单词 | ripping-off |
释义 |
第三人称单数:rips off 现在分词:ripping off 过去式:ripped off 例句释义: 敲竹杠,抢劫,强奸,〈俚〉剽窃 1. You know? It's why when people, like, do sequels, or rip off movies, you know, of a genre, they're ripping off the wrong thing. 你知道吗?这就是为什么人们喜欢看续集或者外传,你知道,是一个类型的,他们剽窃错误的事情。 www.ted.com 2. The shark tore two chunks from Cull's left leg, ripping off half his calf and leaving him with deep lacerations to his knee and thigh. 鲨鱼在Cull的左腿上撕下两大块肉,把他的小腿咬掉了一半,大腿和膝盖也有很深的伤口。 cn.reuters.com 3. I can't believe Barack Obama got to be president by ripping off Apple. 我不敢想象奥巴马是靠着削苹果当上总统的。 www.elanso.com 4. avoid living together to try out the compatibilitythellos is ripping off the privilege of your marriage life. 不要姘居试婚—如许是对你婚姻糊口特别的权利的褫夺。 hy238.com 5. I don't shop at that small store any more; they're known for ripping off the customers whenever they get a chance. 我再也不在那家小店买东西了,他们一有机会就敲诈顾客已经出了名了。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 6. Avoid living together to try out the compatibility ? this is ripping off the privilege of your marriage life. 不要同居试婚―这样是对你婚姻生涯特权的剥夺。 blog.163.com 7. The doctor then was inch by worried inch ripping off the gauze dressing on his wound. 此时大夫正在一寸一寸地撕开我伤口上的纱布,每撕开一寸都感到担心。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. I watched with a lump in my throat as schoolchildren swarmed over the wreck ripping off buttons for souvenirs. 望着一群小学生挤在那堆残骸中扯下扣子留作纪念,我感到有什么东西在喉咙梗住似的。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. In cahoots with the politicians, these giant firms are indeed ripping off the middle class and poorer Americans. 这些巨头企业与政客合谋,确实在剥削美国的中产阶级和穷人。 www.bing.com 10. Scientists even suggest dropping down in your cubicle and ripping off 10 push-ups . 科学家甚至建议在你的工作隔间里抽空脸朝下趴下,做10次俯卧撑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Flattered, slimeball? Jeez, I guess I should be thanking you for ripping off my hard work. 我骄傲?混球!切,我是不是应该感谢你八辈祖宗把我的辛苦劳动据为己有了呢? www.bing.com 2. Online piracy costs Hollywood less than the physical variety, ripping off DVDs, but the gap is closing. 互联网的盗版比实体DVD盗版少,但是现在这个差距正在缩小。 www.ecocn.org 3. The dog ended up ripping off huge chunks of her scalp. 这只狗最后扯掉了Emily一大块头皮。 www.elanso.com 4. Dozens of tornadoes produced by Gilbert spread through Texas, ripping off roofs and overturning vehicles. 吉尔伯特形成的许多龙卷风穿越了得克萨斯州,把屋顶掀起,使车辆翻了个底朝天。 www.dictall.com 5. You can even wrap some of them if they're young and enjoy the excitement of ripping off wrapping paper. 如果他们很小,喜欢拆开包装纸时的兴奋,你甚至可以把这些玩具中的一部分包装起来。 www.elanso.com 6. That store is known for ripping off the customers . 那家百货店以敲诈顾客而闻名。 www.bing.com 7. Stealing in the sense Picasso meant isn't about ripping off your fellow designers. 毕加索所谓的“窃取”并非指将你同道设计师的成果活剥下来。 www.youfind.com.cn 8. Sounds like Nestle is actually ripping off the Chinese. 听起来好像是雀巢实际上是在欺诈中国人。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I didn't think: 'Oh, let's start ripping off other Spielberg films. ' ‘哦,让我们来编一部带有斯皮尔伯格风格的电影。’这并不是我一开始的想法。 www.bing.com 10. He was caught ripping off books from the library. 那个家伙在图书馆偷书时被抓住了。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 1. The left accuses it of ripping off taxpayers to save Wall Street, the right damns it as socialism; 左翼势力控诉该计划无异于抢劫纳税人的钱财去救助华尔街,右翼势力谴责该计划为社会主义运动; bbs.q915.com 2. Don't shop AT thAT store. They are notorious for ripping off their customers whenever they get a chance 买东西别上那店,他们是逮着机会就宰客,名声臭着呐 dict.ebigear.com 3. The Defects and Improvement of the Punishment of Ripping off Qualifications of Our Country 试论我国资格刑的缺陷与完善 www.ilib.cn 4. Reflection and Reconstruction on Punishment of Ripping off Qualifications in Our Country 对我国资格刑的反思与重构 ilib.cn |
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