单词 | separate from | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | separate from
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 分离,分开,分离开来 1. I had no need to be rejected by my friends or my family, or to feel separate from others. 我不想被我的朋友、我的家人拒绝、或者感觉和其他人有分隔。 shiningrain.com 2. In the case of a Java applet, a CSS-rendering library separate from Mozilla's library is required if stylesheet support is to be available. 对于Javaapplet而言,如果要支持样式表的话,则需要一个独立于Mozilla的CSS渲染库。 www.ibm.com 3. Google said the operating system was a new project, separate from its Android mobile operating software found in some smartphones. 谷歌表示,Chrome操作系统是一个新项目,独立于智能手机所使用的Android移动操作系统项目。 cn.reuters.com 4. not to the point of estrangement, but enough so that your identity is separate from that of your parents and siblings. 不要到产生隔阂的地步,但要足以使你的身份独立于你的父母和兄弟姐妹。 www.8875.org 5. At the times when you are wanting to be separate from your partner and your partner wants to be together with you, there is no problem. 有时,当你想与伴侣分开的时候,你的伴侣想与你在一起,这不会有问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. "It's always been a car that I've kept separate from other cars, " she said, adding that she has owned other Packards. “这车我一直和别的车分开放的,”她补充说他还有别的帕卡德车。 www.bing.com 7. The greatest punishment we could invent for her was to keep her separate from him: yet she got chided more than any of us on his account. 我们能施于她最大的惩罚莫过于把她和他分开,因为他的原因,她挨的骂比我们都多。 www.24en.com 8. When it comes to reducing carbon emissions, the question "How much? " is separate from the equally important question "How? " 在谈到削减碳排放时,“削减多少”与同等重要的“如何削减”是不同的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Through my work I'm trying to articulate that humans are not separate from nature and that everything is interconnected. 通过我的艺术作品我试着阐明人类不是与自然分隔开而是每一件事都是互相联系的。 www.ted.com 10. Note that this name is separate from the name used to identify the key in the key container specified in step 1. 请注意,此名称不同于用来标识步骤1中指定的密钥容器中的密钥的名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Number consecutively any equations that have to be displayed separate from the text (if referred to explicitly in the text). 人数连续任何方程都必须表现出有别于文(如果中明确地提到了文本)。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Each thread's output is separate from the others, because at the moment there is nothing to split up the timing during execution. 每个线程的输出独立于其他线程的输出,因为在执行期间没有可用于分割时间选择的办法。 www.ibm.com 3. They want full rights to participate in the voting or political process, or to be considered as wholly separate from another country. 他们想要得到参与选举活动或政治程序的各项权利,或是承认其国家从另一个国家中完全独立出来。 www.elanso.com 4. For seniors with difficulty getting in and out of a tub, it was a nice touch that the shower stall was separate from the tub. 对于那些进出浴缸比较困难的老年人来说,这里的淋浴设计的跟浴缸是相隔离的,这一点还是非常棒的。 hotel.kaixinhk.com 5. His mouth felt like an instrument that was separate from the rest of him. 他感觉自己的嘴就是个工具,和身体的其他部位分开了。 www.bing.com 6. Some universities in a large number of research funds, do not start on opening more schools to separate from his alma mater. 部分大学为了大批的研究经费,开始做不开放的研究,更有学校设法脱离母校独立。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. An abstract is often presented separate from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. 一个抽象的,是常常被分开的文章,那么它必须能够单独存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Krishnamurti: During our waking hours, there is always the observer, different from the observed, the actor, separate from his action. 克:我们在醒着的时候,总是有不同于被观察者的观察者,与他的行为分离的行为者。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. By the early 1800s, natural philosophy had begun to separate from philosophy, though it often retained a very broad meaning. 1800年代初期,自然哲学已开始独立于哲学,但它往往保留了非常广泛的含义。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Separate from the pleasure of your company, I don't care if I never see another mountain in my life. 没有你相伴的欢愉,我不怎么在乎自己此生是否能游历另一座山。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In his mind, this is just part of his sexual journey, and separate from how he feels about you, but I understand your discomfort. 在他的想法里,这不过是他性旅程的一部分,而且这和他对你的感觉是两码事,但我理解你的苦恼。 www.bing.com 2. reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities. 使变得精细无杂质或处于纯状态;从异物中分离或使混杂物纯净。 www.jukuu.com 3. Documentation kept separate from the schema is more likely to get out of date than documentation inside the schema. 维护独立于模式的文档则比写在模式内部的文档更容易脱离实际情况。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Because the data is now separate from the user interface, it is possible to manipulate the data in a document without starting Office. 由于现在数据与用户界面是分离的,因此可以在不启动Office的情况下操作文档中的数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. While being prepared and eaten, the food is separate from you and your mind is on it; once swallowed, you become totally unconscious of it. 正当煮食时食物与你分开而你的头脑则放在食物上;一但吞咽,你便完全没意识到它。 blog.hangzhou.com.cn 6. If a profit center is totally separate from all other parts of the organization, its profits can be uniquely identified with it. 如果利润中心是一个完全独立于企业其他部门的利润中心,其利润就可以独一无二地确定。 www.tdict.com 7. Of course you are separate from me physically, you are a woman, I am a man, or I am taller, you are shorter and all the rest of it. 在身体上你和我当然是分离的,你是个女人,我是个男人,或者我高一些,你矮一些,以及等等其他的。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 8. One may need to separate from others in one's life that wish you to manifest their vision for you instead of your own. 你可能需要与你生活中的那些希望你去显化他们的展望、而不是显化你自己(愿望)的人分开。 mcs.szu.edu.cn 9. It was good to see my dear friend, Dr Rupert Sheldrake, explain consciousness, which is quite separate from the mind. 我的爱,能见到这样的情形真好,RupertSheldrake博士,解释了意识结构已经完全从思维中分裂了。 cqly186.blog.163.com 10. Solutions are either to reduce die-exit stress or to reduce the tendency for components to separate from the melt. 解决方法要么是减少口模出口应力,要么是减少组分从熔体中分离的倾向。 plas2006.com 1. Agrobacterium tumefaciens contains a plasmid, a circular piece of DNA separate from the bacterial chromosome, known as the Ti plasmid. 农杆菌含有一个与细菌染色体相分离的环形质粒,称为Ti质粒(Ti-plasmid)。 jxzy.lynu.edu.cn 2. For the love hard, finally you said to you is separate from the sad, then up to me. 为了爱情努力,最后你说分开对你才是解脱,于是把难过都留给我收拾。 www.haoqq.net 3. when you start giving to life, life starts giving to you, and you slowly realise that you are not, in fact, separate from everyone else. 如果你给予了生活,生活也会回报你,你会慢慢意识到,事实上,独立于其他人不是会变得更有意义。 www.feedou.com 4. Clearly, the governor keeps his love for a Chinese turn of phrase separate from his monetary policy. 这位印度央行行长显然将对中国俗语的热爱与自己的货币政策区分开来。 c.wsj.com 5. It is a very beautiful feeling and the only time I experience my personality separate from my body, as two different things. 这也是唯一我的身体和意念分离的时刻,非常美丽的感觉。 www.bing.com 6. My studio is on the lowest level of the building, separate from the flat, quiet and right off the garden. 我的工作室在和公寓是分开的,在这栋楼的底楼,很安静,离花园很近。 www.bing.com 7. In the Late Devonian, the Yangtze block began to separate from the supercontinent as Gondwana significantly rotated clockwise. 晚泥盆世、冈瓦那大陆发生大规模顺时针旋转,扬子地块开始与之分离。 www.geojournals.cn 8. Although we like to think of our memories as being immutable impressions, somehow separate from the act of remembering them, they aren't. 虽然我们喜欢将自己的记忆力看作是不变的印象,但是不管怎样,它们都脱离不了回忆这个行为。 dongxi.net 9. We often tend to believe that negative and positive are opposites, separate from another and, in an abstract way, enemies of one another. 我们常常趋于相信消极与积极是对立面,以一种抽象的方式,彼此分离,是彼此敌对的存在。 www.bing.com 10. When you think about it that way, then business is not separate from development policy. 当你以这种方式来思考商业,商业就不会与发展政策不相干了。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Assume that the article descriptions are language dependent, so they have to be kept in a table separate from the Article table. 假设商品描述与语言有关,那么它们必需保存在一张表中,并且与Article表分开。 www.ibm.com 2. The sale of a key separate from physical packaging severs its ties to a real-world product. 来自实际的包装主要分开的售卖切断与一种真实的产品它关系。 www.im286.com 3. Some insist the Holy Grail, even if historical , should be considered separate from the Holy Chalice used by Jesus at the Last Supper. 一些人坚持说,圣杯即使是有关历史的,也应当被认为是与耶稣在最后的晚餐使用的圣餐杯区分开来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. With Windows SharePoint Services, you can set specific permissions for a list or document library, separate from the rest of the Web site. 使用WindowsSharePointServices,您可以独立于网站的其余部分,为列表或文档库设置特定权限。 office.microsoft.com 5. A woman is conditioned to view her face as a mask and her body as an object, as things separate from and more important than her real self. 女子已习以为常的视自己的脸蛋为面具,视自己的身体为物品。是一种脱离了原型而又高于原型的东西。 english.114study.com 6. A view bean keeps Java code out of the JSP, but still separate from the rest of the controller or business logic components. 视图bean将Java代码放在JSP之外,但与其它的控制器或业务逻辑组件仍是分开的。 www.ibm.com 7. Many of Williams's parishioners did not agree with his idea to separate from the Church of England. He then became minister in Salem. 许多威廉斯的教区居民,不同意他完全脱离英国国教的作法,他前往沙连担任牧师。 www.24en.com 8. Some data files can be very large, and should be maintained separate from the project. 某些数据文件可能会非常大,因此应同项目分开进行维护。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. This is separate from the perspective of a straightforward "window design" the concept of compromise with serious attitude. 这只是从单独层面上讲,对直截了当的采用“设计之窗”这一概念具有严重的妥协态度。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 10. It is difficult to separate from niobium, the element above it in the periodic table, with which it shares many properties. 很难将它与铌分开,铌是周期表中钽的上面一个元素,两者具有许多共同的性质。 www.tdict.com 1. The wall along Israel's southern border is separate from a 670km barrier that cuts off Israel from large parts of the West Bank. 以色列南部边界的这堵隔离墙将被围绕以色列约旦河西岸领土的另一道670公里的隔离墙所分开。 www.bing.com 2. The core engine of the application is completely separate from the user interface (UI), and it's built as a framework of its own. Arthropod的核心引擎是完全独立于用户界面的,其本身就是一个框架。 www.infoq.com 3. It was an embarrassing episode in our history but we learnt that regulation must remain separate from commerce. 这是我们证交所历史上令人尴尬的一幕,但我们从中吸取的教训是:监管与交易必须保持分离。 finance.sina.com.cn 4. 'I feel afraid, ' as if the afraidness was separate from the I. 说“我觉得害怕,”就好像害怕和我是分开的。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 5. Remember that the envelopes that you save are separate from the initial envelope that you set up (the envelope main document). 请记住,保存的信封与设置的初始信封(信封主文档)是分开的。 office.microsoft.com 6. The independent Aries Moon's visit to your 7th House of Companions reflects your desire to stand separate from a relationship. 独立的白羊之月造访掌管你伴侣7宫,你渴望能够从一段感情中分离出来。 www.douban.com 7. The preliminary talks are separate from the formal negotiations among lawmakers and White House officials that began on Wednesday. 这种初步谈判和国会议员与白宫官员周三开始的正式谈判无关。 c.wsj.com 8. A corporation is recognized as an entity -- its own legal being, separate from its owners. 公司是一个合法存在的实体,独立于它的所有者。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Handling and storage of these highly toxic non pharmaceutical materials should be separate from APIs . 这类剧毒非药用物质的处理和储存都应当与原料药分开。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. And if you cannot be in a let-go with death, you will remain tense in your life--because death is not separate from life. 并且,如果不能放松地死,你将保持紧张在你的一生——因为死不是和生命分开。 osholovers.com 1. The generation of a response by a service provider as a transaction separate from the request. 服务提供者生成响应的过程作为一个事务与请求分开。 www.ibm.com 2. the smallest pair are the most widely separate from one another, and do not meet. 最小的一对彼此分开最远,并且不交叉。 blog.zikao365.com 3. But it's now abundantly clear that the mind is not separate from the body, hidden away in some ethereal province of thought. 但是,现在有足够的证据表明,虽然精神躲藏在思想中某个空灵的所在,却与身体密不可分。 qing.weibo.com 4. Endocarp easy to separate from seed. 内果皮容易从种子那里分开的。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. However, transaction log files cannot be part of a filegroup; they are separate from one another. 但是,事务日志文件不能作为文件组的一部分;它们是相互独立的。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Human tasks are separate from the long running processes that are generated for BSMs and are not covered in this article. 人工任务与为BSM生成的长时间运行进程是分开的,本文没有讨论该人工任务。 www.ibm.com 7. And besides, he says the car sharing marketplace automatically includes liability and collision insurance that is separate from his own. 再说,他说,汽车共享市场会自动包含责任和碰撞保险,是从他自己的独立。 www.maynet.cn 8. At last, it was decided that the capital should occupy a section by itself separate from any of the states. 最后终于决定首都应该独立占一个区域与其他各州分开。 video.etiantian.com 9. Build a Facebook page (separate from your personal profile) that gives you another platform for interaction with your customers. 建立一个脸谱网(区别于你的简历),为你和你的客户进行互动提供另一个交流的平台。 www.elanso.com 10. This dataset is separate from other couple data sets and must be connected to all systems where registration and restart might occur . 此数据集独立于其他耦合数据集合,它必须连接到所有可能发生注册和重启的系统。 www.bing.com 1. Historically it has been customary to treat coordination compounds as a special class separate from molecular compounds. 历史上习惯于把配位化合物作为特殊的一类与分子化合物不同的化合物分别对待。 www.jukuu.com 2. The group has said it wants to keep negotiations over the release of Shalit separate from any bargaining over a cease-fire accord. 哈马斯说,它希望将沙利特的释放与任何关于停火协议的交涉分开。 www.24en.com 3. The JIT compilation of a Java method now occurs asynchronously on a dedicated thread separate from the calling thread. Java方法的JIT编译现在在一个独立于进行调用的线程的专用线程上异步地执行。 www.ibm.com 4. And especially because the way we have to do it is out of the Middle Ages -- only cash -- and separate from the hotel billing. 特别是我们还得用一种非常老土的方法来做这件事--只收现金--单独的,不包括在酒店账单内。 www.bing.com 5. bramble with sweet edible black or dark purple berries that usually do not separate from the receptacle. 一种结甜的、可食用的、黑色或深紫色浆果的悬钩子属植物,其果实通常不与花座分离。 tr.bab.la 6. Then one day, his younger brother wanted to live separate from him, living his own life, as many normal people do. 然后有一天,他的弟弟想离开他,过自己的生活,就像许多正常人一样。 bbs.24en.com 7. After we separate from China, will our lives be any better? Will money be falling from the sky like nobody's business? 和中国隔离了,我们的生活就会好了吗?金钱就会从天上掉下来了吗? www.5ilog.com 8. of the criteria, should be separate from the stacking of printed matter, try to avoid heavy pressure. 有后提时,答不兵印品分闭堆放,尽度制止重压。 www.bing.com 9. The plane's fuselage split in front of the wings, but did not separate from the plane. 位于机翼前端的机身部分断裂,但还未同飞机分离开来。 www.bing.com 10. The lid member is separate from the plug frame and has a lid portion disposed at an opening at the other end of the plug frame. 盖构件是相对于栓壳独立的部件,并具有配设在开口的盖部,该开口设置在栓壳的另一端部。 ip.com 1. This religious group had begun to question the beliefs of the Church of England and they wanted to separate from it. 这宗教群体已开始质疑信仰的英格兰教会和他们想分开它。 wenwen.soso.com 2. When separate from your boyfriend, send the gifts he sent you to your friends instead of throwing them away. 当你和男友分手了,不要把他送你的礼物扔啦,送给自己的朋友吧。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Joy is a permanent aspect of our inner selves and is not separate from us at any point. 喜悦,是一个永久性的各方面的党内守土有责,并没有分开,我们在任何一点。 wenwen.soso.com 4. What He creates is not apart from Him, and nowhere does the Father end, the Son begin as something separate from Him. 祂所创造的一切,从未离开过祂,你绝对找不到天父的尽头以及圣子独立出去的那个起点。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I wrote an editor for a certain object model but wanted to keep the model implementation separate from the editor implementation. 我编写了一个针对特定对象模型的编辑器,但希望将模型实现和编辑器实现分离开来。 www.ibm.com 6. Moral rights are a set of rights that are separate from the author's copyright on a piece. 道德上的权利是从作者作品的版权分离出来的一套权利。 www.bing.com 7. Live in the knowledge that you are in me and I am in you, and that there is no place separate from our heart. 住在知识,你在我,我在你点多,有没有地方,从我们的心分开。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. Spaces ownership can separate from the establishment of land ownership, the academic world this was highly controversial. 空间所有权可否脱离土地所有权单独成立,学界对此争议很大。 www.fabiao.net 9. This task allows users to run a report in Report Builder (that is, in a client application that is separate from a report server). 此任务允许用户在报表生成器(即,在独立于报表服务器的客户端应用程序中)中运行报表。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. And this does not mean that each business organization is legally separate from its owners. 这并不是说每个经济组织都从法律上独立于他的所有者。 bbs.putclub.com 1. And this does not mean that each business organization is legally separate from its owners. 这并不是说每个经济组织都从法律上独立于他的所有者。 bbs.putclub.com 2. The tendencies to be occupational lead it separate from realistic characters of keeping pace with times. 逻辑上与此相联的思想政治教育的职业化倾向一定程度上导致其脱离了与时俱进的现实品格; www.ceps.com.tw 3. The contract is separate from the company's 2007 World-Wide Satellite Systems contract with the military. 该合同是从该公司2007年与军队的世界范围内卫星系统合同中分离出来的。 www.etiri.com.cn 4. Estonian law recognizes building ownership AS property right separate from land underneath the building. 爱沙尼亚法律认为建筑所有权是和建筑所在的土地所有权是分离的。 dict.ebigear.com 5. What if one of the forces failed to separate from the primordial soup of matter over 13 billion years ago? 如果130亿年前某种力没能从原始的物质汤里分离出来会如何? www.bing.com 6. But this historical data should be kept separate from the current problem determination artifacts, so as not to interfere with them. 但是应该将这种历史数据与当前问题确定构件分开进行保存,这样它们就不会互相干扰。 www.ibm.com 7. Controls help you keep the design of a page separate from the ASP. NET programming that actually runs the application. 控件有助于进行独立于ASP.NET编程的页面设计,实际上是ASP.NET编程在运行应用程序。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 8. Ethics has tended to become a discipline on its own, separate from law and deontology. 道德往往成为一个对自己的纪律,独立于法律和义务论。 www.syyxw.com 9. Thus competence to represent oneself could require a psychiatric evaluation separate from the evaluation of competence to stand trial. 由此,自我辩护能力所需要的精神疾病鉴定与受审能力需要的不同。 www.bing.com 10. Loading docks must have an air supply and exhaust system that is separate from the remainder of the facility. 档案进出口应当有单独空调系统的空气进气口和排气口。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. So perhaps the best tip of all for online social networking would be: Keep the social separate from the networking. 因此,对于网络社交的最好忠告或许就是:让真实的社交活动远离网络。 www.bing.com 2. An asynchronous operation executes in a thread separate from the main application thread. 异步操作在主应用程序线程以外的线程中执行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. On the head of the second-stage there are three mini rocket motors to help the stage separate from the warhead. 在第二级上部有三台微型火箭发动机帮助该级和弹头分离。 www.globalmil.com 4. XML is now handled as a new data type, and XML data is stored in a parsed annotated tree that is separate from the relational data storage. XML现在被当作新的数据类型处理,XML数据存储在经过解析的带注释的树中,独立于关系数据存储。 www.ibm.com 5. He tries to keep his professional life separate from his private life. 他尽可能把他的职场生存和私人生活彻底分开。 www.leteach.com 6. Defaults cannot be specified separate from the declarations. 不能离开声明指定缺省值。 www-128.ibm.com 7. She said we can no longer categorize these problems as separate from our own. 她说我们不能再将这些问题归于“事不关己高高挂起”的范畴。 www.ebigear.com 8. Separate from civilian courts, the military judicial system handles violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. 独立于民事法院,军事司法系统处理侵犯统一的军事司法法典。 nvbing.5d6d.com 9. The werewolves agreed to maintain their own society separate from the world of men. 狼人同意离开人类世界独自生活。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The teams were required to come up with financing plans separate from any award money as part of their presentations. 各团队必须在奖金之外制定资助计划作为演示的一部分。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 1. If you've ever seen a human brain, it's obvious that the two hemispheres are completely separate from one another. 假如你看过人体大脑的话,你会知道大脑的两个半球是完全分离的。 www.bing.com 2. We also try to keep the presentation of our Web content as separate from the content structure as possible. 我们还尽可能将Web内容的表示与内容结构分隔开。 www.ibm.com 3. This tools team is separate from the software test teams that are the actual users of the tools. 这个工具团队是独立于软件测试团队的,而软件测试团队是工具的实际使用者。 www.ibm.com 4. The abuser usually keeps his abusive behavior separate from the rest of his life. 虐待者通常把虐待行为跟其它生活部份分割。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. When generating content, therefore, it is essential to keep the structure of your content separate from its presentation. 因此,在生成内容时,一定要保持内容的结构与它的表示形式分离。 www.ibm.com 6. Site administration is separate from Windows SharePoint Services Central Administration. 站点管理独立于WindowsSharePointServices中央管理。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. In versions earlier than Microsoft Office 2003, Office kept its own list of trusted publishers separate from Windows Internet Explorer. 在MicrosoftOffice2003以前的版本中,Office使其自己的受信任发布者列表独立于WindowsInternetExplorer的受信任发布者列表。 office.microsoft.com 8. ASP. NET configuration files keep application configuration settings separate from application code. ASP.NET配置文件将应用程序配置设置与应用程序代码分开。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Entries in the private password file create Web server accounts that are totally separate from those known to the operating system. 专用密码文件中的条目将创建Web服务器帐户,这些帐户完全独立于操作系统已知的帐户。 www.ibm.com 10. Larger XML documents that reside in a data area separate from relational data can also be compressed. 更大的XML文档存储在与关系数据分离的数据区域中,它们也可以压缩。 www.ibm.com 1. North Korea has maintained the verification issue is separate from the American promise to remove it from the terror list. 北韩则坚持说,核查问题跟美国将北韩从支持恐怖主义国家名单上除名的承诺是两回事。 www.ebigear.com 2. The Code Editor recognizes a snippet as a unit separate from your surrounding code until you close the source-code file. “代码编辑器”可以将一个代码段识别为与周围的代码分开的单元,直到您关闭源代码文件为止。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. For this example, we ll create a new workspace called MyBank to keep this project separate from other work you may be doing. 对于本示例,我们将创建一个名为MyBank的新工作空间,以便于将该项目与您可能正在进行的其它项目区分开。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Having a namespace for the generalized XML include also keeps it separate from the application-specific includes in XSLT and XML Schema. 使名称空间用于泛化的XML包含还把其与XSLT和XML模式中特定于应用程序的包含分开。 www.ibm.com 5. They're too big to render as tooltips, and they're too separate from the rest of the application to make sense in a modal dialog. 它们太大,因此无法以工具提示的形式呈现,而且它们与其他应用程序过于分开,因此也无法采用模式对话框的形式。 www.ibm.com 6. Remember that merged documents that you save are separate from the main document. 请记住,保存的合并文档与主文档是分开的。 office.microsoft.com 7. If you keep the technical database completely separate from the business database, your design approach comes to the rescue. 如果使技术数据库与业务数据库完全隔离,就可以解决问题。 www.ibm.com 8. The system event code runs a thread separate from the main application. 系统事件代码运行一个独立于主应用程序的线程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The temperature sensor should be separate from the device so that the unit does not affect the temperature reading. 温度传感器应独立于设备的单位,以便不影响温度读数。 www.bing.com 10. The part of the plant's machinery linked with the coordinating protein is separate from the genes needed to build plastic. 与那种起协调作用的蛋白质相关连的那一部分结构,同生产塑料所需的基因是分开的… blog.hjenglish.com 1. This means Chinese consumers, most of whom buy pay-as-you-go plans separate from their handsets, are not tied down to lengthy contracts. 这就意味着大多数购买现收现付制的中国消费者可以脱离他们的手机,不再受冗长的合约限制。 www.bing.com 2. Are the receiving and inspection functions separate from the purchasing function? 收货与检查工作是否与采购工作相互分离? wenku.baidu.com 3. That means there's a pretty severe cost to being on the wrong side of an issue completely separate from the issue itself. 这意味着站在从议题自身剥离出来的议题的错误的一边将要付出的代价非常的大。 www.bing.com 4. Legal staffs are usually separate from the rest of the agency as are ALJs and appellate tribunals. 司法人员,比如行政法官或者上诉审裁处,通常是和行政机构的其余部分相隔绝的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. explore the establishment of enterprises with legal personality separate from the operating system qualified. 探索建立企业法人资格与经营资格相分离的制度。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. The ASP. NET configuration API is separate from the Internet Information Services (IIS) programmatic configuration API. ASP.NET配置API不同于Internet信息服务(IIS)编程配置API。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Each element has a list of attributes available to it, separate from the list of child objects. 每个元素都有可用属性的列表,且与子对象列表是分离的。 www-128.ibm.com 8. The typical approach for taxonomies is to maintain the formal subject definition separate from the content. 分类法的典型方式是维护独立于内容的正式的主题定义。 www.ibm.com 9. You want everything you are sharing kept separate from your own Documents, Music, and Pictures folders. 您希望将共享的文件与自己的Documents、Music和Pictures文件夹分开。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 10. The rear door can provide private entrance to an editing suite, which is separate from the rest of the Anderson Mobile Estate. 后门可以提供私人门口的一个编辑软件,它是独立于其余的移动安德森地产。 www.jonahome.net 1. After all, no one ever said your hobby had to stay separate from your occupation. 毕竟,没人说过你的兴趣和工作应该绝对分开。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Apollo would go into orbit around the moon. A small spaceship named Eagle would separate from Apollo and land on the moon. 阿波罗飞船将会进入绕月轨道,一艘名为老鹰号的小飞船将会和阿波罗分离并降落在月面上。 wenwen.soso.com 3. The choice to separate from what we love is painful. . . the only thing worse. . . is when someone we've trusted makes the choice for us. 选择和我们心爱的东西分离是痛苦的事情。唯一更糟的是…当那些我们信任的人帮我们做了这样的选择。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. China also needs to create a central agency separate from the banks to work towards appropriate funding for local projects. 中国还需要建立一个独立于各银行的中央机构,负责为地方项目策划合适的资金支持。 www.ftchinese.com 5. SOA demands loose coupling of services, where the interface is fixed and separate from the implementation. SOA要求服务松耦合,服务间的接口是固定的,且与实现相分离。 www.infoq.com 6. The Component itself can have event listeners separate from its underlying Element. If any exist, they are removed. 组件可以独立于元素,自己拥有事件代理,如果存在则移除它们。 www.360doc.com 7. However, organic solvent are usually toxic, flammable and difficult to separate from reaction mixture. 然而,有机溶剂通常都具有毒性且易燃,也容易造成产物的分离不易。 www.cetd.com.tw 8. Loading the resource DLLs in a process separate from the Cluster service process helps to isolate faults. 在与群集服务进程分隔的进程中加载资源DLL将有助于隔离故障。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Demulsibility Property of a lubricant tO separate from water. 抗乳化性指润滑油与水分离的能力。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Their overnight camps are always kept separate from those of other soldiers. 他们晚上驻扎的营地通常和其他士兵的营地分开。 www.bing.com 1. The implementation classes are generated in a package separate from the one in which the interfaces are generated. 生成实现类所在的包与生成接口所在的包是相分离的。 www.ibm.com 2. Therefore, it makes sense for permission to access unmanaged code to be separate from other permissions. 因此,将访问非托管代码的权限与其他权限分开是有意义的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Separate from the Biden working group, the so-called "Gang of Six" senators continue to work on developing their own bipartisan plan. 离开拜登工作小组后,被称为“六人帮”的参议员们继续努力发展他们的两党合作计划。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The Drupal theming system, as explained in previous articles, lets us keep the structure and presentation separate from the program logic. 正如前面文章所解释的,Drupal主题系统使我们能够将结构和表示方式与程序逻辑分隔开。 www.ibm.com 5. There's only one year of their puppy love, as they're getting through, they decide to separate from each other. 他们的初恋只维持了一年,双方加深了解后,便决定分手了。 bbs.hjenglish.com 6. The plan, separate from President Barack Obama's economic recovery legislation, could total two trillion dollars. 该计划独立于总统巴拉克。奥巴马的经济恢复立法,合计可耗资2万亿美元。 www.xici.net 7. In a production environment the Tivoli framework server will be separate from the ClearCase VOB server. 在生产环境下,Tivoli框架服务器将与ClearCaseVOB服务器分离。 www.ibm.com 8. removing the conductive film to make micro contact element made from conducting material separate from base plate. 去除导电薄膜,使由导电材料所制成的微接触元件与基板分离。 ip.com 9. The Ethernet network provides high level control interface and monitoring separate from the process control Profibus network. 提供高水平的以太网接口控制过程控制和监测分开总线网络。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Control systems are usually kept entirely separate from other systems, for good reason. 出于安全的原因,控制系统通常都和其它系统完全分开。 www.hjenglish.com 1. No. The CFA Institute membership application process is separate from enrollment for the CFA Program. 不是。CFA协会会员与CFA课程的招生是分离开来的。 www.21jrr.com 2. The object performing the serialization is separate from the run-time object, so that design-time logic can be removed from a component. 执行序列化的对象与运行时对象是分开的,因此可以从组件中移除设计时逻辑。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. In this scenario, you create a file separate from your code modules that contains only the assembly manifest. 在此方案中,创建与只包含程序集清单的代码模块分开的文件。 technet.microsoft.com 4. This does not mean behavior runs amok; it means that children have a right to their own feelings, separate from how their parents feel. 这并不意味着要放纵他们,而是说孩子们有权利把自己的意愿从父母的期望中分离出来。 www.bing.com 5. The Help window displays topics and other Help content and appears as a window next to, but separate from, the active application. “帮助”窗口显示一些主题和其他“帮助内容”,并显示在活动应用程序的旁边,但与应用程序相分离。 office.microsoft.com 6. Compliance function shall be separate from internal audit function. 合规部门应当同银行内部审计部门分开。 www.haolawyer.com 7. Mitochondria, which are strewn throughout the cell body, contain their own DNA separate from that in the nucleus. 除了细胞核内的DNA之外,分散在细胞体内各处的线粒体具有它们自己的线粒体DNA(mDNA)。 www.bing.com 8. And when you look at the brain, it's obvious that the two cerebral cortices are completely separate from one another. 当我们再看这个大脑的时候,我们可以轻易的发现这两个半球的大脑皮质是完全分开的。 www.ted.com 9. Each application will be run in an isolated process separate from other processes. 各应用程序将分别在独立于其他进程的进程中运行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. After twelve years, he decided to separate from the firm. 12年后他决定离开这个公司。 www.hxen.com 1. the facility maintain a parking area for private vehicles separate from Does the shipping . loading dock and cargo areas ? 工厂是否设有私家车停放区并与出货车停放区分开? wenku.baidu.com 2. The selected text is actually contained in a hidden layer, separate from the document image. 所选文本实际包含在隐藏的层中,与文档图像是分离的。 office.microsoft.com 3. Are duties of the cashier entirely separate from the recording of notes and accounts receivables? 出纳工作是否与票据和应收帐款的记录完全分离? wenku.baidu.com 4. GAIA in her merging with the FATHER is Merging with ME as her creator, but also WITH the Universal Father thru me and separate from me. 盖亚与父之融合,就是与(作为她的创造者的)我融合,但也是与宇宙之父,通过我与我分离。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The traveler wrapped the Silver Shilling up with soft and white paper and kept it carefully separate from other foreign coins. 旅客把银先令用柔软洁白的纸包裹起来,和其他硬币分开把它仔细的保存起来。 www.chnxs.com 6. Work relationships are best kept separate from interpersonal interactions. 双鱼和水瓶最好将工作关系同个人关系区分开来。 www.bing.com 7. Keep away from heat or humid environment, and separate from acid, alkali and strong oxidizing agent. 铝银浆会与酸、碱及强氧化剂发生化学反应,应隔离存放。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Risk management is not a stand-alone activity that is separate from the main activities and processes of the organization. 风险管理不是一个从组织的主要活动和流程中分开的孤立活动。 www.zhaolv.net 9. Remember that e-mail messages that you send are separate from the e-mail message main document. 请记住,发送的电子邮件与电子邮件主文档是分开的。 office.microsoft.com 10. This is separate from the relation value and is a description of your long-term relation with the country. 这个不同于价值关系,是对你国家长期的关系的一个描述。 bbs.52pcgame.com 1. As cracking continues in the drum, gas oil and lighter components are generated in vapor phase and separate from the liquid and solids. 由于破裂的鼓,石油和天然气打火机部件继续在气相生成和分离液体和固体的。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Generally , swap space is allocated as a chunk of disk , separate from the file system , so that its use is as fast as possible . 一般,交换空间作为一大部分硬盘被分配,从档案系统分出来,以便它的使用尽可能的快。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Exhibitors will be provided with a standard-size booth space in the exhibit hall, which is separate from the symposium sessions. 参展商将在展览大厅的一个标准尺寸的展位,这是研讨会的会议分开。 www.med365.com.cn 4. Also, multithreading is demonstrated by firing the event from a working thread separate from primary one. 另外,通过触发来自从主线程分离的工作线程的事件,还示范了多线程的应用。 www-128.ibm.com 5. Because any server interaction is local to each component and separate from the inter-script communication, cookies are not exposed. 由于任何服务器交互都在每个组件本地并且与脚本间通信分离,因此不会暴露cookie。 www.ibm.com 6. A building separate from but associated with a main building. 附属的房屋与主要建筑物相关连但却独立的房屋 www.jukuu.com 7. Report model security is separate from security you define on the report server folder hierarchy and at the system level. 报表模型安全性不同于您在报表服务器文件夹层次结构和系统级别上定义的安全性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Information is separate from the chemicals that are just the media for the information. 信息是与化学物质分开的,后者只是信息的载体。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. And why does the projected battery line separate from the reported levels, but then exactly mirror the later rises and falls? 而且,为什么绘制出的电池消耗线和系统记录的如此差别,但是后来(5小时后)却极其同步的升高或降低呢? www.bing.com 10. Please sign the checks on the top line. Be sure to keep your check numbers separate from your checks. 请在支票最上面一行签字。务必将支票的号码与支票分开写。 www.englishint.com 1. Previously, many teams have tried keeping the work separate from the team or having the work done one sprint ahead. 在此之前,很多团队都试图保持这些工作独立于团队之外,或者是在前一个sprint就完成。 www.infoq.com 2. Advertising should be separate from the receipt information. 广告应该与数据信息分离开来。 www.ibm.com 3. BC: We separate from the lander going 125 miles an hour at roughly a kilometer above the surface of Mars: 3, 200 feet. BC:在离火星地表一公里(3200英尺)处,时速125英里时,着陆器脱离。 www.ted.com 4. This is separate from the division level, to direct the use of "design" the concept of compromise with serious attitude. 这只是从单独层面上划分,对直截了当的采用“设计”这一概念具有严重的妥协态度。 www.cutpic.cn 5. due to the effect of the protruding ribs, the rubber ring is unlikely to separate from the end cover when receiving a side force. 由于有凸筋的作用,还可以保证胶圈在受侧面力不容易使其脱离端盖。 ip.com 6. With Practice the vibration level of the astral body is raised, allowing it to separate from the physical. 借助练习星光体振动水平被提升,允许它能够脱离开肉体身体。 www.xici.net 7. Coral polyps can reproduce asexually , forming cloned buds that separate from the "parent. " 珊瑚的图片集。珊瑚虫可以是无性繁殖,形成无性繁殖的芽再分开来自它的:“双亲”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The attachment is separate from the SOAP envelope as shown in Figure 1. 附件与SOAP信封隔离,如图1。 www.ibm.com 9. The purpose of the free board is to allow the solids to separate from the gas stream. 自由空域的目的是要使固体从气流中分离出来。 10. These images are maintained separate from development and test file store areas as recommended by ITIL. 这些图像与开发以及测试文件存储区域隔离开来,就像ITIL推荐的那样。 www.ibm.com 1. It is separate from the Java heap and immortal or scoped memory but cannot hold objects -- only primitive values or object references. 它与Java堆和不朽或作用域内存分离,但无法容纳对象——仅能容纳原始值或对象引用。 www.ibm.com 2. The practical side of life is not separate from personal matters this month. 本月生活实际的一面离不开个人问题。 horoscopes.blogbus.com 3. They have been kept separate from my sponsors, my commercial endorsements. 他们一直与我的赞助商、我的商业代言等保持距离。 www.putclub.com 4. Staff members are aware of the paradox of encouraging a child to separate from Mommy and Daddy when it's on their dime. 员工们意识到这样的矛盾,鼓励孩子们与他们的父母分离,而这些钱是他们的父母给的。 www.bing.com 5. The drafters are generally old and the actual drafters are relatively separate from the nominated drafters. 起草者普遍过于年高导致实际起草者与被任命的起草者的相对脱离; dspace.xmu.edu.cn:8080 6. It's of little harm, indeed its 'staging' is perhaps what makes it intriguing, funny and separate from real life. 它的危害不大,正是其‘表演’使得它吸引人、有趣,把现实生活隔离开来。 www.bing.com 7. This is in itself a back-door approach to sending and receiving additional information, separate from object serialization. 这在本质上是一个与对象的序列化相分离的发送、接收附加信息的非正式途径。 www-128.ibm.com 8. For security and privacy , you want to keep a specific task list separate from the main Tasks list . 为了保护安全和隐私,您会想要保留一个与主任务列表分离的特定任务列表。 www.bing.com 9. And your mind is not an organ of your body, but separate from it, and under which your body is controlled. 而你的心是不是你的身体器官,但它分开,并根据您的身体控制。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. Often, enterprise applications are separate from the databases that they rely on. 企业应用程序与它们依赖的数据库常常是分开的。 www.ibm.com 1. The provision would create visas that are separate from current programs so as to not displace anyone waiting for other visas. 该规定涉及的签证将和当前项目分开,所以不会影响到任何一位已经在等待签证的人。 chinese.wsj.com 2. It preserves your CSS layout and keeps your content layer separate from your presentation layer. 它保留你的CSS布局,并保持内容层和表现层分离。 www.bing.com 3. XML data is stored in a native tree format, separate from the relational data. XML数据按照原生的树格式与关系数据分开存储。 www.ibm.com 4. Place the labels for check boxes and radio buttons in cells that are separate from the controls. 将复选框和单选按钮的标签放置在与控件不同的单元格中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The independent school sector is separate from the state educational system. 独立学校是独立于国家教育系统之外的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. User controls can support caching directives that are separate from the host page. 用户控件支持独立于宿主页的缓存指令。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. We left early and say goodbye to Karine. The ways will separate from here, as we are going south to krabi and she is going to Phuket. 一早出发,就此告别卡琳,因为方向不一样,不能同路了,我们向南,到甲米府,卡琳要去普吉岛。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Electronic forms eliminate the need for data entry separate from data abstraction. 电子表格的数据提取与录入同步完成,无需象书面表格般分开进行。 ebm.dxy.cn 9. All three countries are thought to store warheads separate from delivery vehicles. 所有三个国家被认为储存弹头和运载工具分开。 www.globalmil.com 10. MSE is designed for consumers and will be offered as a free download separate from Windows (including Windows 7). MSE针对普通用户,提供独立于Windows(包括Windows7)之外的免费下载。 www.infoq.com 1. President Lee's criticizer treated the case of kasonzon and other inter-Korean projects as separate from the nuclear negotiations. 李明博总统之前的几任总统都将开城工业区及其他朝韩项目与核武器谈判区别对待。 www.bing.com 2. The clients should always be located on machines separate from the application servers. 客户机应该总是位于与应用程序服务器不同的机器上。 www.ibm.com 3. keep separate from strong oxidants . store under dry , inert conditions. 远离强氧化物,保持干燥,放在稀有气体中。 www.ichacha.net 4. And the technology implementation is kept separate from the business logic. 并且技术实现与业务逻辑被分离开来。 www.ibm.com 5. Keeping the argument separate from the relationship status is key to getting things back on track. 让争吵与爱情关系相分离的状态是使一切回到正轨的关键。 www.kekenet.com 6. Cycling in Amsterdam is brilliant. They have so many bike lanes that are separate from car traffic so you feel completely safe. 在阿姆斯特丹太棒了。有很多骑车径,是与汽车道分离的,这让你觉得安全。 www.yappr.cn 7. In the same way there is the dreamer separate from his dream. 同样,有与他的梦分离的发梦者。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. From here the sexy scent travels along a neural pathway to the brain separate from other scents. 信息素从这里与其它气味分开,顺着神经通路进入大脑。 bbs.translators.com.cn 9. you become something separate from what you see, and so duality arises. 你就变成了不同于你所见的某种东西,而这就产生了二元性。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. but the green submarine volcanic rocks not belong to the Banxi formation and must separate from Jiangnan ancient continent. 绿色的海相火山岩系则不属于板溪群,应从江南古陆中分解出来。 www.geojournals.cn 1. Many countries have an administrative capital separate from the major economic and population centres. 很多国家都有一个行政首都,同全国主要的经济中心和人口中心分开。 www.ecocn.org 2. The head of state and head of government are separate from the country's law-making body. 国家的首脑和政府的领袖与国家法律制定的权力主体是分开的的。 www.ebigear.com 3. You are not separate from your beliefs. When your precious beliefs and illusions come to an end, you come to an end. 你同你的信仰并不能分开,当你珍贵的信仰或幻象终止时,你也终止了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Chinese and Western economists worry that the Chinese price index may underestimate inflation separate from food and energy. 中国和西方的经济学家担心,如果移除食品和能源,中国的物价指数可能会被低估。 www.bing.com 5. Always keep raw meat and its juices separate from cooked food. 始终保持生肉及其果汁熟食分开。 www.bing.com 6. The Dutch settlement in Pennsylvania also stays separate from other people. 荷兰定居在宾夕法尼亚州也保持与其他人分开。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. A slight tug on the diode stem will cause the fractured stem to separate from the chip exposing the fault. 轻拉二极管主干就将裂开的主干与芯片脱离,这个毛病就暴露出来了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Other then this the quality of surface was good. The color was even, the film was impossible to separate from PVC. 除了这一点,表面的质量是好的,颜色均匀,膜不可能从PVC上分开。 wenwen.soso.com 9. The Arrival Terminal is separate from the Departure Terminal and the Domestic Terminal. 在抵达码头是分开的出发码头和国内终端。 baike.soso.com 10. In this example, the JMX code is entirely separate from the code for the managed entity. 在这个示例中,JMX代码完全独立于受管实体的代码。 www.ibm.com 1. The Ultimate imprint is separate from Marvel's other comics - where Parker is alive and well. 帕克生活在一部独立于惊奇其他漫画——“最终印记”里。 dongxi.net 2. Over time, this might lead to a new bureaucracy separate from the European Commission. 久而久之,这可能导致出现区别于欧盟委员会的新的官僚主义。 www.ecocn.org 3. This provides for keeping the planning logic separate from the planning layer. 这是为了将规划逻辑与规划层分离开来。 www.ibm.com 4. Preliminary results show that 99 percent of southerners voted to separate from the north during a referendum last month. 初步结果显示,在上个月举行的全民公投中,99%的南方人投票选择脱离北方。 www.hxen.com 5. Keep the onions separate from the bread or they'll make it smell. 把洋葱和面包分开放,否则面包会有味儿。 www.yzjjw.net 6. This keeps the smart tag Glyph objects separate from the selection Glyph objects. 这使得智能标记Glyph对象能够与用于选择的Glyph对象保持分离。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. It keeps the presentation layer separate from the application layer. 它把表示层和应用程序层分隔开。 www.ibm.com 8. This lets the module developer run the unit tests separate from the overall project. 这使模块开发者能够在独立于整个项目的情况下运行单元测试。 www.ibm.com 9. Chinese and Western economists worry thatthe Chinese price index may underestimate inflation separate from food andenergy. 中国和西方的经济学家们都担心,去除食品和能源价格的价格指数可能低估了通胀的压力。 www.bing.com 10. separate from the thing to be analysed. 把自己和被分析之物分离开来。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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