单词 | burgundy |
释义 |
复数:burgundies 例句释义: 勃艮第葡萄酒,暗红色的,根地,勃艮地,布根地 1. Peace be with Burgundy! Since that respects of fortune are his love, I shall not be his wife. 考狄利娅愿勃艮第平安!他所爱的既然只是财产,我也不愿做他的妻子。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. As he walked along the row of seats and tables a striking woman in a trim burgundy suit followed him with her gaze. 沿着一排排的桌椅走进去,他分明感到有一道目光紧紧跟随着他。回过头,他看到了她---一名身着剪裁匀称的酒红色套装的女子,相当地引人注目。 www.elanso.com 3. Will: That's got to be over three hundred dollars! It's one of the top Burgundy picks! 威尔:那一瓶超过三百美元耶!那是最顶级的勃根地产酒之一! dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The wedding gowns could usually be of any color, but they usually were of a dark color like burgundy wine, deep purple or hunter green. 通常,结婚礼服可以选择任何颜色,但人们普遍会选用比较深的色彩,例如:暗红色、深紫色或墨绿色。 www.bing.com 5. Known for her fashion sense, here Princess Diana wears a burgundy velvet hat with a feather during a visit to Wales in October 1981. 以时尚著称的她,在1981年十月访问威尔士期间头戴装饰着羽毛的酒红色天鹅绒帽子的她。 www.bing.com 6. Born at Aosta in Burgundy, Anselm was a pious child and sought admission to the monastic life at the early age of 15. 安瑟伦出生在奥斯塔的勃艮第。15岁时他是个虔诚的孩子,一心向往修道院的生活。 www.bing.com 7. The various participants in the hundred years war were all very powerful, France, England, Burgundy, Gascony, and smaller states. 英法百年战争的各位参与者都是很强大的,法国、英国、勃艮第、卡斯肯尼和一些小国。 www.fyjs.cn 8. I have to clarify that I have no bias against Pinot Noir from any other country or region like Burgundy . 我得说明一下,对黑品乐葡萄酒,不管像法国勃艮第产区还是其它国家,我都没有什么偏见。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Red hair (also referred to as titian or ginger hair) varies from a deep burgundy through burnt orange to bright copper. 红发(也叫橙红色、姜黄色头发)的颜色跨度很大,包括深红葡萄酒色到橙色再到浅铜褐色。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. This white Burgundy is one of our favorites; there is no new oak so it's all beautiful fruit. It's simply delicious . 这种白勃艮第是我们的最爱之一;酒中没有新橡木的味道,因而溢满迷人的水果清香。非常美味。 www.qeto.com 1. The court of France's King Louis XIV, who himself drank Burgundy and the still wines of Champagne, was the arbiter of most alcoholic taste. 法国国王路易十四(LouisXIV)爱喝勃艮第红酒和香槟的无气泡酒,他的宫廷是大多数酒类品评的权威。 www.ecocn.org 2. Indeed, in every country, it is possible to drink some wines coming from Bordeaux, Burgundy or Cotes du Rhone. 在世界各地,都可以饮用到从波尔多、勃艮第和罗讷河谷生产的红酒。 www.fabiao.net 3. hey , you know about those carpet samples , you ' re right about the burgundy. 嘿,关于那些地毯的样品,你选的深酒红色是对的。 www.ichacha.net 4. But they are unable to find property in Burgundy or Champagne where vineyards are tightly-held and tend to be divided into small allotments. 但他们没法在勃艮第或香槟物色葡萄园,因为这些地方的葡萄园都被牢牢攥在手中,而且往往分成很小的份额。 www.ftchinese.com 5. This light on dark colorway features the bottom in dark with premium materials with burgundy hint near to the toe box. 这光在黑暗的每个底部特点提供优质材料在黑暗勃艮第提示靠近鞋头。 internationalsplace.com 6. The natural slight sweetness of the vegetables, the earthy mushrooms and pork or duck flavors bring out all that is good about red Burgundy. 因为蔬菜的天然气息和微甜、野生蘑菇以及猪肉或鸭肉的风味能激发出勃艮第黑品乐红酒的精华所在。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A female security guard steps out of the shadows as I climb off and step onto burgundy-colored carpet. 我下了传送带刚站到深红色的地毯上,一名女保安从暗处走了过来。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. That sounds good. We'll take a half bottle of the Burgundy and a half bottle of the Chablis. 听起来不错。我们就要半瓶勃艮第红葡萄酒,半瓶夏布丽白葡萄酒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We watched from the train window as the pastoral landscapes of Burgundy unfolded . 透过火车车窗,勃艮第的乡村风光展示在我们眼前。 www.bing.com 10. It hinged on an alliance with the powerful dukes of Burgundy, who detested their French rivals far more than their English ones. 这取决于和强大的勃艮第公爵的联合,他对法国对手的憎恨远远胜过对英国人。 www.ecocn.org 1. A very day white Burgundy wine originally from east-central France and now refer to a blended white table wine of California. 最初指法国中东部地区产的一种干白葡萄酒,现在也指美加州产的一种混合佐餐白葡萄酒。 www.zftrans.com 2. For cool skin complexions with an undertone of blue, consider deeper hues like burgundy, brown, or purple that lean towards blue or gray. 如果肤色是冷色调,稍微偏蓝,可以考虑紫红色、棕色、或紫色等偏蓝色或偏灰的深色。 www.19lou.com 3. Palate: Full body, lush and concentrated, lots of structure, slight spicy . This is one of the top wines in Burgundy. 口感:酒体厚身,果香浓郁而集中,有层次感,微辛辣。是非常著名的布根地顶级酒王之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Karen followed the pair onto the patio and watched as they settled at a round table under a burgundy window awning. 凯伦跟随这两个人来到庭院,看着他们在一个酒红色遮阳篷下的圆桌旁坐下。 www.elanso.com 5. In general, a light young red needs half an hour, a Burgundy about an hour, and a Bordeaux three to four hours. 一般而言,轻酒体的年轻红葡萄酒需要半个小时,勃艮第葡萄酒需要约一个小时,波尔多葡萄酒则需要三到四个小时。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In 1395, the Duke of Burgundy outlawed Gamay from the region, preferring that the land be used to grow the more elegant Pinot Noir. 1395年,勃艮第公爵(theDukeofBurgundy)宣布禁止在其领地内种植加迈葡萄,宁愿将土地用来种植品质更佳的黑比诺。 chinese.wsj.com 7. In addition, we exam ed the heavy gray and burgundy curtains that had the same floral design as the corner chairs. 另外,我们看到深灰色及红色的窗帘,和角落里椅子是用的同样花纹装饰。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. This in turn led to his hair turning an interesting shade of burgundy. 这使他的头发变成了有趣的葡萄酒色。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Burgundy Fondue is one of the traditional dishes in this area. 勃艮第火锅就是此地传统菜肴之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The history of Burgundy Fondue begins in 1652, in Dijon, during the confrontation between the Duke of Burgundy and foreign invaders. 勃艮第火锅的历史始于1652年的第戎,出现于勃艮第公爵抗争外来侵略者的时期。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Cured epoxy resin material fact the average degree of network chain Burgundy rubber toughening effect has a significant impact. 环氧树脂固化重要事实的网链勃艮第的增韧效果橡胶的平均程度有重大影响。 www.qiyeku.com 2. Suits and roasted lamb, beef, mutton stew, kidney, venison, Burgundy (stewed beef), Roast meat, rabbits, wild boar collocation. 适合与烤羔羊、炖牛肉、羊肉、肾脏、野味;勃艮第(炖)牛肉;烤野味,兔子,野猪搭配。 www.wines-info.com 3. worry to see in Burgundy, Xin Azelaic fear on the road dry. 甲癸向中忧见艮,辛壬路上最怕乾。 www.showxiu.com 4. The eastern part of France consists of the Alsace, Lorraine, Franche Comt? and Burgundy regions. 东部地区由法国的阿尔萨斯,洛林,弗朗什孔泰?和勃艮第地区。 www.hpwenda.com 5. I have shown you everything we have. Unless you want your mother to spend eternity in a lemon yellow pant -suit, go with the burgundy . 我已让你们看过所有的衣服了,除非你们想让你妈妈永远穿着柠檬长裤配上紫红色上衣。 www.bing.com 6. So with such ideas, he modulation out first bucket of slag stuff, then at the brandy Burgundy region but caused a sensation. 所以怀着这样的想法,他调制出了第一桶渣酿白兰地,当时在整个勃艮第地区可是轰动一时。 www.9999jiu.com 7. Soft burgundy- brick shade topped with shimmer that changes from rosy to pale blue to aqua green , depending on the light . 柔和的枣红到砖红色带闪,随光线变化可从浅蓝到墨绿。 www.bing.com 8. Ross: (forages around) Okay, I have nothing in an evening shoe in the burgundy. I can show you something in a silver that may work. (到处乱翻)好的,这里没有和紫红色衣服配套的晚装鞋,也许能试试看我给你拿的这个银色的。 www.tianyayidu.com 9. The great grape of Burgundy that creates strong cherry and strawberry aromas. 勃根底地区最好的葡萄,可酿出充满强烈樱桃和草莓果香味的葡萄酒。 www.gww.com.cn 10. "I'm from Burgundy, " says our Parisian neighbour, who has spent her whole life in Paris. “我来自勃艮第,”我们在巴黎的邻居这样说。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Coordinate pale blue shirts with red, yellow, burgundy, gold, and navy ties. Wear pale pink shirts with navy and burgundy ties. 淡蓝色衬衣搭配红色,黄色,紫红色,金色和藏青色领带。粉红色衬衣与藏青色和紫红色领带搭配。 www.kekenet.com 2. The young girl in the painting stands naked against a burgundy backdrop, one leg bent, an elbow crooked behind her back. 画中的年轻女子裸体而立,一条腿弯曲,一支胳臂放在身后,后边是勃艮第背景。 dongxi.net 3. Mound up those four plates with vegetables and then open up the very best bottle of Burgundy you have, light the candles and celebrate it. 在那四个盘子上堆放上蔬菜然后开启一瓶勃艮第葡萄酒,点亮蜡烛然后开始庆祝。 www.ted.com 4. Nowadays, protected by a wall of stones, Clos de Vougeot is the largest grand cru area in Burgundy. 现在通过石墙的保护,伏旧园成为布根地产区最大的等级。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Each package features a common pearlescent silver color and burgundy closures and dispensers. 每个包一个共同的特点珠光银色和勃艮第的封锁和配药。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. dry fruity red table wine drunk within a few months after it is made; from southern Burgundy in France. 出产以后几个月内就用于干的水果餐桌酒饮料;出产于法国南部勃艮底。 www.hotdic.com 7. In Burgundy and in the southern towns they planted the liberty tree; that is to say, a pole surmounted by a red cap. 在勃艮第和南方的一些城市里,种植了自由树,也就是说,一根顶着一顶红帽子的旗杆。 bbs.ycwb.com 8. Deep burgundy suede carpet, wood tones, and blue ambient lighting create a board room atmosphere inside. 麂皮绒深紫红色地毯,木调,和蓝色的环境照明创造一个董事会议室的气氛内。 www.showxiu.com 9. Eudes de Bourgogne: Very well, my liege. My men are up to the task! Forward men! For Burgundy! 很好,陛下,我的士兵正准备接受战斗呢,前进!为了勃艮第!! www.hawkaoc.net 10. Their main competitors, then as now, are a handful of tiny vineyards in Burgundy. 它们的主要竞争对手——和现在一样——是勃艮第的少数小酒庄。 www.ecocn.org 1. Usually choose glass: bordeaux wine cup, Paris, twelve goblet, cloth Burgundy wine cup and cup with art has. 通常选用的酒杯有:波尔多酒杯、花球杯、巴黎高脚杯、布艮地杯和阿尔萨斯酒杯等。 www.9999jiu.com 2. Mainland bids poured in for the sale of fine red wines from France's Bordeaux and Burgundy regions. 大陆买家纷纷竞拍产自法国波尔多和勃艮第地区的极品红葡萄酒。 cn.wsj.com 3. Single - semi double burgundy blossoms are terrific atop the black- green, red -backed shiny foliage. Semiminiature. 单瓣到半重瓣葡萄酒色花。黑绿色叶,红色叶背。半迷你型。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. beautifully designed copper bed is decorated with warm burgundy and rosy beige colours. 这张设计美观的铜床是用热烈的紫红色和明显的米黄色装饰的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Boisset has its roots in Burgundy, France and wineries on two continents, plus a US office in California. 博伊塞特植根于勃艮第,法国和葡萄酒酿造厂的两大洲,加上美国办公室在加利福尼亚州。 www.512121.com 6. What if then you decided to learn about Oregon pinot noirs, then Sonoma pinots, then (the wonderful) pinots from Burgundy? 如果你决定学习有关俄勒冈黑比诺葡萄酒,之后是索诺葡萄酒,之后从(美妙的)索诺到法国的勃艮第? www.bing.com 7. Pinot Noir, the great grape of Burgundy, is a touchy variety. 黑比诺,勃艮第闻名遐迩的红葡萄酒就是靠它。 www.winechina.com 8. Its design influenced Romanesque and Gothic churches in Burgundy and beyond. 其设计对位于勃艮地以及更远地区的罗马和哥特式教堂产生了影响。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It was navy blue and I couldn't help thinking that I liked this color better than that rusted burgundy. 它是海军蓝的,我不由得觉得它比那铁锈的暗红更讨人喜欢。 dongxi.net 10. Today, a divorced grandmother of five, she drives a burgundy Chrysler Pacifica. 如今,这位有5个孙辈的离婚祖母开着一辆酒红色克莱斯勒Pacifica。 c.wsj.com 1. A few of the most exciting wines in the world come from Burgundy. 全世界少数几种最令人激动的葡萄酒就来自于布根地。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Right noble Burgundy, when she was dear to us, we did hold her so. 尊贵的勃艮第王子,当她为我所宠爱的时候,我的确把她看的很珍重。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Pinot Noir, the red grape of France's Burgundy region, is another fine variety of red wine. 黑皮诺,来自法国勃艮第地区的葡萄酿造,也是一种非常优质的葡萄酒。 www.gelievable.com 4. The colors burgundy, violet and red increase the earning potential. 酒红色、紫罗兰和红色则能帮助天秤提升财运。 www.bing.com 5. There came wine from Burgundy , turpentine from the Baltic and oil from Greece . 那里有来自勃艮第的葡萄酒、勃罗的海的松节油以及希腊的石油。 www.bing.com 6. table wine from the Burgundy region of France or any Burgundy-type wine made elsewhere. 法国勃艮第地区产的进餐酒或其他地区产的勃艮第类型的葡萄酒。 www.hxen.com 7. "Over the past five to seven years, the passion for Burgundy has exploded, " he says. 他表示:“过去5年至7年,人们对勃艮第葡萄酒的热情急剧上升。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Several of the powerful French barons, including the mighty Duke of Burgundy, joined the English. 好几个有权势的法国贵族,包括勃艮第大公爵在内;都与英国相勾结。 tr.bab.la 9. This 1975 vintage single malt Scotch is finished in casks that contained burgundy from the Cote de Nuits wine region. 这种1975年出产的苏格兰纯麦威士忌采用法国勃艮第葡萄酒的木桶陈酿,它叫什么名字? dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Lydia Harris: The burgundy carpet is out of stock; it's going to take twelve weeks. Did you like any of the other colors? 莉蒂亚:酒红色的地毯已经没货了。要调货要十二个礼拜。你还有其他喜欢的花色吗? wenda.tianya.cn 1. Near the burgundy center a label read: "1492 Columbus. " 标签注明:“1492哥伦布”。 www.elanso.com 2. It is a Burgundy with a rich but delicate body which is not too dry. 那是一种浓郁而美味的布根地酒,也不致太没有甜味。 www.hotdic.com 3. A dry white table wine, originally from Burgundy, France. 最初产于法国勃艮第的一种干白葡萄酒,餐用。 www.zftrans.com 4. Aunt Lillian: No, it really should be burgundy. 莉莲姑姑:不行,一定要紫红色的。 www.carreviews.cn 5. Add strength with darker shades of pinks and purple and burgundy. 购买实力较深色调的粉红色和紫色和勃艮第。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. You're drawn to silks and leathers in deep colors like burgundy and black. 室内装饰以黑和葡萄色这样的浓重的深色为主。 www.putclub.com 7. When I am called before my Sovereign, the Duke of Burgundy , I must either stand silent or speak the truth. 要是我被叫到我的君主勃艮第公爵面前,我就得要么保持缄默,要么就讲实话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Burgundy Iceberg Purple Rose Bush Live Shrub Roses Now! 勃艮第冰山紫玫瑰布什活灌木玫瑰吧! list.us.eachnet.com 9. The monks don't look Thai either; with their burgundy robes and prayer beads, they seemed more Tibetan. 僧侣们要么不看泰国,与他们的酒红色长袍和念珠,他们似乎更藏。 www.englishtang.com 10. Ox-blood (burgundy) shoes are harder to find but in theory go with everything. 一双牛血(葡萄酒色)皮鞋很难找但是理论上百搭。 www.bing.com 1. France, Italy, US, NZ, Native to France's Burgundy. 法国,意大利,美国,新西兰,原产地法国波根地 wenku.baidu.com 2. He bought a vineyard in California and attempted to make Burgundy in the 1980s. 上世纪80年代,他在美国加州买了一座葡萄园,试图酿制勃艮第红酒。 www.ftchinese.com 3. A tincture of lavender with burgundy dots. 淡紫色系搭配圆点绛红。 www.dwfarmlife.com 4. red Burgundy wine from Medoc region of France. 法国梅克多地区产的一种红勃艮第葡萄酒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The use of new oak in Burgundy is a controversial issue. 在使用新橡木枣具有争议。 www.wines-info.com 6. A chateau and church crown fertile fields in the Coted' Or, a30- mile (48- kilometer) strip of land in Bourgogne( Burgundy), France. 一座城堡和教堂就像皇冠一样坐落在科多尔肥沃的土地上,这是法国勃艮第地区一段约30英里(48公里)的带状土地。 dict.veduchina.com 7. A chateau and church crown fertile fields in the C? ted'Or, a 30-mile (48-kilometer) strip of land in Bourgogne (Burgundy), France. 城堡和教堂仿佛是王冠一样坐落在金丘肥沃的土地上,这里是位于法国勃艮地大约48公里的一片狭长地带。 dict.bioon.com 8. You're right. We'll go with the burgundy. 没错,我们就选紫红色的吧。 www.carreviews.cn 9. Rachel has those in burgundy. 瑞秋有一双紫红色的 www.bing.com 10. This wine offers a nice grip and suppleness at the same time. A Burgundy with character and class. 此酒将紧致与柔顺的特质完美结合,是一款个性十足的勃根蒂上等佳酿。 yhgd.cntjmh.cn 1. I have nothing in an evening shoe in the burgundy. 我找不到紫红色的晚鞋 www.bing.com 2. Jasper Morris even lives full-time in Burgundy now. 贾斯珀-莫里斯现在甚至长期居住在法国勃艮第。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Your Red Burgundy, sir. 先生,您的勃艮第红葡萄酒。 www.hotdic.com 4. a red wine such as a claret or burgundy; a pinot noir is a red burgundy. 例如红葡萄酒或者勃艮第酒等红酒;加州葡萄酒是一种红色勃艮第酒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Want to taste the Burgundy fine wines? 想体验布根地酒的魅力吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Caegory: B Type: Blue Milk: Cow Origin: France Made in Bresse, near Burgundy. 类别:B类型:蓝霉奶:牛奶原产地:法国出产于勃艮第附近的Bresse; word.hcbus.com 7. Of course these are just theoretical, who also didn't personally, and the first one dares to "eat crab" is a Burgundy wine farming. 当然这些都只是理论上的,谁也没有亲自做过,而第一个敢于“吃螃蟹”的是勃艮第的一位酒农。 www.9999jiu.com 8. Katie, on the other hand, was clad in more suitable beach wear in a burgundy bikini and pink short. 凯蒂的酒红色比基尼和粉色热裤显然更适合作为沙滩装。 dongxi.net 9. We can tell, from a glance, when we're short on Burgundy. 我们只要瞥上一眼,就知道勃艮第(Burgundy)快喝完了。 chinese.wsj.com 10. I like to laugh, so my favorite movie is "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy" starring Will Farrell. 因为我爱笑所以我最喜欢的影片是威尔-法瑞尔主演的《王牌播音员》。 word.hcbus.com 1. Mary: Lisa, will you also try one on? I like the burgundy. 玛丽:丽莎,你要不要试一件?我喜欢那件葡萄酒色的。 www.tingclass.com 2. Soils on which Pinot is planted in Burgundy are predominantly limestone based (in better appellations) 比诺是土壤上种植葡萄为主的石灰岩(较好称谓)。 www.wines-info.com 3. Born in burgundy, Charles was the product of three dynasties: Austria, burgundy and Spain 查理出生于勃艮第,是奥地利、勃艮第和西班牙三个朝代的产物。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Typical white Burgundy styles, barrel fermented and sur lie aged Chardonnay 典型的白葡萄字体桶发酵品种、年龄sur说谎 www.wines-info.com 5. Baked snails with lobster medallions Burgundy style 法式香草焗蜗牛配龙虾 wenku.baidu.com 6. Burgundy, Alsace and Eastern France 勃艮第,阿尔萨斯和法国东部 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Beaune ler Cru Claude Chonion, Beaune (Burgundy, France) 博艮地红葡萄酒(博艮地,法国) edu.sina.com.cn 8. you continue to surprise me , mr . burgundy 博更帝先生,你不断给我带来惊喜 www.ichacha.net 9. A rose, a burgundy, travel like turbo 玫瑰,勃艮第葡萄酒,悠闲的旅游 zhidao.baidu.com |
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