单词 | RMA |
释义 |
例句释义: 快速乳凝试验 1. MR. Chen: To the best of your knowledge, what is the topmost achievement breakthrough as a result of the discussion on RMA? 陈:在你看来,美国军事革命所带来的最重要的成果和理论上的突破是什么? dict.ebigear.com 2. Is the United States at the beginning. middle, or end of an RMA? 当前美国正处在这场军事革命的开始、中期还是后期? www.hotdic.com 3. MR. CHEN: What are the main obstacles to be overcome in building up the RMA forces? 陈:建立军事革命部队需要克服的主要障碍是什么? www.hotdic.com 4. If the defective goods are never received the authorization will be put through for a charge and "rma" is converted to a regular order. 如果有缺陷的货物从未收到授权书将接通在支付和“军事革命”转换为正常秩序。 www.bing.com 5. Transaction information needs to be stored in a database as they may need to be finalized later if RMA is denied or expires. 交易信息必须存储在数据库中,因为他们可能需要结束后,如果被拒绝或到期军事变革。 www.bing.com 6. Assist with the RMA and Service processes to ensure complaints and post market issues are evaluated and resolved in a timely manner. 协助RMA和服务流程,保证及时评估和解决投诉及售后一系列问题; www.job20.com 7. Customer RMA failure analysis and to follow up the 8D report as well as other work assigned by supervisor. 客退品不良分析和8D报告的跟踪。其他的上司安排的内容。 www.stzp.cn 8. MR. CHEN: What are the necessities and goals of building up the RMA force? 陈:建立军事革命部队的必要条件和目标是什么? www.hotdic.com 9. THE SEAGATE RMA (RETURN MATERIAL AUTHORIZATION) NUMBER ISSUED IS FOR THE RETURN OF SEAGATE DEFECTIVE WARRANTY PRODUCT ONLY. SEAGATE提供的RMA(退货许可)号码只针对SEAGATE有缺陷的保修产品的退货。 www.seagate.com 10. Would need a back office tab where employees can set the rma to a "received" , "accepted" , "denied" status. 需要一个后台选项卡,员工可以设置为军事变革的“收到”,“接受”,“否认”的地位。 www.bing.com 1. This section contains command line examples for the most common tasks you may use rma for, with minimum explanations when necessary. 这部分内容包含大多数可能使用rma的命令行实例,以及必须的解释。 www.helixer.com 2. This interface is the same RMA created in rules authoring that the business users use to manage and update rules. 该界面与在规则设计过程中创建的供业务用户管理和更新规则的RMA相同。 www.ibm.com 3. The United States takes a lead in the current world Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA). 美国是当今世界新军事变革的领军者。 www.dictall.com 4. RMA is very likely to develop into the most profound, unprecedented military revolution, involving the whole world and all military domains. 新军事变革很可能发展成一场波及全球、涉及全部军事领域、有史以来最深刻的军事变革。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. They should then have the opportunity to add the tracking number to the RMA claim once it has been posted back. 他们应该有机会加入追踪编号,以新军事变革要求一旦被调回。 www.bing.com 6. Deal with distributor RMA request and review RMA application and issue RMA number to distributor. 处理代理商RMA需求,审核RMA申请,发出RMA号码给代理商。 www.0755sou.com 7. The parts you shipped fail to meet our requirements. We need RMA and refund. Please advise your shipping address. 您货物不符合我们的要求,因此我方要求退货及返款,请通知退货地址。 icwang.chipasia.com 8. Individual local employers will then directly sponsor workers under the terms of the RMA. 个体户当地雇主即可按照偏远地区移民协议的条款直接为工作人员担保。 thenewstone.com 9. Denied and expired RMA's get converted to regular valid orders since they end up simply paying for the items. 否认和过期军事变革的被转换为正规有效的订单,因为他们最终只为项目支付。 www.bing.com 10. "denied" means we have denied the RMA (or individual items in the RMA) and they need to be charged for the replacements that were sent. “拒绝”意味着我们都否认了军事变革(RMA的个人或项目)和需要为他们送来的更换费用。 www.bing.com 1. Financial ratios could be compared with standard data published by RMA, Dun and Breadstreet, Prentice Hall. 财务比率可以与标准的数据发表的新军事变革,茅盾和breadstreet,普伦蒂斯霍尔。 xtdownload.com 2. While entering RMA area must follow company's rules that wearing company's uniform and anti anti-static shoes. 进入RMA工作室须依公司规定,穿着制服及静电鞋。 wenku.baidu.com 3. WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL SEAGATE MAY CONSIDER USE OF THIS RMA NUMBER TO RETURN NON-DEFECTIVE PRODUCT AS FRAUD. 事先未经SEAGATE批准将RMA号码用于退换无缺陷产品将视作欺诈行为。 www.seagate.com 4. Are ASUS Returns logged into the RMA tracking system by serial number upon receipt? ASUS返回的板子或显示器是否按照收到先后顺序的序号记录到RMA追踪系统中? wenku.baidu.com 5. Rma will not work with files containing multiple DATA sections. rma对于包含多数据数据区文件不工作。 www.helixer.com 6. Does the supplier have effective RMA control with subcontractors? 供应商对其转包商是否有切实有效的RMA控制? www.sohoxm.com 7. CHEN: How is the American future development of national defense related with RMA ? 陈:美国国防的未来发展无疑将于军事革命密切相关。 www.jukuu.com 8. Follow RMA in team leader instructions and workman shift arrangement. 须遵从RMA组长指示及工作调度。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Each RMA will be negotiated between the Government and representatives of the local area. 每个偏远地区技术移民协议均由政府与当地雇主代表商定。 thenewstone.com 10. For RMA returns or customer rejects, is failure analysis performed? 对于RMA的回报或客户拒绝,是失效分析进行的? wenku.baidu.com 1. Provide failure analysis report for RMA products. 提供产品失效分析报告。 search51job.online.tj.cn 2. Deal with customers on Order and RMA Management. 与定单客户联络及RMA管理。 jobs.zhaopin.com 3. The return destination for RMA service is SHENZEN. 授权退货服务之退货目的地为深圳。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. You said that information operations are the most important part of RMA , and can you explain this more fully? 你曾说到信息作战是军事革命最重要的组成部分,你能更全面地作些解释吗?。 www.jukuu.com 5. Any delay from Delta to provide RMA number, you must let Accounting know. 任何来自达美提供RMA号的延误,你必须让会计知道 wenwen.soso.com 6. RMA Develop RMA plan with R&D or local NPI leader. 和研发或本地新产品导入项目领导人一起制定RMA计划。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Surfactant system recreates RMA-1 surfactant system for Daqing which concentration is 0. 3%. 表面活性剂体系为浓度为0.3%的大庆再创RMA-1表活剂体系。 www.13191.com 8. Providing report on RMA monthly handling work in PETEC. 就每月完成PETEC工厂RMA的工作,给出相关报告。 sz.jobems.com 9. times larger than MB RMA. Virtual RMA file can be setted in other subareas, but the subarea setted can not be formated in windows status. 虚拟内存文件可以设置在其它分区,但这个分区就不能在windows状态下格式化了。 www.elanso.com 10. QIT ZD QI QP TQM RMA Quality Improvement Team Zero Defect Quality Improvement Quality Policy Total Quality Management Return Material Audit 品质改善小组零缺点品质改善目标方针全面品质管理退料认可品管七大手法 wenku.baidu.com 1. With Scientific Development Conception to Direct Political Work Practice of RMA with Chinese Characteristics 以科学发展观指导中国特色军事变革的政治工作实践 www.ilib.cn 2. introduces the current core RMA concept in the western military, "Network Centric Warfare" (NCW); 介绍当前美国「军事事务革命」核心的「网路中心作战」概念; www.ceps.com.tw 3. RMA; Rand Research and Development Corporation; 兰德研究与发展公司; www.powerdict.com 4. QIT ZD QI QP TQM RMA Quality Improvement Team Zero Defect 零缺点品质改善品质改善小组 wenku.baidu.com 5. How to Return Western Digital Hard Drives - RMA and Repackaging Information 如何退还WesternDigital硬碟-RMA与重新包装资料 www.westerndigital.com 6. Customer Contact Email: (Email of the customer contact that is requesting the RMA No) 客户联系邮箱:(通过客户联系邮箱要求提供RMA号码) wenku.baidu.com 7. Gray Compression of SAR Images Based on RMA 基于幅度统计多分辨率分析的SAR图像灰度压缩 ilib.com.cn 8. To Innovate and Strengthen Political Work in the Process of RMA 在新军事变革中创新和加强政治工作 www.ilib.cn 9. RMA Rubber Manufacturers Association of America 美国橡胶制造业协会 bbs.expbook.cn 10. System Disk exists in pagefile of Windows, that is virtual RMA file. It is 1. 5-2. 5 系统盘存在,是windows的页面文件即虚拟内存文件,大小一般为物理内存的1.5-2.5倍。 www.elanso.com |
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