单词 | sciences |
释义 | sciences是science的复数
复数:sciences adj. n. social science,natural science,popular science,basic science,physical science v. n. promote science,advance science 例句释义: 科学,学科,科学研究,自然科学,理科,文理学院,人文及科学院 1. It's cool to be very good at anything in a girls school - maths, sciences or physics. No one will ask why you're doing a boys' subject. 在女校擅长数学、科学及物理是件很酷的事情,没人会问你为什么要做男孩感兴趣的事情。 www.bing.com 2. As a techie with the heart of a performer, he was a link between arts and sciences on campus. 作为一位有艺术气质的技术专家,他是学校里的一座连接艺术与科学的桥梁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The University's achievements in the sciences can be measured by the sixty or more Nobel Prizes awarded to its members over the years. 剑桥大学的理科成就可以由历年来大学成员获得的60升至更多的诺贝尔奖来衡量。 www.elanso.com 4. The physical sciences underlying structural engineering began to be understood in the Renaissance and have been developing ever since. 以物理学为基础的结构工程学在文艺复兴时代开始被人了解,而且从那以后一直在发展着。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Your own father, who was a great astrologer and philosopher, did not believe that knowledge of the sciences reduced a woman's worth. 你自己的父亲,谁是一个伟大的占星学家和哲学家,不相信科学知识减少了妇女的价值。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. And he took Schwarzchild's idea to the Prussian Academy of Sciences the next week. 爱因斯坦第二周将史瓦西的想法带到了普鲁士科学院。 www.ted.com 7. It was the only acknowledgment he received from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in his career. 这是他职业生涯中唯一一次得到美国电影艺术与科学学院的承认。 www.bing.com 8. It was this work, referred to as Two New Sciences, even more than his support for Copernicus, that was to be the genesis of modern physics. 正是这本被称为《两种新科学》的书,甚至比支持哥白尼更进一步,成为现代物理学的起源。 www.putclub.com 9. He had done some volcano research with one of his professors and was headed to graduate study in environmental sciences at Yale. 当时克里萨弗林完成了与一位教授进行的一些关于火山的研究,正准备从耶鲁大学的环境科学系毕业。 www.bing.com 10. Natural sciences rely on it, but should we count it a science in its own right? 虽然自然科学都需依赖数学,但是我们就应该认为数学是一门拥有自己权力的科学吗? dongxi.net 1. It seems to me that creativity is central to how we make advances in the chemical sciences. 对我来说创造力是我们在化学研究中取得前进的关键。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. We have made a number of creative advances in theoretical research and applied sciences which are up to advanced world levels. 我们在理论研究和应用科学方面,获得了不少具有世界先进水平的创造性成就。 hi.baidu.com 3. The ability to ask these questions, to peel away layers of explanation, is one of the reasons I'm drawn to the psychological sciences. 能够提出此类问题并对给出的解释进行层层剖析是我被心理科学所深深吸引的原因之一。 www.kle100.cn 4. Moreover, each sub-category of life sciences deals came in at least 2x better than did realized results of IT sub-categories. 除此之外,生命科学每个子领域的交易至少是信息技术类子领域的两倍。 www.bing.com 5. Like all sciences and all valuations, the psychology of women has hitherto been considered only from the point of view of men. 直到现在,人们考虑女人的心理,都是从男人的角度出发,这和科学研究及种种评估师一样的。 www.bing.com 6. The dragons were sitting in an elegant den at the Royal Society in London, Britain's national academy of sciences. 巨龙正端坐在英国国家科学院——伦敦英国皇家学会(RoyalSociety)优雅的兽穴中。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Cancellation of Arts and Sciences Division, and that the title of the sea we are now is not to a greater spread it? 取消文理分科,那我们现在的题海不是要蔓延得更大了吗? tieba.baidu.com 8. Newton. li Q: I do not know why the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for such a large change? Driving force for change come from? li问:不知瑞典皇家科学院为何如此进行这种大改变?改变的推动力从何而来? songshuhui.net 9. The sciences are trying to break out of this, to some extent, but econ is a long ways from doing that. 科学家们正在尝试着打破这一规则,但在某种程度上,这对于经济学而言还有很长的路要走。 www.bing.com 10. But most nephrologists, and the National Academy of Sciences, say that thirst alone is a perfectly sufficient guide to how much you need. 但是,大多数肾脏学家以及美国国家科学院(NationalAcademyofSciences)均认为,口渴本身就完全足以指导人体的饮水需要。 www.ebigear.com 1. She was the first woman to be elected as a Fellowof the Academy of Arts and Sciences of the United States. 她是入选美国文学科学协会会员的第一个妇女。 www.for68.com 2. Feelings of being out of the body can also be explained by the brain's behaviour, the journal Trends in Cognitive Sciences reports. 据《认知科学趋势》期刊报道,灵魂出窍的感觉可以用大脑行为来解释。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. A Tokay gecko hangs upside down in its terrarium at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 宾夕法尼亚州,费城自然科学学院,一只大壁虎把自己悬挂在培养箱顶面上。 www.bing.com 4. Therefore, the human geography can be said to be in the geography of a humanities or social sciences. 因此,人文地理学可以说是地理学中的一门人文科学或社会科学。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. You don't HAVE to be aprofessor, you know. Almost all PhD disciplines in the sciences havesome private-sector employers. 你不一定非得成为一个教授,科学领域几乎所有有PHD的学科都能找到私营部门的雇主。 www.bing.com 6. Most of my friends became engineers, biologists, that sort of things, all in the sciences. 我的朋友大多都成了工程师、生物学家等等这类的职业,都在科学领域工作。 www.joyen.net 7. The experiment of active human science has its own features different from that of other sciences. 运动人体科学实验有着不同于其他学科的特征。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. publishing in a science journal, they insisted that the solution to the problem was not to be found in the natural sciences. Wiesner和York表现出勇气,在科学期刊发表文章,坚持问题不能在自然科学找到解决办法。 www.worklish.com 9. Also known as family and consumer sciences, home economics is still one of the most important subjects of the secondary school curriculum. 家政经济教育学,也被称为家庭消费科学,仍是中学里十分重要的一门课程。 college.strong-study.com 10. The Nobel has never been given out for applied sciences before. 诺贝尔奖以前从未颁给过应用科学领域。 www.bing.com 1. The orbit of the natural sciences is the field in which the human mind is able to discover constant relations between various elements. 自然科学的范围,限之于人心能够发现其间的事象有不变关系的那个界域。 www.douban.com 2. Summers stirred controversy when he said that inherent differences between the sexes may explain why so few women work in academic sciences. 萨默斯一度引起巨大争议,因为他曾发表观点称“两性间的先天差异也许能解释为何从事科研的女性相对较少”。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. In the last 70 years sciences have made great progress in developing the technologies to understand the phenomenon called cosmos. 在过去的70年里,科学家通过发达的技术,在理解所谓的宇宙现象方面取得了巨大的进步。 www.cnufo.com 4. The experimental methods of the natural sciences are the only appropriate methods for any kind of investigation. 自然科学的实验方法是唯一一种适合任何研究的方法。 www.bing.com 5. It is one of the most mathematically complicated subjects among the "sciences" , as difficult as quantum physics. 它成了“科学”中从数学意义上讲最为繁复的学科之一,与量子物理学同样艰深。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In the natural sciences a theory can be maintained only if it is in agreement with experimentally established facts. 在自然科学里面,一个理论,只要与实验过的事实符合,它就站得住。 www.douban.com 7. You could be especially drawn to computer sciences, networking, technology, Internet, engineering, and "connectivity" careers. 你可能特别提请计算机科学,网络,技术,网络,工程和“连接”的职业。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The concept of norms is widely used in the social sciences, from law and ethics to social psychology and international relations. 规范被广泛地应用于法学﹑社会学﹑国际关系学等社会科学的诸多领域。 www.fabiao.net 9. Most seem to come from technical avocations , like engineering, computers and sciences. 他们大多数似乎都有技术背景,像是工程、计算机和科学等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Science-Metrix also predicts that this year, China will publish as many peer-reviewed papers in natural sciences and engineering as the US. Science-Metrix预计,今年,中国的自然科学和工程方面的专家评议论文数量会追平美国。 www.bing.com 1. Prior to her involvement in the contest, she was studying for a BA degree in Communication Sciences. 在此之前她在比赛的参与,她正在研究在通信科学学士学位。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In the natural and social sciences alike, it is all a matter of getting the right abstraction. 自然科学和社会科学是一样的,关键是得到一个正确的抽象模型。 www.bing.com 3. From the point of view of the natural sciences the various events which result in satisfying human needs appear as very different. 从自然科学的观点来看,那些可以满足人们需要的各种事物,像是非常不同的。 www.douban.com 4. Hegel, for one, had denied all three of its central claims in his "Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences" over a century before. 黑格尔就是其中之一,曾在一个多世纪前在他的一书《哲学科学百科》中否定了三个中心主张。 dongxi.net 5. Then came the news that there is anything we might have this session regardless of Division of Arts and Sciences. 又传来消息,说什么有可能我们这届文理不分科了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Giambattista Vico was the anachronistic and impoverished Neapolitan philosopher sometimes credited with founding the human sciences. 维柯是不合时宜和贫困那不勒斯哲学家有时与人文科学的创始记。 www.ccebook.net 7. This course is an initial attempt to unify concepts usually learnt in physical sciences and their application in imaging sciences. 本课程初步的理念是统一物理科学及其在影像科学的应用的一些概念。此外,课程亦包括一个摄影比赛。 app.cnzer.cn 8. The marvelous achievements of the experimental natural sciences prompted the emergence of a materialistic metaphysical doctrine, positivism. 实验自然科学的非凡成就促使唯物主义的形而上学学说——实证主义的出现。 www.bing.com 9. The enterprise of science was on its first steps of a headlong rush into the minute details of physics, biology, and all natural sciences. 当时的科学发展正一头扎入对物理学、生物学、以及所有自然科学的微观细节的研究之中。 dongxi.net 10. While its students are learning hard sciences, mathematics, and business, we're ready to EAT THEIR LUNCH. 它的学生都在学习自然科学,数学和商业,我们准备吃他们的午饭了。 www.kantianya.com 1. It does not pay much attention to any particular school of religion, theology, philosophy, natural sciences or other new and old doctrines. 而不太在意那家宗教、神学、哲学、自然科学还是其它新老学说。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Within a decade, he said, Tsinghua's life sciences department will expand fourfold. 施博士说,“十年内,清华的生命科学系将扩大四倍”。 www.bing.com 3. Carl, who has a computer sciences degree, was "inspired" to advertise his family "by his desire to make a respectable living. " 卡尔拥有计算机科学学位,“希望能过上体面的生活”的念头给了他“灵感”,让他想到了这个让全家做广告的主意。 www.folxten.cn 4. Compared with physics, it seems fair to say that the quantitative success of the economic sciences has been disappointing. 与物理学相比,经济学在定量研究方面所取得的进展令人失望。 www.bing.com 5. it may be said, to use the ordinary phraseology of the sciences, that Kant did no more than offer another explanation of the fact. 用科学上普遍的话来说,康德只不过是对于同一事实加以不同的解释罢了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. His early training was in the sciences and he never acts impulsively in his work. 他早期受过理科方面的训练,因此在工作中他从不冲动。 www.tingroom.com 7. Each of these social sciences has a subfield or specialization which lies particularly close to anthropology. 每一门社会学科目都有一个分支或专业特别接近人类学。 club.topsage.com 8. Leonardo da Vinci excelled in every facet of the arts and sciences and was undoubtedly one of the most brilliant men in history. 莱昂纳多达芬奇精通人文科学和自然科学的诸多领域,他无疑是史上最聪明睿智的人之一。 www.elanso.com 9. He teacheth all Arts and Sciences in an instant, and is an Author of Bloodshed and Manslaughter. He teacheth all things Past, and to Come. 他能使人立即明白所有的艺术与科学,并且是血腥与屠杀的创造者。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. Ways to explore complex systems can be a communication between the natural sciences and human sciences, to eliminate the barrier method. 复杂系统探究方法可以是一种沟通自然科学和人文科学,消除其隔阂的方法。 soso.361xs.com 1. We might also raise the question, with reference to which kind of existing things we must look for these sciences of intermediates. 也可以提出这样的问题——我们必需在现存事物的那一类中,寻找间体之学? www.zgob.com 2. Enterprise strategic management is one of the management sciences with strong practicability and high complexity. 企业战略管理是一门具有很强的实用性和高度复杂性的管理科学。 www.13191.com 3. This research was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy's Office of Science, through its Basic Energy Sciences programs. 该研究由美国科技能源部科技办公室的基础能源科学项目提供资助。 www.dxy.cn 4. The concept of "Scientific Community" in natural sciences is suitable to social sciences and the humanities, and is also suitable to IRM. 自然科学领域中“科学共同体”概念适用于人文社科领域,也适用于IRM。 www.ztxb.net.cn 5. Since the 19th century, major development in the natural sciences led to a more perfect representation of nature. 世纪以来,自然科学的重大发展导致对自然规律更完善的表述。 www.xiami360.com 6. Barack Obama named her to the National Board for Education Sciences. 奥巴马提名她去国家教育科学委员会任职。 www.ecocn.org 7. It may sound far-fetched, but a recent study published in the Royal Society Of Biological Sciences journal found it was reasonable. 或许听起来牵强,但最近发表在英国皇家学会生物科学公报期刊的一项研究表示这是合理的。 www.hxen.com 8. The subject of time series is of considerable interest, especially among researchers in econometrics, engineering, and the natural sciences. 时间序列是相当大的兴趣,特别是在计量经济学,工程研究,主题和自然科学。 ccebook.net 9. The assessment, administered by the U. S. Department of Education, measures students' knowledge in physical, life, earth and space sciences. 该评估由美国教育部管理开展,它测试学生物理,生命,地球和空间科学的知识。 www.bing.com 10. We shall put into it enough to give the writers of tomorrow their plots, their dramas, their poems, their myths, their sciences. 我们要在书中尽情地写,以便给未来的作家提供情节、戏剧、诗歌、神话、各种科学。 www.bing.com 1. The historicist contends that the experimental method cannot be applied to the social sciences. 历史决定论者争辩说,实验的方法不能应用于社会科学。 www.jukuu.com 2. In natural sciences, we take it for granted that researchers have to be well equipped to do experiments. 在自然科学领域,研究人员必须要配备停当,才能进行实验,我们觉得这是理所当然的事情。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Health care was just the beginning of RAND's expansion into the social sciences. 卫生保健只是兰德向社会科学扩张的开始。 www.bing.com 4. My Earth Sciences teacher, Mr. Porto, was staring at me, waiting for an answer. 我的地球科学课老师博多先生正盯着我,等着我回答。 www.bing.com 5. As some of you know, I am now in charge of the School of Life Sciences at Tsinghua University. 也许你们中的一些人已经知道,我目前担任了清华大学生命科学学院院长的职务。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A report by the National Academy of Sciences this year warned that the environmental satellite network was at risk of collapse. 今年一月份,由国家科学院发布的报告警告,环境监测卫星网络有崩坏的危险。 www.bing.com 7. The Faculty of Arts and Sciences had been expected to consider a measure this week expressing a lack of support in his leadership. 艺术和科学学院已经计划在本周考虑一个行动以表达他们对其领导能力的不支持。 dictionary.osun.org 8. Speaking at China's Academy of Sciences, Paulson said the technology would improve the health and well being of the Chinese people. 保尔森在中国科学院发表讲话时强调,科学技术可以改善中国人民的健康和福祉。 www.ebigear.com 9. Fat tail distributions have been empirically encountered in a fair number of areas: economics, physics, and earth sciences. 已发尾分布经验过程中遇到的相当数量的领域:经济学,物理学和地球科学。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It was the secret stealth International Electromagnetic Sciences Zhejiang University Dr. Sheng Chen Hong who was found! 它隐身的秘密被浙江大学国际电磁科学院陈红胜博士等人发现了! bbs.d9it.com 1. Chapter III of the scientific concept of Stalin brief combing, clear view of sciences basic position on Stalin and the basic point of view. 第三章对斯大林的科学观进行简要梳理,明确了斯大林科学观的基本立场和基本观点。 www.fabiao.net 2. However, sexology is nothing if not an interdisciplinary effort, and it has always combined both the natural and the moral sciences. 可是,性科学如果不在各学科间进行学科融合,始终把自然科学和道德科学结合在一起,那么性科学将什么也不是。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. His main work was the Opus maius, and encyclopedia of the sciences of his time. 他的代表作是《大著作》,一部当时社会的百科全书。 www.engbus.com 4. Temple Grandin, 61, was diagnosed with autism as a child and is now professor of animal sciences at Colorado State University. 61岁的TempleGrandin小时候被诊断为孤独症,而她现在是科罗拉多州立大学的动物学教授。 www.bing.com 5. The applicants with at least a Bachelor 's degree in the Social Sciences , Health and Life Sciences are Preferred . 申请人需持有社会科学、健康与生命科学的至少一个学士学位。 www.bing.com 6. National Science Foundation in charge of the mathematical and physical sciences. He's one of many coming home. 他是美国国家科学基金会负责数学与物理的助理署长,而他只是海归派之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. "And any innovative-driven, life science- focused company can only flourish with leaders that understand both sciences and business. " “任何聚焦生命科学领域的创新驱动型公司只有在既懂科学、又懂商业的领导者带领下才能繁荣发展。” www.ftchinese.com 8. There is no right place among the frame of knowledge's classifications, namely human sciences, social sciences and natural sciences. 在自然科学、社会科学与人文科学这种知识分类框架下,教育学的学科地位非常尴尬。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Now a second paper has come out in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, which amplifies on that result. 现在第二篇论文发表在美国科学院学报上,这篇论文增强了那个结果。 www.bing.com 10. Bibliometrics is an important sub-discipline in information sciences, and is applying broadly in many discipline researches. 文献计量学是信息科学领域中的一个重要分支学科,目前在许多学科的研究中日益得到广泛的应用。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 1. The City of Arts and Sciences is a great complex designed by Santiago Calatrava, the Valencian architect famous all around the world. 城市的艺术和科学是一个伟大的复杂设计的圣地亚哥卡拉特拉瓦,瓦伦西亚著名建筑师在世界各地。 word.hcbus.com 2. Formal logic is one of the scientific methods that mature the earliest, and more widely used in all sciences than mathematics. 形式逻辑的方法是最早成熟的一种科学方法,它比数学方法更广泛地运用于各门科学。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This genre will question the classical model of popularization of sciences, the " top-down and dissemination-oriented model " . 科学戏剧流派质疑普及科学的经典模型,即“自上而下和传播导向模式”。 event.mosh.cn 4. The institute was founded in 1948 and is one of the oldest biological institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. 该所成立于1948年,是保加利亚科学院内最古老的生物学研究所之一。 www.biositemap.com 5. The abovementioned sciences are meant to help and enable the person to issue fatwas in accordance with the principles of Islamic teachings. 上述提到的这些学科,意思是帮助并使他(她)有能力依据伊斯兰教义原则出判例。 www.2muslim.com 6. Every year in the United States, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences gives Oscars to people who have done well in the movies. 每年在美国,美国电影艺术与科学学院将会给那些在电影中表现优秀的人颁发奥斯卡奖。 wenwen.soso.com 7. In 1962 he was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a Fellow of University College, London. 在1962年他被选为美国艺术和科学学院的外国名誉成员和大学学院理事。 str.ausbio.com 8. Include the great bulk of physics, materials, and chemistry, as well as portions of biology, environmental sciences and nuclear medicine. 大量物理、材料和化学方面的内容,也有部分生态学、环境和核子医学。 www.chemonline.net 9. soaring into the treasure house of the only complete culture of the Five Traditional Arts and Sciences. 翱游西藏珍贵完整的五明文化与手工艺术宝库。 www.folou.com 10. Environmental change is one of the current hot topics in geosciences and environmental sciences. 环境变化研究是当前国际地球科学和环境科学界最为活跃的研究领域之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Traditional Chinese medicine-one of the most advanced natural sciences in ancient China-is greatly influenced by thoughts of Taoist school. 中国古代最发达的自然科学之一-中医学在很大程度上受到了道家思想的影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The research is published in an advance online publication by the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 该研究已经被国家科学院学报杂志发表在在线进展刊物上。 news.dxy.cn 3. "The good thing about this plan is they have established the aim of covering all people, " says Mr Tang at the social sciences academy. “这项计划的好的一面是,他们确立了全民医保的目标,”中国社科院的唐钧表示。 www.ftchinese.com 4. This year, she was granted the merit-award scholarship by the most prestigious French Political Science institution, Sciences Po Paris. 她今年再接再厉,获著名的巴黎政治学院取录为硕士生,并获发奖学金。 www.hkbu.edu.hk 5. The research is part of a three year project being funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council. 这项研究是英国生物技术与生物科学研究委员会资助的为期三年项目的一部分。 news.dxy.cn 6. A visitor to the Mathematical Sciences Department arrives outside the rest-rooms and does not wish to go in the wrong door. 一到数学科学系游客到达外,其余房间和不希望走在错误的大门。 wenwen.soso.com 7. The testing helps the company accumulate data and show clients that it is improving their health, TA Sciences says. TASciences表示,这些检测可以帮助公司积累数据,向客户显示治疗正在提高他们的健康状况。 www.ebigear.com 8. NASA's space sciences chief Ed Weiler said the actual photos are important. (美航空航天局)空间科学部主任爱德华·威勒说,实实在在的照片是很重要的。 www.suiniyi.com 9. The team from the university's School of Psychological Sciences found that five cups of coffee a day was enough to trigger this. 这个来自拉筹伯大学心理科学院的研究小组发现,一天5杯咖啡便足以导致这种幻听状况。 www.bing.com 10. As an advanced technique of powder preparation, it develops quickly and is applied in many important material sciences. 作为一种先进的粉末制备技术,近年来它迅速发展并广泛应用于各重要材料科学领域。 www.chemyq.com 1. In a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers studied how junk food can trigger addiction behaviors. 研究者们研究了垃圾食品如何引发上瘾行为,他们的结果发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》杂志上。 gb.cri.cn 2. Differential equation models are widely used in many scientific fields, including engineering, physics and biomedical sciences. 微分方程模型广泛应用于很多科学领域,包括工程学、物理学和生物医学。 www.fabiao.net 3. In the same year, he was commissioned by UNESCO to carry out an inquiry into the state of social sciences in Pakistan. 该宣言随后于1950年出版。同年,他受命于联合国教科文组织赴巴基斯坦调查其社会科学状况。 www.bing.com 4. We learn from these other sciences that individuals experience great problems when they try to understand the world in which they live. 我们从这些其它科学中认识到,人们在试图理解他们所生活的这个世界时,遇到很大的困难。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The institute is one of the basic medico-biological institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS). 该所是保加利亚科学院的基础医学-生物学研究所之一。 www.biositemap.com 6. their discovery Monday in Birmingham, Ala. , at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society's division of planetary sciences. 他们周一在阿拉巴马州伯明罕的美国天文学会行星科学分会的一次会议上公布了他们的发现。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Much of the early work aboard the ISS would focus on long-term life-sciences and material-sciences research in the weightless environment. 国际太空站早期的作业集中在无重力环境下长期生命科学与材料科学研究。 www.jukuu.com 8. Opinions should be the subject matter of researches for psychology, cognitive sciences, theory of knowledge, and epistemology. 观念应成为心理学、思维科学、知识论和认识论的研究对象。 www.sinoss.net 9. This text addresses these constructs of gender and ethnicity in a manner that challenges the conventional wisdom within the health sciences. 这正文位址这些用在保健学内挑战道统的智慧的一种模式由性和种族划分建造。 www.tzhealth.com 10. Everyone who studies Computer Sciences or similar as long as you understand both English and Chinese! 任何学习计算机科学或者相关技术的学生都可以,只要你既懂英文又懂中文! bbs.chinajavaworld.com 1. They see physics as a fundamental science, which must be kept alive if only to provide a base for the other sciences and engineering. 他们看到作为一个基本的科学的物理,必须保持活力,如果只提供了其他科学和工程的基础。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Biology, chemistry and physics are the basic sciences on which medicine is based. 生物、化学、物理是作为医学基础基本科学。 wenku.baidu.com 3. The future benefits of many seminal discoveries in basic biomedical sciences are not always obvious in the short run. 在基础生物医学领域,许多重大发现的价值和效益并不在短期内显而易见。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I guess that might be false papers, or Academy of Sciences to be removed. 我估计也就是论文造假、院士被罢免。 bbs.5i5i.cn 5. In an upset victory, Askar Akayev, the president of the Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences, was elected to the presidency in October 1990. 通过一个颠覆性的胜利,阿卡耶夫(AskarAkayev),吉尔吉斯坦的科学院主席,在1990年10月,通过选举当选总统。 www.ebigear.com 6. Tyler was the first director of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford, a position he held for fourteen years. 泰勒是第一个中心的主任高等研究行为科学斯坦福大学举办一垒位置,他十四年。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. First, people in the sciences did not make an effective case for the implications of their work. 首先,科学界的人们没有充分地证明其作品的启示意义。 dongxi.net 8. To this end, we have after years of research diet - health food - a new health sciences therapy. 为此,我们经过多年研究,提出食疗--食品保健--健康科学的新疗法。 www.chinavalue.net 9. A super-mango - perfect in taste and able to fight diabetes - will be created by scientists at Coopers Plains' new food sciences complex. 在澳大利亚库柏平原的新食品复合科学研究所里,科学家们将要开发一种可口的、可以治疗糖尿病的超级芒果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. but a respect for the arts and the sciences, at least. 但至少很尊重艺术和科学 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Physics is one of the most important sciences underpinning development, yet is often ignored by developing countries. 物理学是支持发展的最重要的科学学科,然而在发展中国家它经常被忽视。 www.scidev.net 2. The Company is committed to life sciences, bio-technology, gene forefront of scientific research. 本公司致力于生命科学、生物基因技术等前沿科学的研究。 www.tonke.cn 3. There has been a growing trend in recent years toseparate boys and girls in certain subjects like English, maths and sciences. 近年来,越来越多的学校开始让男孩和女孩分开上英语、数学和科学这类学科。 www.bing.com 4. The fact that experts in the hard sciences disagree about climate change spells trouble for the politicians and policymakers at Copenhagen. 自然科学领域的专家在气候变化问题上存在分歧,这让出席哥本哈根会议的政治家和决策者感到烦恼。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Results in the natural sciences seldom seem to correlate with those in art. 自然科学的成果似乎很少与艺术发生关联。 www.hjenglish.com 6. At present, job opportunities in many areas of the Earth sciences are better than average - even with the down economy. 目前,即便是面临不景气的经济形势,对地球科学相关的众多领域的人才需求却在平均水平之上。 www.bing.com 7. Why is there such a divorce between the arts and the sciences in this country's schools? 为什么在这个国家的学校里,艺术与科学是如此的分离呢? jyk.xidian.edu.cn 8. "We sent an e-mail round our friends, mainly in physical sciences, " he said. “我们给主要集中在物理科学领域的朋友发送了一封电子邮件,”他说。 www.bing.com 9. Even fingerprint technology, one of the first and most venerable of forensic sciences, can provide DNA for crime investigators. 即使第一个,同样也是最令人敬佩的法医科学之一,即指纹技术,也能为犯罪调查员提供DNA。 str.ausbio.com 10. The "cultures" referred to were the humanities and the sciences. 这里的“文化”是指人文学科和科学。 www.bing.com 1. Strictly speaking, philosophy does not attempt at explicating the universe, a responsibility that primarily resides with natural sciences. 严格来说,哲学不是解释宇宙,那是自然科学的事。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Computational experiments are one of the effective ways of scientific research for social sciences. 计算实验是社会科学研究的有效方法之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. And unlike data in physical sciences, that in biological sciences is almost guaranteed to be highly heterogeneous and incomplete. 不像物理科学中的数据,生物科学中的数据几乎保证是高度异质性且不完整的。 chinapubmed.net 4. He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and of its Standing Committee on Health. 他是瑞典皇家科学院的成员,而且是该科学院卫生问题常设委员会的成员。 www.who.int 5. For progression onto Biological Sciences , Biomedical sciences , Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Food Science, Environmental Science, etc. 生物工程,生物医学工程,化学,化学工程,食品科学,环境科学等。 www.bing.com 6. Audio recording technology is an interdisciplinary course between the liberal arts and sciences. 录音技术是文理交叉的学科。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. He was a member of the expert panel convened by the National Academy of Sciences for this project. 他是美国国家科学院为这一项目召集的专家组成员之一。 news.dxy.cn 8. Learning how to develop web applications tends to strike those interested in sciences and maths. 学习如何开发网络应用更容易打动那些对科学和数学感兴趣的人。 dongxi.net 9. I have continued to excel academically and am currently completing my Master of Science in human anatomical sciences. 我保持着优异的成绩并在不久前获得了人类解剖学的科学硕士学位。 www.51toefl.com 10. Their chief achievement was to articulate a language of control and design that worked for biology, social sciences, and computers. 他们最主要的成就是清晰描述了控制和设计语言,为生物学、社会科学和计算机学效力。 www.bing.com 1. Yang was a law professor at Beijing's China Youth University for Political Sciences before he was laid off. 杨在被解职之前是北京的中国青年政.治学院一名政.治学类专业的法律教授。 www.bing.com 2. At least bachelor degree or equivalent in medical related or life sciences. 医学或生命大学本科及以上。 163.1010job.com 3. We believe that the discipline of silviculture needs further guidance from the system sciences. 森林培育学需要加强系统科学的指导。 www.dictall.com 4. Some of the strongest life sciences deals may have come from generalist firms. 有些大规模的生命科学交易来自于具有多重商业性质的公司。 www.bing.com 5. Concentrations for study include natural resources conservation and research. sustainability. environmental studies. and marine sciences. 其主要课程包括:自然资源保护及研究,可持续发展与环境研究,及海洋科学。 www.liuxue114.com 6. In their place, they require knowledge of the social sciences, of story construction, of back-stage operations, and of interaction. 对它们来说,它们需要社会学、故事构建、后台操作和交互方面的知识。 sinaurl.cn 7. Such an experience can never produce something having the logical character of what the natural sciences call "facts of experience. " 这样的一种经验,绝不会产生像自然科学所说的那种「经验事实」,自然科学的经验事实,有其逻辑上的特徵。 www.douban.com 8. Zhu Zhenming, a professor at the Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, described the gains by the army as a "turning point in the conflict. " 云南省社会科学院的教授朱振明把缅甸政府军取得的进展描述为“这场冲突的转折点”。 cn.nytimes.com 9. A number of departments of the Faculties of Science, Education, and Social Sciences began life in the Faculty. 事实上,港大的科学学院、教育学院、以及社会科学学院内的多个学系,都是源于文学院。 www.hku.hk 10. Programs combine study of the arts, biological and physical sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. 课程结合了艺术,生物和物理科学,社会科学以及人文科学。 college.strong-study.com 1. The bank of sweden prize in economic sciences in memory of alfred nobel. 通常称为诺贝尔经济学奖,也称瑞典银行经济学奖。 bk.51player.com 2. Ledger's parents afterward said his Oscar statuette would be held in trust by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. 莱杰的父母后来说他的小金人将由美国电影艺术与科学学院保管。 www.elanso.com 3. Was published on the Division of Arts and Sciences reported that at the time led to a society that hot. 为题刊发关于文理分科的报道,当时就引起了社会一片热议。 tieba.baidu.com 4. The researchers' findings will be released in a paper published online by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 研究者们的研究结果将以论文的形式在线发表在国家科学研究院学报。 news.dxy.cn 5. Though Pure Mathematics has led to useful discoveries, much of the impetus has come from the physical sciences. 虽然纯数学曾导致一些有用的发现,但是很多推动力其实来自物理科学。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Later, she studied chemistry and other sciences at a Pennsylvania college now known as Carnegie Mellon University. 后来,她进入一所宾西法尼亚学院学习化学及其它科学,也就是现在著名的卡耐基梅隆大学。 www.bing.com 7. In spite of its application throughout the natural sciences, HRCT has yet to be applied in extant plant structural research. 尽管它的应用在整个自然科学,HRCT表现还没有适用于现存的植物结构的研究。 www.syyxw.com 8. There was no enrollment growth in physical and earth sciences, and in education enrollment fell 2 percent, according to CGS. 物理和地球科学专业的录取人数没有增加,而教育学减少了2%。 www.america.gov 9. Most theologies, philosophies and sciences in history are like this. 历史上神学、哲学、科学等大多如此。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Answer some of our most profound questions in Life Sciences, and present opportunities to redefine the quality of our life. 回答生命科学的深奥问题,提供改善我们生命质量的机会。 www.chemonline.net 1. The research was supported, in large part, by Penn State University, Roche Applied Sciences, and a private sponsor. 该项研究大部分由宾夕法尼亚州立大学、罗氏应用科学和一个个人赞助者提供支持。 news.dxy.cn 2. Cultural study is currently one of the popular disciplines of humanities and social sciences. 文化研究是当今人文社会科学领域的热门学科之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. And it is not strange that there has been need in the last hundred years for thousands of new terms in every specific field of sciences. 那么在最近一百年里各门科学的所有特殊领域中对数以千计新术语的需求就不奇怪了。 zasmarquess.blog.163.com 4. They cover a wide range of disciplines including nanotechnology, bioscience, biodiversity, marine sciences and earth sciences. 它们覆盖了一大批学科,包括纳米技术、生物科学、生物多样性、海洋科学和地球科学。 www.scidev.net 5. Models are used in the natural and social sciences to represent complex phenomena with a useful abstraction . 在自然科学和社会科学中,通过有效的抽象来表达复杂的现象。 tr.bab.la 6. There is still some uncertainty about the FBI's microbial forensics, now under review by a committee of the National Academy of Sciences. 这依然还存在着FBI微生物法医学判断的不确定性,现在正在接受一个美国国家科学院专家委员会的审查。 www.bing.com 7. The Holland Pavilion consists of world top research universities plus a few well-known universities of applied sciences. 此次荷兰国家展区包括世界顶尖的研究型大学以及知名的应用科学大学,可谓各具特色,各有所长。 www.i21st.cn 8. That quarry's nature, reported this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is not a complete surprise. 本周,《美国国家科学院学报》的报告指出,CroV病毒的性质并不罕见。 www.ecocn.org 9. Alchemy, though, is a science, and with all sciences there are laws that must be followed. 炼丹术,虽然是一种科学,科学与所有有法律,必须遵循。 vcddvd88.com 10. The patents tended to be in the fields of pharmaceuticals and chemical sciences and technologies. 这些专利通常是在制药和化学科学技术领域。 www.scidev.net 1. The finding published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences suggests that 'man flu' is not a myth. 这一发现发表在英国《皇家学会学报B卷(生物科学)》(ProceedingsoftheRoyalSocietyB:BiologicalSciences)上,显示了“男性更易患流感”并非杜撰。 www.bing.com 2. People generally believe , nano-technology, information technology and life sciences to the further development of a common basis. 人们普遍认为,纳米技术是信息和生命科学技术能够进一步发展的共同基础。 www.dssz.com 3. A college of liberal arts, also called a college of arts and sciences is an undergraduate program leading to a B. 一所文理学院,有时又被称作人文学院,通常可以授予下列专业的本科学位:英语和英语文学; blog.sina.com.cn 4. Rounding out the bottom of the list are the biological and life sciences ($33, 430) and elementary teacher education ($31, 080). 在排名底部徘徊的专业还有生命科学(33430美元)和教育专业(31080美元)。 www.bing.com 5. The Galactic Maya were shamans of planetary sciences, Cosmic Shamans who understood and utilized the cosmic flow of events. 银河的玛雅人是掌管行星科学的萨满教巫师,宇宙的萨满教巫师明白和意识到事件的宇宙流程。 www.qtts.cn 6. The Bachelor of Social Science is in one faculty within the university, that is the faculty where I work, known as Arts and Social Sciences. 社会科学学士学位是我们学校的一个系,我所在的系是社会科学和艺术系。 bbs.translators.com.cn 7. Biotechnology, as a new frontier in agricultural sciences, has opened new avenues for the solution of agricultural problems. 生物技术作为一门新的农业科学,已经为解决农业问题开辟了新的道路。 www.suiniyi.com 8. This rare insight into how the region once looked is described in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 《美国国家科学院院刊》介绍了这一难得的,对该地区原貌的研究。 www.bing.com 9. Imagine a fresh-picked apple tinged with a mildly sweet, watermelon-like flavor, writes the National Academy of Sciences. 国家科学研究院形容其像新摘的苹果那样有淡淡的清甜感并混杂着西瓜的风味。 www.bing.com 10. Findings to be published Tuesday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 研究结果将于周二发表在美国国家科学院院刊的杂志上。 www.bing.com 1. As a master of the mind sciences, Satan understands and uses the avenues of the senses to communicate his message to the brain. 作为心思科学的大师,撒旦懂得并利用感觉的途径把他的信息传达给人的大脑。 www.fuyinshop.com 2. Sociolinguistics is interdisciplinary and now it has become a recognized branch of the social sciences. 社会语言学是一门交叉性学科,现在已进入了成熟发展的阶段。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 3. The findings appear in this week's edition of the Proceedings of the U. S. National Academy of Sciences. 这个发现刊登在美国国家科学院本周出版的学报上。 www.bing.com 4. Meaning " is one of the basic categories in humane social sciences. " “意义”是人文社会科学中的基本范畴之一。 www.dictall.com 5. The National Academy of Sciences is an institutional member of the International Council for Science (ICSU). 美国国家科学院是一个机构成员,国际科学理事会(ICSU)。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Its theoretical basis can be explained from visual angles of sciences of politics, administration and administrative law. 服务型政府的理论基础可以从政治学、行政学、行政法学的视角得到解释。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Bright minds skilled in the sciences and math are needed to meet the challenges of these fields. 拥有科学和数学头脑的人才的需求量也将骤增,以应对这些领域的挑战。 bbs.translators.com.cn 8. Bastyr University is one of the world's leading academic centers for natural health sciences. 巴斯泰尔大学是世界自然健康科学的学院中心之一。 9. Mathematical modelling is now being applied in every major discipline in the biomedical sciences. 数学模型是目前应用在每一个主要的生物医学学科。 www.ccebook.net 10. The physics of phase transitions is an important area at the crossroads of several fields that play central roles in materials sciences. 相位转变的物理学是在在材料科学方面扮演中心的角色的几个领域的十字路口的一个重要的领域。 www.tzhealth.com 1. He was second in his class at City College of New York and had won the college's award for excellence in natural sciences. 在纽约城市大学(CityCollegeofNewYork),他是班级第二名,并获得了该校自然科学专业的杰出奖。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In this culture, no one culture department possesses privilege, and philosophy, sciences, literature and politics etc. are all equal. 罗蒂强调剥夺哲学的特权,使之融入文化的其他领域之中,成为一个平等的对话者。 www.fabiao.net 3. Business, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Human and Social Development, Humanities, Law, Science, Social Sciences, Graduate Studies. 商,教育,工程,艺术,人类与社会发展,人文,法律,科学,社会科学,研究生院 bbs.gter.net 4. The purpose of the Worthington Biochemical website is to provide useful content for life sciences researchers. 旨在为生命科学的研究提供一些有用的参考。 www.chemonline.net 5. All students should be required to take course in the sciences, even if they have no interested in science. 所有的学生都应该要求去学习科学课程,即使他们对科学毫无兴趣。 bbs.gter.net 6. This elegantly written and broad-ranging book will be essential reading for students and academics across the social sciences. 这文笔优美和广泛的图书将学生和整个社会科学的学者所必读。 www.ccebook.net 7. the british academy , established by royal charter in 1902 , is the national academy for the humanities and the social sciences. 英国社会科学院创立于1902年,为人文学及社会科学的全国性学术协会。 www.ichacha.net 8. As the twentieth century got older, and the gap between the liberal arts and the applied sciences got larger, the problem got worse. 到20世纪末,文科和应用科学差别越来越大,问题也越来越严重。 www.bing.com 9. Causal explanation, the historicist maintains, must also be attempted by social sciences. 认为,社会科学也必须进行因果解释。 www.showxiu.com 10. "The precursor strategy will not work because earthquakes are too complicated and too infrequent" and "lack of rigour in Earth sciences" . “前兆战略无法工作,因为地震太复杂和太罕见”以及“地球科学缺乏严格性”。 cheniwan.sea3000.net 1. his primary research is nonlinear partial differential equations , in particular , equations arising from physical and biological sciences. 他的主要研究是非线性偏微分方程,特别是由物理和生物科学衍生的方程式。 www.ichacha.net 2. With the human genome sequence map of completed and the life sciences into a real "genome era. " 随着人类基因组序列图的完成,生命科学真正进入了“基因组时代”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. As the top technology of life sciences, gene technology is highly important to society, and especially valuable in military affairs. 作为生命科学的前沿,基因技术对人类社会意义重大,并具有特殊军事价值。 all.zcom.com 4. Life sciences companies have shifted some production back to the U. S. from China. 以生命科学研究为主的外资企业已逐步将生产从中国转回到了美国。 www.bing.com 5. The Royal Society, Britain's National Academy of Sciences, is already developing plans for an exchange scholarship scheme. 英国的国家科学院——英国皇家学会(RoyalSociety)已经在为一个交换奖学金方案制定计划。 img.ftchinese.com 6. Mathematics is the oldest one basic disciplines, which is the gate and a number of social sciences natural sciences foundation. 数学是最为古老的一门基础学科,它是各门自然学科以及若干社会学科的基础。 7. Maoming Mao issued by the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences has a research institute monitoring vegetable vegetable planting base. 茂名茂发行拥有由广东省农科院蔬菜研究所监管的蔬菜种植基地。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The courses on offer cover a wide range of disciplines, including management, social sciences, information technology and the environment. 所开设的课程涵盖管理类、社会科学、信息科技以及环境等多个学科。 www.24en.com 9. In July, the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences released a report that praised the monitoring. 今年7月,美国国家科学院国家研究理事会发表了一份报告,对监测工作大加赞赏。 www.bing.com 10. Not long ago, experts Academy of Social Sciences after making field trips come to a conclusion: Anyang Wei tomb is really, truly great tomb. 前不久社科院的专家在进行实地考察之后就得出了一个结论:河南安阳墓的的确确是曹魏大墓。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Tang Wei is assistant researcher at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences' Ecological Economics and Sustainable Development Institute. 汤伟博士,上海社会科学院生态经济与可持续发展研究中心助理研究员。 www.chinadialogue.net 2. Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 伦敦皇家学会哲学汇刊.A辑,数学,物理学与工程学。 55doc.com 3. Economists have always been keen to borrow principles from the hard sciences. 经济学家总是热衷于借鉴自然科学的基本原理。 www.ftchinese.com 4. French surgeon and anatomist who founded the sciences of microscopic anatomy (histology) and microscopic pathology (histopathology). 法国外科医师、解剖学家,创建了组织学和组织病理学。 yeebang.com 5. Study results appear this week in the early online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 研究结果发表在本周早些时候的网络版美国国家科学院院士。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Half those studying in the U. S. Are pursuing degrees in business, engineering or math-computer sciences. 留美学生中有一半在攻读商业、工程或数学-计算机科学课程的学位。 www.ustraining.cn 7. Colorado State University's Animal Teaching Hospital is part of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. 科罗拉多洲立大学动物教学医院是这个从事动物医学和生物医学技术的大学的一部分。 news.dxy.cn 8. Now, a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests they may have been wrong. 现在,《美国国家科学院院刊》上发表的一项研究成果认为,他们有可能错了。 www.ecocn.org 9. 'I'm worried that we'll scare off the donor, ' says Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, the chancellor of the academy of sciences. “我很担心人们会把赞助者吓跑。”宗座科学院秘书长马塞洛·桑切斯·索隆多主教(BishopMarceloSanchezSorondo)说道。 www.bing.com 10. The course is designed to promote writing skills in the sciences, and students write two papers in the course of a quarter. 课程被设计用来提升科学中的写作技巧,并且学生在学期四分之一期间写两篇论文。 chinapubmed.net 1. At present some medical sciences living have no personal ideal and society ideal close contact. 当前有些医学生没有将个人理想与社会理想紧密联系起来。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Exploring healthy longevity and aging of human is playing a crucial role in the area of life sciences and medicine at all times. 长久以来,人类对健康长寿和衰老的探索都是生命科学和医学领域中的重要内容。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 3. They are usually better at teasing confessions out of data than their rivals in other social sciences. 相比其它社会科学领域的竞争对手,他们很得意他们属于以数据为来源的学派。 club.topsage.com 4. Professional competence is an important component of general abilities in the student of environmental sciences. 专业素质是环境类专业学生综合素质的重要组成部分。 www.chemyq.com 5. Applied Sciences, Arts, Business Administration, Education, Science, Graduate Studies. 应用科学,文,商,教育,科学,研究生院 bbs.gter.net 6. In the last century, a renaissance of study of Jyotish and other Vedic sciences has emerged in India and the west. 上一个世纪,对周谛士和其他吠陀科学的复兴研究已经浮现在印度和西方。 www.chinaufo.com 7. Engels' epistemology of natural sciences is both different from the modern empiricism, rationalism, apriorism, and the theory of reflection. 恩格斯的自然科学认识论既不同于近代经验论、唯理论、先验论,也不同于反映论。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Enactive cognitive science is an important part of the "second generation cognitive sciences" . 生成认知科学是“第二代认知科学”的一个重要组成部分。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Some careers do not reward financially as much as they do in other ways, and that is mostly true in the sciences. 有些职业不会给你带来很多经济收入却会让你在其他方面收获颇丰,以科学为职业基本上就是这样。 www.bing.com 10. Few subjects in the atmospheric sciences have been the subject of more controversy than has the subject of sun-weather relation. 在大气科学中几乎没有什么课题比太阳—大气关系的课题更富有争论性了。 www.jjtm.net 1. The Environmental Earth Science major focuses broadly on the natural sciences, using earth science as a base to expand outward . 地球环境科学专业广泛的聚焦于自然科学以地球科学技术作为基础并加以延伸。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering academicians are the stars and elite of Chinese scientists. 中国科学院和中国工程院院士是我国人数众多的科技大军中的群星和精英。 www.edu-hb.com 3. Courses cover such topics as plant and animal sciences, agricultural chemicals, agricultural technology, worker safety, and career guidance. 课程包括动植物科学,农用化学品,农业技术,工人安全和就业指导。 www.oxvard.com 4. All students should be required to take courses in the sciences, even i f they have no interest in science. 所有的学生都应该被要求学习理科课程,尽管有些人对理科不感兴趣。 bbs.gter.net 5. Master's degree (or similar by experience) in Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications and Networks, Computer Sciences or equivalent. 电子工程、电子通讯与网络、计算机科学等相关专业,硕士学历或具有相当工作经验; www.haoqiantu.cn 6. The philosophy and social sciences innovation capability is the main component of National Innovation Capability. 哲学社会科学创新能力是国家创新能力的重要组成部分。 www.dictall.com 7. Great advances have been brought about in many fields of earth sciences by continental scientific drilling in recent years. 国际大陆科学钻探计划成立以来,已经在许多领域取得了重要成果,发表了大量的文章。 www.geojournals.cn 8. We have had more late-breaking clinical trials than ever before with lots of new sciences come forward. 最新临床试验也较以往要多,许多新兴科学也得到了发展。 escnew.icirculation.com 9. H. Steven Wiley is Lead Biologist for the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. StevenWiley现在是太平洋西北国家实验室环境分子科学方向的首席生物学家。 www.bing.com 10. Technical fellow of Department of Biotechnology , male, majored in Environmental Sciences and Biotechnology , master degree. 要求生物工程部,技术研究员,男性,环境科学和生物工程专业,硕士学历。 dictsearch.appspot.com |
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