单词 | rm. |
释义 | 例句释义: 室,研究室 1. Check it out if you want to see WS-RM in action without downloading and installing anything. 如果您想要查看运行中的WS-RM的话请使用这个,不需要下载和安装任何东西。 www-128.ibm.com 2. Strip out any commands that you think might be harmful and disallow things, such as sudo (running with superuser privileges) or rm (delete). 删除您认为有害的命令和不允许的内容,比如sudo(作为超级用户运行)或rm(删除)。 www.ibm.com 3. amazing. It's better, at least in terms of graphic, than most of other games made of RM. 太棒了。至少在画面方面,比大多数由RM制作的游戏都强。 www.gd31.cn 4. So if the community wanted a solution promoted within a short time frame, it would be up to WS-RM to provide it. 因此,如果社区希望短时间内推广一个相应的解决方案,则应由WS-RM进行此工作。 www.ibm.com 5. The next step is to apply a WS-RM policy set to the Bank Web service provider. 下一步是将WS-RM策略集应用到BankWeb服务提供商。 www.ibm.com 6. The Bank Web service provider will use a custom policy set with an WS-RM policy type that has properties set manually. BankWeb服务提供商将使用一个自定义策略集,该策略集的WS-RM策略类型具有手动设置的属性。 www.ibm.com 7. As in previous revisions, the essence of the RM protocol is the concept of a Sequence of messages. 在以前的版本中,RM协议的核心思想在于消息序列的概念。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Looking through these communications, you'll be able to see the WS-RM flow described earlier on in this article. 仔细查看这些通信,您将能够看到本文前面描述的WS-RM流。 www.ibm.com 9. Could you take a seat in the lobby bar for a while and I will info rm you when a table is free ? 谢谢,您就在大堂吧那边坐着等会儿好吗?如果一有空桌,马上请您入座。 www.bing.com 10. Our RM and AA almost spent their entire time daily in the office and yet the machine are broken down. 我们的RM和AA每天几乎花了他们所有的时间,但是这些机器仍旧抛锚了。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Perhaps the most common way of messing things up in UNIX is to inadvertently issue rm *. 在UNIX中,造成混乱的最常见原因可能是意外地执行了rm*。 www.ibm.com 2. RM: It's about new alliances and broken alliances among the panoply of our characters within the rag tag fleet and without. 关于新的联盟,还有在舰队及不在舰队里的角色们的联盟破裂。 www.yyets.com 3. The TPM coordinates the activities of the RMs to ensure the all-or-nothing nature of the transaction. TPM协调RM的活动,以确保事务“要么全有要么全无”属性。 www.ibm.com 4. The semantics of these properties (formerly assertions) remain unchanged from the previous revision of the WS-RM specification. 这些属性(以前的声明)的语法与前面的WS-RM规范保持一致。 www.ibm.com 5. To illustrate de Cadenet's point, auction house RM recently staged a sale in which three American-made cars realised $6. 5 between them. 为了印证德-卡德内的观点,RM拍卖行最近举办了一场拍卖,会上三部美国产汽车共计拍得650万美元。 www.ftchinese.com 6. RM-ODP separates the specification and modeling of the system into viewpoints, each of which addresses a specific set of concerns. RM-ODP将系统的规范和建模拆分为视角,其中每个视角处理一组特定的考虑事项。 www.ibm.com 7. You can repeat the previous four steps to apply the default WS-RM policy set to the Bank Web service provider. 可以重复前四步,将默认WS-RM策略集应用到BankWeb服务提供商。 www.ibm.com 8. So, in this respect, WS-RM got it right and WS-Polling (if it entered a standards track) would need to change to be a one-way operation. 因此,从这个方面而言,WS-RM正确地解决了问题,而WS-Polling(如何进入了标准化阶段)将需要更改为单向操作。 www.ibm.com 9. While manufacturing a hot-extrusion die made of RM-2 hot working die steel, quenching cracks was found during the quenching process. 在制造热挤压模具的过程中,所用的模具钢RM-2在淬火过程中发生了淬火开裂。 www.chemyq.com 10. tracking down the rm price and marketing information as well , then make the reasonable report for analysis. 负责原料价格及市场大环境的信息跟踪,并作出合理有效的分析性报告。 www.ichacha.net 1. You should now be able to configure WS-RM for your own applications and services. 您应该能够为您自己的应用程序和服务配置WS-RM。 www.ibm.com 2. The steps that are executed in the RM Destination when a message is received are shown in Figure 7 below. 当接收到消息时,RMDestination中执行的步骤如图7所示。 www.ibm.com 3. SOA-RM diagrams define element context groups like the one shown in Figure 1. SOA-RM图定义了如图1所示的之类元素背景组。 www.ibm.com 4. The spin-valve sensor was the first spintronic nano device, and knowing some spintronics is essential to understanding how RM works. 自旋阀感应器是第一款奈米级自旋电子装置,想了解赛道记忆体的工作原理,必须先知道一点自旋电子学。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 5. Almost all RM tools allow you to import existing requirements documents into the tool. 几乎所有的RM工具都允许你导入已有的需求文档。 www-128.ibm.com 6. What problem is WS-RM trying to solve and why? WS-RM尝试解决什么问题,为什么? www.ibm.com 7. The WS-RM specification tried to split the mechanism by which messages are delivered from the generation of the messages themselves. WS-RM规范尝试将用于进行消息交付的机制同消息本身的生成分离开来。 www.ibm.com 8. CRM implies that short-term revenues must be sacrificed to gain long-term profits and RM seeks the maximization of short-term profitability. CRM意味着,短期利益要为获得长期利益而牺牲;RM则是要寻求短期利益的最大化。 www.bing.com 9. Installing the RM client places software on your computer that allows it to respond to requests for licenses and keys. 安装RM客户端软件可将软件放入您的计算机内,以使它可以对许可证和密钥请求做出响应。 www.microsoft.com 10. This guarantees that an RM does not run out of log space, which is a fatal condition, while performing a rollback operation. 如此可保证在执行复原作业时,RM不会用完记录档空间(这是很严重的情况)。 technet.microsoft.com 1. This optimization allows the endpoints to establish corresponding RM Sequences with a single message exchange pair. 这种优化允许端点通过一个单一的消息交换对创建响应的RM序列。 www.ibm.com 2. Again, this would be quite a change to the normal WS-RM processing logic. 同样,这也会对普通WS-RM处理逻辑进行修改。 www.ibm.com 3. The RM Source identifies the last message in a Sequence by including a LastMessage child element in the Sequence header block. RM源通过在Sequence头部区域中包含一个LastMessage子元素来标志序列中的最后一个消息。 www.ibm.com 4. The RM Destination replies with a CreateSequenceResponse message which assigns the unique Sequence Identifier. RM目的地通过CreateSequenceResponse消息来回应,它指派了一个唯一的序列Identifier。 www.ibm.com 5. I spoke this week with a reader and retired insurance executive, Rick Mayhew, about financial literacy. 我本周与一位读者和一位退休的保险高管RM就财政知识进行交谈。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Praying that the Lord may prepare a working group for the authoring and editing of the RM Testimonies Collection. 求主预备合适的同工加入编辑小组,编写见证集。 cchc.org 7. RM tools allow you to easily create requirement types and give them attributes. RM工具使你易于创建需求类型并赋予属性。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Like these plan documents, a requirements management (RM) plan can provide tremendous benefit to a project. 跟这些计划文档一样,需求管理(RM)计划对项目有很大的好处。 www.ibm.com 9. RM localization and VMI are the basis of JIT purchasing mode, it really achieve the aim of low inventory and flexibility management. 原材料本地化策略和供应商管理库存策略为JIT采购模式的实施奠定了基础,真正意义实现了低库存和柔性生产。 www.fabiao.net 10. Obviously, any kind of polling solution is a change to the endpoints but the change to the WS-RM logic itself should be minimal. 显然,任何轮询类型的解决方案都是对端点的更改,但对WS-RM逻辑本身的更改应该最少。 www.ibm.com 1. RM-ODP -- The Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) is a modeling methodology for specification of system architectures. RM-ODP——开放式分布处理的参考模型(ReferenceModelforOpenDistributedProcessing,RM-ODP)是系统体系结构规范的建模方法。 www.ibm.com 2. The results showed that there was significant difference between tannase in RM and in bulk water. 结果表明:反胶束体系与水相中的单宁酶,其光学行为存在很大差别。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Do you think RM-Manage could be used as the performance monitor for such applications as Twitter? 你们认为RM-Manage也能监控像Twitter这样的应用吗? www.infoq.com 4. For instance, were its value to change over the course of a Sequence's lifetime, would the RM Destination be required to honor the change? 例如,如果它的值在序列的生命周期中发生变化,RM目的地端是否需要对这种变化作出响应? www.ibm.com 5. RM-Install is the second component to be released as part of their management suite for Rails. 作为FiveRuns开发的Rails管理套件的一部分,RM-Install是第二个将要发布的组件。 www.infoq.com 6. The OASIS SOA Reference Model (SOA-RM) defines the vocabulary of SOA elements and definitions and their contextual relationships. OASISSOA引用模型(SOA-RM)定义了SOA元素和目的及其相关关系的词汇表。 www.ibm.com 7. If you feel that I am suited for the job that you have in mind. please info rm me of the time convenient for an interview. 如阁下认为我适合该项工作条件,请尽早惠函赐知面试。 www.docin.com 8. RM faces stiff competition from storage-class memories under development that use more traditional approaches [see box above]. 赛道记忆体的劲敌,是尚在研发当中、使用较传统方法的储存用记忆体(见上方〈新兴记忆体〉)。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 9. Then by introducing RM battery model with higher precision in describing the battery discharge, the energy model in OPNET is established. 仿真结果表明,能量建模过程实现机制是可行的且RM电池模型能更准确估算节点寿命。 stae.com.cn 10. Chen YX , Ou RM , Zhong XY, et al. Granulocyte colony - stimulating factor mobilized bone marrow stem cells treat the acute myocardial infa. 陈运贤,欧瑞明,钟雪云,等。粒细胞集落刺激因子动员骨髓干细胞治疗大鼠急性心肌梗死。中国病理生理杂志。 www.bing.com 1. The WS-RM specification's appendices were updated to reflect the changes to the specification in the schema and sample message exchanges. WS-RM规范的附录被更新来反映规范在schema和消息交换示例上的变化。 www.ibm.com 2. Besides its educational value, the SOA-RM is a solid reference for screening SOA frameworks, models, solutions, and products. 它除了具有教育性价值之外,SOA-RM还是筛选SOA框架,模型,方案与产品的一种固定引用方案。 www.ibm.com 3. The SOA-RM should be the number one point of reference for SOA concepts, elements, and logical analysis views. SOA-RM应该是SOA概念,元素以及逻辑性分析视图的一点。 www.ibm.com 4. Focus on supplier assessment, RM inspection and quality status analysis to ensure raw materials meet Mission's requirements. 负责供应商审核,原材料检验和质量趋势分析,确保原材料符合公司要求。 www.jobems.com 5. The following diagram shows a typical message flow for a request-reply Web service invocation using WS-RM . 以下图表展示了使用WS-RM进行请求-回复Web服务调用的典型消息流。 www.ibm.com 6. The function call to SetRenderState sets up the rendering state variables within RM to control the lighting, shading and texturing otions. 这个函数设置了展现状态变量来控制如光源、阴影和材质等。 dict.bioon.com 7. Revenue management (RM) play a significant role in the maximization of revenue perishable products' revenue . 收入管理对于易逝性产品实现收入最大化具有重要意义。 www.pet2008.cn 8. Records Manager also includes a number of utility tools for parsing and caching various RM structures. RecordsManager还包含许多实用工具,用于分析和缓存各种RM结构。 www.ibm.com 9. While the RM talks to concepts and their relationships, the RAF identifies architectural elements that will appear in a SOA solution. RM谈到了一些概念和它们之间的关系,RAF标明了那些将出现在SOA解决方案中的架构元素。 www.infoq.com 10. RM: It was like a dream come true. 雷克斯:这就像是美梦成真。 hi.baidu.com 1. The WS-RM specification places no restriction on the scope of a sequence. WS-RM规范对序列的范围没有限制。 www.ibm.com 2. The RM must associate any changes to the application state with the transaction requesting the changes. RM必须使对应用程序状态所做的任何更改与请求更改的事务相关联。 www.ibm.com 3. Notice this is not that different from how WS-RM uses empty response flows to send new SOAP envelopes to carry WS-RM acknowledgements. 请注意,这与现在WS-RM使用空响应流发送包含WS-RM确认信息的新SOAP信封的方式区别并不大。 www.ibm.com 4. RM: The Grammies, I must say, was the most fascinating nights in my career. Very special evening. 瑞奇:我必须说,格莱美奖是我音乐生涯中最令人着迷的夜晚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The bubbles were moved by a complicated system of magnetic fields. RM uses a much simpler, spintronic motive force. 磁泡是以复杂的磁场系统移动,赛道记忆体用的则是更简单的自旋电子动力。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 6. The following messaging scenario explains the sequence of invocations of different components in RM Source and RM Destination. 以下的消息传递场景说明了RMSource和RMDestination中不同组件的调用序列。 www.ibm.com 7. RM: Anything else you want to say? Maybe about you future plans? 我:还有其他想说的嘛?比如说关于你将来的计划? blog.sina.com.cn 8. Jiang JF, Wu XM, Wang RM, et al. Investigation on hantaviruses infection in rodents from free markets in Beijing areas. 江佳富,昊晓明,王日明,等。北京市部分人群和农产品集散地鼠间汉坦病毒感染的研究。 www.jbjc.org 9. Search the internal RM and error formulation database to conduct regulatory assessment. 通过对内部原料和配方数据库的查询对化妆品成分进行法规评估。 www.010so.com 10. This paper present an improved method for analyzing the schedulability of periodic task sets under Rate Monotonic(RM) priority assignment. 在单调速率调度策略的基础上,提出一种改进的任务集可调度性判定算法。 www.ecice06.com 1. BW and RM argue that their work gives a correct baseline, which future management efforts must take into account. RM和BW争论说他们的工作给出了一个正确的基线,这个基线是未来管理者必须予以考虑的。 blog.163.com 2. Many transactions involve only a single RM -- usually a database. 很多事务只涉及一个RM——通常是数据库。 www.ibm.com 3. The specification authors have released the WS-RM specification under royalty-free (RF) terms. 规范的作者在royalty-free(RF)条款下发布了WS-RM规范。 www.ibm.com 4. Most of the changes relate to the manner in which an RM Sequence is created. 大部分的变动都与创建RM序列相关。 www.ibm.com 5. Using RM concepts regularly will help you develop a profitable business & grow your market share. 经常运用零售数学的概念帮你发展赚钱的业务和增长你的市场份额。 wenku.baidu.com 6. This paper presented a random mix(RM) based anonymity algorithm for the high-speed networks. 现有的混淆算法都无法适应高速网络的匿名需求,为此提出了一种随机数混淆(RM)算法。 www.dictall.com 7. The proposed model uses two EPMs, namely Reliable Messaging (RM) Source and RM Destination, to handle the reliable delivery of messages. 所建议的模型使用了两个EPM,即可靠消息传递(RM)Source和RMDestination,用于处理消息的可靠传递。 www.ibm.com 8. It raised concerns regarding the need to synchronize clocks for the RM Source and Destination endpoints. 类型的,这就产生了需要同步RM源和目标端点的时钟同步问题。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Production plan , RM purchasing plan , FP inventory plan and management . 生产计划,原料采购计划,成品库存计划的编排和管理。 www.getmyjob.cn 10. We conclude that MRI is a powerful diagnostic tool for RM and may predict the treatment responses. 我们认为核磁共振对于放射治疗后脊髓病变是一个极有用的诊断工具,并且可用来预测治疗的反应。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Likewise, when using the WS-RM anonymous URI, the creator of an EPR may choose to use the same URI many times. 类似地,当使用WS-RM匿名URI时,EPR的创建者可以多次使用相同的URI。 www.ibm.com 2. And, a new language whose path to adoption doesn't involve del *. * or rm -Rf * is a nice change, wouldn't you say? 而且,采用新语言的路径不包含del*.*或rm-Rf*是一次很好的变革,您不这样认为吗? www.ibm.com 3. In this case, the RM generally does most of the work to commit or roll back the transaction. 在这种情况下,RM通常执行提交或回滚事务所需的大部分工作。 www.ibm.com 4. Notice that any message related to the WS-RM Sequence in question may be transmitted regardless of where it is targeted. 请注意,可能会传输任何与所涉及的WS-RM序列相关的消息,而不管其目标位置如何。 www.ibm.com 5. Once you've created a JAX-WS Web service and Web service client, you can enable them to exchange SOAP messages using WS-RM. 创建了JAX-WSWeb服务和Web服务客户机之后,您就可以使它们使用WS-RM交换SOAP消息了。 www.ibm.com 6. The other alternative is to modify the instruction pointer register using the rm command and just type go. 另一个办法是使用rm命令修改指令指针寄存器,然后只要输入go。 www.ibm.com 7. Throughout the game, RM hardly advantaged to control the game. 纵观整场比赛,皇马在控制比赛上几乎占不到任何便宜。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Later, the RM will update the actual disk blocks corresponding to the changed data. 之后,RM将根据所更改的数据更新实际的磁盘块。 www.ibm.com 9. There's also a demo Web site that uses the WS-RM interoperability workshops scenarios as its base. 在Web站点也有一个例子,使用WS-RM互操作车间场景作为它的基础。 www.ibm.com 10. Then it will use the Records Manager Server Enterprise Java Beans to list the available RM databases. 然后它会使用RecordsManagerServerEnterpriseJavaBeans列出可用的RM数据库。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Vent duct structure of bow cabin ( steering gear RM . ) To be inspection. 艏部舱室(舵机房)风管结构交验。 www.bing.com 2. After verifying that nobody needs the log data, you fire off a quick rm command and blow them away. 在证实了没有人需要这些日志数据之后,您可以快速地使用rm命令删除它们。 www.ibm.com 3. The following workout is designed to fi rm your butt, tone your thighs, tighten your core, and zap your love handles. 下面的锻炼可以紧实臀部、增强大腿肌肉、收紧核心肌群、摆脱腰间赘肉。 blog.163.com 4. WS-RM has these same delivery assurance rules, but they are not part of the messages. WS-RM也有这些传送保证规则,但是并不是消息的一部分。 www.ibm.com 5. rm. Removes a file, directory, or symbolic link that Git is currently tracking. 移除Git当前跟踪的文件、目录或符号链接。 www.ibm.com 6. In many ways RM just plugs in with whatever other security model is already in place. RM可有多种方法、以插件方式在其他安全模型中工作。 www.infoq.com 7. This important concept is crucial in understanding how WS-RM solves the problem. 这个重要的概念对理解WS-RM如何解决此问题非常关键。 www.ibm.com 8. Brief the present case and adopted actions to the GM, RM or authorized person after they arrive. 总经理、驻店经理或指定授权人到达后,介绍目前的情况和已采取的行动; imedp.com 9. Note: This article assumes the reader has a cursory knowledge of the WS-RM and WS-Polling specifications. 注意:本文假定读者具有有关WS-RM和WS-Polling规范的概略知识。 www.ibm.com 10. Take charge of RM and dedicated equipments purchasing and guarantee the quality and punctuality. 负责原材料和专用机械设备的采购,保证质量合格并且及时。 jobs.zhaopin.com 1. The answer may lie in a new kind of spintronic chip called racetrack memory (RM), which I proposed in 2002. 答案可能就是2002年我提出的一种自旋电子晶片:赛道记忆体(racetrackmemory,RM)。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 2. You can use git mv and git rm to manage files, renaming and removing them, respectively. 可以分别使用gitmv和gitrm管理文件,重命名并移除它们。 www.ibm.com 3. It leverages a layered approach to map SOA-RM with common IT architectural elements according to their implementation, roles, and uses. 它使用一种层次化的方法,来影射SOA-RM到普通的IT架构元素,这个过程是根据它们的实施,角色与用户而进行的。 www.ibm.com 4. The biggest problem the TC ran into with other solutions is that it involved a change to the normal WS-RM processing logic. TC在处理其他解决方案时遇到的最大问题是,其中涉及到对普通WS-RM处理逻辑的更改。 www.ibm.com 5. Check production plan, make the plan of RM and FP inventory control plan and check the purchasing plan. 审核生产计划,编制原料和成品库存控制计划,审核采购计划。 www.getmyjob.cn 6. Interface, if your RM is not eligible for single phase commit, it can still receive the two phase commit notifications. 接口派生的,所以,即使您的RM不符合单阶段提交的条件,它仍可以接收两阶段提交通知。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. CREB can promote the formation of long te rm memory in drosophila and mouse. CREB能促进果蝇和小鼠等动物长时程记忆的形成。 www.ebiotrade.com 8. The RM plan also describes the change management process so that everyone on the project will understand it. RM计划还描述了变更管理流程,以使项目中的所有人都能理解它。 www.ibm.com 9. SOP drafting and updating for RM receipt and inspection. 负责原材料接收、检验的文件起草和更新。 www.jobems.com 10. Right now the WS-RM specification is under its public review cycle. 现在WS-RM规范已在进行公开评审了。 www.ibm.com 1. Painting RM. Fire fighting pipe to be done air-tightness test. 油漆间消防管系密性试验。 www.7781.org 2. Lecture rm of comprehensive service bldg. 展出综合楼报告厅。 arts.cnool.net 3. This reduction is caused by the internal resistance (RM), which creates an additional voltage drop called the voltage burden (VB). 这种电流的降低是由安培计的内阻(RM)引起的,此内阻产生了一个附加的电压降,称为输入端压降(VB)。 www.eefocus.com 4. I''m in Rm. 208 of Baiyun Guest Hotel. If you need anything, just give me a call. 我住白云宾馆二零八(208)房间,有事给我打电话好了。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. WS-RM doesn't define any way for this sender to asynchronously receive ACKs. WS-RM没有定义任何方法用来使发送方异步接收ACK。 www.ibm.com 6. Address : Rm 303, AW Business Building, Beijing Tianzhu Airport Industrial Zone 10 Tianzhu Road . 地址:北京市天竺空港工业区天竺路10号空港写字楼303室。 www.bing.com 7. To control the inventory of RM and tool information. 控制原材料库存和掌握工装器具信息。 www.jobems.com 8. Notice that the there are several items nested below the RM_ASCubeReportModel report model. 请注意,RM_ASCubeReportModel报表模型的下面嵌套有若干项。 technet.microsoft.com 9. V-Dub is primarily an AVI editor, Movica will work on . wmv, . flv, . rm and . mpg files. VirtualDub主要是AVI文件的编辑,而Movica可以操作wmv、FLV、rm和mpg文件。 www.bing.com 10. One can easily conclude that most of the time is spent in data transfer from the RM server to the mid-tier server. 我们可以很容易地得出这样的结论:大部分时间都花费在将数据从RM服务器传输到中层服务器上。 www.ibm.com 1. Ensure a speedy recovery of RM operations. 确保迅速将文件管理业务恢复正常; wenku.baidu.com 2. This means that when the service tries to do its normal WS-RM logic of resending messages, or sending acknowledgements, it can't. 这意味着当服务尝试执行其常规的消息重发或发送确认信息的WS-RM逻辑时,将无法完成此任务。 www.ibm.com 3. For the examples, I'll use XML snippets from WS-RM. 例如,我将使用WS-RM中的XML片断。 www.ibm.com 4. In command 3, the error messages produced by rm are captured in the file named errors. 在命令3中,rm产生的错误消息被重定向到errors文件中。 www.ibm.com 5. It means you can record RM files to mp3, wav, wma format directly(one by one)! 这意味著您可以录制室的档案成MP3,wav,WMA格式,直接(逐个)! xtdownload.com 6. Insulation of separate wall and beam in Ref. RM . 冷库隔墙及顶大梁处绝缘。 www.bing.com 7. You'll learn how how to configure this as part of the WS-RM binding shortly. 稍后您将了解如何配置它作为WS-RM绑定的一部分。 www.ibm.com 8. If you are already working on a project that does not have an RM plan, you can write one yourself. 如果你已经在一个未采用RM计划的项目中工作,你可以自己写一份。 www-128.ibm.com 9. As an added bonus to supporters of open licensing, FiveRuns are releasing their RM-Install product under the Apache 2. 0 license. 作为对开放协议(openlicensing)支持者们的额外奖励,FiveRuns将基于Apache2.0协议发布他们的RM-Install产品。 www.infoq.com 10. Back then the youth "Serve the RM(People)" , now they "Serve the RMB" . It's sad. Because it's the same craziness and chaos. 那时的青年“为人民服务”,现在的青年“为人民币服务”。我觉得很悲哀。因为看到一样的疯狂和混乱。 dict.kekenet.com 1. RM reveals that the request for retrieving a document was served within 0. 2 seconds. 而RM展示,处理检索文档的请求只花费了0.2秒的时间。 www.ibm.com 2. Insulation of steering gear RM. 舵机房绝缘。 cyx1964.blog.china.alibaba.com 3. The RM plan also describes the documents you will use. RM计划也描述了你要用到的文档。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Add: RM 1803Hua Lian BuildingShen Nan Zhong Road Fu Tian District Shenzhen City China. 深圳华联办事处:地址:深圳市福田区深南中路华联大厦1803室。 52wt.100ye.com 5. Mummy : What ? Awake me just cause of RM 50 ? Isn't both off feel want me " K " ? 妈妈:什麽?为了那50元而吵醒我?妳们是不是想被我打一身啊? ahmoi.com 6. Of course, the first time you run this script the rm statement fails, because the file does not exist. 当然,第一次运行该脚本的时候,rm语句将会失败,因为该文件并不存在。 www.ibm.com 7. Can MP-3 play music in the form of RM? MP3能播放RM格式的音乐吗? www.hjenglish.com 8. OK. rm Annie. Nice to meet you, too. 请吧。我是安妮,也很高兴认识你。 taotaobang.net 9. This solution was rejected because it required a change to the normal WS-RM processing model. 由于需要对普通WS-RM处理模型进行更改,因此否决了此解决方案。 www.ibm.com 10. As soon as the RM Destination receives the TerminateSequence message, it can safely discard all of the state related to that Sequence. 只要RM目的地端接收到TerminateSequence,它就可以安全地将所有与序列相关的状态信息丢弃掉。 www.ibm.com 1. Report the case to GM, RM and S&M director. 向总经理、驻店经理,及市场销售部总监报告事件况; imedp.com 2. RM: Flow is a new construct model in Mule. RM:流是Mule里一种新的构件模型。 www.infoq.com 3. Sorry, I have no RM B. May I pay you dollars? 对不起,我没有人民币,可以付给你美元吗? www.cnread.net 4. "There are no hooks or APIs in Rails which can be used as a collection in order to view its performance" . 关于RM-Manage,你们说:“Rails中没有Hooks或API,可以被作为收集器来查看它的性能”。 www.infoq.com 5. Will verbosely dump rm file index sections. 会提取一个非常长的rm文件索引。 www.helixer.com 6. RM: And then "the Cup of Life" . 瑞奇:此后便是“生活之杯”。 www.bing.com 7. You can also see explanations for rm and mv using man rm and man mv. 使用manrm和manmv,您还可以查看有关rm和mv的解释。 www.ibm.com 8. RM: I think we would probably not go to them [and ask for more episodes] unless we were pretty sure they would give them to us. 我想我们可能不会那样做[再要求更多集]除非我们很确定他们会给我们。 www.yyets.com 9. This method could benefit from the use of WS-RM. 此方法可以从WS-RM的使用中受益。 www.ibm.com 10. RM: What can you tell us about your reason for doing art? 我:能告诉我关于你从事艺术的原因吗? blog.sina.com.cn 1. By using a reservation area, an RM can reserve space in a log before it is used. 藉由使用保留区域,RM可以在其使用之前先在记录档中保留空间。 technet.microsoft.com 2. This is where WS-RM will store messages and sequence state. 这是WS-RM存储消息和序列状态的地方。 www.ibm.com 3. RM: Yes, this is actually the first time anyone of us knew about it for one thing. 惠特克:是的,这是第一次人们知道这样的事。 www.ted.com 4. Mummy : Just RM 50, why not ask your dad? 妈妈:只不过50元,问爸爸不就有了吗? ahmoi.com 5. In RM nanowires, a domain wall exists anywhere that a 0 is next to a 1. 在赛道记忆体的奈米导线中,磁区壁存在于0与1的邻界处。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 6. Note there is no option to make rm do something unusual such as to create a link. 注意,并没有一个选项能够使rm完成诸如创建一个链接这样不寻常的操作。 www.ibm.com 7. RM: Doing your best is easy in individual sports, but when it comes to team sports, you need a bit more wisdom. 雷克斯:从事个人运动的话,要秀出自己的最佳表现不是问题,但是要打群体运动,就得多一点智慧了。 hi.baidu.com 8. The DB2 Content Manager API log, dklog. log, shows that calls to RM to retrieve document is taking 2. 9 seconds. DB2ContentManagerAPI日志dklog.log显示,调用RM检索文档花费了2.9秒的时间。 www.ibm.com 9. The XML snippets are from a use of WS-RM. 该XML片断是WS-RM的一个使用。 www.ibm.com 10. rm, we should have arrived earlier. 风雨,我们还会早一些到的。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Its paid-up capital is RM 344 million ringgit (about U. S. 9. 4 million). 它的缴足资本是马币3.44亿零吉(约美金9.4千万元)。 word.hcbus.com 2. RM: What about your thoughts on living in China? 我:你对生活在中国的一些想法? blog.sina.com.cn 3. In this very thank "RM" to bring their own power, a lost parents from the boy, but still have a hope of life and the pure heart. 在此非常感谢“RM”带给自己的动力,一个从小失去父母的男孩,却依然拥有一颗对生活满怀希望和纯净的心。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. For example, in our scenario, the service would decide which WS-RM sequence to use for each response message. 例如,在我们的场景中,服务将决定为每个响应消息使用哪个WS-RM序列。 www.ibm.com 5. The previous revision of the specification had not specified the destination endpoint that an RM Destination should use to send 规范以前的版本并没有定义那些RM目的地端用来发送 www-128.ibm.com 6. This element was added so that the endpoint reference to which the RM Destination sends 添加了此元素后,RM目的地端发送 www-128.ibm.com 7. At any time during the life of a Sequence, the RM Source can send a message containing an 在序列生命周期的任一时间,RM源都可以发送一个包含 www-128.ibm.com 8. And Jennifer Warnes' velvety smooth "doo dum dum" backing chorus is a charming highlight of the super closer "Tower Of Song. " RM 詹妮弗·华纳斯醇和圆润的背景合音“doodumdum”是超级结尾曲“歌之塔”的一个迷人的亮点。 www.bing.com 9. Guidance of the limits of surface irregularities of ferrite cores - RM-cores 铁氧体磁芯表面不平度极限值的导则.RM-磁芯 www.std168.com 10. Modeling Timer-Driven RM Scheduling Mechanism to Improve Its Real-Time Performance 定时器驱动的RM调度机制建模及其性能优化 service.ilib.cn 1. Additionally, the WS-RM Policy Assertion specification accords the 另外,WS-RM策略声明规范的 www-128.ibm.com 2. Transaction never requires escalation, when the transaction is committed, the RM receives a 事务永远不要求升级,则在提交该事务时,RM将接收 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Prepare account opening documents, help RM to conduct Due Diligence on customer; 准备相关客户开户文件,协助客户经理完成客户尽职调查; my.jobems.com 4. How Converting AVI File to RM Flow Video Frequency File in the Exploitation of Network Curricula 网络课程开发中AVI文件如何转换为RM流式视频文件 www.ilib.cn 5. RM type decomposition map and its application RM分解图及其应用 www.ilib.cn 6. cargo control & ballast control rm CARGO CONTROL & BALLAST CONTROL RM 货控室兼载控制室 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A Sufficient Condition for the Existence of Rm-edge Cut Rm-边割存在的一个充分条件 www.ilib.cn 8. Good RM tools provide traceability between requirements; a 好的RM工具具有需求间的可追踪性;一个 www-128.ibm.com 9. Conversion of RM expansion coefficients and OR-coincidence expansion coefficients based on tabular method 基于表格法的RM展开系数与或-符合展开系数的转换 www.ilib.cn 10. A Flow Control Scheme Processing Bidirectional RM Cell for ABR ATM Service 一种处理双向RM信元的ABR业务流量控制机制 dict.bioon.com 1. Study on the Synthesis and Application of RM Series of Dyeing Assistants RM系列两性皮革染色助剂的合成与应用研究 service.ilib.cn 2. Mapping Transform Between RM and CRM Expansion of Functions 函数RM展开式和CRM展开式的图形转换法 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Header block which requests that the RM Destination send a 头部区域的消息,这一消息请求RM目的地端发送 www-128.ibm.com 4. Research on the Properties of RM Expansions of Self-dual Function 关于自双反函数的RM展开式特性的研究 www.ilib.cn 5. I RM Maximum Instantaneous Reverse Current 最大瞬间反向电流 wenku.baidu.com 6. Applications of RM Method for the Design of Distributed Simulation System Based on HLA RM方法在基于HLA的分布式仿真系统中的应用 www.ilib.cn 7. Enable a JAX-WS Web service provider and Web service client for WS-RM 为WS-RM启用JAX-WSWeb服务提供商和Web服务客户机 www.ibm.com 8. Rm for a banking account 开立银行帐户的申请书 www.dic123.com 9. Rm 1507 China Diamond Exchange Center, No. 1701 Century Boulevard, Pu Dong New Area, Shanghai, China 中国上海浦东新区世纪大道1701号中国钻石交易中心1507室 wenku.baidu.com 10. Address: Shanghai Yangpu High-tech Innovation Service Center ( Rm. 702, No. 118 Guoda Road) 地点:上海杨浦高新技术创业服务中心(国达路118号702室) www.ieiba.org.cn 1. Effects of Triptolide on Prostate Carcinoma in Mouse RM-1 Cells 雷公藤内酯醇对小鼠前列腺癌细胞株RM-1的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. Rm. 1121, Bo Hai Pearl Hotel, No. 8 Victory Square, Zhongshan District, Dalian, China 中国大连市中山区胜利广场8号渤海明珠大酒店1121室 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Nearly Optimal Binary Periodic Sequences Based on RM Codes 基于RM码的拟最佳二元周期序列 www.ilib.cn 4. deck changing rm DECK CHANGING RM 甲板更衣室 wenku.baidu.com 5. See machine manual of RM roller mill 请参见RM立磨手册 wenku.baidu.com 6. To rename the file, do the same again, but this time use mv rather than rm 要对该文件进行重命名,可以再次进行相同的操作,但这一次使用mv而不是rm www.ibm.com 7. Canadian Consulate Films Rm 804, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu 加拿大领事馆,南京西路1376号804室,近西康路 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Strategic A rm s Reduction Talks 裁减战略武器谈判, wenku.baidu.com 9. How to deal with medical science rm video material 医学rm视频素材的处理 www.ilib.cn 10. If the PSPE enlistment fails, the RM should instead enlist using the 如果PSPE登记失败,RM应改为使用 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Connecting calls to GST RM 为住店客人连接电话 wenku.baidu.com 2. A Weakly Hard Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm Based on RM 一个基于RM的弱硬实时调度算法 www.ilib.cn 3. Rm. 505, Hui Long Building, 56 Zhong Shan Er Road, Guangzhou, China 中国广州市中山二路56号汇隆大厦505室 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The Origin of Rainbow rm 下载:彩虹的起源 www.mp3top.cn 5. crew mess rm CREW MESS RM 普通船员餐厅 wenku.baidu.com 6. Rm 409, Dynasty Business Centre 457 Wu Lu Mu Qi North Road 上海市乌鲁木齐北路457号朝代商务中心409室 job.chinagd.com.cn 7. Have you been changed after you left so long (rm) 走了这么久,你变了没有(与刘婕合) yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au 8. A Period Of Time Allocation Model about Ads Based on RM 基于收益管理的广告业时段最优分配模型 www.ilib.cn 9. Venue: Convocation Room, Rm 218, Main Building, The University of Hong Kong 地点:香港大学本部大楼218室毕业生议会厅 www.hku.hk 10. Rm 412, Lippo Sun Plaza, 28 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong 中国香港香港九龙尖沙咀广东道28号力宝太阳广场412室 china-customs.com 1. Rm. 1005, Metro Centre II, Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay, KLN Hong Kong 香港九龙湾临兴街美罗中心二期1005室 blog.sina.com.cn |
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