天。睡在显示缺乏勇气去开始新的一天。 www.zhongwenbo.com.blog.163.com 4. Once I found him sleeping in our garden with a hundred butterflies crawling over him. 又一次我在我们的花园里看到他睡着时有一百只蝴蝶停在他身上。 www.che147.com 5. Sleeping in is one of life's simple pleasures . 睡懒觉是人生中简单的乐趣之—。 www.bing.com 6. I find a little baby is sleeping in his mum's arms. so I ask my friends to be quiet. 但你发现一个婴儿在睡觉,你要求朋友们安静些。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Available at Station Square, a lot of people have been hit the floor, sleeping in the square, a stench lunged, it was their feet smell. 可在火车站广场,好多人都在打地铺,睡在广场,一股恶臭扑来,原来是他们的脚臭味。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. What could happen to a beautiful girl sleeping in the chaise lounge on the sunny beach? 美丽的女孩就是魔法的代名词,在阳光充足的海滩上将会发生什么呢?~。 www.sj263.com 9. Only a real princess would be used to sleeping in a softer bed than that. 只有一个真正的公主才会习惯睡一张比那更软的床。 www.en400.com:8080 10. More couples in Singapore prefer sleeping in different bedrooms on working days, zaobao. com reported. 据《联合早报》网报道,越来越多的新加坡夫妻日前流行分房睡。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. I felt afraid of sleeping in the dark when I was young. 小时候,在黑暗中睡觉让我感到害怕 wenwen.soso.com 2. So I don't allow myself to have conversations in my head about the benefits of sleeping in once the alarm goes off. 所以一旦闹钟一响我不允许自己在头脑中思考继续睡觉的好处。 www.bing.com 3. However, under those trees you might find small steenbok, sleeping in the shade, and waiting for the night to fall. 可是,在那些树下,你会发现小岩羚睡在树荫里,等待夜的降临。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Luke: I'm happy to have a bed at all, I'm use to sleeping in storerooms and movie theatres. 路克:有床睡就很幸福了,我一向睡在储藏室和电影院里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Sleeping in late? That's too much of a fantasy. 睡个懒觉…感觉像是做梦 www.tingclass.net 6. You're definitely aware that you are sleeping in something and attached to something that's alive. 你非常清楚你是睡在一个活物里面,而且你依附在它身上。 www.bing.com 7. Of course, you were just sleeping in the cabin! 那是当然的,因为你一直在船舱里睡觉! bbs.weiphone.com 8. I was sleeping in a sofa chair in her hospital room. 我躺在她病房的沙发上。 www.bing.com 9. I still remember riding around in their old, green Mercury beast and sleeping in their super tiny guest room. 我一直都记得自己骑着绿色的“赫尔墨斯神兽”游荡,也记得睡在超级整洁的卧房里。 www.bing.com 10. Sleeping in a cool room to avoid sleep disturbances from hot flashes. 睡在凉爽的房间里避免潮热引起的睡眠障碍。 www.hxen.com 1. Sleeping in a cool room to avoid sleep disturbances from hot flashes. 睡在凉爽的房间里避免潮热引起的睡眠障碍。 www.hxen.com 2. Cardboard's mostly for sitting on and sleeping in, but it multitasks for shredding and gnawing on. 纸板的大多是坐在和睡在,但多任务分解和啃上。 www.wujinggou.com 3. Some people enjoy sleeping in a canvas tent, whereas others prefer a caravan. 一些人喜欢在帆布的帐篷中宿营,还有一些人更喜欢使用他们的活动住宅旅行车。 www.hjenglish.com 4. He is always working at night and sleeping in the day. 他总是晚上工作白天睡觉。 www.et777.cn 5. Then I gave her a chance to surf the internet while I was sleeping in the noon. 就在我中午睡觉的时候,我给了她一个机会去上网。 www.1363.cn 6. Her baby was sleeping in its basket. She wanted to cook some vegetables quickly for lunch before the baby woke up. 她的孩子正在摇篮里睡觉。她想在孩子醒来之前,快点炒些菜吃中餐。 resource.ahedu.cn 7. Sleeping in its basket. She wanted to cook some vegetables quickly for lunch. 这时正在睡篮里睡觉,她想在婴儿醒来之前快些烧好午餐吃的蔬菜。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. But those who are sleeping in the snow, do not notice death. 但是那些还在雪中沉睡的东西,并没有意识到死亡。 group.mtime.com 9. Late at night, the moon through the curtains and saw a little girl sleeping in bed next to have a backpack, containing fruit and snacks. 夜深了,月亮透过窗帘,看见一个小女孩睡在床上,身旁有个背包,里面装着水果和点心。 img3.zhubajie.com 10. While you were sleeping in my head love was repeating. 当你沉睡的时候,爱在我脑海里萦绕 bbs.ebigear.com 1. While you were sleeping in my head love was repeating. 当你沉睡的时候,爱在我脑海里萦绕 bbs.ebigear.com 2. Even sleeping in their own side is the lover, at the crucial moment can also be discarded. 就连是睡在自己身边的情人,在关键时刻,也可以舍弃。 www.dota123.com 3. A small sand-colored cat with limp, white paws was sleeping in a patch of shade. 一只沙黄色、白爪的小瘸腿猫躺在一片阴影下瞌睡。 www.kuaiyilin.com 4. No more sleeping in on weekends and no more spontaneous holiday. 周末睡不成懒觉了,也不能随心所欲的休假了。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. After a short time, Beetle faced a sudden shower while he was sleeping in a wide lawn. 过了不久,甲虫在宽阔的草坪上睡觉的时候,遇上了一场突如其来的阵雨。 www.chnxs.com 6. In our modern chaotic and rat race world, we are no longer sleeping in a naturally healthy manner. 在竞争激烈的当今社会,我们已经无法拥有一种自然健康的睡眠方式。 www.bing.com 7. If any classes in the afternoon, carry through the nap to the end, and if no, go on sleeping in the dorm. 下午有课去教室把午觉进行到底,没课继续在寝室睡觉。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Some Chengdu residents, fearing aftershocks, have taken to sleeping in tents. 由于害怕余震,部分成都居民也开始在帐篷里过夜。 blog.ecocn.org 9. The story of the woman's deception gave form and meaning to confused defensive feelings that had had long been sleeping in me. 那个妇女蒙骗人的故事使我心目中一直潜伏的模糊不清的防御心理成了形并有了意义。 10. Not sleeping in the playing cricket, cricket and happy deep, celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival. 还未沉睡的蛐蛐在弹唱,蟋蟀低沉的和鸣,喜滋滋的庆贺着此番的中秋。 www.bing.com 1. Not sleeping in the playing cricket, cricket and happy deep, celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival. 还未沉睡的蛐蛐在弹唱,蟋蟀低沉的和鸣,喜滋滋的庆贺着此番的中秋。 www.bing.com 2. Mike: Not as much as u like being alone. U like, eating ur own food, sleeping in ur own bed, doing ur own crosswords. 你还是更喜欢自己呆着吧:你喜欢自己吃自己的东西,睡自己的床,独自玩纵横字迷游戏。 www.chxia.com 3. He was found to be sleeping in his room. 他被发现在房间里睡觉。 www.in2english.com.cn 4. "I know, " she says, "no more sleeping in on weekends, no more spontaneous holidays. . . " “这我知道。”她答道,“周末睡不成懒觉,再也不能随心所欲休假了……” www.bing.com 5. But now, my hedgehog is sleeping in a conner just behind the shed! 但是现在,我的刺猬就在那个小屋的后面睡觉! hi.baidu.com 6. I whisper to my adolescent sons sleeping in the old metal beds on the cabin porch. 我低声喊两个青春年少的儿子,他们睡在小木屋门廊的一张旧金属床上。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Sleeping in anything other than a completely dark room could lead to depression, research suggests, the Telegraph reports. 英国《每日电讯报》消息,研究表明,睡觉时如果房间不是完全黑暗会导致情绪低落。 www.china.org.cn 8. Some detainees have been sleeping in the open under plastic sheets. 一些被拘留者一直盖着塑料布睡在露天。 www.ecocn.org 9. There they abandoned the Steyr and continued on foot, sleeping in the forest and taking turns to keep watch. 在那里,他们扔下了那辆斯太尔,徒步前行。睡觉就在树林里,并轮流站岗。 www.bing.com 10. Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for our mind and body. 穿蓝衣服或睡在蓝色的房间里对我们身心有好处 wenku.baidu.com 1. also can be in one minute regret in sleeping in the class. 也会在前一秒后悔自己在上课睡觉。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Hey, guys. Come back to our topic. When Tangle is sleeping in his comfortable room, who's going to catch some fish to feed us. 嗨,各位,回到我们的话题上来吧。当Tangle在他舒服的房间里睡觉的时候,谁去抓些鱼来大家吃? english.168xx.net 3. Three men, a waiter, a charcoal burner, and the uniformed chauffeur of wealthy travelers sleeping in the inn, workedall night on the engine. 在一家小酒店里过夜的三个男人,一个侍者、一个烧炭工人,还有一位穿制服的替有钱旅行者开车的司机,修引擎修了一整晚。 www.bing.com 4. The three bears growled as they climbed the bedroom stairs. Papa Bear growled, "Somebody's been sleeping in my bed! " 三只熊咆哮着来到卧室。熊爸爸咆哮道:“有人睡过我的床!” www.chinaenglish.com.cn 5. Now, this might mean that you have to forgo sleeping in long hours on those lazy Saturday mornings. 那么现在看来,这就意味着你得放弃在懒散的周六上午睡懒觉的习惯了。 www.bing.com 6. People who work at night have to adapt themselves to sleeping in the daytime. 晚上工作的人得适应于白天睡觉。 www.bing.com 7. The hotel limits the number of people sleeping in each room. 宾馆限制在每间房睡觉的人数。 www.bing.com 8. We have about six devices in our room that glow bright green; it's like sleeping in a mad scientist's lab. 我们的房里大约有6个发绿光的设备,睡在这里就感觉像睡在一个疯狂科学家的实验室里。 www.bing.com 9. I was proud of you when I pulled into the yard and saw you sleeping in the car waiting for me. 我把车开进院子,看见你睡在小车里等我,我为你感到骄傲。 www.ebigear.com 10. There are three of his life would like to: eat well with rice, sleeping in a sense, to laugh out. 别人生有三愿:吃的下饭,睡的着觉,笑的出来。 www.taobao-fengxiong.com 1. Their homes were destroyed, so they are sleeping in the giant auditorium at the evacuation centre. 不过他们的家已经被摧毁,他们现在寄宿于疏散中心的大礼堂。 www.bing.com 2. Across the centuries, the Uktena have found powerful Banes sleeping in the Earth, and they have conducted epic rites to bind them. 数世纪的旅程中,theUktena发现了沉睡中的邪魔,他们举行大规模的仪式来约束这些邪魔。 blog.donews.com 3. While the five babies were still quietly sleeping in oxygen tents in a hospital nursery. 眼下,五胞胎还静静地躺在医院婴儿室的氧气帐里。 zhanguohai.blog.163.com 4. You were sleeping in class. 你刚上课的时候睡着了。 www.sfileydy.com 5. And what if at at night, when they are sleeping in their beds, they hear a man walking abroad long before sunrise? 假设是夜晚,他们睡在床上,听到有人远在日出前走出了门外,那会怎样? www.bing.com 6. Your house is on fire but there is still a little girl sleeping in the bedroom on the second floor. 你的房子失火了,里面仍有一个小女孩在二楼卧室里睡觉。 k8edu.com 7. Gradually disappearing in the deep of the night bell, the moon through the trees, where sleeping in the rain disappeared. 幽深的午夜在渐渐消失的钟声中,透过树梢的月亮,在雨水消失的地方沉睡。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. On this particular tour, I think my biggest guilty pleasure has been sleeping in late. 在这个特别的旅行中,我想我最大的乐趣就是睡了很长时间,我一直睡到下午5点。 evan-taubenfeld.5d6d.com 9. David and I have been separated for six months and we have been sleeping in separate bedrooms. 我和大卫分居6个月了,我们一直睡在各自的卧室里。 www.jxenglish.com 10. He had been sleeping in the guest room. 雷斯一直都睡在客房。 www.bing.com 1. And many of those who are sleeping in the dust of the ground will awake, some to life eternal and some to reproach, to eternal contempt. 睡在尘埃中的,必有多人醒起;其中有归到永远生命的,有归到羞辱,永远蒙羞的。 www.71630.com 2. By the third day I was sleeping in my office. I had become the superintendent of the Stanford county jail. 第三天当我睡在自己的办公室时,我已经成为了斯坦福郡监狱的狱长。 kk.dongxi.net 3. Sleeping in may help ease our nervousness and give our exhausted nerves a break. 睡大觉可以使我们紧张、疲劳的神经得到休息。 www.putclub.com 4. They feel self-conscious sleeping in front of colleagues; maybe they are worried they are going to drool. 他们觉得在同事面前睡觉会感到有些窘迫;或许他们担心自己会流口水。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Sleeping in a cave, according to the management of Gamirasu Cave Hotel, is surprisingly comfortable. 按照Gamirasu洞穴酒店的管理人员的说法,在一个洞穴里睡觉是惊人地舒适的。 www.bing.com 6. Days passed, and I went to see Bartleby again. I was told he was sleeping in the prison yard outside. 日子一天天过去,我再去看巴特。有人告诉我,他在监狱外面院子里睡觉。 www.maynet.cn 7. We saw the Gryphons guarding their gold on the white rocks, and the scaled Dragons sleeping in their caves. 见到传说中的狮鹫在白岩上看守他们的黄金,长有鳞片的猛龙在洞穴中熟睡。 www.bing.com 8. Don't make any noise. He is sleeping in the next room. 别吵,他正在隔壁房间里睡觉。 www.kfenglish.com 9. A dog was sleeping in front of the barn when a wolf noticed him lying there. 一只狼发现了一只正在谷仓前躺着睡觉的狗。 blog.163.com 10. Straggler sleeping in the street He is wakened by the security guard, and reluctantly gets up. 《在街头睡觉的流浪汉》被保安叫醒的流浪汉,不情愿地“起床了”。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. They lifted their heads toward her from their sleeping in the dust, and then stretched out their chins and settled asleep again. 只有那几条狗听见了,它们睡在地上,朝伊利莎抬起头,伸长了下巴,然后又倒下睡了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Just being to India Calcutta. . . saw lots of big houses. . . but saw lots of people sleeping in the streets. 去印度加尔各答看看吧…那里有很多大房子…但是也能看到非常多的人睡在街上。 www.santaihu.com 3. Sleeping in once there is a chance can help adjust our nerves and this is conducive to getting over nervousness and tiredness. 一有机会,猛睡一场,我们的神经就会得到相应的调整,从而有助于克服紧张和疲劳。 www.putclub.com 4. He's sleeping in the next room now. 现在他在隔壁睡觉呢。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. My pas must often be sleeping in cargo box for it's so quiet in the house . 家里这么僻静,我弟弟一定在床上睡觉。 sjp123.com 6. Three girl afraid of me sad every day next to me sleeping in a bed, said intimate words to comfort me. 三姑娘怕我难过,天天挨着我睡在一个床上,说贴心话安慰我。 www.chinavalue.net 7. Sleeping in the crew room is against most airlines' policies. 在员工室睡觉是违反多数航空公司政策的。 www.bing.com 8. Grandma's wisdom: Sleeping in air-conditioning can give you a chill. 奶奶的金玉良言:开着空调睡觉会感冒。 www.bing.com 9. Robert Parley, a baby, was sleeping in his bed. 一个婴儿名叫罗伯特。帕利在她的床上正在睡觉。 www.qeto.com 10. Many people sleeping in camps returned to their homes during the day to work and tend to their cattle. 许多人晚上在临时安置点休息,而白天“又返回自家田地干活和照看畜生”。 www.putclub.com 1. Night wind whistled, sleeping in bed, warm blanket is difficult to fall asleep. 夜里寒风呼啸,睡在床上,暖暖的被窝却难以入睡。 www.dota123.com 2. Nine months and 6, 000 miles of pedalling, sleeping in a tent and cooking on a primus stove. 九个月,六千英里,睡觉用帐篷,烧饭用炉子。 www.bing.com 3. He's He's been doing this job, sleeping in his truck, for more than 20 years. 他干这行已经有20年了。风餐露宿,睡在车中。 www.showxiu.com 4. A lion was sleeping in the eld. Suddenly, something fell on the lion's body. 一只狮子正在沉睡。突然,有什么东西落到了他的身上。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. You have to get used to sleeping in strange places. 您必须习惯于睡在各种稀奇古怪的地方。 www.seed.slb.com 6. In those days, there were more than 70 people sleeping in the area on a typical night. 在那个时候的夜晚一般会有70多人露宿街头。 www.bing.com 7. He's been doing this job, sleeping in his truck, for more than 20 years. 他从事这项工作已经20多年,其间他经常要睡在他的卡车里。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. "I've been sleeping in here, " says Mackenzie Cowell, Perfetto's business partner. “我一直睡在这儿,”麦肯齐·考埃尔说。 www.bing.com 9. Sleeping in the elm may be invigorating, but it is also illegal. 睡在榆树上可能很爽,却是违法的。 www.bing.com 10. A cabman was sleeping in the distance in his cab. 远处有个车夫在轻便马车里睡觉。 www.bing.com 1. The shopkeeper was sleeping in the shop at the time. 当时,店主正在店里睡觉。 www.tingroom.com 2. A boat man still sleeping in the morning and the boats created a splendid formation. 晨曦中船夫依然在酣睡,船儿也排成了整齐的队列。 edun.hzcnc.com 3. This means you have trouble sleeping. In classical mythology, Somnus was the Roman god of sleep, so that's where he word comes from. 这个是说你不太容易入睡。在罗马神话中Somnus是管睡眠的神,这就是这个词汇的来源。 www.51test.net 4. Some people are used to sleeping in the nude. 有些人习惯于裸睡。 www.tingclass.net 5. I saw the boy is sleeping in the next room. 我看见那个小孩在隔壁房间里睡觉。 diannaoshuma.vicp.net 6. Julie, who was sleeping in my room, rushed into the dining room. 睡在我房里的朱利马上跑到餐室里去。 www.bing.com 7. Baby is sleeping in little bed. The dream of dewdrop is green. 宝宝在小床上睡觉。露珠的梦是绿的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Mama Bear growled, "Somebody's been sleeping in my bed! " Baby Bear cried, "Somebody's been sleeping in my bed, and there she is! " 熊妈妈咆哮着:“有人睡过我的床!”熊宝宝大叫:“有人睡过我的床,她在这儿!” www.chinaenglish.com.cn 9. Sleeping in this bed feels comfortable. 在这张床上睡觉很舒服。 wenku.baidu.com 10. A student sleeping in class was math teacher found. 甲同学在上课睡觉,被数学老师发现。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Baby bear is sleeping in the tree. Mother bear is wallowing in the grass-ground. 小熊在树上睡觉。母熊在草地上打滚。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Have a good night, Queen, you must be sleeping in some Windsor Castle or Beckenham Palace, I whispered to myself, in reasonable English. 有一个美好的夜晚,皇后,你必须睡在温莎城堡或贝肯纳姆一些宫,我悄悄对自己说,在合理的英语。 bbs.city.tianya.cn 3. Her baby was sleeping in its basket. 她的婴儿正在睡篮里睡觉。 he.ah.vnet.cn 4. it's like sleeping in a mad scientist's lab. 就好像睡在疯狂科学家的实验室里。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. I'll be hungry and sleeping in a spare room. 于是我一个孕妇要饿着肚子去另一个房间睡觉了。 www.bucter.com 6. The bird is sleeping in the cage. It enjoys its sleeps in the cage. 小鸟正在笼子里睡觉呢,它喜欢在笼子里睡觉 zhidao.baidu.com 7. He is sleeping in the sun. 他在太阳下睡觉。 www.xici.net 8. He was sleeping in his bedroom. 当时他正在卧室睡觉。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. On this morning, a couple hundred people were sleeping in their own filth in the basement. 今天早晨,200人睡在地下室的破烂物上。 www.bing.com 10. CHEN: I was shocked. I was in disbelief. Someone called me. I was sleeping in the morning. 陈冠希:我很震惊,根本不敢相信。有人打电话给我,告诉我这个事情,那时候我还没睡醒。 139-62096207.blog.163.com 1. 'No thanks, ' says Colin. 'I'm sleeping in the spare room. “谢谢,不要,”科林说,“我睡那个空房间去。” www.internet.org.cn 2. Studies find that sleeping in a cool environment is most conducive to sleep. 研究发现在凉爽的环境睡觉是最有利于睡眠的。 www.bing.com 3. Shame, shame, sleeping in the daytime. 真丢脸,大白天睡觉。 www.tingclass.net 4. For many adults, a typical year may have us sleeping in a hotel room 10-20 nights per year. 对于许多成人,典型的年每年可能在酒店中有我们睡着房间10-20个夜晚。 hx61.5d6d.com 5. I was sleeping in the summer, air conditioning fans who sleep quilt cover. 我是夏天睡觉,开空调风扇盖棉被睡觉的人。 blog.163.com 6. (Chorus) While he is sleeping in his grave. (合唱)留他在坟墓里独自长眠。 shitcandance.yculblog.com 7. Don't make any noise . The baby is sleeping in the cradle . 别弄出任何声音来。小宝宝在摇篮里睡着了。 www.bing.com 8. This question is stupid. You have some one you love sleeping in front of you, what do you do? You know. 如果看到最爱的人熟睡在自己面前,你会做些什么? spaces.msn.com 9. I don't know how it works, but Christmas morning I was sleeping in this little pub. 我不知道它是怎么运作的但圣诞节早上时,我睡在小酒吧里 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I love sleeping in when it's raining outside. 下雨天时,我喜欢闷在屋子里睡觉。 wenku.baidu.com 1. But she's sleeping in my bed ! 可是,她正躺在我的床上啊! www.bing.com 2. What pleases him most is sleeping in the bed. 最使他高兴的事是在床上睡觉 zhidao.baidu.com 3. I am sleeping in with my family, and spending a quiet, relaxing day at the river with them. 我跟我家人一起在河边度过一个轻松的一天,晚上的时候我们一起入睡。 www.bing.com 4. Mr Zhang is sleeping in his bed. 张先生在床上睡觉。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. We'd been sleeping in ditches for five nights. 我们已经连续五夜睡在战壕之中。 www.bing.com 6. Normally she is sleeping in her sofa. 平时她都睡在沙发上。 www.zuixue.com 7. He is sleeping in his room. Don't disturb him. 他在房间里睡觉。不要惊扰他。 www.51share.net 8. when they saw a snake sleeping in the bushes , and ran away quickly . 这是要翻译的吗?当他们看到一条舌在灌木丛里睡觉,他们立即跑掉了。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. When I was sleeping in dead, Hades had waved his hand to me. 当我沉睡在死亡中时,哈迪斯向我招手。 tieba.baidu.com 10. By a dream in a vision by night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, and they are sleeping in their beds. 天主有时藉梦和夜间的异像,当人躺在床上沉睡的时候。 www.ccreadbible.org 1. when i was floating on the sea. i saw you are sleeping in the street. 当我漂浮在海上。我看到你是睡在街道上。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 2. have formed the habit of sleeping in the open air. 形成了在露天睡觉的习惯。 mysearch.100e.com 3. When they saw a snake sleeping in the bushes, they ran away quickly. 当他们看见一条正在灌木丛中睡着的蛇,他们迅速跑开了。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Exactly so. But I am now sleeping in the middle one. 确实如此,但是现在我住在中间那个房间。 xydd.99365.net 5. It seemed that he was sleeping in class. 他好像在课堂上睡觉。 school.ecp.com.cn 6. I don't want Chaka sleeping in the cave tonight. 我不想让查卡今晚睡在洞穴里。 www.b2b99.com 7. He's probably sleeping in class because he doesn't get enough sleep at night. 他可能是因为晚上睡不够才会在课堂上睡觉。 paper.udn.com 8. You got me sleeping in the same bed every night. 你让我每夜睡在同一张床上 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The agreeable feeling of sleeping in the nature will be with you easily. 置身于大自然中睡眠的惬意感受,现在你也可以轻松拥有! b2b.5179.cn 10. My imperishable love buried in the twilight of the act, dear of the life that now has a dream, I meet, sleeping in the world. 我不朽的爱情葬身在暮光的城下,亲爱的来生的相见,已然如梦,我酣睡在人世。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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