单词 | ?-sandwich |
释义 |
复数:sandwiches 现在分词:sandwiching 过去式:sandwiched 例句释义: 三明治,夹心面包片,夹心蛋糕,把…夹[挤]在中间,将…做成三明治,三文治,桑德威奇,夹层 1. Knowing that this was the chance, he packed the sandwich and headed acrossed the fields towards the house with the golden windows. 他知道这是不可多得的机会,就赶紧装上了几块三明治,穿过了片片田野,向着有金色窗户的房子走去。 www.ebigear.com 2. "I would have loved it just as much if it was a PB and J sandwich , " she says. 她说:“如果是PB和J三明治,我同样可能已经喜欢上它了。” www.bing.com 3. Jane, one of the waitresses, brought him a menu. He looked at it briefly, then ordered coffee and a sandwich. 简是其中的一位女招待员,给了他一份菜单。他草草地看了一下,然后点了咖啡和一份三明治。 www.webi.com.cn 4. The front of the PDA features a Power button as well as a pod where the Date Book and Address buttons sandwich the up and down buttons. 这个咚咚的前面板包括一个电源键以及日程表和地址簿的按键和上下键。 www.tompda.com 5. The father was terrified that the heart had not been cooked, that the sandwich was inedible, and he quickly wrapped the sandwich up again. 父亲惊恐不已,这颗心没有被做熟,三明治不能食用,他很块又把三明治包起来。 www.bing.com 6. Or snaffle a sandwich while sending a few personal emails and checking the price of a week in Istanbul? 或者一边发着私人邮件并且点击着伊斯坦布尔一周游的价格,一边吞下一个三明治? www.bing.com 7. So he made meal of two pieces of bread with meat in the middle. And this later is called sandwich. 如是他他就在两块面包间夹些肉作为午餐,这就是后来人们所说的三明治。 www.hyabc.cn 8. Beside the sandwich was a note telling me that she could not be there and that I was to eat the sandwich and then lock her door when I left. 旁边放着一张纸条,告诉我她那天不在家,让我吃了那块三明治,走时关好她家的门。 www.putclub.com 9. You can put everything you want inside a sandwich. They are easy to clean-up after, nutritious and come in hundreds of different kinds. 你可以在三明治里面加入你想加的任何东西。吃完后很容易清理,又有营养,而且有成百上千种做法。 www.ebigear.com 10. A morning egg sandwich here, an afternoon bag of chips there. . . before you know it, you've spent $20 or more a week. 这里早晨一个鸡蛋三明治,那里一包午后薯片…还没回过神,一个礼拜就多花了20美元。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. With lunch meat, it's easy to throw together a quick sandwich to take to work, but is eating lunch meat too unhealthy? 用午餐肉可以非常方便地做一份简易三明治带去工作,但这种做法是不是非常不益身体健康呢? www.healthweneed.com 2. But as for the local sandwich shop, it seems like this could be a bit more trouble than it's worth. 不过对于一家本地三明治店来说,似乎它会造成的麻烦比效益更多些。 www.bing.com 3. In recent years, PET foams have been able to secure an established place among the core materials for sandwich constructions. 近十年,聚酯(PET)泡沫在夹心结构的芯材中占据了重要地位。 www.frponline.com.cn 4. This diet is useless because it's just as easy to make your own sandwich and take a walk. 这个减肥法是没用的,因为这就和你自己制作一个三明治和出去散步一样简单。 www.elanso.com 5. Lunch might be a sandwich ordered and delivered to the office or it could require a nice restaurant if a client needs to be entertained. 午餐可能是预订和快递一个三明治并送到到办公室或当要款待客户的时候可能会要求一个不错的餐厅。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Suddenly he stood up, shoved his sandwich and newspaper into his pocket and ran out of the door really quickly, without paying for the meal. 突然间他站了起来,把三明治和报纸塞进了他的口袋里,很快地跑出了大门,就连餐费也没有付。 bbs.enfamily.cn 7. Intending to save some for a sandwich the next day, she asked the waiter to put it into a doggie bag. 她想留下一些明天做三明治吃,就请服务员把它放在狗食袋里。 www.chinaedu.com 8. He disappears into a crowd on Broadway and I head to a sandwich shop, looking for a bite to eat. 他消失在百老汇的人流中,而我转身走向一家三明治店,随便吃点东西。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Add a bit of avocado to a sandwich or spinach salad to up the amount of heart-healthy fats in your diet. 在你的三明治或者菠菜沙拉中加一点鳄梨可以增加你食谱中对心脏有好处的脂肪酸。 blog.zjol.com.cn 10. What Marla lifts out of the package, it's one of those sandwich bags of white stuff that Tyler rendered for tallow to make soap. 马拉从包裹里拿出的袋子,就是那种装着白色物质的三明治袋子,就是泰勒用来做肥皂的那玩意儿。 www.bing.com 1. He took a bite out of his sandwich and was about to have some coffee when his cell phone rang. 他咬了一口三明治,当要喝几口咖啡的时候,他的手机响了。 www.webi.com.cn 2. If it's not half of a whole sandwich, it's just a small sandwich. 如果不是整个三明治的一半那就是小三明治了。 www.oralpractice.com 3. 'My mother's sweet nature made up for her inability to cook, or even make a sandwich. 妈妈温顺的性情弥补了她不会做菜这个缺陷,她连三明治都不会做 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Ping told her story, often through tears that clouded her thick spectacles, with her daughter, now three, eating a sandwich on her knee. 刘平在讲述的时候,眼泪打湿了厚厚的眼镜,她3岁的女儿坐在她的腿上吃三明治。 www.bing.com 5. She was surprised to see that she was even fatter than before and that she was eating a huge sandwich with chocolate cake and ice-cream. 她很惊讶看到,她甚至比以前还要肥,而且她居然正在享用一个巨大的夹心巧克力蛋糕和冰淇淋! wenwen.soso.com 6. A woman police constable came in with a cup of tea and a very thick cheese sandwich. 手端一杯茶和一块厚厚的奶酪三明治走了起来。 tr.bab.la 7. When Jess she saw his sandwich board she told him to take it off and eventually she gave him one more chance, allowing him home. 而当乔的女友杰斯看到他的忏悔牌时,赶紧让他取了下来,并且最终同意给他一次机会,允许他回家。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 8. If your submarine sandwich was as big as its name, the pickle would be as big as a life raft! 如果潜水艇三明治真的像一艘潜水艇那么大,那么泡菜可能真的和救生筏一样大了! www.booksfly.com 9. Sorry to have kept you waiting. Lemon tea, please. I'll bring the sandwich right now. Just a moment, please. 抱歉,使你久等了,这是你要的柠檬茶,我马上就把三明治拿来,请等一会儿。 www.tingroom.com 10. He finished the sandwich, and, taking a flask of whiskey from his pocket, he took a short drought. Then he returned the flask to his pocket. 三明治吃完了,他从衣袋里掏出了一瓶威士忌,少喝了一点就又装了起来。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. You could leave him a sandwich or some biscuits, surely? Or maybe a brandy? The poor sod's after travelling from the North Pole. 你该给他准备一些三明治或者饼干,知道不?或者白兰地?可怜的家伙从北极赶过来。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Fry it up in a pan, serve it with eggs or on a sandwich or crumbled up in a cobb salad. 在平底锅里炸一炸旁边再加个鸡蛋或是做成三明治弄成沙拉 www.tingclass.net 3. Knowing that this was his chance, he packed a sandwich and headed across the field towards the house with the golden windows. 意识到机会来了,他便带了一个三明治,穿过田野,朝那个有金色窗子的房子出发了。 www.360doc.com 4. Read with the children: Why do you itch? I ate a flea sandwich. Let some of the children come to the front and read it for themselves. 带小朋友们读你语音练习,让几个小朋友到教室的前面来读语音练习。 www.myld.cn 5. He had a few bites of a ham sandwich and a couple of sips of iced tea at noontime . 中午的时候,他吃了几口火腿三明治,喝了几口冰茶。 www.bing.com 6. The radio ham began to have a pain in the hams after he made a ham sandwich. 业余无线电台的操作者做完火腿三明治之后开始屁股痛。 q.sohu.com 7. Lillian: What if I tell her in a very nice way and bring her a sandwich to make her happy? 莉莉安:要是我很委婉地告诉她,顺便带一份三文治给她让她开心呢? bbs.education.163.com 8. It was a bit of a shock: I'm not used to paying so much for a sandwich and a glass of beer. 我真有点吃惊:一片三明治加一杯啤酒就要花那么多钱,我还不习惯。 www.360abc.com 9. But his daughter now came over and began looking at the sandwich with a strange expression on her face. 但他的女儿走过来,脸上挂着奇怪的表情开始看那块三明治。 www.bing.com 10. I could see that the comrade who had befriended the warder wanted the sandwich, and I nodded for him to take it. 我看得出那个已与狱吏亲近了些的伙伴想要那个三明治,于是我向他点头应允。 www.bing.com 1. The British diet are not good at cooking, at noon or at night is often a sandwich or hamburger. 饮食不善于烹饪的英国人,中午或者晚上经常也就是三明治或汉堡。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Prod him on what's the next thing on his mind, and he jokes, "Sandwich (smiles). . . I'm starving for one. " 问到在他脑中出现的下一件事是什么,他笑到,“三明治…我迫不及待想要一个(饿极了)” blog.sina.com.cn 3. Two minutes later she was as happy as could be again and had forgotten all about the sandwich she dropped. 两分钟后她又要多高兴又多高兴了,她已经忘记她掉的那块三明治的事了。 www.bing.com 4. You'd better have something to eat. I could pick up a sandwich for you to have at your desk. --Would you? Turkey on rye would be terrific. 我看你最好吃点什么。我给你买个三明治你一边工作一便吃。—真的?黑麦面包夹火鸡就帅呆了。 www.onlycollege.com.cn 5. It's lunchtime, so she's in the kitchen, making a sandwich out of tuna fish and . . . no, there's no chopped celery and onion left at all. 现在是午饭时间,她在厨房做三明治,旁边摆着吞拿鱼……很奇怪,旁边并没有剁碎的芹菜和洋葱。 www.szsky.com 6. For more of a prepared snack, use the tortilla to make a "sandwich" or even just spread some peanut butter on it for a between-meal snack. 要做更多的加工零食,你可以用玉米饼做成“三明治”,甚至只要在玉米饼上涂些花生酱,餐间零食可就“搞定”了。 www.bing.com 7. If my human wants to share her sandwich with me, she will give me a piece. She notice if i start eating it from the other end. 主人要是想跟我分享一份三明治,就会给我一片。如果我从她没咬过的那一头开始吃,她会发现的。 bbs.gxsky.com 8. Last Wednesday, I had lunch with a colleague at a sandwich bar across the road from the office. 上周三,我和一位同事在公司对面的三明治吧共进午餐。 www.ftchinese.com 9. And no wonder: she had had nothing to eat since breakfast but a quick sandwich on the platform before boarding the train. 这不奇怪:早饭后她除了开车前在站台上啃了一块三明治,至今什么也没吃。 www.qgw123.com 10. Wes pauses over his sandwich. His eyes reproach me for my scant faith in the magic of Christmas. 维斯不再揉捏三明治,但他的眼神因为我对圣诞魔法信心不足在责怪我。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The "sandwich economy" between China and Japan is looking limp around the edges, thanks mainly to its oddly Anglo-Saxon appetite for debt. 这个夹在中国和日本之间的“三明治经济体”看上去有些摇摇欲坠,这主要是由于它对债券那种古怪的“盎格鲁-撒克逊式”兴趣。 www.ftchinese.com 2. While he sat on the edge of the bed, dosing himself with his argyrol, I put away the sandwich and cheese with the aid of a little wine. 他坐在床边给自己注射弱蛋白银,与此同时,我吃光了三明治和奶酪,还有一点甜酒。 www.bing.com 3. Apparently, many donkey years ago, I had decided to sandwich them between the pages of a hardcover book to keep them nice and straight. 基本上,应该是当年我把它们夹在硬皮书的两页之中,好保持它们的原状的。 lookingat.passingsights.com 4. He looks at me in silence, nose scrunched up and eyes squinty, fingers squeezed hard around his peanut butter sandwich. 他看着我不做声,皱着鼻子,眼睛斜视,拿着花生酱三明治的双手使劲绞在一起。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Turning away, he took out the sandwich and quickly ate the raw heart himself. 他转过身去,掏出三明治,自己很快地就把那颗尚未加工过的心给吃掉了。 www.bing.com 6. A whole sandwich is a bit too much for a snack, but a half is perfect. 一整块三明治对于一顿零食来说太多了,但半块就不多也不少。 www.elanso.com 7. You Can have a sandwich on the beach and that can be just as powerful as a night out in Paris. 即使你只是在海滩上啃一只三明治,那感觉也会和巴黎夜幕低垂下的浪漫相差无几。 tieba.baidu.com 8. Oh, no, where's my lunch? Did I leave it at home? All I have is a fruit punch, and there's no sandwich to call my own. 噢!不。我的午饭在哪里?放在家里?就只有果酱。没有三明治属于我的。 www.66edu.com.cn 9. She slides the sandwich onto a plate, slightly dazed, yet somehow not at all, then pours him a glass of milk, and another for herself. 她用盘子装好三明治,递给他。头好像有点晕,又好像不晕。然后给他到了一杯牛奶,也给自己到了一杯。 www.bing.com 10. Philip: I thought you might be hungry. I brought you a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk. 我想你大概饿了。我替你带来一份热三明治和一杯牛奶。 www.faithsky.com 1. Therefore, it is not a direct bite of bread to his mouth, unless it is a sandwich. 因此,人们也不用嘴去直接咬面包,除非是三明治。 www.worlduc.com 2. I ate my sandwich and told Johnson what little there was to tell about being a graduate student. 我一边吃着三明治,一边跟约翰逊说,作为一个研究生,可讲的事情少得可怜。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The wind blew his sandwich on the floor, then a second pirate arrived and placed his sandwich on the chest. 风把他的三明治刮到了地板上。然后第二个海盗到达,并且把他的三明治里放在箱子上。 www.ebigear.com 4. Make a Sign: You can wear it sandwich board style or hang a banner across the door to greet them when they get home. 做一个标识牌:你可以把它做成夹板广告的样子或者在门口挂一条横幅来欢迎她回家。 www.bing.com 5. Mr. Jeremy crossed his legs up shorter, out of reach, and went on eating his sandwich. 于是杰里米先生试图将腿盘得更短些,直到水甲虫够不着,然后接着吃三明治。 wenku.baidu.com 6. You might be sleeping at 3 AM and I might be working while taking a bite of a sandwich. 你可能凌晨三点才睡觉,而我可能在工作的时候偶尔吃一口三明治。 www.elanso.com 7. Breadcake or Teacake, Mainly Yorkshire colloquialism - Refers to the round flat type of bread often used for sandwich making. (根据它的圆扁又有好多种叫法和用途,面包糕茶糕常(在约克郡这么叫)用来做三明治。 www.xiami.com 8. After booking the plane ticket , he went into a restaurant and ordered a sandwich . 预订完飞机票后,他走进一家饭馆要了一份三明治。 www.ruiwen.com 9. High-degree lightweight design is one of the key techniques for the high speed maglev train with the sandwich panel structure. 高度轻量化设计是具有三明治复合板结构特征的高速磁浮列车技术关键之一。 www.dictall.com 10. Would you still head into the office, eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, go for a run in the afternoon and go to bed at 9pm? 你还会匆匆赶往办公室、吃个夹花生果酱的三明治权作午餐、或者下午跑步、9点就上床睡觉吗? www.bing.com 1. 'We were thinking about how we might apply a sandwich into our business, ' he said. 他说,我们曾经想过如何把肉夹馍这样的三明治放到我们的餐饮当中来。 c.wsj.com 2. Objective A double scFv sandwich ELISA diagnosis reagent was prepared to detect Hantavirus infection. 目的制备检测汉坦病毒感染的双单链抗体夹心ELISA诊断试剂,并予以评价。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The frame was constructed from a single piece of carbon fiber sandwich board, then the frame shape was cut-out of the board. 框架构建从单一的碳纤维夹心板,然后框架形状被切断出董事会。 www.tech-domain.com 4. I rented out the little sandwich kiosk down in the lobby. 我把下面大厅的三明治小店租下来了 blog.hjenglish.com 5. During the Industrial Revolution, the sandwich served as a practical lunch that could be prepared at home and carried to work. 在工业革命(IndustrialRevolution)时期,三明治是一种实用的午餐,可以在家里作好后带去上班。 www.america.gov 6. This bear popped into a subway sandwich shop in Canada for a sniff but it's soon left hungry. 在加拿大,一只熊凭嗅觉匆匆闯进一家地铁三明治店,但很快饥饿地离开了。 bbs.putclub.com 7. This typically consists of a sandwich, a packet of crisps, a piece of fruit and a drink. 这通常包括一个三明治,一包薯片,水果和饮料片。 www.hjenglish.com 8. This bear pop ped into a subway sandwich shop in Canada for a sniff but it's soon left hungry. 在加拿大,一头熊闻到了香味之后急匆匆的走进一家地铁站三明治店,但它马上就饿了。 bbs.putclub.com 9. Would you fix me a sandwich , please? Stella: Yes , I will. And I'll spread a little common sense on the bread. 给我做一个三明治好吗?斯特拉:好的,我愿意,我会在面包上抹上一点司空见惯的判断力。 baike.soso.com 10. When you get home, you might want a hot meal instead of that sandwich and salad you had at lunch, or just for a change of pace. 当你在家,你应该想要吃到热乎乎的饭而不是中午剩的那些三明治或是沙拉吧,或是仅仅想换个口味。 www.bing.com 1. Sandwich laminate comprises layers of laminate bonded together by an intermediate core of lightweight material. 三明治层由轻质内核材料粘接层构成。 www.qiyeku.com 2. Can I make a sandwich? - Yeah, go ahead you know where everything is. 我能做个三明治吗?-可以啊去吧你知道东西在哪儿 www.tingroom.com 3. From the name of the man Sandwich, we have the word "sandwich" . 从这个名叫萨维奇的男人的名字,我们就有了这个单词“三明治”。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Obviously, a ham sandwich can't run Apple. Steve Jobs is undeniably one of the most visionary and innovative leaders of our generation. 很显然,火腿三明治运转不了苹果,乔布斯是当代无可争议的最具创新精神的领袖。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. When low-fat options are not available, leave a few fries on your plate or a few bites of your sandwich, and skip dessert. 如果没有低热量的食物可以选择,吃的时候就要剩点薯片或者三明治,不要点甜点。 bbs.tnbz.com 6. At the diner, our all-black crew consisted of a grill woman, one waitress, a sandwich maker and a dish washer. 当时,我们全部的家当加起来也不过就是一个烤肉的女厨,一个招待,一台三文治机,一台洗碗机。 www.bing.com 7. The slogan "A sandwich can kill you" , with a picture of a gun superimposed on a burger, is displayed outside. 标语“一个三明治可以杀死你”,连同一张将枪叠放在汉堡包上面的图片,展现在饭店的外面。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 8. A modern Cuban sandwich is always toasted in a sandwich press until the cheese melts. 现代古巴三明治一定要在三明治压板上烤到奶酪融化为止。 www.america.gov 9. Ice Cream Sandwich is designed to be a blend of the Android phone and tablet operating systems that irons out many geeky wrinkles. 安卓系统一直都以各种甜点来命名,“冰激淋三明治”是一款专用于安卓手机和平板电脑的操作系统,改进了以往的许多缺陷。 www.qeto.com 10. Theoretical calculation formula in this paper may be used for the product design of GRIP Sandwich Construction. 理论计算公式可供碳纤维复合材料夹层结构产品设计时应用。 www.chemyq.com 1. e. g. He ordered me a beer and a sandwich = He ordered a beer and a sandwich for me . 他给我要了一杯啤酒和一个三明治。 www.qiyeku.com 2. have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, Men make him a sandwich. 男人就两种状态:饿和性饥渴。要是他不硬,就给他个三明治! wenku.baidu.com 3. If it were up to me, I'd rather have a sandwich. 要我说,我更想吃一个三明治。 wenwen.soso.com 4. It was an ordinary lunch of soup and a sandwich. 那是一顿平常的午餐,一个汤,一份三明治。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. The fly was buzzing around her sandwich, trying to get some food. 这苍蝇围着她的三明治嗡嗡飞,企图搞到点食物。 www.wenkoo.cn 6. Maybe your breakfast is always the same type of cereal, lunch is a cheese or ham sandwich, and dinner revolves around frozen meals. 也许你逃脱不了总是含谷物作为早餐,午餐不是奶酪就是火腿汉堡,晚餐免不了又是冻肉的厄运。 www.elanso.com 7. You know, there's something wrong with my sandwich . 我的三明治不大对劲。 www.bing.com 8. A NOUN IS: A specific type of word that describes the 'name' of things. ie. monkey, tree, sandwich, spinach, car and banana are all nouns. 一类特定的词语用来表示事物的名字。例如:猴子,树,三明治,菠菜,汽车和香蕉都是名词。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Sandwich-type transducers tolerate all-day continuous use. 夹层式的传感器可进行全天运行。 www.beikesh.com 10. After I finished my sandwich I put my plate in the sink and started toward the front door. 我吃完三明治后把碟子放到水池里,开始走向前门。 www.joyen.net 1. Very well, sir. Potage minestrone and American club house sandwich. Just a minute, sir. 很好,先生,法式肉羹汤以及美式俱乐部三明治,先生,请等一会儿。 www.foodmate.net 2. Around the city of Buffalo in western New York State, the regional roast beef sandwich is served on a kummelweck roll. 纽约州西部布法罗市附近地区的烤牛肉三明治使用葛缕子(kummelweck)面包卷。 www.america.gov 3. Honeycomb sandwich structures have been widely used in the fields of astronautics and aerospace, especially in Satellite structure. 蜂窝夹芯结构已经广泛应用于航空航天领域,特别是在现代卫星结构中,它已经成为主要的承力结构。 www.lw23.com 4. Meggie smiled, taking the little silver collapsible cup of champagne Luke gave her, and biting into a ham sandwich. 麦琪微笑着,手里拿着卢克给她的一只装了香槟的银质可折叠的杯子,咬着三明治。 tr.bab.la 5. AS THE recession bites, a gastronomic indignity is nibbling its way through the land of fine dining: the humble sandwich. 经济萧条袭来,这个饮食讲究的国家也无处不能感受美食的侮辱——寒酸的三明治。 www.ecocn.org 6. Through plate-glass windows he could see into darkened hair salons and sandwich shops, stools turned upside down on the counters. 透过平面玻璃他可以看到到昏暗的发廊和三明治店里,凳子翻到了柜台上。 www.bing.com 7. I wonder if I could have a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk sent up, please. 我想你们可否送来一份鸡肉三明治和一杯牛奶。 www.tingroom.com 8. A panda walks into a cafe. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and fires two shots in the air. 一只熊猫进了一间咖啡厅,点了一份汉堡包,吃完之后,抽出一把枪对空开了两枪。 pic.wenwen.soso.com 9. Similarly, their grilled chicken sandwich is just as healthy as their hamburger and contains the same calories from fat. 同样地,烤鸡三文治与汉堡同样健康因其脂肪含有相同量的卡路里。 www.bing.com 10. Well these people survived all of that and more, slapping Death in the face and telling it to go make them a sandwich. 这些人从那些危险中存活下来,拍打着跟前的死神告诉他快快给咱们做个三明治来。 www.bing.com 1. Mike: Great, I come in to get a sandwich and I wind up with a weeny . 迈克:我想来吃三明治,没想到要来陪你。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In Luanda, be prepared to pay as much as $20 for a club sandwich and soda. 在罗安达,准备好用高达20美元的价格买一份俱乐部三明治和苏打水吧。 www.forbeschina.com 3. I found the sandwich he was talking about and a piece of cheese that he had nibbled at beside it. 我找到了他说的那个三明治和三明治旁他啃过的一块奶酪。 www.bing.com 4. Later, when the bread had cooled, he sliced it up. Then he sliced up the tomatoes and made a big sandwich. 当面包凉了,他把面包切成片,然后把西红柿也切成片,做了一个大三明治。 5. "We put the remains in a sandwich bag, " he said. “我们把遗体放进了一个三明治袋。”他说。 www.bing.com 6. For lunch, if he isn't eating out for work, he buys a tuna fish sandwich from a nearby deli. 至于午饭,如果不是因为工作的缘故在外面吃,那么他会从附近的熟食店买一份金枪鱼三明治。 www.ebigear.com 7. There is no time for a sandwich or a cup of tea. You've got to crack on. 没有时间去搞点心或弄杯茶,你一定要一直继续下去。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I stopped for a bagel sandwich, the store was robbed and the police required everyone to stay for questioning. 在我等三明治时那家三明治店被打劫了,于是警察要求每个人都留下来问话。 gb.cri.cn 9. "I love the shawarma, " he said, watching as Ms. Hazime smothered his sandwich with raw onions and garlic sauce. “我爱吃沙瓦玛,”他说,一边看着哈兹姆包着他的生葱蒜汁三文治。 www.bing.com 10. It is cool to see the head tube, seat-BB beam and rear wheel as 3 free-floating components held in position by a plywood sandwich. 这是冷静地看到,头管,座椅一BB梁和后轮为3自由浮动举行的组成部分的立场,一个胶合板三明治。 www.tech-domain.com 1. Okay, listen up! Someone leave their lunch at the last rest stop? There's a sandwich and - oh! We got a Pepsi, still cold! 好的,听着!有人把午餐忘在上一个休息点了吗?有三明治和–哦!还有百事,仍是凉的! qac.yappr.cn 2. During the lunch break he munched on the sandwich his wife had made. 中午休息时间他哒啖他太太准备的三明治。 hi.baidu.com 3. This chap deliberately jostled Wally so he turned round and gave him a knuckle sandwich. 这小伙子故意挤了一下澳利,于是澳利转过身来猛地给了他一拳。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Carla: We're focusing on slice of life, showing how you can beat the summer heat by biting into a cool ice-cream sandwich. Carla:我们将把焦点放在日常生活方面,告诉你只要吃一个冰淇淋三明治,就能消除夏日炎热。 www.ebigear.com 5. Strange. She slides her sandwich onto a plate and frowns at dishes in the sink, a milk filmed glass on her counter's edge. 她用盘子给自己装了一块三明治,看着水槽里的脏盘子和橱柜上装过牛奶的杯子,皱了皱眉。 www.szsky.com 6. That the sandwich stands still, has no speed in orbit anymore. 意思是三明治不动,在轨道中没有速度。 open.163.com 7. I was sitting in a cafe in Australia when I ordered this shortbread sandwich. It was lemon and passionfruit and I've never forgotten it. 那时,我在澳大利亚的一间咖啡厅要了份脆饼三明治,有柠檬和西番莲的味道,至今我还是无法忘记它。 www.bing.com 8. Would you eat a worm sandwich if doing so meant that next week you could appear on your favorite TV show? 你愿不愿意以吃下一个夹着虫子的三明治来换来下周在你最喜欢的电视节目出镜的机会呢? blog.sina.com.cn 9. Let me buy you a coke and a sandwich down at "the Blue Lion. " 我去“蓝狮”快餐店给你买一杯可乐和一个三明治。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Memphis is renowned for pulled pork-shoulder doused in sweet tomato-based sauce (eaten on its own or as a sandwich). 孟菲斯以拉猪肉肩浇上甜番茄酱出名(单吃或者包三明治)。 www.bing.com 1. Oh yes, and somehow she had to sandwich in time to get to the bank because she needed money. 喔,是的,她还得挤出时间去趟银行,因为她急需钱用。 www.jukuu.com 2. We grab a quick salad, or buy a sandwich and eat at our computers. Sometimes, if there is a deadline around the corner, we just skip lunch. 我们随便吃几口速食沙拉,或是买个三明治,然后在电脑前解决掉。有时,一旦工作大限将至,我们甚至都顾不上吃午饭。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Also on the menu was a Reuben sandwich, suggesting the kitchen stocked sauerkraut which I got as a side dish. 菜单上,也有鲁宾三明治,注明其中夹的德国酸菜是餐馆自己腌制的,我点了它作为配菜。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Listen, I'd be glad to get you a sandwich or something, and you can eat it when you get a minute. 我说,我很高兴给你买个三明治或什么的,你什么时候得空了就把它给吃了。 www.onlycollege.com.cn 5. The invention relates to a color steel sandwich panel and a preparation method thereof. 一种彩钢夹芯板及其制作方法,彩钢夹芯板五层相叠。 ip.com 6. It's official: the Subway sandwich chain has surpassed McDonald's Corp. as the world's largest restaurant chain, in terms of units. 据官方消息:就独立店面来看,赛百味三明治连锁店已超过麦当劳,成为全球最大的连锁餐厅。 www.bing.com 7. I just ate a really awesome sandwich. Such a simple, good day. And so I just wanted to say hi. 刚刚我还吃了一个非常美味的三文治。多么简单而又美好的一天。于是我想(通过这篇日志)和你们道声好。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Polypropylene material is used by the surface layer, and reclaimed polypropylene is used by the inner sandwich layer. 表面层用聚丙烯材料,内夹层用再生聚丙烯。 ip.com 9. As he was still hungry, he gobbled up a second sandwich. 因为还饿,他又狼吞虎咽地吃了第二块三明治。 www.kekenet.com 10. The experimental results can be technological guidance to the practical design of the foam aluminum sandwich in the industry. 实验结果对今后泡沫铝三明治板的设计有实际指导意义。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The electronic is woven into a fabric, which finds itself between layers of water resistant felt as sandwich material. 电子元件等被编辑到织物里面,处于防水的夹层之间。 www.bing.com 2. C: Just a moment. Oh, I see. I'll take this American Club House Sandwich. 等一下,啊,我知道了,我就要美式俱乐部三明治。 www.rrting.com 3. Robyn took a large bite out of her sandwich. 罗宾从她的三明治面包咬下一大块。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The drug started life in a lab in Sandwich, Kent, where it was developed to treat high blood pressure. 伟哥诞生于英国肯特郡(Kent)三文治村(sandwich)的一个实验室里,它在那里最初是开发用于治疗高血压。 www.bing.com 5. Mr Northeast's first success was a space rocket-shaped sandwich with stars made out of cheese. Northeast先生的第一个作品是奶酪做的一个航天火箭与星星三明治。 www.bing.com 6. Next month, Paris will host the European Sandwich and Snack Show. Chefs from around the world will compete for the "Sandwich World Cup" . 下周,巴黎将要举办欧洲三明治和小食品工业展,届时来自世界各地的大厨们都会聚集在此,争夺“三明治世界杯”。 www.ecocn.org 7. I put a peanut butter sandwich, some fruit, and the last piece of pie in the garrage. 我把一个坚果奶油三明治,一些水果和 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Spread low-fat cream cheese on a whole-wheat bagel (or English muffin) and then top with sliced tomatoes for a yummy sandwich. 低脂全麦面包圈(或英式松饼)脂肪奶酪,然后用美味的三明治切片西红柿涂在上面。 www.kekenet.com 9. "By all means, " replied the members, each with his mouth full of sandwich. “我们已经准备好了,”委员们每人吞着夹心面包回答说。 10. Sandwich class do not meet the requirements for budget homes, nor can they afford commercial housing. “夹心层”既达不到申请廉价住房的标准,又买不起商品房。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. 'So you can have a sandwich and a coffee as you're going along - and singing the Beatles. ' 所以开潜艇时,你就能吃着三明治,喝着咖啡——还唱着披头士啦。 dongxi.net 2. Could you pick me up a chicken sauce sandwich, and an order of fries, and a large diet Coke? 你能给我买份鸡肉沙拉三明治、一份薯条和一大杯减肥可乐吗? bbs.eduu.com 3. It needs to be dedicated to vaccine storage, not a good fit for a ham sandwich. 疫苗储藏不像火腿三明治那样,它需要格外小心。 www.bing.com 4. The invention relates to a preparing technique for a sandwich frozen stick confection. 本发明涉及一种三明治雪糕的制备工艺。 ip.com 5. And not just getting up for a sandwich -- eating from tubs of margarine or eating cigarettes and raw meat. 这可不仅仅是起床拿一块三明治那么简单,而是吃大块的黄油或者香烟还有生肉。 www.bing.com 6. On sunny days, students and other young people are often to be seen having a sandwich lunch on the portico of the Gallery. 在阳光灿烂的日子,你常可以看到手里拿着三明治的学生和年轻人们站在美术馆的门廊等待进去参观。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The goal is to make an amazing sandwich, and you can't do that if all you've done in your life is taken the bread out of the fridge. 我们的目的是做出美味的三明治,如果你一生只会从冰箱里拿面包,你就完了。 dongxi.net 8. The modern macaronis a sandwich cookie basically made of sugar, almonds and egg whites around a creamy filling. 现代的马卡浓是一种三明治饼干,基本由糖、杏仁和蛋白制成,再增加奶油装的填料。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. Sandwich every bit of criticism between two thick layers of praise. 夹心每一点批评两厚层的一致好评。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Pop any small, loose items like pedals or skewers in a small sandwich bag and selotape it to the inside of the box. 取出所有小而零碎的物品如踏板或横杆,装入小袋子,封装进盒子里层。 www.bing.com 1. My best sandwich combines all of these characteristics and remains resolutely and authentically British. 我最喜欢的三明治结合了各种特点但坚决保持了真正的英国特色。 www.bing.com 2. The connected components form a three-tiered system that looks like a triple-decker sandwich. 这些连接起来的三层式的系统,看起来像个三层的三明治。 www.bing.com 3. Jack: It was a really good sandwich. It had two kinds of cheese in it. Two! 杰克:那个三明治真的很好吃。里面放了两种起司。两种耶! tw.myblog.yahoo.com 4. Take the wadding and sandwich it between the two denim pieces - the right side of the denim pieces should face out. 把填充棉夹在两片牛仔布之间——正面朝外。 www.bing.com 5. In Ice Cream Sandwich, app folders can be created by dragging app icons on top of one another. “冰激淋三明治”系统可以通过拖动应用程序图标放到另一个图标上来创建文件夹,但里面的图标会一个个叠起来。 chinese.wsj.com 6. The reaction between amino acids in the bacon and reducing sugars in the fat is what provides the sandwich with its appeal. 那在熏肉中的氨基酸和在脂肪中的还原糖的关系就是使得三文治如此吸引的原因。 www.bing.com 7. After Li's fourth round victory Monday, he hugged Li in the player's lounge. Later, he fetched her a sandwich. 周一,李娜获得第四轮比赛胜利后,姜山在球员休息室拥抱了她,随后又给她拿来了一份三明治。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Captain Seru finished the last sandwich. "Let's leave that to Adai, " she said. "We can do nothing. " 塞鲁船长吃完了最后一个三明治。“这个问题就留给阿岱吧,”她说,“我们什么也做不了。” www.kekenet.com 9. Products for the pulp of the chocolate jelly sandwich known as "cardiac. " 本产品为果肉果冻夹心巧克力取名为“心动”。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. "There was a peanut butter sandwich in the back seat, " Ben told reporters, adding that his car was ruined. Ben告诉路透说:“在汽车后座上有一个花生酱三明治,”并补充道,他的汽车已经面目全非。 cn.reuters.com 1. Monolithic structure, sandwich constructions, fiber orientations, bonding concepts. 单片铺层结构,夹心铺层结构,纤维铺层方向和粘接。 www.china-cam.cn 2. He got into the car. 'Let's go, 'he said. 'I'm hungry; I need a sandwich. ' 他上了小车。“咱们走吧,”他说。“我饿了,我需要块三明治。” www.ebigear.com 3. But the other night I got a craving for a Whataburger grilled chicken sandwich. 有天晚上我非常想吃Whataburger的烤鸡三明治。 www.elanso.com 4. Mm. . . Let me have coffee and a sandwich. 嗯..我要咖啡和一份三明治。 dict.hjenglish.com 5. Once the sandwiches are inserted in the box and sealed, the sandwich has to remain fresh in chill store for up to three days. 一旦三明治插入框和密封,三明治留在冷却储存新鲜三天。 www.zhongsou.net 6. You're no doubt looking at the sandwich of the future. 毫无疑问,你对这种未来的三明治当刮目相看。 www.kekenet.com 7. A panda walks into a bar, sits down and orders a sandwich. 一个熊猫走进酒吧,坐下后要了个三明治。 wenwen.soso.com 8. They haul boiled peanuts , ice-grinding machines , sandwich presses and at least one toaster oven painted hot pink . 他们储备着煮熟的花生,做刨冰的机器,做三明治的工具以及至少一个漆成粉色的烤箱。 www.bing.com 9. He came from a small Norwegian farm in Iowa, the land of butter-sculptures and the breaded tenderloin sandwich. 他来自挪威爱荷华州的一个小农场,那里的人用黄油做雕塑和在面包放上里脊肉做三明治。 www.ecocn.org 10. Put all the ingredients out on the table, we'll make a sandwich. 把所有的原料摆放在桌子上,我们将做三明治。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The person who wears a sandwich board and walks around in public is called a sandwich man. 挂三明治式的广告牌当众到处走动的人叫做三明治式广告员。 bbs.kaspersky.com.cn 2. Those in the sandwich generation often feel more stress than any other age group. 那些属于“三明治的一代”的人经常要比别的年龄层的人受到更多的压力。 www.kuenglish.info 3. Yeah, thanks. Could you pick me up a chicken salad sandwich, an order of fries, and a large diet coke? 是的,谢谢。你能给我买份鸡肉沙拉三明治、一份薯条和一大杯减肥可乐吗? www.examda.com 4. Their aggression is although cute in a way that at most they will try to snatch a sandwich from you at a picnic. 他们的攻击性,尽管在方式上比较可爱,更多的时候他们会去尝试抢夺你野游的三明治。 www.bing.com 5. As long as the continuous improvement "formula" nano "sandwich" , the photoelectric conversion efficiency can improve again. 只要不断改进“配方”,纳米“夹心”的光电转化效率就能一次次提高。 www.sunmine.com.cn 6. I discovered a sandwich shop near my office that still uses paper bags and a fruit and veg shop that sells everything loose. 我发现在我办公室附近有一家仍然用纸袋包装的三明治店,有一家免包装的果蔬店。 www.bing.com 7. I'd like the chicken sandwich with wheat bread. What kind of sides does that come with ? 我想吃全麦面包的鸡肉三明治。你们有什么配菜呢? www.kekenet.com 8. small craft - hull construction and scantlings - materials - core materials for sandwich construction , embedded materials. 小艇。船体构造和船材尺寸。材料。夹层结构的芯材。嵌入材料。 www.ichacha.net 9. Or, for an even better sandwich topping or side salad, try an Asian-style slaw. Here's what you'll need. 或者,做一个三明治或尝试一个亚洲式卷心菜沙拉。 www.bing.com 10. The Italian beef sandwich is one of several regional variations on the roast beef sandwich. 意大利式牛肉三明治是烤牛肉三明治的地方改良风味之一。 www.america.gov 1. Plastics based sandwich structures. Determination of mechanical properties. Definitions. 塑料夹层结构定义.机械特性的测定 www.mapeng.net 2. He's also got a hastily plonked-together chicken salad sandwich on a white roll with one slice of tomato. 他还点了一个草草包起来的鸡肉沙拉三明治,放在一个上有一片番茄的白卷上。 www.bing.com 3. But once you know the semimajor axis, you can immediately calculate, with equation five, the speed of the sandwich. 但是一旦你知道半轴长,你可以马上,用方程5计算出,三明治的速度。 open.163.com 4. I take one bite of the Little Girl's grilled - cheese sandwich, then another, and then pretty soon I've eaten half a sandwich. 我经常吃一口我的小女儿的烤奶酪三明治,过一会儿又会吃一口…不久就吃掉了一半。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Karen from Sacramento sent a photo of herself stuffing an oversized sandwich in her mouth. 萨克拉曼多的凯伦邮来了一张她正在往自己嘴里塞一个特大号三明治的照片。 www.bing.com 6. Some suspect the head was introduced into the sandwich at the factory, where Burger King's beef patties are produced. 有些人怀疑那个的是在生产汉堡王肉饼工厂中进去的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Heal sealed with a flat of sandwich adhesive, have reliable water-resistance and moisture-resistance. 合缝处采用载体胶密封,放水防潮更可靠。 www.99inf.com 8. A separate cart held items to make your own sandwich if you didn't like the main courses. 如果你不喜欢主菜,一个单独的推车里面放了各种材料,你可以自己做三明治。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. A thin, sandwich-like arrangement, in which cathode, electrolyte and anode are close together, can thus be discharged and recharged rapidly. 一张很薄像三明治一样的布置中,阴阳两极和电解液紧密接触,因而可以快速充放电。 www.bing.com 10. For breakfast, she used to have a hot dog in a sandwich but now uses processed cheese instead. 过去她会在早餐的三明治里放一个热狗,不过现在都用加工奶酪来代替了。 chinese.wsj.com 1. A bite had been taken out of my sandwich. 我的三明治给咬去了一口。 dict.hjenglish.com 2. All eyes are now on Google's "Ice Cream Sandwich" system, which will unite the Android software used in tablets and smartphones. 所有人如今都拭目以待谷歌最新android平台“IceCreamSandwich”(Android4.0)平台,该系统将整合平板电脑和智能手机中的Android软件。 cn.reuters.com 3. But it was only the vanilla ice cream inside the sandwich that was 93% fat-free , not the chocolate coating. 但仅是冰淇淋三明治内的香草冰淇淋去除百分之九十三的脂肪,不包括外层的巧克力饼乾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Some of us have seen people walk city streets wearing sign boards on their front and back. These "sandwich board" people attract attention. 我们有些人在城里看到一些身上挂着「背心型」广告招牌的人,为要吸引路人的注意。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. The quasi-static and dynamic compression mechanical properties of sandwich panel with aluminum foam core have been studied in this paper. 本文对泡沫铝芯体夹层板材的准静态和动态力学性能进行了试验研究。 www.chemyq.com 6. I would like a chicken sandwich and a large coke to go . 我要一份鸡肉三明治和一大杯可乐带走。 www.bing.com 7. Amy: It's too thin if I were making a foot-long brain sandwich at Quiznos. 艾米:我这要是在奎兹诺餐厅,做英尺人脑三明治的话,就的确是切太薄了。 show.kekenet.com 8. Crystal: Just a salad and some crackers, and maybe a chicken sandwich? 克莉丝︰只要一份色拉和一些饼干,也许来份鸡肉三明治? bbs.kekenet.com 9. Picture the best part of yourself frozen in a sandwich bag at the Paper Street Soap Company. 想象下你身体的精华部分给装在三明治袋子里,放在纸街肥皂公司的冰箱里冷藏。 www.bing.com 10. Make her lunch: a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, some apple slices, a chocolate cookie and a glass of milk. 一个花生酱加果冻三明治、一些苹果切片,一个巧克力甜点和一杯牛奶。 www.examda.com 1. To reduce the fat and calorie content of your sandwich meat, choose low-fat or fat-free lunch meats whenever possible. 要想让你的三明治脂肪和卡路里含量降低些,就尽量选择低脂或者无脂的午餐肉。 microcard2u.com 2. As the population gets older and older, the sandwich generation are the ones who'll suffer financially. 随着人口不断老龄化,三明治一代(夹心阶层)要面临很多经济上的难题。 www.51test.net 3. I usually leave out one large container and put a sandwich there instead (cut in thirds, it fits better and looks quite nice on display). 通常有一格我是不用的,我会把三明治塞进去(切成三片,这样更好放,而且看起来也不错)。 www.elanso.com 4. He sat outside in the sunshine before heading back inside The Sandwich Box to pose for a photograph with teenager Josh King. 卡梅伦坐在店外明媚的阳光下喝茶,随后重新进入TheSandwichBox与一名叫乔希?金的少年合影。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. I'd like to make a sandwich, but I'm out of bread. 我想做个三明治,但是没有面包了。 www.oralpractice.com 6. It would be complicated but not prohibitively difficult to blend one or the other of these effects into the sandwich burner model . 在夹层燃烧模型中加入一个或另一个影响因素,自然便使问题复杂化了,但还不是过于繁难的。 www.bing.com 7. Google announced the next major Android update, "Ice Cream Sandwich. " 谷歌公司宣布Android下一代重大升级版——“冰激凌三明治”(IceCreamSandwich)。 www.fortunechina.com 8. In a proper sandwich, the cheese is adjacent to the bread to create a moisture barrier against the lettuce. 一个合格的三明治,芝士要紧贴着面包,这样会提供给生菜一个有水分的屏障。 aayuyu.blogcn.com 9. Sand! It's everywhere. It sticks to your face and hands. It even gets inside your sandwich. Where does it all come from? 沙子!这里到处都是沙子,不仅沾上了你的脸和手,甚至还跑到了你的三明治里沙子究竟是从哪里来的呢? www.wxtyyxx.com 10. After downing a packed sandwich, cookies and an orange, you'd be back in the lift line in 30 minutes or less. 一包三明治、几片饼干和一个桔子下肚后,你还要排队等大约30分钟乘滑车。 www.ftchinese.com 1. If you're super lazy, you could just eat a cheese sandwich, or add some turkey in there, that's good too! . 烤奶酪。面包,黄油,奶酪。烧烤和完成。如果你是超级懒,你可以随便吃一个三明治,或添加一些在那里的土耳其,也好啊!。 www.ishenti.com 2. Not gourmet, not pretty and certainly not good for you, but there are times when only a bacon sandwich will do. 算不上是精品美食,看上去也不是很美,当然对你的健康也没什么好处,但是,就是有那么些时候,唯有熏肉三明治才行。 www.bing.com 3. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a chicken sandwich. 接着,他把手伸进口袋,却拿出了一份鸡肉三明治。 cn.qikan.com 4. New ways to create Shockley's sandwich were invented, and transistors in a vast variety of sizes and shapes flooded the market. 许多制造萧克利夹层晶体管的新方法渐渐地被开发出来了,并且在不久之后这些数量庞大、具有不同尺寸以及外型的晶体管充斥了整个市场。 www.soudoc.com 5. Literally and metaphorically, there's nothing like a massive shit sandwich to keep your immune system keen. 不管怎样理解,没有什么像一块垃圾三明治一样让你的免疫系统保持灵敏。 www.bing.com 6. When you make a sandwich, be sure to add lettuce and a couple of thick tomato slices. 当您你做一个三明治,一定要加一对生菜和西红柿片厚。 www.bing.com 7. The results show that the sandwich composite improves the critical compression of the simple composite beam. 结果表明,夹层复合梁大大提高了简单复合梁的临界压力。 www.boshuo.net 8. Police say the woman was upset because she thought someone had spit in her sandwich. 警方表示那个妇女很不安,因为她以为有人在自己的三明治上吐口水。 www.kekenet.com 9. Just a salad and some crackers , and maybe a chicken sandwich ? 只要一份沙拉和一些饼干,也许来份鸡肉三明治?。 www.bing.com 10. I ordered the turkey melt, with a side of chicken noodle soup to dip the sandwich in. Fred ordered a turkey burger. 我下令火鸡融化了的鸡面汤的一面,去蘸英寸弗雷德下令火鸡三明治汉堡包。 www.dob2c.com 1. Yeah, Barney. Pass me a peanut butter sandwich. -Here you are, Fred. -Thanks, Barney. 我喜欢,巴尼。递我一个花生黄油三明治。-给你,佛瑞德。-多谢,巴尼。 qac.yappr.cn 2. On your first sleepover, your best friend's mother asks if you would like a tuna-fish-salad sandwich. 第一次在好友家留宿,好友的妈妈问你是否来点儿金枪鱼沙拉三明治。 www.elanso.com 3. B: Umm. . . Could you pick me up a chicken salad sandwich and a large diet coke? 恩……能帮我要一个鸡肉沙拉三明治和一个大杯无糖可乐吗? www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Many lunchrooms now serve jelly with peanut butter which makes for a fabulous sandwich for children. 许多学校餐厅都供应带有花生酱的果冻,这种果冻可给孩子们作成好吃的三明治。 www.foodmate.net 5. Every time I come close to orgasm, he goes to make himself a sandwich. 每次我到高潮时,他总是走开去给自己做块三明治。 z.tougao98.com 6. I only had a peanut butter sandwich and a jelly for lunch today. 我今天的午餐只吃了一个花生酱三明治和一个果冻。 www.mosesenglish.com 7. Umm. . . Could you pick me up a chicken salad sandwich and a large diet coke? 恩……能帮我要鸡肉沙拉三明治和大杯无糖可乐吗? www.ttxyy.com 8. To make a ham sandwich, just put a piece of ham between two. . . your uncle. 做三明治时候,把一片火腿放在两片奶油面包当中,就万事大。 www.hudong.com 9. Get rid of that sandwich. I can`t stand it when people eat in the editing room. 把你的三明治拿走,我无法忍受有人在编辑室吃东西。 www.bing.com 10. Ok. We'll send it right up Will you bring me a ham to you. sandwich? I'll have a ham sandwich. I'd like to have a ham sandwich. 你能送一份火腿三明治好的。马上为您送上去。来吗? wenku.baidu.com 1. It has come up with a sandwich fit for the battlefield. 一种战地三明治问世了。 www.kekenet.com 2. The space monkeys wait in quiet while I make my sandwich and take another bottle of vodka and go up the stairs. 太空猴子们安静的等我再做一个三明治,再拿上瓶伏特加,上楼。 www.bing.com 3. The consumer was then expected to finalize preparation of the sandwich by combining the hot and cool sides just prior to eating. 消费者只需在吃以前将热菜和生菜相结合完成三明治的调配即可。 www.elanso.com 4. The adhesive can be used in the production of sandwich safety glass in the cars and sandwich bulletproof glass. 可在阳光或灯光照射下固化,可用于汽车风挡用夹层安全玻璃、夹层防弹玻璃的生产。 www.chemyq.com 5. Another way to reduce both the fat and sodium content of your sandwich is to use less meat and pile on extra veggies instead. 降低你的三明治的脂肪和盐含量的另一种方法是少食用肉,多堆些蔬菜。 www.healthweneed.com 6. Oh me? I might be getting a sandwich and coffee, maybe some donuts too. You? 哦,我吗?可能会要个三明治跟咖啡,或者也会要几个甜甜圈。你呢? www.kekenet.com 7. Sit down, let me fix you a sandwich. . . now, I need a tiny favor from you. . . 坐下来,让我给你做个三明治吧…那么,我也要请你帮我个小忙… sochi2014.ef.com 8. This isn't about death, Leonard. This is about crumbs in the bed. This is about the fact that your pillow smells like a liverwurst sandwich. 这根本和死亡无关,伦纳德。这跟床上到处是面包屑有关。这跟枕头总有一股肝泥肠三明治的味道有关。 www.bing.com 9. That means that sandwich or a salad is a good choice, but a chocolate bar or a bag of potato chips is not. 也就是说,要选择三明治和色拉之类的而不是选择巧克力和炸土豆条。 www.360doc.com 10. The value of the thermal expansion of interlaminar and sandwich hybrid composites decreases with increasing carbon fiber content. 发现层间和夹心混杂复合材料的热膨胀量随炭纤维相对含量的增加而减少; www.chemyq.com |
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