单词 | S/360 |
释义 | S/360例句释义: 全部 1. During 360-degree interviews, co-workers said, 'She's trying to be better than us, '' the coach recollects. 在360度评测中,女高管的同事说:她想穿得比我们好。 c.wsj.com 2. But neither product is expected to go on sale until November, giving Microsoft's Xbox 360 a year's lead that could prove unassailable. 但是,预计这两款产品都要到今年11月份才能上市销售,因此微软的Xbox360将获得1年的领先优势,这一优势可能将被证明是无法赶超的。 www.ftchinese.com 3. 360 was sensitive enough to call back some of its employees on Spring Festival off to counter QQ's sudden challenge. 360非常明智的把员工从春节长假中召集回来,以此应对QQ突如其来的挑战;很快。 www.bing.com 4. You want to buy an Xbox 360? Well, let's find out how much that costs. 你想要买一个Xbox360游戏机,让我们看看它有花费多少。 www.bing.com 5. Microsoft's price cut also heralds a new phase in the console wars as the company's move takes the Xbox 360 into the mass market. 随着降价将Xbox360带入大众市场,此举也预示着游戏机之争进入新的阶段。 www.ftchinese.com 6. When you compare those sales with the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3, which by any other standard had a good month, it's just embarrassing. 当你把wii和上个月也卖的很好,但由其他公司生产的xbox363,ps3相比较时,这就很是尴尬了。 www.bing.com 7. These 360-degree appraisals are hopelessly flawed, and will almost certainly have no effect on your boss's future behaviour. 这些360度评估有着无法弥补的缺陷,几乎肯定不会对你老板日后的行为产生任何影响。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Deep in Microsoft's lairs, the Xbox 360 team is working on more than just a new video-game system. 微软老巢,Xbox360团队不仅是在开发一种新的视频游戏系统。 www.bing.com 9. When paintballing the safest place for you is at the perimeter. That way, incoming's coming in from 180 degrees, not 360! 当游戏开始时,最安全的地方是在你的周围180度范围内,记住不是360度! www.kekenet.com 10. Plato's 'dialogues' from around 360 B. C. are the only known historical sources of information about the iconic city. 来自于柏拉图公元前360年的对话是史上所知的唯一关于这个标志性城市的记载。 www.bing.com 1. The resort's 'relaxation pavilions, ' wooden, airy structures that jut over the cliff, provide stunning panoramas. 在悬崖边上有多处通透的木结构“发呆亭”(relaxationpavilions),可360度观赏令人惊叹的美景。 chinese.wsj.com 2. In the Xbox 360's first three months on the market, the American firm wants to sell up to 3m units worldwide. 在Xbox360打入市场的前三个月,微软希望能在全世界售出300万台。 www.ecocn.org 3. CNOOC has agreed to buy 3. 6m tonnes of LNG a year for 20 years and is taking small stakes in BG's LNG plant and some of its gas fields. 中海油同意连续20年每年购买360万吨LNG,并购买了BG部分天然气田及LNG工厂的小额股权。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Peter Vandenberg has just spent about $360, 000 on a new Bentley - and turned it into a plumber's van. 水管工彼得范登博格刚刚花了三十六万块钱纽币买了一辆新宾利就把它改成了一部工具车。 mcs.szu.edu.cn 5. The Swiss driver's imaginative excuse did him little good. Police issued him a C$360 speeding ticket. 这名瑞士司机的富有想象力理由并没有给他带来什么好处。交警还是开出了360加元的超速罚单。 bbs.wwenglish.org 6. On the court the gameplay and teammate grading system is identical to what's on 360 and PS3. 球场上的玩法和球员分级制度和PS3、Xbox360版本是一样的。 www.bing.com 7. The Chongqing bank's total assets at the end of this year are expected to reach Rmb36bn. 预计,截至今年年底,重庆市商业银行的总资产将达到360亿元人民币。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The U. S. saw 1, 971 investment immigrants from China in 2009, up from 1, 360 a year earlier, Xinhua said. 新华社报道,2009年美国来自中国的投资移民有1,971位,高于上一年的1,360位。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The company had calculated that 90 to 95 per cent of the world's roughly 360 LNG tankers would soon be in use, Mr Ryder said. 赖德表示,据StenaBulk计算,全球大约360艘LNG油轮中的90%至95%不久后就会投入使用。 www.ftchinese.com 10. When you visit Melbourne, make a point of experiencing stunning 360 - degree bird's-eye- views of the fabulous city and 60km to the horizon. 来墨尔本游览时,一定要来欣赏这座美丽城市到地平线60公里的360度鸟瞰全景。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. NIS 2008's One-Click Support (originally introduced with Norton 360) aims to turn this perception around. NIS2008的“一键支持”(原先是360的)就是为了屏除这种偏见的。 www.kafan.cn 2. Our data come from 360 evaluations, so what they are tracking is the judgment of a leader's peers, bosses, and direct reports. 我们的数据来自360份评估,这些评估跟踪了领导人的同事、老板和直接的被领导人对他的评价。 www.bing.com 3. Over 360, 000 people have fled NWFP's Swat valley, where the army is pounding well-entrenched Taliban militants from the air. 在巴军空袭的由塔利班武装分子控制的西北边境省史瓦特河谷,超过36万平民匆匆逃离。 www.ecocn.org 4. It said 20 per cent of Japan's fleet of 360 ships might suspend operations during July to October, when catches tend to be lowest. 该组织称,在日本360艘金枪鱼钓船中,20%可能会在捕获量通常最低的7月至10月间停止作业。 www.ftchinese.com 5. To proponents, though, 360 deals represent a necessary rebalancing of the industry's economics. 但对支持者而言,360协议代表着唱片行业经济状况的一种必要再平衡。 www.ftchinese.com 6. And in fact there is a department store just up from here and there's a load of people, young and old, all having a go on an X-Box 360. 实际上,前面离这里不远处就有个百货商店,那里的人流量非常大,有老有少,而且他们所有人都还在玩X-Box360。 www.kekenet.com 7. This grand, two-level private residence on the hotel's top floor offers a fabulous 360-degree view of the Persian Gulf. 这个位于酒店顶层的超大双层私人住宅让客人可以360度观看波斯湾美景。 www.bing.com 8. So far, people have been most interested in buying films for gadgets such as Apple's iPod or Microsoft's Xbox 360. 目前为止,人们最有兴趣的是因为苹果iPod[font=SimSun]和微软的Xbox360[font=SimSun]这些小玩艺来购买电影。 www.ecocn.org 9. The latest trial involves 360 people suffering from the early symptoms of Alzheimer's. 最新的一次试验包含360名出现了阿兹海默症早期症状的患者。 www.bing.com 10. A new production line is to begin operating in 2012 and will boost the plant's output from 360, 000 vehicles a year to 600, 000. 一条新的生产线将于2012年投产,使该厂年产量从36万辆提升到60万量。 www.ftchinese.com 1. CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 discussed footage obtained from the website which features Hilton using several ethnic slurs. 360讨论到本网站中保留的帕丽斯使用种族侮辱字眼的镜头, www.baike.com 2. This year in July, odd tiger 360 company officially launched a free anti-virus software, and then the odd tiger shady's query followed. 今年7月份,奇虎360公司正式推出了一款免费杀毒软件,随后有关奇虎黑幕的质疑也接踵而至。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. "On normal days, between 360 and 380 die - now it's around 700, " he said. “平时停放的尸体在360-380具之间,现在都在700具左右”他说。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. Lobby Crew: 360RMB per night containing two breakfast tickets. It's the best discount. 360人民币一晚,含两张早餐券。这是最低折扣了。 www.bing.com 5. The latest version of the government's Renewable Fuels Standard calls for 36 billion gallons of biofuels to be produced annually by 2022. 最新版政府的“可再生燃料标准”要求到2022年每年生产360亿加仑生物燃料。 www.ecolion.cn 6. A mirror that gives a 360 degree view of its user's head (see photo) has been invented and is for sale in the UK. 近日,英国发明了一种可以让使用者全方位看到自己的360度化妆镜(见图)。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. A 360-degree tour of Du Du's intersection now runs past a row of tents, buckled homes, a trash heap and vendors in tilted shacks. 杜杜曾经在的环形交叉口如今都是一排排的帐篷,变形的房子,一座垃圾堆,和窝在倾斜的房屋中的小贩。 www.bing.com 8. At the top of 360 feet tall Victoria Falls there is a natural rock pool, called Devil's Pool, where the water is relatively calm. 360英尺的维多利亚瀑布顶端有一个这样的天然岩石池,叫做“魔鬼池”。这里的水相对较平静。 www.kekenet.com 9. According to Plato's account, written around 360BC, Atlantis was a major sea power located in the Atlantic. 据公元前360年柏拉图所记述的,亚特兰蒂斯是位于大西洋的重要的海上帝国。 www.bing.com 10. With proven reserves of just 1. 2 billion barrels of crude (against Nigeria's 36 billion), Ghana's windfall may last only a generation. 在被证实的12亿桶天然石油储量(相比尼日利亚360亿桶),加纳的横财可能只会维持一代人的生活。 www.ecocn.org 1. Mount Tai , located in Shandong Province and covering an area of 360 square kilometers , is the first of China's Five Mountains . 泰山位于中国山东省境内,方圆约360平方公里,是中国五岳之首。 www.bing.com 2. Goldman Sachs estimates that India's government stimulus will total $36 billion this fiscal year, or only 3% of GDP. 高盛公司(GoldmanSachs)估计印度政府在这个财政年度刺激政策总额将会达到360亿美元,只占GDP的3%。 www.bing.com 3. Some 1, 360, 000 American Indians, descendants of North America's first inhabitants, now reside in the United States. 北美州最早的居民的后裔,约1,360,000美国印第安人目前居住在美国。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Estimates for the U. S. oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico range between 94 and 184 million gallons (360 million and 700 million liters). 据此估计美国墨西哥湾泄油量为9千4百万到1亿8千4四万加仑(36到70万吨)。 www.bing.com 5. This here is Barco's R-360 flight simulation dome, though it's awfully close to being a sphere. 这是巴可制造的360度仿真飞行穹顶,这是一个极为精确的球体。 www.bing.com 6. The Embers oversee Yale University's Human Relations Area Files, a database of information on some 360 cultures past and present. 恩贝尔夫妇负责管理耶鲁大学“人类关系区域档案”(HumanRelationsAreaFiles),该档案库拥有过去和现在360种文化的资料。 www.america.gov 7. The real question is, though, will the new architecture provide the horsepower to improve the Xbox 360's standing in the home console wars? 不过真正的问题在于,新的架构真的能供给Xbox360够强的运作马力吗? cn.engadget.com 8. Japanese railway company has started testing what it says is the world's fastest train, capable of speed of over 360 kilometers an hour. 日本一家铁路公司已经开始对据称是世界上最快的火车进行测试,预计速度可能会超过每小时360千米。 cn.qikan.com 9. Tencent's move marked an escalation in its dispute with Qihoo 360 that began more than one month ago. 腾讯此举使得双方开始于一个月前的争端加剧。 putclub.com 10. The Space Needle, Seattle's symbol, offers a 360 - degree view from three different levels. 西雅图的标志太空针有三层提供360度的景观。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But as 360 grows into the country's second popular desktop client, Tencent smells threat. 然而当360成为了中国第二大客户端软件商,腾讯嗅到了危险的味道。 www.bing.com 2. Tencent, in turn, has called some of 360's applications malware. 腾讯则称奇虎360的某些应用软件是恶意软件。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Plans were moving forward to use the $36 billion in loan guarantees for new reactors in President Obama's 2012 budget. 奥巴马总统的2012年预算中,为用于建设新的核反应堆的360亿美元提供贷款担保。 www.bing.com 4. In retaliation, Tencent has stopped providing instant-messaging services to users who have installed Qihoo 360's software. 作为报复,腾讯曾停止为安装了360软件的用户提供即时通讯服务。 c.wsj.com 5. The Wii remained the top-selling console, followed by Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's Playstation 3. Wii仍然是最畅销的游戏机,接着是微软的Xbox360和索尼的PlayStation3。 www.bing.com 6. If, you divide 360 degrees by 45 degrees, the original pizza had 8 slices. Now, let's figure the circumference of this pizza. 假设将360度分成45度一部分,则披萨有8份。现在让我们来计算这个披萨的周长。 www.yappr.cn 7. Why It's Unique: Camouflaged within the tree canopy, the one-way mirrors provide a 360-degree view of the surroundings. 独特之处:这个建筑掩藏在树枝的空隙中,整个建筑的墙都是用单面镜组成,树上360度的景色都可以看到。 kk.dongxi.net 8. Fuji's first car, the 1958 Subaru 360 Minicar, utilized a variety of new technologies. 富士重工的第一辆汽车,斯巴鲁迷你360型,使用了一系列全新的技术。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. Tencent denied the allegations, then discontinued its services to QQ users who were also using Qihoo 360's software. 腾讯否认了上述指责,此后停止向正在使用奇虎360软件的QQ用户提供服务。 chinese.wsj.com 10. In fact, at the Yule Ball, his jaw dropped in astonishment at Hermione's appearance (GoF 360). 事实上,在圣诞舞会上,他在赫敏出现的时候吃惊地张开了醉(〈火焰杯〉360)。 www.hoolee8.com 1. Sony Corp. 's PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Corp. 's Xbox 360 already offer high-definition and motion controls. 索尼的playstation3和微软的XBOX360早就配备了高清显示和动作感应控制器。 www.bing.com 2. On a Chinese scale, that represents more than 360, 000 children's lives saved each year. 依中国的规模,这代表中国每年保护了超过36万儿童的生命。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. China last year displaced the US as Brazil's top trade partner, with bilateral trade worth $36bn, more than treble that of 2005. 中国去年取代美国,成为巴西最大的贸易伙伴——双边贸易价值360亿美元,比2005年增长逾两倍多。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Due to 360's quick reaction and QQ Doctor's premature launch, many people uninstalled QQ Doctor, making its market share drop below 10%. 因为360反应及时,并且QQ医生的公布时机并不成熟,许多人卸载了QQ医生,使其市场份额一下子掉到了10%以下。 www.bing.com 5. ABS is the World's largest cattle breeding company with progeny tested 360 Holstein bulls and 50 Color breed bulls per year. ABS是世界最大的奶牛育种产品公司,每年对360头荷斯坦公牛和50头其他公牛进行后裔测定。 www.foodexpo.cn 6. This hotel's 360-degree observation tower has already started to attract a lot of attention. 该饭店拥有的一座360度观景塔已经先吸引目光。 times.hinet.net 7. The Xbox 360's body-recognition algorithm runs 200 times per second -- roughly 10 times faster than previous techniques. 此外Xbox360的人体识别算法每秒可运行200次,这比以前的技术快了差不多10倍。 www.bing.com 8. Marriage licenses are available from the San Juan County Auditor's office (360) 378-2161. A three-day waiting period is required. 结婚证在圣胡安县审计办公室,电话为(360)378-2161,但是需要等上三天。 www.bing.com 9. The plan is to build a 110-metre-high (360-foot) shell over Chernobyl's No 4 reactor, which blew up after a safety experiment went wrong. 计划准备在切尔诺贝利4号反应堆上建设一个高110米的外壳,其因安全试验出错,引发爆炸。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 10. XNA Game Studio is Microsoft's toolkit for developing games on Windows and the XBox 360 using C#. XNAGameStudio是微软为在Windows和XBox360上使用C#进行游戏开发而提供的一个工具箱。 www.infoq.com 1. Kaplan ran Harvard's then-$36 billion endowment from 2007 to 2008 as interim CEO of Harvard Management Co. 卡普兰在2007~2008年间作为哈佛管理公司临时CEO掌管360亿美元的捐赠基金。 www.bing.com 2. That may have made Macondo's 18, 360 feet seem routine. 这或许让Macondo的1.836万英尺看起来再平常不过。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Tencent has 600 million registered QQ users, while Qihoo 360, China's largest free anti-virus software provider, has 300 million clients. 目前,腾讯拥有6亿名注册用户,而作为中国目前最大的反病毒软件360,只有3亿注册用户。 putclub.com 4. It has compass that con judge the thing's directions. It can rotate over 360 degrees discretionarily . 附带指南针判别被照物方向,独具新颖。全方位360度任意连续旋转。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Microsoft's shipments of Xbox 360 game consoles increased 13 percent to 1. 7 million, underscoring its popularity among gamers. 微软Xbox360游戏机的出货量增长了13%达到170万台,显示了其受欢迎的程度。 kk.dongxi.net 6. "But just don't forget your phone charger like I once did during a 20-hour wait, " laughs Paotui 360's Li. “不过,要是像我那样要等20个小时的,千万别忘了带好手机充电器”,李启才笑着说。 www.bing.com 7. Twisters are actually like 360's. 扭转实际上有点像360度转体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. "Ocean Oasis number" is the world's largest cruise ships, it is 360 meters wide and 47 meters, 65 meters above the water. “海洋绿洲号”是目前世界上最大的邮轮,它长360米,宽47米,高出水面65米。 www.good2.com 9. From what we can tell, Kane's Wrath for the Xbox 360 otherwise offers the exact same experience and content as the PC game. 我们能告诉你的是,凯恩之怒的360版本提供了和PC版本相同的体验和内容。 game.ali213.net 10. Microsoft Corp's (MSFT. O) Xbox 360 trails the pack, with sales of 10, 964 units. 微软公司的Xbox360主机则被远远抛在后面,在这一期间只销售了10,964台。 www.bing.com 1. Very good. You can say it's 360 degrees, that's fine. 非常好你可以说那就是360°没错 www.bing.com 2. Google's total stockholders equity is $36bn. That is also called the "book value" of the business. Google的所有者权益总额是360亿美元,这也可以被称为企业的“账面价值”。 www.bing.com 3. Like Youku, Qihoo's business focuses on the fast-growing Internet market in China. 跟优酷一样,奇虎360的业务重点也是中国快速增长的互联网市场。 c.wsj.com 4. Qihoo's total revenue rose 79%, to $58 million in 2010, while net income doubled, to $9 million. 奇虎360在2010年总营收增长了79%,至5,800万美元,净收入增加了一倍,至900万美元。 c.wsj.com 5. Rio's Australian shares are worth A$36bn ($31bn), so a Chinese buyer would only need to spend A$3. 6bn to gather 10 per cent. 力拓在澳大利亚上市的股票价值360亿澳元(合310亿美元),所以,一个中国买家只需拿出36亿澳元,就可以收购10%的股权。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Microsoft's Xbox 360 was launched late last year, and Nintendo's Wii is expected to appear in the final quarter of this year. 微软(Microsoft)的Xbox360游戏主机已在去年年末上市,而任天堂(Nintendo)的Wii预计将于今年第四季出现在市场上。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Mothers also ate more calories, 2, 360 compared with childless women's 1, 992. 母亲吃的热量也更多,2360千焦,而没有孩子的女性只有1992千焦。 www.hxen.com 8. U. S. legislation passed last year would require 36 billion gallons of renewable fuels to be added to gasoline by 2022. 去年美国已通过立法的形式规定,将在2022年之前向汽油中添加360亿加仑的可再生燃料。 cn.reuters.com 9. In 1999, the TDC organised some 360 events in Hong Kong and overseas to promote Hong Kong's products and services. 年内,贸易发展局在香港和世界各地举办约360项活动,推广香港的商品和服务。 www.hotdic.com 10. Toyota has fallen from 3rd last year to 360th in the lastest Forbes magazine ranking of the world's leading companies for 2010. 美国《福布斯》杂志近日公布了2010年全球企业排行榜,丰田汽车从去年的第3位急跌至360位。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. The yearly bilateral trade volume has increased more than 150 folds from 2. 4 billion US Dollars in 1975 to last year's 360 billion. 双边年贸易额从建交之初的24亿美元扩大到去年的3600多亿美元,增长了150多倍。 www.putclub.com 2. The production line equipment in line model chosen Spain's Lola Mende VMM5070-made-me-free form of vertical lines, up to an hour-360-400; 该生产线设备中造型线选用西班牙洛拉门迪公司制造的VMM5070型垂直无箱造型线,每小时可达360-400型; zhidao.baidu.com 3. She's got a 360-degree view 她有360度的视野 chinese.wsj.com |
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