单词 | self destruct |
释义 |
第三人称单数:self-destructs 现在分词:self-destructing 过去分词:self-destructed 例句释义: 自毁,自爆,自毁按钮,自我破坏 1. Distraught, Claire manages to give Chris instructions for initializing a self-destruct sequence, before eventually reuniting with him. 在最终和克里斯见面前,心烦意乱的克莱尔设法将自爆程序的启动方法给了克里斯。 tieba.baidu.com 2. The explosives in Challenger's self-destruct system might have been set off by a stray radio signal. “挑战者”号的自毁装置中的炸药可能是由偶然出现的无线电信号引起爆炸的。 tr.bab.la 3. But Professor Williams said the experimental drug disables this enzyme, causing the worm to self-destruct. 但是W教授说,这种实验性药物可以使酶失去活力,从而引发蠕虫的自我毁灭。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. In their study of human cancer cells, they say berries triggered a self-destruct response in up to 86 percent of leukemia cells tested. 在他们对人癌症细胞的研究中,他们说巴西莓会在测试中引发最多86%的白血病细胞自毁。 qac.yappr.cn 5. Were it not for these counterbalances, humankind would self-destruct out of the sheer mass of its unopposed negativity. 如果不是因为这些弥补的作用,人类就会由于绝对的消极性而自我毁灭了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Professor Perlman developed what he calls a suicide molecule. It acts like the protein that directs cells to self-destruct. 普尔曼教授开发出了一种他称为自杀分子的物质,与该种蛋白质作用相同,引导细胞自行毁灭。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. Everyone needs " private time" to pursue hobbies or hang out with friends, and the lack thereof may cause relationships to self- destruct . 每个人都需要“私人时间”来从事业余爱好或者跟朋友相聚,而这方面的缺失可能会导致感情走向自毁。 dict.veduchina.com 8. The drug has no effect on normal cells, which can adjust to higher levels of oxygen that cause cancer cells to self-destruct. 这种药物对正常细胞没有作用,然而可以调节肿瘤细胞的氧负荷达到较高的水平从而导致肿瘤细胞自我毁灭。 news.dxy.cn 9. Children's socks are made in such a manner that, when washed, one of each pair will either fade, shrink or self-destruct. 孩子的袜子洗完以后,有一只不是掉颜色就是自我毁灭。 www.haiguinet.com 10. I mean, if life's so hard already, why do we bring more trouble down on ourselves? What's up with the need to hit the self-destruct button? 我想,既然生活已经如此艰难,为什么我们不给自己带来更多的麻烦呢? bbs.newssgo.com 1. It's almost nothing, and I will still try to get it lit, which is not so easy, because this battery has a self-destruct in it. 几乎不算什么,我仍然,试图点亮它,这不容易,因为电池本身有自毁。 open.163.com 2. The compound caused the cancer cells to self-destruct in a process called apoptosis, while not affecting normal pancreatic cells. 这个混合物导致癌在一个名叫凋亡的过程中自毁,同时没有影响正常的胰腺细胞。 www.51mokao.com 3. That prevents a safety system from kicking in, which would shut down the plant before it could self-destruct. 这样就防止了在工厂自毁前停止运行的安全程序的启动。 www.bing.com 4. If I don't, I am afraid that I will self destruct, and even worse, you will be there to see it happened. 如果我不,我担心我会自我毁灭,而更糟的,你会在那里看着这一切发生。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. These could stipulate a no first use policy, outlaw unarmed weapons, or mandate weapons that self-destruct at the end of hostilities. 这些条约可以规定“不首先使用”的政策,将没有设定目标的武器列为非法,或要求这些武器在战争结束时自毁。 www.ftchinese.com 6. With this technique, scientists create short RNA molecules that bind to messenger RNA in the cell, causing it to self-destruct. 与这种技术,科学家创造短期的RNA分子结合信使RNA在细胞内,造成它自毁。 www.guwen5.com 7. It acts like the protein that directs cells to self-destruct. 它像那种蛋白质一样表现,知道细胞进行自我会面。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. The worm has a protective enzyme. But Professor Williams says the experimental drug disables this enzyme, causing the worm to self-destruct. 这种蠕虫有一种保护酶,威廉教授说,这种实验药物有能使这种酶失效,从而导致蠕虫自亡。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. When cells become genetically damaged - such as the DNA damage caused by the sun's ultraviolet rays - they're supposed to self-destruct. 当细胞出现了遗传损伤,如太阳紫外线造成的DNA损害,这被认为是其自毁。 news.dxy.cn 10. But would there BE a Self-Destruct Rune on the gate in the first place if there weren't circumstances that warranted its use? 但是,既然门上有一个自毁符文,那么就有一个应当使用它的时机。 www.anetcity.com 1. The treatment works by blocking the growth of the cancer cells and eventually causing them to self destruct. 这种治疗方式通过阻碍癌细胞的增长最终使其自我销毁。 www.bing.com 2. They then induced carbon dioxide-sensing neurons to self-destruct, with similar life-extending results. 然后,他们诱导二氧化碳感受神经元进行自行毁灭,同样也能达到延长寿命的效果。 www.bing.com 3. Research shows that capsaicin, the compound which gives the peppers their zing, makes fat cells self-destruct. 研究表明,辣椒素及含有辣椒的复合物可以杀死脂肪细胞。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Research shows that capsaicin, the compound which gives peppers their zing, makes fat cells self-destruct. 研究表明,使辣椒味道刺激的辣椒素可使脂肪细胞“自我毁灭”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Alert: Your mission! Should you decide to accept it will be revealed at HQ. This squirrel will self-destruct, but first, a little dance. 注意:新任务!你决定是否接受任务将被在总部揭露,这只松鼠将自毁,但首先…跳个舞吧。 www.eoezone.com 6. Technology proceeds so fast it is going to self-destruct. 技术发展得是如此之快,它将会自我毁灭。 dongxi.net 7. You will create the calculator resource and extend out to self-destruct in 30 seconds -- in other words, its lifetime is 30 seconds. 您将创建计算器资源,并且向外扩展为在30秒钟内自我销毁--换句话说,它的生命周期为30秒。 www.ibm.com 8. Why in the blasted infernal hells did anyone install a self-destruct enchantment on the cursed thing? ? 为什么在那个炸碎了的该死地方有人会在那倒霉的玩意上安置着一个自爆结界?? www.anetcity.com 9. Suppresses the tool's self-destruct test and changes the policy as specified by the user. 取消此工具的自销毁测试并按照用户的指定更改策略。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. They found that in cells damaged by UV rays, caffeine interrupted a protein called ATR-Chk1, causing the damaged cells to self-destruct. 他们发现,在细胞受到紫外线损伤的时候,咖啡因中断蛋白质的ATR-Chk1,使损坏细胞自我毁灭。 www.bing.com 1. And the Blues boss hopes the Gunners continue to wait for his team to self- destruct . 并且蓝军主帅希望枪手们继续等待切尔西的内乱。 dict.veduchina.com 2. Those that fail to detect a target are supposed to self-destruct in the air. 那些没有探测到目标的盘状子弹,被设定在空中自毁。 www.ecocn.org 3. Temporary ability that allows the player to manually self-destruct the Drone Squad. 让运动员到用手自己,自动的意义破坏雄蜂班的暂时能力。 dict.kekenet.com 4. If that time expires, the resource instance might self-destruct without the need for an explicit destroy request from a client. 如果时间到了,资源实例就可能会自我销毁而无需来自客户端的显式销毁请求。 www.ibm.com 5. How will we finish testing with the self-destruct mechanism active? 我们怎么能在自毁装置启动的时候完成测试? wow.uuu9.com 6. Programming them to self-destruct after 26 checkouts is tantamount to asking librarians to embrace entropy. 26次借阅后自毁的程序相当于让图书馆员们信奉熵。 www.bing.com 7. Recording Hint: This message will self-destruct in five seconds. 录音提示:此信息将在五秒内自毁。 www.rrting.com 8. Took the pole from Coulthard and as McLarens self destruct during the race, Michael wins easily despite a late spin. 战胜库特哈德拿到杆位,迈克拉伦自己破坏了比赛,尽管有一个打滑旋转,迈克尔赢得非常轻松。 hi.baidu.com 9. The first sign of illness is a sudden loss of power which, if not rectified immediately, can cause the engine to self-destruct. 出现的第一个症状就是汽车突然失去动力,如果不能得以马上纠正就会导致发动机自毁。 www.ecocn.org 10. They self-destruct future, damn. 他们自毁前程、自食其果。 blog.readnovel.com 1. Self Destruct Message Sent. 自我自毁送的消息。 zhishi.sohu.com 2. Did my client activate the Self-Destruct Rune on Dorukan's Gate? 我的当事人是否启动了Dorukan大门上的自毁魔符? www.anetcity.com 3. And they're literally unable to strike or they'll self-destruct. This is for real. 它们显然是不能攻击的,那是找死。确实是这样。 www.ted.com 4. I repeat - this prisoner transport will self destruct in 9 minutes and 52 seconds. 重复,犯人区域将在9分52秒之内自毁。 bbs.flyine.net 5. As a result, the retina can begin to self-destruct. 这将导致视网膜开始自毁。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 6. The compounds flush out carcinogens before they can damage cell DNA, and they force cancer cells that do develop to self-destruct. 该种化合物在致癌物损害DNA细胞之前就将它们“驱逐”出去,并迫使癌细胞自我毁灭。 www.bing.com 7. For example, Britain said in March it would stop using two kinds of "dumb" cluster munitions which lack self-destruct devices. 比如,英国声称在3月他将停止使用两种缺乏自毁装置的集束“哑”弹。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. Self-destruct, triggered if someone tries to force open the memory stick, irrevocably burns the stick's CPU and memory chip. 该“自毁机制”在有人试图强行使用记忆棒时会自动开启,从而烧掉记忆棒的CPU和芯片。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Warning, warning - explosive charges are now armed. Self destruct in 2 minutes CYBORG: Just enough time for a quickie 警告,警告,炸弹已经装好,自毁程序在2分钟内启动时间刚好够我和你来把快的 bbs.flyine.net 10. proud over his infinite egocentric , proud over his infinite self-destruct; 因无限的自我而自豪,因无限的自毁而自豪; dictsearch.appspot.com 1. infinite in egocentric, infinite in self-destruct; 自我无限,自毁无限; dictsearch.appspot.com 2. permission to activate the self - destruct system , sir 先生,请允许开动自摧毁系统 www.ichacha.net 3. Warning, warning - explosive charges are now armed. Self destruct in 1 minute 警告,警告,炸弹装置已经装好,自毁装置在1分钟之内启动 bbs.flyine.net 4. I break, you don't, I was always set to self-destruct, though 我崩溃了,你却没有,我只不过总是想要自我毁灭而已。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. That you would self-destruct eventually 你最终自己把它破坏 post.baidu.com 6. still 10 minutes left till self - destruct system activation 到自摧毁系统开启还有10分钟 www.ichacha.net 7. self - destruct system activating in 10 minutes 自摧毁系统10分钟后启动。 www.ichacha.net 8. a warning notice from self - destruct system at neucom 来自neucom自摧毁系统的一个警告, www.ichacha.net 9. And if things get too hot, then maybe I will self-destruct 感情如果变得太火热,也许会将我毁灭 zhidao.baidu.com |
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