单词 | sentient beings | ||||||||||||
释义 | sentient beings
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 众生,有情众生,一切有情众生 1. Those who do not know to repent will harm all sentient beings simply for a moment of happiness and pleasure. They will commit all evil. 所以不懂得忏悔的人,就杀害一切众生,逞一时的欢喜、凭一时的快感,所以无恶不作。 marksheu.wordpress.com 2. If we fail to attain virtue, knowledge and ability, we will not be able to help the next generation of sentient beings. 如果我们的德行、学问、能力,不能够有相当的成就,那麽下一代的众生,我们就度不了。 putixing.wordpress.com 3. When exhaling , visualize the happiness and the goodness which causes happiness rise, like the sun, enter the bodies of all sentient beings. 气息呼时,观想自己身心中的快乐以及乐因的善,如太阳升起般,光芒四射的进入众生的身体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. He was a major advocate of a 2003 Swiss law under which animals are to be treated as sentient beings, not personal property. 2003年瑞士颁布一项法律,规定大众应当以有感知能力的生物、而不是个人财产来对待动物。哥切尔正是此项法案的主要支持者。 www.e-say.com.cn 5. The flame on the sword signifies the dispelling of the darkness that sentient beings are experiencing from ignorance by the light of Wisdom. 其烈火象征著其智慧之光能够驱散众生无明之黑黯带来解脱的光明。 tsemtulku.com 6. Sure, You fight Evil, but when Was the last time you showed a "concern for the dignity of sentient beings" ? 没错,你与邪恶作战,但你最后一次表现出“对于生命体的高贵品质的关心”是什么时候了呢? www.anetcity.com 7. Let us continue our efforts, listen to what Master says, and save more sentient beings with righteous thoughts and righteous actions. 让我们继续努力,听师父的话,正念正行,救度更多的众生。 fullgae.appspot.com 8. We cannot blame sentient beings , because their ordinary minds think differently and their concepts cannot be changed immediately . 我们不能怪众生,他们平常的想法都不一样,不能一刹那就改变。 www.bing.com 9. But once I think about so many sentient beings waiting for me to clarify the truth and save them, I don't have so many thoughts of laziness. 但是一想到那麽多众生等待我去讲真象去救度时,那就没有那麽多累的观念了。 fullgae.appspot.com 10. Plants are indeed life forms, but not sentient beings, as they are not complex enough (e. g. have no nervous system) to feel pain. 植物也有生命,但不是“众生”,因为它们不够复杂(即没有神经系统),感觉不到疼痛。 www.bing.com 1. All the things we do for the benefit of sentient beings will eventually be completed if we have the heart to accomplish them. 为了众生所做的一切事情,必能心想事成。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. We are mainly here to assist Gaia in her ascension, and by corollary, all sentient beings on your planet. 我们来到这里的主要原因是支持盖亚和她的扬升,通过必然的结果,当然还包括你们星球上所有的有情众生。 www.angozj.com 3. How does such a Master make use of these ties to lead sentient beings to liberation? 明师如何利用这些因缘,带领众生解脱? sm2000.org 4. I wish to become Buddha to help all sentient beings to become Buddha. 我願成佛以利眾生成佛 blog.sina.com.cn 5. So in this case, Green Tara is mainly to help solve sentient beings' problems, so the wheel turns counter-clockwise. 因此在目前这件事上,由于绿度母主要是要帮助众生解除困难,所以咒轮是逆时钟旋转。 www.yogichen.org 6. actually it is about being aware of the suffering of other sentient beings from the view of the actual nature of things. 慈悲心不只是仁慈的行为,事实上,它是从事物的本质之见地去觉知其他众生的痛苦。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Vow to be a book of truth and wisdom. Vow to be the earth that nurtures plants and cradles sentient beings. 发愿作一本书籍,展现真理,给人智能;发愿作一方大地,普载众生,生长万物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. I feel overwhelmed when I see sentient beings being saved one after another by the boundless compassion of our Master. 看到一个个众生在师尊洪大的慈悲中被救度,我感慨万分。 fullgae.appspot.com 9. My husband and I were deeply touched by your live example of "Fa Pu Ti Hsin" toward all sentient-beings of six paths. 外子及我都被你为六道一切众生发菩提心的活生生的例子而深深感动了。 www.hicoo.net 10. Should you really want to help sentient beings, please be sincere, and you will attain the Truth quickly! 如果你们要帮助众生,真正的要诚心,很快会成道! sm2000.org 1. Well, I would consider having to hunt down and retire sentient beings. . . degrading and dangerous work. 我认为猎杀有感情的存在物…是又可耻又危险的任务。 movie.douban.com 2. The bright moon this priceless, high mountains all sentient beings. May your life is like the moon as the 15, round full beauty! ! ! ! ! 明月本无价,高山皆有情。愿你的生活就象这十五的月亮一样,圆美满满! news.365future.com 3. Afflictions can be called raging rivers that can carry sentient beings into the sea of suffering and rebirth. 所以「亦名此烦恼以为瀑河,能漂众生入于生死大苦海故。」 ebuddyproxy.com 4. he Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva vowed to liberate all sentient beings from suffering and protect them to avoid disasters. 大慈大悲的观世音菩萨誓愿能解脱受苦受难的众生及保护他们避免灾难。 www.heartforpeace.net 5. Think of the name, do XieQiFangGang, the tallest man, sentient beings have blood, to modify own was intermperate in. 想,做名顶天立地的男儿,血气方刚,有情有血,去修饰属于自己的年少轻狂。 blog.163.com 6. The more we benefit sentient beings, the more we benefit ourselves; such is the law of spiritual practice. 修行的法律就是这样我们越利益众生,我们越利益自己。 www.godsdirectcontact.com 7. This form venerates Avalokitesvara who constantly radiates compassion towards all sentient beings, throughout day and night. 此菩萨化身颂扬观音夜以继日又芸芸众生为念,大发慈悲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. "I would like with the Buddhas Long home, do first sentient beings oxen and horses" , he heart of a Buddha on the world. “欲与诸佛龙象,先做众生牛马”,他以一颗菩提之心关注世界,关注人生,显现出博大的悲悯情怀和入世情怀; paper.pet2008.cn 9. Things I do not behave: Do not feel proud and conceited, Do not discuss faults behind one's back, Do not disrespect other sentient beings. 莫作之事有三种:切莫自大与傲慢,切莫暗中说他过,于谁亦莫作轻慢。 www.sangnan.com 10. Selection by optimizing the production of thin-film coating process conditions, enhance the stability of coated tablets sentient beings. 请用英文翻译目的通过优化选择薄膜包衣的生产工艺条件,提高众生包衣片的稳定性。 terms.shengwuquan.com 1. Greed, hatred and ignorance is human evil is innate to all sentient beings have acquired by the evil heart defects. 贪、嗔、痴是人类的劣根性,是所有众生先天后天所具有的劣根性,心灵的缺陷。 quote.psytopic.com 2. All sentient beings have the ability to realize and actualize the Dharma, a completely pure state of being. 所有众生皆可证入法,那样的境界是完全清净的。 www.tieku.org 3. We should know how powerful this sound is. All sentient beings have this vibration or sound, and we influence each other. 我们现在应该知道,那个声音是多么厉害了,任何众生都有那个振动或声音,彼此互相影响。 sm2000.org 4. Illness is something everyone fears. How can we escape illness and prolong our lives? Ignorant sentient beings continue to create karma. 病,大家都怕,怕生病。要如何才能逃过病痛,延续生命?无知的众生就继续造业。 marksheu.wordpress.com 5. Liberate all sentient beings, none of spirits is abandoned. 度脱众生,不遗一灵! blog.sina.com.cn 6. Her seven eyes compassionately watch over sentient beings at all times. 度母的七只眼睛无时无刻都在慈悲的观着所有众生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Please turn in a clockwise direction while thinking of benefiting all sentient beings. 请采顺时针方向转动,并同时观想,转经轮利益著一切有情。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 8. Allow your compassion to become universal, and to enfold in its embrace all sentient beings, and all beings, in fact, without any exception. 让你的慈悲变得广大浩瀚,遍及一切众生,无一例外。 www.krmzz.com 9. This form venerates Avalokitesvara who protects sentient beings from harm by all snakes, scorpions and their venom. 此菩萨化身颂扬观音保护众生不受毒物伤害之法力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. To Buddha and all sentient beings, they have the same feature which hope to be happy and to depart from sufferings. 佛跟一切有情,都有一个共同的特点,希望离苦得乐。 blog.roodo.com 1. All your connections will become meaningful, and sentient beings touched by your shadow will be liberated from the lower realms. 有关你的一切将富有深意,就连你的影子掠过的众生均从恶趣得以救度。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 2. Jamyang's goal is to spread the Dharma without error, for the reason that Dharma is the source of everlasting happiness for sentient beings. 蒋扬的目标是无误地传达佛法,因为佛法是终生长久快乐的源泉。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. As long as sentient beings, how can not parting time, complain that this lonely night so put off indefinitely? 只要是有情的人,怎么能不在离别的时候,埋怨这孤独的黑夜如此遥遥无期呢? enwaimao.cn 4. Joyful giving can bring good fortune. Be modest when benefiting others. Modesty can help save sentient beings. 贪心不能致富喜舍才能多福利他不忘自谦自谦才能度众。 www.lianhua33.com 5. Abandoning other sentient beings in order to achieve our own salvation is not the proper goal of spiritual practice. 所以舍弃其他有情众生只追求自己的救赎不是我们修行的正确目标。 www.zftrans.com 6. However, only when the in sentient beings encounter sages or Arhats , can they have such an opportunity. 也可以恢复灵性,但要遇著圣人、罗汉,才有这个机缘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. While we are within the Three Realms, we still have the landrace of sentient beings. Our wisdom is not completely pure or clear. 我们在三界之内,众生的无明还没有尽断,这就是智慧还不是很清净、明确。 marksheu.wordpress.com 8. Love all sentient beings with a mother'sheart; Teach our children with a Bodhisattva's wisdom. 妈妈心爱天下的众生,以菩萨的智慧教育子女。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. May all share this thankful feeling and express it in one's attitude toward other sentient beings! 愿大家分享此感恩之情并将之表达于对其他有情的态度上! originalpurity.org 10. The evidence demonstrating that farm animals are sentient beings is strong and undeniable. 农场动物具有感知力的证据有力且不可否认。 hi.nciku.cn 1. An unexpected through created a sentient beings and looking down at the beautiful honour. 一次意外的穿越造就了一个俯视众生的绝世邪尊。 bookapp.book.qq.com 2. Hence helping sentient beings is not difficult, but helping our own self is. 所以,要帮助众生不难,先帮助自己才难。 sm2000.org 3. I hope sentient beings will not suffer injuries beneath my feet but deviate from where I go, from morning till night. 从早晨一直到晚上,只要我走过的地方,我不希望我的脚下会伤害众生,都希望它们能离开。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Thus, my vegan journey of minimalising harm to sentient beings began, but that's just one significant change in my life. 因此,我开始了我严格的素食主义,尽可能减少对有情众生的危害。但这只是我生活中重大改变的一部分。 www.bing.com 5. But I've seen goodness in them. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. 但是我看出他们内心的善良,自由是最为重要的。 blog.163.com 6. The Supreme Master Ching Hai establishes affinity with sentient beings through art. 清海无上师以艺术和众生结佛缘。 sm2000.org 7. Sentient beings miles to meet, heartless meet strangers. 有情千里来相会,无情见面不相识。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Days, the asuras, people, animal, hungry, hell for six paths of sentient beings; . 天,阿修罗,人,畜生,饿鬼,地狱。为六道众生; blog.sina.com.cn 9. To pursue the Buddha-way and guide sentient beings is the philosophy of cultivators, which is positive, creative and progressive. 上求佛道,下化众生,这是修行者积极向上创造进取的人生观。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. All the humanity, all the sentient beings, nobody like to suffer. 所有的人类,所有的众生,都不喜欢痛苦。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Even more, you led these sentient beings to the Path of Complete Enlightment. 还有,你带领有情众生走水上大澈大悟之道。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In fact, the real fun is for the community and what contribution to make sentient beings, rather than what they receive. 其实真正的开心是能为这个社会和六道众生做出什么贡献,而不是自己得到什么。 blog.163.com 3. If you look at your present day situation then it's obvious that not every sentient beings is our present day mother and father. 如果你观照一下当前的情形,很明显不是每一个众生都是我们现在的父母,只有两个人是我们的父母。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Visualize that all the four classes of saints and the six realms of sentient beings appear from this blue light. 观想于此蓝色光明中出现全法界之四圣六凡。 www.yogilin.org 5. Guide and help all sentient beings turn to good from evil, and wide open their wisdom. 誓导众生弃恶从善,智慧大开。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. There is an accelerated planetary initiation now in progress, and it is affecting everything on the earth plane, especially sentient Beings. 现在在进行中有一颗加速的行星开始,并且这正影响到地球层面上的一切,特别是知觉众生。 www.chinaufo.com 7. But, no matter what happens, may it, one way or another, directly or indirectly, lead to benefit sentient beings. 但是不管发生什么愿它能以某种方式直接地或间接地最后能够利益有情众生。 622006680.qzone.qq.com 8. All sentient beings have the Buddha nature; all can become Buddhas. 一切众生,皆有佛性,有佛性者,皆得成佛 blog.sina.com.cn 9. All Buddha's and Bodhisattvas come to the world in response to sentient beings illnesses. 我们应该要知道,诸佛菩萨来人间,就是应众生病而来人间。 marksheu.wordpress.com 10. Today, the republic had left LiuShiYiNian, today, shenzhen is a sky, it is sunny sentient beings vicissitudes. 今天,共和国已走了六十一年,今天,深圳就是一片晴空,它是普照众生的沧桑。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Myself, I sincerely wish the world has peace and hope all sentient beings have comfort. 本人希望真诚祝愿世界和平、众生均得安乐。 grandala.org 2. YangGuo only see the sentient beings can be righteous, huge selfless. 杨果只看见可中的有情有义、巨大无私。 tv.360mp3.com 3. May the blessing spread and help many sentient beings! 愿此加持广传并利益许多众生! originalpurity.org 4. To treat all sentient beings with compassion. 以慈悲的心对待每一个人; blog.sina.com.cn 5. At the same time, the Jingchu patterns reflect a pan-I spirit to self-melting things, the environment, and all sentient beings. 荆楚纹样同时体现出一种将自我融化于任何事物、环境之中,与一切众生往来的泛我精神。 www.fabiao.net 6. Why are all sentient beings equal before God? 何以在上帝面前,众生皆是平等的? sm2000.org 7. Optimus Prime: Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. 自由是所有具备感情的生物应该拥有的权力。 www.ebigear.com 8. When I lived in a temple before , each morning when I wiped the altar table, I always saw the lamps filled with dead sentient beings . 我以前住寺庙的时候,每天擦佛桌时都看到满满众生在那里,我想佛不会高兴吧! www.bing.com 9. His life, living 80 years, saying 300 games, the measureless Famennian, Watanabe measureless sentient beings. 他的一生,在世80年,说法300场,开无量法门,渡无量众生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Furthermore, it teaches us to love all sentient beings equally. 汎爱众接着它教导我们应该平等爱护一切众生。 aiwu.goodweb.cn 1. This groundbreaking move shows that more and more people are realizing that animals are sentient beings who deserve compassion and respect. 这史无前例的改革显示了有越来越多的人正在逐步认识到动物也是有感情的生灵,它们理应得到同情和尊重。 www.elanso.com 2. Bring many of the sentient beings in the evil path onto the clean road. 很多在邪道上的众生渡为清净的道上。 hi.baidu.com 3. So, we can benefit countless sentient beings by observing the precepts of taking refuge. 因此,持守皈依戒,可以利益无边的众生。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. All sentient beings experience this illusory vision, and it characterizes the world we live in now. 所有有情都有这种体验,这是我们所在世界的特点。 www.zftrans.com 5. The Buddha said, Sentient beings are steeped in defilement. Who is without transgression? Who is without fault? 这是我们每个人都知道。凡是学佛者,都会说「众生垢重」这句话。 marksheu.wordpress.com 6. Among them, the liberal arts classes handsome man, jade tree, Chao Guan Yu, a disdain for sentient beings; 其中,文科班的男人英俊潇洒、玉树临风、义超关羽、傲视众生; tieba.baidu.com 7. Animals Are Intelligent Sentient Beings 动物是聪慧灵巧的众生 163english.cn 8. Human Bodies are Tools for Benefiting Sentient Beings 人身是利益众生的工具 www.ichacha.net 9. Sentient beings are as limitless as the whole of space 有情众生遍满整个虚空,无边无际, www.krmzz.com 10. indeed , you are god s gift to us sentient beings 您真是上天赐给我们众生的礼物! www.ichacha.net 1. Sentient beings are as limitless as the whole of space 有情众生遍满整个虚空,无边无际, www.krmzz.com 2. indeed , you are god s gift to us sentient beings 您真是上天赐给我们众生的礼物! www.ichacha.net |
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