单词 | self-destructive |
释义 | 例句释义: 自毁的,自我破坏,自我毁灭,自我毁灭的 1. It's because of his intention; his self-destructive demeanors in his post was more than enough to be the prof of his immaturity. 因为他的动机;他文中自我毁灭的举动已经足够证明他的不成熟。 tera.komica3.net 2. For many other famous musicians, dangerous and self-destructive behavior is all a part of living a rock n' roll lifestyle. 对于许多著名音乐人而言,危险和自我摧残行为是摇滚歌手生活的一部分。 twentyfirst.englishbaby.com 3. You could push for fun and playtime to the point that you are addicted or self-destructive. 你可以推动乐趣和玩耍的,你是上瘾或自毁点。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. a New York City cop who goes on a self-destructive spree upon causing the death of his friend in a moment of cowardice. 片中凯奇是以为纽约市警察,因为过去一个不堪回首的往事参加了一个自残宴会:由于自己的一时怯懦害死了自己的朋友。 www.jukuu.com 5. Various self-destructive behaviors, he told Psychiatric News, are largely the result of a person'sinability to think far into the future. 他对《精神病学新闻》说起,各种自毁行为大部分是一个人无能力遥想将来的结果。 www.bing.com 6. Current homeowners--not speculators who signed self-destructive mortgage agreements, but actual homeowners--would benefit as well. 当前的房屋拥有者(不是那些签下自我毁灭的抵押贷款协议的投机客,而是真正的自住者)同时也会受益。 www.bing.com 7. The insurgency will help Gaddafi inconsistent with American values, self-destructive strategy of the U. S. Greater Middle East. 而帮卡扎菲平乱则与美国价值观相悖,自毁美国的大中东战略。 www.englishtang.com 8. He talked about the need to balance the moral obligation to champion freedom while not getting swept up in self-destructive fervor. 他还谈到了要在担负起道德责任捍卫自由的同时注意不要陷入了那种自我毁灭式的热诚中。 dongxi.net 9. Rival mainstream media have been happy to feed off the leaks but then delight in his self-destructive mistakes. 处于竞争面的主流媒体很高兴看到维基关门大吉,然后就是来自其自我毁灭性的失误的兴奋。 www.bing.com 10. It could be the self-destructive nature of the visit. 可能是自我破坏性在作怪吧。 bbs.internet.org.cn 1. And again, we shall see that there is a logic behind even such pointless or self-destructive behaviour. 但是同样我们能看到即便这种无目的或自我毁灭的行为也有其逻辑性。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Is there no remedy for this self-destructive behavior? As the little bird indicates, apparently not. 对这种自我毁灭的行为可有药治?正如画中小鸟所说的,看来没有。 www.for68.com 3. The electoral checks and balances failed to anticipate the self-destructive capacity of the unionist parties. 选举制衡机制难敌联合派政党的自我毁灭能力。 www.ftchinese.com 4. There will be a tendency for these individuals to act out in self-destructive ways. 这些个体们会倾向于以自我毁灭的方式进行表演。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Interestingly, they weren't always the eccentric and self-destructive inventors, tradesmen, and arms dealers we know them to be today. 有趣的是,他们并非一开始就是人们印象中的古怪,喜欢自爆的发明家,商人或者军火商。 bbs.17173.com 6. It hurts too much to stay angry and it becomes self - destructive to hold back forgiveness. 一直生气实在很受伤,慢慢的,拒绝原谅成了一种自我摧残。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. And Germany's economic recovery does not provide any evidence in favour of such self-destructive policies. 并且德国的经济复苏也没有为这种自我毁灭式的政策提供任何支持性的证据。 www.bing.com 8. As Elton entered the 90s, he changed his own self-destructive behavior and focused on a career of music and humanitarian efforts. 进入90年代,他纠正了自己的一些自虐行为并将精力放在了音乐事业和人道主义事业。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Fighting stress the hard way usually involves some form of self-destructive behavior. 奋力抗压往往包括一些自毁的行为方式。 www.elanso.com 10. A common result of depression is self-destructive behavior. 抑郁的一个常见后果就是自残行为。 www.bing.com 1. I was self-destructive in a way but I'm much more creative than destructive. 我以前在某种程度上自毁,但是现在更多的是创造而不是毁坏。 hi.baidu.com 2. To be true, it is rather pessimistic to assume that civilizations on other planets have the same self destructive urges . 诚然,假定别的行星上的文明社会也具有同样的自我毁灭力量那定是相当悲观的。 www.jukuu.com 3. They have to act in a loving way towards themselves so make them aware of behavior and habits that are self-destructive and self-sabotaging. 他们必须自爱,因此,要使他们认识哪些行为和习惯对自己有害,会造成对己不利的影响。 www.ebigear.com 4. THE most audacious move of the race so far is also, potentially, the most self-destructive. 迄今为止,总统竞选中最为大胆的举动也可能是最具自我毁灭性质的。 www.ecocn.org 5. Animals kept in zoos suffer psychological distress, often displayed by abnormal or self-destructive behaviour. 被关在动物园的动物患有心理压抑,通常表现出异常行为或自毁行为。 www.1363.cn 6. You may put on the stupidest and self-destructive trades, but as long as you have enough money in your account, no one will stop you. 你可以一直进行最蠢最自毁的交易,只要你的账户还有足够的钱,是没有人阻止你的。 www.leson6666.com 7. By overcoming your self-destructive tendency, you can achieve a more rewarding and happier life. 你要克服自我损伤的倾向,才能取得较有意义和较幸福的生活。 blog.163.com 8. However, it's not yet clear if the self-destructive nature of Type 1 diabetes will be a problem. 但是,1型糖尿病自身免疫攻击是否会成为障碍现在仍然不清楚。 www.bing.com 9. Finding validation and seeking love from another person through relationships is a self-destructive path. 通过人际关系中寻求他人的肯定和爱是一个自毁的过程。 www.bing.com 10. In the wrong context, drug use, alcoholism, or self destructive behavior an addictive personality is a weaknesses. 成瘾人格若用之不当,比如吸毒,酗酒或做出自我毁灭行为,即是弱点; dongxi.net 1. But for this World Cup, Algeria will cut a lonely figure thanks to the region's self destructive forces. 但对于这届世界杯,由于来自这个地区自身的破坏力,阿尔及利亚只能留下一个孤独的身影。 www.bing.com 2. As this self-destructive feeding-frenzy continues, the cabal inevitably hurtles toward its demise. 随着阴谋集团这种自我毁灭模式,大鱼吃小鱼,导致他们注定走向灭亡。 dxlrxpfyk.blog.163.com 3. They become self-destructive or unduly self-sacrificing. They end up anxious, depressed, and suicidal. 他们会变得自我毁灭,或过度自我奉献。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Leaving those boundaries is a fundamentally self-destructive thing to do. 抛开这些界限形同于自杀。 www.bing.com 5. If your habits are self-destructive, you will fail in the long run. 你的习惯是自我毁灭性的,你将来必定失败。 www.ttxyy.com 6. In some situations, carrying out social duties may be self-destructive when the best thing may be to just stay home. 在某些情况下,最好的做法就是待在家中,履行社会义务反而会是自寻烦恼。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Another question is are you ready to relinquish your self destructive nature? 你准备好放弃你的自毁本质吗? hourofpower.org.hk 8. results in unusual and self- destructive behavior called zoochosis. 既然不正常的、自我毁灭的行为叫做。 www.ebigear.com 9. processes is potentially self-destructive. As we have seen, it degrades organizational. 潜在的自我毁灭的过程。正如我们所见,同时组织。 www.wenjiaoyu.com 10. But might it not equally push China back into self-destructive upheavals such as the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution? 但是它难道不可能同样会将中国推向自我毁灭的动荡,比如大跃进和文化大革命? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Iceland today has rejected these self-destructive policies. 冰岛目前已否决了这些自杀式政策。 www.ftchinese.com 2. It is sheer blindness through ignorance of truth that nurtures this self destructive abstract. 是由于对真理的无知而造成的十足的盲目,导致了这个自我破坏性的抽象概念。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. Auto companies are busy creating new crack hits for our self-destructive cravings. 汽车公司还在忙于为我们的自我毁灭渴望制造出新的流行物。 www.bing.com 4. Are we embracing the philosophy of egotism, which is really a confidence that will prove eternally self-destructive? 这种自负自私的哲学思想,实为一种最终只证明了自我摧毁的狂妄。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 5. If you lack confidence, you might fill your life with self-destructive behavior. 如果你缺乏自信,你可能会让自己的生活充满各种自毁式的行为。 www.bing.com 6. The Medea Hypothesis: Is Life on Earth Ultimately Self-Destructive? 美狄亚假说:地球生命最终走向自我毁灭? dictsearch.appspot.com 7. She becomes an Oscar-winning film actress, and self-destructive addict. 她成为一个奥斯卡奖电影演员和自我毁灭的吸毒者。 www.bing.com 8. Problem is, when you find you didn't get that job either, your thoughts may turn to self-destructive conclusions about yourself. 问题在于当你发现自己连那份工作也没获得的话,你的思想也许会做出具有自我伤害的结论。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. If you let such problems continue to take their toll, you will end up on some type of self-destructive path. 如果你继续对这些问题放任自流,你最终会走上某种自毁之路。 www.bing.com 10. In this game players rotate falling shapes so that they slot neatly together instead of saving self-destructive furry animals. 在这个游戏中,玩家改变下降方块的形状以使它们整齐地排在一块而不是去营救自残的长毛的动物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Those who fell on the stand up ah! Fast wake up now! Not yet decided the future, do not self-destructive! 那些倒下了就站不起来的人啊!快醒悟吧!前途尚未决定,不要自己毁了自己! gotofob.cn 2. He's very self-destructive in a way. 他很自我毁灭的道路。 tieba.baidu.com 3. The push to achieve comes from three of the most self-destructive words in our culture. 希望有所成就来自于我们文化中的那些具有自我毁灭性的几个词。 397565205.qzone.qq.com 4. I've struggled with tons of bad habits, but the most recent one gave me a new outlook on how to deal with self-destructive behaviors. 我和无数坏习惯做过斗争,但最近一次却使我在如何解决自我毁灭问题上有了新的看法。 www.elanso.com 5. They can't see that they're making self-destructive choices. 它们没有看清楚它们正在制订着破坏自我的选择方案。 www.bing.com 6. That's not only discriminatory; in the context of the AIDS epidemic, it is self-destructive. 这不但带歧视性;而且就艾滋病疫病的现况来看,这种信息封锁简直是一个自我毁灭的行为。 www.hrw.org 7. As a forty-five-year-old white guy, I was curious to know what makes my demographic group so self-destructive. 作为一个45岁的白人,我渴望知道是什么原因导致了我的同龄人们如此的有自杀倾向。 www.bing.com 8. Self - destructive ? Are you going to help us or not ? 自我毁灭?你到底要不要帮我们?。 www.icrystalnotes.com 9. Accordingly, God separated the people to different lands and languages to frustrate their self-destructive plans. 因此,神把人们分散到不同的土地,使彼此间语言不同是要阻挠他们自我本位的破坏性计划。 cnufo.com 10. What is most striking about these behaviours is that they are often self-destructive and hidden. 关于这些行为最显著的特征是其常常带有自毁倾向和隐蔽性。 www.bing.com 1. I asked her how she stopped the self destructive cycle. 我问她如何停止这种自我毁灭的循环。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. This is not only unfair, but self-destructive. 这不仅有失公平,同时具有自我破坏性。 www.ftchinese.com 3. that they would not engage in self-destructive behavior, 他们不会做出自我毁灭的行为, www.bing.com 4. The Self Destructive Habits of Good Companies. . . And How to Break Them 优秀公司的自我毁灭习惯……如何加以消除 www.20ju.com 5. STERILE SELF-DESTRUCTIVE SYRINGES FOR SINGLE USE 一次性使用无菌加药器 wenku.baidu.com 6. and realize how stupid and self - destructive this is 认识到这是多么愚蠢和自虐 www.ichacha.net 7. You have a self destructive destiny when you're inflicted 当他降临到你身上后,你的宿命将渐渐走向自我灭亡 blog.sina.com.cn |
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