单词 | school you |
释义 | school you例句释义: 全部 1. You've never going back to that school. You're never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. Never! 你再也不会回到那所学校了!你再也不会去见你那些怪胎朋友了。不会! wenwen.soso.com 2. If you found yourself at this sort of school, you might be able to get your money back, but the time wasted would be lost forever. 如果你上了这样的大学,你花的钱有可能找回来,但浪费的时间是再也回不来了。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. It seems I can only bring disappointment and frustration out of school, you live up to my hopes. 看来我只能带着失望与无奈离开学校,辜负了你们对我的希望。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Depending on your school, you may be able to get credit for your life experience. 视学校而定,你可能会得到经验学分。 www.hjenglish.com 5. As you rise in school, you see that to get into an elite university, you need to ace the exams given at the end of your senior year. 随着逐渐升学,你需要在每学期末的考试中取得一流的成绩,才能进入精英大学。 www.bing.com 6. I loved high school. You know? It was just four years of parties and dating and sex. 我爱高中,知道吗?那只是四年的舞会,约会和做爱。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. You will not make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school. You wont be a vice president with a car phone, until you earn both. 高中刚卒业你不会一年挣4万美元。你不会成为一个公司副总裁,并拥有一部装有电话汽车,直到你将此职位和汽车电话都挣得手。 www.9638.cc 8. On your way home from school, you see an old woman lying on the road. You try to help her. 在你回家的路上,你看见一位老太太躺在路上,你尽力帮助她。 stu.bdchina.com 9. If you let a boring class discourage you so much that you want to leave school, you'll lose in the long run. Look at your priorities. 要是你让一个枯燥的课堂给打消了积极性,那么长远来看对你没什么好处。 wenwen.soso.com 10. AMY: The last time I saw you was in high school. You were always more interested in talking to my sister, anyway. 艾米:上次见你是在上中学的时候。总之,你总是更喜欢与我姐姐说话。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. If your son pleads with you to let him stay at home from school, you must n't give in to him. 如果你儿子求你允许他呆在家里不去上学,你不能迁就他。 www.bing.com 2. I mean can't we just kick this old school? You know, like I, I stick the baby in a basket and send it your way. Like Moses in the reeds. 我是说我们不能就像过去那样吗?就是,比如,我把孩子放在篮子里,送到你们那边去。就像摩西被放在芦苇丛中一样。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. And yet, when you were in high school you may not have felt that the janitor was the most powerful representative of the school board. 然而,你在高中时,可不会认为看门人是校董中最权力的代表。 www.bing.com 4. I thought really I attend when the junior middle school you are leading me, that this good! 我真想我读初中时您都在带我,那该多好! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. No matter how much you think you hate school, you will still miss it when you leave. 不管你现在多恨上学,离开的时候还是会有些不舍的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. No matter how much you think you hate school, you'll always miss it when you leave. 无论你多么讨厌你的学校,当你离开久了,你还是会想念它 wenku.baidu.com 7. You have not been doing well in school, you are in no fit state to be going out with your friends. So, stay home and study. 你在学校表现不怎么样,现在和朋友出去玩太不合适宜,还是呆在家里学习吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Sort of like in high school you were taught to do a compare and contrast essay, right? 有点像在高中,你们学写比较和对比的作文,是吧? open.163.com 9. You will not make 40 thousand dollar a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice president with a car phone, until you earn both. 你不会离开高中就有百万年薪,车载电话和副总裁两者都必须依靠努力赚来。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Once you graduate from school, you'll start to feel fierce rivalry as you compete for a good job. 当你一旦从学校毕业你就会开始感到为了要找到好的工作的竞争有多么地残酷。 www.bing.com 1. By the time you "graduate" from Saturn's life lesson school, you will be ready to handle anything life throws your way. 当你从土星带来的教训中“毕业”的时候,你将可以掌控生活中的所有事情。 www.douban.com 2. During the 3 years of senior school, you are always providing me a lot of constructive answers and perfect encouragement. 高中三年里,你总是给我许多充满建设性的回答和完美的鼓励。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Now that you are determined to finish school, you'd not let social activities interfere with you studies. 既然你决心完成学业,那么就别让社交生活妨碍你的学习; zhidao.baidu.com 4. You look and act exactly the same as you did in high school. You haven't changed a bit ! 你跟高中的时候一个样,一点儿都没变啊!好的来听一首歌。 www.bing.com 5. However, as you approach high school, you will need to begin a more rigorous study of academic English. 然而,随着您进入高中,您就需要开始更加严格地学习学术英语。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Therefore, the results must be stable, stable foundation for success is usually a good school you must. 所以,成绩一定要稳定,成绩稳定的基础就是平时你一定好好学。 wenwen.soso.com 7. My stepfather promised to buy me a new car for school. You know, if l can survive up here, stay sane. 我继父答应给我买辆车为了我开学,要是我能在这好好生活保持清醒 english.cri.cn 8. You should really apply now if you are really interested in that school. You snooze you lose . Everyone's trying to get into that school. 如果你真的对那个学校感兴趣的话现在就应该申请,晚了就没机会了。因为大家都想上那所学校。 beckroi.blog.163.com 9. Sally: My numerical skills are just too bad. I failed mathematics at school, you know. 莎莉:我在计算方面的技能太差了。要知道我在学校数学不及格。 www.examda.com 10. If you remember back to grade school, you wrote plenty of papers where you were told to compare and contrast two things. 如果你还记得上小学的时候,你曾经写过很多篇对比两样东西并找出不同。 aimelevin.blogbus.com 1. A: As you cannot study Egyptology for a full exam at school, you should prepare yourself for University requirements. 答:因为在中学时期没有埃及学这样一门考试课,所以你得按照大学的要求自己做好准备。 www.bing.com 2. So, is that your project for school? You know, when I was in 5th grade, I made the White House out of sugar cubes. 那是你的作业吗?你知道,我五年纪的时候,用方糖做出了白宫。 www.qzmama.org 3. I was in every possible art class through high school you could do. When I (finally) got into music, I knew that's the thing I wanted to do. 我尽可能上你可以上的高中艺术课,当我最终走向音乐,我知道那就是我想要做的事。 www.tingclass.com 4. I wanted to get some Christmas presents, and I needed to find some books for my course at school (you see, I'm a student). 我去伦敦购物,想买些圣诞礼物,还想找些学校教程(你知道,我是名学生)。 www.zk168.com.cn 5. 'cause you got college? big school learning', huh? well, let me school you. darwin wins inside these walls. not einstein, darwin. 就由于你读了大学?了不患上啊?哼,让我教教你。牢狱里达尔文就是老大。不是爱因斯坦,达尔文! cy666666.com 6. In school, you probably learned that materials like wood, glass, and water are made of atoms that stick together to make molecules. 在学校,你可能学过像木头,玻璃以及水这样的物质是由原子聚集而成的,从而形成分子。 www.bing.com 7. And of course in law school you will learn a lot of new information, a lot of new facts, and a lot of new words. 当然在法学院里你们会学到很多新信息,很多新的事实以及新的词汇。 english.31931.cn 8. When you went to Sunday Chinese school, you studied hard even though it was no fun for you. 你往上周日的中文学习班时,尽管一点也不觉得有趣,却依然很努力。 blog.163.com 9. In school you often, especially in a literature class, we'll have to write essays and papers, usually you start with a first draft. 在学校,特别是在文学课上,我们要写文章或论文,通常你都要先打草稿。 www.remword.cn 10. When you stepped into the experimental primary school, you thought of it? 当你跨进实验小学的校门时,你想过了吗? g5.baidu.com 1. Except for your going to the worst high school, you will not follow the steps of the course. 除非你上那个忒不好的高中,要不然你就跟不上! zhidao.baidu.com 2. 'You aren't the most popular person at school, you know. 你知道,你并不是学校最受欢迎的人。 www.bing.com 3. When you read for pleasure, this isn't a big problem, but when you read for school, you want to remember as much of a book as possible. 在你为了娱乐而阅读时,这并不是什么大问题。但当你为了学习而阅读时,你就会想要记住书中尽可能多的内容。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Kids, you do not need to go to a school with a name that impresses your friends. Go to a school you can afford. 孩子们,你不需要非要读一个让你的朋友羡慕的名牌大学,去读一个适合你的学校吧。 www.bing.com 5. Well let me school you. Darwin wins inside these walls. Not Einstein. Darwin. 让我来教你,在这围墙里达尔文说了算(优胜劣汰),不是爱因斯坦,是达尔文。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In my school, you were denominated by which cricketer or Bollywood star you worshiped, not which prophet. 在我的学校里,你是因为崇拜的板球或宝莱坞明星而命名,而不是根据哪个先知。 www.bing.com 7. If there is no PTA at your school, you can always challenge your family to both eat a little better and increase physical activity. 如果在你的学校里没有PTA组织,你也可以让你的家庭饮食健康一些以及增加身体活动。 www.elanso.com 8. Like the students who live in Houses Gryffindor or Slytherin at Hogwarts School, you'll probably find the perfect house for you. 就像住在霍格华兹魔法学校的葛莱芬多或史莱哲林学院的学生,你可能也会找到最适合自己的学舍。 www.chinaedu.com 9. 'Cause you got college Big school learning', huh Well, let me school you. 就因为你读了大学?了不起啊?哼,让我教教你。 www.93576.com 10. Wish you had seen more of the world, exercised more or worked harder at school? You're far from alone. 是不是希望你能更多看看世界,以前应该多锻炼,在学校的时候应该更努力呢?不止你一个人这样想。 home.ebigear.com 1. Online universities can offer as good an education as any traditional school. You just have to choose the right online program. 只要你选择了正确的在线教育,那么,在线大学就能够为你提供和传统大学一样的良好教育。 www.hjenglish.com 2. If you're going to be queen of the school, you have to put up with the consequences. 如果你想成为全校的女皇,你就得接受这样的现实。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. At Citizen's High School, you will find the means to earn your high school diploma from an accredited high school on your own time. 在公民的高中你会发现你的手段赚取高中高中毕业文凭认可自己。 actuafreearticles.com 4. Rock Lyrics Me the little girl at school, you loved to play me for a fool. 过去的我只是个小女生,常被你耍弄。 post.baidu.com 5. You may not get into the school you want or you may get kicked out of the school you are in. 可能你进不了自己想上的学校,或者被自己所在的学校踢了出来。 bbs.liyueer.com 6. Dorota: I think you don't need week to run school. You do it in one day. 我想你不需要一周就能玩转校园。你一天就搞定了。 www.sefun.info 7. To get a tenure-track professorship after Ph. D. school, you need an additional quality: tenacity. 想拿到终身教职,你需要额外的技能。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. If you're going to tell me my life would be more peaceful at that pestilential school, you can save your breath, Albus! 如果你想告诉我在那所讨厌的学校里我会生活得更平静,阿不思,你不妨省省力气,别再往下说了! dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Besides studying hard in school, you should try to join a few clubs in which you are interested. 除了在学校要努力学习外,你还应该试着加入一些你感兴趣的俱乐部。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 10. Well. Didn't you go around to the Smith after school? You might have left it there. 嗯。放学之后你不是去看望史密斯了吗?你可能把它落在那里了。 www.hxen.com 1. I don't think it's a good idea to drop out of school; you may get a spare time job. 我看退学不是个好主意,也许你可找个临时活干干。 www.bing.com 2. middle school, you're supposed to say "hang out, " not "play. " 我跟罗利说过无数次了,我们现在是中学生了,就不应该再说“玩”,要说“混”。 ysszlj.blog.163.com 3. When you return to work or school, you may find that your relationships with co-workers or fellow students have changed. 当你回到原先的工作岗位和学校,你会发现你与同事和同学之间的关系可能已经发生了变化。 pro.yeeyan.com 4. As a student in this school, you should learn English well to be our super star, to be our proud. 作为在此就读的学生,你们应该学好英语成为我们的超级明星,成为我们的骄傲。 www.ejiaoshi.com 5. "Top Asian schools can now give you the support you get in a top western school. You can now be part of the global community of scholars. " “现在,一流亚洲商学院的经历可以帮助你进入一流的西方商学院。你现在可以是全球学术界的一份子”。 www.ftchinese.com 6. If you've done well throughout grade school and high school, you get a full scholarship to our college! All expenses paid! 如果你顺利的从高中毕业了,你就得到了我们的大学奖学金。 www.bing.com 7. Oh, that will be fine! I have a school, you know? Just send your kid for my lessons and I will give you a big discount! 哦,太好了!我做有学校,你知道嘛?把你家孩子送到我那儿学习英语,我会给你优惠的! www.24en.com 8. Late only 10 minutes, when we were in school, you could wait me several hours. 只晚了10分钟而已,当初我们热恋的时候,你等我好几小时。 wenku.baidu.com 9. If rejected by the school you love, Dr. Varmus advises in an email, immerse yourself in life at a college that welcomes you. 瓦慕斯在电子邮件中建议,如果你被自己喜爱的学校拒绝,便在欢迎你的大学里埋头苦干。 c.wsj.com 10. In school, you were excluded from the "in" group. 在学校的时候,你不属于前卫时尚的那群人。 www.bing.com 1. You might think you left the world of cliques and in-crowds behind when you left high school. You'd be wrong. 你或许以为高中毕业就告别了拉帮结派和成群结队的生活。你或许错了。 www.kekenet.com 2. The school you have him in may be a bad fit or even the teacher. 你为他选择的那所学校以及老师或许不太适合这个孩子。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In school you will be treated as a teacher and you will become familiar with the professional environment. 实习期间,你会被看成一个老师,你需要熟悉整个教学环境。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. Must obtain a properly completed I-20 from the school you intend to transfer to and inform the current school of desire to transfer. 必须获得妥善完成,20岁从学校你打算转学,并告知本学年的愿望转学。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Working with the Harvard Business School, you'll see this example when you talk about minimum payment. 与哈佛商学院合作时,我们有一个关于最低还款额的案例。 www.ted.com 6. In the three years of high school you has been adhering to, and effective. 你在三年的高中学习中一直在坚持,并卓有成效。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. If you come to visit our school, you'll find every corner of our school clean and tidy. 如果你来参观我们学校,你会发现学校的每个角落都干净整洁。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Describe a school you attend that impressed you most, and explain why it is so impressive. 对学校印象最深的地方,并解释为什么深。 wenku.baidu.com 9. If you, if all of you've worked by crazy to get into the school, you have to look down your nose at people who aren't educated. 如果你拼命读书考取了这所学校,你就会不由得看不起那些没受过教育的人。 www.bing.com 10. Evening, we were watching TV, chatting together, I tell you things happen in our school, you told me you have a child to do, how fun ah! 晚上,我们一起看电视,一起聊天,我给你讲发生在我们学校的事,你还我讲你小时候的事,多么有趣啊! zhidao.baidu.com 1. If you were the policymaker, which rule in school you choose to change urgently? 如果你能成为决策者,你最想改变学校哪项规定?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. If you are looking for an opinion on the MBA from Manchester Business School, you might want to consult John Macaulay. 如果你在寻找对曼彻斯特商学院(ManchesterBusinessSchool)MBA项目的评价,你或许该问问约翰?麦考利(JohnMacaulay)。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In high school, you decide for yourself what you study. 在高中,你自己来决定你要学什么。 www.ltaaa.com 4. Baby, it is time for your school, you wear the old pair for today. 来不及了宝贝,今天先穿着双旧鞋子吧 zhidao.baidu.com 5. If you are using the SEED Science Center in school you may want or need to establish a fit between the web site content and your curriculum. 如果您在学校使用“SEED科技中心”,则可能想要或者需要在网站内容与您的课程间建立适当的关系。 www.seed.slb.com 6. Before you apply for a school, you should acquaint yourself with something about it. 在你报考一个学校之前,你必须熟悉一些情况。 www.1stenglish.com 7. In primary school, you can see me appeared in choir, dedications, drum team, dance team and as long as the artistic team. 在小学的时候,合唱队、献词队、鼓号队、舞蹈队,只要是艺术队全部都有我。 english.hebei.com.cn 8. After leaving school, you must ask yourself what you can do to contribute to the country and society. 学成毕业之后,要常常问自己能够为国家社会贡献甚么呢。 www.hkpl.gov.hk 9. Today, my maths teacher was giving my whole class a lecture on 'if you don't pay attention at school, you will fail. 今天数学老师给全班讲话说“你不好好上学的话就会一辈子负犬”。 www.bucter.com 10. You should be dressed up, going out with boys, going to school, you know, that kind of stuff. 你应该打扮好了跟男孩子们出去,应该去学校,你知道,应该这样。 www.ebigear.com 1. If you are attending school, you must go through the different stages of learning pronunciation, grammar and reading. 假如你是上学的,你必经过发音,文法,阅读等程序。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. If you decided to do your homework right after school, you may get something to eat before getting to work. 如果你决定在放学后马上写作业,你可以在写作业前吃点东西。 zhishi.sohu.com 3. When you see the high school, you'll know you are going in the right direction. 当你看到高中的时候,你会知道你正在往右方向走。 www.hxen.com 4. In school, you don't want to be the kid playing alone during recess. 在学校,不希望在课间休息时那位孤独的孩子。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. It seems like no matter what grade or school you're in, you're always taking tests. 似乎不管你是什么年纪、在哪所学校,总是在考试。 www.bing.com 6. Even in school you always interrupt the teacher right in the middle of a sentence. 即使在学校里,老师讲话讲到一半总是被你的迟到打断。 www.oralpractice.com 7. But don't wait until the third round to apply to a school you're serious about. 不要等到第三轮才去申请你真正想读的院校。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Make no mistake about your priority at school. You should concentrate on your study instead of traveling from one scenic spot to another. 弄清楚你上学的首要任务;你应该把精力集中在学习上而不是整天游山玩水。 9. When in your school you compare B with A you are destroying both of them. 当你在学校里拿乙和甲比较的时候,你就在毁掉它们两者。 www.j-krishnamurti.org.cn 10. What about that special Monster School you told me about? 那谈谈你跟我讲的那间特别的怪兽学校?。 revo-create.com 1. In school, you had a timetable telling you what to do when. 在学校,有一个课程表可以告诉你何时该做什么。 www.bing.com 2. Whichever school you choose, if you can, let your child try an existing class. 无论学校,你选择哪一个,如果可以的话,让你的孩子尝试一个现有类。 zhbaby.com.cn 3. In high school, you weren't jealous at all. 高中时你从来没吃过醋。 www.bing.com 4. I transcripts sent to you after school, you also need time to review? 我成绩单寄到你们学校后,你们还需要时间审核么? zhidao.baidu.com 5. In high school you dream of college; in college you miss your high school days. 高中向往大学,大学怀念高中; ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. Josie: Right, then write about your education start with the last school you went to. 对,然后描述教育背景,从你就读的最后一个学校开始。 www.360abc.com 7. Before you leave school, you will learn only one thousand or more. 当你毕业时的时候,你也仅仅掌握到一千或者多一些的词汇。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. for class in beijing No. 5 Middle School, you have to sing a song for your classmates. 在北京市第五中学,如果你上课迟到了,就要给全班同学唱一首歌。 dict.ebigear.com 9. After determining the school you want to attend, you can spend the rest of the spring and summer relaxing. 定下你希望就读的学校后,秋季入学之前的日子你就可以轻松度过了。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Besides, your school uniform tells others which school you are from. 另外,校服可以让别人知道你是哪个学校的。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. If you're still in school, you can start saving your school work product. 如果你还是学生的话,你可以从存储你的工程计划图开始; www.hjenglish.com 2. Don't complain about school. You can figure out these problems. 不要抱怨学校,你们可以解决这些问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. If students want to excel in school, you need to work harder and get ahead of the others. 如果学生想要在学校里出人头地,他就需要刻苦的学习以期望领先他人。 www.austepsonline.com 4. It's a piece of cake. Firstly, you log on to the website of my school. You can select one you like from the skills test menu. 那很简单,首先你登录我们学校的网站,在一个技能测试菜单里,你就可以选择你喜欢的测试题目了。 www.chinaedu.com 5. and the Ministry can punish you if you do magic outside school, you get letters! 如果你在校外施魔法,魔法部就会惩罚你,你会收到信的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. When you are in school, you learn a lot from getting criticized by your teachers and classmates. 当你在学校的时候,你通过接受老师和同学的评论学到很多东西。 www.bing.com 7. Some provisions of our school, you have to comply with. 我们学校有一些规定,请你们要遵守。 auto.zhishi.sohu.com 8. This job was getting in the way of school. You didn't like it anyway and you can always find another job. 那份工作妨碍你上学。况且你又不喜欢它,你总能找到另一份工作的。 bbs.enfamily.cn 9. How did you hear about the American school you are going to? 你听到有关你正在去到的美国学校起来如何?。 www.bing.com 10. Totems are being moved to physical school, you can't counterspell anymore. 图腾被移往物理效果,现在不会再被反制了。 wow.pcgames.com.cn 1. This invitation is from your old school. You can't turn it down. 这是来自你母校的邀请,你不能回绝。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Do your school you teach have teach the students some knowledge about protecting the eyes? 你所任教之学校有为学生教育一些眼睛护理的知识吗?。 my3q.com 3. If you want to get a business liscense to start a school, you have to tolerate much red tape. 如果你想拿到办学的营业执照,就不得不忍受很多繁文缛节。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. i was in high school, you never consult my study because you believed in me. 在高中你从来不问我的学习情况,因为你对我的信任。 zhidao.putclub.com 5. Every time you stop a school you will have to build a jail. 每当停办一所学校,就不得不多建一座监狱。 www.hxen.com 6. I also have my daughter, so I don't wonder inter school you. 我还有个女儿,因此我不知道是否有学校。 bulo.hjenglish.com 7. That you don't care about all the school you've missed? 你说你不在乎翘掉的课程? www.ebigear.com 8. You needn't do your homework at school. You may do it at home. 你不必在学校做作业,你可以在家里做。 wenwen.soso.com 9. They could ask you about what school you graduated from, your hobbies, why you didn't like XYZ, etc. 他们可能会问你毕业于哪所学校,你有什么兴趣爱好,为什么你不喜欢XYZ公司,等等。 www.elanso.com 10. If you go to the basic comprehensive school, you also receive food once a day, and this does not cost anything. 当你上基础学校的时候,每天都可以得到一次免费餐。 www.utanpapper.nu 1. Where else, after school, you often go? 放学后还有什么地方是你经常去的? wenwen.soso.com 2. Does you begin school, you resign, wish the good luck. 做到你开学的时候,你就辞职,祝好运。 www.fenleimama.com 3. In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. 在学校里,教你一点儿,考你一点儿。 eblog.cersp.com 4. Junior high school you failed in the exam. 初中你测验不合格。 www.taobao-fengxiong.com 5. Take your dog to obedience school. You'll both learn a lot. 让你的狗去接受训练你也会从中获益良多。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. If you try to change the name of the school you will run up against a lot of opposition. 倘若你要更换学校的名称,你会遭到多人的反对。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. The moment your kids start going to school, you no longer have the primary influence on their life. 在你的孩子在开始上学的那一刻开始,你不在是影响他们生活的主力。 www.bing.com 8. In Newton English School you can find a real English envoiroment wherever you are and whenever it is. 在纽顿英语学校,不管何时何地,你都能找到一个真正的英语世界。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In reality, however, after leaving school, you will find out that almost all work in many fields is done in teams. 然而,实际上在离开学校后,你会发现在许多领域中几乎所有的工作都是以团队的形式完成的。语境。 m.anoah.com 10. Have school, you have not eaten one day, I ask you to eat! 都放学了,你一天还没吃了,我请你吃一顿! www.readnovel.com 1. Each day in this school you will learn lessons. 在学校的每一天你都将接受教育。 www.hjenglish.com 2. When you come into our school, you must speak Putonghua or English. 一进学校,你就要讲普通话或英语。 wenwen.soso.com 3. At school, you mean? Yes, he does. 你是说在学校?当然了。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 4. When you are near the school, you must slow down, even though there is no child around. 当你在学校附近,尽管周围没有小孩,你也必须减慢你的速度。 wenku.baidu.com 5. If you have graduated from senior middle school, you must supply your original graduation certificate. 如果您是高中毕业的,您必须提供高中毕业证原件。 www.embassyofireland.cn 6. Youwent to law school ; you never took the bar. 你去了法学院你从来没做律师。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Every morning, you gave me to do and warm breakfast, came home from school, you gave me to do a rich dinner. 每天早上,你给我做热乎乎的早饭,放学回家,你又给我做丰盛的晚餐。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Can you tell us what school you graduated from ? 能告诉我们你毕业于什么学校吗? wenku.baidu.com 9. If you decide to do your homework right after school, you may get something to eat before getting to work. 如果你决定一放学就做家庭作业,你可以在开始之前先吃点东西。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. It's time for school. You're very late. 该去上学了,你迟到了。 mysearch.100e.com 1. If you went to my school, you played sports and you rooted for the Mets or the Yankees. 如果你去我的学校,你可以运动,玩Mets或者是Yankees。 www.bing.com 2. When you walk pastthe school, you can hear the students reading aloud early every morning. 当你走过那所学校时,你可以听到学生们很早就在早读。 silyukluo.123ye.com 3. And no matter what school you study at, a US degree is apt to lead to a job with higher compensation back in China. 无论你在哪所大学上学,一个美国学位都会使你在回国后找到报酬较高的工作。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. How can I get to Yichang new oriental school? You can take number 18 bus to get there. 请问我怎样才能去宜昌新东方学校?你可以搭18路车去那。 www.gouzhusheji.com 5. Don't complain about the school. You can easily solve these problems. 不要抱怨学校,你们可以结解决这些问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. when you were 6 year old , she talked you to school . you thanked her by screaming , " i ' m not going ! " 当你6岁的时候,她带你去上学,你用尖叫着“我不去!”来感谢她。 www.ichacha.net 7. After-school, you can exercise on the playground, for example, play table tennis, basketball, swimming and playing football. 课后,你可以操场上锻炼,例如,打乒乓球,打篮球,踢足球和游泳。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Please send the completed form to the registrar of the school you have attended. 请把填写完整的申请表格交给您曾就读的院校的注册主任。 www.22doc.com 9. The school you should also know, death is not learn anything. 学校你们应该也懂,死学是学不会到什么东西的。 wenwen.soso.com 10. What change do you want to make in a school you attended? 希望你曾上过的学校有哪项改变?。 brand.hjenglish.com 1. In our school, you can eat free and live free. 在我们学校,你们吃住都免费。 cathedralsz.blog.163.com 2. To get to our school you take the first turning on the right. 在第一个转弯处向右拐就到我们学校了。 3. You work hard at home and school , you like to help your mother at home, you like to help others . These are your personal strengths. 比如说你在学校努力学习,在家里帮妈妈做家务,你乐意帮助别人,这些都是你的个人品质。 www.rr365.com 4. JDB: I went to a girls' school, so after school you often see someone waiting for someone outside. . . 多彬:因为我是读女子高校,所以放学后,经常有人在等著谁…… www.trulyseungheon.com 5. If you decide to do your homework right after school, you should get something to eat before getting to work. 如果您决定在放学以后做作业,你应该在工作之前吃点东西。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. In our school, you can get the first-hand information about our teachers and all kinds of our curriculum. 在这里,您能够了解到当前大班课程和外教课程的所有进度及任课教师; www.sunbochina.com.cn 7. In the school, you have to obey the rules of the school. 在学校,你就得遵守学校的规章制度。 word.hcbus.com 8. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons . 在这所学校里,每天你都有机会学习到各种课程; dictsearch.appspot.com 9. What's the school you've attended? 你曾经上过的学校 blog.sina.com.cn 10. You'd better play basketball as there are four basketball grounds in our school, You can enjoy yourself very much. 你最好打篮球——因为学校共有四块篮球场地——你一定会玩得十分尽兴。 www.englishtang.com 1. You send your child off to school, you hope that the next several months go smoothly and bam! 当你把小孩送去上学,你总是希望接下来的几个月风平浪静。 www.suiniyi.com 2. After school, you must go home as soon as possible . 当放学后,你应尽可能快回家。 qingdaof.com 3. To get to our school, you take the third turning on the right. 去我们学校你在第三个路口右拐。 www.jledu.com.cn 4. A mother is a person who if she is not there when you get home from school you wouldn't know how to get your dinner, and you wouldn't feel. 当你放学回家的时候,如果母亲不在家里,你就不知道该吃些什么,或者什么都不想吃。 www.qiuxue8.com 5. The school you'll visit is the one we are talking about. 你们打算参观的学校正是我们正在谈论的学校。 wenku.baidu.com 6. If you want to make friends at school, you must do the following. 如果你想要在学校交到朋友,你必须做到以下几点。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Look beyond that bridge and you will see the school you are looking for. 往桥的那边望,你就能看到你要找的学校了。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Even if you quit school, you would need a place to sleep and food to eat. 即使你离开了学校,你也需要有睡觉的地方,要吃东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Even if you quit school, you would need a place to sleep ad food to eat. 即使你离开了学校,你仍然需要睡觉的地方和吃的东西。 translate.blogbus.com 10. If you don't go to high school you will definitely go to jail. 如果你不上高中你一定会进监狱! page.renren.com 1. You are having a fever so instead of going to the school, you should go to a doctor. 你发烧了,不应该去上学,而应该去看病。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. When you graduate from high school, you moved to tears the one who is mother. 你高中毕业的时候,为你感动的流泪的那个人是母亲。 www.bing.com 3. Although you'll have to spend a large sum on sending the kid to school, you still get your money's worth. 虽然你送孩子上学得花一大笔钱,可这钱花得值。 ascetlan.blogchina.com 4. A primary school is the first school you go to. 小学是你上的第一个学校。 www.jxenglish.com 5. J: I think you should do that soon. It will help you make a decision about the school you go to. 我觉得你应该马上去申请。这样有助于你决定究竟要去哪所学校。 www.jp345.com 6. The test you taking last year basically determine which school you stay for G1. 去年那个考试基本就决定了你一年级去哪个学校。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Honey, if you don't want to go to cram school, you should tell me the reason why. 如果你不想去补习班,你应该告诉我理由。 wenku.baidu.com 8. By the time you finish high school, you know a bit more: 中学毕业后你知道了这么多: blog.sina.com.cn 9. If you ride your bike to school, you obey the same traffic rules that apply to cars. 如果你是骑自行车上学,也要遵守机动车交通法规。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Chances are if you wait until after you have kids to go back to school, you'll never do it. 如果你等到生了孩子后再重返学校,这个机会你将永远也得不到了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Do not ramble about the street after school you have to study hard now. 放学后别在街上闲逛,你现在必须努力学习。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. Your kids always can get scholarships and loans to go to school; you can't fund retirement with a loan. 你的子女可以通过奖学金或者贷款上学;你却不能用贷款为退休投资。 www.bing.com 3. By the time you finish elementary school, you know a little: 小学毕业后你知道了这么多: blog.sina.com.cn 4. After school, you have to do your homework. When your an adult, you do not have to go to school and you never have homework. 放学后,你还要做家庭作业。当你是个成人了,你就不需要上学也不需要做家庭作业了。 www.vdook.com 5. Honeyif you don't want to go to cram school you should tell me the reason why. 亲爱的,如果你不想去补习班,你应该告肃我理由。 www.ti98.com 6. Describe the school you go to. 请描述你在读的学校。 wenku.baidu.com 7. If you're out of work but not interested in going back to school, you may best survive the recession by taking a job at a lower pay grade. 然而,如你是失业而又不想再接受教育的话,那你在经济大萧条下能生存的最好方法是去做一些低收入工作。 www.bing.com 8. If you ride your bike to school, you must obey the same traffic rules that apply to cars. 如果你骑车去学校,你必须遵守适用于汽车的那些交通规则。 www.ecp.com.cn 9. Some points from school to school you? 你们几点上学几点放学? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. How big is the school you go to? 你上的学校有多大?这句话结构看。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. If you take the bus to school, you will be late for school. 如果你坐公共汽车去学校,你将上学迟到。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Do you want me to school you? 要不要我教你? www.tongjist.com 3. Their way to school, you will see the training ground one by one person, in the morning run. 在上学的路上,您将瞅到一个个勤锻炼的人,在晨跑。 nuu8138.chinaw3.com 4. Secondly, while you are on your way to school, you can listen to some English tapes instead of music. 第二,当你在上学的路上,你可以挺一些英语磁带来代替音乐。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. When you were 6 years old , she walked you to school. You thanked her by screaming , "I'm not going! " 你6岁时,她护送你到学校,你却以尖叫着“我不去”来感谢她。 www.ebigear.com 6. From home to school you have how far? Around 5 km. 从你家到学校有多远?大约5公里。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. When you go to school, you are doing it for none but yourself. 你去学校,你这么做是为了你自己而不是任何其他人。 www.elanso.com 8. I can go to school. you have take a good rest to take good care of yourself. 我得去学校了你必须好好休息为了能好好照顾你自己 zhidao.baidu.com 9. There are plenty of advantages of living in accommodation provided by the school : you can live close to where you are studying ; 有许多优点,住在住宿学校提供的:你可以住得很近的地方,你在学习; zhidao.baidu.com 10. If you go to school, you will meet our new English teacher. 你如果去上学,就会见到我们的新英语老师。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. At school you should read as many English books as you can 在学校里你应该尽量多看一些英文书 www.eyeyclub.com 2. In my new school you can go to the washroom whenever you like. I like this rule. 在我的新学校里,只要你想上厕所你随时都可以去,我喜欢这个规定。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Here are the ten biggest lies of B-School you should protect yourself against: 你应该认识清楚的商学院十大谎言: www.bing.com 4. But you must work every day. Its just like going to school: You work and work every day. 我们必须每天努力,就像上学一样,每天都要不断地努力。 sm2000.org 5. When you come into my school, you can see three tall buildings. In the buildings there are one computer room, 当你走进校园,你会看到三座高的建筑物。里面有一间电脑室, www.lbyouth.net 6. if you're 16 or 17, you should discuss the uk school you want to apply for which type of visa is better for you 如果您是16、17岁左右,您应该跟学校讨论您适合申请哪种签证。 www.bing.com 7. Have a seat and I'll school you in one simple lesson 找个座位做好,我立马就给你上这简单的一课 wenku.baidu.com 8. The next day I saw you to school you noticed I we didn't say hello 第二天我到学校看见了你你也注意到了我我们没打招呼 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The high school you graduated from 高中毕业学校 www.yanjingoc.com 10. When your a kid, you have to get up early in the morning and go to school. At school, you have to study math, English, science, and history. 当你是个小孩子的时候,你必须每天早起去上学。在学校,你必须要学习数学,英语,自然科学和历史。 www.vdook.com 1. Which school you will attend in America 你到美国的哪所学校读书?我回答 www.hellolady.com.cn |
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