单词 | serves up |
释义 | serves up是serve up的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:serves up 现在分词:serving up 过去式:served up 例句释义: 端出,上 1. The rumor seems to have emanated from Fly On The Wall, a site that serves up gossip to the investing community. 谣言好像是从旁观者散布出来的,是一个给投资界提供小道消息的网站。 www.bing.com 2. A 73-year-old waiter who daily serves up this Northwestern Chinese specialty is living proof that this connection may indeed exist. 一个每天上这道中国西北特色火锅的73岁服务员就是活的证明,吃火锅和长寿也许的确有关系。 tjtong.enorth.com.cn 3. It also serves up daily audio podcasts (known as the Onion Radio News) and some of the funniest slide shows on the Web. 另外,《洋葱》还开设了每日音频博客(即洋葱广播新闻),并不时展示一些滑稽的搞怪图片。 www.bing.com 4. Macondo serves up gourmet-style street food from around the Latin world in a casual-yet-design-friendly setting. 曼克顿餐馆在一种非正式但又经过精心设计的融洽场景中提供来自拉丁世界的经典街边美食。 www.bing.com 5. YouTube serves up 2 billion videos a day. Twitterers tweet 750 times a second. Internet traffic is growing by 40% a year. YouTube每天提供2亿个视频,微博每秒钟鸣叫750次,互联网流量每年增长40%。 www.bing.com 6. Aside from being wildly entertaining, Iron Man serves up a number of lessons that can be carried over to business. 除了极佳的娱乐效果之外,《钢铁侠》还给我们带来了一些可以运用在商业上启示 www.bing.com 7. For strict jazz, the Jazz Corner is a relaxed locale that serves up a daily dose of some of the best live jazz that Sevilla has to offer. 对于严格的爵士乐,爵士角落是一个轻松的语言环境,提供了一些塞维利亚提供了最好的现场爵士乐的每日剂量。 www.ccitimes.com 8. Tapestry isn't like a Java application that runs in the background or a servlet engine that serves up content over a network. Tapestry与在后台运行的Java应用程序或者在网络上提供内容的servlet引擎不同。 www.ibm.com 9. It's a role he relishes, particularly for the cognitive dissonance it serves up: A Republican Deadhead? 这是他很喜欢的一个角色,尤其因为它提供了认知不和谐的旋律:一个共和党的庸人? www.showxiu.com 10. From sea bass to abalone, clams to prawns, Chile serves up a sumptuous feast from the sea. 黑鲈、鲍鱼、蛤蜊、对虾,智利随时奉上豪华的海鲜盛宴。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. High-throughput SATA technology serves up huge files quickly, maximizing system utilization and enhancing productivity. 高容量SATA技术适用于快速存储大型文件,最大程度上实现了系统利用,并提高了生产力。 www.westerndigital.com 2. Facebook users spend eight billion minutes on the site per day, which YouTube serves up a million videos per day. Facebook用户每天花80亿分钟在该网站上,YouTube每天则提供高达100万的视频服务。 www.bing.com 3. Occasionally, though, historygenerously serves up a natural experiment. 然而有时候,历史会慷慨地奉上自然实验。 www.bing.com 4. This little family restaurant in Philadelphia, Mississippi, serves up top-notch titillation for the taste buds. 这家位于密西西比河,费城中私房菜馆,为味觉提供了顶级的服务。 www.ecocn.org 5. But New Orleans serves up countless variations of the basic gumbo recipe, from classic Creole style to pungent Cajun. 然而新奥尔良在秋葵浓汤基本做法的基础上又发明了无数种新的做法,从经典的克立奥尔风格到刺激的凯真风格不一而足。 cn.reuters.com 6. George Singleton whose novel Work Shirts for Madmen hits shelves this month serves up some good ol' Southern fare on a napkin. GeorgeSingleton在餐巾上放了一笔可观的费用,其新作《疯子的工作装》于本月上架。 www.bing.com 7. If your stomach's growling late at night, try a small bowl of cottage cheese with banana slices, another dish that serves up tryptophan. 如果你的肚子夜里饿得咕咕直叫,就试着做一小碗香蕉片果肉干酪吧,这道菜也能提供色氨酸。 www.bing.com 8. FEW companies are as creative as Google, which serves up innovations almost as fast as its popular search-engine serves up results. 很少有企业像Google一样有创造力,它创新的速度同其搜索引擎检索结果的速度一样快。 www.bing.com 9. Johnnie To serves up an ending that's dull in execution, but ingenious in its fitting, logical growth. 杜琪峰给出的结尾从技巧上而言晦涩阴暗,但其妥帖合理的发展却匠心独运。 bbs.ent.163.com 10. It serves up hundreds of bite-sized tidbits that are sure to enhance and expand anyone's sexual repertoire. 它服务咬了数百个大小花絮是一定要加强和扩大人的性剧目。 ccebook.cn 1. At Prasert Tangrukmuang's noodle shop in downtown Udon Thani, the only thing red is the broth he serves up. 在巴硕Tangrukmuang在市中心的乌隆他尼,唯一红色的是清汤面店,他担任了。 bbs.5i5i.cn 2. French Radio London, which took to the airwaves last November, serves up French pop and news. 伦敦法语广播去年11月正式开播,为法国人播放流行音乐和新闻。 www.ecocn.org 3. He always serves up the same questions. 他总是提出同样的问题。 4. Imagine an application that serves up event information. 想象一个提供事件信息的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 5. While the movie serves up plenty of nudity, it is primarily adult erotica and shuns the explicit hard-core sex scenes found in porn films. 由于该影片提供了大量的裸体镜头,它基本上属于成人影片,同时避开了色情片中过于暴露的性行为。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Meanwhile, YouTube serves up more than 2bn videos a day and may even soon be profitable. 与此同时,YouTube每日的视频观看量超过20亿次,甚至可能很快就会实现盈利。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Lee serves up riveting crime drama as dark and unflinching as TV's finest cop shows. 李在书中描写的黑暗势力那么生动精彩,一点也不亚于电视电影上的那些警察秀。 www.douban.com 8. edu now serves up campus tours, free lectures, research and other college news all in one place. edu为校园观光,免费讲座,研究动态以及其他学校信息提供一站式服务。 www.bing.com 9. He also serves up by far the best anecdote about the real workings of state capitalism. 他还描写了迄今为止最好的关于国家资本主义的奇闻轶事。 www.bing.com 10. In spite of all the complexity that love serves up, these keys will make short work of adding joy to your relationship. 即是所有的复杂的事都是爱情带来的,但是这些关键词可以帮你很快增加你们之间乐趣。 www.bing.com 1. This a great space-saving option that serves up more counter space when needed. 当需要的时候可以提供额外的操作空间,这真是个节省空间的好办法。 www.elanso.com 2. YouTube serves up 2 billion videos a day. YouTube一天上传了2亿个视频。 www.ecocn.org 3. It serves up 100m videos every day, making it one of the world's most visited websites. 它每天播放一亿部视频短片,这使它成为了世界访问量最大的站点之一。 www.ecocn.org 4. Mobile Search Engine Taptu Now Serves Up 1 Million Searches Daily 读写网手机搜索引擎Taptu日搜索量达到百万次 blog.hjenglish.com |
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