单词 | shut ... out |
释义 |
第三人称单数:shuts out 现在分词:shutting out 例句释义: 不让进来,遮得看不见,不让得分,退关,排除,把…排斥在外 1. I tried to cover my head with a pillow to shut out the sound. It was no use. 我用枕头盖住脑袋,试图隔绝声响,却一点用都没有。 www.bing.com 2. I made for her a bed of flowers and I closed the doors to shut out the rude light from her eyes. 我替她铺一个花床,我关上门不让凶猛的光射在她眼上。 yibar.com.cn 3. Mr Zuckerberg will have to weigh the damage all of this will do to the brand against the long-term risk of being shut out of China. 扎克伯格将不得不权衡这一切对品牌的损害以及被关在中国大门之外的长期风险。 www.ftchinese.com 4. However, motion picture actors were still shut out of residuals and did not receive any compensation when their studio films aired on TV. 但是电影演员仍然没有剩余工资,并且当制片厂在电视上播放电影时,也得不到任何补偿。 www.bing.com 5. "The U. S. has got to be careful it's not shut out, " said Keeler, now with the law firm of Mayer Brown LLP. 现在美亚博法律事务所(MayerBrownLLP)任职的基勒说:“美国必须谨慎行事,不要被排除在外。” www.america.gov 6. 'The introvert may shut out the extravert, perhaps while silently nodding, or stop trying to contribute, ' she says. 她说,“内向者也许会沉默地点头或不再多说什么话,其实内心已经在排斥外向者的讲话了。” c.wsj.com 7. She was child and mad with fright and she wanted to bury her head in her mother's lap and shut out this sight. 她仿佛还是一个小孩子,现在吓慌了,想躲到母亲怀里,避开这种可怕的景象。 8. The bank was sold for a fraction of its book value after it was shut out of lending markets. 一个银行在它的借贷市场被关闭之后,只能以帐面价值很小比例的价格被售出。 www.ecocn.org 9. s Full of young people see the lower a woman, if he do not want to be shut out, so it is best not to get married. 富有的青年人看中一个下层女子,他若不想被逐出家门,那么最好是不要提结婚的事。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. An actor after all, obviously able to shut out her husband and child waiting for her back at home. 毕竟一个演员,显然能够关闭了她的丈夫和她的孩子回家的等待。 tieba.baidu.com 1. US oil groups were all but shut out of Iraq as the country completed the biggest oil field auction in history at the weekend. 伊拉克在周末完成了该国历史上规模最大的油田开发招标活动,美国石油集团几乎全部出局。 www.ftchinese.com 2. That frugal business model has helped it deal with the fact that it has been shut out of some of the most lucrative routes in the nation. 这个节俭的商业模式帮助它面对已被全国最盈利的航线排斥在外的事实。 www.bing.com 3. How much happiness we turn a blind eye to , but we are shut out by the minimal pain. 多少幸福,我们视而不见,但我们关闭了最低限度的痛苦。 wenwen.soso.com 4. If I can turn my back on that and shut out the remembrance, I think, I might be just as desirable as any other girl. 如果我能不去理这点,把它逐出脑海,我想我应可以变得跟其它女孩一样可爱。 zishuijing9708.blog.163.com 5. Outgoing chairman Paul Skinner did not rule out a compromise deal to appease shareholders angry at being shut out from the fundraising. 卸任主席保罗.斯金纳不排除采取折衷的方法,来平息股东们因被排除在集资行动外而燃起的怒火。 www.bing.com 6. She saw his mouth move, but she shut out the sound of his voice. 她看到他的嘴在动,但她在脑子里屏蔽了他的声音。 www.joyen.net 7. When you work shut out as much distractions as possible. Shut off the phone, internet and shut the door. 当你工作时尽可能的避免那些分散注意力的事物。 www.360doc.com 8. Investors seem to be assuming the worst, which is that Google will be shut out of one of the world's largest search markets. 投资者看来是在假定会发生最糟糕的情况,也就是谷歌将被关在全球最大的搜索市场之一的大门外。 c.wsj.com 9. This means the US is neither likely to be shut out of those markets nor pressed to close its military bases in the region. 这意味着,他们不太可能将美国拒之门外,也不会要求美国关闭其在中东的军事基地。 www.12edu.cn 10. Italy, Europe's leaders told him, was close to being shut out of bond markets. 欧洲领导人对他说,意大利就快无法从债券市场融资了。 chinese.wsj.com 1. to add to his distress , the bright blue sky became overcast with little fleecy clouds which shut out the sun. 刚才还是灿烂的晴空,现在布满了小片小片的白云,把太阳遮住了,这使得他的情绪更为低落。 www.ichacha.net 2. Much of the demand for this credit comes from property developers starved of funds by the banks and shut out of public bond markets. 从银行告贷无门、又被挡在公开债券市场门外的房地产开发商,成为地下信贷的主要需求来源。 www.ftchinese.com 3. What they do not realize is soon they will be shut out of the Chinese market and will have no home market either to sustain them. 他们没有意识到的是,他们很快就会被驱逐出中国市场,并且本土市场也无法保证经济持续发展。 www.ltaaa.com 4. The point was clear: people somehow feel shut out of the world of courts and lawyers where justice is supposedly done. 其含意很清楚:人们不知怎么地感到被据说能伸张正义的由法庭和律师主宰的世界拒之门外。 www.zftrans.com 5. The farmyard must be cleared away entirely, and planted up to shut out the blacksmith's shop. 场院必须彻底迁走,还要多种些树把铁匠铺子遮开。 novel.tingroom.com 6. Is the fashion magazine shut out, Rebecca resume was little, he was with the company's financial magazines as a journalist. 被梦想中的时尚杂志社拒之门外后,丽贝卡在简历上撒了小谎,结果被同公司旗下的财经杂志聘为专栏记者。 blog.163.com 7. The young journalists had been tempting fate in a region then shut out of communication. 年轻的记者们正在某地冒险拍摄,其与外界的联系不久就被切断了。 www.ecocn.org 8. Chain groceries shut out the independent stores. Chain groceries put the independent stores out of the market. 连锁店把独立经营的小商店挤出市场。 www.ciscosky.org 9. After some of the safest companies were shut out of the market in the last months of 2008, debt issuance this year has soared. 2008年最后几个月,一些最安全的公司也被挡在市场之外,在此之后,今年债券发行大幅飙升。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The shipper told us, one of his containers should be shut out. So we are looking for it. 发货人告诉我们,他的一个集装箱必须退关。因此,我们正在寻找该集装箱。 www.360doc.com 1. The same power was shut out of the East, as well as assistance from the United States. 同样被东电拒之门外的,还有来自美国的援助。 www.englishtang.com 2. Without it, they just get permanently shut out of the Chinese market, leaving the door open to Chinese copycats. 没有它,中国市场对他们来说,就是永远的关闭,拱手让给了中国的复制者。 www.bing.com 3. Shut out of the Middle East, they have responded with a huge push into new areas, both geographic and technological. 在被中东拒之门外后,它们的反应是向新的地理区域和技术领域大力开进。 chinese.wsj.com 4. If you shut love out of your heart, you will also be shut out by love , which is the greatest gift of God. 如果你拒爱于心门之外,你也会被爱(上帝最好的礼物)拒之门外的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The late comers were all shut out of the stadium. 迟到者都被关在体育场外面不让进去。 ttshopping.net 6. Online gambling may be a winner, but in another ways the internet is being shut out of the action. 网上赌博也许能借世界杯赚钱,但从其他方面,互联网却被排除在外。 www.24en.com 7. People who aren't registered residents of a county may be shut out of benefits, even if they pay premiums. 非本地户口的人可能也会被关在保险福利的大门外,就算他们付了保险费。 www.bing.com 8. Neither country is in truly bad economic shape, but both would default if they were shut out of bond markets. 他们都不是处于真正糟糕的经济状况,但是如果不能进入债券市场,他们都会违约。 www.bing.com 9. Winter evenings - the world shut out - with less ceremony the gentle Shakespeare enters. 冬夜里--万籁俱寂--温文尔雅的莎士比亚不拘形迹地走进来了。 www.hicoo.net 10. As clouds often shut out the sun, hot weather never stays long, and this makes Mount Huangshan an ideal summer resort. 由于云海常常遮住太阳,炎热的天气从来不会长久,这就使得黄山成为理想的避暑胜地。 www.showxiu.com 1. The seal of this container is lost, so we can't accept it. It had to be shut out. 这个集装箱的铅封已经失落,我们不能接收,只得退关。 www.360doc.com 2. We cannot be shut out of these markets. 我们无法与这些市场隔绝。 www.bing.com 3. As this practice becomes more widespread, many countries, mostly in West Africa, are being completely shut out of internationale-commerce. 随着此类策略日渐流传,许多国家,其中绝大多数为西非国家,被完全拒于国际电子商务的大门之外。 www.ecocn.org 4. Majorcorporate sites would be able to pay the new fees, while little-guysites could be shut out. 大公司的站点能够支付起这项新费用,而与此同时,小公司的站点只能关门大吉。 www.bing.com 5. The following April, Merrill bankers e-mail Merrill's president, complaining about being shut out of an Enron stock offering. 次年4月,美林银行家向总裁发了一封电子邮件,抱怨说安然股票发行计划没有他们的份儿。 www.24en.com 6. The government fears losing competitiveness if it is shut out of free-trade agreements that other countries sign with China. 当局担心如果忽视其他国家与大陆签订的此类自由贸易协定,台湾将会丧失竞争力。 www.ecocn.org 7. They fear that if they chose to grow GM crops, they would be permanently shut out of European markets. 他们害怕一旦种植转基因作物,他们会被永远赶出欧洲市场。 www.bing.com 8. Japanese manufacturers are terrified of being shut out of trade deals and handing a huge cost advantage to (chiefly South Korean) rivals. 日本制造业一想到被排斥在贸易协定之外,将巨大的成本优势拱手让给竞争对手(主要是韩国)就不寒而栗。 bbs.ecocn.org 9. But, as she sits down, Park directs the waiter to pull the blinds to shut out the light. 不过,当朴槿惠坐下时,她要求侍者拉下百叶窗,挡住光线。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Peach's fragrant breezes coming through the house, shut the door to shut out the evening drizzle. 桃花的芬香阵阵透过房子传来,把门关上把傍晚的细雨关在门外。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 1. As he fights he wins approval and advancement ; as he refrains , he is disliked, ridiculed, shut out from favorable recognition . 他战斗时,就赢得赞许和升迁;他不战斗时,就不被喜爱,被嘲笑,得不到好评。 www.bing.com 2. If we try crooked ways, we shall find that we cannot pray, and if we pretend to do so, we shall find our prayers shut out of heaven. 若我们心术不正,我们会发现自己无法祷告,即使我们试图继续祷告,天上的门也不会为我们打开。 cllc-agape.spaces.live.com 3. "The risk of going against the will of the local government is that we would have been shut out of the process altogether. " “违背当地政府意愿的风险是,我们将被彻底排除在整个过程之外。” www.ftchinese.com 4. In recent days, some financial firms complained that individuals were largely shut out of the deal. 一些金融公司近日抱怨个人投资者在很大程度上被挡在了这笔交易之外。 chinese.wsj.com 5. And women are frequently shut out of decision-making, in developing and industrialized countries alike. 妇女往往被排斥在决策过程之外,在发展中国家和发达国家都一样。 web.worldbank.org 6. With the growth of democracy and the spread of wealth, no-one need be shut out from the bourgeois life. Everybody can be middle class. 随着民主的发展和健康的传播,没有人会再被拒绝在中产阶级生活的门外,每个人都能是中产阶级。 www.bing.com 7. They are not eager to be punished for non-co-operation by being shut out of promising new markets. 它们可不希望因为不合作而受到惩罚,被排挤出前景看好的新兴市场。 www.ftchinese.com 8. So much of well-to-do America now lives antiseptically in enclaves, tranquil and luxurious, that shut out the world. 现在有许多美国有钱人在安静、豪华、与世隔绝的小天地里过着世外桃源式的生活。 hi.baidu.com 9. If you shut the door to error, the truth will be shut out too. 假如拒绝错误,也就得不到真理。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Chain groceries shut out the independent stores and " standardization " became a principal means of cutting cost . 连锁食品杂货店挤垮了独立经营的商店,“标准化”变成了降低成本的主要手段。 www.ebigear.com 1. However you use this time , the key is to shut out all of the noise around you by focusing deep within yourself . 无论如何利用这段时间,关键是要排除周围所有的噪音,关注自己的内心深处。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The plan also has been attacked by Poland, Lithuania and Estonia, angered at being shut out of the direct route. 这一计划也遭到波兰、立陶宛和爱沙尼亚的抨击,他们对自己国家被排除在直通线路以外感到愤怒。 www.bing.com 3. Hamas may emerge as an actor that cannot be shut out even by Israel and America. 哈马斯可能会成为一个连以色列和美国都不可能击败的对手 www.ecocn.org 4. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power. 他们要受刑罚,就是永远沉沦,离开主的面和他权能的荣光。 www.kuenglish.info 5. It was a thousand pities that so clever a fellow should be shut out from a career. 这么聪明的一个人不能在事业上一显身手,实在太可惜了。 dict.veduchina.com 6. Lost output certainly matters, not least because workers shut out of the job market for too long tend to become permanently discouraged. 产出萎缩当然值得重视,这主要是因为,被挡在就业市场门外太久的劳动者往往会永久性地变得心灰意冷。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Shut out every other consideration and keep yourself before God for this one thing only - My Utmost for His Highest. 在神的面前要弃绝所有其他的想法,只保留一点,那就是竭诚为主。 myutmost.wikispaces.com 8. Self- sufficiency was India's ideal. To protect its own manufacturing industry , India shut out foreign imports . 自给自足是印度的理想,为保护它自己的制造业,印度禁止从国外进口。 www.bing.com 9. Can the wings of mosquitoes shut out the rays of the sun? 太阳会因为蚊蚋的习翔而黯淡了它的光辉吗? hu870qi.blog.163.com 10. The eighteen-storeyed building. when completed . will shut out the sun lighting up the room in my house. 当这座十八层的楼房造好的时候。就会挡住射进我房子的阳光了。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Yet most Spanish lenders are still shut out of the wholesale credit markets. 然而,大多数西班牙贷款人仍然将信贷批发市场拒之门外。 www.ecocn.org 2. "The risk, of course, is that they get shut out for a number of years if there are lots of complaints, " says Mr Dunne. 邓恩表示:“当然风险在于,如果出现大量投诉,它们将在许多年内被拒之门外。” www.ftchinese.com 3. But Mr Medvedev's staff chafe at having their memos ignored by cabinet officials and at being shut out of the higher echelons of power. 然而梅德韦杰夫的下属们时常因为内阁官员对他们的备忘录视若无睹,以及他们被排除在更高的权力层级之外而愤怒。 www.ftchinese.com 4. For instance, India's drug companies are shut out of Japan, the world's second-biggest market for pharmaceuticals. 例如,印度的医药公司被拥有世界第二大医药市场的日本排除在外。 www.bing.com 5. How will China manage to shut out overseas black marketers in its pledge to keep domestic prices stable - given its abundant stocks. 中国将怎样阻止海外走私商人的动作,依靠国内丰富的粮食储备来确保国内价格的稳定? blog.sina.com.cn 6. The prophet Muhammad learned it directly from God. He had to shut out the world and go inside so He could get the message from God. 就像先知穆罕默德就是直接跟上帝学习,他必须将外在世界抛在脑后,专注于内边,以接收上帝的讯息。 sm2000.org 7. Already shut out of debt markets, Greece would probably lose all financial aid from the EU. 已经被排斥在债务市场之外,希腊将很可能丧失来自欧盟的所有金融援助。 www.ecocn.org 8. You can shut out the distractions on public transport in a way that was impossible a generation ago. 你可以躲开公共交通的干扰,而这在一代人以前是不可能的。 www.bing.com 9. Foreign makers of wind turbines and solar panels say they are being shut out of big renewable-energy projects. 外国风力涡轮机和太阳能板生产商说,他们被关在大型可再生能源项目的大门外。 c.wsj.com 10. All but the most essential personnel were shut out of the negotiations. 除了最重要的人员之外,其他人都被排除在谈判之外。 wordnet.sparke.cn 1. When you put all the mistakes were shut out, the truth will be rejected. 当你把所有的错误都关在门外,真理也就被拒绝了。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The teacher wanted me to shut out a fair and reasonable. 老师本想合情合理的把我拒之门外了。 www.tradeask.com 3. Bankers say they could also add more emergency loans if Tepco is shut out of the bond market. 银行家们表示,如果东电被债券市场拒之门外,他们可能还要追加更多的应急贷款。 www.ftchinese.com 4. But when I got home, I suddenly felt very disconnected and suddenly shut in and shut out. 但是当我回到家后,我突然感到非常隔绝突然被关闭起来了。 www.ted.com 5. If you close the door, you can shut out the noise. 关上那扇门,你就能把噪音隔在外边。 www.bing.com 6. In fact, any investor who objected to fees or access to capital risked getting shut out of top funds. 实际上,任何对收费或资金使用权持有异议的投资者,都可能被顶级基金拒之门外。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The big Internet companies owe their dominance to something singular that shut out potential competitors. 大型网络公司的市场地位仗仰独一无二的技术或者商业模式来排除潜在的竞争者。 www.bing.com 8. If its debt is left to spiral down, Italy will be shut out of the bond markets. 如果眼看信用评级下降而听之任之,意大利将最终被国债市场拒之门外。 www.ecocn.org 9. they were not to be shut out by doors and fences. 他们不会吃闭门羹或被篱笆隔在外面。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Without it, potential employers will not recognize his academic record and he has been shut out from better-paying jobs. 没有文凭,潜在雇主就无法确认他的学历,所以他找不到收入较高的工作。 www.common-talk.com 1. The Vatican, to avoid being shut out of China altogether, accepts worship in the government-backed church as legitimate. 梵蒂冈为避免与中国完全断绝联系,承认官方教会的合法性。 www.bing.com 2. But even in the North, blacks were shut out of other areas of public life. 但是,即使在北方,黑人也不能进入其他公众生活区域。 pdf.sznews.com 3. Campaigners have long argued that corn ethanol's dominance has shut out efforts to develop a next generation of biofuels. 反对玉米乙醇的人们一直说玉米乙醇的独占地位阻止了开发下一代生物燃料的努力。 www.bing.com 4. It will not be long before Mr Berlusconi is leading calls for Europe to shut out immigrants. 要不了多久,贝卢斯科尼就会率先呼吁欧洲禁止移民。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Draw the curtains to shut out the sun. 拉上窗帘挡住日光。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. Shut out all of your past except that which will help you weather your tomorrows. 放下那些不能帮助你前行的过去。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. At shops where the database must stay up 24x7, it is impossible to shut out users from accessing the database for an offline backup. 在一个在线商店中,数据库必须是24x7都处于打开状态的,所以,让用户进行脱机备份而不访问数据库是不可能的。 www.ibm.com 8. In addition, Macs with the older PowerPC processors can't run Lion, and even some of the earliest Macs with Intel processors are shut out. 此外,使用老款PowerPC处理器的Mac电脑无法运行Lion,就连最早采用英特尔(Intel)处理器的一些Mac电脑也被拒之门外。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Don't close your heart so tightly against life's pain that you shut out life's blessings. 切勿仅因生活的痛楚紧闭心灵之门,而将生活的祝福拒之门外。 605897000.qzone.qq.com 10. Many were shut out, leaving rows of empty seating inside the court. 许多人拒之门外,离开法庭内的空座位的行。 www.englishtang.com 1. Right now one can generally confirm that domestic internet companies are uniting to shut out Gmail. 目前大体可以确认,国内的网络公司在联手封杀Gmail服务。 ts.hjenglish.com 2. Even in conditions of very good circumstances, simply because women often employing units gender issues were shut out. 在条件相当甚至更优秀的情况下,女性经常仅仅因为性别问题被用人单位拒之门外。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. One unknown is whether countries will shift policies to shut out migrant workers or force them to return home. 其中一个未知因素是,国家是否会改变政策以阻止移民工人的进入或强迫他们回国。 web.worldbank.org 4. We got back very late and found that we had been shut out . 我们回来得很晚,结果被关在门外了。 dict.veduchina.com 5. He tried to shut out the fantasy. 他极力要把胡思乱想驱遣开。 www.jukuu.com 6. The pine trees were so tall and grew so close together, that they shut out the light. 松树很高,挨得紧紧的,把光都挡住了。 stu.bdchina.com 7. Again, my sister was shut out, but this time solely because of her gender. 我妹妹很不幸的再次成为牺牲者,但是这次仅仅是由于她的性别。 www.bing.com 8. More and more European banks are being shut out of the market and relying on the European Central Bank for liquidity. 有越来越多的欧洲银行业者无法从市场融资,只能仰赖欧洲央行的流动性操作。 cn.reuters.com 9. Disconnect all applications. Issue the command db2 force application all to shut out all connections. 断开所有应用程序,运行命令db2forceapplicationall来关闭所有连接。 www.ibm.com 10. The highest mountains can't shut out the sun. 山高挡不住太阳。 1. He could have shut out the South with 3 diamonds opening bid. 他本来可以开叫三方块来阻止南手叫牌的。 dict.ebigear.com 2. The European Chamber of Commerce says foreign bidders in China are effectively being shut out of $7 billion worth of contracts. 中国欧盟商会(EuropeanChamberofCommerce)说,在华外国竞购者实际上被关在了价值70亿美元合同的门外。 www.bing.com 3. Electric current and speed in-phase control, can be shut out and weld again. 钨针自动补偿,无需停机修磨,电流和速度自动同步控制,可随意停机再焊,焊缝具有连续性; dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It's tempting, when things aren't going well, to shut out the world and sulk in solitude. 当事情进展的不顺利时,我们很容易将世界拒之门外,自己一个人承受孤独与忧郁。 www.bing.com 5. Pour forth thy flame as a Sun of the morning. Shut out the darkness and live in the day. 像早晨太阳那样连续不断地发出你的光辉。排除黑暗并活在白昼里。 www.bdpsclub.org 6. But that is in spite of concluding this year that offerings that shut out retail investors were a bad idea. 而今年以来的结论是,将散户投资者排除在外的公开发行是个坏主意。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Nearly as important is the ability to shut out distractions. 抗干扰是个几乎同等重要的能力。 www.bing.com 8. Ms Elder said countries including the UK run the risk of generating a "lost generation" of people who are shut out from the labour market. 埃尔德女士说,包括英国在内的国家,都在面临着产生“失落的一代”的风险,青年人被排除在劳动力市场之外。 www.bing.com 9. and this shut-out will enable him, will help him, explore the invisible world of divine truth. 不过这种蒙蔽,却帮助了他,使他能够探索那个想象世界中的神圣真理。 www.yyets.com 10. An eye make keeps out the night and ear plugs shut out sound. 一个眼睛制造不让夜晚和被关上出声音的耳栓进入。 wenwen.soso.com 1. They shut out the dust by having double windows. 他们安装双重窗来挡尘土。 www.bing.com 2. Sometimes, you just can't shut out those competing urges. 有时,你不可能被关在那些相互抵触的欲望外面。 www.bing.com 3. will If you shut your door to all errors, truth will be shut out. 如果你把所有的错误都关在门外,真理也就被关在门外了。 wenku.baidu.com 4. If you shut your door to all errors truth will b shut out. 如果你把所有的错误都关在门外,真理也要被关在外面了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. At that time, Christians from the south of the country feared being shut out of power by the more numerous Muslims of the north. 那时,南方的基督徒们害怕被数量比他们多得多的北方穆斯林排斥于权力中心之外。 www.ecocn.org 6. The late comers were shut out the stadium. 迟到者都被关在体育场外面。 topic.edulife.com.cn 7. If you shut your doors to all errors truth will be shut out. 如果你把一切的错误都关在门外,真理也就跟着被关在门外了。 club.learning.sohu.com 8. If you shut your door to all errors, truth will be shut out. 如果你把所有错误都拒之门外,真理也会被拒之门外。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The law was designed to shut out immigrants. 这项法律旨在拒绝移民入竟。 www.jxenglish.com 10. Maria, these walls are not built to shut out problems. You have to face them. You have to live the life you were born to live. 玛利亚,修道院的墙不是用来把问题隔离开来的,你必须去面对它们。你需要过你命中注定要过的生活。 www.slgz.cn 1. Don't make close companions feel excluded or shut out. 不要让亲密的人觉得被排斥或被拒之门外。 horoscopes.blogbus.com 2. o If you shut your door to all errors truth will be shut out. 如果你把所有的失误都关在门外,真理也将被关在门外了。 www.douban.com 3. The building shut out our view of the water. 这建筑遮住了我们看海的视线。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Maria, these walls were not built to shut out problems. 玛丽亚,这些墙不是为了挡住你的难题 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Europeans were shut out while the emerging powers and America put the final touches to their deal. 这些新兴力量和美国就协议最终商谈时,欧洲人直接被排除在外。 www.24en.com 6. Have a try, please. Space is tight everywhere. Otherwise it is unavoidable to shut out some cotton shirting. 试一试吧,到处都能挤出空间,否则,将不可避免地把一些棉衬衫料子退关了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It was dense enough to shut out everything from the light of the coach-lamps but these its own workings and a few yards of road; 雾很浓,车灯只照得见翻卷的雾和几码之内的路,此外什么也照不出。 www.hotdic.com 8. But there were plenty of people who were shut out. 但很多人被关在了门外。 www.ftchinese.com 9. eg. In this way, it effectively shut out all price rivalry. 用这种方法有效地排斥了一切价格竞争。 www.bing.com 10. This shut out any danger of fire. 这排除了失火的危险。 www.soudoc.com 1. Do you have a time where you can shut out all the noise, get in touch with the Lord, and think about the deep and important things of life? 你是否有时间可以远离一切喧嚣,与主相交,并思想生命中深远而重要的事情呢? www.chinesetodays.org 2. Unearth - My Heart Bleeds No LongerReleased in 2001, on The Stings of ConscienceLyrics: Shut out and burned by your lies. 挖掘-我的心脏不再出血在2001年发布,对良知的螫歌词:封杀你的谎言和烧毁。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 3. These walls are not built to shut out problems, you have to face them. 这些墙不是为了把问题关在外面才修建的,你需要面对它们。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. But Bush shut out and even demonised the Democrats. 但布什将民主党拒之门外,甚至还对民主党恶语相向。 www.ecocn.org 5. We shut out the opposing team and won by 3 to 0. 我们始终没让对方得分,结果以三比零获胜。 6. I forgot to bring my key. We are shut out. 我忘了带钥匙。我们被关在门外了。 www.fgs.org.tw:81 7. He can allow one run in nine innings and lose if his team is shut out. 他可以失一分却吃败投如果球队抱蛋。 www.bing.com 8. Choose what is most important, shut out distractions, and give all your attention to the activity at hand. 选择哪一个是最重要的,排除分心事物,把你一切注意力放在手边的活动上面。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. the money he had stolen he tried to shut out of his mind 他偷的钱,他则试图忘个一干二净。 www.ichacha.net 10. On the other hand, Japan is content to all but shut out people from overseas. 另一方面,日本满足于现在的一切把海外移民排除在外。 www.bing.com 1. If does not shut out the speech , you go to work in my here . 要是不嫌弃的话,你就在我这里上班吧。 www.bing.com 2. They know that they are eternally secure. Sin is shut out, and they are shut in. 他们知道他们必永远安定:罪恶被关在门外,他们被关在门内; blog.sina.com.cn 3. Critics argue that immigrants should not be shut out of Greece; 批评者认为,希腊不应将移民拒之门外; www.englishtang.com 4. Freeze out To shut out or exclude, as by cold or unfriendly treatment 排挤以冷淡或不友好的对待加以排挤 chinatiger.blog.hexun.com 5. a pall of smoke shut out the sun from the city 一层烟幕把阳光挡在城市之外。 www.ichacha.net 6. USA Shut Out in World Cup Opener by Czechs 美国在世界杯首场比赛中失利 www.amazon.cn 7. And the memory of my past And a way to shut out your face 写下关于过往的全部记忆写下忘记你面容的一个方式 alphanana.blogspot.com 8. Be shut out of the markets 被排斥在市场之外 www.21days.cn 9. Declaration of Refrigerated Cargo Shut out 冷冻货满载退关声明 www.bing.com 10. Shut out the prospect in that direction 挡住那个方向的景色 www.powerdict.com 1. emily refused to conform so she shut out the world 爱米利决不顺从,所以她与世隔离。 www.ichacha.net 2. the strong can forget , can shut out history 强者能够忘记,能够遮住历史。 www.ichacha.net 3. And a way to shut out your face 也是忘记你的面孔的一种方法 666zw666.spaces.live.com 4. or the cargo be shut out etc. , and the Seller be not informed in good time 如船只撤换或延期或退关等而未及时通知卖方停止交货,在装港发生的栈租 www.ebigear.com 5. when I shut out the lights You're missing, 当我关灯的时候你不在 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Non-Europeans shut out from another 250, 000 skilled jobs | UK news | The Guardian 英国:25万个技术性工作机会将非欧洲人拒之门外 www.bing.com 7. And shut out the light 然后熄灭灯光 spaces.msn.com 8. units in the younger cadres to the designated age of 47 because I have a day earlier by "Kacha" shut out; 单位里要干部年轻化了划了47岁年龄线我因为早生了三天被“咔嚓”关在门外; zhidao.baidu.com |
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