单词 | S-26 |
释义 | S-26例句释义: 全部 1. 26All the souls that came with Jacob into Egypt, which came out of his loins, besides Jacob's sons' wives, all the souls. 26那与雅各同到埃及的,除了他儿妇之外,凡从他所生的,共有六十六人。 www.ccimweb.org 2. A China with GDP-per-capita of just 26% that of the U. S. would be number one -- although it would still be a poor country. 人均国内生产总值(GDP)只有美国26%的中国将成为全球第一大经济体,而届时中国也将仍然是一个穷国。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Although he's just 26, people consider him a real family man because he's always in public with his wife and kids. 尽管才26岁,人们已把他当作顾家的好男人,因为他经常携家带口在公共场合露面。 jspx2.fjtu.com.cn 4. "It's $4. 26 a gallon here now, and I'd constantly be worrying how much gas would cost next week. " “现在这儿的油价是每加仑4.26美元,而我会经常担心下周要花费多少油钱。” www.ftchinese.com 5. Between now and the 24th of June, it's visible in a moon-free sky, but after the 26th it will be too close to the sun to see. 从现在起一直到6月24号,在没有月亮的晚上彗星都是可见的,但是26号之后,由于它太过于靠近太阳因此难以见到。 bbs.internet.org.cn 6. Tencent's investment in DST gives it a 10. 26 per cent interest in the Russian group, with power to appoint an observer to its board. 腾讯对DST的投资使它家俄罗斯集团拥有10.26%的经济权益,有权任命一名董事会观察员。 www.ttxyy.com 7. Also, there's a sale going on until the 26th, so you might be able to pick it up for a reduced cost. 此外,那里的销售会持续到26号,所以,为降低成本你也许可以挑一挑。 www.elanso.com 8. An autopsy may be performed as early as Friday as the cause of the heart attack is unknown, according to local coroner's office. 当地验尸官办公室表示,由于引发心脏病的具体原因不明,最早将在当地时间26日进行尸检。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. We won't kvetch too much about its 3. 26-pound weight, as the laptop's easy to slip inside a bag or even hold with one hand. 我们对她3.26磅(1.48公斤)的重量没什么特别抱怨,毕竟她可轻易溜进背包或单手托着使用。 cn.engadget.com 10. Last Friday, a government report said the U. S. unemployment rate declined slightly from a 26-year high, but remains at 10 percent. 上星期五,美国政府的报告说,美国失业率从26年来的最高点略微下降,但仍维持在10%。 ept-cn.com 1. Hawthorne, a still-struggling, 26-year-old writer living in his mother's home in Salem, was riveted by the case. 霍桑当时还只是一位26岁的作家,生活窘迫,住在萨勒姆的母亲家中,这桩谋杀案深深吸引了他。 www.bing.com 2. I don't have any Japanese friends, I've never been invited to a Japanese person's home, and I've never felt very welcome here. 一位住在大阪的26岁中国学生说,“我没有任何日本朋友,我从未受邀到日本人的家里去,而且我觉得自己在这里不太受欢迎。” edu.sina.com.cn 3. A woman reads among fallen leaves on a warm autumn afternoon in St James's Park in London September 26, 2009. 一个女人读一名在圣詹姆斯公园暖的秋天在伦敦2009年9月26日下午在落叶。 bbs.cnwest.com 4. Penalty Kalou collects Ballack's ball out on the left, surges into the area past Richards who clearly brings him down. 26分–点球:卡劳在左边迎接巴拉克的传球,压过理查兹向前推进禁区之际被他明显地拉倒。 bbs.qieerxi.com 5. The author, Jerome Maida, said the 26-year-old's life makes for a particularly compelling story. 作者杰罗.姆梅达(JeromeMaida)表示,今年26岁的马克,他将一个特别引人注目的故事。 www.bing.com 6. General Motors re-listed after the return of the U. S. government's bailout funds, U. S. Treasury holdings in the company from 61% to 26%. 通用汽车重新上市后将归还美国政府的救助资金,美国财政部在该公司持有的股份将从61%降至26%。 www.englishtang.com 7. Female hormones change a girl's body into a ratio of 26% fat and 20% protein, much to the frustration of females everywhere. 女性激素把少女变成脂肪比率26%,蛋白质比率20%的体质,使所有的女子都黯然。 www.bing.com 8. Owen, 26, had a metal pin inserted to his right foot on Tuesday to help repair his little toe's fractured bone. 26岁的欧文于周二在右脚外侧植入一根钢钉帮助治疗他骨折的小脚趾。 cq.netsh.com 9. On the 26th of this month, the return of New Year's comedy "Do not sincere non-interference " will be held in Shanghai conference shutdown. 本月26日,回归贺岁喜剧之作《非诚勿扰》将在上海举行关机发布会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It drew an estimated 17. 6 million users in the U. S. in May, a more than 27-fold increase from a year earlier. 据市场调研机构ComScore称,截至今年5月,Twitter在美国预计拥有1760万名用户,较上年同期增长了超过26倍。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's average grade rose slightly to a 72, but 26% gave him the equivalent of a D or F. 美联储主席本。伯南克的平均分数略为上升到72,但26%的给他评级为D或F级。 blog.163.com 2. The United States is one of the world's richest countries. But it was in 26th place on the list. 美国是世界上最富裕的国家之一。但是在这个评级中只名列第26位。 www.bing.com 3. The Dutch star, 26, is currently sidelined by an ankle injury that has kept him out of City's last five matches. 这位26岁的荷兰球星由于脚踝受伤,已经缺战五场比赛了。 www.bing.com 4. At least 26 people have died in a cold wave sweeping through northern India, the country's state broadcaster Doordarshan News says. 印度国家广播电视台全印新闻称,席卷北部地区的寒潮造成至少26人死亡。 www.enread.com 5. Whereas Greene's retinue comprised 26 porters, three servants and a chef, he travelled with a compliant young theology graduate, David. 格林的随从包括26个行李员,3个仆人和一个厨师,而布彻只带了一名顺从的神学院毕业生大卫。 www.ecocn.org 6. The 26-year-old midfielder's passing and vision has been a real asset to United in recent weeks. 这位26岁的中场的传球和视野是曼联最近几周的重要财富。 www.thefa.cn 7. Albert Einstein's wealth of new ideas peaked while he was still a young man of 26. 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的创新思维在年仅26岁时就达到了高峰。 wiki.jukuu.com 8. Currently, snack food sales in the U. S. are $26 billion a year. 目前,美国一年的食品销售额是260亿美元。 www.bing.com 9. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Will the sky fall on August 2 if the U. S. Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling? 路透华盛顿7月26日电---如果美国国会未能就提高举债上限达成一致,8月2日天会塌下来吗? cn.reuters.com 10. The conversion price is triple that of Wednesday's closing price but well below an initially agreed conversion price of $26. 35 a share. 这一转换价格将近花旗周三收盘价的三倍,但却远远低于双方最初商定的每股26.35美元的转换价。 www.bing.com 1. The BlackBerry-maker's profit rose by 26% compared with a year ago, to $518m, and revenue soared by 84%. 黑莓制造商的利润与去年同期相比上涨了26%,达到5.18亿美元,整体收益猛增84%。 www.ecocn.org 2. It said that a break-up or sale of the bank's assets should be considered at the annual general meeting on April 26th. TCI在信中要求在4月26日举行的年度股东大会上考虑将银行拆分或出售。 www.ecocn.org 3. That's half the typical cost at a four-year state school, and a fraction of a private university's $26, 000-average annual tuition. 这是在四年制州立大学就读的成本的一般,是私立大学每年高达26,000美元学费的小数部分。 bbs.koolearn.com 4. Well, already we've seen the state of Idaho propose a $26 permit fee to hunt wolves. That's right out of the gate. 嗯,我们现在已经看到爱达荷州提出花26美元就能对狼打猎的计划了。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. He was named for Virginia's brother Julian Thoby Stephen, who died of typhoid at the age of twenty-six on a trip to Greece. 他得名于弗吉尼亚的哥哥朱利安·索比·斯蒂芬,26岁时,他在去希腊的旅途中死于伤寒。 dongxi.net 6. A judge with the U. S. International Trade Commission in Washington today said Apple isn't violating Nokia's rights on five patents. 今日(3月26日),位于华盛顿的美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)的一名法官称,苹果并未对诺基亚的五项专利技术构成侵权。ITC法官E。 www.bing.com 7. And that's exactly what you see comes out of these equations whether you go to the center of mass or whether you do it from 26. 100. 这就是你们看到的,从这两个方程里得到的,无论是质量重心,还是在26。100做实验。 open.163.com 8. "Our pay hasn't gone up in two years, and it's much lower than at most other mines, " says Lister Mulambo, 26. “我们的工资两年没有涨了,而且比其他大多数煤矿低得多,”26岁的李斯特?穆兰博(ListerMulambo)说。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Northern Ireland is now agitating to cut its corporation-tax rate from Britain's 26% to something more like the 12. 5% in Ireland. 北爱尔兰正在激烈辩论要把公司税税率从英国的26%削减到爱尔兰的12.5%左右。 www.ecocn.org 10. "I had something in my heart, " the fourth-grader said Friday, patting her pet's soft golden coat, "and I knew he wasn't gone. " “在我和库乔之间可以说是心有灵犀,”这位小学4年级学生于上周五(1月26日)一边轻抚其爱宠的金色软毛一边表示,“所以我知道它真的没有走远。” www.ebigear.com 1. China's exports have plunged in recent months and are now down 26 percent from a year ago. 近几个月来,中国的出口大幅跳水,已经比一年前下降了26%。 www.bing.com 2. I know that sounds like a lot of money, George, but if you think about it, they had 26 million viewers last season. That's a lot of viewers. 我知道那听上去已经很多钱,乔治,但是想想看,上一季(它)拥有2600万观众,相当之多。 www.joyen.net 3. "He's a 26-year-old man and he shouldn't really have a strop at a 14-year-old if that's what he's really done, " he said. 他已经26岁了,如果他真的那样做了,那么他实在不应该这样对待一个14岁的孩子。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. ZTE shares have lost 26 percent so far this year, while Lenovo shares were down about a quarter since this year's high hit in late April. 中兴通讯股价今年以来已挫跌26%,联想股价则从4月底触及的年内高点回落约25%。 cn.reuters.com 5. Water rushed into the submarine's engine room as well as the crew's cabin. Twenty-six men immediately drowned. 海水涌进了潜艇的轮机舱以及船员室,26名海员顷刻溺毙。 www.bing.com 6. A high-speed railway from Wuhan to Guangzhou is expected to be put into service Saturday as the world's fastest, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,目前世界上运营速度最快的高速铁路——武广高铁,有望于26日正式投入运营。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. But on this family visit, more striking than the baby's neurodevelopment was the re-development of my 26-year-old brother-in-law. 但在这次家庭拜访中,比宝宝的神经发展更为引人注意的是我26岁的妹夫的再次发展。 www.bing.com 8. Standing nearby, Laxmi Kant Pujari, 26, a decorator's assistant, waited to carry glass samples into the building. 二十六岁的LaxmiKantPujari是装修助手,眼下他正站在大厦旁边,等着被传唤好把玻璃样品送进去。 www.bing.com 9. Last year Adler, 26, spoke of his ambition to join United and his consistent performances this season should keep him in United's mind. 去年26岁的阿德勒曾表达过加盟曼联的医院,而本赛季他的表现也十分稳定。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 10. However, he admits to wanting to cement the 26-year-old company's place in history. 不过,他承认自己想巩固这家创业26年的公司的历史地位。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Thain said Jan. 26 that he'd kept the bank informed about the brokerage's finances and compensation. Thain说1月26号他已经让银行知晓经纪人财务和报酬的事情。 www.bing.com 2. Some of the nation's 26 cantons (states) also held voting on local measures to deal with everything from demonstrators to prostitutes. 瑞士的26个州也就一些本地政策举行表决,涉及范围非常广泛,牵涉人群有示威者也有性工作者。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Emily Pritchard, 26, revealed her insights in an article about her sister's red hair for a University of Edinburgh magazine. 26岁的艾米丽?皮恰德在一份爱丁堡大学学报的文章中解释了她姐姐的红发之谜。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Do you know anything about him? Yes. He's 2. 26 meters tall. 你了解他的一些事吗?是的,他2.26米高。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Washington's been talking about our oil addiction for the last thirty years, and John McCain has been there for twenty-six of them. 近三十年来华盛顿都在谈论石油依赖,麦凯恩在那待了其中的26年。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. China's overall patent filings grew by 26% a year between 2003 and 2009 , says a new report from Thomson Reuters, an information service . 信息服务机构汤姆森路透发布的一份新报告称,在2003年至2009年期间,中国的专利申请总量每年增长26%。 www.bing.com 7. SoftBank as a whole, one of Asia's biggest telcos, currently has a market cap of $26 billion . 软银作为一个整体,电信运营商之一,亚洲最大的,目前有一个上限的市场260亿美元。 erpang.openwebster.com 8. Italy's Dolce & Gabbana in March unveiled plans to open 15 new stores in China over the next two years, up from 26 now. 3月份,意大利时尚品牌杜嘉班纳(Dolce&;Gabbana)披露了在接下来的两年里在中国新开15个新门店的计划。 chinese.wsj.com 9. On May 26, 1864, President Lincoln signed an act making it a territory of the U. S. What is it? 在1864年5月26日,林肯总统签署法案,使这片土地成为美国的领土。你知道这里是哪里吗? www.24en.com 10. "For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes" (v. 26). 你们每逢吃这饼,喝这杯,是表明主的死,直等到他来。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. LEE MYUNG-BAK, South Korea's president, has shown impressive restraint since the Cheonan, a South Korean warship, was sunk on March 26th. 自3月26日南韩天安号军舰沉没以来,南韩总统李明博表现出惊人的克制。 www.ecocn.org 2. Ever since its accession into the WTO, the average annual growth rate of China's import reaches 26%, one of fastest in the world. 入世以来,中国进口年均增加高达26%,是世界最快地国度之一。 www.34qq.net 3. That's the goal of US$26 million program that will use technology to deliver banking services to poor people around the world. 这是一项投资总额为2600万美元项目的目标。该项目将利用高端技术,向全世界贫困人口提供金融服务。 web.worldbank.org 4. At first glance, Hu Kai, a 26 year-old business school student at Beijing's Tsinghua University, looks like an unlikely Olympian. 第一眼看上去,胡凯这位26岁的清华大学商学院学生一点儿不像奥运选手。 www.bing.com 5. To be sure, the U. S. still ranks fifth in the world and China is a distant 26th, but the gap is slowly closing. 需要说明的是,美国仍然排名世界第五,中国排名26,远远落后。但这个差距也在慢慢收缩。 cn.wsj.com 6. Among the top ten exporters, Japan's shipments were worst affected (falling by 26%). 排名前十的出口国中,日本的出口最为受挫(跌26%)。 www.ecocn.org 7. Of that number, 35% eliminated a candidate because of what they found online (an increase over the prior year's total of 26%). 而其中的35%的候选人因为其在网上的记录而被排除(比前年的总数增加了26%)。 www.hjenglish.com 8. That's doubly unfortunate, because SEMPO's survey also found that bid prices rose by an average of 26% over the past year. 因为SEMPO的调查也发现竞标在过去的年以来定价格平均上升26%。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. Berger said his mother's family lost 26 members in the Holocaust. 伯杰说他母亲的家族在大屠杀中失去了26个成员。 www.bing.com 10. The only downside on the company's 12-month performance came on total net revenue -- $26 million, down 37% from $42 million in 2008. 而公司12个月以来的成绩当中唯一一个黑点来自于总纯收入——2600万美元,较08年的4200万美元下降了37%。 www.bing.com 1. ON JUNE 26th the Supreme Court overturned the District of Columbia's handgun ban and asserted that individuals have the right to own guns. 6月26日,最高法院否决了哥伦比亚特区的手枪禁令并郑重声明:个人有权利拥有枪支。 ecocn.org 2. Hughes won three FA Cups with United and was also part of Ferguson's squad that finally ended the 26-year league title drought in 1993. 休斯随曼联拿到过3个足总杯,也是曼联1993年拿到26年来第一个联赛冠军的成员之一。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 3. He accepted Khrushchev's 26 October proposal, acting as if the 27 October letter didn't exist. 他接受了赫鲁晓夫十月二十六日的提议,就像二十七日的信从未存在过那样行动。 www.bing.com 4. At this stage, China's plastics and packaging waste recycling utilization rate of less than 10 percent, while Japan has reached 26%. 在这个阶段,中国的塑料和包装废弃物回收利用的不到百分之十的利用率,而日本已达到26%。 www.qiyeku.com 5. On May 26th 26 people were killed in Punjab's capital, Lahore, in a complex attack involving gunmen and a massive bomb-blast. 5月26日,旁遮普省省会拉合尔,26人死于一场涉及持枪和大规模爆炸的冲突中。 www.ecocn.org 6. There will be a minute's silence in the theatre at 5. 26 pm (EST), the time that Jackson was pronounced dead on Thursday. 在美国东部时间下午5点26分,剧院内将有1分钟的默哀。这是杰克逊在周四被宣布死亡的时间。 www.bing.com 7. Twenty-six require parents to provide regular test scores or professional evaluations of their children's progress. 26个州要求父母提供定期考试成绩或子女学习进度的专业评估。 www.ecocn.org 8. To be sure, Mr. Ryan had reason to be upset after Tuesday's special election in New York's 26th Congressional District. 说真的,周二纽约第26选区的特别选举后,瑞安先生有理由感到难过。 www.bing.com 9. Correction: The original version of this chart gave Princess of Mary of Teck's age at her wedding as both 23 and 25. In fact she was 26. 更正:该表的原始版本上,德克的玛丽公主结婚的年龄分别是23和25,实际上她已经26了,现在已经更正了,对混淆视听表示歉意。 www.ecocn.org 10. The figure that Mr. Brown used was derived from that of 21 years ago when China's total grain production capacity was 26. 7 million. 他的数字是根据21年前,中国粮食生产总量为2.67亿吨这一情况推算出来的。 www.putclub.com 1. In the worst case, that would be the equivalent of putting another 26 million cars on Europe's roads, it added. 报告补充道,最坏的情况相当于在欧洲的道路上多增加了2千6百万辆汽车。 www.bing.com 2. The 26-year-old will miss his side' s trip to Old Trafford on Sunday after suffering a recurrence of an old groin injury. 由于腹股沟的老伤复发,26岁的贝尔巴托夫将错过本周日在老特拉福德与曼联的比赛。 www.thefa.cn 3. Hunter, 26, opted out of this week's Ipswich event following his diagnosis. 26岁的亨特在得知诊断报告后,退出了本周的斯普斯维奇赛事。 www.argstorm.com 4. China's international reserves rose nearly 26 per cent in the first quarter, to $2, 500bn, versus the same period a year ago. 今年第一季度,中国的外汇储备同比增长近26%,至2.5万亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Meanwhile, rumors continue to fly that Boyle will head for a run of shows in Las Vegas following the 26-date "Britain's Got Talent" tour. 同时,谣传波伊尔在26天的“英国达人”巡回演出之后,将到拉斯维加斯进行表演。 www.bing.com 6. Yesterday's heavy buying, however, sent the yen up to Y88. 22 against the dollar, its strongest level since January 26. 然而,昨日出现的大量买盘将日元兑美元汇率推升至88.22日元,为今年1月26日以来的最高水平。 www.ftchinese.com 7. He added that the film's audience was primarily young males, with 60% of the audience being under the age of 26 and 60% being male. 他说,该片的观众主要是年轻男性,影片的观众60%在26岁以下,60%为男性。 cn.wsj.com 8. Japan's current-account surplus rose 26. 1% in July from a year earlier. 7月,日本经常账户盈余同去年相比上涨了26. www.ecocn.org 9. Tight credit and a weakening U. S. economy have left industrywide auto sales at their weakest point in 26 years. 信贷紧缩和正在走向衰弱的美国经济,导致整个行业的汽车销售额降至26年来的最低点。 www.elanso.com 10. The peace process in the Middle East was also threatened in late February, as two Hama's bombs killed twenty-six people. 2月下旬,中东的和平进程也遇到威胁,两枚哈马斯的炸弹炸死了26个人。 www.bing.com 1. Two years ago, heavy short-term debt issuance drove the average maturity of outstanding U. S. Treasurys to a 26-year low of 49 months. 两年前,大量的短期债务发行使美国国债平均到期年限达到49个月,为26年以来的低点。 www.voa365.com 2. We also want the fleece to be in the same yarn size as the Interlock fabric (26's). 同时,我们也喜欢同样尺寸的棉毛布(26支)的。 bbs.51fashion.com.cn 3. "It's free here, " said the woman, Zarmina Nazaria, a 26-year-old nurse. “在这里是不受拘束的,”26岁的护士ZarminaNazaria这样跟她说。 www.bing.com 4. On average, today's mothers had only 26 minutes per day of "me time" . 平均而言,今天的母亲每天只有26分钟的“自我时间”。 www.bing.com 5. Businesses need an average of 258 days to get the permits they need to open a new warehouse in Italy, compared with 26 days in the U. S. 世界银行(WorldBank)称,在意大利,公司新建一个仓库平均需要258天才能获得许可,而在美国是26天。 www.bing.com 6. The Madoffs' lawyers have said the couple's assets total between $823m and $826m, including more than $2. 6m in jewellery. 马多夫的律师们表示,马多夫夫妇的资产总值在8.23亿美元至8.26亿美元之间,其中包括逾260万美元的珠宝。 www.ftchinese.com 7. On the twenty-sixth, a bomb exploded at Manhattan's World Trade Center, killing six people and injuring more than one thousand. 26日,一枚炸弹在纽约曼哈顿的世界贸易中心爆炸,炸死6个人,炸伤1000多人。 www.bing.com 8. At the age of 26, Zhang Shanyuan opened Sihong's first BMW 4S shop. He was also inducted large sharks. 现年26岁的张善园年初开了泗洪第一家宝马4S店。他也是吸纳高利贷的大户。 www.268r.com 9. Cor. 11: 26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you declare the Lord's death until He comes. 林前十一26你们每逢吃这饼、喝这杯,是宣告主的死,直等到他来。 edu.china.com 10. If the homes were spread equally across the Earth's landmass of 60m square miles, the distance between households would be 0. 26 miles. 而如果这些家庭平均分布于6000万平方英里的地表,那么它们相互间隔则为0.26英里。 www.ecocn.org 1. A military parade celebrates Republic Day, the January 26 anniversary of India's adoption of its constitution. 印度宪法通过1月26日印度的国庆纪念日,在这庆祝共和国的国庆日子里举行着阅兵式。 www.bing.com 2. McKinsey reckons this averages just 26% of the level of the U. S. in five Russian industry sectors. 麦肯锡认为,在俄罗斯的5个工业领域中,平均生产率只有美国的26%。 www.bing.com 3. Overnight, a hike in margin requirements for gold forwards on the Shanghai Gold Exchange helped curb gold's scorching rise. 海外市场方面,上海黄金交易所称,从8月26日起,将黄金远期合约保证金比例要求从11%提高至12%,以限制交易风险。 cn.reuters.com 4. North Korea cut it off May 26 to protest Seoul's response to the March sinking of a South Korean naval ship. 作为对3月韩国军舰沉没事件韩方回应的抗议,朝鲜在5月26日将这一热线掐断。 www.bing.com 5. AP Moscow's Domodedovo International Airport, the largest 26 closed due to power outage, outage inbound and outbound flights. 据新华社电俄罗斯首都莫斯科最大的多莫杰多沃国际机场26日因电力中断而关闭,进出港航班停运。 www.englishtang.com 6. NASA spokesmen declined to comment on the author's report "pending further analysis of the photographs received on December 26. " 对作家报道“有待对12月26日收到的那些照片作进一步的分析”之说,美国宇航局的发言人拒绝发表评论。 www.bing.com 7. Chengzhong Sen (Andy Lau), rumored 26-year-old because he would "run junk" , but admitted to top U. S. fund company. 程仲森(刘德华饰),盛传26岁的他因为会“执垃圾”,而考进了美国顶级基金公司。 www.yuwdy.com 8. ROK's Ministry of Defense is verifying Yonhap's report that the DPRK declared Tuesday a no sail zone off west coast. 据韩联社报道,朝鲜26日宣布在西部海域设立“禁航区”,而韩国国防部目前正在进一步证实这一消息。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. The U. S. Treasury had aimed to sell more of its 26. 5% stake in GM by August or September. 美国财政部此前决定在8月或9月前将其持有的通用汽车26.5%股份的更大一部分卖出。 cn.wsj.com 10. Who would've thought 26 games into the season Melky Cabrera would be team's best power hitter? 谁会想到进行26场比赛后小卡布会是队上最佳的强力打者? word.hcbus.com 1. The world's longest bridge over water opened this year in the city of Qingdao, spanning 26 miles across the Jiaozhou Bay. 全长26英里横跨胶州湾,世界最长的跨海大桥今年在青岛开通; dongxi.net 2. Eight prestigious Chinese science universities announced Friday they will unite in next year's independent enrollment. 26日,国内8所以工科见长的著名高校宣布,将在2011年的自主选拔录取中实行联考。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. The Australian dollar has gained more than 11% against the U. S. dollar since Aug. 澳元自8月26日开始兑美元升值超过11%。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Those courses must drop less than one meter per kilometer to fit the standard. For a 26. 2-mile race, that's about 137 feet. 标准要求每公里落差小于1米,那么对于26.2英里的马拉松比赛,允许在137英尺内。 www.bing.com 5. How much is this coat? It's 26 dollars. Question: How much is the coat? 这件外套多少钱?26美元.问题:这件外套多少钱? www.tingroom.com 6. In 2009 Agricultural Bank's earnings rose by a staggering 26% (and by 41% on a pre-tax basis) because credit to customers grew by one-third. 2009年,由于客户信贷增加了三分之一,农业银行的利润增加了惊人的26%(税前为41%)。 www.bing.com 7. Should the euro fall to $1. 26, Dailey said he is looking to cover his portfolio's short positions. Dailey指出,如果欧元跌至1.26美元,他将希望回补其投资组合的空头仓位。 cn.reuters.com 8. In comparison, research firm eMarketer said the U. S. online ad market last year reached $26 billion. 相比之下,研究公司eMarketer说,去年美国在线广告市场实现收入260亿美元。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Sri Lanka's military victory over a 26-year long insurgency has come at a high cost to the nation's economy. 斯里兰卡为长达26年的内战付出了高昂的经济代价。 www.24en.com 10. The body of Mr Bogues's son Conor (26) has not yet been recovered after his fishing boat sank off Ardglass in January. Bogues先生儿子的渔船今年一月份在Ardglass的海上沉没后,尸体至今还没找到。 www.haolawyer.com 1. A pigeon walks on an oily surface near Xinghai Bay seashore in Dalian, northeast China's Liaoning Province on Monday, July 26, 2010. 一只鸽子附近散步在大连星海湾海滨油面,东北周一,2010年7月26日中国辽宁省。 08062788.blog.163.com 2. The core of Bhutan's conservation strategy is a system of national parks and protected areas that form 26 per cent of its land. 不丹保护战略的核心是占国土面积26%的国家公园和保护区系统。 www.scidev.net 3. Politics runs in Bolin's family. Her grandfather, Ben Jensen, served as a congressman from Iowa for 26 years. 柏林女士的家庭是个政治世家。她的外祖父本。詹森曾经出任爱奥华州的联邦众议员26年之久。 www.2abc8.com 4. KATMANDU, Nepal, May 26? It's getting a little crowded at the top of the world. 五月二十六日,尼泊尔首都加德满都,世界之巅变得有些拥挤。 www.dictall.com 5. Twenty-six require parents to provide regular test scores or professional uations of their children's progress. 26个州要求家长提供子女的定期考试成绩或者对其学习情况的专业评估结果。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Today's ceremony marks the 26th annual World Food Day observance by FAO and by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. 今天的庆祝仪式是粮农组织和全世界千百万人每年共同庆祝的第26个世界粮食日。 www.fao.org 7. Diner Michelle Madrid, 26, said it's now hip to be a penny-pincher. 26岁的顾客梅瑞德说,现在当个花钱锱铢必较的人才是时髦。 1043.english.tw 8. The Tesla Model S was launched on March 26th and is available to order for a (refundable) reservation fee of 5, 000 US dollars. 的泰斯拉型号S发起了3月26日,是为了提供一个(退还)保留的收费5000美元。 usa.315che.com 9. Shanghai Jielong group co. , Ltd. is the company's largest shareholder, 26. 21% stake in the company. 上海界龙集团有限公司为本公司的第一大股东,持有本公司26.21%股权。 www.bing.com 10. Its shares this year are down 26% year to date, compared with a 16% drop in Shanghai's main stock index. 其股价今年以来已下跌26%。相比之下,上海主要股指的跌幅为16%。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Hari was 26, a Malaysian of Indian descent, a lawyer from a radical family, a comet flashing across Jacques's well-ordered universe. Hari则26岁,她是祖籍印度的马来西亚人,职业是律师,有一个激进的家庭,她是划过Jacques原本平静的世界一颗闪耀的流星。 www.bing.com 2. Liberia's Lebanese are unable to buy property and are banned from 26 industries, but simultaneous patronage by officials is common. 利比里亚的黎巴嫩人不能购买房产并被禁止从事26个行业,但同时官员的资助也成了习以为常。 www.ecocn.org 3. The movement against the 26km railway, which will connect with China's high-speed rail network, was youth-led. 反对建设与中国高铁网相连的26公里香港段铁路的运动,是由年轻人发起的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Despite the latest growth, the industry still manages only 26 per cent of the wealth of Britain's richest people. 尽管最近出现了增长,该行业仍然只管理着英国最富有人群26%的资产。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Through October, those interventions have increased Indonesia's reserves by $26 billion. 10月期间,这些干预行动已导致印尼外汇储备增加260亿美元。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Since Google introduced Google in late June, the company's shares have risen roughly 11 percent, closing at $538. 26 on Wednesday. 谷歌股价自6月下旬该服务推出以来累积上涨约11%,周三收报538.26美元。 cn.reuters.com 7. U. S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) intelligence "latent" for several months, 26 finally rewarded. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)情报人员“潜伏”数月,26日终于有了收获。 www.englishtang.com 8. The 26. 2-mile course travels through all five boroughs of the city, starting on Staten Island and finishing in Manhattan's Central Park. 此次比赛全程共26.2英里,起跑点为史坦顿岛,终点设在曼哈顿中央公园,途经纽约市五大行政区。 www.kekenet.com 9. Rodwell's progress this season has been compromised by a series of fitness problems and he has scored only one goal in 26 appearances. 本赛季,罗德维尔总共出场26次并打入了一粒进球。但总的来说,伤病和体能问题限制了他的进步。 www.bing.com 10. The border tax adjustment would amount to a prohibitive tariff of 26% on China's exports and 20% on India's. 国境税调整对中国将达到抑制性的26%,对印度20%。 www.ecocn.org 1. The event is taking place over 24 hours in 26 cities around the world ahead of the show's U. S. premiere. 这次宣传将同时在世界26座城市进行,时间超过24小时,堪称美国首次。 www.bing.com 2. It's Maggie Zhou, a 26-year old Chinese executive for an Australian company in Mozambique. 她叫MaggieZhou,26岁,中国人,是一家澳大利亚公司驻莫桑比克分公司的管理人员。 chinese.wsj.com 3. According to Liebig , (26) man's body is a stove, and food the fuel which keeps up the internal combustion in the lungs. 按照李比希的说法,人体是一只炉子,食物是保持肺部内燃的燃料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The photos they posed for on May 26 were the subject of praise and admiration and even attracted the media`s notice. 而这些她们拍摄于5月26日的照片广受好评,甚至引起了媒体的注意。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. In the UNDP's "gender empowerment measure" it also does well, being placed 26th out of 182 countries. 即使在联合国开发计划署的“性别权利指数”排名中,南非也表现良好,在182个国家中居于26位。 www.ecocn.org 6. Obama wanted the talks under way before September 26, when Israel's 10-month moratorium on West Bank settlement construction is due to end. 欧巴马希望9月26日前进行会谈,届时为以色列暂停为期10个月于约旦河西岸屯垦地的建设工程到期日。 yam.nnmtv.com 7. The April 26, 1986 explosion at the Soviet nuclear power plant in Chernobyl -- rated a maximum 7 -- was the world's worst nuclear disaster. 四月,1986年苏联切尔诺贝利核电站爆炸26-评分最高7-是世界上最严重的核灾难。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Fees from derivatives trading were up 14% in 2010 to $826 million, comprising a third of the NYSE's total net revenue ad 40% of its profits. 衍生品交易费2010年增长14%,达到8.26亿美元,占纽交所净营收总额的三分之一和利润的40%。 www.fortunechina.com 9. It's roughly 326 million cubic miles (1. 332 billion cubic kilometers), according to a recent study from the U. S. Geological Survey. 据美国地质调查局最近的一项研究,大约为3.26亿立方英里(13.32亿立方千米)。 www.bing.com 10. He and other specialists discussed China's clean energy issues October 26 at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. 他和其他专家于10月26日在战略和国际研究中心(CenterforStrategicandInternationalStudies)讨论了中国的清洁能源议题。 www.america.gov 1. The website, which launched in 2009, woos travel agencies today, and also takes a slap at online travel agencies and Fodor's. Oyster在2009年上线,它希望通过3月26日的新闻发布会获得旅行社的支持,它还指出了在线旅行社和竞争对手Fodor的不足。 www.bing.com 2. What's more, 26 percent of the ice that remained in 2000 was gone by 2007, the last time Kilimanjaro's ice was precisely mapped. 更值得关注的是,2007年精确绘制乞力马扎罗冰川地图时,2000年还留存的冰量减少了26%。 www.huaxia-ng.com 3. By this calculation, the Telstra sell-off today SouFun 38% of the shares, cash 326 million U. S. dollars. 以此计算,澳洲电讯今天抛售了搜房网38%的股份,套现3.26亿美元。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 4. Turkey's state-run Anatolia news agency showed the "Yes" vote at 58% for the 26 constitutional amendments with 97% of the vote counted. 土耳其的国家通讯社——安纳托利亚通讯社报道,97%的投票已完成统计,其中58%的投票赞成26条宪法修改方案。 www.china.org.cn 5. Egypt's Health Ministry says a 26-year-old woman has died from bird flu, the third death from the disease in less than one week. 埃及卫生部说,一名26岁的妇女死于禽流感,这是不到一个星期以来的第三起死于禽流感的事件。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The conglomerate's plans to delay repayment of $26 billion in debt last November stunned global markets. 该集团去年11月计划延迟偿还260亿美元债务,震惊了全球市场。 www.bing.com 7. Mr Varsavsky's latest venture is a wireless-internet business called FON. 瓦萨夫斯基先生最新的尝试是称作FON[26]的无线网络业务。 www.ecocn.org 8. The percentage of tobramycin in their products were raised 26% and 35% compared with in the original strain's respectively. 产物中妥布霉素的含量分别比出发菌株提高了26%和35%。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The first such dispute has already arisen: Mr Netanyahu's ten-month moratorium on settlement building ends on September 26th. 第一次争论已经显现:内塔尼亚胡先生暂停为期10个月的修建定居点法令将于9月26日终止。 www.ecocn.org 10. PM There's a new Image Signal Processor that Apple designed, enabling face detection and 26 percent better white balance. PM这里有一枚由苹果设计的图形信号处理器,可以实现面部侦测以及提升26%的白平衡。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. On April 26th Huaneng Power, the country's biggest utility, began work on a nuclear reactor on the island of Hainan. 4月26日,中国最大的电力企业华能电力(译注:华国际电力股份有限公司)开始在海南兴建一座核反应堆。 www.bing.com 2. Bismarck was enormously powerful in his 26 years as Prussia's political leader. 在26岁那年,俾斯麦身为普鲁士的政治领袖获得了巨大的权势。 www.ecocn.org 3. NEW YORK (Reuters) - How to fix Morgan Stanley's asset management business is becoming the Wall Street firm's $2. 64 billion question. 路透纽约8月4日电---美国知名投资银行摩根士丹利(MS.N:行情)如何搞定旗下资产管理业务,已经成为该公司一个高达26.4亿美元的难题。 cn.reuters.com 4. South Korea's benchmark Kospi index has fallen about 26 per cent this year, prompting many companies to delay IPO plans. 韩国基准的韩国综合指数(Kospi)今年已下跌约26%,很多公司因此推迟了上市计划。 www.ftchinese.com 5. LONDON, March 26 : Each battered high-rise becomes a sniper's aerie, each deserted thoroughfare an ambush zone. 伦敦,3月26日:每座残破的建筑都成为狙击手的藏身之所,每条废弃的街道都是展开伏击的战场。 www.ebigear.com 6. For on October 26th the X Prize Foundation, based in Playa Vista, California, unveiled its latest carrot to the world's scientists. 10月26日,建立在加利福利亚洲普雷亚维斯塔的X奖基金会,向世界各地的科学家们公开了这一奖项。 www.bing.com 7. Seattle's high-water mark for gay bars was back in 1973, with 26, and after some ups and downs, the latest tally is 12. 西雅图的同性恋酒吧高潮期早在1973年,当时有26家,之后经历过一些风风雨雨,最新的数据是12家。 dongxi.net 8. He's 26 now, and he works a full-time job, but he's a really, really BIG exhibitionist. 他今年26岁,他有一份全职工作。但是他是一个非常爱现的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. This oddly shaped object is Saturn's moon Calypso, brought to light in a new high-resolution picture released March 26, 2010. 实际上,照片上这一形态怪异的物体是土星的卫星卡里普索。 www.bing.com 10. Mr Bernanke, keen to show sympathy for ordinary people's worries, will hold a televised "town hall" meeting on July 26th in Kansas City. 伯南克先生急于表现自己对民生问题的关切之情。他将于7月26日在堪萨斯市举行电视现场直播的市政厅大会。 www.ecocn.org 1. Stocks turned lower shortly after the opening after a survey showed U. S. consumer confidence at its weakest point in 26 years in April. 开盘后不久大盘下跌,之前的一份调查显示4月美国消费者信心处于26年以来最弱水准。 cn.reuters.com 2. Being worth $7 billion US at the age of 26 can do a lot for one's self esteem. 年仅26岁就拥有7亿美金的身价,这应该解决了不少自尊方面的问题。 times.hinet.net 3. Two Chinese astronomers have joined the country's 26th Antarctic journey, xinhuanet. com reported. 据新华网报道,两位天文学家加入中国第26次南极考察队,启程赴南极。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. The space was furnished by Quinze and Milan with variations of Studio Arne Quinze 's own chair design, Room 26 Seat. 空间是由其十五日和米兰与变化的阿恩十五日自己的椅子设计,室26座。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In 2001, the U. S. Embassy in Beijing had a staff of about 500 from 10 U. S. government agencies. Now it has 1, 100 people from 26 agencies. 2001年,美国驻华大使馆驻有来自10个美国政府机构的大约500名人员,目前这一数字已经分别增加到26个机构与1,100人。 www.bing.com 6. The 26-year-old's future in Florence is subject to speculation after his side's under-par performance in Serie A. 佛罗伦萨本赛季在意大利足球甲级联赛中表现欠佳,这名26岁球员未来的去向因此变得扑朔迷离。 tieba.baidu.com 7. The northern province of Sada, 26 occurred in the armed insurgency against the Shi'ite Jose's car bomb attack, killing 40 people. 北部的萨达省26日发生一起针对什叶派胡塞叛乱武装的汽车炸弹袭击事件,造成40人死亡。 www.englishtang.com 8. In 2007 food prices rose across the board. The FAO's food index increased by 26% that year. 2007年食品价格全面上升,因此FAO粮食指数上升了26%。 www.ecocn.org 9. In the U. S. , more than 19 million viewers tuned in on June 26 to watch the decisive U. S. -Ghana match, according to Nielsen. 据尼尔森调查显示,在美国有超过19,000,000的电视观众在6月26日调台观看了美国和加纳的决定性比赛。 www.bing.com 10. The size of Afghanistan's total population is a mystery - put at anywhere between 26 million and well over 30 million. 阿富汗的总人口数是个未知数,在2600万到超过3000之间。 www.bing.com 1. Over roughly the same period, shipments from U. S. apparel factories fell by 31% in real terms, while apparel jobs fell by 26%. 大约在同一时期,美国服装厂商的发货量却下降了31%,同样扣除物价因素,并且服装行业职位数量减少了26%。 www.bing.com 2. Lazio officials are set to meet the 26-year-old's agent this week in the hope of reducing his wage demands. 拉齐奥的官员定于本周与这名26岁球员的经济人进行会面,希望能降低他的薪水要求。 www.laziofly.com 3. Brazil's richest man, Eike Batista, is building a $2. 6 billion superport north of Rio de Janeiro for massive tankers headed for China. 巴西首富巴蒂斯塔(EikeBatista)正在里约热内卢北部建造一个耗资26亿美元的超级港口,供驶向中国的大型油轮停泊。 c.wsj.com 4. Anwar Haraga was 26 when men from Libya's Internal Security agency came to his door in Tripoli one night. 一天晚上,卡扎菲政权的内务安全特工来到了26岁的AnwarHaraga在的黎波里的家中。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Still, enthusiasm for U. S. stocks wasn't high: 26% planned to invest more in large-cap U. S. stocks, down from 30% last summer. 不过,对美国股市的热情却并不高:有26%的人计划增持大型美国股票,而去年夏天这一比例为30%。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Pennsylvania Governor Edward Rendell briefs reporters about the National Governors Association's yearly meeting, Feb. 2月26日,宾州州长艾德华?伦道就全国州长协会的年度会议向媒体简报。(照片:美联社) www.taipeitimes.com 7. 26 breathtakingly beautiful pictures focus on the exquisite detail of 15 of Audubon's most beautiful plates from "Birds of America" . breathtakingly美丽的图片,侧重于精致的细节,15奥杜邦最美丽的板从“鸟美利坚合众国”。 xtdownload.com 8. Over the same period, the US's share of the games market will fall from 26 per cent to 22 per cent. 在此期间,美国游戏市场在全球市场中的比重,将从26%下降到22%。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Earth's rotation makes its midsection bulge; it is 26 miles farther around at the equator than it is from pole to pole. 地球的自转使它的中部隆起;赤道的周长比南极到北极的周长多26英里。 www.bing.com 10. US President Bush's daughter Jenna, 26, will marry fiance Henry Hager Saturday at the family ranch in Crawford, Texas. 10日,美总统布什26岁的女儿詹娜将与未婚夫亨利·黑格在得州克劳福德农场举行婚礼。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Support for Mr. Aso's cabinet has risen to 26%, from a low of 13% in February, a poll in the Asahi Shimbun showed Tuesday. 日本报纸《朝日新闻》(AsahiShimbun)周二公布的一项调查显示,麻生太郎内阁的支持率从2月份13%的低位回升至26%。 www.bing.com 2. Figures show the performance of China's stock market even falls behind deeply indebted Greece, whose stocks dropped by 26. 87% this year. 由于深陷债务危机之中,希腊股市今年初以来的跌幅为26. www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Xiamen Xiang'an Undersea Tunnel, the Chinese mainland's first undersea tunnel, opened to traffic Monday morning. 中国大陆第一条海底隧道——厦门翔安海底隧道26日上午建成通车。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Nuclear energy provides about 11 percent of Germany's energy supply but its contribution to electricity output is about 26 percent. 核能约占德国能源供给的11%,但其占到该国电能输出的比例约为26%。 www.bing.com 5. Toy Fair 2010 takes place on 26-28 January 2010 at Olympia's Grand Hall in London. 玩具展览会2010年发生在奥林匹亚的大厅举行26日至28在伦敦2010年1月。 www.cnhuu.cn 6. A male lion at the Smithsonian Institution's National Zoo on October 26 in Washington, DC. 10月26日,在华盛顿特区。史密森学会国家动物园仪态威严的雄狮。 www.bing.com 7. My 26 year-old birthday is coming soon, I will spend it alone, but my heart will not be lonely, it's enough. 偶26岁的生日也快到了,虽然会独自度过,但是心不再孤单,足矣。 blog.163.com 8. Last September, recall, the S& P 500 shook off its summer malaise and embarked on what would become an eight-month, 26% rally. 去年9月,标准普尔500指数摆脱夏季的萎靡不振,开始一轮为期八个月、涨幅26%的反弹。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Born to a poor peasant family in China's remote Gansu province, he is now a 26-year-old computer programmer in Beijing. 他出生在甘肃省一个农民家庭,而现在26岁的郭已经是北京的一名电脑程序员了。 www.common-talk.com 10. (In an interview with Levie, the 26-year-old co-founder and CEO of Box joked that he's finally going to buy a yacht). (Box联合创始人兼首席执行官,现年26岁的莱维在一次采访中开玩笑说,他最后会去买一部游艇)。 www.fortunechina.com 1. The luckless 28 year-old's dreams of giving his sweetheart, Leanne, 26, the ultimate proposal have literally vanished into thin air. 这名28岁的倒楣男盼望给他26岁甜心黎恩小姐一个最完美的求婚的梦想,实际上可说消逝在空气中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. 26 others are on the FAO's danger list, accounting for about a third of wheat production. 还有26个国家在联合国粮农组织的危险名单中,这26个国家占了世界小麦生产的三分之一。 www.ecocn.org 3. Who else but Germany's all-time leading goal scorer could have christened the stadium in such sensational style on 26 May 1972? 除了这位德国足坛永久的领军人物,还有谁能在1972年5月26日这个令人激动的时刻沸腾奥林匹亚球场呢? www.bing.com 4. Unisys, of Blue Bell, Pa. , ranks No. 26 on Washington Technology's 2008 Top 100 list of the largest federal government prime contractors. 位于宾夕法尼亚州BlueBell的Unisys公司在华盛顿技术网站所列的2008年联邦政府最大的100家承包商中名列第26位。 www.etiri.com.cn 5. Sotheby's points out that five years ago, its buyers who spent more than $500, 000 on an artwork came from 26 countries. 苏富比指出,5年前,出手50多万美元竞拍一件艺术品的买家来自26个国家。 www.ftchinese.com 6. One software developer, James Englert, 26, had just released his first application for Android, Google's operating system for cellphones. 一个名叫JamesEnglert的26岁软件开发者刚刚发布他Android平台下的第一个应用,Android是Google为手机开发的操作系统。 www.bing.com 7. Gabriel Agbonlahor's first half header secured a first win for Villa at Old Trafford for 26 years. 阿邦拉霍上半场的头球让维拉26年来头一回在OT赢球。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 8. The Fed's programme to buy commercial paper, a form of short-term company debt, had acquired almost $300 billion by November 26th. 11月26日出台的美联储购买商业汇票--一种公司短期债务的形式--的计划需要接近3000亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 9. Shares in Galicia, the country's biggest consumer lender, surged as much as 26 per cent in New York. 在纽约上市的阿根廷最大的消费贷款机构Galicia股价飙升26%。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Last year, Paul Chambers, 26, frustrated by an airport's closing, threatened in a jokey Twitter message to blow the airport "sky high. " 去年,保罗·钱伯斯,26岁,因机场关闭而气愤,在推特发布一则滑稽的信息,威胁要“大闹”机场。 kk.dongxi.net 1. As many as 14 of the 100 richest individuals in the world are Russians, with an aggregate wealth equal to 26 per cent of the country's GDP. 在世界最富有的100个人中,有14名是俄罗斯人,他们的财富总和相当于俄罗斯GDP的26%。 www.ebigear.com 2. The index's annualized growth rate ticked up to negative 26. 8 from negative 28. 7 percent. 报告显示,该指标增长年率也攀升至负17.4%,之前一周为负18. cn.reuters.com 3. At the start of this year Romania and Bulgaria became the EU's 26th and 27th members. 今年年初,罗马尼亚与保加利亚分别成为了欧盟的第26及第27个成员国。 www.ecocn.org 4. People's Bank of China released the catalogue for 26 administrative permits projects. 人民银行公布26个行政许可项目目录。 www.binvor.com 5. Macquarie, Australia's biggest investment bank, sank more than 23 per cent to A$26. 05, down about 65 per cent on the year. 澳大利亚最大投行麦格理的股价跌逾23%,至26.05澳元,与去年同期相比下跌约65%。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In 2008, Mugabe completed work on a new $26 million, 25-bath estate in a wealthy suburb of Harare, the country's capital. 2008年,在该国的首都生活水平富裕的哈拉雷郊区,一座新的价值高达2600万美元别墅竣工,他的这座豪宅光浴室就有25个。 www.bing.com 7. For 26 years CCTV's Spring Festival Gala has entertained audiences across China. 26年以来中央电视台一直向全国观众呈献春节联欢晚会(以下简称春晚)。 www.bing.com 8. At this year's Iowa Gold Star Auction, the Magnum Psyche breeding again took the top bid at $26, 000. 在今年的爱荷华州金星拍卖,万能琪滋生再次顶部出价26,000美元。 www.hc263.net 9. Methods The regional excision of parotid gland with retaining parotid duct was applied in 26 cases with Warthin s tumor. 方法对26例临床诊断为腮腺沃辛瘤的病人作腮腺区域性切除保留导管术。 www.chemyq.com 10. Martha's daughter Patsy had died, her son Jack at 26, but Jack's children figured in the household. 玛莎的女儿帕齐已经去世,她的儿子杰克26岁,杰克的孩子在家中生活。 www.bing.com 1. In 2008, it published the emissions data for 1550 of the world's largest corporations, accounting for 26% of global anthropogenic emissions. 该组织于2008年公布了1550家世界最大公司的温室气体排放量数据,占了全球人为排放量的26%。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 2. U. S. House of Representatives Armed Services Committee by 35 to 26 of the votes to pass this amendment. 美国众议院军事委员会以35对26的票数通过了这项修正案。 www.englishtang.com 3. Clearly, a business with $26 billion in cash reserves isn't exactly at death's door. 显然,一个有着260亿美元现金储备的公司还远没有到末路穷途。 blog.163.com 4. Although it accounts for 60 per cent of Rio's assets, it is the biggest drag on its first half earnings, which more than halved to $2. 6bn. 铝业务虽占力拓资产的60%,却是拖累其上半年盈利(下降逾一半,仅为26亿美元)的最大因素。 www.ftchinese.com 5. S. stock funds, and 26 percent for the Standard & Poor's 500 Index during the same period. 与之相比,同阶段美国所有的证券基金的平均收益是18%,标准普尔500指数的平均收益是26%。 www.bing.com 6. Turkey's assistance to aid in Gaza boat to return to Istanbul. 26日,土耳其援助加沙的援助船返回了伊斯坦布尔。 www.englishtang.com 7. We estimate the town's single family homes alone are worth $26 million. 我们估算了一下,光是这个镇的独家住房就值2,600万美元。 www.bing.com 8. October 26, 1993, Shandong province people's Government approved the establishment, Yantai Jinshatan tourism resort. 1993年10月26日,经山东省人民政府批准,烟台金沙滩旅游度假区成立。 yantai.qite8.com 9. Mr Geithner has proposed the IMF's credit line with 26 rich member countries be dramatically raised to $500 billion from $50 billion. 盖特纳先生已经提议,IMF猛增其向26个G20富裕国家提供的信贷额度:从500亿美金增至5000亿美金。 www.ecocn.org 10. The 26-year-old England captain stated: "I'm predicting that we will get the Premiership title back. That's our main ambition. " 这个26岁的英格兰队长说:“我预言我们将夺回英超奖杯,这是我们主要的目标。” bbs.qieerxi.com 1. Global smallpox eradication was finally achieved with the world's last naturally-occurring case in Somalia on 26 October 1977. 全球根除天花最终于1977年10月26日以在索马里的最后一例自然发生病例宣布实现。 www.who.int 2. Jon, 26, of Gainesville, Fla. , loves the work and a reciates his dad's su ort. 现年26岁的乔恩热爱这份工作,并感激父亲对他的支持。 www.91gupiao.com 3. He has a staff of 26 in the firm's offices in New York and London, searching for other China-related information. 他的公司在纽约和伦敦设有办公室,26名职员为其搜寻与中国有关的信息。 www.bing.com 4. The president's 26-year-old daughter is a writer and schoolteacher, who graduated from the University of Texas. 布什总统的女儿现年26岁,她是一个作家和学校教师,毕业于德克萨斯大学。 www.voanews.cn 5. Buffett said Berkshire's $26. 7 billion acquisition of BNSF last February is working out better than he expected. 巴菲特称去年2月份花费267亿美元收购的BNSF铁路公司表现好于他的预期。 www.bing.com 6. A poll on July 26th showed Labor's lead slightly down, but Mr Abbott remains the underdog. 7月26日的民测显示工党的领先优势略有下降,但艾伯特还是处于下风。 www.ecocn.org 7. NPC's client companies have increased sales an average of 7 percent and boosted profits more than 26 percent. NPC的客户公司们在销售量上平均有7%的增幅,利润额的增加也超过了26%。 www.ecocn.org 8. The U. S. saw the biggest rise in food prices in 26 years in March. 今年3月美国食品价格创下26年来最大涨幅。 c.wsj.com 9. January 26, the date of the first European settlement of the continent in 1788, is Australia's national day. 每年1月26日,即1788年首批欧洲人来澳洲大陆定居之日,被指定为澳大利亚的国庆节日。 www.bing.com 10. David Arroyo, still wearing the leader's pink jersey, signs the board at the start in Brunico before the 17th stage to Peio Terme May 26. 大卫阿罗约,还穿着领导者的粉红色球衣,在签署之前,在布鲁尼科17阶段佩奥温泉5月26日开始板。 q.163.com 1. MOSCOW'S new mayor, Sergei Sobyanin, holds his administration's first official meeting on Tuesday 26th. 莫斯科的新任市长索比亚宁于周二26日举行他上任以来的首次政府工作会议。 www.ecocn.org 2. America's trade deficit with China jumped 17% in June over the previous month to $26. 2 billion, the biggest gap since October 2008. 6月美国对中国贸易逆差较前月增长17%至262亿美元,达到2008年10月以来的最高水平。 chinese.wsj.com 3. I am completed 26 months of active military service and I worked more 2 years for U. S. Army by Civilian in South Korea. 我用26个月完成了现役,然后我以平明身份在美国驻韩军队服务2年。 www.chineselovelinks.com 4. In response, China's export performance swung from 26% annual growth in July 2008 to a 27% contraction by February 2009. 与此同时,中国的出口额也从2008年7月同比增幅26%到2009年2月同比下降27%,一泻千里。 dooo.cc 5. Born eight days after Zuckerberg, 26-year-old Moskovitz is the world's youngest billionaire. 26岁的莫斯科维茨比扎克伯格小8天,是世界上最年轻的亿万富翁。 gb.cri.cn 6. This 26-hectare patch of green is Taipei's answer to New York City's Central Park. 这片占地26公顷的绿地是纽约中央公园的台北翻版。 www.kekenet.com 7. The EA chief believes his $26-a-share offer, giving a 60 per cent premium on Take-Two's share price, was generous. 这位电子艺界掌门人认为,自己每股26美元的出价(较Take-Two股价溢价60%)相当慷慨。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The studio was impressed by Reagan's on-camera presence and offered the 26-year-old a contract at $200 per week. 华纳兄弟对里跟在银幕上的表现印象深刻,给了这位26岁年轻人一份周薪200美元的合同。 www.bing.com 9. CRC's share price plummeted by nearly 14% on October 26, the day after the announcement, and has yet to recover. 10月26日,亏损公告发布后的第二天,中国铁建的股价重挫14%,至今仍未恢复。 www.pinggu.org 10. In 2010, government subsidies were equal to 26% of Yurun's profit for the year. 2010年,政府补贴相当于雨润全年利润的26%。 c.wsj.com |
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