单词 | solid rock |
释义 | 例句释义: 坚石,固态岩石,坚岩,坚硬岩石,坚硬的石头,磐石 1. As everlasting foundations upon a solid rock, so the commandments of God In the heart of a holy woman. 圣妇心里的天主诫命,有如坚固磐石上的永久基础。 www.ccreadbible.org 2. This graffiti style is all about square and rectangular letters, like a solid rock. This style makes the letters heavy and strong. 砖块涂鸦字体,方方正正的,就像块坚固的大石头。这种风格的字母看起来很重而强大。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame. 就像磐石不会被风摇动,有智慧的人不会被称赞或者责怪所动摇。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I have recently moved to the west end of the city on a more solid rock base, but do not relish living on the 14th floor of a high rise. 我最近搬到城市的西部边缘,那里有着更坚固的岩石地基,但我不喜欢住在高层建筑的14楼里。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. He rescued him from the quicksand of affliction and suffering and set his feet on solid rock. 上帝救他脱离痛苦与苦难的流砂,使他的脚立在磐石上。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Since nothing ruins the illusion of solid rock quite like a hollow knock, contractors often backfill cavities with concrete. 因为没有废墟空心完全一样敲在固体岩石错觉,承办商经常用混凝土回填腔。 www.cfli.cn 7. A plate, being solid rock in layers, tends to move as one. 如果一个板块是由坚固的岩石组成岩层的,那么就倾向于整体运动。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. So it probably isn't just a solid rock, like our Earth. 因此,它不可能只是一块类似我们地球的固体岩石。 www.bing.com 9. The shoes were so heavy that the blacksmith sank knee-deep into solid rock while carrying them. Babe hadn't always been blue. 那副牛蹄铁重得吓人,铁匠搬它们时,两腿陷在坚硬的岩石里,深达膝盖。 www.gcstalk.com 10. The faults are not continuous; they are made of segments separated by barriers of solid rock. 断层本身是不连续的,它们由坚硬岩石圈分割的板块组成。 www.bing.com 1. The maria are circular depressions covered with dark , loosely packed material- not solid rock . “月海”是圆形洼地,覆盖着暗色的松散物质,而不是坚硬的岩石。 www.bing.com 2. Air raid shelters and similar installations are usually located in solid rock for obvious reasons. 空袭掩蔽所和其它类似的设备,出于显而易见的理由,通常置于坚硬的岩石中。 3. Potholes are developed in the solid rock of the bed by pebbles and boulders swirling around in eddy currents. 坚固的岩石床由于旋涡中盘旋的卵石和巨砾形成很多锅穴。 4. These tiny entities survived for millions of years in solid rock, two kilometers deeper into the Earth's crust than any recorded life. 这些微小的个体在坚硬的岩石层中生存了几百万年,居住得比任何已知的生命都要更深入地壳2千米。 bbs.jlpzj.com 5. 'A solid rock on which America's fleets crashed. ' 美国舰队会在这块坚硬的岩石上撞得粉身碎骨。 c.wsj.com 6. Labor unions are built upon the solid rock of the material welfare of the workers. 工会是建立在工人的物质福利这个坚固的基础上。 lymangordon.blog.163.com 7. Solid rock and rushing water reflect the permanence and impermanence of life itself. 坚固的岩石和奔腾的流水反映出生命本身的永恒和短暂。 dict.veduchina.com 8. In response, a ripple passed through the solid rock of the far wall. 立刻,一道魔法波动穿过远端的石墙。 www.cndkc.net 9. A dull thud usually meant solid rock and safety. A whistling noise signaled an impending cave-in. 混沌的重击通常代表著结实的石块和安全。带著哨声的噪音显示逼进中的塌落。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 10. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. 现在是时间,举起我们的国家从种族不公平的流沙到兄弟关系的坚石。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksand's of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. 现在是将我们的国家从“种族不平等的流沙上”搬离到“坚信手足情谊的坚固岩石”的时候。 www.bing.com 2. The tunnel was blasted out of solid rock. 这条隧道是在坚固的岩石中炸出来的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Because Manhattan Island is made of solid rock, it is safe to build very tall buildings. 曼合顿岛是由坚固的岩石构成的,这使得兴建大厦非常安全。 martrix.hongen.com 4. Because Manhattan Island is made of solid rock. 因为曼哈顿岛是用坚固的岩石组成的。 5. This new model of drilling machine can bore through solid rock ten metres deep. 这台新型钻机能钻透十米厚的坚固岩石。 www.chinabaike.com 6. build this tunnel we had to cut through the solid rock. 为了修建这条隧道,我们必须凿开坚硬的岩石。岩块,石块;礁;暗礁 wenwen.soso.com 7. Now is the time to lift our forum from the quicksands of Profoundness injustice to the solid rock of intelligence. 现在是使我们帝吧走出内涵度不平等的流沙,踏上充满智慧的磐石的时候。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The team suggests that a pulse of hot, solid rock rose from a hotspot beneath Iceland and travelled east beneath the Earth's crust. 队伍认为一股滚热的固态岩浆从冰岛下面的一个热区升上来并且在地壳下面向东运动。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. To reach iron-ore deposit, they had to bore through solid rock. 为了达到铁矿矿床,他们只好钻透坚硬的岩石。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. When the liquid rock cooled and hardened into solid rock, the Earth stayed round. 液态的熔岩冷却变硬后,形成了坚硬的岩石,地球就保持了圆球形。 1. It is a solid rock, Weiwei handsome tall and straight to Castle Peak. 正是有了坚实的岩石,巍巍青山才能挺拔俊秀。 www.bing.com 2. Hard to symbolize Christ is the Solid Rock. 硬糖果象征了基督是坚固磐石。 www.engworld.org 3. Because Mahattan Island is made of solid rock. 因为曼合顿岛是用坚硬的岩石建造的。 www.tingroom.com 4. A skyscraper built on a base of solid rock. 建筑在坚实岩石基础上的摩天高楼。 www.kekenet.com 5. In fact, it was originally a solid rock. 其实,这本来是实心的岩石。 www.kekenet.com 6. soil, stones, solid rock, boiling rock, molten metal and more. 我们的地球是由土壤,石头和岩石及溶化的金属所组成的。 www.kidcastle.com 7. Comets consist of "dirty ice" , rather than solid rock, and so contain little iridium. 彗星是由“脏冰”所组成,而不是像小型那样由固体岩石组成,所以只含有少量的铱。 www.ecocn.org 8. The castle is founded on solid rock. 城堡建筑在坚固的岩石上。 www.baike.com 9. In order to build the diversion channel, the workers blasted through solid rock. 为了建造导流明渠,工人炸开坚硬的岩石。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Investigations of the raw material in hard-coal-mining; determination of tensile strength on solid rock 煤矿的原料试验.坚岩石分裂拉力强度的测定 www.mapeng.net 1. Quality Control of Pit Dividing of Inlay Solid Rock Foundation and Construction Excavation 嵌固式岩石基础分坑及开挖施工的质量控制 www.ilib.cn 2. Effects of fuel-gas jetting modes on mixing effectiveness in the afterburning chamber of solid rock 燃气喷射方式对冲压发动机补燃室掺混效果的影响 www.wenloo.com |
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