单词 | share market | ||||||||
释义 | share market
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 股票市场,股市,市场占有率 1. Financing and refinancing of the re-opening, the A-share market, the threat is no less than any of a blockade. 融资和再融资的重新开闸,对于A股市场而言,其威胁绝对不亚于上述任何一道封锁线。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The share market euphoria that greeted Barack Obama's victory in the U. S. presidential election did not last long. 奥巴马赢得美国总统大选后带给亚洲股市的短暂欢愉并没有持续很久。 www.voanews.cn 3. Otherwise, the new shares will be issued A-share market has always been the heart and may attack at any time . 否则,新股发行将始终都是A股市场的心病,而且随时都可能发作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The policy direction seems to encourage more fund outflow to ease pressure on RMB appreciation and to deflate the A share market. 这些措施似乎在鼓励资金流出从而减轻人民币升值的压力,并给A股降温。 www.hsbcjt.cn 5. Our new target PE is at a 20% discount to the A share market average, and is in line with the auto sector PE. 是说我们的新的目标股价为A股市场平均水平20%的折扣吗,这个折扣翻在这里有点怪怪的。请赐教! www.fane.cn 6. If China's hard-currency B-share market did not exist, no-one would bother to invent it. 以硬通货计价的中国B股市场如果不存在,没有人会费事创建它。 www.ftchinese.com 7. But because of the incomplete opening of the A-share market, capital cannot be withdrawn by the adjustment of A-share investments. 但由于不完全开放的A股市场,资金不能撤回的调整,A股投资。 baobao.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The influence coming from the bad news in the B-share market can't lead the company to fall into the financial crisis. B股市场的利坏消息对公司的负面影响一般不会导致上市公司陷入财务危机。 www.fabiao.net 9. For instance, calculated at the value of share market, global cisco system company is one of the largest companies in the world. 例如,按股票市场价值计算,全球思科系统公司是世界上最大的公司之一。 bulo.hjenglish.com 10. "We haven't seen convincing signs that the yen will substantially weaken and that's bad news for the Japanese economy and share market. " “我们还未见到令人信服的迹象表明日元将大幅走弱,那对于日本经济和股市都是糟糕的消息。” www.ftchinese.com 1. The A-share market is like a gambling parlour where the odds are so lopsided you never win, by Mr Cheah's description. 按谢清海的话说,A股市场就像一个赌场,几率太一边倒了,以至于你永远赢不了。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Indian acquirers have been helped by strong domestic growth and a heady share market, which has risen nearly 40 per cent this year. 印度收购方一直得益于国内经济增长强劲及股市兴盛,该国股市今年涨幅接近40%。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Since landing A-share market since the mid-Moutai has maintained a dividend, the dividend amount in recent years, high Diego. 自登陆A股市场以来,贵州茅台一直保持着年年分红,近年来分红金额迭创新高。 beijing.newchannel.org 4. Even the New York share market, which often shrugs off events outside the US, has picked up the growing anxieties in Europe. 甚至一项不理会美国以外形势的纽约股票市场也考虑到欧洲不断增长的焦虑。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Barely a few weeks in, $9bn has already been raised on the "A" share market; a further $30bn is due in the next few weeks. 仅仅几周时间,上市公司就已经在A股市场融资90亿美元,未来几周还将再融资300亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 6. As with all share market systems, past performance is no guarantee of future performance. 与所有股市场的系统,过去的表现并非未来表现的保证。 zjzhng.blog.163.com 7. Now history seems to be repeating itself, especially in China's A-share market, which is reserved for domestic investors. 历史似乎正在重演,尤其是在面向国内投资者的中国A股市场上。 www.ftchinese.com 8. During this period the most significant feature of B-share market was its increasingly close relationship with A-share market. 这一时期及其以后,B股市场最显著的变化是其与A股市场走势的相关性日趋明显。 www.13191.com 9. A measure of how changes in a share price correlate to overall movements in the share market as a whole. 贝塔一项用以衡量一种股票价格的变动与整个股票市场整体变动的相关性的指标。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 10. In conclusion, the function on share market volatility influenced by institutional investors should be enforced seriously. 总体而言,我国机构投资者稳定股市的作用还有待于进一步加强。 www.fabiao.net 1. International norms clearly do not apply, even though China's domestic-currency "A" share market now has a capitalisation of US$1, 400bn. 尽管目前以人民币计价的中国A股市场市值已达1.4万亿美元,但国际准则在这里显然并不适用。 www.ftchinese.com 2. If earnings reports continue to surprise the market, a major break through in the share market is now in sight. 如果盈馀报告继续令市场感到惊喜,则是股票市场的一个重要突破在望。 www.midlandfinancial.com.hk 3. Evidence also indicates that the A-share market has unobserved components that significantly enhance the speed of price adjustment. 数据也显示,A股市场未观测到的一些因素也大大提高了价格调整的速度。 www.13191.com 4. "The floating of the unlocked shares will be a lasting liquidity pressure on the A-share market in the coming years, " he says. 娄刚表示:“在今后几年里,解禁股票的上市将会对A股市场形成持续的流动性压力。” www.ftchinese.com 5. The recent softness in the A-share market is itself contributing to a slowdown in earnings, as investment gains decline. 近来A股市场走软本身也起到了放缓业绩增长的作用,原因是投资收益下降。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Minitel succeeded Videotext as online service making online purchases, check share market, search telephone directory and could even chat. Minitel继Videotext推出在线购物,查询股票,搜索电话目录等服务,甚至可以在线聊天。 news.cnblogs.com 7. Data show that in the A-share market is bottoming out in the short term, there are various different funds. 数据显示,在对A股市场短期内是否见底,不同基金存在不同的认识。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Ding people believed that the issuance of CDR transaction increased two varieties, improve the A-share market, foam control. 丁杰人认为,发行CDR可增加两地交易品种,健全A股市场,调控泡沫。 www.brar.cn 9. The A- share market movement today, in our view, is a reaction to the uncertainty rather than the certainty of a liquidity drain. 我们认为,A股市场今日下挫与其说是对即将发生的流动性紧缩的反应,不如说是对不确定性的一种反应。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. And at the end of 2005, the non-tradable share reform guide the A-share market out of the wave of history's great bull market. 而始于2005年末的股权分置试点改革,又引导A股市场走出了一波历史罕见的大牛市行情。 www.13191.com 1. It also helped topple heads of three brokerage firms on suspicion they engaged in unspecified share-market irregularities. 证监会还帮助查处了三家经纪公司的老板,原因是他们涉嫌从事股市不法活动,不过没有说明是什么违法行为。 www.bing.com 2. Gu days congenial study, since the Chinese New Year since the A-share market rebound has accelerated the reduction of non-size. 天相投顾研究报告称,自春节以来A股市场的反弹加速了大小非的减持。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Indeed, Wu added that all four of the firm's current dollar investments could potentially list on China's A-share market. 吴亦兵还说,事实上中信产业基金目前四笔美元投资的对象都有可能在中国A股市场挂牌上市。 c.wsj.com 4. Stock markets around the world are now following the A-share market down. 现在世界各地的股市都跟随A股下跌。 www.bing.com 5. The market leader, SAIC, is only listed in the A-share market, which is off-limits to many foreigners. 市场领先者上汽集团(SAIC)仅在A股上市,而许多外国投资者都无法投资A股市场。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It also reflects the expectation that there would be continued excess of liquidity in China's closed A-share market in the near future. 这也反映出投资者预计中国封闭的A股市场仍有过量流动资金。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Also a booming domestic A-share market is raising valuations and offering private owners an attractive alternative source of funding. 同时,繁荣发展的国内A股市场的估值水平不断上升,给私营业主提供了另一个具吸引力的融资来源。 www.ftchinese.com 8. "I don't see much appetite for this deal [among retail investors] in the A-share market, " said a bank analyst. “我没有看到A股市场(的散户投资者)对这宗交易有很大胃口,”一名银行分析师表示。 www.meiguoliyu.com 9. This year A-share market outshines the performance of financial storm is drawing in foreign capital to move closer to each. 今年以来A股市场一枝独秀的表现,正吸引着金融风暴中的各路外资靠拢。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Third, she says, the A-share market has lost some momentum, after a drop in A-share prices and volumes. 第三,她表示,在A股股价下跌及成交量萎缩后,A股市场丧失了部分动能。 www.ftchinese.com 1. What is worth our attention are the difficulties overseas investors must overcome to enter China's A-share market. 值得我们注意的是海外投资者想要进入中国A股市场西必须要克服重重困难。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The trend of share-market prices is still downwards. 股票市场价格的走势仍然是下跌的。 www.qqywf.com 3. Many overseas private equity firms are attempting to establish renminbi investment funds so as to exit conveniently from the A-share market. 很多海外私人股权投资公司都尝试创立人民币投资基金以便能顺利的从A股市场退出。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. In the A- share market, we have the majority of the shares are strong cyclical industry stocks. 在A股市场中,我们的大多数股票都是强周期性的行业股票。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. He won or came second in the Australian Stock Exchange School share market competition each year from when he was in Year 7 to Year 12. 当他7-12岁时,他在每年澳大利亚证券交易学校股票买卖比赛中均能获得以冠军或者第二名生出。 www.tigtag.com 6. The systematic noise has noticeable effect to stock price and excess return in long-term Chinese A share market. 在中长期内,系统噪音成分将对中国A股市场超额收益和股票股价产生显著的影响; www.13191.com 7. The restructuring of the telecom industry impacted China Mobile, while the weak A-share market was negative for insurance companies. 中国电信行业的重组对中国移动股价表现有较大影响,而国内A股市场对保险公司股票看法较为悲观。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Surely, granting entry to short-sellers now would make mincemeat of the $1, 800bn domestic currency "A" share market? 现在让卖空者进场,难道不会摧毁总价值为1.8万亿美元的人民币A股市场? www.ftchinese.com 9. AgBank's shares have struggled to stir interest among investors even as China's A-share market has rallied. 中国A股市场虽然有所回升,但投资者对农行的股票依然缺乏兴趣。 cn.wsj.com 10. First, he recommends avoiding the overheated A share market, which has been fuelled by local retail investors. 首先,他建议回避过热的A股市场。中国散户投资者推动了A股市场的上涨。 www.ftchinese.com 1. TheA-share market could remain in consolidation mode untilbetter macro and earnings visibility emerges. 在宏观面和盈利前景更清晰之前,A股市场可能会维持盘整走势。 bbs.21our.com 2. Restaurants will collapse. Stock and share market will collapse if there's no grasping. 假如没有执取,餐馆会倒闭,股票市场会崩盘。 622006680.qzone.qq.com 3. A - share market in the ample liquidity driven, market - led blue-chip index of wave after wave hit a new high. 股市场在充裕的流动性的推动下,大盘蓝筹带动股指一浪接一浪创出新高。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Stock Exchange, Share Market and Capital Market Research. 证券交易所与资本市场研究 www.tydf.cn 5. One way of looking at China's A-share market hitting a seven-month high is that stimulus economics works. 中国A股市场创出7个月高点的一个解释是,经济刺激措施发挥了作用。 www.bing.com 6. After a spectacular bull run, China's domestic A-share market peaked last October. 中国国内的A股市场在经过一轮投机性的牛市之后,已于去年10月见顶。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Share market has been in downturn for a long time. Shareholders who come to see the market change to do martial arts in stock exchange. 股市低迷,股民在证券营业厅改练太极拳。 arts.tom.com 8. What's driving the A-share market is retail Chinese investors, by and large. 总的来说,推动A股市场的是中国散户投资者。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Split share structure of China's A-share market since its establishment has gradually formed its outstanding issues. 股权分置是我国A股市场自建立以来逐渐形成并一直悬而未决的特有问题。 www.fabiao.net 10. It is not often that a terse statement from a small faraway country sends the share market into shock. 一个远离国际金融中心区的偏僻小国发表的一则简短声明震瘫了全球股市,这真是异乎寻常。 www.bing.com 1. Q. What about the B-share market? That's relatively cheap. 股市场怎么样,它们相对来讲便宜。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Can the 50 Index reflect the liquidity and volatility of China's A-share market? 50股指数可否反映中国A股市场的流动性和波动性? blog.163.com 3. We help clients to complete financial and legal compliance in order to get listed in the China A-share market. 我们将帮助企业完成上市所需要的法律及财务的合规要求。 www.showxiu.com 4. Thirdly, the influence of institutional investors on share market volatility is becoming more and more important. 三是机构投资者持股对股票市场的影响越来越重要。 www.fabiao.net 5. Nikko AM manages more than $1bn worth of investments in China's domestic A-share market for Japanese mutual fund investors. 日兴资产为日本共同基金投资者管理着价值超过10亿美元对中国内地A股市场的投资。 www.ftchinese.com 6. While the A-share market has a $700bn capitalisation, many stocks are small, illiquid and have limited free floats. 尽管中国A股市场的市值达7000亿美元,但许多股票的市值小、流动性差、流通股数量有限。 www.ftchinese.com 7. My forum will be on the Australian share market and not cars so the information I want to have displayed will be different. 我的论坛将在澳洲股市,而不是汽车这样的信息,我希望能有显示的是不同的。 www.bing.com 8. Far from cooling the "A" share market, the ability to arbitrage may simply further inflate prices in Hong Kong. 如果能套利的话,不仅远远不能冷却A股市场,而且可能只会让香港市场的股价进一步上涨。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Chinese banks went from a 20. 8 per cent share of the H-share market in 2007 to 27. 4 per cent this year, according to Thomson Reuters data. 据汤森路透的数据,中资银行今年在H股市场上的份额由2007年的20.8%升至27. www.ftchinese.com 10. While the A-share market may not yet be at a bottom, it can't be characterised as a bubble that is bursting. 尽管中国内地A股市场或许尚未见底,但也不能将其描述为一个正在破裂的泡沫。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Thirdly, the influence of institutional investors on share market volatility is becoming more and more important. 三是机构投资者持股对股票市场的影响越来越重要。 www.fabiao.net 2. Nikko AM manages more than $1bn worth of investments in China's domestic A-share market for Japanese mutual fund investors. 日兴资产为日本共同基金投资者管理着价值超过10亿美元对中国内地A股市场的投资。 www.ftchinese.com 3. While the A-share market has a $700bn capitalisation, many stocks are small, illiquid and have limited free floats. 尽管中国A股市场的市值达7000亿美元,但许多股票的市值小、流动性差、流通股数量有限。 www.ftchinese.com 4. I _ myself with their team to get more information on the share market. 我和他们组密切联系以获得更多股票市场的信息。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. My forum will be on the Australian share market and not cars so the information I want to have displayed will be different. 我的论坛将在澳洲股市,而不是汽车这样的信息,我希望能有显示的是不同的。 www.bing.com 6. Far from cooling the "A" share market, the ability to arbitrage may simply further inflate prices in Hong Kong. 如果能套利的话,不仅远远不能冷却A股市场,而且可能只会让香港市场的股价进一步上涨。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Chinese banks went from a 20. 8 per cent share of the H-share market in 2007 to 27. 4 per cent this year, according to Thomson Reuters data. 据汤森路透的数据,中资银行今年在H股市场上的份额由2007年的20.8%升至27. www.ftchinese.com 8. While the A-share market may not yet be at a bottom, it can't be characterised as a bubble that is bursting. 尽管中国内地A股市场或许尚未见底,但也不能将其描述为一个正在破裂的泡沫。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The 40-odd stocks listed on both the domestic-currency A-share market and in Hong Kong trade on vastly differing multiples. 同时在内地A股市场和香港两地上市的企业有40多家,它们两地股价所对应的市盈率相差非常大。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Others agree with CLSA's views that Hong Kong's H-share market offers plenty of upside next year. 对于里昂证券认为H股明年将有充裕上行空间的看法,其他人也表示了赞同。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The Shanghai share market fell nearly 3 percent, and the Hang Seng Index in Hong Kong tumbled 1. 5 percent. 上证指数损失了3个百分点,香港恒生指数则跌掉了1. www.bing.com 2. According to CLSA, total broking commissions in China's A-share market last year exceeded $20bn. 据里昂证券称,去年一年,中国A股市场的经纪佣金总额已逾220亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Impact of Price stabilization on Initial Returns of New Equity -An empirical Study of Shanghai A-Share Market 承销商托市对新股初始回报的影响--对上海A股市场的实证研究 www.ilib.cn 4. China's A-share market exists overshooting problem, which results in the short-term risk higher than long-term risk; 我国A股中的小盘股存在超调现象,导致了基金经理短期投资风险高于长期投资风险; www.fabiao.net 5. The Statistical Characteristic and Trend of Liquidity in Chinese A-Share Market 中国A股市场流动性统计特性与变化趋势 scholar.ilib.cn 6. A-share market; dual listed company; H-share discount; market efficiency; A股市场;双重上市公司;H股折价;市场效率; www.zidir.com 7. Analysis of the Mid-long Term Influential Factors on China's A-share Market 影响中国A股市场中长期若干因素分析和预见 www.ilib.cn 8. whether stock price has a different market reaction to modified audit opinion based on different share market and different year; 不同上市地的非标准审计意见与股价的关系无显著差异; www.fabiao.net 9. Thosewho follow the share market reports communicate in a gibberish all their own 那些密切注意股票市场行情报告的人用一种只有他们自己才听得懂的术语交谈 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Datong-Qinhuangdao Railway Is Listed in Shanghai A Share Market 大秦铁路A股沪市挂牌上市 www.ilib.cn 1. Study and analysis on initial returns of IPOs in Chinese A-share market 对中国A股市场新股初始回报的分析与研究 www.ilib.cn 2. On Reorientation of the B-Share Market 论B股市场的重新定位 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Policies and Factors Impact on Liquidity of the A-Share Market in China 影响中国A股市场流动性的政策和因素 service.ilib.cn |
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