单词 | sa' |
释义 |
abbr. samarium 例句释义: 南非 1. If it'sa hard one, it could take weeks, and eventually, whoever is trying to crack it, will probably give up after a couple of hours. 如果是硬的,它可能会持续数周,并最终谁是试图破解它,可能会放弃后的几个小时。 space.hackbase.com 2. When SA has failed in the playoffs, it is because his teammates have not been able to help when he was more or less equalized. 去年马刺之所以输就是因为他多少被陷住了,队友又帮不上忙。 www.chinaspurs.com 3. On the face of it, Bouygues SA's decision to share the risk with the brothers was an odd one. 表面上看,布伊格股份有限公司决定和布伊格兄弟们共同承担风险好像有些奇怪。 club.topsage.com 4. SA: Huh. You know, I've been a member of this prestige class for years, and I never actually noticed that before. 哈,要知道,我进阶这个职业好些年了,可是以前从来没注意过。 www.anetcity.com 5. "Within a short while, she put Sa fart, and the scene was embarrassing to see that person added: " Run, ah, to pull the bride! 不一会,她放仨屁,场面尴尬起来,只见那个人又说:“快跑啊,新娘子要拉了!” chengren.cctv40.com 6. That'sa good question, because as you know designing complex chips is a very, very difficult task set. 这是一个很好的问题,因为正如你所知道的复杂芯片设计是一个非常。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. 'Yes sir, ' said Anne and moved slowly to Gilbert's desk. There she sat down and put head on the de sa, with her arms over it. “是的,先生,”安妮说着话然后慢慢的走到吉尔伯特的桌子旁坐下来,把头埋在手臂趴在桌子上。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Samson said he was motivated by his sense of belonging towards the School to join the SA Scheme. 曾同学认为自己对商学院的归属感,驱使他成为学生大使。 www.hkbu.edu.hk 9. Helen once the eye pupil son turn, arranging up the gun in the hand the great direction is to the farmland: "You, cover up in Sa. " 海伦眼珠子一转,收起手中的枪对田宏道:“你,把萨里埋了。” www.fenyouwang.com 10. "It'sa question of the policy and the thinking catching up with the technology, " says Mr Hanke. "Ease of access alters the debate. " “这是政策和追赶新技术的想法的问题”汉克先生说,“方便访问改变了争论。” www.ecocn.org 1. Sa is lost without his cattle. Liquor bottles are piled up in one corner of the farm. "There's nothing else to do, " Sa says. Sa由于牛的损失已经沉沦,在他农场的角落里堆满了烈性酒瓶。“现在这里没有什么可以做的。”他说。 www.bing.com 2. though clofibrate may lower SA, there was no statistical significance in comparison to control group. 安妥明组血清SA含量较对照组虽低,但无统计学意义。 www.chemyq.com 3. Since the SA account is only accessible when you choose to install using Windows Authentication, the SA password need never be revealed. 由于只有在您选择使用Windows身份验证进行安装时,SA帐户才可以访问,所以SA密码永远不需要显示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Even if he went to a team like SA or the Suns, think of what they would have to give up to get him. 即便他想去马刺或太阳这样的强队,想想看,要得到科比,这些球队得放弃哪些球员。 club.learning.sohu.com 5. After unification, the Vietnamese government continued to assert proper authority Hoang Sa and Truong Sa. 4统一后,越南政府继续主张适当授权黄沙和张庭选萨。 www.panoramio.com 6. An AMP spokeswoman declined comment and officials at an agency representing AXA SA did not return calls seeking comment. AMP发言人拒绝对此置评.法国安盛保险代表处官员亦未回复询问。 cn.reuters.com 7. Your SA node sends out the electrical signal that guides the rest of the heart tissue. 你的窦房结发出的电信号会指导心脏的其他组织。 www.bing.com 8. The man looks and turns it in different directions and says, "That'sa man and a woman on a bed making love. " 男人看了看,把图片转到不同的方向说,“那是一个男人和女人在床上做爱。” www.bing.com 9. Again, the effect of this arrangement was to put Bouygues SA's investors at a disadvantage. 这样做法的结果是再一次置布伊格股份有限公司的投资者于一种不利境地。 club.topsage.com 10. Sa: "Here' s to us" . You used to say "Here' s to us" . Oh, I' m afraid I miss you too much. It hurts. 山:“为我们干杯”。你常说“为我们干杯”。哦,我真太想你了。我很痛苦。 www.superfection.com 1. After that, the French government began to take more actions to re-assert Vietnamese sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa. 在此之后,法国政府开始采取更多行动,重新肯定了黄沙和张庭选萨越南主权。 www.panoramio.com 2. Sa: There is no way that we are going on a plane to meet some woman who could be a crazy lunatic. Didn' t you see Fatal Attraction? 山:要我坐飞机去和一个可能是疯女人见面是不可能的,你没看过《孽缘》吗? niro11.blog.163.com 3. Last eek I sa a young man giving up his seat to a oman ith a baby in her arms on a bus. 上周,我在公共汽车上看到一个年轻人给一个怀抱婴儿的妇女让座。 www.bing.com 4. But the splitting of Bouygues SA's interest into a direct stake and an indirect stake deprived its investors of control of SAUR. 但是分开计算布伊格股份有限公司的直接股份和间接股份的剥夺了它的投资者对于SAUR的控制权。 club.topsage.com 5. Everybody wonders how you can just shut it off in the middle of the day, but it' sa routine, and you get used to it. 每个人都会对我如何切断与外界的联系在中午安然入睡感到惊奇,但这只是例行公事,而且我已习惯于此。 3g.xplus.com 6. Suffice it to say, it is a very bad idea to be using the sa (or any high-privileged account) for application database access. 可以确切地讲,将sa(或任何高权限帐户)用于应用程序数据库访问是一个很糟糕的主意。 www.cnblogs.com 7. Replace "AStrongSAPwd" with your own strong password for the system administrator (SA) login account. 将“AStrongSAPwd”替换为系统管理员(SA)登录帐户的高安全性密码。 office.microsoft.com 8. In late 1995, however, Khun Sa and a faction of his army surrendered to the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC). 然而,在1995年晚些时候坤沙和蒙泰军一部投降于缅甸军政权‘国家法律和秩序恢复委员会’。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. For example, half of new orders for Dassault Aviation SA's Falcon jets since the beginning of this year have come from China. 举例来说,自今年初以来,法国达索飞机制造公司(DassaultAviationSA)猎鹰喷气式商务客机(Falcon)一半的新订单都来自中国。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Systematicstudy was made of the factors influencing tensile property for styrene-acrylic(SA) emulsion-cement compounded waterproof coating. 本文就影响苯丙乳液-水泥复合防水涂料拉伸性能的诸多因素进行了系统的研究。 www.chemyq.com 1. The French government is looking into a possible Chinese role in spying on carmaker Renault SA's and Nissan's electric vehicle program. 法国政府正在调查在汽车制造商雷诺SA和日产的电动汽车计划间谍活动中,中国可能发挥的作用。 www.bing.com 2. From the SA node, electrical impulses spread through the heart muscle to trigger the heartbeat. 从窦房石结出来的电脉冲传播到心脏肌肉触发心脏跳动。 it.bab.la 3. SA: But it is not too late, even for one such as you, to seek redemption. Lo! Ask for forgiveness and ye shall find it! 但是,纵使作恶如你,亦不迟于救赎之路。呔!若汝求宽恕,则吾将赐你宽恕! www.anetcity.com 4. Currently, only a few NIC device drivers contribute to system entropy (see earlier discussion on SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM). 目前,只有少数的NIC设备驱动给内核贡献了熵(参见前面所讨论的SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM)。 www.cnblogs.com 5. I swear there was an article about how China was flooding the South African market with cheap products which was messing up the SA economy. 我敢保证曾经有篇文章描述关于中国如何通过价格低廉的商品冲击南非市场而使南非经济陷入困境。 www.junshijia.com 6. It'sa day many see as marked by divisiveness, mainly due to the "insistence" of the indigenous Maori to stand up for themselves. 澳大利亚国庆日这一天被很多人视为冲突分裂的标志,主要是由于当地的毛利人的“坚持”,他们为自己而进行了抵抗。 www.bing.com 7. But SA was horned for her work across several areas of the economics. 而SA却因其研究多个经济学的领域而获奖。 bulo.hjenglish.com 8. Objectives: To investigate the reported incidence, treatment, outcomes, and economic cost of SA in new-onset HF in a larger. S. database. 目标:对一个大样本美国数据库新发HF的SA发生率、治疗、结局、医疗费用进行研究。 news.dxy.cn 9. This value can be matched with sa_conn_info output to determine the responsible locks in a blocking situation. 此值可与sa_conn_info输出进行匹配,以确定导致阻塞情况的锁。 www.ianywhere.com 10. The S form of the rachis of equestrian Sa Yi Ren and average now person curves rachis to differ somewhat, for straight " one " glyph. 马萨伊人的脊柱与现在一般人的s形弯曲脊柱有所不同,为直的“一”字形。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. A capacitor self-calibration circuit used in a successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (SA-ADC) is presented. 设计了一种用于逐次逼近型ADC中的电容自校准电路。 www.dictall.com 2. Can finally still determine to stand first and foremost, let the quick temper Sa namely toward the second smooth couple of premier. 可最后还是决定站在原地,先让向亚润把火气撒了再说。 www.swty.net 3. I wished to see Vietnam's Hoang Sa archipelago once in my life and to discover how our fishermen earn their living in this dangerous sea. 我期待看一次“越南的黄沙群岛”,和去感受我们的渔民为了生计如何奔波在危险的海域。 q.163.com 4. Nestle SA now ranks as the world's biggest food company, helping the Swiss economy grow at twice the rate of the European Union. 雀巢公司目前是世界最大的食品公司。在它的带领下,瑞士经济增长速度是欧盟的两倍。 www.bing.com 5. If it'sa very stiff frame then it may very well continue to be so until the end. 如果是非常激烈的框架那么它很可能继续下去,直到结束。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. If someone in SA threw a water bottle at Amare he would be running to the league and crying to the media about it. 如果某个马刺球迷向小斯扔水瓶,他会跑到联盟面前,冲着媒体大声咆哮这件事。 www.tianya.cn 7. Records of this type can be inserted into the audit trail using a system stored procedure called sa_audit_string. 可使用名为sa_audit_string的系统存储过程将这种类型的记录插入到审计追踪中。 www.ianywhere.com 8. SA's report came after a week of gloomy data and outlooks from Nokia, Samsung, LG and Apple. SA的报告在诺基亚、三星、LG和苹果疲弱的数据及前景展望披露之后一个礼拜发布。 www.bing.com 9. Substitute USER with the name of a defined database user or owner like SA. 用一个指定的数据库用户或如SA这样的用户名来替代USER。 www.itxuexi.com 10. SA is possibly the only speaker brand that has embraced globalisation in such an ambitious way. SA可能是唯一一个以如此雄心博博的方式拥抱全球化的喇叭品牌。 www.xinheaudio.com 1. Both Cnooc and CNPC have been looking to buy the Argentinean part of Repsol YPF SA since at least August, bankers and analysts say. 银行家和分析师表示,至少从去年8月份以来,中海油同中石油一直都在寻求收购RepsolYPFSA在阿根廷的部分。 c.wsj.com 2. She added that she mentions the Peter Leila situation many times with Sa Keqi, Sa Keqi each time "absolutely" listens attentively . 她还说,自己多次与萨科齐谈起彼得雷拉的情况,萨科齐每次都“绝对”倾听。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. SA is sparsely populated , with over 80% of its inhabitants living in Adelaide and a handful of major rural centres . 南澳州人口稀少,80%的居民居住在阿德雷德和少数几个大的乡村中心。 www.bing.com 4. All the way, the wild goose south flies virtuous Huo China and the affairs of businessman prince regiment in the sky all told the Pa Bo Sa. 一路上,雁南飞把霍华德和天富商团的事都告诉了帕伯萨。 cpubbs.com 5. Bouygues SA's management reported that the company had acquired a majority stake in SAUR. 布伊格股份有限公司管理层报告中称取得了SAUR的绝大多数股份。 club.topsage.com 6. Sa: Oh, it' s OK, now, It' s alright. So what should we do? Your mother used to sing to you when you had bad dreams. 山:哦,现在没事了,没事的。我们该怎么办呢?以前你做恶梦时,妈妈会给你唱歌。 www.ryedu.net 7. While working on the Virtual Team SA, we discovered that some of the fields within the CTP database were never updated. 在从事虚拟团队SA的工作时,我们发现CTP数据库中的某些字段从未进行更新。 www.ibm.com 8. You can use the sa_table_fragmentation stored procedure to obtain information about the degree of fragmentation of your database tables. 您可以使用sa_table_fragmentation存储过程来获取有关数据库表的碎片程度的信息。 www.ianywhere.com 9. Norway of course is in the stretch zone, pulled apart as is the region around the Black Sa. 挪威当然位于拉伸区域,就像黑海附近的区域那样被拉开。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The global sensitivity analysis (SA) is the important methods that was used to analysis effect of the uncertain inputs to the output. 全局敏感性分析方法,是分析输入不确定性对输出影响的主要方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Cap Gemini SA, Europe's largest computer services provider, climbed after signing a new contract with the U. K. government. 欧洲最大的电脑服务供应商凯捷集团和英国政府签订了新合同后,推动股价上涨。 career.51youcai.com 2. CDB is in talks with Brazilian state-owned Petroleo Brasileiro SA, or Petrobras, regarding further loans for the oil company, Mr. Chen said. 陈元表示,关于进一步贷款,国家开发银行正与巴西国家石油公司(简称巴西石油)进行磋商。 www.bing.com 3. Even foreign officials like the Portuguese Consul-General in Hamburg were beaten up by SA thugs. 甚至外国官员比如葡萄牙总领事在汉堡也受到冲锋队暴徒殴打。 dongxi.net 4. As the requirements of a small team using the application change, the SA often continues to evolve to accommodate these changes. 当使用应用程序的小型团队的需求更改时,情景应用程序通常会随即改进,以适应这些更改。 www.ibm.com 5. I would fear SA more than Houston. Houston has to get out of the 1st round anyway in that scenario so really this is a moot question. 相比火箭,我会更担心马刺。在你这种假设下,休斯顿必须冲过首轮关,所以说这种问题实在毫无意义。 club.sohu.com 6. We selected these applications to represent a wide variety of business challenges that SAs can be leveraged to solve. 我们选择这些应用程序来代表可利用SA来解决的广泛业务挑战。 www.ibm.com 7. Then it described how you can use SAs in an enterprise to improve the state of corporate computing. 然后该文描述了如何在企业中使用SA来改进公司计算的状态。 www.ibm.com 8. It seems to me it'sa universal truth. 在我看来,这是一个普遍真理。 www.bing.com 9. A special widget has been created that builders can include in their SA to provide such a link. 有一个特殊的小部件已经创建完成,构建人员可以在其SA中包括该小部件以提供这样的链接。 www.ibm.com 10. MAKE no mistake: virtually anybody who has invested in Bouygues SA over the past quarter of a century is better off for having done so. 千真万确:过去25年间任何投资布伊格股份有限公司的投资者实际上都赚了。 club.topsage.com 1. SA: But from what I saw, the King of Nowhere checked in two days early. He's here, now. 但是就我所见,[鬼地方]的国王提前了两天入住。他此时此刻就在这里。 www.anetcity.com 2. Neither Russia nor the United States will sell ATBMs to Pakistan and China has only a few batteries of SA-10s. 俄罗斯和美国都不会出售反战术弹道导弹给巴基斯坦,而且中国也仅装备了为数不多的SA-10导弹连。 www.fane.cn 3. Displaced in the absence of the countryside, as the body sa dead ahead. 流离在无人的郊外,躯体如行尸走肉般前行。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Now China is trying to stake its claim on SA. 现在中国正试图在南非占据一席之地。 www.junshijia.com 5. This instance has its own Master database, its own files, DLLs, and memory footprint and its own SA password. 该实例具有其自己的Master数据库、其自己的文件、DLL、内存占有空间以及其自己的SA密码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Total SA and Repsol YPF SA, also previously active in Libya, declined to say when they might begin production. 之前同样活跃在利比亚的荷兰皇家壳牌有限公司(RoyalDutchShellPLC)、道达尔公司(TotalSA)和西班牙RepsolYPFSA拒绝透露何时会开始生产。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Torrent Searcher SA is a peer-to-peer client for Windows that allows you to download any file-type found on several popular P2P networks. 洪流搜寻SA服务是一个点对点客户端为Windows可让您下载任何档案类型,发现在几个热门的P2P网络。 xtdownload.com 8. Looking at the Chinese maps before 1909, we see that there is no notation of Tay Sa and Nam Sa archipelagos. 在1909年之前,中国的地图来看,我们看到,有没有南萨萨和泰群岛符号。 www.panoramio.com 9. Make a few requests against the portal and then check that sa. log contains new records. 发出几个针对该门户的请求,然后检查sa.log是否包含新记录。 www.ibm.com 10. He slowly reaches into his pocket and reveal sa quarter. He inserts the quarter into the slotted head of the bleacher bolt and loosens it. 他把手慢慢地伸进裤兜里拿出了一个二角五分硬币,将硬币插入那个看台螺钉的槽头,开始旋松它。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It was once so remote that Khun Sa and his feared Muang Tai army kept the Thai authorities at bay for several years in the late Seventies. 这个地方如此偏远,在70年代后期,坤沙和他可怕的蒙泰军把泰国政府阻挡在外好多年。 www.bing.com 2. Then stood to two beautiful female thief side, who became jingling sa, help them set against the American people oppression. 进而站到两个美貌女贼一边,成了铿锵仨人组,帮助她们对抗美国人的压迫。 www.yc55.cn 3. Sa: Wait, wait, wait. They called? How did they get our number? Oh, let me guess. You gave it them. 山:等一等,等一等。他们打电话来了?他们怎么拿到号码的?哦,让我猜猜。是你给他们的。 www.superfection.com 4. However, Sa managed to complete them eventually, putting the princess in a great dilemma. 然而,英勇无比的所飒竟一一做到了!公主陷入了两难的境地。 www.putclub.com 5. Also, Hoang Sa-bound tourism by air and sea lanes will be promoted and registration for right to use uninhabited islands encouraged. 同时,为了带动适当开发无人岛,将开辟黄沙群岛的空中和海上航道旅游。 bbs.tiexue.net 6. Dodd, like most foreign diplomats in Germany at the time, had to seek compensation for their citizens who had been assaulted by the SA. 多德像当时多数在德的外国外交官一样,寻求他们被冲锋队袭击的公民的赔偿。 dongxi.net 7. An attacker could replace the contents of the hidden cell with a different computer name and get the SA password. 攻击者可使用不同的计算机名称替换隐藏单元格的内容,并获取SA密码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. It wasn't until after China incorporated the Paracels into its Quang Dong Province that France began to pay attention to Hoang Sa. 直到后中国纳入其广东省的西沙,法国开始关注黄沙。 www.panoramio.com 9. Additionally, SA was able to mimic the effect of SNP by strongly increasing NO release in the roots after daily treatment. 更重要的是,SA能通过模拟SNP的作用来诱导小麦幼苗根部大量释放NO。 www.cajs.net.cn 10. Caching techniques can help with this, especially as SAs are often built around relatively nonvolatile data. 缓存技术可以为这种情况提供帮助,尤其是当SA通常是围绕相对非易失性的数据构建时。 www.ibm.com 1. A statement found in this book read: Van Ly Truong Sa is a sandbank rising above the sea. 发现在这一个声明书内容如下:阮文黎张庭选萨是一个沙洲海拔上升。 www.panoramio.com 2. To quickly take this idea from concept to a prototype to show its business value, we implemented this idea as an SA. 为了使该思想迅速从概念转换为原型以展示其业务价值,我们将该思想实现为一个SA。 www.ibm.com 3. But that lack of a large holding in the group left Bouygues SA vulnerable to a hostile bid. 但是缺少对集团公司的大额股份持有就使得布伊格股份有限公司易于被恶意收购。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. AB Graphic International has announced the sale of its first Omega FSR film rewinder to West Yorkshire, UK-based SA Labels Limited. 图形国际公司宣布出售其第一欧米茄FSR电影复卷机到西约克郡,总部设在英国的公司标签有限公司。 www.512121.com 5. Then, SA XML files have been converted to a non-proprietary, semantic-rich, MOF-based XMI using EMF. 于是,使用EMF、SAXML文件被转换成一种非私有的、语义完备的、基于MOF的XMI。 www.ibm.com 6. Dwight: None. Just a hogs heard of "was sa wine" . 德怀特:没有,只用了猪头大的一瓶酒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A new password to replace the default password for the system administrator (SA) login account. 用于替换系统管理员(SA)登录帐户默认密码的新密码。 office.microsoft.com 8. Sa: I got hundreds of letters from women all over the country. 山:我收到来自全国各地好几百封女人的来信。 www.superfection.com 9. This book is about a Cuban named Sa Old fisherman n Diego, a man fishing alone in the 84 days after nothing caught a Marlins immeasurable. 这本书讲了古巴的一个名叫圣地亚哥的老渔夫,独自一个人出海打鱼,在一无所获的84天之后钓到了一条无比巨大的马林鱼。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The National Competition Commission will still review Prisa's plan to sell stakes in its Digital Plus unit to Telecinco and Telefonica SA. 西班牙全国竞争委员会将审议传媒集团Prisa把出售给Telecinco和西班牙电信公司(Telefonica)的计划。 www.bing.com 1. The cookie can write to the sa. log in the same manner as any other cookie. 该Cookie可以与任何其他Cookie一样以相同方式向sa.log写入信息。 www.ibm.com 2. Regardless of the type of security you choose, the Setup utility demands that you provide an SA password. 不管您选择的安全性类型如何,安装实用工具都将要求您提供SA密码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The system isn't fit for the 21st century, says Michael Devereux, professor of business taxation at Oxford's Saï d Business School. 牛津大学赛德商学院商业税教授迈克?德佛罗称,该体制不再符合21世纪的需求。 www.ecocn.org 4. Enter and confirm the system administrator (sa) login when you choose Mixed Mode Authentication. 选择“混合模式身份验证”时,请输入并确认系统管理员(sa)登录名。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. she replied! it'sa good beginning, at least, haha~She responded , it is. 她回应我了,至少这是个好的开始,哈哈 so.yeshj.com 6. SA, which has made rapid progress recently, is served as one of structural dynamic design methods. 灵敏度分析是近年来发展比较迅速的一种结构动态设计方法。 www.fabiao.net 7. This procedure migrates the data from each remote table into the base table created by the sa_migrate_create_tables procedure. 此过程将数据从每个远程表迁移到由sa_migrate_create_tables过程创建的基表中。 www.ianywhere.com 8. Stereoscopic view sharpness (SA) is refers in persons depth vision may be bad by the sensation smallest depth. 立体视锐度(SA)是指在人的深度视觉中可被感知的最小深度差。 www.chemyq.com 9. Poland is considering the sale of a stake in Tauron Polska Energia SA, the country's second- largest power utility. 而波兰也正在考虑出售该国第二大电力公司(TauronPolskaEnergiaSA)的股票。 www.bing.com 10. In the transformation process, SA models serialized as proprietary XML files have been reversed engineered. 在转换过程中,正如XML文件已经被反向工程化一样,SA模型被串行化。 www.ibm.com 1. Here again, the SA government, is unlikely to wave through a deal involving significant job losses. 再次强调一下,南非政府不可能批准会造成大量工作岗位损失的交易。 www.ftchinese.com 2. By passing 154 characters into a 128 character buffer, an attacker can set a new password for sa without knowing the old password. 通过向128个字符的缓冲区传递154个字符,攻击者便可以在不知道旧密码的情况下为sa设置新密码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Haddadin another market, the tobacco market, and the sale of a variety of silver-copper utensils Seoul Sa France and Africa market. 另外还有哈达丁市场、烟草市场,以及出售各种银铜器皿的萨法非尔市场。 www.qiyeku.com 4. It'sa common habit to let previous failures and bad experiences washthrough your mind before you do something important. 在做重要的事之前,会经常地想到过去失败的经历。 www.bing.com 5. France's Sanofi-Aventis SA, meanwhile, is carrying out large clinical trials of an oral MS drug called teriflunomide. 法国制药公司赛诺菲-安万特同时也在就自己的治疗多发性硬化症的口服药物teriflunomide的大型临床试验。 www.bing.com 6. The sa_index_density stored procedure provides information about the degree of fragmentation in a database's indexes. sa_index_density存储过程提供有关数据库索引中的碎片程度的信息。 www.ianywhere.com 7. Is small to work properly son you nice variety, incredibly challenge to my Sa monstrous prevaricate favor this? 小灵子你好样的,居然敢对我撒这样的弥天大谎? www.swty.net 8. Sa Chen Section From that day began, no longer appeared on television, live television broadcast was canceled. 萨臣科从那一天开始,就没有再在电视上出现过,电视台也取消了现场播报。 www.englishtang.com 9. Their old mamas on TV tell a bitterness to the reporter: Feed Sa a kid not easy! You say that buy clothes? ! All TM get wholesale. 他们的老妈在电视上对记者诉苦:养活仨孩子不容易啊!你就说买衣服吧?!都TM得批发。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Availability of numerous mashups and SAs in the public domain Novice SA builders learn by viewing applications written by others. 公共域中存在大量可用的mashup和情景应用程序情景应用程序新手通过查看他人编写的应用程序进行学习。 www.ibm.com 1. Wuwei has a long history, splendid culture, the long river of history here topaz sa pearl crystal. 武威有悠久的历史、灿烂的文化,历史的长河曾在这里抛洒过晶莹的珍珠。 dict.kekenet.com 2. All along the question remains who gained from each transaction, the shareholders of Bouygues SA or the brothers? 整个过程中的疑问仍然是在每次交易中,到底是谁获利了,是布伊格股份有限公司股东还是布伊格兄弟们? club.topsage.com 3. As one of heuristic methods, simulated annealing(SA)is more applicable to meet this requirement. 应用模拟退火方法并结合启发式算法,给出了求解该模型的一种新方法。 www.dictall.com 4. He painted some of the world . Mona Lisa sa good example of his works . 他画了很多世界名著,蒙娜丽莎是他的一个好的代表作。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The sa_migrate stored procedures can allow you to migrate remote data. 使用sa_migrate存储过程,您可以迁移远程数据。 www.ianywhere.com 6. Each line in sa. log represents a specific event that was fired through a request against the portal. log中的每一行都表示一个特定的事件,由针对该门户的请求所激发。 www.ibm.com 7. In the tacit approval of the leader of the company, DongCunRui and sa difficult to finish the task. 在连长的默许下,董存瑞和秀儿困难地完成了任务。 tv.360mp3.com 8. Within GSA, Popkins System Architecture (SA) is one of the most used data modeling tools. 在GSA中,Popkins系统架构(SA)是一种最常使用的数据模型工具。 www.ibm.com 9. Sa: We' re doing Ok, aren' t we? I mean, aren' t we Ok? So far have I done anything really stupid? 山:我们相处得不错,是不是?我说,我们俩不是活得好好吗?我做了什么蠢事吗? www.ryedu.net 10. SA exact is available in different colours and finishes, and you can even order it in a colour that suits your needs. 它有不同的颜色和表面处理效果,你可以根据自己的需要选择色泽。 www.xinheaudio.com 1. Objective: To inquire into the values of sialic acid (SA) levels of serum to the diagnosis of malignant tumors of digestive tract. 目的:探讨血清唾液酸水平对消化道恶性肿瘤的诊断价值。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Other heuristics are either simulated annealing (SA), genetic algorithm (GA), or artificial intelligence (AI). 其它启发法是或者被模仿的焖火(SA),基因算法(GA),或人工智能(AI)。 dzh.mop.com 3. Dry cleaners usually use a small amount of perc and experience limited effects, but it'sa pretty nasty chemical. 干洗店通常使用少量的perc和经验有限的影响,但它是相当恶劣的化学品。 www.ganxi-ganxiji.cn 4. Moreover, extractable and cell-wall-bound phenolic compounds were decreased in the overexpression lines, but its SA levels were increased. 此外,过表达株系中可萃取的细胞壁结合的酚化合物含量降低,但它的SA水平增加。 www.ricedata.cn 5. Among the latest to jump on the bandwagon is French liquor company Pernod Ricard SA. 最新一家赶上这个潮流的公司是法国酿酒商PernodRicardSA。 www.bing.com 6. This paper discusses the simplicity of the system MP's inference rules SA. 本文讨论中介命题扩张系统MP*推理规则集SA的简化。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 7. Results: The adverse reaction of SA mainly contains phlebitis, local edema and ache, hypersusceptibility and kidney injury. 结果:七叶皂苷钠的不良反应主要有静脉炎、局部疼痛肿胀、过敏反应和肾损害等。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. This paper use simulated annealing(SA) to solve. The optimization effect is obvious by verifying the model and algorithm with an example. 文中用模拟退火算法(SA)设计求解方案,并用实例对模型和算法进行验证,生成到发线使用方案,说明其优化效果明显。 lib.cqvip.com 9. This advice is so obvious it hardly deserves mention, but it'sa step few decided introverts take on. 这个意见是如此明显,这是很难值得一提的,但是这一步数决定introverts采取的。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. To use SA technology can reduce common channels interference and increase communication system capability. 采用智能天线技术,可以降低同信道干扰,增加系统容量。 www.lw23.com 1. Sa: I' ve screwed it up for the both of us? 山:我让我们的感情破裂了吗? bbs.gliet.edu.cn 2. If problem continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software Disable BIOS memory options such sa caching or shadowing. 如果问题仍然存在,禁用或删除任何新安装的硬件或软件。禁用的BIOS内存选项,如缓存或阴影。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Moreover, co-expressed and inversely expressed SA pairs exhibit a striking pattern of evolutionary conservation. 此外,共同表达和成反比表示公司对表现出了惊人的模式进化的保护。 www.syyxw.com 4. Deutsche Bank AG and Banco Santander SA led financial shares lower as German Chancellor Angela Merkel's government rattled investors. 默克尔的这一政府管指令使得投资者不安,以意志银行和桑坦德银行为首的金融股走低。 www.bing.com 5. Sa: I' not even going to think about what they' re not teaching you in school. 山:我真不敢想像他们在学校都教了你什么。 www.superfection.com 6. Study customer inquiry firstly and receiving service, and master gradually the skill about how SA service customers and vehicles. 进行初步顾客问询与车辆接待工作,辅助学习并逐步掌握SA进行全面服务顾客与车辆服务的技能。 www.job592.com 7. Gil Schor was a portfolio manager for French investment bank Natixis SA until July 2008, when Natixis shut down his department. 肖尔(GilSchor)曾担任法国投资银行NatixisSA的投资组合经理,直到Natixis在2008年7月关闭了他的部门。 www.bing.com 8. Here you are. Let me put the moon cakes in the big plastic bag and Sa-qi-ma into another one, will that do? 给你,让我把月饼为您放在大塑料口袋里,萨其玛放在另一个口袋里,这样好不好? www.bing.com 9. HSBC Holdings Plc and BNP Paribas SA led bank shares higher after the U. S. payrolls data. 美国公布非农人口就业数据后,汇丰银行和法国巴黎银行领涨银行个股。 www.bing.com 10. Objective Model of saccular aneurysm (SA) was established in rabbit for studying its growth, image diagnosis and treatment. 目的仿造人类囊状动脉瘤(SA),研究其发生发展及成像诊断技术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. This week, shipbuilder OSX Brasil SA (OSXB3. BR) was forced to slash the size and price of its initial public offering. 本周,造船厂商OSXBrasilSA被迫削减首次公开募股(IPO)的规模、降低招股价。 chinese.wsj.com 2. SA : Are there nonbiological aids to sustainability that you in the biotech industry are counting on to emerge? SA:你们生物科技业是否会期待,有能帮助永续发展的非生物科技出现? edba.ncl.edu.tw 3. The beaming delegation included directors Lu Chuan and Zhang Yuan, crosstalk performer-turned-actor Niu Qun and TV show host Sa Beining. 群星闪耀的代表团包括导演陆川和张元,由相声演员转为演员的牛群和电视节目主持人撒贝宁。 www.showxiu.com 4. These com'panies charge high fees, and they provide' advice' or ser'vices which will not help you to qual'ify' for a vi'sa. 这些公司收取高的费用,并且,他们提供将不帮助你获得签证上所需要的资格的劝告或服务。 34914.com 5. The performance of these services can impact the overall SA. 这些服务的性能会影响总体SA。 www.ibm.com 6. SA : Major conservation and sustainability worries involve freshwater and topsoil. 环保人士担心的议题包括淡水资源与表层土壤。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 7. But, as with the prefab -housing business, this was not strictly true: Bouygues SA bought only 45%. 但对于做预制板房屋的这家企业,这个不完全真实:布伊格股份有限公司仅仅购入了45%的股份。 www.showxiu.com 8. Keep hopeful, as long sa the dream will come true. 只要不失去希望,就一定能够梦想成真。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. This method possesses both the global searching ability of GAs and the local rapid convergence of SA algorithm, and the efficiency improved. 该算法既有遗传算法的全局搜索能力,又兼有模拟退火算法的局部快速收敛性。 www.say666.com 10. SA builders report improved satisfaction with their jobs and the sense of "being in control. " 情景应用程序构建者公布了由于他们的工作和“被控制”的感觉而带来的满意度的改进。 www.ibm.com 1. Conclusion Endoscopic thyroidectomy via breast approach and subclavicular approach are effective, sa. . . 结论经乳晕入路和经锁骨下入路腔镜下甲状腺切除术是安全可行的术式。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 2. Porsche SE and Renault SA paced advancing shares after BofA-Merrill Lynch Global Research recommended the carmakers. 保时捷公司和雷诺公司股价上涨,此前美国银行美林全球研究推荐了两家公司的股票。 www.bing.com 3. Planting before Tomb Sweeping Festival, Chun-yang Zhao Lin, Chun-yu Fei Sa, planting seedlings with high survival rate, grow fast. 植树清明前后,春阳照临,春雨飞洒,种植树苗成活率高,成长快。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Those ideas are epoch-making progresses on his view on Women &Children, while at the sa. . . 这些思想反映了他妇女儿童观的时代进步性,也包含了他的历史局限性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Loan to any financial company. Mag loan sa banko. 不可向任何财务公司借钱。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A shop assistant (SA) in a clothes shop is speaking to a customer (C). 一位服装店的店员(SA)正与一位顾客(C)谈话。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. Today the Peugeot 307 is doing the sa me to the likes of the Ford Focus and Honda Civic. 今天,标致307就是这样做的到福特福克斯和本田思域喜欢。 www.xcar.com.cn 8. With regard to indigenous groups in SA, discuss the social and exclusion issues that indigenous South Australians may face. 关于在南非土著群体,讨论社会和排斥问题,土著南澳大利亚可能面临。 wenda.tianya.cn 9. Changes are categorised as substantial amendments (SA) and non-substantial amendments (NSA). 变更可划分为实质性修正案(SA)和非实质性修正案(NSA)。 www.qiyeku.com 10. Danone gets more than 40 percent of its sales from emerging markets, a higher proportion than bigger rival Nestle SA. 达能公司销售额中的40%来自新兴市场,在新兴市场的份额高于竞争对手雀巢公司。 www.bing.com 1. Ban Sa wanders the four directions, noisily left the innumerable jokes story. 班萨云游四方,闹出了无数笑话的故事。 ciho1218.blog.163.com 2. The SGS SA is the global leader and innovator in inspection, verification, testing and certification services. SGSSA创立于1878年,是领导全球的检验、验证、测试及认证服务翘楚。 www.elexcon.com 3. Separately, Alstom agreed to create a joint venture with Bouygues SA to develop and provide energy-management services. 此外,阿尔斯通公司同意和法国布伊格电信集团(Bouygues)成立合资企业,共同研发和提供能源管理服务。 www.bing.com 4. Sow seeds can pass a tractor operation of sow seeds the machine, hand move a machine dibble machine and handicraft Sa to sow completion. 播种可通过拖拉机操作的播种器、手动机械播种器和手工撒播完成。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The doctor delivers the examine that press demand the bill of cost, sa Weiji cannot liquidate. 医生一次次送来催索诊费的帐单,萨维奇都无法偿付。 www.showxiu.com 6. RECOMPILE is also used by the sa_recompile_views system procedure to update view definitions when rebuilding a database. RECOMPILE也被sa_recompile_views系统过程用来在重建数据库时更新视图定义。 www.ianywhere.com 7. For more information about enabling procedure profiling, see sa_server_option system procedure. 有关启用过程分析的详细信息,请参见sa_server_option系统过程。 www.ianywhere.com 8. love is caring. love is sharing. love will seek the best for others. love treats everyone sa brothers. 有是关怀,爱是休戚与共,爱是为别人争取最好,爱是将人人都当成兄弟。 blog.163.com 9. It has cleared two companies based on its testing, Beijing-based Sanyuan Group Ltd. and global giant Nestle SA. 根据结果,有两家公司未发现问题,他们是北京的三元集团有限公司和跨国巨头雀巢公司(NestleSA)。 www.bing.com 10. The formulas of expectation and variance of degree of consolidation for sa nd-drained ground are obtained. 推导了砂井地基固结度期望值和方差的计算公式。 www.cgejournal.com 1. To stimulate a vibrant SA enterprise ecosystem, it's important to bring together users with a range of complementary skills. 为了能让SA企业生态系统变得更有活力,召集一些具有广泛互补技能的用户是非常重要的。 www.ibm.com 2. Activation of SAR requires the hormone salicylic acid (SA), which induces SA-responsive gene expression. 激活的特区需要激素水杨酸(SA),这引起的SA-反应基因的表达。 www.syyxw.com 3. An SA-7 is a relatively small weapon and works by homing in on the heat signature from an aircraft's engine . 是通过追踪航空器发动机热量寻的的相对小型的武器。 www.bing.com 4. You know it's funny. I've been learning English for 12 years and not until yesterday did I know how to sa toilet paper. 你知道我学了十二年英语,可直到昨天我才知道卫生纸怎么说。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. SA-141 patch glue series, its quality quality and good performance to win the praise of the vast number of users. 贴片胶SA-141系列,其以优质的质量和良好的性能赢得了广大用户的赞扬。 www.b2easy.com 6. A few leading regime officials, including Muammar Qaddafi's son, Sa'adi, narrowly escaped. 数名首要官员,包括玛阿玛?卡扎菲之子萨阿迪侥幸出逃。 dongxi.net 7. But the launch of the China-SA flight points to a different phenomenon. 但中国-南非航班的启动,展示的却是另一个现象。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Lemanarc SA has created many outstanding works in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Canada, Yugoslavia, China and Africa, etc. Lemanarc事务所在瑞士、德国、奥地利、意大利、法国、加拿大、南斯拉夫、中国和非洲等地都有众多出色的作品。 www.alsox.com 9. Last week, BNP Paribas SA, seeking to quell worries about its funding, said it would sell assets. 上周,法国巴黎银行(BNPParibasSA)为了打消外界对于其资金充裕度的忧虑,表示将出售资产。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Open window ear ring temperature of atmosphere scene, SA Fu heart desolate, just knowing the original old feelings. 敞开门面耳响温昔氛围景,飒风拂过心凄凉,才知原有旧情怀。 www.bing.com 1. This is of particular importance for accounts that are members of the sysadmin role, especially the sa account. 这对于属于sysadmin角色的帐户(特别是sa帐户)尤其重要。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Update: Here'sa third website that provides free Wake on LAN over the internet service. 更新:下面第三个网站,免费提供局域网唤醒的互联网服务。 wenda.tianya.cn 3. what does SA have in common with the world's most expensive cables, which are used in surgery on the human body? 和世界最贵的用于人脑外科手术的电缆又有何共同点? www.xinheaudio.com 4. It put its most attention on stressing the fast-convergence problem during the process of SA, its causation and the ameliorative scheme. 研究了模拟退火算法在解决问题过程中存在的过早收敛问题并分析了其原因,提出了相应的改进方案。 epub.cnki.net 5. This paper solved offline Constraint-Based Routing problem with simulated annealing(SA). 应用模拟退火算法解决了光网络中的静态受限路由问题。 epub.cnki.net 6. Venice rich merchant Antonio to help good friend Pakistan Sa Niao the wedding, borrows money to Jew usury summer Locker. 威尼斯富商安东尼奥为了成全好友巴萨尼奥的婚事,向犹太人高利贷者夏洛克借债。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Enter and confirm a strong sa logon password. 输入并确认sa强登录密码。 technet.microsoft.com 8. French luxury goods makers Hermes SA also told investors that it expects to bring in more profits this year than earlier forecasts. 法国奢侈品生产商爱马仕国际集团向投资者表示,今年全年利润有望超过此前预期。 www.bing.com 9. The cattle i sa kind of animal that may be easily terrified of things with red color. 牛是看到红颜色极易受惊的一种动物。 www.edudown.net 10. In vivo tissue distribution results showed that DOX-CSO-SA micelles were largely accumulated to tumor tissue. 动物体内脏器组织分布结果显示,DOX-CSO-SA聚合物胶团在肿瘤组织有大量聚集。 www.fabiao.net 1. In Brazil, Embraer SA, the world's fourth-largest aircraft maker, said some airlines are having trouble getting financing for aircraft. 在巴西,全球第四大飞机制造商巴西航空工业公司(EmbraerSA)说,一些航空公司开始难以获得订购飞机所需的资金。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Sa-0 Member is a medium-low permeable reservoir with a high clay mineral content and strong water sensitivity. 萨零组油藏为中-低孔渗储层,储层中粘土矿物含量高,表现出强水敏特徵。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The SAE initiative has worked with LOBs to identify SAs that could demonstrate measurable business value. SAE活动已经与LOB进行合作,以确定能够证明可测量业务价值的SA。 www.ibm.com 4. For an extended image, SA would reduce the contrast and degrade the details. 对于一个扩展的图象,球差会减少反衬度并使图象的细节模糊。 www.jukuu.com 5. If you want to drop the proxy tables that were created for migration purposes, run the sa_drop_proxy_tables stored procedure. 如果您要删除为了进行迁移而创建的代理表,请运行sa_drop_proxy_tables存储过程。 www.ianywhere.com 6. The Hoang Sa Company had both civil and military, both private and governmental characteristics. 该公司已黄沙民用和军用,私人和政府的特点。 www.panoramio.com 7. For more information about the sa_migrate_create_tables stored procedure, see sa_migrate_create_tables system procedure. 有关sa_migrate_create_tables存储过程的详细信息,请参见sa_migrate_create_tables系统过程。 www.ianywhere.com 8. National Bank of Greece SA, the country's biggest lender, will pass stress tests, chairman Vassilios T. Rapanos said this week. 而希腊国民银行董事长瓦西里奥斯雷帕诺斯(VassiliosT.Rapanos)表示,该行将顺利通过压力测试。 www.bing.com 9. In this paper the grid workflow scheduling genetic simulated annealing (GA-SA) algorithm is improved. 对用于网格工作流调度的遗传模拟退火(GA-SA)算法进行改进。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. In chapter 3, applying SA algorithm solves topology optimization and structural optimization with disjoint design space. 通过一系列算例,给出了具有奇异性的桁架结构拓扑优化问题的结果。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. From 1909 until the present, China has made many changes in its arguments for ownership rights of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa. 从1909年到现在,中国已经在它的参数为黄沙和张庭选萨所有权许多变化。 www.panoramio.com 2. The sa login cannot be removed from any fixed server role. 不能从任何固定服务器角色中删除sa登录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. We thank Robi Brunner for developing the NOVA services framework, which we leveraged in the Virtual Team SA. 我们要感谢RobiBrunner开发了虚拟团队SA中利用的NOVA服务框架。 www.ibm.com 4. France's Groupe Danone SA has sold drinkable yogurt in the U. S. for more than six years. 法国的达能在美国销售可以喝的酸奶,已经有6年多时间了。 www.bing.com 5. And within the last few years, banks such as Societe Generale SA have shuttered their film-financing departments. 过去几年中,法国兴业银行(SocieteGeneraleSA)等一些银行纷纷关闭了电影融资部门。 www.bing.com 6. At this time, Move another waveform upward or downward by adjusting the vertical position control so sa to make the said waveform invisible. 这时,通过调节垂直位置控制(旋钮或开关)来向上或向下移动波形以使得所看到的波形消失。 zhishi.sohu.com 7. This process continues over and over as the atria refill with blood and other electrical signals come from the SA node. 随着心房的再次充血和窦房结电信号的再次产生,这个过程会一直重复下去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. de Weck, O. L. "System Optimization with Simulated Annealing (SA). " Memorandum. 利用模拟退火算法的系统最优化〉,《备忘录》。 www.myoops.org 9. In 2002, al-Qaeda used SA-7s in a failed attempt to bring down an Israeli passenger plane over Mombasa, Kenya. “基地”组织在2002年,在一次失败的尝试,以降低对肯尼亚蒙巴萨的以色列客机使用SA-7。 www.englishtang.com 10. I had already turned into the square when I thought I heard a voice still calling: "Tee-reee-sa! " 在我拐到广场时我还听到了有人在叫”特-丽--萨“。 www.bing.com 1. Each ability is described as a special attack (SA) or special quality (SQ). 每个能力都描述为特殊攻击(SA)或特性(SQ)。 z120018779.blog.163.com 2. Among them is Patricia Russo, a former CEO of French telecommunications-gear giant Alcatel Lucent SA. 鲁索(PatriciaRusso)就是其中之一,她曾担任法国电信设备业巨头阿尔卡特-朗讯(AlcatelLucentSA)的首席执行长。 www.bing.com 3. Alfa-Beta Vassiloopoulous SA, a Greek chain controlled by Belgium's Delhaize Group, leads the pack with a 76 percent surge. 由比利时戴尔海兹集团控股的希腊连锁企业阿尔法-贝塔-法西罗婆罗斯SA公司股票上涨了76%,高居排行榜首位。 www.suiniyi.com 4. In the museum I learned why so many regard Khun Sa as a freedom fighter rather than an opium warlord. 在这间博物馆里,我得知为什么有这么许多人把坤沙奉为自由战士而不是大毒枭。 www.bing.com 5. In plants, these redox changes regulate the conformation of NPR1, a master regulator of salicylic acid ( SA)- mediated defense genes. 在植物中,这些氧化还原变化调节NPR1基因,水杨酸(SA)的主控调节-介导的防御基因的构象。 www.medsci.cn 6. A group of Nestle SA researchers here are on an unusual mission: They hope to create new foods based on gut instinct. 雀巢公司的研发人员现在有个特殊的任务:他们希望能够根据肠道的本能来设计新的食物。 www.bing.com 7. Are top management reviews conducted formally regarding SA 8000 performance and arrive at divisions for improvement? 是否有高层管理人员对SA8000有效性进行审核并对执行相应改善? wenku.baidu.com 8. 11- Specifying supplications for each round of Sa'i, as there is no evidence on this in the Sunnah. 为每次奔走指定祈祷词,这些圣训中也找不到证据。 www.2muslim.com 9. And Khun Sa, the DEA thought, had 45% of that trade. 该管理局还认为,坤沙占有45%的海洛因生意。 www.ecocn.org 10. Other contents produced by the BMP team are released under a CC BY-NC-SA license. BMP的团队制作的其他内容按下发布一个CC-数控-SA授权。 tinyurl.com 1. A group of uninteresting people fishing fishing profits vampire son of the SA. 一群无趣的捞名捞利的吸血的瘙子。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Sa to plain DongCunRui has obvious affection, but a war crime DongCunRui thought, but without any perceived. 秀儿对质朴的董存瑞有着明显的好感,可是一心想打仗、犯罪的董存瑞却没有丝毫的察觉。 tv.360mp3.com 3. The judgment day judges Sa however advent already, all who livings all want to pay for it! 末日审判己经飒然降临,全部生者都要付出代价! www.xiaotieba.com 4. Your SA explorer master offers superb sound quality, no matter what challenge you confront it with. 无论面临多大的挑战,您的扬声器都能给你提供超高品质的音质。 www.xinheaudio.com 5. The Emperor Minh Mang and Bo Cong has asserted numerous times that Hoang Sa and Truong Sa belonged to Vietnam. 1胡志明市皇帝王莽和博琮坚称黄沙和张庭选萨属于越南无数次。 www.panoramio.com 6. SA is a global optimization random algorithm which simulates the annealing of metal. 模拟退火法是一种模拟金属退火的全局优化随机方法。 www.13191.com 7. SA: What about this one? It's cheap. Tt's only 50 yuan. 那么这个怎么样?它是便宜的。仅仅50元。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Good candidate SAs focus on automating highly manual data manipulation tasks. 良好的候选SA关注于自动化需要频繁手动操作数据的任务。 www.ibm.com 9. In the United States, of course, it'sa different story. 在美国,当然,这是一个不同的故事。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. There'sa lot of paths to take to get your application to the widest user base, and this section will show you how! 有很多路径采取让您的应用最广泛的用户群,这节将告诉您如何! q.sohu.com 1. Whether Alberta's government ca very be relied on to promote greener tar sa verde- however- is questiontummyle. 不过,在促使油砂开采工艺绿色化上艾伯塔政府能否可以依赖,这一点值得猜疑。 hao.595u.com 2. Conclusion: The combined test of sera AFP, HA, SA can increase the positive checked-rate . . . 结论:血清AFP、HA、SA三者联合测定,可提高原发性肝癌的阳性检出率。 www.chemyq.com 3. This SA shows how you can mix enterprise data and user-defined data to increase employee collaboration. 这个SA表明了如何能够混合企业数据和用户定义的数据来加强员工协作。 www.ibm.com 4. Details of these and other SAs are examined in the third article of this series. 这些以及其他SA的详细信息将在本系列的第三篇文章中进行研究。 www.ibm.com 5. Running sp_configure to change the default language for the server does not update the default language for the sa account. 通过运行sp_configure更改服务器的默认语言时不会更新sa帐户的默认语言。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Unilever said western Europe weighed on growth, while Groupe Danone SA said last month consumption in that region will continue to suffer. 联合利华表示,西欧市场的销售额影响了增长,而法国达能集团上个月表示西欧市场的消费量将继续下滑。 www.bing.com 7. Comparing to CSO-SA micelles, DOX-CSO-SA micelles showed better ability of drug loading capacity. 研究结果显示,DOX-CSO-SA聚合物胶团的载药能力较CSO-SA聚合物胶团强。 www.fabiao.net 8. But what'sa girl to do when she gets dumped or divorced and those rings, necklaces and love gifts lose their emotional sparkle? 但是当女孩子被抛弃或离婚了,她会如何处置那些失去了饱含情意的戒指、项链或爱情信物呢? www.suiniyi.com 9. This group will be the largest in countries in Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA), followed by South Asia (SA), and MENA. 在这个群体中,最大的组成部分将出现在撒哈拉以南非洲地区(SSA),其次是南亚地区(SA)、中东和北非地区(MENA)。 web.worldbank.org 10. I am bilingual in Russian and English, an accountant and a graduate of Oxford's Sa? d Business School. 我也会两种语言:俄语和英语,目前从事会计工作,毕业于牛津大学赛德商学院(Sa?dBusinessSchool)。 www.ftchinese.com |
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