单词 | strain | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
第三人称单数:strains 现在分词:straining 过去式:strained adj. n. great strain,severe strain,nervous strain,constant strain,mental strain v. n. stand strain,bear strain,strain produce,feel strain,relieve strain strain 显示所有例句 担忧;焦虑worry/anxiety
物理压力physical pressure
动植物╱疾病种类type of plant/animal/disease
性格in sb's character
音乐of music
尽力make effort
使达到极限stretch to limit
用力推╱拉push/pull hard
过滤separate solid from liquid
strain at the leash (informal) 急于;迫不及待to want to do sth very much
strain every nerve/sinew (to do sth) 竭尽全力(做某事)to try as hard as you can to do sth 例句释义: 压力,品系,应力,张力,扭伤,拉紧,滤,损伤,应变,紧张,菌株 1. In a straight fight, therefore, it was the drug-sensitive strain that had the selective advantage when faced with a two-pronged attack. 这场直接的菌群较量说明了当面对两种进攻的时候,敏感菌有优势。 www.ecocn.org 2. Forget it! Don't strain at a gnat. As you know, he is hard up these days. 算了吧!不要斤斤计较。如你所知,他最近手头紧。 www.wwenglish.com 3. Swing ingredients in a shaker with cracked ice, strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and garnish with a slice of lemon. 将液体注入混合器,加碎冰块摇匀,注入冷却过的鸡尾酒酒杯,用一片柠檬装饰。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. This division of labour, however, is under strain because some Chinese partners feel ready to go it alone. 然而,这种劳动分工目前陷入紧张之中,因为部分中方合作伙伴感觉自己已经可以单干了。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In comedy it doesn't look like there's an art going on; it should look as if it's easy, cos there shouldn't be a sense of strain. 在喜剧中,要看起来不像是在进行一门艺术,它应该看起来好像很简单,因为不能有严肃的成分。 www.bing.com 6. over saucepan, strain berries, through a fine sieve, pressing with back of a spoon. 在平底锅,应变浆果,通过细筛,按同一个勺子回来。 bbs.hualongxiang.com 7. It put a tremendous strain on my thigh muscles, but now Dixie was able to wheel me out of the elevator with ease. 我大腿的肌肉被狠狠拉紧,不过迪克西现在能轻易地把我推出电梯了。 www.bing.com 8. You stand all day long. So your back can hurt. When you're standing straight up, your lower back is going to get a strain. 你整天都站着。所以你的背会很疼。当你站直时,你的后背下部会开始绷紧。 www.yappr.cn 9. And so it began to pile up until one day I collapsed from the strain of it, becoming an empty shell, a parody of who I used to be. 所以它开始慢慢地堆积起来,知道有一天我在那些压力中崩溃了,变成一个空壳,变成过去的一拙劣的模仿品。 www.bing.com 10. At times this deep strain of pathos was all that could be heard, and scarcely heard, sighing amid a desolate silence. 那低沉而悲怆的旋律时时成为你所能听到的全部声音,隐约地在凄凉的沉默之中哀叹。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Yet even to believers in small government, like this newspaper, there are good reasons for letting taxes take at least some of the strain. 本刊属于笃信小政府的人,甚至对于所有这样的人来说,都有充足的理由认为税收应该分担部分压力。 www.ecocn.org 2. buck - a - litre gasoline may be putting a serious strain on your household finances , but at least your federal government is cashing in. 一公升一块钱的汽油会让许多家庭感到经济压力,但对联邦政府来说,这正是他们捞钱的好时候。 www.ichacha.net 3. "This strain has never been found in any animal, so it is possible that it could have come from straight from the environment into humans" . 这次疫情的致病菌从未在任何动物体内检出,所以很可能它是从环境中直接进入人体。 www.bing.com 4. He called swine flu "a novel strain of influenza" , and said the trial would determine the dose and schedule of the vaccination. 他称猪流感为“一种新型流感”,还说,推广疫苗的剂量和计划都将根据试验情况而定。 www.bing.com 5. The strain, known as S. Kentucky, has developed resistance to the antibiotic Ciprofloxacin, often used for treating severe Salmonella cases. 被称为S?肯德基的这种菌株,已对抗生素环丙沙星产生耐药,后者经常用于治疗严重的沙门氏菌病症。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. I know his character and his personality and I believe that becoming king would be an immense strain for him as he would lose his freedom. 我知道他的性格和他的个性以及我相信成为国王对他来讲将会是一种巨大压力,因为他将会失去自由。 tieba.baidu.com 7. When you're standing and ready to move, continue holding the object close to your body to decrease the strain on your lower back. 当你站立并准备移动的时候,继续靠近你的身体托住物品,以减少腰背部的拉力。 www.bing.com 8. Cynthia was more than curious, but she relented when she noticed the strain in her daughter's face. 莘济亚感到特别奇怪,却是很和蔼谛视着她女儿紧张的脸。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. To see what was going on, he labelled the doxycycline-resistant strain with a yellow protein and the sensitive strain with a blue protein. 为了观察进行情况,他用黄色蛋白质标记耐脱氧土霉素的大肠埃希菌,用蓝色的蛋白标记对脱氧土霉素敏感的细菌。 www.ecocn.org 10. Smallpox only infected humans -- it was easy to recognize, and there was only one strain of it -- so a vaccine was easily producible. 天花只会传染给人类,这样就容易辨认,再加上它只有一个菌株,所以很容易研制出疫苗。 www.bing.com 1. Nobody knows how much strain the ground forces can bear. 地面部队能承受多大压力,对此无人知晓。 www.ecocn.org 2. Researchers looked for an additional mechanism that might have compensated for the increased strain of pregnancy as well. 研究者过去也寻找过其他对因怀孕而造成的肌肉紧张有抵消作用的身体机制。 www.bing.com 3. "Oh, can Pa have lost his mind? " thought Scarlett, and her throbbing head felt as if it would crack with this added strain. “哦,难道爸爸已经失了神了吗?”思嘉一面想着,一面因受了这一新的刺激,觉得她的头要裂开了。 dict.veduchina.com 4. "I lied to her, " he replied, his voice so quiet that Sky had to strain himself to hear. “我骗她,”他回答说,他的声音那么安静,天空已经听到自己的应变。 www.fnovel.com 5. Through my writing, she began to understand why I was under so much strain when she was little. 看了我写的东西,她也开始明白她小时候我为什么承受了那么大的压力。 newztf.blog.163.com 6. But since it was made of a stretchy material, I decided to test its strain properties. 但是,由于它是一种可伸展的材料,我就决定测试一下它的应变性质。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. When I was a young apprentice, I worked very hard and under great strain, but I said nothing about it to my parents. 我当小学徒上四,压力大,工作很辛苦,但我从不把这些告诉父母。 www.bing.com 8. At first, scientists thought a new strain of disease might be responsible. Right now, he said, that doesn't appear to be the case. 刚开始,科学家们认为可能某种新型疾病是罪魁祸首。现在,杰夫?佩蒂斯认为情况并非如此。 cet.hjenglish.com 9. Divorce: More than half of American marriages end up in divorce and with it comes strain on personal finances. 离婚:超过一半的美国家庭最后离婚,随之而来的是个人经济上的压力。 www.bing.com 10. He said that a local outbreak of an influenza strain mimicking meningitis was the cause of Clive's confusion. 医生说当地爆发了一种很像脑炎的感冒是造成克莱夫头脑混乱的原因。 www.bing.com 1. The long- term monitoring of secondary tunnel lining stress and strain is always a focus problem in geotechnical engineering field. 隧道二次衬砌应力、应变状态的长期监测,一直是国内外岩土工程界关注的焦点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Owen, especially given the explosive nature of his position, is a sudden snap or strain waiting to happen. 欧文,特别是考虑到他位置的特点就别作梦了。 www.tryjohn.com 3. A hybrid grid method was used to determine the principal plastic strain distribution in a deformed area of a sheet metal piece. 为进一步研究大型覆盖件冲压成形质量分析的技术,采用混合网格法进行变形区域塑性主应变分布测量。 www.chemyq.com 4. Maize plants exudate proline, which allows CS-4 to colonize the rhizosphere at a similar level to that of the wild-type strain. 玉米植株分泌物脯氨酸,使铯4殖民根际在同一水平,与野生型菌株。 www.syyxw.com 5. A further study on the principal orientations of strain changes before the great shock shows that they did not all point to the epicenter. 进一步对地震前观测应变变化主方向的分析结果表明,它们并非都指向震中。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. All this suggests, indeed, that far from learning to live with the strong pound, the economy is under growing strain as a result of it. 所有这些证据说明,确实,不仅远没有学会了与坚挺的英镑相处,而且由于英镑的升值,经济面临的压力在不断增加。 bbs.catti.china.com.cn 7. This means that the immune system was able to detect and respond to infection by the mutant strain better than normal TB. 这就表明相比于正常的TB,免疫系统更易于监测和对受染的突变菌株产生应答。 www.dxy.cn 8. Inoculate the tobacco leaf with TMV common strain, sampling in a week and withdraw the whole genome TMV-RNA, reverse it to cDNA. 用烟草花叶病毒普通株系接种烟草叶片,一周后采样提取全基因组TMV-RNA,反转录合成第一链cDNA。 www.juhe8.com 9. Static test and finite element analysis indicate that this strain multiplier have the advantage of good linear response. 静载实验和有限元分析表明,这种应变倍增器具有良好的线性响应。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. A similar fate awaits any population exposed long enough to a new flu strain to which it has no immunity, experts believe. 专家们相信,任何没有免疫力的人群暴露于新的流感病毒株足够长的时间都经历相似的命运。 news.dxy.cn 1. Lower interest rates could reduce the cost of funding for businesses and individuals at a time of great financial strain. 减息可以在重大金融危机之际降低企业和个人的融资成本。 www.bing.com 2. Swimming provides a good workout for the heart and lungs without jarring or putting an undue strain on any part of the body. 游泳可以给心脏和肺部提供一种好的体育锻炼,而不致刺激人体任何部位或在任何部位产生一种不适当的劳损。 dict.veduchina.com 3. You dont have to strain to see the numbers on the scale, for this electronic talking scale will tell you your weight. 你不必使劲去看称上的数字,这个语音人体称会告诉你你的重量。 www.jwfu.com 4. As they invested those reserves in places like the U. S. and U. K. , they put an unprecedented strain on financial markets. 它们把积累的外汇投向美国和英国等地,导致金融市场处于前所未有的疲于招架状态。 www.bing.com 5. The thicker the sample, the less the strain is relaxed, and the closer the measured stain is to that of a real system. 样品越厚,形变就越随意,测量到的形变也就越接近一个真正的系统。 www.bing.com 6. The strain 7037 is possible to be further developed as an excellent strain for microbial fertilizer production. 该菌株可望进一步研究开发成为微生物肥料的生产菌种。 www.plantnutrifert.org 7. Indeed, the universal vaccines developed so far do not totally prevent infection, as the strain-specific vaccines can do. 事实上,迄今为止已经成熟的疫苗也并不能像特效病毒疫苗那样能全面预防病毒感染。 www.bing.com 8. Fortunately it's pretty easy to avoid eye strain. Here are a few tips to make sure you don't end up squinting at the world. 幸运的是,我们很容易避免眼疲劳。下面有一些妙招确保你能明亮的看清世界。 www.bing.com 9. The method can take a rest eyes closed, doing eye exercises, or to walk outdoors, etc. , which will help to eliminate eye strain. 休息的方法可采取闭目养神,做眼保健操,或到室外走动等,这样有利于消除视觉疲劳。 www.citynoon.com 10. Shake with ice and strain over ice into a highball glass. Top with soda and garnish with an orange slice lime wedge and a cherry. 摇后入海波杯,上加苏打,饰橙片莱姆楔片及樱桃。 bbs.86zw.com 1. Mr Viehbacher estimated that the company could increase output to at least 800m doses of a vaccine for the latest swine flu strain. 魏巴赫表示,为生产最新猪流感变异病毒的疫苗,该公司可以将产量扩大到至少8亿支。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The strain had been detected in isolated human cases before but had never been associated with an outbreak. 虽然以前也在散在的人间病例中检出过该菌株,但却从未导致疫情。 www.who.int 3. Abstract: A force action on a metal bar will produce a strain effect, which can be used in the application of Flow equipment. 摘要:作用在金属杆上的力,产生的应变效应,应用在流量仪表中。 datamation.dns.fzhost.cn 4. What is the breaking strain of this cable? ie How much strain would break it? 这缆索的致断拉力是多少? blog.hjenglish.com 5. When a strain of influenza with pandemic potential struck in April, it was generally referred to as "swine flu" . 当一系列潜在的全球性流感在今年降临,人们普遍称之为“猪流感”。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Strain in the brain gives it a fatigue test which helps evaluate your mental stamina and capacity. 用脑过度是对你的精神耐力及智能进行评估的疲劳试验。 www.douban.com 7. the volumetric strain of the samples is always contractive but the lateral strain turns to be the laterally extensive gradually. 试件的总体体积是收缩的,侧向变形则由收缩逐渐转化为膨胀。 www.rockmech.org 8. This had been a strain on the cash flow of a small firm, though the project was profitable for them overall. 尽管最后整体上获取盈利,但是对这样小规模的公司所构成的现金流压力无疑是巨大的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It is shown in the tests that the model is able to assess the stress - strain relationship on unsaturated soil of different water contents. 只需增加一组不同含水量的非饱和土等向压缩试验即可完全确定模型参数。 www.fabiao.net 10. The strain of Ebola that broke out in Zaire has one of the highest of any human pathogenic virus, roughly 90%. 扎伊尔爆发的伊波拉种群具备人类致病菌的最高死亡率,大约为90%。 www.suiniyi.com 1. But no doubt it was all part of the strain of life in the bureaucratic jungle. 但是,毫无疑问,这完全是官场中勾心斗角生活的一部分。 tr.bab.la 2. It's a strain relating to others with only a part of yourself, keeping back another part that they are never allowed to see. 只用部分的自己与人联系,而保留另一部分永远都不允许他们看到,是费劲的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Bird and swine flu might have receded for now, but the top candidate for a global pandemic remains: a novel strain of flu. 禽流感和猪流感可能暂时退去了,但全球范围传染病爆发的头号候选依然是:新的流感株。 www.bing.com 4. The jury had been sequestered for the better part of a year and was showing signs of strain and exhaustion. 陪审团在一年中最好的部分被隔离,正显出紧张和劳累的迹象。 www.zftrans.com 5. Scientists now believe that this strain is likely to have evolved in birds before becoming capable of infecting humans. 科学家们们确认其是在禽体内发生变异后再感染人的。 www.bing.com 6. It is an endless calf strain and so we need Sol Campbell and Mikael Silvestre to be highly ready to help us out. 这是一次无休止的小腿拉伤,所以我们需要坎贝尔和西尔维斯特做好充足准备来帮助我们度过这个难关。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. Strain and refrigerate until ready to use. Fill cups about half way with each liquid. Add one teaspoon of the boiled cabbage to each glass. 应变和冷藏,直到准备使用。填充液体每杯约一半。添加一个煮白菜的每个玻璃茶匙。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a rocks glass filled with ice. Garnish with an orange slice and a cherry. 加冰混合入岩石杯饰橙片及樱桃 blog.sina.com.cn 9. "This certainly puts an eventual strain upon the universities, which must devote lots of resources to remedial education, " he said. 这最终给大学施加了压力,学校必须在补救教育上投入大量资源。 tr.hjenglish.com 10. Thankfully, there are strategies that she can use to help reduce the strain on her head and body. 值得庆幸的是,她有办法减轻加在她头上还有身体上的重量。 www.bing.com 1. The strain of bigger populations, diminishing water tables and a changing climate could all conspire to produce a storm of troubles. 膨胀的人口压力、水资源萎缩以及气候变化交织在一起,或如暴风骤雨般,引发一连串麻烦。 dongxi.net 2. Thisisbecause it is possible to expose yourself to a new strain of thevirusthat your anti-HIV medicine will not be able to control. 这是因为它是有可能的揭露给自己一个新的病毒株,您的抗艾滋病毒药物将无法控制。 www.bbs.mysjkc.com 3. Star-struck crowds strain their necks for a glimpse of his wife. 追星的人群升长脖子为一睹他妻子的芳容。 ecocn.org 4. Please do not strain you eyes . Relax . You might want to let your eyes go a little out of focus while you are looking for an aura. 请不要让你眼睛过度紧张疲劳。放松。你在努力看见光环的同时可以把眼睛从注视点移开少许时间。 www.bing.com 5. Health authorities have pointed out that this swine flu strain has never been seen. That may have a lot to do with the deaths, Markel said. 健康机构指出,猪流感病情以前从来没有见过,Markel说:这可能会导致大量死亡。 www.bing.com 6. The next morning in the schoolyard, all of the boys had to strain not to let the teachers suspect their impatience to leave. 第二天早上在学校里,每个孩子都得尽量沉往气,别让老师看出他们巴不得快点放学。 7. Diego is currently out with a slight thigh strain that he picked up against Lazio last weekend, but he's hoping to be back very soon. 迭戈在上周末尤文同拉齐奥的比赛中右大腿肌肉轻微拉伤,但他有希望在不久后重返赛场。 www.juvechina.com 8. An old friendship had grown cold. Where once there had been closeness, there was only strain. Now pride kept me from picking up the phone. 昔日的友情逐渐淡漠,曾经的亲密无间,如今只有剑拔弩张了。现在,强烈的自尊心让我无法拿起电话。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. After that, the shear strength decreases to residual state and tends to a constant as axial strain increases. 此时剪力强度将迅速递减到残馀阶段,最后趋于定值; www.etop.org.tw 10. This definition excludes the baby who has soft, easy-to-pass stools once a week, even if he seems to strain a lot in the process. 这个定义不包括宝宝大便软,容易排出且一周一次,即使看起来在这过程中压力很大。 news.dxy.cn 1. MM as if deep in thought, led in a short while and suddenly and very strain of say: "Ah, if I one day to you also tired, how does that do? " MM若有所思,过了一会儿,忽然很紧张的说:“哎,要是我有一天对你也厌倦了,那怎么办啊?” www.hicoo.net 2. A half-mile of it was as much as he could stand, and he weakened under the strain. 阿半英里它是尽可能他站,他的压力下受到削弱。 0769bike.com 3. With Italy under strain, along with Spain, European corporate bonds began to feel the pinch Monday, along with stocks across the continent. 在意大利和西班牙一道承受压力之际,欧洲公司债券、以及欧陆各国的股市周一开始感受疼痛。 cn.wsj.com 4. The greater the stress required to produce a given strain, the stiffer the material is said to be. 产生一定的应变所需的应力越大,则材料的刚度也越大。 www.5555333.com 5. But it's not likely to be a very profitable meal, and it has costs: extra strain on the kitchen, extra product to the tables. 但利润不会多可观,而且还会有一系列支出:厨房工作量加大,送菜上桌更加频繁。 www.bing.com 6. Under the strain of falling salaries and punished for a crisis they did not cause, local workers demanded a salary rise, and went on strike. 在薪金下降和惩罚并非工人错误而导致危机的压力下,本地工人要求加薪,接着罢工。 www.bing.com 7. The tightness is usually the result of too much strain from overtraining. 这种紧张来自于过度训练的过度张力。 www.bing.com 8. But he suspects that the strain might have biological characteristics that make adults more susceptible to the infection. 不过也有科学家认为可能是EHEC的生物学特性决定了成年人更容易受到感染。 www.bing.com 9. When it accumulated to a higher degree, the specimen began to shear and dilate after a short time of strain hardening. 达到一定程度后,岩石表现出短暂的应变硬化,岩石开始剪胀。 www.ilib.cn 10. De Silvesti's injury is not serious but may still keep him out of the line- up. The young defender has a thigh strain in his left leg. 德西尔维斯特里的伤势虽然不严重但依然可能使他排除在球队名单之外。这位年轻的后卫是因为左大腿的拉伤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It was the excitement of those readings and the strain of his continual work that brought about his sudden death in 1870. 正是这些朗诵引起的兴奋心情和连续工作造成的劳累,导致他于1870年猝然逝世。 dict.veduchina.com 2. Results showed that the strain gauge of this kind was more accurate and thus has a wide scope of application. 结果显示,这种应力传感器有较高的测量精度,具有推广使用的价值。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. she was concentrating herself too thoroughly---what she did really required less mental and physical strain. 那时她正聚精会神地做事,十分投入。她所做的事只需投入较少的心思和体力。 www.mymbahome.com 4. He added that the paper had not provided information about the productivity or palatability of the new cassava strain. 他还说该论文没有提供关于这种新品种木薯的产量或适口性的信息。 www.scidev.net 5. In the strain sweep experiment, it was found that the critical strain applied to this waste liquor polymer solution was up to 0. 应变扫描实验得出甘蔗渣浆废液多聚物的临界应变达到0。 www.dictall.com 6. The system is able to measure the distributed strain and temperature with the wavelength-division-multiplexed technology. 可利用波分复用技术实现对分布式应变及温度的测量。 www.caesv.cn 7. It was a pleasant thing to do, but for the young man there was a strain of the heroic in the enterprise. 这是一次愉快的旅行,但在年轻人心目中却是充满惊险的英勇远征。 www.jukuu.com 8. Strain broth through a fine sieve lined with two paper towels and return it to the pot. 过滤汤汁用一个好的漏勺,用厨房滤纸,过滤后的放入小锅内。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It had a relationship between viral divergence from the founder strain and viral replication ability. 基因离散率和病毒复制能力以及诱导抗体生成能力之间存在相关性。 www.virol.cn 10. In this study, the cell model and mice experiments showed that the virulence of the mutant strain was more inferior to the wild strain. 小鼠腹腔注射实验亦说明,突变体繁殖体毒力弱于野生株。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. Once the new strain had established itself in New York, it began to spread out of the city. 一旦新菌株在纽约安家立业,它开始蔓延出这个城市。 dongxi.net 2. Whether the specimen meets the performances of the product can be judged by the result of the strain field. 通过最后的变形计算结果来确定产品试样是否满足其生产的性能指标。 www.fabiao.net 3. Extra bit of fire Laboratories in the Netherlands, Japan and the United States developed the new strain of avian flu. 荷兰、日本、美国的实验室都研发出了这种禽流感病毒的新菌株。 www.tingroom.com 4. This new technique even can be employed to measure the surface strain field in a rotary wing, a rotary axle or a flywheel. 在转动的轴、飞轮或旋翼等的表面,这一问题变得更加困难。 epub.cnki.net 5. If I were to preach at all in this strain, I should say rather, Set about being good. 要是我也用这种调子说话,我就干脆这样说:去吧,去做好人。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The result of the experiments shows that the strain and temperature can be scaled by the fiber Bragg gratings sensor. 实验结果表明,采用光纤Bragg光栅能够实现应变和温度的传感测量。 www.juhe8.com 7. Ligibel agreed, noting that exercise might be valuable enough to counteract the strain on the body caused by obesity. 里比尔也同意此观点,没有什么的其他东西能比运动更能抵抗体重的增加。 www.dltcedu.org 8. Put a Cantonese wanton wrapping between 2 spoons, deep-fry in hot oil to form a small golden bowl, take it out, strain, and set aside. 广东云吞皮用两只汤匙夹好,放入中火油中炸至金黄色成小盆状,取出沥油备用。 www.hkheadline.com 9. "Almost one in five overall had a strain of HPV associated with cervical cancer or genital warts, " she said. “其中大约有总数五分之一的几少女,患上了由乳突状淋巴瘤引起的子宫颈癌和外生殖器疣,”她这样说道。 www.bing.com 10. He said it 'amplified the strain on the earth's crust' in a way that would alter the stresses below. 他说这些水某种程度上加大了地壳承受的张力,而这会改变地壳下面的压力。 www.bing.com 1. The stress-strain curves of a copper wire and a structure adhesive film tested with the system are given. 最后采用该系统对金属铜丝和一种结构胶粘剂薄膜进行了拉伸测试。 www.chemyq.com 2. The strain measurment mothod for large scale structures must be easy-to-operate and reliable. 在大型结构上进行应变测量必须操作简便,稳定可靠。 www.pet2008.cn 3. The mental strain was roo much for him and he began to lose sleep. 他受不了这种精神上的紧张,已经开始失眠了。 tieba.baidu.com 4. If so, was it a genetically engineered bioterrorism strain, or a strain that normally lives in the soil? 如果是,那它是生物恐怖袭击的基因重组菌株还是生长在土壤里正常的炭疽菌株? dongxi.net 5. By using ultrasonic waves to break the cell of strain B. 9, and with acetone as the abstracting liquid, more carotene would be abstracted. 用丙酮作提取液,以超声波破碎菌体的方法类胡萝卜素得量较高; epub.cnki.net 6. The relationship between stress and strain in a particular material is determined by means of a tensile test . 一个材料的应力和应变之间的关系是通过拉伸测试法决定的。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Shake the gin, orange juice and cherry brandy with ice, strain into a pre-chilled cocktail glass and top with a splash of dry champagne. 加冰摇合金酒,橘子汁和樱桃白兰地,滤入冰过的杯子再撒入适量烈香槟。 www.chinalegends.com 8. The paper says at least 10 people have been killed by a variant of the strain known as adenovirus 14. 据报道一种变异的腺病毒14已导致了至少十人死亡。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Gradually, our relationship began to feel the strain; we were barely speaking. 渐渐地,我和丈夫的关系开始变得冷淡;我们几乎不说话了。 www.ftchinese.com 10. It's better to ease the strain by allowing yourself to be mildly interested or even in a state of dread. 最好的办法就是缓解压力,充许自己保持那种微微有兴趣或者害怕的状态。 blog.163.com 1. Such a crisis would require another recapitalisation effort by the central government, putting additional strain on China's public finances. 而银行业危机需要中央政府进行资产重整,又加重了中国公共财政的负担。 www.bing.com 2. A crash programme to produce a vaccine against the new flu strain will probably take six months but is worth undertaking. 紧急研发一种针对新型流感病毒的疫苗,很可能需要6个月,但这方面的努力仍值得付出。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Doctor: There's just a little strain showing on your cardiogram. 医生:从你的心电图上可以看出你有些劳累。 www.movieenglish.me 4. However, the real strain state depends upon the geometry of the rolls and the work piece and the friction conditions between them. 然而,真正的应变状态取决于轧辊几何形状和工件和它们之间的摩擦条件。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Naturally, he had thought that the long campaign and the strain of the election had caused him to go mad. 自然地,他以为这是长期的竞选活动和选举的压力导致他的精神有点失常。 post.baidu.com 6. Shake all the ingredients with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a flamed orange peel. 摇后入冰镇三角杯,饰点燃橙皮 blog.sina.com.cn 7. She paused, the strain of this contest proving almost too much for her tired nerves. 她又顿了一下,她那已经非常困乏的神经实在受不住这场斗争的刺激。 8. Burgeoning populations, which put further strain on the environment, and climate change are accelerating the trend, he said. “迅速增长的人口将进一步束缚环境,而气候变化将促进这种趋势,”他说。 www.bing.com 9. Because traditional black asphalt roofs heat up in summer and strain the air conditioners. 因为传统的黑柏油屋顶在夏天的时候会吸热,加重了空调的负荷。 www.bing.com 10. commonly , ultrasound elastography can only obtain the axial strain distribution of tissues with an external compression. 超声弹性成像通常只能得到组织在外部压缩作用下的纵向应变分布。 www.ichacha.net 1. The skies cleared, and no one had to go all Andromeda Strain in the marathon, running in a biohazard suit instead of a track suit. 天空洁净,没人非得穿着生化服在马拉松比赛里上演《天外来菌》。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. If I in dealing with one who does not respond , I weary of the strain, and slip from under the burden, then I know nothing of Calvary love . 我关心一个人却得不到对方的反应,以致不堪劳悴而想逃避重担,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。 www.bing.com 3. Health officials are concerned that this strain of influenza might develop properties to become contagious among humans. 卫生官员们担心这种流感病毒可能会产生人际感染的特性。 www.america.gov 4. The Atlanta lawyer quarantined with a rare strain of tuberculosis is said to be doing well at a Denver hospital. 由于感染罕见菌种肺结核而被隔离的亚特兰大律师在丹佛医院情况良好。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. of low strain rate under strain-controlled condition, an overshoot appears at the point and an undershoot at the point . 低应变速率下的应变控制的条件下,超出现在点和下冲点。 wenda.tianya.cn 6. Retailers started noticing the strain in late spring and early summer as they were monitoring the spending around the paycheck cycle. 在今年春末夏初,零售商开始注意到这些变化,因为他们正在追踪发薪周期与消费的关联。 www.bing.com 7. They say the new strain of virus is all but certain to be back. 他们说新的病毒变种几乎肯定地会卷土重来。 www.bing.com 8. Fast paced aerobics are easy to over-stress the muscles, fatigue, strain, sprains and other sports injuries will more likely. 节奏过快很容易使跳操者肌肉过度紧张,产生疲劳,拉伤、扭伤等运动性伤害也就更易发生。 www.xiami360.com 9. Contrast with triaxial compression test result, it shows that this model correctly reflects the relation of stress-strain. 通过与砂岩试件三轴压缩试验实测结果对比,证明模型可以很好地反映岩石的应力-应变关系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. 'There is going to be a lot of strain and stress, and we'd like as much of a normal family life as possible. ' 未来会有很多的压力,我们只是希望尽可能地享受正常的家庭生活。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The bile resistance gene of the invention can be used for selection and genetic modification of pro biotics strain of lactic acid bacteria. 本发明的耐胆盐基因可用于乳酸菌益生菌株的筛选和遗传改造。 www.bing.com 2. There was bad news this week, as Cesar has been ruled out for a month after suffering a left thigh strain during a practice test. 这个星期又有坏消息传来,塞萨尔在训练中左腿拉伤,将缺阵一个月。 www.laziofly.com 3. Next month, especially from September 15 to 23, the planets will be in a very angry mood and create strain on all of us, of every sign. 下个月,尤其在9月15-23日之间,地球会变得脾气暴躁并通过种种迹象来作用于我们所有人。 blog.163.com 4. A metal strain gauge on the surface of each membrane senses that deflection and generates a signal that indicates pressure. 在每片硅原子膜的表面有一个金属制压力感应器,能检测压力的大小并发出信号。 www.bing.com 5. Chinese health authorities have given approval to a domestic company to mass produce a vaccine for the H1N1 strain of flu. 中国卫生当局批准一家国内公司批量生产甲型H1N1流感病毒株疫苗。 www.voanews.cn 6. He put his head down, and suddenly it seemed a great strain to move the cart. 低下头,他突然之间用了个猛力蹬着三轮车。 www.ecocn.org 7. Although the budget may strain under it, consider the importance of face-to-face time at least once a year. 尽管可能会超出预算,但是想到每年一次的面对面时间的重要性,这也是物有所值的。 dongxi.net 8. Admittedly, it is possible that genes encoding gas vesicle proteins may have been obtained by strain Fryx1 through lateral gene transfer. 公认的,这可能是基因编码的气泡蛋白被Fryx1株通过横向基因转移获得。 www.bing.com 9. Well-understood methods can reduce the strain that large downloads create on the core network, even if they do not help with the last mile. 有一些成熟的方法可以减轻大量下载对核心网络造成的压力,尽管这些方法无法提高玩家使用的连接速度。 www.ibm.com 10. The difference (if any) between the calculated and the measured strain can then be used for each measurement as a gain adjustment factor. 那么,应力的计算值和测量值的差异(如果存在)就可以作为增益调整因子用于每次测量。 tech.plantsoft.com 1. Begin by taking a nice, deep, cleansing breath in, and as you exhale, release all the stress, tension and strain from your day. 首先深深地吸入清新的空气,当你呼气时,把你一天当中的所有的压力,紧张,疲劳全都释放出来。 bbs.suzhou.liba.com 2. Previous research had suggested that the differences in the DNA of each strain were concentrated on only parts of the insect's chromosome s. 之前的研究已经提出各种类的DNA区别主要集中在昆虫的部分染色体上。 www.bing.com 3. Neither the standard drugs nor at least three of the six classes of backup drugs are effective against the strain. 治疗结核病的标准药物和6类后备药物中的至少3类对于这种菌株都没有效果。 www.scidev.net 4. In fact I was ignorant of the meaning of the word 'strain' and of the country of its origins, Belgium. 实际上我忽视了“血统”这个词的词义和它的起源地比利时。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Therefore the relationship between stress and strain is constant and is referred to as Young's modulus. 因此,应力与应变关系不变,被称为杨氏模量。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Most often, this will be related to failure of opening of the ear canal or to a resistant bacterial strain. 大部分时候,这与耳道没有开放有关,或者与耐药菌株有关。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward - - The vast, the unbounded prospect lies before us . 像是刚刚走上愉快的旅程,极目远眺——无限辽阔的远景在我们面前展现。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Having overlaid the Irish Catholicism of his childhood with a dose of Tibetan Buddhism, he warms to the pacifist strain in the Asian creed. 他在孩童时代受过的爱尔兰天主教义之上,已经覆上了一些藏传佛教的教义,他热衷于亚洲人信条中的和平主义特性。 www.ecocn.org 9. "Reading for a few hours on a handheld LCD screen can be quite a strain, " says Jakhanwal. “在一个手持式LCD屏幕上阅读几个小时会造成很大程度的用眼疲劳。”Jakhanwal表示。 www.bing.com 10. An HIV strain resistant to all protease inhibitor drugs currently on the market turns up in San Francisco. 在美国旧金山,发现了一种对现有市场上的所有蛋白酶抑制剂都耐药的HIV病毒株。 www.bing.com 1. You can strain this drink, if you don't like the texture of the ginger and mint bits, but I prefer mine whole. 如果不喜欢姜和薄荷叶,可以把它们过滤掉,但我个人不这么喝。 www.bing.com 2. The Russian outreach to OPEC comes at a time of severe strain between Moscow and the West after Russia's invasion of Georgia last month. 俄罗斯向欧佩克示好正值俄罗斯上月入侵格鲁吉亚后同西方关系十分紧张之际。 www.enfamily.cn 3. Motor transportation uses the strain of the boat, greatly characteristic of exit of car company oneself is caused. 汽车运输用船的紧张,很大程度上是汽车企业自身出口特点造成的。 www.showxiu.com 4. The scientists were able to replicate the gene variation in a strain of mice and found that the mice needed less sleep than usual, too. 科学家能够在一种老鼠的身上复制这一基因变异,结果发现,这种老鼠需要的睡眠时间也比平常少了。 www.bing.com 5. One of the deadliest viruses ever to infect the human race was the Spanish flu strain that caused a global pandemic, beginning in 1918. 始于1918年的西班牙大流感肆虐全球,是有史以来最致命的病毒之一,5千万至一亿人因此而丧生; www.bing.com 6. Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a burnt orange peel. 摇后入冰镇鸡尾酒杯饰燃烧的橙皮 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In reality, the only reason we squeeze and strain ourselves to be productive, is because we're afraid of being honest with ourselves. 事实上,我们追求成效的唯一理由是因为我们害怕面对真实的自己。 www.bing.com 8. And every time I see your face, the oceans leap up to my heart. You make me wanna strain at the oars, and soon I can't see the shore. 每一次我看到你的脸庞,海洋奋力托起我的心脏,你令我在荡桨时感到紧张,转眼间我已经看到岸的彼方。 blog.163.com 9. After she leaves, Lincoln closes his eyes, collapsing for a moment from the emotional strain he's been hiding. 等她离开后,林肯闭上了眼,他一直隐藏的情绪压力使他几近崩溃。 www.rayzen.cn 10. I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven. 向着目标竭力追求,为要得着神在基督耶稣里召我往上去得的奖赏。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The shaft must be strong enough to deliver this twisting force to a loaded axle without deforming or cracking under the strain. 桥一定够强壮来没有变形递送这个扭转的力量给一个被装载的轮轴或在紧张之下弄碎。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. A medium high pillow for you who prefer sleeping on your back ; provides support to your head and neck and reduces strain on your muscles . 一种为喜爱仰卧睡眠的您所使用的中高枕头;对头部和颈部具有支撑,降低肌肉疲劳。 www.bing.com 3. Conclusions: The number and size of plasmids the strain carried had no significant relationship with its resistant profile. 结论:细菌的耐药性与其携带的质粒的多少和大小没有直接的关系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It was originally applied to elastic-plastic problems, ones in which the plastic strain is of the order of the elastic one. 它最初是用于弹塑性问题,还是在塑性应变为弹性。 www.cadedu.com 5. The center needed mesh filters fine enough to strain out the larvae but tough enough to survive stretching over a water jar. 卡特中心亟需一种滤网,网眼必须细密到可滤除幼虫,但又要坚固耐用,伸入水甕中不会破损。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Cinderella-type glass roofed carriages help prevent neck strain from all that landscape ogling. 通过灰姑娘式的玻璃顶棚观赏外面美景,能避免你颈部疲劳。 www.51mokao.com 7. I've watched my own family be put under strain from this sort of situation. 我就曾经看着我自己家里发生过这类尴尬事。 dongxi.net 8. A little bit of mental strain and excess stimulation from exercise, in other words, may help us to keep day-to-day problems in perspective. 运动会带来一点精神紧张和过度刺激,换句话说,运动会帮助我们保持对问题的正确了解。 www.bing.com 9. To some extent, it has a clear physical significance due to taking into account of two main strain parameters on the critical plane. 该参量考虑了临界面上的两个控制疲劳损伤的主要参数,因而其本身具有一定的物理意义。 www.keyanjijin.cn 10. The functional relationships among the dynamic softening time, the torsion rupture strain and temperature-strain rate co. . . 建立了形变温度-速度、动态软化时间及扭转破断时应变三者的函数关系。 epub.cnki.net 1. Choose the options that do not put a strain on your bank account or your emotional well-being. 选择那种不会让你的银行账户吃紧的或影响情绪的选项。 www.bing.com 2. Meanwhile, the concept of strain energy is introduced to optimize the model and finally achieve the rapid modeling of the lattice shells. 同时,运用应变能最小原理,考察结构的整体力学性能,进行形体优化分析,最终实现了仿扇贝形体的网壳结构快速建模。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. stir with ice ingredients given. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a mint sprig. 加冰摇合原料,滤入冰过的鸡尾酒杯。饰以薄荷枝。 www.chinalegends.com 4. As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward- Bidding the lovely scenes at distance hail! 像是刚刚走上愉快的旅程,极目远眺——向远方的美景欢呼! blog.hi.mop.com 5. There was about Clyde at times a certain strain of tenderness, evoked by experiences, disappointments, and hardships in his own life. 克莱德有时也很有点温柔劲儿,这是他自己一生中的遭遇、挫折和艰苦熔铸成的。 6. If you know, see, be and have, your might get strain, dizziness, giddiness or suffocation. This is not the correct practice. 如果你想要这些,可能就会变得紧张、晕眩或窒闷,这不是正确的练习。 www.tseatw.org 7. Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a small cocktail Glass. Garnish with a cherry. 加冰摇后入小型鸡尾杯。饰樱桃 blog.sina.com.cn 8. If your mouse stays in the same spot all day, you can be prone to repetitive strain injury (RSI). 假如一整天你的鼠标都处于同一个地方,那么你易于重复性压迫损伤。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The total strain can be calculated by summing up the increment of strain at each time. 研究中采用了广义开尔文体模型,总应变可由每个时刻应变增量的总和计算出来。 www.chemyq.com 10. Scientists fear the virus could mutate into a strain that spreads easily among people, triggering a pandemic that would sweep the globe. 科学家担心病毒可能会变种,变种的病毒将在人类之间更具有传染性,从而引发全球范围内的大传染。 www.tianya.cn 1. People who work on computers or do a lot of reading are likely to dry out the eyes and experience strain and tiredness. 长期在电脑前工作或者大量阅读的人们往往眼睛非常干燥并且觉得眼睛紧张和疲劳。 www.bing.com 2. Eggbeater kick allows you to kick breaststroke without the stretch and potential strain across the groin. 允许你用搅蛋式踩水来进行蛙式无弹性和潜在的应变在腹股沟。 www.xmswim.cn 3. stress-strain diagram, like the one shown in fig. 1. 1, is widely used to chart stress-strain relationships. 应力-应变图表,如图1.1所示,广泛地用来绘制成应力-应变的关系。 www.kancaimi.cn 4. Shake both ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a lime peel. 摇后入冰镇后的马提尼杯,饰莱姆皮。 www.yataijuxing.com 5. FAO has predicted that the H5N1 strain might find its way into the Middle East, North Africa and East and West Africa, she said. 弗雷斯科还说,联合国粮农组织(FAO)预测,H5N1病毒可能传播到中东、北非、东非及西非。 www.america.gov 6. So far analysts at GaveKal believe the system has not come under too much strain. 迄今为止,GaveKal的分析师认为,这一体系并没有面临太大压力。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Like a virulent strain of bacteria, speculation exploded over the next three days. 这一发现堪比剧毒细菌,它在随后三天中引起了轩然大波。 www.bing.com 8. You could see an avian strain that would infect the poultry flocks, and then we would have no eggs for our vaccines. 你可能都知道禽流感病毒能感染家禽。那时,我们就没有生产疫苗的鸡蛋了。 www.ted.com 9. He and other Harvard researchers plan to get a much more fine-grained picture of the Haitian strain, down to its genetic sequence. 他和美国哈佛大学的其他研究人员计划得到精细到基因序列的海地霍乱菌种图片,以研究菌种来源。 www.bing.com 10. It is a really worrying time. I have never been out of work for this long and it puts a real strain on you. 眼下的日子真难熬,我头次失业这么久,这给我带来很大的压力。 www.bing.com 1. If this strain of the virus were to escape, it could cause a fresh pandemic, as virtually no one would have immunity. 如果该病毒的病株外泄,就会导致新一场大流行病,因为几乎没有人会有免疫力。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Compared to stress-strain curves method, DMTA was more effective for analyzing the damping property of materials. 与应力-应变曲线相比,DMTA能更全面地反映材料的阻尼性能。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Stir ingredients to chill and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a lemon peel. 混合入冰镇马提尼杯饰柠檬皮。 duyusteven.spaces.msn.com 4. Shake with cracked ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon slice . 加碎冰摇至冰冻滤入三角杯,饰柠檬片。 www.bing.com 5. Over-voltage, power cable strain, bending or squeezing by heavy objects is not allowed to avoid overheating or fire disaster. 禁止本产品使用超负荷电源,用力弯曲或用重物挤压电源线,以免引起发热造成火灾。 www.wendang365.cn 6. Even Japan's infamous mafia groups are helping out with the relief efforts and showing a strain of civic duty. 就连日本臭名昭著的黑手党都在向灾区提供援助,这充分反映了他们的一种公民责任。 www.bing.com 7. The final form of the virus, biomedical researchers fear, will be a highly pathogenic strain of influenza that spreads easily among humans. 生物医学研究者担心,禽流感病毒将变异为这种流感高致病菌株的形式在人类之间广泛传播。 news.dxy.cn 8. They discussed and decided to walk back to my room, and take turns telling jokes, singing and storytelling to ease the strain of begin. 他们筹议后,决议徒步走回房间,并商定轮番谈笑话、唱歌战讲故事,以加沉登楼的劳顿。 ahjtx.com 9. The final configuration is identical to that in (a), and the total plastic strain is six atomic spacings. 最后的排列虽与图a一样,但总的塑性应变量是6个原子距。 10. abstract: Objective To understand strain species and drug resistance of bacteria from hematologic diseases patients. 目的了解血液病患者细菌感染菌种及耐药性。 www.bing.com 1. Pour all the ingredients in a mixing glass, stir well then strain in a chilled glass. Burn the oil of an orange peel over the drink. 将所有原料入混合杯。充分搅合滤入冰过的杯子,在杯口位置点燃桔皮。 www.chinalegends.com 2. The finite element method and local stress and strain method were used to obtain the crack initiation life under fatigue load of each pit. 基于有限元理论并结合局部应力应变法,得到了确定尺寸腐蚀坑底部在疲劳载荷作用下产生非扩展裂纹的萌生寿命值; www.chemyq.com 3. CDC laboratory work so far has established that the Haitian cholera strain is one that's been identified in Latin America, Asia and Africa. 疾病预防控制中心已经成立了研究实验室,他们指出海地霍乱菌种曾在拉丁美洲,亚洲和非洲鉴定出过。 www.bing.com 4. It has identified the virus strain and is now developing a seed strain to distribute to manufacturers. 目前已经识别出了病株并且培育出了仔株以分发给生产商。 www.elanso.com 5. Even the wealthy are feeling the strain. In the boat slips of Barcelona, "For Sale" signs hang on nearly every moored yacht. 甚至有钱人也感受到了压力。在巴塞罗那的码头上,几乎每艘停靠着的游艇上都挂着“出售”的牌子。 cn.nytimes.com 6. "It has definitely put a strain" on my marriage, says Debbie Harlan, an executive assistant at a hospital system in Sarasota, Fla. 很明显,这对我的婚姻造成了压力,黛比·哈兰说。她是弗罗里达州萨拉索塔市医院系统的行政助理。 www.bing.com 7. The presence of gas vesicles in strain Fryx1 and their absence from strain ABT signals an important ecological distinction between them. Fryx1株中气泡的存在以及他们缺失ABT都显示了他们之间重要的生态区别。 www.bing.com 8. The vertical surficial strain during the great earthquake is produced by the displacement of this normal fault. 唐山地震时的垂直地形变主要是由陡河正断层的滑动引起的。 www.geophy.cn 9. 'We haven't been turning these people away, but it's an additional strain on resources, ' he said. 他说,“我们没有赶这些人走,但这进一步消耗了我们的资源。” chinese.wsj.com 10. This specific tissue sample coupled with other sequences was used to create probable histories and date ranges of this particular strain. 这具体组织样品加上其他案例被用来创造这一特殊的毒株应变的历史和可能的日期范围。 www.elanso.com 1. Rising demand has reached the point where it is putting enormous strain on the industries struggling to sustain supply. 不断增长的需求已经达到一定程度,给本已在疲于维持供应的各个行业带来了巨大压力。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Note: the review did not assess strain specific rates for the more common and milder adverse events. 注:该综述没有评估疫苗株引起的较常见的、也较轻微的不良反应事件的专门发生率。 www.who.int 3. What "s more, the augment of every radius of semi-circle Drawbead will reduce the thickness reduction and the equivalent strain. " 并且拉深筋的各圆角半径的增大都使减薄量和累积等效应变减小。 www.magsci.org 4. The reflective center wavelength of a fiber grating can be shifted by the strain and temperature changes to the fiber. 光纤光栅的反射中心波长会受应变和温度等参数的影响而偏移。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The Arsenal manager rejected reports that the Russian could miss the rest of the season due to a calf strain. 阿森纳负责人认为,之前关于沙皇小腿拉伤而缺席本赛季的报道是不可取的。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. A universal vaccine would have to spur an immune system attack on part of the influenza virus that does not vary from strain to strain. 通用流感疫苗必须刺激免疫系统去攻击流感病毒不会产生变异的那部分。 www.bing.com 7. Muscle strain can warm up before exercise, after exercise, stretch pull muscles. Do not be stretched elastic vibration. 肌肉拉伤可运动前热身,运动后抻拉肌肉。抻拉时不要做弹振。 www.xiami360.com 8. For the crowd: the lumbar muscle strain, lumbar disc, rheumatic pain, lumbar spine bone correction, the warm winter, the best of health! 适合人群:腰肌劳损的,腰椎间盘突出,风湿性腰痛,腰椎骨矫正,冬天保暖的保健佳品! china.makepolo.com 9. The swine flu strain is suspected in more than 150 deaths in Mexico and cases have been confirmed in at least four other countries. 墨西哥已有150人疑似因患猪流感而死亡,而还有至少四个国家已经出现病例。 www.bing.com 10. If there is one criticism of this book, it is that there is an occasional sense of strain, of intellectual contrivance. 如果要说批评的话,就是文中偶然闪现的紧张感,理智分析的后果。 www.ecocn.org 1. All this additional work, and my present worries, are placing an unbearable strain on me. 所有这些额外的工作加之我眼下的烦恼令我紧张得无法忍受。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Results showed that the immobilization of D8 strain to produce the lactobacillin is possible. 本文还对D8菌株固定化产乳酸菌素进行了初步研究。 www.fabiao.net 3. Shake first three ingredients with ice. Strain into an old fashioned glass filled with ice. Add a few drops of cream. 前三成分加冰摇后入加冰古典杯,滴入少量的奶油。 www.yataijuxing.com 4. For a solid, the strain is a function of the applied stress, providing that the elastic limit is not exceeded. 为固体,张力是应用的重音的作用,提供弹性极限没有超出。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Hamas will survive, and with it that strain in Arab thinking which says that a Jewish state does not belong in the Middle East. 哈马斯将会生存下来,而且阿拉伯的思维会说,犹太国并不属于中东。 www.bing.com 6. The strain was solemn and affecting, sustained as it was by the pathetic warble of a voice. 曲子既庄严又感人,是由悲怆的颤音唱出来的。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Again Martin seemed untroubled , yet Celia detected strain beneath the surface. 马丁仍然显得无忧无虑,但西莉亚察觉到了他内心的焦虑。 dict.veduchina.com 8. The monitor is too low, which pulls your head and neck forward and down and puts a strain on your back. 显示器太低,你的脑袋和脖子都往前下方伸,使你的背部紧张。 www.ttxyy.com 9. Terminals and eye-strain the eyes and screen maintain a proper distance, is to prevent fatigue Jingjing the key. 终端机与眼睛疲劳眼睛与萤光幕保持适当距离,是防止睛睛疲劳的要诀。 uzmart.com 10. These explanations may seem to strain plausibility, given that the oil price fell by 79% within five months. 假如油价在5个月内下跌79%,这些解释看上去似乎有些道理。 www.ecocn.org 1. He finished with tag the location of the grass, the fourth day it was found that the same strain of grass for a position has emerged. 他把小草的位置用标签标记好,第四天果然发现一株同样的小草换了一个位置又出现了。 www.sophomore.com.cn 2. Although most cases appear to be mild, the new swine flu strain has killed just as seasonal flu does. 尽管多数病例似乎都比较温和,但正如季节性流感一样,猪流感也已造成死亡病例。 cn.reuters.com 3. The failure of intact rock elements leads to a rapid increase in the total elastic strain energy decrease. 随着缺陷数口的增加,弹性应变能降低总量有降低的趋势。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. He himself had drunk the two absinthes and some wine but his head was clear and cold from the strain of the difficulty with Pablo. 他自己也喝了两杯艾酒和一些红酒,但是由于刚才和巴勃罗紧张地较量了一番,他的头脑却清醒而冷静。 5. Plus, a removable rubber cable boot guards the bottom of the scanner's handle providing superior cable and strain relief. 另外,一个可移动橡胶电缆开机看守底部的扫描仪的处理提供卓越的电缆和应变救济。 www.bzjxw.com 6. She said that even if the current outbreak fades, the world may not have seen the last of the new influenza strain. 她说,即使目前的疫情消失,世界上可能还没有看到最后的新的流感毒株。 www.bing.com 7. An alliance which began with a mutual distrust of Microsoft is now under strain because of a mutual distrust of each other. 一个始于对微软的不信任建立的联盟因为对彼此的不信任陷入了紧张局面。 user.ccw.com.cn 8. But traditionally tube technology each second glitters 50 times, the person eye can distinguish, is very easy to create the eye strain. 而传统型灯管技术每秒闪烁50次,人眼能识别出,很容易造成眼睛疲劳。 shop.ebdoor.com 9. When HIV becomes resistant to HAART, other drug combinations must be used to try to suppress the resistant strain of HIV. 当HIV开始抵抗鸡尾酒疗法时,就要使用其他的药物组合来抑制HIV的抵抗。 www.bing.com 10. The strain of the situation was too much for her, however. She made one more vain effort and then burst into tears. 这局面实在太让她受不了了。她又徒劳地拉了一下门以后,再也忍不住了,就放声哭了起来。 www.bing.com |
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