单词 | roche | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | roche
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 罗氏,罗氏公司,瑞士罗氏 1. However, few would argue that the Swiss has not improved his volleys since he began working with Roche, so he must be doing something right. 然而,很少有人认为瑞士人打从开始和罗切合作后在截击这一技术环节没有取得提高,因此罗切至少在某些方面是做对了的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Roche, the maker of Tamiflu, said the company is prepared to immediately deploy a stockpile of the drug if requested. 罗氏达菲的制造商表示,该公司准备立即部署储存的药物,如果要求。 www.xici.net 3. A spokeswoman for Roche said the wholesale cost of two years of Rituxan treatment is about $47, 000. 一位来自罗氏的发言人称,两年的Rituxan治疗总共要花费47000美元。 www.bing.com 4. Roche says it has found a way to extract the active ingredient from expiring stockpiles of the antiviral Tamiflu. 罗氏公司说它发现了一种从过期的抗病毒药物达菲中提取活性成分的方法。 www.scidev.net 5. Similarly, if a pre-existing icy body were to be placed within Saturn's Roche limit, it would be destroyed by the planet's tides. 同样的,如果在土星洛希极限内存在一个冰质天体,它必然的会被潮汐力摧毁。 www.astronomy.com.cn 6. Roche said if it identified a scientific breakthrough in HIV outside of its labs, it would reassess its involvement with the area. 但罗氏表示,如果确定在其实验室以外的艾滋病研究有了科学上的突破,则将重新评估是否要介入该领域。 cn.reuters.com 7. Queensland Resources Council chief executive Michael Roche said the Gladstone port problems would increase losses. 昆士兰州资源委员会CEO迈克尔斯通表示,格列士敦港口问题的损失还会增加。 www.bing.com 8. Researchers at IBM and Roche are trying to get there by undertaking a radical redesign of gene-sequencing machines. IBM和罗氏公司的研究人员正试图重新设计一种DNA测序仪,以达到这一目标。 www.bing.com 9. So Roche may be trying to grab Avastin on the cheap by swooping before those results come out. 因此罗氏公司也许想抢在实验结果正式公布之前,先用低价将阿瓦斯丁收入囊中。 www.ecocn.org 10. Roche believes China is in the early stages of a credit-bubble collapse that will knock back its annual growth rate to around 6%. 罗奇认为,中国正处于信贷泡沫破裂的早期阶段,信贷泡沫的破裂将使中国经济年增幅回到约6%的水平。 c.wsj.com 1. 'I would not own resource companies, and I would short physical copper, ' Roche said. 罗奇说,我不会持有资源类股,我会做空实物铜。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Roche is a world leader in diagnostics, the leading supplier of medicines for cancer and transplantation and a market leader in virology. 罗氏在诊断方面世界领先,并是抗肿瘤、移植、病毒药物的最大供应商。 news.dxy.cn 3. Roche plans to argue that the public interest would be served if Mircera were allowed on the market, a spokeswoman said. 一个罗氏的发言人讲:罗氏计划争论说如果Mircera不能在市场上销售的话,公众的利益将得不到保护。 www.westyx.com 4. Roche is a world leader in diagnostics, the leading supplier of drugs for cancer and transplantation and a market leader in virology . 罗氏集团是诊断方面的世界领先公司,是治疗癌症和器官移植所需药品的领先提供商,也是病毒学方面的市场领先公司。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. This is called "split training" and is one of Joujon-Roche's secrets to dropping pounds. 这叫做“分布训练”,也是Joujon-Roche的减肥秘诀之一。 www.elanso.com 6. In 2001 the health ministry threatened to break a patent held by Roche, prompting the company to drop its price by 40%. 2001年,巴西卫生部曾威胁要对罗奇药业所持有的专利权进行终止,以达到让此公司对其产品降价40%的目的。 club.topsage.com 7. But how can the differentiated satellite be brought so close to the planet, within the Roche limit? 但这些已分化的卫星是怎么进入土星洛希极限内的? www.astronomy.com.cn 8. The research was supported, in large part, by Penn State University, Roche Applied Sciences, and a private sponsor. 该项研究大部分由宾夕法尼亚州立大学、罗氏应用科学和一个个人赞助者提供支持。 news.dxy.cn 9. Roche seeks to invest in rigorous, strict style handle the company's operations and customer service in all aspects of the work. 罗氏投资力图以严谨、严厉地作风处置好公司运营和客户效劳等各个环节地工作。 www.00f8.com 10. Roche's vemurafenib attacks advanced melanoma by blocking the mutated form of a gene, B-RAF. 罗氏公司的vemurafenib通过阻断一种突变的基因B-RAF攻击晚期黑色素瘤。 www.ecocn.org 1. Amgen said it was pleased with the verdict and would seek an injunction to prevent Roche from releasing Mircera in the United States. 安进声称满意判决,并将寻求禁令以阻止罗氏在美国发布Mircera。 www.westyx.com 2. Roche is currently recruiting participants for a phase III trial for another drug of this type called dalcetrapib. 罗氏公司目前正为这一类型的另一药物Dalcetrapib招募第三阶段测试的试验者。 www.bing.com 3. Whereas shy people used to just rely on a glass of wine, Roche developed a drug to treat "social phobia" . 本来害羞的人只要喝杯酒就可以壮胆,而罗奇公司却研制出一种药物可以治疗“社交恐惧症”。 www.jukuu.com 4. Since then, Roche Diagnostics China enjoyed a tremendous growth in its business: both sales growth and geographical expansion. 公司自成立以来业务增长迅猛,规模也不断壮大,数年间已成为中国体外诊断的市场领导者。 www.fabiao.net 5. Roche had ramped up production of the drugs a few years back when fears about avian flu were rising. 在数年前,当人们对于禽流感的恐慌抬头时,罗氏曾经大量生产过达菲。 news.dxy.cn 6. Roche will discuss with regulatory agencies the data and plans for filing of a new indication for Tarceva. 罗氏公司将与行政机构讨论相关数据,并计划为特罗凯注册新的适应症。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Roche is also the world leader in in-vitro diagnostics, tissue-based cancer diagnostics and a pioneer in diabetes management. 罗氏也是体外诊断的全球领导者,组织为基础的癌症诊断和糖尿病管理的先驱。 www.hbvhbv.com 8. Problems with Viracept first came to light in June, when the Roche-manufactured batches were discovered to have excessive levels of EMS. 奈非那韦问题于六月份首次发现,当时罗氏公司生产的几批药品被发现EMS水平超标。 news.dxy.cn 9. Roche is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, and its biotech unit Genentech is based in California. 罗氏总部设在瑞士巴塞尔,其生物技术部门Genentech设在美国加州。 www.bing.com 10. Warwick Bedwell is the vice president, global head of business development, pharma partnering, for Basel, Switzerland-based Roche. WarwickBedwell是总部位于瑞士Basel的罗氏公司的副总裁,负责全球业务拓展和医药合作的主管。 news.dxy.cn 1. The theater director La Roche declares that neither poetry nor music is the greatest of the arts. 戏剧导演拉罗什断言,诗歌和音乐都不是最伟大的艺术。 www.themetinhongkong.info 2. Roche, Merck and Sanofi persevered, testing thousands of molecules. 罗氏、默克集团、赛诺菲并没有放弃,继续试验数以千计的分子。 cn.nytimes.com 3. A federal judge has ruled that Mircera, a Roche anemia drug that would compete with Amgen's Epogen and Aranesp, violates an Amgen patent. 一次联邦审判认定Mircera,一个罗氏生产的用于同安进的Epogen和Aranesp竞争的药物,触犯了安进的专利权。 news.dxy.cn 4. Roche is the world leader in in-vitro diagnostics and drugs for cancer and transplantation, and is a market leader in virology . 罗氏是体外诊断领域、抗肿瘤药品和移植药品的全球领先者,是病毒学领域的市场领导者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. This month Roche submitted an application to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a new melanoma drug, vemurafenib. 本月,罗氏(Roche)向食品及药物管理局(FDA)提交了一种黑素瘤药品vemurafenib。 www.ecocn.org 6. By contrast, Franz Humer of Roche (who has since stepped down) earned the biggest salary, but a smaller bonus and incentives. 相比之下,德国罗氏幽默(自谁下台)获得最大的薪金,但较小的奖金和奖励。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Roche said it was ramping up production of the drug, known generically as oseltamivir. 罗氏公司表示正在努力提高该药物即奥赛米韦的产量。 www.bing.com 8. Both Pfizer and Roche are developing tests to help doctors identify suitable patients for their drugs. 辉瑞和罗氏公司正在开发帮助医生鉴别与它们的药物相匹配的病人的测验方法。 www.ecocn.org 9. Roche is the world's largest biotech company with truly differentiated medicines in oncology, virology, inflammation, metabolism and CNS. 罗氏公司是世界上最大的生物技术公司在肿瘤学,病毒学,炎症,代谢和中枢神经系统的真正差异化的药物。 www.hbvhbv.com 10. Founded in 1896, Roche has grown into one of the world's leading innovation-driven healthcare companies. 罗氏始创于1896年,总部位于瑞士巴塞尔,是世界领先的以创新驱动的健康事业公司之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The court also granted a summary judgment in favor of Amgen on certain Roche defenses. 该法庭同时通过了一个安进乐于接受的对于罗氏特定反诉的简要判决。 news.dxy.cn 2. Were you in touch with Tony Roche at all? You struggled a couple times in this tournament. You weren't too happy. 你是否和TonyRoche联系过?你在整个赛事进程中遇到过一些麻烦,你似乎不是太高兴。 www.roger-federer.cn 3. Yet Saturn's rapid rotation meant it could hold a satellite within its Roche limit until the bombardment. 然而,土星的高速自转意味着它能够在洛希极限中保持着一个卫星直到“猛烈轰击”。 www.bing.com 4. His employer, Hoffman-La Roche, was in a race with Wallace Pharmaceuticals. 他的雇主霍夫曼-罗氏公司正与华莱士药业展开角逐。 www.ecocn.org 5. Genentech, United States, is a wholly owned member of the Roche Group. 美国的基因技术公司是罗氏集团的拥有成员。 news.dxy.cn 6. Merck and Roche are both working on an HDL raising drug, he told Reuters Health. 默克公司和罗氏公司都在致力于研制一种升高高密度脂蛋白胆固醇的药物,他告诉路透社记者。 www.haodf.com 7. Roche Pharmaceuticals has developed some practical medicines to fight cancer. 罗氏制药已经研制了一些对抗癌症的有实际疗效的药物。 bb.wwenglish.org 8. Michael Roche, chief strategist at MF Global, the US-based global derivatives broker, is less nervous. 总部位于美国的全球衍生品经纪商MFGlobal的首席策略师迈克尔?罗奇(MichaelRoche)没那么担心。 www.ftchinese.com 9. "There is no culture at all for coffee, " says Roche. “中国没有咖啡文化,”罗奇说。 www.bing.com 10. Meanwhile, Roche and GSK, which make antiviral drugs to treat the flu, are both ramping up manufacturing. 与此同时,两家生产抗病毒药物的厂商,Roche以及GSK都在提升生产能力。 www.elanso.com 1. "Looking at multiple markers is the future of diagnostics, " says Walter Koch of Roche Molecular Diagnostics. 罗氏分子诊断中心的WalterKoch说到“从多个基因标记来诊断是未来的趋势。” www.ecocn.org 2. Accordingly, Roche is betting big on research into new drugs, even as rivals seek to diversify and "de-risk" . 因此,罗氏在新药研究上下了很大的赌注,即使其竞争对手都在寻求多样化的产品组合和“化解风险”的办法。 www.ecocn.org 3. Most recently, Roche, the Swiss pharmaceutical giant, opened a new laboratory in Shanghai. 最近,瑞士制药业巨头罗氏公司在上海开设了一个新的研发中心。 www.scidev.net 4. Avastin, the trade name of bevacizumab, is marketed by Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche. 阿瓦斯丁是贝伐单抗的商品名,这种药由瑞士罗氏制药企业在市场上出售。 www.bing.com 5. The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Roche Foundation. 该研究由国立卫生研究院和罗氏基金会共同资助。 www.dxy.cn 6. When La Roche takes Olivier away to rehearsal, Flamand in turn declares his love to the countess. 拉罗什带奥里维尔去彩排的时候,又轮到弗莱米德向女伯爵示爱。 www.themetinhongkong.info 7. Roche, another Swiss drug giant, bought Genentech and its busy cancer pipeline in 2009. (另一瑞士制药巨头Roche(中文名:罗氏制药)在2009年收购了Genentech及其忙碌的癌症药物流水线。) www.ecocn.org 8. One such drug is Tamiflu, produced by Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche. 这些药品中的一种是达菲(Tamiflu),由瑞士罗氏制药公司生产。 www.scidev.net 9. In addition to Harvard University, Yale University scholarship winners Roche is the most numerous universities. 除了哈佛大学,耶鲁大学是罗氏奖学金获得者最为众多的大学。 www.ebigear.com 10. Another worry is that Roche's long-term vision may come at the expense of the shorter-term returns expected by some shareholders. 另一个担忧是,罗氏的长期愿景可能以牺牲部分股东的短期回报为代价。 www.ecocn.org 1. Once a satellite is blasted apart, the fragments will reagglomerate only if they lie beyond the Roche limit. 一旦卫星被砸碎,只有位于劳希极限外的碎片能重新聚结起来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Except Rio Tinto, there are also many MNC involve in Commercial Bribery Case in previous time like Siemens and Roche. 此前,除了力拓之外,还有不少跨国公司都涉及商业贿赂案,其中就有西门子、罗氏等跨国企业。 bbs.translators.com.cn 3. The $47 billion deal has transformed Roche into the world's biggest biotechnology outfit (see chart). 这笔数额达470亿美元的交易使罗氏跻身于全球最大的生物技术公司之列(见图表)。 www.ecocn.org 4. It already has some two dozen drugs under licence for Brazil from Roche and Pfizer. 在巴西,默克沙巴已经从瑞士罗氏公司和美国辉瑞公司那里拿到了二十多种药品的许可。 www.suiniyi.com 5. Several potential snags could hold Roche back, however. 但是,罗氏的发展道路上可能会遇到几个障碍。 www.ecocn.org 6. Additionally, Gilead Sciences, which invented Tamiflu and still receives sales royalties from Roche, is up 2. 5% today in the market. 此外,达菲的发明人吉里德科学现在还可以从罗氏公司得到2.5%的销售提成。 www.elanso.com 7. In Asia, Health & Wellness covers Li Ning, Lotto, Roche, MSD and others. 在亚洲,“卫生与健康”包括罗氏制药、默沙东、李宁公司和乐途品牌等; www.jobcn.com 8. Just outside the Roche limit is a zone where small, irregularly shaped moons can coexist with the rings. 而紧接在劳希极限之外的区域,一些形状不规则的小卫星则可以和行星环共存。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Roche has a majority stake in Chugai Pharmaceutical, Japan. 罗氏制药公司已经在日本中外制药的多数股权。 www.hbvhbv.com 10. It is anybody's guess whether Roche's newly filled pipeline of early-stage drugs will become commercial hits in ten or 20 years' time. 至于罗氏刚刚投入研发的新品能否在十年或二十年后获得商业利润,目前谁都说不准。 www.ecocn.org 1. 'This is not a concern amongst our American or European customers, ' says Mr. Roche. 罗奇说,对于我们的欧美客户来说,这不是一个问题。 c.wsj.com 2. Dr. Garaud said Roche's chief executive has approved the deal with Aileron. Garaud博士称罗氏的首席执行官已经批准了同副翼医疗公司的交易。 www.bing.com 3. Buying Roche Active Mmol Glucose Monitor. 英国求购血糖监测器。 bbs.cduk.cn 4. Roche recently reported a $5. 35 billion profit for the first six months of the year. 罗氏公司最近报告今年前六个月的利润达到53.5亿美元。 www.bing.com 5. Roche said it expects a global regulatory submission by the middle of 2012. 罗氏制药公司表示,预计将于2012年年中向全球药物监管部门提交申请。 www.bing.com 6. Roche's time, on the one hand Sheng antiquities out of China on the other hand, at the time of social unrest, no academic people. 罗氏所处的时代,一方面古物盛出,另一方面当时的中国社会动荡,国人无心学术。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. The Roche limit for the earth is a small fraction of the radius of the moon' s orbit. 地球的洛希极限相当于月球轨道半径的一小部分。 www.bing.com 8. Roche Holding AG advanced 1. 4 percent as the world's biggest maker of cancer drugs announced a cost-reduction program. 全球最大的抗癌药物生产商瑞士罗氏制药公司股价上涨1.4%,该公司宣布了一项削减成本的计划。 www.bing.com 9. Roche has made two big deals to advance the RNA technology. 罗氏公司已经完成了两个关于RNA技术的交易。 www.bing.com 10. When Ellen M. Roche, 24, volunteered for the asthma experiment, she didn't expect to benefit from it--except for the $365 she'd be paid. 当24岁的EllenM.Roche决定做一项哮喘病研究试验的志愿者的时候,她并没有期望从中获取什么好处——除了应支付她的365美元。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Drugs giants such as Roche and Merck are also routinely using microarrays in their drug-discovery processes. 像罗氏,默克之类的制药巨擎,为数组技术还应用于药物开发过程。 www.ecocn.org 2. With rapid growth in China, we are currently looking for high caliber individuals to join Shanghai Roche Pharmaceuticals Limited. 随着罗氏在中国的快速成长,我们诚聘具备以下相关才能的卓越人才加入我们。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Duc de La Roche is a table wine of 12 degree which is rare in the market. We hope this high rang wine can bring you enjoyment in your meal. 杜克伯爵是市场上极为少见的适合中国人口感的日常酒,本公司愿这支具有高档次的葡萄酒能在您用餐时带来非凡的享受。 www.wines-info.com 4. Franz Humer, CEO of Roche said "And why the enthusiasm for China, I think very simple. " 罗氏的CEOFranzHume说,为什么对中国充满了热情呢?我认为理由很简单。 news.dxy.cn 5. Strein from Roche agrees that the talent in China is a key factor in their decision to conduct innovative R&D in the country. 罗氏公司的施坦恩(Strein)认为人才是他们决定在中国进行创新研究一个关键因素。 www.bing.com 6. And in recent years, Novartis, AstraZeneca and Roche have all put serious money into R&D in China, the FT notes. 最近几年,诺华、阿斯利康以及罗氏均在中国投入重金进行研发,财经时报表示。 cnc.readfree.net 7. Roche has offered 6. 5 million doses of Tamiflu to the World Health Organization and 1 million doses to Mexico. 罗氏公司已经提供了650万服药达菲给世卫组织和100万服药给墨西哥。 www.bing.com 8. Experts put Roche's production capacity at 40m-50m 10-pill courses per year globally. 专家估计,罗氏的全球年生产能力为4000万至5000万板,一板10片装。 www.ftchinese.com 9. David Roche is chairman of Independent Strategy, an investment advisory firm with offices in London and Hong Kong. 戴维-罗什是独立策略公司主席,该公司是一家投资咨询公司,在伦敦、香港设有办公室。 www.bing.com 10. It is already in a partnership with Roche in China. 该公司已与罗氏(Roche)在中国展开合作。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Roche stock closed up 1. 4 percent at 149 Swiss francs, outperforming a 0. 7 percent firmer DJ Stoxx European drugs index. Roche股票以149瑞士法郎收盘上涨约1.4%,超过了DJStoxx欧洲药品指数0. www.bing.com 2. The Roche's system, is it automatic? 罗氏的系统,它是全自动的吗? www.hbvhbv.com 3. That includes another sequencing company, 454 Life Sciences, which was sold to Roche for $140 million in 2007. 这包括另一测序公司,454生命科学,这是出售1.4亿美元的罗氏于2007年。 www.bing.com 4. if it is not the fear of others disgust, a woman will not maintain the integrity seriously. (La Roche Chicago) 如果不是怕别人反感,女人决不会保持完整的严肃。(拉罗什福科) eeffee.com 5. Glaxo reported $123 million in sales for alli last year, while Roche posted $472 million in revenue for Xenical. 葛兰素史克公布的alli去年销售额为1.23亿美元,而罗氏从赛尼可收入4.72亿美元。 www.bing.com 6. For example, Roche first established its centre in China in 2004 focusing on medicinal chemistry for global pharmaceutical R&D. 例如,罗氏在2004年就首次在中国建立了全球化学药物研发中心。 www.bing.com 7. The drug was Roche's top-selling cancer treatment last year with global sales of $5. 9 billion. 这款药是去年罗氏最叫卖的癌症治疗药品,在全球范围内销售收入高达59亿美元。 www.bing.com 8. Roche shows how to do them: with huge attention to detail but also imagination. 罗氏(Roche)向我们展示了如何进行改版:对细节给予大量关注,同时应具备想象力。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Here, I have just signed an agreement with Roche which will help us with this. 在这里,我刚与罗氏公司签署了一项协定,它将在这方面帮助我们。 www.who.int 10. When we love is too powerful, others confirm whether or not the love is not easy. (La Roche Wisconsin) 当我们爱得太厉害的时候,确认别人是否停止了爱是不容易的。(拉罗什福科) www.abcden.com 1. When a woman with all the love and moral rectitude, she is sympathetic to the needs! (La Roche Chicago) 当一个女子具有全部的爱情和德性时,她是需要同情的!(拉罗什福科) www.abcden.com 2. Preparation and application of luminescence buffer and wash buffer for Roche electro-chemiluminescence systems Roche电化学发光免疫分析系统发光缓冲液和清洗液配制及应用 www.ilib.cn 3. During this spreading, the material expanding beyond the Roche limit may have given birth to satellites; 在扩展的过程中,越过洛希极限的物质可能会再形成新的卫星; www.astronomy.com.cn 4. "The First Atrium" of the modern architecture--Reading The Ford Foundation Headquarters Designed by Kevin Roche 现代建筑的“第一中庭”--读凯文·罗奇的作品福特基金会大楼 service.ilib.cn 5. Approximate corrections for Roche limit and sphere of gravitational action 洛希极限和引力作用范围的近似改正 ilib.cn 6. Love is impossible to hide and pretend not to long-term. (La Roche Chicago) 爱情不可能长期地隐藏,也不可能长期地假装。(拉罗什福科) www.abcden.com 7. Former General Motors chairman James Roche dies 通用汽车前董事长辞世 www.zyxt.com.cn 8. A Method Evaluation Decision Chart forJudging Performance of Roche-Jaff'e determine Creatinine 方法性能决定图判定Roche碱性苦味酸测定血清肌酐的分析性能 www.ilib.cn 9. love when people are tired, they can easily tolerate other people's infidelity, to disarm their duty of loyalty. (La Roche Chicago) 当人们厌倦爱时,他们很容易忍受别人的不忠,以解除自己忠诚的义务。(拉罗什福科) www.eeffee.com 10. When we have a major effect love to judge love, it is more like hate rather than love. (La Roche Chicago) 当我们根据爱的主要效果来判断爱时,它更像是恨而不是爱。(拉罗什福科) www.abcden.com |
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