单词 | shock-and-awe |
释义 |
例句释义: 震慑行动,震慑战术 1. In general, you will know these 'Shock and Awe' events are what we have been mentioning to you for a while, as there will be no doubt. 一般来说,那时你就会知道这些活动就是我们提及的【冲击和敬畏】事件,勿庸置疑了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The scale of the borrowing inspired "shock and awe" among the creditors, according to a person familiar with the matter. 据知情人士透露,是这么大规模的借款引发了债权人的“震慑行动”。 www.ecocn.org 3. The kind of shock and awe of the dark people, to their own interests, use of water poisoning blind the eyes of a child. 那种震慑人心的黑暗,为了自己的利益,用药水毒瞎一个孩子的眼睛。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Why? In short, because rescues need a bit of "shock and awe" to convince investors. 为什么会这样?简单说来,就是援助需要一点“震惊与恐惧”以使投资者心悦诚服。 www.ecocn.org 5. "I am in shock and awe, " said Ms. Renaud, who was visiting from Red Hook, Brooklyn, with her family. "He was like a family member to me. " “看了眼前的一切,我好震惊也很敬畏,”与其家人来自布鲁克林红钩名叫Renaud的女士说,“他就像我的家庭的一员。” www.bing.com 6. "The next day after the shock and awe bombing, oil dropped $40 bucks, and so did gold, " he said. “第二天恐慌情绪爆发,石油大跌40美元,黄金也下跌了40美元”他说。 www.bing.com 7. It had a shock and awe effect. You want to go a step further than what is absolutely needed. 也就是说给你的比你想要的还要多,这产生了震撼性的效果。 www.bing.com 8. They can provide shock and awe in a carefully - constructed story, or turn out to be a cheap cop-out that evokes groans rather than gasps. 他们提供一个小心构造的故事,有震撼与威慑,或是唤起呻吟并非喘气的推托。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Americans like to see things get done instantly: fast food, Twitter, and even "shock and awe" military campaigns. 美国人喜欢速成,比如快餐,推特,甚至“震慑式”的军事打击。 www.bing.com 10. This latest episode of jitters could be the opening shock-and-awe campaign of something more lasting. The U. 最大的一个恐慌事件可能是开启某些更持久事物的震惊和敬畏战役。 north-penguin.spaces.live.com 1. Germany is one of several countries to try the shock-and-awe approach to promoting safe sex. 德国是尝试使用恐吓手段来宣传安全性行为的国家之一。 www.bing.com 2. You guys have grown up with this war, you've seen images like those, may be learn phrases like weapons of mass destruction or shock and awe. 而你们也随着这场战争而长大,你曾经看到过这些图片,可能学习到像大规模杀伤性武器或震惊及敬畏等的短语。 www.bing.com 3. China's stimulus package was the earliest and best-known example of fiscal shock and awe. 中国的经济刺激一揽子计划是实施最早也最出名的财政震慑的实例。 www.ecocn.org 4. indeed , tv coverage of desert storm vividly portrayed iraqi soldiers registering these effects of battlefield shock and awe. 实际上,电视分析和报道伊拉克士兵们在沙漠风暴行动中的举动生动地展示了“震慑和恐吓”战场是有效的。 www.ichacha.net 5. The second delusion might be termed excessive faith in shock-and-awe. 第二个幻觉也许是对震慑作用的过度信任。 www.ecocn.org 6. The time for "shock and awe" in economic policymaking is now. 如今该是采取“震慑与威吓”手段制定经济政策的时候了。 www.ftchinese.com 7. General people were seen crowded before television sets to watch with shock and awe how Saddam was hanged to death. 普通老百姓围在电视机前观看这一消息的播出。他们对如何绞死萨达姆感到震惊和畏惧。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. But the "shock and awe" approach to Keynesian stimulus has an unfortunate consequence. 但是,这种“快刀斩乱麻”的方法在凯恩斯经济刺激计划中却事与愿违。 www.bing.com 9. The shock and awe of the invasion was eclipsed by insurgents using IEDs. 甫入伊拉克的那份惊奇与敬畏,不久就被叛乱分子的简易炸弹掩盖了。 www.ecocn.org 10. Question: Are there no negative consequences from "shock and awe? " 问:“震慑和恐惧”的政策会不会产生消极的结果? www.bing.com 1. Yet for Greece, faith in shock-and-awe seems misplaced. 然而对于希腊来说,“震撼与威慑”却是用错了地方。 www.ecocn.org 2. The Americans, mindful of their experience in 2008 and 2009, recommend "shock and awe" . 美国人鉴于自己在2008年和2009年的经验,建议采取“震慑”策略。 www.ftchinese.com 3. "They are going to shock and awe us, " said Joe Machado, 50, owner of a 700-acre, 1, 000-cow dairy near Hanford. “他们震惊了我。”JoeMachado说,他在汉福德附近拥有700英亩的土地和1000头乳牛。 dongxi.net 4. In the 'shock and awe' attack on Iraq, more than 1, 500 bombs and missiles were dropped on Baghdad alone. 在对伊拉克的恐吓攻击中,光是巴格达就投下了超过1500枚炸弹和导弹。 club.kdnet.net 5. But this is shock-and-awe stuff and makes one wonder whether other countries will follow suit. 实际上,无论其他国家是否跟进,竞相跟进的宽松政策都将造就一场奇迹。 www.bing.com 6. Shock-and-awe (2003) Initial strategy of Iraq War. 震慑(2003)美国对伊拉克战争采取的最初战略。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. It can't be fixed with the shock and awe of a $700 billion rescue package, Smick says. 它不能被用7,000亿美元的一揽子拯救计划所带来的震慑所恢复,斯米克表示。 www.bing.com 8. shock and awe air campaign 震慑空袭行动 www.bing.com |
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