单词 | stochastic |
释义 |
例句释义: 随机的,机会的,有可能性的,随便的,随机指标,随机性,随机指数 1. Real and nominal stochastic convergence : are the new EU members ready to join the Euro zone ? ; Ali M. Kutan and Taner M. 真正与名义上的随机集中:欧盟新成员准备加入欧元区吗?。 www.bing.com 2. In the front part of this paper we discussed the chemical reaction quantitive calculation's determinate algorithm and stochastic algorithm. 本文的前面详细的讨论了虚拟细胞中化学反应定量计算的确定型算法和随机型算法。 terms.shengwuquan.com 3. Collocation is usually applied to deal with the parameter estimation, which contains the trend parameters and stochastic parameters. 拟合推估常用于解决既含有倾向性参数又含有随机参数的参数估计问题。 www.dictall.com 4. Smoother is one of the widely used approaches to eliminate or to weaken the stochastic error from sampling data. 平滑是消除或削弱测量数据随机误差时常用的数据处理手段。 zgkj.cast.cn 5. Inthe tradition of Slutsky, business cycles can be viewed as the result of stochastic shocks that on aggregate form a moving average series. 在传统的Slutsky,商业周期可以被看作是随机的结果冲击,形成一个总移动平均线系列。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The stochastic behavior of real-world systems is often difficult to understand or predict . 人们常常难以理解或预知实际系统的随机行为。 www.bing.com 7. In a network with wormhole routing, the message arrival is not a simple event, but a lasting process with stochastic character. 在采用虫孔寻径的网络中,消息的到达不是一个简单的事件,而是一个具有随机性的持续过程。 www.dictall.com 8. The second chapter introduced the general form and the result of the general stochastic model of the infectious diseases. 第二章则介绍了传染病流行的随机模型的一般形式及结果。 www.lw23.com 9. On account of the stochastic characteristics of earthquakes, a model designed for dynamic opportunity restraint program is applied. 并基于地震随机性,提出了结构动力优化,用非确定的机会约束规划模型求解。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Robust programming is, as stochastic programming, an attempt to capture uncertainty in the data underlying the optimization problem. 强大的节目,如随机规划,试图捕捉数据的不确定性所依据的优化问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Also we point out that this kind of variational equations has a main theoretical meaning in the study of stochastic controls. 同时,还指出这类变分方程在随机控制的研究中有着重要的理论意义。 www.actamath.com 2. The principal resonance of a second-order stochastic oscillator under combined harmonic and random parametric excitations is investigated. 研究了二阶线性系统在谐和与随机噪声联合作用下的主共振响应和稳定性问题。 www.dictall.com 3. Two numerical examples and a practical example of an aero engine disk were presented herein to validate stochastic response surface method. 两个数值例子和一个发动机轮盘实例来验证这一方法的有效性。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Backward stochastic differential equation(hereafter referred to as BSDE )now has become a rapidly-developing branch of Stochastic Theory. 倒向随机微分方程成为随机数学中迅速发展的一个分支。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. This paper incorporates "preferences for wealth" into a stochastic model of an open economy. 本文把财富偏好结合进入一个开放经济的随机模型。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. It researches the ship lateral movement multivariant stochastic control law on the basis of multivariant stochastic optimum control theory. 本文基于多变量随机最优控制理论研究船舶横向运动多变量随机控制规律。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. One conclusion to be drawn from the presented analysis is the presence of a stochastic element in the analyzed variables. 一个可以得出结论的分析,提出存在的随机因素分析的变量。 www.syyxw.com 8. The wind-induced fatigue of guyed masts is a process of the wide-band stochastic fatigue. 桅杆结构随机风振疲劳是宽带随机疲劳过程。 www.dictall.com 9. Markov process is an important stochastic process. It has profound theoretical fundament and extensive applied area. 其中,马尔可夫链的极限理论是马尔可夫过程研究的基本领域之一。 www.boshuo.net 10. Good luck is the stochastic probability, is only the probability that you do care. 缘分就是随机概率,而且是你在意的随机概率。 www.jiaoyou8.com 1. For a class of stochastic nonlinear systems satisfying linear growth condition, the paper studies the output feedback stabilization problem. 针对满足线性增长条件的一类随机非线性系统,本文研究了输出反馈镇定问题。 www.dictall.com 2. This paper proposed a stochastic user equilibrium assignment model for regional multi-modal networks, together with a solution algorithm. 提出了一种区域多方式货运网络随机平衡配流模型,并给出了相应的求解算法。 www.dictall.com 3. Under most circumstances, one of the significant factors of the stochastic profits is three managers' effort. 在大多数情况下,影响随机利润的重要因素就是生产、采购和销售管理者的努力水平。 www.ilib.cn 4. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the application of stochastic analysis in actuarial science, especially for life insurance. 这篇文章介绍了有关随机分析在精算学中的应用,特别是对于人寿保险,进行了详细的阐述。 word.hcbus.com 5. The stochastic particle trajectory model was applied to simulation of the droplet trajectories, size and temperature history. 采用随机颗粒轨道模型描述油珠温度、运动及其尺寸变化等过程; www.jasp.com.cn 6. The stochastic processes theory which is an important part of probability is applied to do a research of the financial problems. 随机过程理论作为概率论的一个重要分支,被广泛地运用到金融问题的研究中。 www.fabiao.net 7. The second part proves the density of the re ach able set of a cl ass of line ar stochastic control systems. 第二部分通过仔细的构造,证明了一类线性随机控制系统的能达集的稠密性。 www.showxiu.com 8. In this paper, we get the existence of the optimal solution for a stochastic control model under usual condition. 在满足通常性条件的概率空间中,得到了一类随机控制模型的最优解的存在性条件。 www.dictall.com 9. And, for the passenger volume of bus group, company and subsidiary, the periodic fluctuation is strong and stochastic fluctuation is weak. 其中公交集团、公司和分公司客运量的周期波动性较强,随机波动性较弱。 www.13191.com 10. Compared to the stochastic, which ignores market jolts, the MACD is a more reliable option as a sole trading indicator. KDJ忽略了市场波动,与之相比,MACD是更为可靠的独立交易指标。 www.bing.com 1. Their thinking was embodied in a new genre of working models of the economy, called "dynamic stochastic general equilibrium" (DSGE) models. 他们的思想体现在一种经济运作新模型上,称为“动态随机一般均衡(DSGE)”模型。 www.bing.com 2. There exists dithering phenomenon and system output exists biggish overshoot when the system is disturbed by stochastic disturbance. 采用模糊控制算法实现倒立摆的倒立平衡控制,当系统受到随机干扰时,其输出会有较大超调,摆杆存在抖动现象。 www.dictall.com 3. Through decoupling, the model of system had been decomposed deterministic motion and stochastic motion. 通过解耦,将系统分为确定性运动和随机运动的叠加。 stae.com.cn 4. Do not buy when Stochastic is above its upper reference line and do not sell short when it is below its lower reference line. 当随机指标在上边的参考线以上时不要买入;当它在下边的参考线以下时不要做空。 www.bing.com 5. Roughly, visual tracking algorithms can be divided into two main classes: deterministic tracking and stochastic tracking. 视觉跟踪算法主要分为两大类:确定性算法和随机性算法。 6. Stochastic identifies danger zones, just like a line of red flags on a ski slope marks unsafe areas for skiers. 随机指标确认危险区域,就像在滑雪的时候有红旗插在危险的地方。 www.bing.com 7. Due to the effect of uncertain factors, the results of deterministic and stochastic method usually are far from the actual optimal one. 由于不确定因素的影响,确定和随机分析方法得到的解与实际的最优解往往偏差很大。 www.fabiao.net 8. In Stochastic Model Predictive Control, chance constraints are presented and the objective function is an mathematical expectation. 在随机预测控制中,约束是机会约束,目标函数是数学期望,滚动优化求解的是随机优化问题。 www.fabiao.net 9. One-velocity neutron stochastic theory with isotropic scatting was applied to a point model. 将各向同性散射的单速中子随机理论应用于点堆模型。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Assume the parameter uncertainty is norm-bounded and the system dynamic is modeled by Ito-type stochastic differential equations. 假设参数不确定性是范数有界的并且系统的动态方程是由伊藤微分方程所描述的。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Iterative learning based stochastic distribution control and its applications . 基于迭代学习的随机分布控制系统研究。 www.bing.com 2. High vertical resolution impedance can be obtained by seismic stochastic inversion which is not limited by the bandwidth of seismic data. 随机反演突破了地震频带宽度的限制,可获得高分辨率的地层波阻抗资料,具有纵向分辨率较高且不完全受井分布控制等优点。 stae.com.cn 3. consider a discrete source, therefore, to be represented by a stochastic process. 考虑一个离散源,因此,要派一个随机过程。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. This paper studies the almost sure sample stability of stochastic nonholonomic systems chiefly by way of the linearization. 本文研究了随机非完整系统的样本稳定性。 www.dictall.com 5. Fifthly, optimization model and its algorithm for large-scale stochastic transportation network are studied. 第五,大规模随机运输网络优化建模及算法。 www.boshuo.net 6. It has practical meaning, study the dynamic behaviors of the non-smooth stochastic system and chaos control. 因此研究这种非光滑随机系统的动力学行为和混沌控制问题,具有一定的实际意义。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. Secondly, frequency-domain model of stochastic transportation network and its expected methods are studied. 第二,随机运输网络频域模型及其期望优化求解。 www.boshuo.net 8. Furthermore, the convergence of the DHIA is proved theoretically through the Markov stochastic process theory. 最后根据随机过程的理论知识,证明了该算法的收敛性。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Due to some unexpected stochastic events, the pure continuous diffusion process is unable to describe the interest rate behavior exactly. 由于一些不可预测的随机事件的影响,纯粹的连续扩散过程难以正确描述利率变动的行为。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Methods We propose smoothing Newton method for a class of stochastic linear complementarity problems. 方法提出了可行的光滑牛顿法求解该随机线性互补问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. An experimental result shows that the heuristic partition algorithm can achieve higher speedup than stochastic partition algorithm. 实验结果表明采用启发式划分方法的并行性能要优于采用随机划分方法。 www.fabiao.net 2. Probability density evolution method for the analysis of linear stochastic structural static response under random loading is proposed. 提出了随机荷载作用下随机结构线性静力反应的概率密度演化方法。 www.dictall.com 3. Results show that the distribution of events normally characterizes multiscale clustering and stochastic patterns. 结果显示,地震活动具有多尺度空间成丛分布与随机分布特徵。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. A method for estimation of oil and gas reserves is proposed with stochastic modeling technique, and its basic principle is discussed. 提出了采用随机建模技术进行油气储量计算的方法,探讨了随机建模法储量计算的基本原理。 www.chemyq.com 5. We develop a technique using stochastic resonance (SR)-based wavelet transform for the enhancement of unclear diagnostic ultrasound images. 我们开发的技术使用随机共振(简)的小波变换为加强不清楚诊断超声图像。 www.syyxw.com 6. We make experiments with classification and regression tree ( CART ) as well as extended stochastic complexity (ESC). 我们采取建立规则的办法作为对词典的补充,分别用分类回归树(cart)、扩展的随机复杂度(ESC)进行了实验。 www.yylj.info 7. In the subsection where contents are stochastic, more byte frequency times appear as the frequency gets closer to the average frequency. 在内容随机分段中,越靠近字节平均频率值的位置字节频率出现的次数越多; www.ceps.com.tw 8. Experimentally, it is now possible to generate large libraries of stochastic DNA, RNA, and peptides or polypeptides. 在实验上,现在可以生成一个大型的库,包含随机的DNA,RNA及肽或多肽。 www.bing.com 9. Stochastic functional differential equations with Markovian switching are very important in theoretical and have great applications. 马尔可夫调制的随机泛函微分方程的研究具有高度的理论意义和广阔的应用前景。 www.keyanjijin.cn 10. The simplified stochastic equal-weighting model implies that all the measurements are with the same precision which deviates from reality. 等权随机模型假设各原始卫星观测值等精度,这与实际情况不完全符合。 www.fabiao.net 1. Various stochastic factors have mild time-varying negative impact on the flood control safety due to the ageing of hydraulic projects. 随着工程的老化,影响堤坝防洪安全的各种不确定性因素将发生缓慢变化。 www.cgejournal.com 2. Formally, a sequence of random variables indexed by time is called a stochastic process or a time series process ? 按照时间顺序排列的一个随机变量序列,称为随机过程,时间序列过程。 wenku.baidu.com 3. The first passage failure theory is applied in studying the stability of a ship under stochastic wave excitations. 利用首次穿越失效理论研究了在随机波浪激励下的船舶稳性。 www.dictall.com 4. This paper deals with the minimal entropy martingale measure and utility indifference pricing concerning a stochastic volatility model. 本文研究了随机波动率模型的最小熵鞅测度和效用无差别定价。 dictall.com 5. And Average True Range, Linear Regression, MACD, Momentum, Relative Strength Index, Standard Deviation, Stochastic open below chart window. 真是波动幅度均值、线性回归、MACD、动力要素、相对强度指标和标准偏差都会被随机打开与图表窗口下面。 www.forexyard.com 6. The algorithm indicates that designing satisfactory estimator of linear stochastic systems with uncertainties is effective. 这个算法表明,线性随机不确定系统的满意估计器的设计是有效可行的。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Mantra now uses Stochastic transparency for a more realistic look. Mantra渲染器现在使用随机透明度来增加真实感。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. However, Guttag adds, in "stochastic simulations, the answer will differ from run to run, because there's an element of randomness in it. " Guttag继续补充说,不过在“随机模拟里,每次运行的答案都不相同,因为这里面有随机性这个元素存在。” www.bing.com 9. The guaranteed cost control with output feedback controllers is presented for a class of uncertain continous-time stochastic systems. 针对一类不确定连续随机系统,研究了具有输出反馈控制器的保性能控制。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The technology of stochastic resonance can be used to detect weak signals submerged in noise. 论文对随机共振技术运用于强噪声背景下的弱信号检测进行了研究。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The extreme value probability density function based method for dynamic reliability assessment of stochastic structures is presented. 提出了随机结构动力可靠度分析的极值概率密度方法。 www.showxiu.com 2. The simulation results show that the designed controllers and switching laws guarantee the closed-loop systems stochastic stable. 仿真结果表明,所设计的控制器能保证闭环系统在一定意义下的随机稳定。 www.dictall.com 3. Demand is always stochastic during the real production-sale because of many uncertain conditions. 在实际的生产销售中,由于存在很多不确定因素,需求也是不确定的。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Stochastic Quadratic Guaranteed Cost Control with an Indefinite Cost Control Matrix P . 成本控制矩阵不确定的随机二次保成本控制。 www.bing.com 5. Thirdly, the robust stability problem for discrete system with stochastic uncertainties and nonlinear perturbations is studied. 第三,研究了具有非线性扰动和随机不确定性的网络化控制系统的鲁棒镇定问题。 www.say666.com 6. The aim of this paper is to use stochastic resonance to enhance the fine-motor performance of human hand. 针对此种情况,我们在本论文中开展了利用随机共振现象增强人体手部精细动作的实验研究。 www.fabiao.net 7. The results show that the non-linear stochastic finite element method is effective for analyzing the reliability of vertical loaded piling. 研究表明,非线性随机有限元法是研究单桩承载力可靠度的有效方法。 8. This paper presents a no-arbitrage model of closed-form approximation for valuing basket options under a stochastic interest rate economy. 本文推导出在随机利率经济体系下,无套利条件之组合型选择权的近似封闭解。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Two of the most fundamental concepts in the theory of stochastic processes are Markov property and martingale property. 随机过程论两个最基本的概念是马氏性和鞅性质。 jwc.sysu.edu.cn 10. Copula as so far has been applied to fields as finance and stochastic process. Copula已经很广泛地应用到了经济领域和随机过程方面。 www.13191.com 1. SOMA is a stochastic optimization algorithm that works on a population of candidate solutions in loops - so called migration loops. SOMA是随机优化算法,它的人口候选解决方案的循环-所谓迁移循环。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The images come from natural scene exist many stochastic interference of external environment. So I must try to reduce external influence. 从实际场景中切割出来的出牌图像,伴随着很多随机性干扰,所以处理时要尽量降低噪声的影响。 www.juhe8.com 3. Understanding how the stochastic is formed is one thing, but knowing how it will react in different situations is more important. 了解KDJ指标是如何形成的是一回事,而知道在不同的情况下该指标如何反应却更为重要。 www.bing.com 4. The probability density evolution method for the analysis of linear stochastic structural static response is proposed. 提出了线性随机结构静力反应的概率密度演化方法。 www.dictall.com 5. An auxiliary model and least squares based recursive identification algorithm was presented for stochastic systems with colored noises. 提出一类有色噪声干扰随机系统的辅助模型最小二乘递推辨识算法。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The approximate algorithm designed for the stochastic inventory problem is practical, even in other circumstance. 所设计的处理随机库存分配问题的近似算法具有很强的实用性。 www.fabiao.net 7. This thesis presents the combination of the stochastic programming and generalized goal programming. 在本文中,我们提出了双凹规划问题和更一般的广义凹规划问题。 www.dictall.com 8. The set of past events affecting a given event in a stochastic process. 过去发生的事在一随机过程中影响一给定事件的过去发生的一组事件 www.jukuu.com 9. The central banks believe that their guide, the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model, is giving them the right signals. 各央行认为其指引——动态随机一般均衡(DynamicStochasticGeneralEquilibrium)模型——向它们发出的是正确的信号。 www.ftchinese.com 10. For a class of stochastic systems with time-varying delays, the problem of asymptotic stability of system is discussed. 针对一类时变时滞随机系统,研究其渐近稳定性问题。 www.jsjsyzdh.cn 1. The kernel function can be unit hydrograph of deterministic system or time series model of stochastic system. 通常核心函数可为定率系统之单位历线或序率系统之时间序列模式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. When Stochastic rises to its upper reference line, it gives a sell signal (points A, D, G, and H). 当随机指标上涨到上边的参考线,它给出了卖出信号(A,D,G,H点)。 www.bing.com 3. The stochastic inversion based on reservoir attribute recomposition is an effective method for reservoir characterization and prediction. 在对储集层特征进行重构基础上的随机模拟地震反演是储层表征与预测的有效方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The gas reservoir in north Shaanxi is approached by reservoir stochastic modeling and with the data from 144 wells. 对14口井的资料应用储层随机建模方法,研究了陕北某气田的一个天然气储层。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Moreover, the stochastic monotonicities and the aging properties of the system lifetime are studied in this model. 继而研究了在该模型中系统寿命的随机单调性,并且进一步讨论了系统寿命的年龄性质。 www.fabiao.net 6. Furthermore, the filtering error cross-covariance matrix is derived between any two sensor subsystems of stochastic singular systems. 推得了随机奇异系统任两个局部估计之间的滤波误差互协方差阵。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Whenever possible, the problems identified are treated from both deterministic and stochastic points of view. 经过识别的问题,我们尽可能同时用双定数论的观点和随机论的观点来处理。 www.jukuu.com 8. Differential evolution is a relatively new population based stochastic optimization approach. 微分进化(DE)是比较新的基于群体的随机优化方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The procurement allocation model of single product in vendor selection is studied under stochastic demand and incremental price discount. 研究了在随机需求和增量价格折扣条件下的单产品采购量分配模型。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The progress of ordinary network program is summarized, the Monte Carlo simulation technique is introduced in stochastic network program. 总结了网络计划的研究概况,在随机网络计划中引进蒙特卡洛仿真技术。 dict.bioon.com 1. Corona discharges are a form of stochastic pulse-shape noises occurring outside the GIS. 电晕放电是一种发生在GIS设备外部的随机的脉冲形噪音信号。 www.fabiao.net 2. In the last two sections, we concentrate on stochastic hyperbolic equations with pure jumps. 在最后两节,我们集中考虑纯跳的随机波动方程。 www.boshuo.net 3. This implies that optimal system noise level need not be zero and such nonlinear phenomenon is termed Stochastic Resonance. 这意味着系统的最佳噪声水平并不总是为零,这种非线性现象被称为随机共振。 www.lw23.com 4. The state of stochastic distribution control theory was summarized. 对随机分布控制理论的进展进行了概述。 www.showxiu.com 5. Under random-storage return-type and S-type picking condition, picking route stochastic models were built for logistics distribution center. 在物品随机存储情况下,分别构建返回型与S型拣选方式下拣选距离的随机模型。 www.boshuo.net 6. Taking aim at a class of weapon system with shooting domain, the stochastic passage characteristics for gun tube were studied. 针对具有射击域的武器系统,研究其火炮身管对射击域的随机穿越特性。 www.dictall.com 7. Global Output- Feedback Stabilization for Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Stochastic Input-to-state Stable Zero- Dynamics P . 东南大学零动态的随机非线性系统的全局输出反馈镇定。 www.bing.com 8. The implementation approach of stochastic model is presented. The algorithmic reliability of stochastic model is revealed. 给出了随机模型的实现方法,同时对该随机模型的算法可靠性进行了验证。 www.cgejournal.com 9. We start by covering deterministic and stochastic dynamic optimization using dynamic programming analysis. 我们会以使用动态规划分析来处理确定及随机的动态最适化作为开始。 www.myoops.org 10. The algorithm for solving the problems of stochastic static system is produced by stochastic simulation based genetic algorithms. 设计出基于随机模拟的遗传算法软件程序,给出在随机静态系统中生存决策问题的求解; www.pet2008.cn 1. Stochastic response surface method can compensate the drawback of the classical response surface. 以随机多项式为基础的随机响应面方法,可以弥补这一不足。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. firstly , the article introduces the theory of system simulation and the stochastic numeral and the stochastic variable. 本文首先介绍了系统模拟理论,以及产生随机数从而生成需要的随机变量的方法。 www.ichacha.net 3. The almost surely exponential stability of stochastic recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays is investigated. 研究了一类随机变时滞递归神经网络的几乎指数稳定性问题。 www.dictall.com 4. In this paper, we study stochastic comparison problem on the queue length processes of the queueing system with batch arrival. 本文研究成批到达排队系统中队长过程的随机比较问题。 www.dictall.com 5. Consider the randomness of various in design process, use stochastic finite element method, simulates the structure shape more really. 通过考虑设计过程中各变量的随机性,利用随机有限元方法,更加真实地模拟结构形态。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The process of simulation does not require both the queuing pattern and productivity level be stochastic; a mixed formulation, viz. 过程模拟,并不都需要排队格局和生产力水平得到随机; bbs.cgh.cc 7. Deterministic models rather than stochastic statistical models has been little pursued in exploration geochemistry. 在勘查地球化学中,几乎没有采用确定性模型,而是采用推测性模型。 www.kuenglish.info 8. We propose it as a viable new approach to stochastic combinatorial optimization. 我们认为对于随机组合优化,这是一个可行的新方法。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Then we take a simple model as an example to explain this stochastic model in the chapter four. 第四,通过一个简化的模型,来具体说明此优化模型是如何运用的。 www.fabiao.net 10. Unlike conventional power sources, wind power is stochastic, intermittent, low-energy-density and low-controllable. 风电与常规电源相比具有随机性、间歇性、能量密度低、可控性弱等特点。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. For the understanding reality's in situation, the author carries on the stochastic investigation in view of the employment minority groups. 为了解现实中的情况,笔者针对就业弱势群体进行随机调查。 www.slgz.cn 2. Encode of GA and genetic operators are improved, so they are more appropriate for reliability optimization of stochastic structure. 对遗传算法的编码、遗传算子进行了改进,使其更加适用于随机结构的可靠性优化。 www.boshuo.net 3. Dynamical system with stochastic multiplicative noise factor is a special kind of Stochastic Systems. 乘性噪声随机系统是一类含有乘性噪声因子的随机系统。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Therefore the neural network models considering stochastic affects should be finer models. 所以随机影响的神经网络模型应该是更贴近实际的模型。 www.fabiao.net 5. In effect, the noise increases the sensitivity of the switch - a phenomenon called stochastic resonance. 作为结果,噪音提高了开关的灵敏度--这种现象叫做随机共振。 www.bing.com 6. LIU Ning. Stochastic FEM and Its Applications in Engineering[M]. Beijing: China Water Conservancy and Electric Power Press, 2001. 刘宁。可靠度随机有限元法及其工程应用[M]。北京:中国水利水电出版社,2001。 zzs.chd.edu.cn 7. Because the sequence is ergodic and stochastic , information exchanging among sub-populations is ensured to be efficient and sufficient . 利用混沌的遍历性和随机性,保证子种群之间能够进行充分高效的信息交换。 journal.ecust.edu.cn 8. The Monte Carlo stochastic modeling method is an important method in the risk analysis of mining investment. 蒙特卡洛随机模拟法是矿业工程投资经济评价风险分析中的一种重要方法。 www.dictall.com 9. The problem of the robust guaranteed cost control for time-delay stochastic systems with Markov switching parameters is discussed. 研究了马尔可夫跳变参数时滞随机系统的鲁棒保性能控制问题。 www.dictall.com 10. Evolutionary algorithm is a stochastic search method that mimics natural biological evolution and the social behavior of species. 基于模因进化的演化算法是一种模拟自然界生物进化或社会种群活动的随机搜索方法。 1. A method of calculating dynamic reliability of stochastic truss structures under stationary random excitation is discussed in this paper. 研究了随机桁架结构在平稳随机激励下的动力可靠度求解方法。 www.dictall.com 2. This paper researches the application of the stochastic parallel gradient descent(SPGD)optimization algorithm on the beam cleanup system. 就随机并行梯度下降(SPGD)最优化算法在光束净化系统中的应用展开研究。 www.dictall.com 3. But there exists stochastic uncertainties in the model of system in case of reality. 但是在实际情况下,系统中存在着随机不确定性。 www.fabiao.net 4. The determination of efficient paths in the transportation network is a key technology of stochastic traffic assignment. 交通路网中有效路径的确定方法是进行各类随机交通流量分配的关键技术。 www.dictall.com 5. We adopt a stochastic method and develop a two-state Markov chain model to formulate the collaborative freight consolidation problem. 该研究采用了随机的方法,构建了一个两阶段的马尔科夫链模型来描绘了合作的货物集运问题。 www.boshuo.net 6. This paper deals with the practical application of the newly developed stochastic watt-hour meter. 这纸处理崭新发展的随机程序瓦时公尺的实际申请。 www.queshao.com 7. Firstly elementary model is established with problem description, and then robust optimization is used to handle the stochastic variables. 建立随机规划模型,并运用稳健优化处理随机变量。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The tools can be stochastic choose through shortest path from bidirectional. 双向随机最短路径选刀。 www.tztour.gov.cn 9. Stochastic resonance(SR) is modulated in a model of electrochemical oxidation formic acid on Pt. 采用甲酸电氧化的反应模型对随机共振的调制进行了研究。 www.cjcu.jlu.edu.cn 10. On basis of the modal analyze, stochastic finite element method spectrum analyze is done to the bus body frame. 本文在模态分析的基础上,对某车身骨架进行了随机有限元谱分析。 www.dictall.com 1. The bots our bot master deployed operated using a combination of probabilistic calculations with some stochastic search. 那些用户所使用的算牌器,是利用随机搜寻来计算概率的组合而已。 www.bing.com 2. Cellular heterogeneity and stochastic fluctuation play key roles in biological processes. 细胞的异质性和随机波动中发挥关键作用的生物过程。 www.syyxw.com 3. At the meantime, Seismic performances of the earth-rock dam excited by stochastic seismic load are analyzed. 同时,探讨了该土石坝在随机地震动激励下的地震反应。 www.magsci.net 4. The analysis for the estimation result showed that stochastic simulation method was effective. 通过计算结果分析说明采用随机模拟法计算设计洪水地区组成的可行性。 www.lw23.com 5. In this thesis, the Sparse Grid based Stochastic Collocation Method is proposed to model the analog circuit with process variations. 为了建立考虑工艺参数随机变化情况下的模拟电路模块的行为级模型,本文提出了基于稀疏网格(SparseGrid)的随机配置建模方法。 www.juhe8.com 6. To remain the consistency of network simulation model and real network, an algorithm to create stochastic network was proposed. 为提高仿真模型的可信度,提出了一种随机网络生成算法。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. dynamic response analysis for four-wheel stochastic input is important base of research for ride of the automobile. 车辆在四轮相关随机输入的动力响应分析是车辆行驶平顺性研究的重要基础。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. In game theory, stochastic cooperative game have received a generous concern and become a research focus. 对策论中,随机合作对策已逐渐成为研究的热点,并受到了广泛的关注。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. This study focuses on the performance monitoring, diagnosis and tuning of DMC systems with stochastic disturbance. 对随机扰动下动态矩阵控制系统的性能监控、调节与诊断方法进行了研究。 www.meeting.edu.cn 10. In this paper, A study of the computation of the ships capsizing probability in stochastic beam sea is made. 本文对随机横浪中船舶的运动及其倾覆概率计算进行了探讨。 www.dictall.com 1. micro-cracking model considering the stochastic distribution of internal defects is developed. 微开裂模型考虑了内部缺陷随机分布发展。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The numerical solution for pricing American options under stochastic volatility is considered. 考虑随机波动率下美式期权定价问题的数值模拟求解。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The problem of vehicle routing is discussed in a dynamic and stochastic traffic network with real-time information. 讨论了在动态随机网基于实时信息的车辆导航问题。 www.dictall.com 4. By using stochastic simulation, the optimum cut set intervals in all cut set levels of fuzzy parameters can be acquired. 然后对不同截集水平下的模糊参数,采用随机仿真规划寻优,得到各个截集水平的最优解截集区间; www.ceps.com.tw 5. Firstly, the limitations of stochastic dominance in describing decision maker's preference are analyzed. 首先,分析了利用随机优势描述偏好的局限性; www.ceps.com.tw 6. Many phenomenons in nature are stochastic, have been influenced by random factors. 自然界的很多现象都是随机现象,都受随机因素的影响。 soso.361xs.com 7. In this paper, some relations between stochastic and topological properties of dynamical systems are studied. 本文讨论了动力系统的统计性质和动力性质的某些关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. A special double type-insurance risk model whose premium is a stochastic process with interest force was further studied. 研究了在保费收取随机的情况下,含利息力因素的特殊双险种风险模型破产问题。 www.dictall.com 9. The stochastic resonance effect has particular advantages on enhancing and detecting weak signals. 随机共振在微弱信号的增强放大和检测方面有着独特的优势。 www.fabiao.net 10. This paper constructs a class of hybrid type of stochastic control model that includes regular process and singular process. 建立了一类受控包括正则过程与奇异过程的混合型随机模型; www.magsci.net 1. This paper uses stochastic frontier production function to compares the technical efficiency level of different ownership of enterprises. 采用随机前沿生产函数对不同所有制企业的技术效率水平进行了比较评价。 www.dictall.com 2. In the second chapter, we discuss Numerical Differentiation and its Property of stochastic datum. 在第二章中,我们详细地讨论了周期型随机数据的数值微分及其性质。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. The phenomenon of stochastic resonance ( SR ) based on the correlation coefficient in a parallel array of threshold devices is discussed. 基于相关系数讨论了并行阈值阵列中的随机谐振现象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The dynamics i s modeled as a non-linear, time-correlated and stationary stochastic system. 齿轮动力学模型建立为一个非线性、时相关、稳定的随机系统。 epub.cnki.net 5. This paper analyzes the basic technique of Cluster and gives a HA expressions for Cluster system by Stochastic Process Theory. 本文在研究总结现有集群计算技术的基础之上,通过随机过程理论,推导了集群系统可用度公式。 www.fabiao.net 6. In an ideal buying situation, the first Stochastic low is below and the second above the lower reference line. 理想的做多状况,是第一个低点低,第二个低点在低点参考线之上。 www.bing.com 7. In chapter 4, we consider exponential stability for a class of stochastic neural network with multi-delay. 在第四章里面,我们对一类多时滞随机神经网络进行了研究。 www.boshuo.net 8. The almost sure sample stability of the stochastic nonholonomic system is studied. 研究了随机非完整系统的样本稳定性。 www.dictall.com 9. What the elevator group control system deals with is a stochastic, multi - object decision-making with complex, no - linear and uncertainty. 电梯群控系统所要解决的是一个复杂的、具有非线性和不确定性的多目标随机决策问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Meanwhile, the stochastic DC power flow was adopted to achieve calculations for stochastic variables. 采用随机直流潮流实现了各随机变量的相关计算。 www.dictall.com 1. Mechanical models are categorized into Eulerian advection-diffusion models (EADM) and lagrangian stochastic models (LSM). 机理模型按照模拟机制可分为欧拉对流扩散模型和拉格郎日随机模型两类。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Stochastic Modeling of the Effects of Large-Scale Circulation on Daily Weather in the Southeastern U. S. 对影响美国东南部的大尺度环流每日天气的随机模拟。 led.scsio.ac.cn 3. Device addresses automatically assigned using a stochastic scheme. 使用随机方案自动为设备分配地址。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The optimal dispatch rule is identified by solving a stochastic optimal model for cascade reservoir dispatch. 然后对最优参数进行辨识,从而优选出最优调度规则。 www.dictall.com 5. When genetic algorithm (GA) is applied to solve the geophysical problems, it is a method of stochastic joint inversion in "fact. " 当用遗传算法解决这类问题时,它蕴含着一个反演的随机联合的过程,称之为随机联合反演。 www.geophy.cn 6. Then, some maximal element theorems in stochastic choice problems and other theorems with respect to incomplete preference are obtained. 在不完全偏好意义下获得了随机选择问题中的极大元定理和其它一些定理,统一和推广了许多已知结果。 tech.zidian8.com 7. Markov skeleton processes(MSPs) are a general class of stochastic processes proposed by Prof. Hou, Prof. Zou and Prof. Liu in 1997. 马尔可夫骨架过程是我国著名数学家侯振挺、刘再明和邹捷中于1997年提出的一大类新的随机过程。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Each RIP manufacturer uses different names to describe its particular variation on the stochastic theme. 每个路由制造商使用不同的名称来描述其特定变异随机主题。 www.showxiu.com 9. Artificial neural network series models break a new approach for stochastic modeling in computing design flood. 人工神经网络时序模型开辟了随机模拟法在设计洪水计算中应用研究的新途径。 www.fabiao.net 10. The paper presents the optimal investment problem with the stochastic volatility model. 研究了随机波动率模型的最优投资问题。 www.juyy.net 1. Stochastic games have applications in economics and evolutionary biology. 随机博弈在经济学和演化生物学中都有应用。 www.showxiu.com 2. It shows how stochastic and deterministic trends characterise long-run behaviour of Taipei house prices. 本研究以随机性与确定性的趋势成份来展现台北地区住宅价格长期的变动行为。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The analysis and design methods in stochastic systems are different from those in deterministic systems. 随机系统在研究方法上不同于确定性系统。 www.ilib.cn 4. In this paper, we discuss two discrete time risk model with the interest rate and the insurance premium are stochastic variable. 本文研究了利率、保费均为随机变量的两个离散风险模型。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The container terminal logistics operation is a stochastic, dynamic and complex system. 集装箱码头物流作业系统是一个随机、动态的复杂系统。 www.lw23.com 6. The problem of delay-dependent robust stabilization is investigated for uncertain stochastic systems with time delay. 研究一类不确定随机时滞系统的时滞相关鲁棒镇定问题。 www.dictall.com 7. Local stochastic strategy also organizes the aircraft into discrete units called 'teams'. 还将登机乘客划分成离散的单元即:登机小组进行分析。 www.lwtxw.com 8. Stochastic models are formulated using stochastic processes. 随机模型制定使用随机过程。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Graphic Presentation of Concepts About Stochastic Processes. 图示随机过程之相关概念。 10. The stochastic syntax-parse model named LSF is discussed and the results have practical value on robots question answer system. 论述了LSF随机化句法分析模型,其分析结果对于机器人的自动应答系统具有实际应用价值。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Estimating volatility of Chinese stock market by stochastic volatility model . 基于随机波动性模型的中国股市波动性估计。 www.bing.com 2. And then, the concentration profiles were presented based on statistical analysis of ensemble of such stochastic trajectories. 在此基础上,通过对大量轨迹的统计计算,得到了沙粒浓度的分布规律。 www.chemyq.com 3. Simulation of stochastic wind velocity field is prerequisite to flutter or buffeting analysis of long-span bridges in time-domain. 随机脉动风场的模拟是大跨度桥梁颤抖振时域分析的前提。 www.boshuo.net 4. First, the physical stochastic model is introduced and the corresponding mean value earthquake record is given. 首先,基于随机地震动物理模型,生成了均值参数地震动加速度时程。 www.dictall.com 5. Trade short on Classic Bearish Divergence: Higher highs in price and lower highs in the Stochastic Oscillator . 短贸易对经典熊市差异:高级高价格及低高的随机振荡器。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Skewness Preference, Risk Aversion, and the Precedence Relations on Stochastic Changes By: Chiu, W. Henry. 偏态偏好、风险规避与随机变化优先关系。 lib.ccec.edu.cn 7. Meanwhile, in this paper, the temperature field in calculating the probability analysis will use stochastic finite element method (SFEM). 在温度场方面,本文采用随机有限元的方法对其进行概率分析计算。 search.gucas.ac.cn 8. A brief review is given of international research on stochastic mechanics and reliability theory. 简要介绍了国内外工程随机力学及工程可靠性研究动态。 www.dictall.com 9. It is proved that stochastic resonance is a very useful tool for weak signal extraction from strong noise. 实验证明了随机共振技术在强噪声背景下弱信号检测的优越性。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The study of stochastic processes is valuable for research into computer-based artificial intelligence. 随机过程的学习对于以研究电脑为基础的人工智能是非常重要的。 college.strong-study.com 1. In the stochastic order sense, we have conducted the research for the optimal reinsurance. 本文在随机序的意义下对最优再保险进行了研究。 www.fabiao.net 2. This paper researchs economic growth problems in random environment by the stochastic analysis method. 本文运用随机分析方法研究了随机环境中经济增长的若干问题。 www.fabiao.net 3. The coordination of closed-loop supply chain with product recycling in stochastic demand is studied. 研究了随机需求下具有产品回收的闭环供应链协调问题。 www.dictall.com 4. Moreover, when all stochastic parameters exist, the impact point isn't normal distribution. 另外,考虑所有随机参数存在时,弹着点并不是正态分布。 www.cjcm.net 5. Methods In this study 500 inpatients are investigated stochastic with questionnaires. The results are classified and analyzed. 方法采用问卷调查随机选取住院病人500例,对填写结果进行归类分析。 www.chemyq.com 6. PDS module in ANSYS namely Stochastic FEM, is adopted to predict tunnel deformation and the probability of TBM jamming. 采用ANSYS中PDS模块即随机有限元预测隧道变形量及发生卡机的风险率。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. This paper proposed a stochastic differential equation-based model to describe the dynamics of peer-to-peer (P2P) file distribution systems. 提出一种基于随机微分方程的流模型来描述对等(P2P)文件分发系统的动态行为。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Based on the above analysis and appraisal, I choose "Several Stochastic Inventory Model Based on Supply Chain" as the research issue. 基于以上的分析论证,选定“基于供应链的若干随机库存模型研究”为课题。 www.fabiao.net 9. Both the definition and the formula of stochastic fluctuations and abnormal fluctuations are given. 给出了股票价格随机波动和异常波动的定义和数学表达式。 www.dictall.com 10. His statistical interests focus on stochastic computation. 他的统计兴趣集中于随机的计算。 www.tzhealth.com 1. We also use the idea of the stochastic discount factor (SDF) and GMM method to conduct a solid test. 文章还利用随机贴现因子的思想,用GMM方法做了稳健性检验。 www.airiti.com 2. and an example for stochastic prediction of water inflow is given. The results indicate that the proposed method is feasible. 最后,以一隧洞开挖为算例,进行涌水量的随机预测,并验证所提方法和程序的正确性和可行性。 www.rockmech.org 3. Aim A class of stochastic linear complementarity problems was investigated. 目的研究一类随机线性互补问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. This paper studies the adaptive control problem of stochastic systems having two unequal delay inputs and two outputs. 该文研究具有两个不同迟延输人和两个同时测定输出的随机系统的自适应控制问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. An analysis method of grey-stochastic compound uncertainty of water quality risk under cascade development was advanced. 提出并建立了梯级开发模式下水质风险的灰色-随机复合不确定性分析方法。 www.boshuo.net 6. In chapter 5, simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation genetic algorithm is used to solve the continuous program model. 第五章运用随机梯度遗传算法对连续规划模型求解; www.showxiu.com 7. Second, bus passenger volume has periodic and stochastic fluctuation. 第二,公交客运量具有周期波动性和随机波动性。 www.13191.com 8. A stochastic process is a mathematical model of the random phenomenon. 随机过程就是描述这类随机现象的数学模型。 jwc.sysu.edu.cn 9. The macroeconomics taught in advanced economics today is largely based on analysis labelled dynamic stochastic general equilibrium. 而当前高等经济学中教授的宏观经济学大体上是基于一种名为动态随机一般均衡(DSGE)的分析模式。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Systematic Strategies for Stochastic Mode Reduction in Climate. 气候中随机态降低的系统策略。 edu.cma.gov.cn 1. The probabilistic convergence theories of ACPSAs are also given by stochastic pattern search algorithm theory. 通过随机模式搜索算法理论得出了算法的收敛性定理。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The key to this efficiency is the free energy arriving by stochastic resonance. 装置效率的关键在于随机共振所能带来的免费能量。 www.ecocn.org 3. The model is based the Fractal Sum of Pulses theory, involving additive stochastic processes. 该模型是基于分形理论脉冲总和,涉及添加剂随机过程。 www.syyxw.com 4. We demonstrate the applications of ODE in both deterministic and stochastic systems. 我们论证了常微分方程在确定性系统和随机性系统中的应用。 www.22826.com 5. In the stochastic order sense, we research the optimality on reinsurance and got some desired results. 本文是从保险人的角度,在随机序意义下对再保险进行研究,得出了一些较好的结果。 www.fabiao.net 6. In this paper we discuss the pricing method based on stochastic approximation, show the shortcoming of this method. 本文首先讨论了基于随机逼近的动态定价算法,指出其不足; www.ceps.com.tw 7. Then, the multi-stage stochastic programming model was solved with Matlab and we got the best asset allocation method. 最后,用matlab求解多阶段随机规划模型,得到我国外汇储备的最佳资产配置结构。 www.13191.com 8. There are three patterns of mixed sedimentation, including stochastic, facies change and stochastic-facies change. 混合沉积方式有随机式、相变式和随机-相变式3种。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Accurate Integration of Stochastic Climate Models with Application to El Nino. 概率气候模式的准确积分并用于厄尔尼诺。 edu.cma.gov.cn 10. stability of stochastic neutral-type neural networks with time-varying delays. 时滞随机中立型神经网络的稳定性等。 www.say666.com 1. Using the stochastic theory to analyse the finance market model, we discuss the solution and proper-ties of the model. 在随机微分方程的基础上,我们建立了金融市场模型,并且分析了模型的解与性质。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Both the theory and application of stochastic processes have grown rapidly during the past five decade. 随机过程及其应用在过去五十年有很快的发展。 jwc.sysu.edu.cn 3. The present course is an introduction to stochastic processes with applications. 本课程是随机过程及其应用的一个导引。 jwc.sysu.edu.cn 4. The stochastic hydrogeology method is a new method for solving the flow and transportproblems in the heterogeneous aquifers. 随机水文地质方法是研究非均质含水层中水流及溶质运移问题的新方法。 www.13191.com 5. In this paper, we discuss ruin problems under the risk model in a stochastic economic environment. 本文研究了在随机环境下风险模型的破产问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. A numerical simulation of stochastic damage evolution process in the condition of1ow cycle fatigue loading is discussed. 讨论一种低周疲劳下随机损伤演变过程的数值模拟方法。 www.dictall.com 7. Probabilistic dynamics, which is a general modeling theory for dynamic stochastic processes, is introduced. 介绍了描述动态随机过程的一般性理论-概率动力学。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Its application in a stochastic system is demonstrated in section 82. 4 by considering a capital structure management model. 4节中举例说明将常微分方程应用于一个资本结构管理模式的随机性系统。 www.22826.com 9. The stochastic total order solved the problem of long-term containers, thus balancing the usage of containers and the yard space. 随机全序解决了大点箱问题,使得箱及箱位的使用均衡。 www.tdxb.org 10. The study proposed a concept of generalized cost based on the stochastic user equilibrium assignment and the traffic flow theory. 在考虑交通信息对出行者路径选择行为影响的基础上,运用随机用户平衡配流的基本思想和交通流理论,提出了广义成本的概念。 www.dictall.com 1. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis. 应用数学和随机分析杂志。 www.wpcsh.com.cn 2. Several stochastic variables are introduced to transform the job-shop scheduling problem into sequential decision problem. 首先引入多个随机变量,将车间作业排序问题转换成序贯决策问题; dictsearch.appspot.com 3. A stochastic finite element was adopted to analyze the piezoelectric truss stable re. 在此基础引入随机有限元法,对压电桁架结构进行结构稳定可靠性分析。 www.dictall.com 4. The stochastic model is thus needed. To precisely describe and simulate the trend of w. . . 为精确地描述与模拟水库建成后长江干流的水质变化趋势,建立了二维随机水质模型。 www.chemyq.com 5. The third chapter study on the dynamic correlation multivariate stochastic volatility (DC-MSV) dynamic hedging theory model. 第三章是对基于动态相关系数多元随机波动(简称DC-MSV)的动态套期保值模型理论研究。 www.13191.com 6. Stochastic demands enhance complexity and difficulty of decision-making in the process of vehicle muting . 在制订车辆行驶路径的过程中,需求的随机性增加了决策的复杂性和难度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The stochastic behavior of FCP from the weld toe was investigated using the simulation approach of bivariate random process. 应用二维正态随机过程同时模拟方法研究了焊趾疲劳裂纹扩展过程。 word.hcbus.com 8. As long as the demand is stochastic and the competition is about guarantee lead time, it is more profitable to apply inventory policy. 不过只要需求是随机的并且著眼点是在时间保证之竞争下,使用存货策略是更有利的决策。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. In chapter 3, we have proven the stability of the equilibrium point by stochastic Lyapunov function. 第三章利用随机李雅普诺夫函数方法证明了随机竞争模型平衡点的稳定性。 www.fabiao.net 10. Absrtact: Stochastic resonance in multi-threshold systems is studied for Gaussian mixture noises. 摘要:讨论高斯混合噪声下多阈值系统中的随机共振现象。 www.xactad.org |
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