单词 | Short-term interest rates | ||||
释义 | Short-term interest rates
例句释义: 短期利率,货币性资产 1. There is no obvious prospect of a rapid jump in short-term interest rates of the kind that caused havoc for banks in 1994. 在1994年,短期利率的迅速上升,曾让银行业遭受重大冲击,但目前尚无明显迹象表明这种情况将再次出现。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Instead of trying to meet monetary targets, they use their own money to determine short-term interest rates. 他们使用自己所持有的货币来决定短期利率,而不再去试图实现货币目标。 www.ecocn.org 3. The Federal Reserve said it would likely keep short-term interest rates near zero for at least two more years. 美联储表示,它们可能至少在未来两年多时间里,继续保持短期利率接近于0。 www.ebigear.com 4. Of course, those 17% short-term interest rates sent the U. S. economy into a major recession. 当然,17%的短期利率也将美国经济拖入衰退。 www.bing.com 5. In previous recessions it was able to accomplish this by dramatically reducing short-term interest rates. 在以往的衰退中,通过大幅调降短期利率,就能实现上述目标。 www.ftchinese.com 6. When short-term interest rates began to rise after 1947, the cost of keeping money idle rose commensurately. 当1947年之后短期利率开始上升时,持有闲置资金的成本也相应地上升。 www.zuowenw.com 7. Third, given this growth of global liquidity, long- and short-term interest rates began to fall precipitously. 第三,由于全球流动性的增加,长期和短期利率开始急剧下降。 www.america.gov 8. But high unemployment is precisely what should make it easy for him to keep short-term interest rates low. 但高失业率恰恰有助于贝南克将短期利率继续保持在低位。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Floating rate bond: Bond on which the coupon is established periodically and calculated with reference to short-term interest rates. 浮动利率债券:这种债券的息票是定期确定的,并参照短期资金利率来计算。 dict.ebigear.com 10. But Mrs Thatcher's efforts at deficit reduction were accompanied by sharp falls in short-term interest rates and a currency depreciation. 虽然撒切尔夫人削减赤字的尝试可使英国尽享80年代的繁荣,但是这也伴随了短期汇率的降低和英镑的贬值。 ecocn.org 1. Low short-term interest rates earlier this decade led to a bonanza in adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs). 在这十年中的早期时段,低短期利率给可调利率抵押贷款带来了丰厚的利润。 www.ecocn.org 2. A cut in short-term interest rates that is not matched by falls in long-term interest rates will produce a steeper yield curve. 如果在下调短期利率时,没有长期利率下跌与之相匹配,就会导致收益率曲线变陡。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Saying the economy is continuing to weaken, the U. S. central bank Tuesday cut short-term interest rates to nearly zero. 由于经济持续走软,美联储星期二宣布将短期利率降至0. www.voanews.cn 4. But, while bank profitability and bonuses have returned, lending has not recovered, despite record-low long- and short-term interest rates. 但是当银行获利,债券被赎回之后,尽管长短期都已经是低利率,贷款仍然不能正常发放。 kk.dongxi.net 5. Fed officials have been comfortable enough with inflation to hold short-term interest rates near zero. 美国不高的通货膨胀率一直使美联储官员得以将短期利率维持在接近于零的水平。 c.wsj.com 6. Looking at short term interest rates is a way of getting ahead of the curve. 观察短期利率是先人一步了解贷款状况的一条途径。 www.cn.wsj.com 7. Tight Monetary Policy A policy issued by a Central Bank to fight against inflation usually achieved by increasing short-term interest rates. 紧缩货币政策为抵抗通货膨胀,由中央银行发布的政策,通常通过增加短期利率来实现。 www.bing.com 8. Among them is the threat posed to the profitability of the financial system when short-term interest rates rise, as eventually they must. 其中包括短期利率上调(最终必将发生)时金融体系盈利能力遭受的威胁。 www.ecocn.org 9. Easy Monetary Policy A policy issued by a Central Bank to assist economic growth usually achieved by reducing short-term interest rates. 宽松货币政策为帮助经济增长,由中央银行发布的政策,通常通过降低短期利率来实现。 www.bing.com 10. Throughout the region, central banks are keeping short-term interest rates far too low to combat these inflationary pressures. 目前,整个亚洲地区的央行都将短期利率水平压得过低,远低于遏制这些通胀压力所需的水平。 www.ftchinese.com 1. For the time being, few people expect the US Federal Reserve to raise short-term interest rates from their historic lows close to zero. 目前,几乎无人预期美联储(Fed)将把短期利率从接近零的历史低位上调。 www.ftchinese.com 2. That's not for want of trying, though. The US has had zero short-term interest rates for well over two years. 虽然,这不是想要去尝试,但美国已经超过两年零短期利率了。 www.bing.com 3. Right now, the Fed has assured investors it plans to keep short-term interest rates near zero for 'an extended period. ' 目前,美联储已向投资者保证,计划将短期利率“长时间”保持在接近零的水平。 c.wsj.com 4. The question is whether these efforts would lead to a significant increase in short term interest rates. 问题是否这些努力会导致短期利率的重要增加。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Part of the developing strategy is to reveal Fed forecasts for short-term interest rates. 目前正在研究中的战略的一部分就是披露美联储有关短期利率的预测。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Short-term interest rates have been low for some time, so investors are tolerant of lower returns. 一段时间以来,短期利率一直维持在低位,所以投资者可以容忍较低的回报率。 www.bizreview.com.cn 7. It's true that the Fed has already pushed one pedal to the metal: short-term interest rates, its usual policy tool, are near zero. 没有错,美联储已经将其一个踏板推在金属上:其通常使用的政策工具短期利率已经接近零。 blog.163.com 8. The shape of the yield curve (the difference between long- and short-term interest rates) also makes a difference. 收益率曲线的形状(长期和短期利率的不同)也不相同。 www.ecocn.org 9. The US yield curve flattened as short-term interest rates rose while long-term rates traded within a narrow band. 由于短期利率上升,及长期利率在窄幅上落,美元收益率曲线变得平坦。 www.info.gov.hk 10. In many countries short-term interest rates are near zero and in a banking crisis monetary policy works less well. 很多国家的短期利率接近零,货币政策对银行业的危机见效甚微。 www.ecocn.org 1. But central banks that cut short-term interest rates are not routinely accused of deliberately driving their currencies down. 但是在这样的国家,央行削减短期利率并不会受到故意压低币值这样的常规指责。 blog.588fs.com 2. American official short-term interest rates are far more likely to go down than up. 美国官方的短期利率更有可能下降而非上升。 www.bing.com 3. Thus, real short-term interest rates are likely to remain unusually low for quite some time. 因此,在相当长的时间里,实际短期利率很可能将停留在罕见低位上。 cei.lib.whu.edu.cn 4. The fed can hardly lower short-term interest rates any further, and it has already bought up billions of dollars in mortgage debt. 美联储几乎无法再进一步降低短期利率了,它也购买了数以亿计美元的房屋贷款债务。 www.voanews.com.cn 5. Under today's fiat-money regimes, central banks, as a rule, control short-term interest rates. 在当今盛行的法币制度下,各国央行通常对短期利率拥有控制权。 www.bing.com 6. Borrowers got long-term debt at near short-term interest rates. Lenders got almost instant access to their cash at a higher yield. 借款方可以以接近短期利率的条件获得长期贷款,而放贷方一旦发现更高回报机会,便可几乎立即取回其现金。 www.ecocn.org 7. Short-term interest rates remained very low, but long-term rates had increased on expectations of monetary tightening in the US. 亿港元左右的高水平。短期利率仍然偏低,但长期利率则因为预期美国会收紧货币政策而上升。 www.info.gov.hk 8. But it has also made the economy more sensitive to changes in short-term interest rates. 但它也使经济对短期利率的变化更加敏感。 www.ecocn.org 9. The government wants to minimise the risk that short-term interest rates spike and lenders flee just when lots of debt must be refinanced. 政府希望在正逢大量债务需要再融资的时候将短期利率上升和投资者外套的风险最小化。 www.ecocn.org 10. Expectations of higher short-term interest rates trumped the safe-haven appeal of the bonds. 对短期高利率的预期打烂了证券无风险的神话。 www.ecocn.org 1. Five years ago, central banks led by the US Federal Reserve fretted and cut short-term interest rates aggressively. 5年前,以美联储(Fed)为首的各国央行为此感到焦虑,并大幅调降短期利率。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The central bank steers the economy by setting short-term interest rates and providing emergency loans to banks. 作为美国中央银行的美联储,通过设定短期利率并向银行提供紧急贷款,来引导经济的方向。 c.wsj.com 3. Since March 2009, the central bank has said it planned to keep short-term interest rates low for 'an extended period. ' 自2009年3月以来,美联储一直说,计划在“相当长的时间内”把短期利率维持在较低水平。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Depending on how you measure inflation, real short-term interest rates are already around zero or negative. 无论怎么计算通货膨胀,以此为依据的话,真正的短期利率已经接近为零甚至是负的。 www.ecocn.org 5. How does long-term interest rates get affected with the low short-term interest rates and in turn help with long-term investment? 长期利率又怎样受低短期利率影响,再接着影响到并增强长期投资发展? www.englishtown.com.tw 6. It will involve a combination of allowing the securities portfolio to shrink and raising short-term interest rates. 它既要允许美联储账上的证券资产减少,又要上调短期利率。 c.wsj.com 7. To tame the era's rampant inflation, the Federal Reserve pushed short-term interest rates above 20%, slamming the brakes on the economy. 为了遏制当时猖獗的通货膨胀,美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)将短期利率提高到20%以上,让经济陷入停滞。 www.bing.com 8. Unfortunately, many popular single-regime models do a poor job of modeling the short-term interest rates. 然而,许多很流行的短期利率模型的建模效果却不尽人意。 www.fabiao.net 9. After it does raise short-term interest rates, it will gradually sell its mortgage securities over three to five years. 在真正上调短期利率之后,将在三到五年内逐步抛售所持抵押贷款证券。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Short-term interest rates are near zero in both countries and likely to remain there for a long time. 两国短期利率都接近于零,并有可能长时间保持在当前水平。 chinese.wsj.com 1. I would add two further reasons why the time to raise short-term interest rates should be drawing nearer. 我还要补充两点原因,说明为何调高短期利率的时机应该很快到来。 www.ftchinese.com 2. This is a profitable strategy when, as now, short-term interest rates are close to zero and the yields on longer-term bonds are higher. 这是一个有利可图的策略,就像现在一样,当短期利率接近零,长期债券的收益率更高。 www.ecocn.org 3. Fed officials meet Tuesday, three years after they took short-term interest rates nearly to zero. 周二,美联储官员将举行会议,此时距他们将短期利率降至接近于零已有三年。 chinese.wsj.com 4. After all, short-term interest rates are already about zero, and the Fed cannot cut interest rates below zero. 毕竟,现在短期利率已经在零附近了,美联储不可能将利率降低到零以下。 www.bing.com 5. Yields are lower partly because the Federal Reserve has driven America's short-term interest rates close to zero. 稍低的回报率部分原因是美联储将美国短期利率下调到接近为零。 www.ecocn.org 6. Hot Money Money that flows regularly between financial markets in search for the highest short term interest rates possible. 定期流入金融市场,寻求最高短期利率的资金 bbs.translators.com.cn 7. The shorter cycles call for short-term interest rates in Germany to rise on Friday, but this is the most likely day for a minor peak. 短期趋势指出星期五德国的短期利差上升,但这是最有可能出现小高点的时间。 www.blancpartners.com 8. Current low short-term interest rates are almost a bagatelle in comparison. 相形之下,目前较低的短期利率不过是小儿科。 www.ftchinese.com 9. With short-term interest rates currently near zero, this tool has been largely irrelevant. 由于短期利率接近0,这个工具在目前看来没有任何用处。 www.bing.com 10. The Federal Reserve has already pushed short-term interest rates to near zero. 美联储(FederalReserve)已经把短期利率压低至接近于零的水平。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Short-term interest rates in the interbank market remain elevated. 银行间市场短期利率继续上升。 c.wsj.com 2. Inflation fell because the Federal Reserve tightened monetary conditions and allowed short-term interest rates to rise sharply. 通胀下降是因为美联储(Fed)收紧了货币政策,并允许短期利率大幅上升。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Profits are being boosted by rock-bottom short-term interest rates. 利润是靠最底层的短期利率促进。 www.ecocn.org 4. Readers will recall short-term interest rates being pushed to very high levels in 1997 when the Asian financial crisis began. 读者都记得1997年爆发亚洲金融危机,港元短期利率被推至极高水平。 www.info.gov.hk 5. They have kept short-term interest rates steady at 5. 25% since June, but have made clear that inflation is what worries them most. 从六月起,短期利率就被稳定的维持在5。25%,但是央行却表明了通胀十它们最为担心的。 www.ecocn.org 6. or targeting bond yields, not just short- term interest rates. 并将措施由短期利率推广到公债利息。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. Last month the central bank cut short-term interest rates by half a point. 上个月,中央银行将短期利率下调百分之零点五。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Short-term interest rates near zero make cash even duller than usual. 短期利率接近于零让持有现金比通常更没有意义。 www.bing.com 9. The Fed normally would push down short-term interest rates when the economy is weak. 在经济疲弱的时候,美联储通常降低短期利率。 c.wsj.com 10. Due to the Fed's low rates, the European Central Bank held short-term interest rates low in the euro zone in 2003-05. 由于美联储实施的低利率,2003年至2005年欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)将欧元区的短期利率维持在低水平。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Lowering short-term interest rates is the Federal Reserve's main way to get banks to increase lending. 降低短期利率是美联储促使银行增加带宽的主要方法之一。 www.tingclass.com 2. Today, short-term interest rates look far too high in the eurozone and the UK. 目前欧元区和英国的短期利率看上去还是过高。 www.ftchinese.com 3. That might explain why short-term interest rates in China's interbank market have been relatively subdued. 这或许可以解释中国的银行同业短期拆息为何一直相对低迷。 chinese.wsj.com 4. They are also priced off central banks' short-term interest rates. 存款定价脱离央行短期利率 www.ecocn.org 5. The problem is short-term interest rates, which is what the Fed normally lowers to boost economic growth, can't go any further south. 短期利率是个问题,美联储为了提升经济增长把短期利率维持在低水平,确保短期利率不会越来越糟。 www.bing.com 6. And, despite the darkening economic backdrop, he kept short-term interest rates at 1. 5% this month. 与此同时,尽管经济局势日渐黯淡,本月他还是将短期利率维持在1. www.ecocn.org 7. Short-term interest rates are 6. 5 per cent compared with a nominal GDP growth rate of 13-14 per cent. 中国的短期利率为6.5%,而相比之下,GDP名义增速高达13%至14%。 www.ftchinese.com 8. That is certainly the case for the standard monetary weapon--cuts in short-term interest rates. 对于常规的货币政策——削减短期利率来说,这是肯定的。 www.bing.com 9. In July, short-term interest rates in Russia shot to 100 percent. 在七月份,俄罗斯的短期利率达到了100%。 www.24en.com 10. Short-term interest rates remain elevated as banks and all kinds of investors refuse to lend or charge high rates. 由于银行和各类投资者拒绝贷出资金或要求高息,短期利率持续高涨。 www.bing.com 1. If short-term interest rates stay where they are, it's virtually impossible to run a government [bond] fund and make any money. 如果短期利率停留在当前水平,那么管理政府[债券]基金事实上是不可能赚钱的。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Inflation was then over 13 per cent and short-term interest rates were above 16 per cent. 但那时,通胀率超过13%,短期利率高于16%。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In 2003 average short-term interest rates in the G7 economies fell to their lowest in recorded history. 2003年G7各工业国的平均活期利率跌至历史最低。 www.ecocn.org 4. Normally central banks fix only short-term interest rates but these are not normal times. 正常情况下,央行只会固定短期利率,但现在是非常时期。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In the near term, bond yields are constrained because they reflect expectations of the future level of short-term interest rates. 近期,债券收益率承受巨大压力,因为它们反映了未来短期利率水平的期待。 www.ecocn.org 6. The benefit through 2011 is that short-term interest rates will stay low. 一直到2011年底美国都将从短期利率维持在低位中受益。 chinese.wsj.com 7. After the dotcom bubble burst in 2000-01, the Fed slashed short-term interest rates to 1% by 2003. 在2000-2001年,当互联网泡沫破灭后,联储会不断消减短期利息,使短期利息在2003年降到1%。 club.topsage.com 8. On the other hand, the funds tend to suffer when short-term interest rates rise, or when turmoil subsides. 另一方面,当短期利率上升或当市场谣言逐渐平息,货币基金一般会经历折磨。 www.ecocn.org |
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