单词 | runs up |
释义 | runs up是run up的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:runs up 现在分词:running up 过去式:ran up 例句释义: 抬高,升,造,增加,向上连串 1. I put my picture in my dog's house. Just as I am leaving, my dog runs up to me. He has my picture in his mouth. 我把我的照片放在我家狗狗的狗舍里。正当我要离开的时候,我的狗狗向我跑来,他的嘴里吊着我的照片。 www.hjenglish.com 2. All of a sudden, this young boy comes tearing out of the distance and runs up to them. He is smiling and holding a ball in his hand. 突然,一个小男孩冲了出来,跑向他们。他微笑着,手中拿着一个球。 learning.sohu.com 3. One bold LITTLE GIRL runs up to Jake, stops -- staring -- then shrieks with laughter as she runs back to her playmates. 一个勇敢地小女孩跑到Jake面前,停下--盯着他--然后欢笑着跑回她的玩伴那里。 www.bing.com 4. After Yang sociables runs up to Lin Songling the side . . . "120" catches up with, looks that Lin Songling, the human has not moved walks. 杨乐群跑到林松岭身边……“120”赶过来后,看了看林松岭,人都没动就走了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Always ready to help others, Luo Lan runs up to tell her the direction in sign language. 一向乐于助人的罗兰连忙跑过去,用手语告诉女青年怎样去那个地方。 www.24en.com 6. The stewardess hears it, and runs up the aisle to tell him the intercom is still on. She trips and falls in her haste. 女乘务员听到这个,急忙穿过走廊去告诉他内部通信系统仍然开着,但是她走得太急,摔倒在地。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Upon passing through the beard, the stem runs up and is apparently inserted through a cluster of cheek hairs of the tiger. 当树枝通过胡须后,继续上行,明显地插过老虎面颊的一撮虎毛。 url.cn 8. In an odd but real way, my five-mile runs up Abu Nawas Street made me wonder what the war in Iraq was all about. 在AbuNawas大街这五公里的路程中,我忍不住去想伊拉克的战争为何而打,这种想法很奇怪却很真实。 www.bing.com 9. It sounds reasonable that when someone runs up and down , the body is exposed to more drops of water . 这听起来似乎不无道理,因为人们在跑动时,身体暴露得多,淋到的雨也多。 www.bing.com 10. Runs up to carelessly outdoor is dangerous. After please earnestly confirm the ambient condition, moves calmly again. 胡乱地跑到室外非常危险。请认真确认周围情况以后,再从容行动。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Meanwhile, Europe runs up against the fact that it is not a state. 与此同时,欧洲还遇到了一个羁绊:它不是一个国家。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Once your loss runs up to that limit, a martingale just hits its head on the ceiling and dies. 一旦你的损失达到那个限制,加倍下注法就彻底玩蛋了。 xuping723723.blog.163.com 3. The nut is attached to a wire that runs up through a slit in the lid and connects to a paper clip for the parrot to yank. 坚果系在一根穿过盒盖上一个裂口的绳子上,并连在一个纸夹子上好让鹦鹉拽。 www.sdau.edu.cn 4. When the bottom of the package is squeezed, water runs up channels into this bowl for the dog to lap up. 当底部的压缩包,水运行渠道进入这个碗的狗圈了。 bzxw.512121.com 5. since it offers continuous runs up to 200 m without joints and does not need expansion devices. 更何况,全部采用塑料管符合节省费用的要求,因为它可以连续铺设200米而不用接头和膨胀装置。 it.bab.la 6. Mahone runs up to the roof and a fight begins. 马宏向狙击手所在的楼顶冲上去,一场战战开始了。 www.mingxing.com 7. That good, we run from here, looked that who runs up to that side at the foot of the hill first a big tree. 那好,咱们从这儿跑起,看谁先跑到那边山脚下的一棵大树。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. A narrow ridge runs up to a snowy summit . 一狭窄山脊陡然朝雪盖山顶延伸。 www.bing.com 9. Valeera runs up, hugs Spike, and thanks him for saving Broll. 瓦蕾拉跑上来抱住狼牙,感谢他救了布罗尔。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In the Best Young Actor category Daniel runs up against Dakota Fanning, Carter Jenkins, Malcolm David Kelly and Emma Watson. 在最好的年轻演员种类单尼尔中跑在反对达科塔扇上面,卡特煤柱中的窄道,马科姆大卫凯利和艾玛沃森。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Returns information on past agent runs, up to a maximum of 100 runs. 返回代理过去运行的信息,最多返回100条运行信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. rake runs up migrations from least to greatest, and down migrations in reverse. rake按照编号从小到大运行up迁移,从大到小运行down迁移。 www.ibm.com 3. Speed is especially important for an SME that runs up against working capital problems. 对于一个遭遇周转资金问题的中小企业而言,速度尤为重要。 www.ftchinese.com 4. He always runs up and down the stairs. 他总是跑着上下楼。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. Miners' stock prices can diverge from gold for many reasons, making it challenging to find the best stocks as gold runs up. 造成矿产商股价走势与金价走势不一致的原因有很多,这给在金价上涨时挑选合适股票带来不小的难度。 recklessboy.blog.163.com 6. To stay alert, he runs up his office stairs instead of taking the elevator, and does trunk twists at his desk. 为了保持警醒,他上班时跑上楼梯而不是坐电梯,还在办公桌前做扭身动作。 c.wsj.com 7. A kid then runs up to Rima and hugs her. 然后运行一个孩子到璃茉和拥抱她。 word.hcbus.com 8. He runs up a rise, screaming at the leonopteryx, which is a crimson kite banking away. 他迅速地登上一处高地冲leonopteryx尖叫,leonopteryx像一个深红色的风筝一样转身飞走。 www.bing.com 9. Obama runs up taxpayer debt not in the billions but in the trillions. 奥巴马欠下纳税人的债务,不是以十亿,而是以万亿计数。 www.bing.com 10. The witch runs up a tall mountain, and the seven dwarfs chase her. 巫婆跑到了一座高山上,那七个小矮人追着她跑。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Josh runs up an incline to a rocky outcropping. 杰克跑上一个斜坡,来到了一个凸露的岩石上。 www.bing.com 2. Here it runs up against the middle class most directly. 这是与中产阶级最直接冲突的问题。 www.bing.com 3. The New Madrid Fault line in fact runs up along the Seaway. 新马德里断层带实际沿着海道向上而行。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. (Leaping off of the couch and runs up) Wait! Did you say 'G. Stephanopoulos? (从沙发上跳了起来,跑了过来)等等!你刚才说乔治。斯特凡诺普洛斯? image.hjbbs.com 5. NEYTIRI runs up, another arrow nocked, bow drawn. Seeing Quaritch, she lowers her father's bow. 纳蒂丽跑上前去,再上一弦,但她看库尔奇已死,就放下了他父亲的箭。 www.bing.com 6. The Jaw Crusher will become bigger when the movable jaw runs up. 颚式破碎机将变得更大,当动颚运行了。 chinatrader.com.hk 7. The real issue here is that any effort to curb consumption of unhealthy eats runs up against the big business of selling more food. 实际的问题是,任何抑制非健康食品消费的努力的兴起,都会抵触大商家出售更多食品的利益。 dongxi.net 8. Golf runs up against all three. 高尔夫球与上述三个问题均有所抵触。 www.ftchinese.com 9. He quickly runs up a bill for 250 . 他很快使帐单上的欠款增加到250英镑。 www.jukuu.com 10. This summer I want to take my son on the funicular railway which runs up the mountain to the top of the castle gardens. 这个夏天我想带我儿子乘坐缆车到山顶上的城堡花园去玩。 www.bing.com 1. She runs up hills. 有时,她跑上山丘。 www.bing.com 2. She is coming. She runs up the stairs two at a time with her light graceful step, and I know she is happy tonight, (T. Olsen) 她来了,轻盈灵捷的脚步一跨两级阶梯地跑上楼去,我明白她今晚心里喜滋滋的。 www.amazon.cn 3. davy knocked twenty runs up in less than half an hour 戴维不到半小时就得了二十分。 www.ichacha.net 4. Phoebe: Oh, I wanna see! Lemme see! Lemme see! (She runs up and takes the binoculars. ) 哦,我要看!让我看!让我看!(她跑过去拿走了望远镜) www.xieyidian.com 5. Runs up my arms 'til i'm on track 抬高我的手臂直到我回到轨道 www.mtslash.com |
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