单词 | scholarly |
释义 |
例句释义: 勤奋好学的,有学问的,学术的,学术性的,学者气质的,学者的,学者风范 1. I thought he would betray some emotion as he passed around photos of his handsome, scholarly looking boy. There was nothing. 我以为,在翻阅他那英俊,儒雅的儿子的照片时,他会宣泄出一些情绪,但什么都没有发生。 www.bing.com 2. One of the problems of current Chinese scholarly misconduct seems to be also of Chinese family culture origin. 当今中国学术不端行为的问题之一看起来其原因就在于中国家族文化。 www.bing.com 3. How does this advance the field ? How well placed are the findings within the context of ongoing scholarly about this topic ? 研究是如何推动学科领域的?这种发现在学科中处于怎样一个地位?。 www.bing.com 4. The trouble is that his biography seems to have been written with both a popular and a scholarly readership in mind. 这本书的弊病在于,他的自传似乎要通吃通俗读者和学术读者。 www.ecocn.org 5. Burke Trend was a slight and scholarly man with a twinkle in his eye and a manner that proclaimed both wisdom and discretion. 伯克·特伦德是一个瘦弱,学者似的人,一双闪亮的眼睛,显示智慧和谨慎的风度。 6. We wish to make clear that this is a scholarly research project, and there is no art exhibition associated with it. 我们想要让大家明白,这只是个学术研究,没有艺术展出的目的。 www.tieku.org 7. Justice Stephen Breyer referred to proportionality in a recent opinion on gun control, provoking scholarly excitement. StephenBreyer大法官在最近关于枪支控制的意见中也引用了比例原则,也引发了学术方面的争议。 www.ecocn.org 8. Almost all the great truths relating to society were not the result of scholarly meditation, "having up wisdom with each curious year. " 几乎一切关系到社会的伟大真理,都不是那种“年复一年地求索探寻,积聚起才识和智慧”的学究式冥思默想的结果。 9. I provided factual information on rates of promiscuity and disease infection which had been previously published in scholarly journals. 文中我引述了先前在学术期刊发表有关滥交与疾病感染比率的事实资料。 sodocg.org.hk 10. Scholarly articles are not like the popular press articles and learning to differentiate between them is important. 学术文章是不喜欢流行的报刊文章和学习区分它们是重要的。 corrugatedroofing.info 1. To say a woman is talented and scholarly is like praising a flower for balancing on the scale with a cabbage or potato-utterly pointless. 说女人有才学,就仿佛赞美一朵花,说它在天平上称起来有白菜番薯的斤两。 tr.bab.la 2. The general scholarly opinion, at least in the West, was that the winged disc represented Ahura Mazda. 一般学者主张,至少在西部,有翼的圆盘状是代表阿胡玛兹达。 www.chinaufo.com 3. Douglas Russell, of the Natural History Museum, said the 'ovum in ovo' has attracted scholarly attention for hundreds of years. 来自英国自然历史博物馆的道格拉斯·拉塞尔说,“蛋中蛋”的现象在长久以来都吸引着学者的关注,他们也提出了很多理论。 www.ebigear.com 4. In the case of American Sign Language, years of patient observation and scholarly inquiry have led to some exciting conclusions. 就美国手语这个研究个案来说,在令人兴奋的研究结果得出之前已耗费了前人致力于耐心观察和学术质询的数年时光。 dict.bioon.com 5. Even at my age and officially retired , more than half of my waking hours are dealing with scholarly and technical matters. 我已经这把年纪了,而且正式退休了,每天醒着的一半以上的时间还花在学术上。 www.zftrans.com 6. It existed as a scholarly written language, but there was no way to know how the words were pronounced. 希伯来文于19世纪初期是一个不活耀的语言,仅存于学术书面语言,且无法知道这些文字如何发音。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 7. Cathy wears a pair of glasses, which gives her a scholarly look. 凯西戴着一副眼镜,使她看起来象一个学者。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. He was an inspiring teacher, giving scholarly but entertaining lectures that betrayed his early love of the theatre. 作为一位有感召力的教师,他抛开早期热爱的戏剧,转而做起了学术性和趣味性兼备的报告。 www.1x1y.com.cn 9. Darnton has long been a champion of the publication of research and scholarly resources on the web. 达恩顿长期以来一直积极支持将研究和学术资料发表在网络上。 dongxi.net 10. All this scholarly research is simply evidence for what great performers have been showing us for years. 所有这方面的学术研究只是证明了多年来那些出类拔萃的人向我们显示的东西。 www.fane.cn 1. The central library collection, used for advanced scholarly research, is housed in the Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library. 中央图书馆的馆藏,先进的学术研究使用,是安放在哈里埃尔金斯威德纳纪念图书馆。 tieba.baidu.com 2. It would be unfair to judge any of this side of When China Rules the World, a popular work, by scholarly standards. 如果从学术标准的角度来评价畅销书《当中国统治世界时》这一面的任何部分都是不公平的。 www.bing.com 3. Across the centuries, our closest contact is with individuals and scholarly men of letters on the margins of the court. 数个世纪之后,我们接触最为密切的是那些游走在宫庭边缘的个人和文人。 bbs.translators.com.cn 4. Expect to see an emphasis on the scholarly and research implications of the acquisition. 该馆博客作者MattRaymond称此次收购的重点在于其学术和科研内涵。 www.bing.com 5. First papers on scholarship thinking of the ancient Chinese Confucian tradition, which is generally thought of his scholarly understanding. 论文首先阐述中国历代治学思想的儒家传统,从而对治学思想有大致的了解。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. That is precisely the point of my Scientific American piece and a longer scholarly paper that Prof. 这恰恰就是我在[科学的美国人]里所写短文的观点,也是我另一篇较长的学术论文的观点。 zou.hengfu.blog.163.com 7. A "bluestocking" used to be a scholarly or highly knowledgeable woman. “蓝袜子(bluestocking)”曾用以指一个学者或知识渊博的女人。 www.bing.com 8. He shuffled off, a bent, scholarly figure among the citizens of his goddamn country. 他踽踽而去,一个佝偻的、学者的身影,夹杂在他的上帝诅咒的国家公民们之中。 dict.veduchina.com 9. It is only upon this foundation that scholarly discussions or differing critiques can be meaningful and valuable. 也只有在这样的基础上,学术探讨或批评碰撞,才是有意义或有价值的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. His bibliography includes few of the standard scholarly studies of nineteenth-century Paris, and no works at all in the French language. 他的参考文献只有几篇十九世纪巴黎的标准学术研究,还没有一篇是法语写的。 dongxi.net 1. Surely, sir, the very assertion is a theory invented by an imaginative mind - whether it be Shankara or the modern scholarly theologian. 显然,先生,这个断言本身正是一个富于想象力的头脑发明出的理论——不管这个头脑是商羯罗还是现代的学院派神学家。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 2. From his scholarly attitude of the students have Insatiable and the immutability of your spirit. 从治学态度来看,学生要有学而不厌和学贵有恒的精神。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. Islamic history bears witness to the fact that women have made unique contributions in various scholarly and scientific fields. 伊斯兰的历史见证了妇女在各种学术和科学的领域所作出的独特贡献。 www.2muslim.com 4. College algebra will not be the end of her scholarly career . 代数学并不是她学术生涯的结束。 www.bing.com 5. Ideally, a user should be able to input and edit multilingual text -- a task common in scholarly and legal circles. 理想情况下,用户应当可以输入并编辑多语言文字——在学术界和法律界,这是很常见的任务。 www.ibm.com 6. Reflecting this scholarly trend, in the last few years many scholars have delved into the cultural history of the Anti-Japanese War period. 近年来多位学者投入抗战时期文化史的研究工作,即为此研究风潮下的产物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. From his scholarly approach suggests that students should learn to develop scientific methods. 从治学方法来看,学生应养成科学的学习方法。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. i participate in a writer ' s group , am involved in a study of scholarly texts , attend church on sundays and get together with friends. 我参加一个写作小组、研读学术文献、周日上教堂做礼拜,也常和朋友聚会。 www.ichacha.net 9. Bloomsbury banked a lot of the money, and has taken advantage of the slump in asset prices to pick up specialist and scholarly publishers. 布鲁姆斯伯里将大笔盈利存入银行,瞅准资产价格猛跌,收购专业和学术出版社。 www.ecocn.org 10. This research will be able to expand scholarly understanding on the dissemination of Chinese and Japanese art in the early 20th century. 这个研究将能扩展学界瞭解二十世纪初中日艺术对外传播的情形。 ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw 1. Unfortunately although governments are spending more on research, scholarly communication is unlikely to be funded so generously. 不幸的是,虽然政府投入更多的经费在研究方面,学术传播并未因此而受惠。 docs.google.com 2. These books contain some of the best scholarly writings that the research literature has to offer on the behavioral theory of the firm. 这些书包含了研究文献中有关企业行为理论方面的最好的一部分学术作品。 www.bing.com 3. We provide two solutions to help library visitors locate scholarly literature within your electronic and print resources. 我们提供了一种帮助图书馆访问者在电子资源和打印资源中查找学术文献的方法。 scholar.google.no 4. There might be room for broad and eclectic teaching of undergraduates, but certainly not for scholarly output. 对于大学生较宽广及折衷的教学方式来说,杜兹曼的书籍或许还能被接受,但绝对不会被用在学术作品上。 www.myoops.org 5. Various scholarly associations and government and Nazi party offices sway over groupings of these institutions. 各种各样的学术协会,政府和纳粹党的机关控制着这些机构。 www.jukuu.com 6. Ger Hong established more scholarly theory for Taoism, and he was a comprehensive expression of celestial thought. 葛洪为道教理论建构富有知识水准的理论体系,集神仙思想之大成。 www.teps.com.cn 7. The changing form of Taiji made its movement from 'vulgar' to 'scholarly and refined', expanding the cultural level and practicing crowds. 太极拳运动形式的变革,使其运动方式由“粗俗”走向“儒雅”,扩大了太极拳的传播文化层次和习练人群。 lib.cqvip.com 8. The visionaries , "believe that the emerging technologies signal a radical change in every aspect of scholarly communication" . 有远见者认为新兴技术从根本上改变了每一个方面的学术交流。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The only "crime" committed by many of these people was to write "scholarly critiques" of the occupation or the new people in charge. 而许多平民唯一的“罪行”是对美国占领或新统治者的做法写了“学术性的批评文章”。 www.bing.com 10. Enhance publications record, and record of our scholarly output, as an indicator of research excellence. 增加学术著作及研究项目的数量,作为卓越研究的一种指标。 www.hku.hk 1. Qian Zhongshu is such a scholarly writer who always keeps great interest in philosophy. 钱钟书是一位对哲学始终保持着浓厚兴趣的作家型学者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In preparation for this study, we conducted a review of recent research and scholarly papers that have been produced on the topic of wikis. 为了准备此次研究,我们做了一篇关于维基这个主题的研究和学术文章的回顾。 www.happysky.org 3. This experience will cause me to strengthen has taken the scholarly research my future occupation determination. 这次经历使我坚定了将学术研究作为我未来的职业的决心。 weike.taskcn.com 4. Interrogates the volume investigation result only to supply the scholarly research to use, is not him to use. 本问卷的调查结果仅供学术研究用,绝不做他用。 www.sojump.com 5. I suspect Professor Hills never envisaged his scholarly masterwork as a love token, but I treasure it. 我揣测希尔斯教授永远无法设想他的学术著作会成我们的爱情信物,但是我非常珍爱它。 www.bing.com 6. While Mimamsa does not receive much scholarly attention these days, its influence can be felt in the life of the practising Hindu. 弥曼差派在那个时期并不接受过多的学者注意,它的影响可以在印度教的实践生活中感觉出来。 www.chinaufo.com 7. The author based on the existing scholarly research, put forward her understanding of the concept of cybercrime. 笔者通过对已有的学术研究的浅析浅析、归纳,提出了自己对网络犯罪概念的理解。 www.zidir.com 8. But his main expertise, acquired over decades of scholarly study, is in the Soviet Union and its east European empire. 但是他几十年学术研究中,主攻的还是苏联和东欧政权。 www.ecocn.org 9. Huang's exegetical achievements are directly bound up with his exegetical methods, his scholarly spirit and his academic foundation. 黄生训诂成就的取得,与其所运用的训诂方法和治学精神及其学术根底密切相关。 lib.cqvip.com 10. Of course, some historians have refused to work for Big Tobacco, on the grounds of those same scholarly standards. 当然,也有一些历史学家基于学术操守而拒绝为烟草公司服务。 www.bing.com 1. A Comparative Study of Perceptions of Credibility of Scholarly Information on the Web Between the University Students of China and U. S. 中美大学生对网上学术信息的可信性认识的调查与比较。 service.ilib.cn 2. To prosecute a person for making scholarly inquiry into a fundamental arena of human existence is outrageous! 一位学者对人类基本的存在进行学术探究就要被告发,实在不可思议! dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Therefore a closer understanding of scholarly productions, especially publications of books and journal articles, should be under going. 应更好地理解学术出版,尤其是著作和期刊论文的出版。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. A formal written composition intended to be published, presented, or read aloud; a scholarly essay or treatise. 学术论文一篇写好的正式著作,为了出版、讲演或宣读;学术文章或论文。 www.godict.com 5. Huntington is most famous for "The Clash of Civilizations, " but his scholarly reputation properly rests on his earlier work. 亨廷顿因“文明冲突”而广为人知,但是他的学术声望却建立在他更早期的研究上。 www.bing.com 6. Electronic journals, called e-journals, are published on the Web by scholarly organizations and are made available to you from your library. 电子期刊,又被称为e期刊,是由学术组织发布在网络上的,并且可以通过你的图书馆的到(获取)它们。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The selected topic must have the scholarly research value, contemporaneity, practical significance and creativity. 选题要具有学术研究价值;具有时代性和实践性意义;要有创意。 lib.cqvip.com 8. His primary scholarly interest is linking science with spatial pattern to interweave nature and people on the land. 他主要的学术研究是将空间格局和科学联系起来,以使自然和土地上的人和谐相处。 www.landscapecn.com 9. His life experience has always been playing an important role in his scholarly career. 他的生活经历在他的学术生涯中一直扮演着一个重要角色。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. In a scholarly paper published in 2000, Li proposed the theorem be applied to credit risks, encompassing everything from bonds to mortgages. 在2000年发表的一篇学术论文里,李建议了这个可应用于信用风险的定理,涵盖了从债券到房屋抵押贷款的一切。 www.bing.com 1. One hundred years ago today, Qian was born into a scholarly family in Wuxi, Jiangsu province. 一百年前的今天,钱锺书生于江苏省无锡市的一个书香门第。 www.bing.com 2. The MoU has promoted cooperation, expanded scholarly ties, facilitated academic cooperation and promoted mutual understanding. 该协议的签署进一步增进了大学间相互合作和理解,并为扩大学者交流和学术合作创造了条件。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Looks and feels like Wikipedia, but with a more "scholarly" atmosphere. 风格和设置颇似Wikipedia,但研究氛围更浓。 www.bing.com 4. However, as a scholarly genre, acknowledgements in thesis or dissertation have received little attention. 然而,作为一种学术性质体裁,硕博学位论文中的致谢很少受到关注。 www.fabiao.net 5. Professors at top research institutions are valued exclusively for the quality of their scholarly work; time spent on teaching is time lost. 著名研究型大学的教授评价完全靠学术成果的质量来衡量,花费在教学上的时间完全是浪费。 landaishu.zhongwenlink.com 6. A presentation for the class that summarizes the research paper and leads the group in a scholarly discussion of the issue. Due: Lec #11. 课堂报告概述研究论文的成果发表,并引导小组在此议题上作学术讨论。期限:第十一堂课。 www.myoops.org 7. English Renaissance literature is primarily artistic, rather than philosophical scholarly. 英国文艺复兴时的文学主要是艺术的,而非哲学及学术的。 www.putclub.com 8. Comparing with the social service function, the scholarly communication function is weaker for our scientific-and-technical community. 相对于社会服务职能来讲,我国科技社团的学术交流职能相对比较薄弱。 www.fabiao.net 9. And where better than here, at Georgetown University, to seek to blend the scholarly with policy? 而且,要寻求学术与政策的结合还有比乔治城大学更好的地方吗? web.worldbank.org 10. Speeches, seminars and scholarly articles by nervous Germans and Germany-watchers are a booming cottage industry. 焦虑的德国人和关注德国的观察家们开展了讲座、讨论会,写下一篇篇学术文章,这些俨然成为一个小型繁荣的产业。 www.ecocn.org 1. The upper echelons of society embodied in the scholarly gentry class were also affected by this new consumption-based culture. 社会上层收到的影响体现在学术乡绅阶层也受到了这种消费型文化的影响。 www.bing.com 2. Publishers launch, sustain, promote and develop journals for the benefit of the scholarly community. 出版社开办、维持、推广和发展期刊,以造福学术界。 docs.google.com 3. The Philological Society is devoted to the scholarly study of language and languages. 语文学社致力于语文与语言学术研究。 www.myoops.org 4. We just need to go beyond test scores and grades alone, to get a true estimate of academic promise and scholarly ability. 我们只需要依据单一的中学成绩和测试得分,来对其学业前景和学术潜力做出真实的估计。 www.justing.com.cn 5. I would think, in a scholarly context, it would possibly produce leaps of understanding. 我想,在学术环境下,也许会对它有飞跃性的理解。 www.bing.com 6. Some of the archives' records have been published in scholarly texts. 学术文章已经发表了部分机密文件。 www.ecocn.org 7. His last scholarly efforts prior to his passing focused on the impact of religion on world politics. 亨廷顿去世前的最后一次学术努力聚焦在宗教对于世界政治的影响上。 www.bing.com 8. The low production of scholarly medieval studies basically reflects the number of medievalists in Taiwan. 基本上欧洲中古研究的份量反映了从事这方面研究学者的数量。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Lookism has received scholarly attention both from a cultural studies and an economics perspective. 外貌从义已经在文化研究和经济学领域引起学术性关心。 www.va1314.com 10. Textual criticism provides the principles for the scholarly editing of the texts of cultural heritage. 校勘学为学者编校文化遗产的书写文本提供诸项原则。 blog.163.com 1. him look old and scholarly and wise, with book on lap and the little tin teapot and porcelain cup steaming at his side. 子上,架着眼镜,让他看似老练、博学、才智,伴随膝上的书本于他傍边是那细小的锡制茶壶跟冒蒸汽的瓷杯。 blog.tianya.cn 2. It is well known that your school is a rigorous in his scholarly work, study enlightened internationalization universities. 谢谢您抽空阅读此信。众所周知贵校是所学术研究严谨,文明研究的国际化大学。 culn.britishcouncil.org.cn 3. But as important are modern languages, as they give you wide access to the scholarly publications about Egypt. 现代语言的学习同样十分重要,因为这些语言能帮助你阅读关于埃及的大量学术出版物。 www.bing.com 4. Never has a scholarly work of this stature been attacked with such unbridled fury and contempt. 以前还从来没有哪一部像这样有学术价值的鸿篇巨著遭到过如此肆无忌惮的攻击和侮蔑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Its storytelling is punctuated by jargon and scholarly narratives, including numerous academic references. 它在叙述故事的同时穿插了专业术语和学术性的描述,包括大量的学术参考文献。 news.dxy.cn 6. Open access is the free online availability of digital content, especially of peer-reviewed scientific and scholarly journal articles. 开放获取是指在网上免费公开数字化内容,特别是同行评议的科学和学术期刊文章。 www.scidev.net 7. As an oft-occurring motif in literature, exile arrests a large amount of scholarly concern on myriad levels. 流亡作为永不枯竭的文学母题,引领无数学者竞相探寻对它的多维阐释。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. They note the new ease of extending reliable scientific and scholarly knowledge to a broad audience. 他们指出,把可靠的科学和文化知识传播给广大观众容易多了。 www.bing.com 9. The topic of environmentalism is both a source of scholarly interest and a cause of political advocacy. 环境保护论的话题既是学术资源,也是一个政治辩护的动机。 www.myoops.org 10. Open access is a free conception and publishing mechanism for the sharing of scholarly information resources. 开放存取是一种学术信息共享的自由理念和出版机制。 www.ztxb.net.cn 1. These scholarly compilations of local history noted the ancient temples, pagodas, and other monuments in which each district took pride. 这些学者地方性的历史编辑了远古的寺庙,宝塔和其他的纪念碑在哪一每个区域拿了自傲。 www.wswin.com 2. Third, the nature of access will increasingly influence the direction of scholarly inquiry. 第三,访问性质将越来越多地影响学术调查的方向。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The Donation of Constantine was rejected as a fable, and overwhelmed with scholarly derision. 君士坦丁的封诏被确认是虚构的无稽之谈,并饱受学术界的打击。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Critical and innovative area studies have long been an element that constitutes the hallmark of scholarly excellence at UBC Geography. 批判的且富有创新的区域研究历来是UBC地理系学术研究的一个重要特征。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. "We created our hypothesis through casual observation and examination of scholarly accounts, " the authors said. 研究者说:“我们的假设主要基于平时的观察和对一些学术报告的研究。” www.ebigear.com 6. Once again its use is as a refuge of quiet and contemplation rather than scholarly need. 另外,它更多地是被当做一个可以躲清静、专注思考的场所,而不是满足学术方面的需要。 www.bing.com 7. These are articles which other scholarly articles have referred to, but which we haven't found online. 这些是其他学术文章提到的文章,但是我们未能在线找到。 scholar.google.gr 8. Harvard University Press, founded in 1913, publishes books of scholarly as well as general interest and medical and scientific works. 哈佛大学出版社,1913年成立,出版学术书籍,以及一般的兴趣和医疗和科学作品。 tieba.baidu.com 9. I suggest you take up a more scholarly lifestyle, you are sorely outmatched in battle. 我建议你尝试做一个学者,你真的没有做一个武夫的天资。 www.palwx.net 10. The initiation of open access movement has resulted in the establishment of open access scholarly information service system. 开放存取运动的兴起直接导致了基于开放存取的学术信息服务体系的形成。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Society is devoted to the scholarly study of language and languages. 语言学会致力于语言学和各语言间的学术研究。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. A woman with strong scholarly or literary interests. 女才子对知识和文学有很强兴趣的妇女 dict.hjenglish.com 3. This research, which appears in a two- volume survey, provides the show's scholarly background. 这个有着厚达两卷的调研书籍,为这次展览提供了一个学者派十足的背景环境。 club.topsage.com 4. Both BNP writers also use esoteric detail and scholarly references to increase the apparent validity of their claims. 英国国民党作家既用生僻的细节又用文绉绉的引用来支撑他们的观点的合理性。 www.elanso.com 5. It wasn't posted on scholarly websites and was treated by Beijing as something that didn't really concern the outside world. 它没有在学术网站上公布,同时北京并不是真的关注外部世界。 www.bing.com 6. As interest in EBP has grown, so has the need for educational programs designed to develop the scholarly skills of the nursing workforce. 兴趣EBP增加了,所以需要的教育项目,旨在发展学术技能的护理队伍。 www.syyxw.com 7. Purpose: To provide open access to scholarly research materials and preservation of digital materials. 目的:提供对学术研究资源的开放获取和保存数字资源。 flyrainbow.blogchina.com 8. Current publisher licensing models are delivering massive rises in scholarly access to research outputs. 出版社的授权模式提供大量强化学术近用其研究成果。 docs.google.com 9. In the last twenty-five years there has been an immense increase in research and scholarly publication on all aspects of Mahayana Buddhism. 在最近的二十五年里,关于大乘佛教各方面的研究工作和学术书籍的出版都呈现出蓬勃发展的态势。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The first scholarly facsimile edition of a Nietzsche manuscript was published by Montinari and Can Hines Han in 1985. 第一个尼采手稿的复写,由蒙狄纳里和海因斯在,1985出版,其中包含。 open.163.com 1. E-print is an open communication intermedium of scholarly information. 电子预印本是一种开放的学术信息交流媒介。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Third, scholarly experts are more open to supply-side policies than clinical providers. 第三,学者专家对供给面政策的偏好高于医療提供者。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. That work provides much of the scholarly gunpowder for "Bad Samaritans" . 该书为那些“邪恶的撒玛利亚人”送去了“学术火药”。 www.ecocn.org 4. The following sentence is taken from the weighty judgement of a scholarly reviewer . 下列即取自一位博学的评论家的权威性文章。 dict.veduchina.com 5. Wang Guo-weis systematic idea of scholarly research gives deep enlightening to us. 王国维系统的治学理念给后人以深刻的启迪。 www.dictall.com 6. As Mr Kidd reveals in his subtle and scholarly book, unionism and nationalism are not opposites. 如基德教授在其寻根究底、精深博大的著作中所言,联合主义和民族主义并非对立关系。 www.ecocn.org 7. Clear-eyed, sympathetic and scholarly, she spreads the whole canvas, alive with incident and detail, with places and people. 头脑清晰、有同情心、博学,她展开在整块画布上,充满了在一些地方和一些人的事件和细节。 www.bing.com 8. Proprietary databases covering a range of scholarly and technical disciplines. 覆盖学术和技术领域的专业数据库。 webasp.whlib.ac.cn 9. The following sentence is taken from the weighty judgment of a scholarly reviewer. 下句即取自一位博学的评论家的权威性文章。 dict.wenguo.com 10. So far, there are few scholarly research about the Zhangjiajie hospitality industry. 到目前为止,关于张家界饭店业的学术研究还很少。 www.fabiao.net 1. A scholarly edition--and his main object of attack gives you basically a variorum apparatus. 一个学术版本,他主要的攻击对象,有诸家的注解。 open.163.com 2. The author of two books and over 100 scholarly papers, she holds a doctorate in psychology from Stanford University. 两本书和一百多篇学术论文的作者,她持有斯坦福大学的心理学博士学位。 www.bing.com 3. Gao Shiqiang is one of the recent "scholarly" artists in the field of Chinese contemporary art. 高世强是近来中国当代艺术创作中出现的“学者型”艺术家之一。 exhibit.99ys.com 4. "Don't expect to get any more awards, job offers or positions in scholarly societies. " “你别指望还能得到什么奖项、工作机会或在学术社团里的位置。” www.ted.com 5. Be scrupulous: declare any conflict of interest that may bias my scholarly judgment. 审慎笃行:声明有悖于自身学术判断的利益冲突。 www.bing.com 6. Data from the directory have been validated by use in academic journals and in popular scholarly texts. 目录里面的数据已经被确认,应用在学术期刊和受欢迎的学术文本里面。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Scholarly publishing had changed many times for several hundred years. But still published in paper form. 走过这几百年,学术出版虽历经各种变革,然而仍以纸本印刷方式出版为主。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Scholarly analyses have turned into irrelevant extravagances for snobs. 学术分析变成了那些自命不凡的人毫不相干的放纵言论。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Its recovery and reprinting at his initiative had caused a sensation in scholarly circles. 它的恢复而且在他的率先再版已经引起学者圆周的感觉。 www.wswin.com 10. Being scholarly or intellectual is a key concept in Chinese painting and calligraphy theories. 文人气或者书卷气,是中国书画理论中的一个重要概念。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Our scholarly festival, the organizer of the full swing of "flea Book Fair" activities. 我们在书香节时,举办了如火如荼的“跳蚤书市”活动。 www.tradeask.com 2. This study strongly supported building up an indigenous system of high-quality, mostly open access, scholarly journals. 该研究强烈支持建立一个本土的高质量、更加开放获取的学术期刊体系。 www.scidev.net 3. c. 1 book (scholarly or 'popular mainstream') that you found on the subject. 1本你已经找到主题的书(学术性的或主流性的) zhidao.baidu.com 4. Since then, in the words of Mary D. Garrard, she has suffered a scholarly neglect that is almost unthinkable for an artist of her caliber. 从那时起,在玛丽D。加勒德的话,她遭受了一个学术忽视,几乎是不可想象的,一个艺术家,她的口径的。 www.360doc.com 5. How might even more dramatic changes in scholarly communication and open access impact your library? 学术交流和开放存取中的更剧烈的变化会如何影响到你的图书馆? lib.hku.hk 6. Vi Authorship of scholarly books or articles in journals with international circulation in the field. 六,是国际上流通的专业书籍或期刊文章的作者。 linandvaldez.com 7. Harvard intends to establish an 'office of scholarly communication' to define these issues. 哈佛想要建立一个“学术交流办事处”来解决这些争端。 www.bing.com 8. Facilitating library access to scholarly texts brings us one step closer to this goal. 简化在图书馆中查找学术文献的过程可以使我们向这一目标迈进一大步。 scholar.google.no 9. a scholarly article describing the results of observations or stating hypotheses. 一篇学术性的文章描述报告的结果或者说明假说。 www.hotdic.com 10. Liu Xian-xin was involved in many academic fields, scholarly careful and precise, great writing. 刘咸炘治学谨严,涉及的学术领域众多,著述丰硕,大多收入《推十书》中。 www.fabiao.net 1. The scholarly consensus is that the Nights appeared in Arabic in the eighth century, its core a set of tales from India and Persia. 学者一致认为《天方夜谭》最早出现于公元八世纪,是一套以阿拉伯文记载的印度和波斯故事集。 dongxi.net 2. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. 本材料的发表是为了保证学术和技术工作的及时发布。 www.ibm.com 3. Wang Guowei's analysis of "traditional elegance" facilitates our understanding of scholarly or intellectual ideas. 王国维关于“古雅”的论述,有助于我们理解这里的文人气或者书卷气。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Campus environment elegant, unique style, is ideal for reading scholarly garden. 校园环境幽雅,风格独特,是读书治学的理想园地。 liaocheng.qite8.com 5. This paper first analyses the quality of the teacher from four aspects: ideal, personality, doing scholarly research and sentiment. 本文着重阐述两个问题,一是从理想、人品、治学、情操四个方面分析教师的内在素质。 www.chemyq.com 6. On the Attitudes and Methods to Scholarly Researching "Qiantang Medical School" 试论“钱塘医派”的治学态度与方法 www.ilib.cn 7. scholarly pursuits; a scholarly treatise; a scholarly attitude. 学术研究;学术论述;学术意见。 www.jukuu.com 8. Their status within national scholarly circles is unparalleled. 在国际学术圈内它们的地位崇高无比。 mysearch.100e.com 9. A whole day of scholarly discussion flies by, and then another, and another. Eventually the boy's mother and father show up. 在充满学术性的讨论中,一天的时间飞快地过去了,如此又再过了两天,男孩的父母终于出现了。 www.chinesetodays.org 10. A large scholarly literature has found that this is true. 大量的学术性文献也都持此观点。 www.ecocn.org 1. Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in Scholarly Journals . 学术期刊书评回溯性索引。 www.bing.com 2. that only academic promise and scholarly potential should count in admissions. 即学业前景和学术潜力应当在录取时加以考虑 www.bing.com 3. However, given equal educational opportunity, males still have a higher scholarly achievement in mathematics and sciences than females. 在两性教育机会均等的时潮下,数理科学专业领域成就与发展上,男性优于女性的现象犹存。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. It will help scholarly research, since it makes primary sources much more accessible. 这一改进使人们查寻文献资料变得更容易,将给学术研究提供帮助。 www.ecocn.org 5. Abelard and the scholarly Heloise fell deeply in love, conceived a child, and were secretly married. 阿伯拉尔和勤奋好学的埃洛伊丝深陷情网并有了孩子,两人秘密结婚了。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. If you're in it for glory, take the scholarly journal option. 如果是为了荣誉,那你得选择学术性刊物来出版你的作品。 www.ngocn.org 7. scholarly pursuits; a scholarly edition with footnotes. 学术深造;有注脚的学术编 dict.hjenglish.com 8. Much scholarly research has since been dedicated to so-called taxicab numbers like these. 后来就有很多学术研究专门针对这种数字,这个数字后来就叫做的士数。 www.bing.com 9. Nabokov gives the reader four cantos of Pale Fire, 999 lines of rhyming couplets, plus an editor's foreword and scholarly annotations. 而纳博科夫在PaleFire里给读者四章共999行双行押韵的长诗,再加上编辑的前言和学术性的评注。 www.bing.com 10. The American academic community has great interest in China, derived from a respect for the scholarly tradition in this historic nation. 美国学术界对中国有极大的兴趣,它来自对这个历史悠久的国家的学术传统的尊重。 jbjc.blog.china.com.cn 1. The majority that want the practice of Islam curtailed invoke scholarly support. 想实行伊斯兰教的大部分人很少求助于学术性支持。 www.bing.com 2. Exhibition of scholarly fruits are not only consideration for art ability, but are even more tests of knowledge accomplishment. 学术成果展现不仅是艺术能力的考量,更多是知识素养的考验。 blog.sciencenet.cn 3. In 1993, Beijing Municipal Service Center for Scholarly Exchange is founded to serve all returned overseas students. 1993年,北京市留学人员服务中心成立,为全市留学人员提供全方位的服务。 www.1000plan.org 4. So, yes, maybe that "sweaty duration" of 1931 is of scholarly interest after all. 所以,也许那“汗流浃背的折磨”还是有一些学术价值的。 www.bing.com 5. "I'm speaking quietly in people's ears, " says an imam from a prestigious scholarly family. “我在人们的耳旁轻语。”一位来自书香名门的阿訇说。 www.ecocn.org 6. And this paper suggests a needed procedural mechanism to promote social dialog and scholarly exchanges in the end. 文末提出进一步提升此一课题的社会对话以及学理探讨之道。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. a blogospheric " buzz " is one thing , of course , and real scholarly impact is another. 诚然,“博际嗡鸣”是一回事,学者的真正影响是另一回事。 www.ichacha.net 8. This database provides nearly 550 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. 这一个数据库将近提供550个好学的全文日记聚焦在多数之上医生训练。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. At first, I pretended to myself that I only wanted to participate in the scholarly debate, or its political and moral fervor. 起初,我假装仅想参与学术辩论,或者参与其具有政治意义和道德热忱的辩论。 www.bing.com 10. Research is key to scholarly pursuits; practice is key to genuine experience. 学问的领域重在研究,经验的范畴则为实践。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The scholarly atmosphere has become more energized with the addition of some famous writers in the discussion of 'Redology'. 尤其是一些著名作家加入红学讨论,使学术气氛更活跃。 www.powertoronto.com 2. But these scholarly results rest uneasily with donors' habits. 但这些学究性的研究成果与捐赠者的偏好是相抵触的。 www.ecocn.org 3. This is the statement of a political cause not a program of scholarly inquiry. 这阐明了其政治事业,而并非强调的学术。 www.elanso.com 4. Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange. 中国留学服务中心。 bbs.putclub.com 5. 2003 "Chinese Context on Move" Scholarly Symposium, Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China. 2003年“转换中的中国当代艺术语境”学术研讨会,多伦现代美术馆,上海,中国。 guzhenqing.blog.sohu.com 6. Could attract scholarly attention. 可能会吸引学术性的注意。 www.bing.com 7. Who had time to write, edit, submit, revise, respond, all for a scholarly journal that no one can read? 谁有时间去写稿,编辑,提交和校对,以至于在根本没人读的学术性杂志上进行出版? www.ngocn.org 8. someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field. 被承认在一个学术领域已有成员资格的一些人。 www.bing.com 9. is a scholarly order dedicated to protecting knowledge and lore. 是致力于保护知识和学问的学者[[教团]]组织。 gw2cn.com 10. Yet only limited scholarly attention has been devoted to the translation of drama. 然而,一直以来,学术界给予戏剧翻译的关注却非常有限。 www.13191.com 1. It is worthy of both serious, scholarly study and effective application. 它值得严肃,认真地学习和有效的应用。 www.ibm.com 2. All told, Terman and Chase describe 95 scholarly and semi-scholarly papers and books, devoting a sentence or three to each of them. 人们被告知,特曼和蔡斯描述了95份学术和半学术论文和书籍,对于每一份资料都写了一到三句话。 www.bing.com 3. James Evans is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Chicago, who focuses on the nature of scholarly research. JamesEvans是芝加哥大学社会学助教授,他聚焦于学术研究的本质上。 www.ecocn.org 4. Krugman's subsequent scholarly work is less clearly of durable value. 克鲁格曼随后的学术工作并不那么明显地具有持久的价值。 www.bing.com 5. This central tenet of scholarly publishing is changing, too. 学术出版的核心原则也正在改变。 www.ecocn.org 6. The first scholarly mention of the Qingzhou works was in 1997, unusually soon after the reported find. 青州佛像的首次学术界曝光是在1997年,相比这些文物发现的正式发布来说显然太早了。 www.ecocn.org 7. Plato, like most scholarly gentlemen, thought that crafts were base, impure, and degraded. 和大多数学者一样,柏拉图认为手工艺是低贱的、不纯洁的以及有失身份的。 dongxi.net 8. Great riches litter the lower halls, not only gems and magic items but art and literature and scholarly tomes. 大量的财富被扔在低层大厅里面,并不仅仅是宝石和魔法物品并且还有艺术品,图书以及学术文献。 bbs.ngacn.cc 9. Scholarly activities in our family, the parents and the active participation and support in our activities. 在我们家庭书香活动中,家长十分的积极参加,支持我们的活动。 www.tradeask.com 10. Some passages in the book are too detailed for all but scholarly readers. 书中的一些章节过于繁琐,更适合做学术研究的读者阅读。 www.ecocn.org 1. Reading scholarly journals? 读一些学术期刊么? blog.163.com 2. It's a scholarly treatise on how to make tea utilizing all the knowledge of two thousand years about tea-brewing. 它是学术论著关于如何运用二千年来所有制茶知识来沏茶。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In his own room he found the ruins of his scholarly enterprise strewn over the desk and the shelves. 在自己的房间里,他发现了撒乱在桌子上、书架上的他的学术事业的遗迹。 4. "There are very few buyers for drawings of purely scholarly interest, " he says. “很少有买家本着纯学术的兴趣来购买素描,”他说道。 www.ecocn.org 5. Second, older material will become less and less visible and more often absent from the scholarly apparatus. 其次,旧资料会越来越少见,而且往往不在学术机构。 www.xxdoc.com 6. Historians are for the most part very scholarly men nowadays. 现今的历史学者大多是些学究气十足的人。 tr.bab.la 7. a man devoted to literary or scholarly activities. 专心于文学或学术的人。 www.hotdic.com 8. 2000 "Scholarly Tradition & Environmental Art" Seminar. Langdao Island Land Art Park, Guilin, China. 2000年“人文传统与环境艺术”学术研讨会,浪岛地景艺术公园,桂林,中国。 guzhenqing.blog.sohu.com 9. Web sites of scholarly and technical publishers. 学术性和技术性出版商的网页。 webasp.whlib.ac.cn 10. "We created our hypothesis(3) through casual observation and examination of scholarly accounts(4), " the authors said. 作者说:“我们的假设来自平时的观察和对学术报告的研究。” www.ebigear.com 1. JTIP publishes scholarly and practical articles in addition to student comments and notes. JTIP出版的学术和实践文章,学生的评论和说明作为补充。 information.casip.ac.cn 2. She seeps her grief to them in the air of scholarly refinementbetween the lines. 她把自己对他们的悲悯渗透在书卷气的字里行间。 www.lw23.com 3. Her scholarly, gripping account is based on interviews with, and the unpublished diaries of, former PKK militants. 她这部学术性较强,情节引人入胜的作品是根据前工人党武装分子的采访记录和他们从未出版过的日记创作完成的。 www.ecocn.org 4. Use this specialized Google search to get results from scholarly literature such as peer-reviewed papers, theses, and academic publishers. 使用此专用的谷歌搜索,将会查到学术文献,如同行评审的论文,以及学术出版物等等。 www.bing.com 5. A book or scholarly work on this subject. 植物学方面的书和学术著作 dict.hjenglish.com 6. I would like to present three new scholarly editions of Frederic Nietzsches work. 我想展示三个尼采思想,著作的新的学术版本。 open.163.com 7. He has published over twenty books of literary and scholarly works in the field of theory and history of literature and Slavic Studies. 他已经出版了二十多本文学作品及有关研究塞尔维亚的历史和文学方面的理论著作。 www.world-poets.com 8. A scholarly edition with footnotes. 有注脚的学术编辑 dict.hjenglish.com 9. Scholarly journals no longer accept manuscripts for publication that make this fallacy, because they are valueless. 学术期刊不再接受反向推理的投稿,因为谬论毫无价值。 www.bing.com 10. Based on a review of the scholarly pursuits of "le2" , the essay addresses itself to the syntactical and grammatical meanings of "le2" . 本文在回顾学界相关研究的基础上,总结“了2”的句法意义和语法意义; kns50.chkd.cnki.net 1. Though raised on Confucian ideals by her beloved scholarly father, she is also a pioneer of Oriental media and marketing studies. 尽管对于儒家思想的兴趣来自于她的学者父亲,于丹本人也是东方媒体和营销研究的先锋。 www.mtime.com 2. A Study on Suhomlinski and His "Scholarly Campus" 苏霍姆林斯基与“书香校园”建设研究 www.ilib.cn 3. At nearly 800 pages, Volume 1, weighed down with scholarly apparatus, makes a mighty thunk on the coffee table. 第一卷现已出版,加上注释文字,该卷近800页,放到咖啡桌上俨然一本大部头。 www.bing.com 4. NRC Research Press has been publishing scholarly journals since 1929. 本网站1929年开始出版学术期刊。 biositemap.com 5. Scholarly family, martial arts family. 14-year-old convert to Wu-Tang Clan. 书香门第,武术世家。14岁皈依武当派。 www.wcsa.org.cn 6. In the field of automatic summarization, the common method takes scholarly articles or news articles as the study object. 在自动文摘领域,通用文摘方法多以学术或者新闻文章作为研究对象,并基于各种通用特征构建。 www.boshuo.net 7. Within this total, the scholarly publishing to Macao Polytechnic Institute and the University of Macau. 其中,学术出版以澳门理工学院及澳门大学为主。 www.bing.com 8. The Ph. D. , A traditional degree, signifies the highest level of advanced scholarly attainment. 博士学位是一种很传统的学位,代表着高级学术成就的最高水平。 www.bing.com 9. Our professor is Very abundance scholarly. 咱们的教授非比寻常博学多闻。 www.ffenglish.com 10. in fact, the last decade has seen an explosion of scholarly work in these areas. 实际上,过去十年已经看见一次在这些领域的学术性的工作的爆炸。 www.tzhealth.com 1. She works at the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange. 她在中国留学服务中心工作。 wenku.baidu.com 2. It edits 44 scientific and scholarly journals. 该院编辑44种科学学术杂志。 www.biositemap.com 3. According to the OECD report, some 75% of scholarly journals are now online. 根据经合组织的报告,约有75%的学术刊物现在已实现了在线阅读。 www.hjenglish.com 4. The fifth part offers some advice for the scholarly book publishing "s progress in China. " 第五部分提出了促进我国学术图书出版发展的几点建议。 www.lw23.com 5. Three Shifts in WANG Guo-wei's Scholarly Life and the "Denial of Classic History" 王国维学术三变及其与“古史抹杀论”的明确界限 service.ilib.cn 6. Like many coffee-table books, this one is very scholarly. 像许多摆在茶几上装潢精美的画册一样,这本学术趣味很浓。 chunhua1989.com 7. Impelled the Chinese scholarly research to connect rails with the world. 推动了中国学术研究同世界接轨。 www.pet2008.cn 8. Read a book full of life, full of rich scholarly taste of life - this is how a happy ah! 阅读充满生活气息的书籍,品尝洋溢浓郁书香的生活——这,是怎样的一种幸福啊! www.showxiu.com 9. Scholarly publishing is not only to promote scholarly communication but also to enable the human being's civilization. 学术出版不但促进了学术传播,也增进了人类的文明。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. It's got the heft you'd expect from a $65 scholarly tome. 它的分量完全合乎读者对一本售价65美元的学术大部头的期望。 www.fortunechina.com 1. A person who has an academic viewpoint or a scholarly background. 学术界人士有学术观点或学术背景的人 bbs.gter.net 2. Although the turquoise on many scholarly articles, but from a more elaborate one aspect, but also have some depth, not generally accepted. 虽然关于绿松石的学术文章很多,但是多是从某一个方面进行详细阐述,而且具有一定深度,不能普遍为人们接受。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The scholarly religious leader Nicodemus said to Jesus, "We know that You are a teacher come from God" (John 3: 2). 学者型的宗教领袖尼哥德慕曾对耶稣说:「我们知道你是由上帝那里来作师傅的」(约翰福音3章2节)。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 4. In China, we will continue to support scholarly exchanges and joint academic researches and seminars just like our event today. 我们支持中外学者及各界人士加强沟通和交流,深入研究和探讨有关议题及解决方案,就像今天这样。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. Shuowen GuZhou Bu is a important Scholarly work in Chinese ancient writing history of learning. 《说文古籀补》是古文字学术史上一部重要著作。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. His work in linguistics has aroused intense scholarly interest. 他在语言学上的成果引起了学术界浓厚的兴趣。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It is a sweeping and learned treatise that is rigorous, scholarly, and radical. 本书是一本总括而富有学识的专著,严谨、学术且彻底。 dongxi.net 8. If not, please ask the publisher or the scholarly society to contact us so we can include their content. 如果不行,请要求有关出版商或学术团体与我们联系,以便我们加入其内容。 scholar.google.gr 9. The Modern Language Association of America's Annual Bibliography records more than 300 scholarly publications on Esperanto every year. 美国现代语言学学会有关世界语专业出版物的文献目录每年登记的数量都在300件以上。 lingvo.org 10. Even when I recall the trial, I can not remember what topics we selected for scholarly discussion. 甚至在我回忆那次审判时,我都不记得我们选的是什么论题进行的学术讨论。 www.bing.com |
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