单词 | school buildings | ||||||
释义 | school buildings
例句释义: 学校建筑,学校建筑物,校舍 1. When school buildings collapsed in Sichuan in the 2008 earthquake, the victims tended to be the children of poorer families. 当校舍在2008年四川大地震期间垮塌时,受害者一般是较贫困家庭的孩子。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Old school buildings which were not retrofitted are not allowed to be used if they do not meet the old building codes. 对于未翻修的老建筑,有些甚至未达到老的建筑标准。这些建筑是不允许使用的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The parents were hoping to hear the results of an investigation into the failure of area school buildings in the quake. 而这些家长们的诉求就是要知道针对震区坍塌校舍的质量调查结果。 www.bing.com 4. From what I saw on the scene, not only school buildings collapsed, but the surrounding houses as well. 从我在现场看到,不仅学校的建筑物倒塌,但以及周围的房屋。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org 5. With the sun shining on tree-shaded campus and red school buildings, Tagore International School was extraordinarily beautiful. 绿树掩映的校园、红色的教学楼,夕阳映照下的泰戈尔国际学校显得格外美丽。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. Anger that so many children died because their school buildings were poorly built continued to simmer online and in state media. 对因为建筑质量差而导致这么多儿童死亡的愤慨充满网络和国家媒体。 hi.baidu.com 7. So far, however, there have been none of the accusations of shoddily built school buildings that became a controversy in Sichuan. 然而迄今为止,建设四川的豆腐渣学校的相关人员依然没有一人受到指控,这引起了很大争议。 blog.stnn.cc 8. High-rise complex of school buildings internal partitions often used for multiple departments. 学校建筑物高楼化且复合使用,建筑内部常为数个单位分层分区使用; 9. The Dursleys had received a very angry letter from Harry's headmistress telling them Harry had been climbing school buildings. 德思礼夫妇收到女校长的一封信,女校长很生气,告诉他们哈利爬到学校楼顶上去了。 okread.net 10. A large number of school buildings collapsed and only a few teachers and students escaped. 许多中小学校校舍坍塌,只有少数师生得以逃生 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Wudu primary school buildings collapsed the most part, buried at least below the pressure of more than 100 teachers and students. 武都小学的教学楼坍塌了大半部分,下面至少埋压了100多个师生。 www.fwsou.com 2. School buildings should use structures that meet engineering and construction standards as well as local quake-resistance requirements. 学校校舍应该使用符合工程和建筑标准的材料结构,同时还应符合当地的抗震标准。 ourtra.netat.net 3. He said: "If quality problems do exist in the school buildings, those found responsible will be dealt with severely. " 他说:“如果学校建筑中存在质量问题,相关责任人员将会受到严肃处理。” www.loveunix.net 4. Finally, I still do not believe very much quality comes out of China. The article mentioned tainted milk and shoddy school buildings. 最后,我仍然不太相信中国质量,该文提到了毒牛奶,学校建筑豆腐渣工程,还有砌墙偷工减料。 article.daqi.com 5. Several school buildings in town pancaked during the earthquake, once again raising questions about substandard construction. 镇上几所学校的房子在地震中被砸扁了,再一次引起对不合格建筑的质疑。 www.bing.com 6. Sufficient numbers of teachers, school buildings, and textbooks are all essential, but accelerating learning requires much more. 足够的教师、校舍和教材都是重要的,但是想促进学习,这些远远不够。 www.bing.com 7. Mostly, I don't believe that problems in Afghanistan and Pakistan stem from a lack of money or a lack of school buildings. 更关键的是,我认为阿富汗和巴基斯坦的问题并不是缺钱或缺教室所导致的。 www.bing.com 8. We have an abandoned school buildings north of the small garden, small garden with a central tall willow. 我们的教学楼北面有一个荒废了的小花园,小花园中央有一棵高大的柳树。 www.tradeask.com 9. lawmakers are demanding that the New York City school system reverse its longtime ban on students' cell phones inside school buildings. 最佳翻译越来越多的学生、老师和城市立法人员要求纽约市学校教育系统解除长期以来学生在校园建筑内不得使用手机的禁令。 news.sina.com.cn 10. This article will discuss the questions about architectural feature and earthquake fortification which exist in school buildings. 本文针对校舍建筑其独特的结构特征及抗震设防存在的问题展开论述。 lib.cqvip.com 1. Faculty has a great difference, regardless of school buildings, school uniforms, courses are fragmented. 有着极大的分别,无论校舍、校服、课程都各自为政。 wenwen.soso.com 2. But the bulk of Mr Rudd's stimulus, almost A$30 billion, will go on infrastructure: new school buildings, road repairs and house insulation. 然而,该方案的很大一部分,约300亿澳元,将流向基础设施建设:建新校舍、维修公路、为房屋安装隔热层。 blog.ecocn.org 3. If anyone illegally occupies school buildings, sites or other property, he shall bear civil liabilities according to law. 侵占学校及其他教育机构的校舍、场地及其他财产的,依法承担民事责任。 www.putclub.com 4. Some ask why school buildings appear to have sustained more damage than other structures. 有人问为什么校舍出现持续较其他结构的损伤。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org 5. Three school buildings, construction area of 8587M2, there are 65 classrooms with a projector and a tape recorder. 教学楼三座,建筑面积8587M2,有教室65个,并配有录音机和投影仪。 www.elycn.com 6. Incidents like burning of tents and school buildings, explosions near schools, and threats to female teachers still occur. 烧毁帐篷和校舍、在学校附近搞爆炸以及恐吓女教师等事件仍然时有发生。 web.worldbank.org 7. But it was Caijing that produced a detailed 12-page investigation into the shoddy school buildings. 但是《财经》却刊出了一篇12页长的校舍质量详尽调查。 www.bing.com 8. These children of all school buildings collapsed in the earthquake, they were sent to another city. 这些孩子的校舍在地震中全部倒塌,他们被送到另外一个城市 zhidao.baidu.com 9. These school buildings have a strong, simple architectural appeal and will be a pleasure to look at for many years. 这些学校建筑具备坚实而朴素的建筑感染力,并且将在多年内使人看上去感到舒畅美观。 10. Recently, we've built school buildings relatively fast, so some construction problems might exist. 近些年来,我们建楼速度相对很快,所以有可能存在建筑质量不达标的问题。 www.bing.com 1. As long as their classes remain open, they are taking precautions, including disinfecting areas throughout school buildings. 只要他们的课程照常开放,他们正在采取防范措施,包括整个校舍消毒。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In reality, many existing school buildings are underutilised. Concessions on space get made on both sides. 事实上,很多现存学校建筑已经承载超负荷,对于教学场所,双方都作出了让步。 www.ecocn.org 3. Gum chewing is not allowed in many US school buildings, as it is difficult to clean up. 嚼口香糖是在很多美国学校的建筑里都是不允许的,由于它很难清扫。 www.xx178.com 4. It consists of school buildings, factories and dormitories practice composed of three parts. 它由教学楼、实习工厂和学生宿舍三部分组成。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. In several towns, most notoriously in Juyuan, school buildings collapsed while other structures around them remained standing. 在一些城镇学校校舍倒塌了,但是它们周围的建筑物却依然矗立,其中最名声狼藉的是在聚源镇的。 www.loveunix.net 6. Over a hundred years, the field of psychological counseling school buildings, and methods varied. 百余年间,心理咨询领域内流派林立,方法纷杂。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. 87% of enrolled students attend classes in environmentally efficient school buildings. 87%的在册学生在环境友好型教学楼中上课。 web.worldbank.org 8. From the school buildings, teaching Laboratory Building, library building, student hostels and canteens campus buildings pose. 由教学楼、教学实验综合楼、图书楼、学生宿舍及食堂构成校园建筑群。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. and the school buildings turned out to be especially vulnerable to collapse because of poor construction. 可知,此处讲因为建筑质量差学校的房子尤其容易倒塌。故选。 www.ell.cn 10. Now parents cluster outside collapsed school buildings, held back by soldiers in some cases as rescue crews search for signs of life. 现在父母呆在倒塌的学校外面,等着士兵和救援人员的生命信号。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. In poorer areas teachers often go unpaid for months, and school buildings unrepaired . 在贫困地区,教师经常几个月拿不到工资,校舍也得不到维修。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. We completed the project to improve the safety of primary and secondary school buildings. 完成中小学校舍安全工程。 www.hxen.com 3. The characteristics of vertical elements of typical models of school buildings were defined according to the above data base. 并藉助上述资料库,对本文之典型校舍模型垂直构件性质予以定义。 4. A great number of school buildings will be built next year. 明年将建许多教学楼。 www.ecp.com.cn 5. This includes all school buildings, gardens, sports fields and car parks. 校舍包括所有学校建筑、校园、体育场以及停车场。 www.bing.com 6. True, construction standards came under fire after the May 2008 Sichuan earthquake felled many school buildings. 确实,2008年5月的四川地震使许多校舍倒塌后之,建筑标准饱受抨击。 www.bing.com 7. Five thousand dollars has been appropriated for the new school buildings. 已拨款五千元为建设新校舍之用 www.hjenglish.com 8. In some cases, school buildings collapsed when other structures nearby remained standing. 在一些地方,学校垮塌了,而周围的其它建筑却屹立未倒。 www.bing.com 9. Many are living in school buildings or in makeshift roadside shelters . 许多人住在学校或临时的路边避难处里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The two school buildings are connected by a long footbridge. 两座教学楼被一座长长的步行桥连接着。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. They felt it wasted money to use school buildings for only part of the year. 他们觉得每年只使用一段时间学校建筑是在浪费金钱。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. School buildings are animals of appearance, different pattern, the space also is very big, gorgeous! 学校建筑都是动物的样子,形态各异,空间也很大,漂亮极了! zhidao.baidu.com 3. The school buildIngs formed a hollow square, with a playground In the middle. 校舍呈中空四方形,中央为运动场。 dict.ebigear.com 4. "We don't have school buildings, we don't have buses, we have lower costs, " says Ross. 罗斯说:“我们没有教学楼,没有公车,所以成本相对较低。” www.bing.com 5. And during the Wenchuan Earthquake, the school buildings collapsed at a large scale. 再看汶川地震,学校大面积房子倒塌。 www.elanso.com 6. The caretaker is responsible for the maintenance of the school buildings. 楼管员负责校舍的维护。 www.pp39.com 7. "These are generally rural, agrarian communities that most of the time, have not seen permanently built school buildings, " said George. “这些通常是农村,农业社会在大多数时候没有见过的永久性学校建筑”乔治说。 bbs.gounahaozi.org 8. Ivy creeps up the walls of the school buildings. 常春藤沿校舍墙壁蔓延。 dict.hjenglish.com 9. Of the school buildings, 43 percent could be re-opened; the rest were beyond repair. 而对于学校建筑来说,43%可以重新使用,而其余的则无法再修复。 www.yeeyan.com 10. It has more than 2, 000 students and teachers in three school buildings. 学校里有两千多名师生,三栋教学楼。 www.hjenglish.com 1. An oil furnace heats our school buildings in winter. 我们学校大楼在冬天使用油炉取暖。 www.bing.com 2. February 1932, the school buildings in the text Yang southeast of the city broke ground on the South a wasteland. 1932年2月,学校在文城东南杨家幢南一片荒地上破土动工。 weihai.qite8.com 3. By a laboratory building, two school buildings, a big playground. 由一个实验楼,两座教学楼,一个大操场。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The teachers on duty are policing the school buildings during the lunch hour. 在午饭时间,值班教师负责维持校内秩序。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Another , I am absorbed grand library, school buildings and wide playground. 另一个,我是吸收大图书馆、学校建筑和宽的操场。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. They are going to raise funds for the school buildings. 他们将为盖校舍筹集资金。种植; www.ahmasez.com.cn 7. For example, interconnected systems can transform life outside, as well as inside, school buildings to improve learning. 例如,联系在一起的系统能同时从外在和内在两方面改变生活,校舍有助于促进学习。 www.bing.com 8. The idea is to have environmentally friendly school buildings but to also go further than that. 其目的是拥有环境友好型的学校建筑,但还要比这更进一步。 pretty8301.blog.163.com 9. Small gatherings picketed outside the school buildings. 三五成群的人在学校大楼外担任纠察。 10. Of 44 school buildings counted, 57 percent (25) were damaged beyond repair. 在调查到的44所学校建筑中,57%(25)的破坏程度使得其不可以修复。 feed.yeeyan.com 1. I care about the school buildings in need of print. 我关心学校的房屋需要粉刷。 i.mop.com 2. I care about the school buildings in need of paint. 我关心学校的建筑物需需要粉刷 www.crazyenglish.org 3. The students were because of school buildings. 学生们因为缺少校舍被解散了。 www.86ist.cn 4. In-situ pushover tests of the existing school buildings were performed to study the seismic capacity of existing school buildings. 本研究系针对既有校舍建筑物进行现地侧推试验,以了解既有校舍之耐震能力。 5. This paper provides a proposal to solve the problems related to school buildings. 本文即针对此一问题,提出解决之刍议。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Problems and countermeasures of lightweight partition wall's application in school buildings transformations 轻质隔墙板在教学楼改造工程运用中的问题与对策分析 service.ilib.cn 7. Bundling Replacement of School Buildings --a Good Attempt to Improve the School Conditions in Cities 校舍捆绑式置换是快速改善城区学校办学条件的有益尝试--锦州市凌河区校舍系列开发情况调查报告 www.ilib.cn 8. Cleaning services - School buildings - Requirements for the cleaning 清洁服务设施.学校建筑物.清洁处理要求 www.mapeng.net 9. These children's school buildings collapsed in the earthquake, they were sent to another 这些孩子的校舍在地震中全部倒塌,他们被送到另一个城市 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Some of the extra cash went on grandiose school buildings; 除此以外,还有一部分资金用来建造宏伟的学校建筑; www.ecocn.org 1. Engineering analysis of pipeline direct drinking water for school buildings 教学楼管道直饮水工程实例分析 www.ilib.cn 2. This is a 50 years old, has three young, each year there are 20 classes, three school buildings, an office building. 这是一个有50多年的历史了,有三个年岁,每个年级有20个班,三座教学楼,一座办公楼。 www.yxad.com 3. Renovate dangerous primary and secondary school buildings in rural areas 农村中小学危房改造 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Design standards for wooden construction of school buildings 木结构校舍构造的设计标准 www.mapeng.net 5. Determining the organization of the school and ensuring ongoing maintenance of the school buildings; 决定学校的组织形式,确保教学楼的安全维护; blog.sina.com.cn 6. The Cultural Heritage in Primary and Middle School Buildings 中小学建筑中的文化传承 www.ilib.cn 7. Code for design of secondary and primary school buildings 中小学校建筑设计规范 www.risn.org.cn 8. Enlightenment from the New School Buildings 新校园建筑的启迪 www.ilib.cn 9. code for design of nursery and infant school buildings 托儿所幼儿园建筑设计规范 www.ichacha.net 10. They will raise money for the school buildings 他们将为校舍筹集资金 wenwen.soso.com |
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