单词 | schneider |
释义 | 例句释义: 施耐德,施奈德,法国施耐德,施耐德电气 1. Snake: Schneider? . . . You were in the Resistance at Outer Heaven! But. . . I thought they killed you! 斯内克:施奈德?你不是那个世外天国抵抗部队的那个人么!可是,我以为已经他们杀了你! mgcn.com 2. Ms. Schneider is leaving because officials haven't been satisfied with her performance, according to people familiar with the matter. 知情人士称,施耐德离开是因为高管们对她的表现不满。 chinese.wsj.com 3. "People would think of it as a balloon, " said Dr. Schneider, who now is a visiting professor at Texas A&M University. “大家都觉得它像个气球,”施耐德博士说,他现在是德州农工大学的客座教授。 www.bing.com 4. Bernd- Schneider : Yes, but just a little amount, I become neither rich nor poor by that. 是的,但只下小注。我没有因为这个而变得富有或贫穷。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Schneider said the man was taken into custody at the security checkpoint without incident and charges were pending. Schneider称,该男子在安检处被拘留,对其的指控还没有提出。 cn.reuters.com 6. Dr. Jennifer P. Schneider, whose thigh broke as she was standing in a New York subway, presented her own review of 111 cases. 施耐德博士作为111个病例的代表向会议举了自己的例子,她在纽约一地铁站等车时大腿毫无征兆的骨折了。 www.bing.com 7. Mr. Schneider would like an opportunity to give a special presentation on a new product. 施耐德线上希望有机会就新产品举行一次说明会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The film became notorious for its butter-lubricated sex scene, which still haunts Schneider, as it wasn't part of the original script. 这部电影因其奶油性爱场景而声名狼藉,因为这一部分并不是出自原先的剧本,至今还时时困扰着施奈德。 www.bing.com 9. Schneider Electric: Give the best of the New Electric World to everyone, everywhere, at any time! 施耐德电气,无论何时何地,都将为人类奉献最完美的新电气世界! ica2006.gkong.com 10. Schneider holds a Master's degree in Development Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. 毕业于伦敦大学东方及非洲研究学院,获发展学硕士学位。 www.chinadialogue.net 1. Tony Almeida closed his eyes a nanosecond, stifled a groan. "Your father - he's Congressman Roy Schneider of Texas? " 托尼·阿尔梅达迅速眨了眨眼,强忍着没发出一声叹息:“你父亲——是得州的罗伊·施奈德众议员?” www.bing.com 2. Sadly, as Mr Schneider observes, "The UK is the only country that plays by the rules. " 遗憾的是,正如Schneider先生所看到的那样,英国是唯一一个照规矩办事的国家。 www.ecocn.org 3. Maria Schneider and Roger Westerman have plenty of equity in their Brooklyn home, and a 17-year record of paying on time. MariaSchneider和RogerWesterman夫妇对他们在布鲁克林的家还完了大量的贷款,他们连续17年准时支付贷款。 www.bing.com 4. Bernd- Schneider : We kindled such a euphoria in Germany. 我们在德国点燃了欣快欢腾的气氛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Forget about tourniquets, says Dr. Schneider of the American College of Emergency Physicians. 别想着止血带,美国急诊医师学院的Schneider博士说。 www.bing.com 6. IBS' acquisition fits perfectly with Schneider Electric's growth strategy developed over the last 3 years. 对IBS的收购非常符合施耐德电气在过去3年制定的发展策略。 www.gkong.com 7. Schneider Electric: wide international footprint with solution centres, and leverage with APC in purchasing, technology and operations. 施耐德电气:凭借各解决方案中心实现广泛的国际覆盖,并可利用APC在采购、技术和运营方面的实力。 blog.gkong.com 8. Schneider Electric enhances its position in low voltage installation systems with the acquisition of the specialist AEM S. A. in Spain. 施耐德电气收购西班牙AEMS.A公司,加强其在低压安装系统领域地位。 info.china.alibaba.com 9. We hope that important players like Torsten Frings, Michael Ballack and Bernd Schneider will be able to get in some playing time. 我们希望那些重要的球员,比如:弗林斯,巴拉克和施耐德能够更多的时间参加比赛。 bbs.miqiu.com 10. His colleague and fellow theologian, John Schneider, wrote a similar article and was pressured to resign after 25 years at the college. 他的同事和神学研究员,约翰·施耐得,写了一篇文章类似的文章而被迫辞去他在这个学院做了25年的工作。 kk.dongxi.net 1. Schneider sat in behind the strikers, but the midfielder failed to come up with the ideas. 施奈德处于前锋后面的位置,但是中场队员没有能够很好的配合。 bbs.gerfans.cn 2. Schneider Electric is leveraging its strengths and positioning itself as a leader in innovative solutions. 施耐德电气运用所拥有的优势,将自己定位为创新解决方案的领导者。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In an edited excerpt for a series by Circle of Blue and the Woodrow Wilson Center, Keith Schneider reports. 本文节选自基思?施耐德为“蓝色圆圈”项目以及伍德罗。威尔逊中心的中国环境论坛所撰写的系列报道。 www.chinadialogue.net 4. It will offer a different value proposition from Schneider Electric with a distinct market approach. 这将在施耐德电气卓越的市场拓展模式之外,提供一个不同的盈利方式。 blog.gkong.com 5. Mr. Schneider: Over the years there have been some legendary discoveries. 施奈德:这些年中邮票市场上出现过一些传奇性发现。 c.wsj.com 6. At Dulce, Schneider maintained, "gray" humanoid extraterrestrials worked side by side with American technicians. 施耐德主张,在杜尔塞,“灰色”类人外星人(“小灰人”)在与美国的技术人员并肩工作。 apps.hi.baidu.com 7. Keith Schneider, a former national correspondent and regular contributor to the New York Times, is senior editor of Circle of Blue. KeithSchneider,是一位前国际记者,《纽约时报》的长期供稿人,也是蓝圈(CircleofBlue)的高级编辑。 dongxi.net 8. Captain Schneider opened the folder, leafed through it. She lifted two photographs of the object and studied them closely. 施奈德上尉打开文件夹翻了翻,拿起两张记忆棒的照片凑到眼前仔细看着。 www.bing.com 9. coordinate with schneider-electric asia pacific headquarter on production , logistic , and new product . 与施耐德亚太总部及全球总部的沟通及协调(生产,物流,产品) www.listcv.com 10. As for people, Schneider Electric will take even greater steps to ensure health and safety, develop talent and unleash entrepreneurship. 施耐德电气将采取更大举措来确保员工的健康与安全、开发人才并挖掘员工所具有的企业家潜质。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Lusardi, Schneider and Tufano also looked at the ways in which people coped with an unexpected expense. 陆莎迪、施耐德和图法诺同时也研究了人们应对意外支出的方式。 c.wsj.com 2. Today, Schneider is a focused, well-structured enterprise specializing in the business of power and control. 今天,施耐德电气是注重于电力与控制业务,专业化的、组织完好的企业 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Guy Dufraisse, president of Schneider in China, told the FT yesterday that the company was "happy to stop fighting" . 施耐德中国区总裁杜华君(GuyDufraisse)昨日告诉英国《金融时报》,该公司“乐意停止对抗”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. But however Copenhagen negotiators structure plans to cut emissions, there's still the issue of enforcement, Schneider says. 然而施耐德说,无论哥本哈根谈判代表如何谋划减排大计,还有个落实的问题。 www.bing.com 5. The control cabinet adopts Japan Fuji temperature controller and Schneider electric components. 控制柜采用日本富士温控,施耐特电气元件。 www.b2bzt.com 6. S. Halford, and a superb teaching assistant, R. Schneider. 哈尔福德,还有一位出色的教学助理R。施奈德。 www.tingroom.com 7. In all, transcendental meditation has proved as powerful as any new class of heart disease medications entering the market, says Schneider. 施奈德说,总而言之,冥想已经被证实为一种新的具有强大作用的、可以治疗任何一类心脏病的方法而进入市场应用。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Communicate with other Schneider entities in updating and sharing human resources information. 与施耐德其他公司沟通,更新和共享人力资源信息; bbs.hrsalon.org 9. In this case, I think the Schneider models are a very useful first model for explaining corporate culture. 在这里,说到对企业文化的诠释,我认为Schneider模型是第一个非常有用的模型。 www.infoq.com 10. Like Bernd Schneider, Frings has played in almost every position, from right-back to left wing, during his career. 与贝恩德·施奈德一样,弗林斯在职业生涯中几乎打过从右后卫到左边路的所有位置。 word.hcbus.com 1. Schneider is now beginning a research fellowship at Notre Dame. 施耐得现在在圣母大学开了一个研究组。 kk.dongxi.net 2. Schneider Shanghai Power Distribution Electrical Apparatus Co. , Ltd. 上海施耐德配电电器有限公司 www.qiyeku.com 3. Bernd-Schneider : I think it's a fantastic club with a good trainer. I was a fan of gladbach at the DDR time. 我认为它是个有着好教练的奇妙的俱乐部。我曾经在DDR时间是格拉德巴赫的球迷。 bbs.gerfans.cn 4. Oliver Schneider, a sales manager at the company, says: 'We need these duties if we want to keep growing our business. ' 公司销售经理施奈德(OliverSchneider)说,如果公司要持续发展,我们就得需要反倾销关税。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The Marking Switch date is Schneider (Suzhou) Drives Co. , Ltd manufacture switch date, marked with Week on nameplate. 以上产品标识及标签切换时间是施耐德(苏州)变频器有限公司生产切换时间,在产品铭牌上精确到周。 www.ca18.net 6. A 2009 settlement under which France's Schneider Electric agreed to pay a Chinese rival $23m is remembered as a milestone in this process. 在2009年的一次和解中,法国施耐德电气(SchneiderElectric)同意向一家中国竞争对手支付2300万美元,被视为这一趋势中的一个里程碑。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Relying on the involvement of more than 100 000 employees all over the world, Schneider Electric helps people make the most of their energy. 依靠全球超过100,000名员工的参与,施耐德电气将帮助人类最充分地利用他们的能源。 job.eepw.com.cn 8. "Global warming will intensify drought and it will intensify floods, " states Stephen Schneider, editor of the Climatic Change journal. “气候变暖会加剧干旱同时也会引发引灾”,气候变化期刊的编辑史蒂芬·施耐德说。 www.elanso.com 9. A Voith-Schneider propeller is similar to a paddle wheel, but has hydrofoil-shaped blades instead of flat ones. Voith-Schneider推进器类似于一个浆轮,但是用水翼型叶片代替片平叶片。 www.ecocn.org 10. How does Schneider utilize its drivers to run business processes? 施耐德如何运用自己的驱动程序来运行业务流程? wenku.baidu.com 1. Thanks for choosing Schneider Electric products and we look forward to your continuous your long term support to us. 感谢您选用施耐德电气旗下产品即给与我们的长期支持。 www.gongkong.com 2. Schneider Electric has realized an innovative modular sub- station for Italian railways . 施耐德电气已经为意大利铁路安装了一个创新性的组件变电站。 www.bing.com 3. Customer satisfaction is the unique standard and Schneider Wingoal is pleased to provide excellent products and first class service. 客户的满意度是品质的唯一衡量标准,公司愿向市场提供优秀的产品,一流的技术服务。 www.job700.com 4. Bernd-Schneider: Actually with everyone, but with the Germans the best. 事实上和每个人都很好,但和德国人相处得最好。 bbs.gerfans.cn 5. "We could be sending all three of our kids to camp this summer instead of just one, " Mrs. Schneider said. Schneider太太表示,“我们本来可以把我们的三个孩子都送去夏令营,实际上我们只能担负得起一个孩子。” www.bing.com 6. Bernd_Schneider: The same with the really visible, acrophobia and Arachnophobia. 和真的可以看见的东西一样,恐高症或者食蜘蛛的。 bbs.gerfans.cn 7. The robotic loading pick-and place module was designed in collaboration with Schneider Electric. 该机器人装载选择和放置模块的设计与施耐德电气的合作。 boyejiguang.512121.com 8. Marisio's product range, markets and distributors are very complementary to Schneider Electric's. Marisio公司的产品范围、市场以及分销商对施耐德电气的业务具有非常好的补充作用。 www.gkong.com 9. Jean-Pascal Tricoire, chief executive of Schneider Electric, an ambitious energy-management firm, came up from the ranks. 颇有抱负的能源管理公司施耐德电力的高层主管Jean-PascalTricoire就是逐级晋升的。 www.ecocn.org 10. This acquisition meets Schneider Electric's Return on Capital Employed criteria. 本次收购符合施耐德电气的投入资本回报率标准。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It changes the pressure in your chest and can have the same effect as the thump given in CPR, says Dr. Schneider. 因为这能改变你胸内的压力,这对在心脏复苏术中造成的心脏急速跳动也同样奏效。 www.bing.com 2. Mr. Schneider, however, noted some factors that may have influenced the outcome. 不过,施奈德先生也注意到有一些因素可能对这种结果存在影响。 www.bing.com 3. Since its foundation in 1836, Schneider Electric has been one of France's industrial pioneers. 自1836年成立以来,施耐德电气一直是法国的工业先锋之一。 www.xyzp.net 4. "He had great manufacturing capability, " Dr. Schneider said. “罗伯特在制造业方面的才能无与伦比,”施耐德博士说。 www.bing.com 5. Schneider Electric will own a 50% interest in the company while Delixi Group will hold the other 50%. 施耐德电气持有公司的50%股份,德力西集团则持有另外的50%股份。 blog.gkong.com 6. In addition to becoming leader on this market, Schneider Electric will also improve its customer support in the US. 除了成为这个市场的领导者,施耐德电气也将改善其在美国的客户支持。 www.cublog.cn 7. Schneider Electric also expects cost synergies by adding Leader & Harvest to its business platform in China. 施耐德电气还预期,通过将利德华福加入其在中国的业务平台,还可实现成本的协同效应。 blog.gkong.com 8. Staff writers Rick Maese in Fukushima and Howard Schneider in Washington contributed to this report. 本报记者RickMaese在福岛和HowardSchneider在华盛顿为您共同报导。 www.bing.com 9. Mr. Schneider: When stamps are selling for millions of dollars, the temptation to forge is strong. 施奈德:当邮票被卖到数百万美元时,伪造它们的诱惑就会很强。 c.wsj.com 10. Brand Migration aims to increase visibility of "Schneider Electric" brand in front of customers and public, thus maximize the brand value. 品牌融合行动将提高“施耐德电气”品牌及公司在全球客户及公众面前的曝光频率,更能获得覆盖全球的最大化品牌效益。 www.ca18.net 1. Big Boss risked his life to save Schneider and others even though they took up arms against Outer Heaven. 大首领豁出命来保护施奈德及其同伴,即使他们曾与世外天国兵戎相见。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Schneider Electric is a client has been working to improve performance in power sector and the daily lives of companies. 施耐德电气是一家一直致力于改善客户在电力领域的绩效和日常生活水平的公司。 baike.baidu.com 3. Bernd-Schneider: Not much spare time remains; I usually spend it with my family. 没有多少空余时间剩下了;我通常和我的家人呆在一起。 post.baidu.com 4. Schneider is appealing the court's decision. 施耐德正就法院上述裁决进行上诉。 www.ftchinese.com 5. After the filled cartons are labeled, they are case-packed using side-load case packers from Schneider Packaging Equipment Co. 在充满纸箱标记,它们是案件包装使用侧负荷情况下封隔器由施耐德包装设备股份有限公司。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Mycle Schneider is an independent consultant on energy and environmental policy. He authors the World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2007. 迈克尔?施奈德是独立能源和环境政策顾问,撰写了《2007年世界核电产业情况报告》。 www.chinadialogue.net 7. How does Schneider use StarServ satellite technology to improve its business communications? 施耐德如何使用StarServ卫星技术来提高其业务通讯 wenku.baidu.com 8. Schneider Electric expects the transaction to be highly synergetic with estimated EBITA impact from synergies of USD 25-30 million in 2015. 施耐德电气预计此项交易将产生显著的协同效应,到2015年因协同效应而对EBITA的影响估计可达2500-3000万美元。 www.gkong.com 9. SCHNEIDER SHANGHAI INDUSTRIAL CONTROL CO. , LTD. 上海施耐德工业控制有限公司。 www.enetbase.com 10. We have to wait. The machine has to try all combinations, " Schneider says. " 史奈德说:「我们得等一会儿,让机器尝试所有的组合。」 www.showxiu.com 1. Barbara Schneider doesn't allow herself a morsel of food after dinner, believing that eating before bedtime will keep her awake. 芭芭拉.斯奈德(BarbaraSchneider)在吃过晚饭后绝不会再吃一口东西,因为她认为睡觉前吃东西会使她睡不着。 www.bing.com 2. Mr. Schneider: Always buy quality stamps from reputable sources. 施奈德:坚持从有信誉的销售渠道购买高质量的邮票。 c.wsj.com 3. "They have confidence in their own companies and their ability to compete but they are walking into strong head winds, " Schneider said. 施耐德女士说:“这些大公司的总裁对自家公司的竞争力都很有信心,但是他们也面对很多重大挑战。” www.voanews.cn 4. During the following season, 1988-1989, Schneider won fourteen World Cup races to set a single season record that still stands. 在奥运会结束后的赛季中,施奈德赢得高山滑雪世界杯14站冠军,成为夺得这个赛事冠军最多的运动员。 www.bing.com 5. Schneider says it is entitled to use the technology and disputes the validity of Chint's Chinese patent. 斯耐德公司则称其有权使用该技术,并对正泰公司在中国的专利权的有效性提出置疑。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. About 70% of Americans have sleep problems, and about half of them, like Schneider, have insomnia . 大约百分之七十的美国人都有睡眠问题,其中大约一半像芭芭拉一样有失眠症。 www.bing.com 7. Schneider (Beijing) Medium Voltage Co. , Ltd. 施耐德(北京)中压电器有限公司 blog.sina.com.cn 8. "Taxation and regulation increased in most countries" over the past 10 years, says Schneider. 施奈德说,在过去的10年里,“大多数的国家,其征税和监管都是在加强的”。 www.bing.com 9. Tony offered Captain Schneider a chair, then slid the latest report on the memory stick under her nose. "This is what we've got, so far. " 托尼给施奈德上尉推来张椅子,把记忆棒的最新报告推到她面前:“这就是到目前为止所知道的一切。” www.bing.com 10. lmporting transducer from Schneider and Bangpu computer control panel to improve the security of machine running control. 采用法国“施耐德”原装变频器,“邦普”电脑控制器,提高机器运行控制可靠性。 china.eb80.com 1. Meanwhile, Lusardi, Schneider and Tufano also looked at how different countries compare. 与此同时,陆莎迪、施奈德和图法诺也研究了不同国家间比较的情况。 c.wsj.com 2. Schneider, Geri, and Jason P. Winters. Applying Use Cases. 盖瑞.施耐德,杰森.温特斯所著,《适用的有用案例》。 www.myoops.org 3. Jimmy Doolittle won three of the most important races, the Schneider Marine Cup, the Bendix Trophy race and the Thompson Trophy race. 吉米赢得了三次最重要的比赛,施耐德杯,邦迪科斯大奖赛和汤普森大奖赛。 www.lingyuan.ccoo.cn 4. "They knew to change all of the things we routinely check, " says Claims Conference executive vice president Greg Schneider. “他们知道改变的事情,我们都定期检查,说:”要求赔偿联合会执行副总裁格雷格施奈德。 www.englishtang.com 5. Mr. Schneider: Knowledge is important. 施奈德:具备相关知识是重要的。 c.wsj.com 6. Used Schneider PLC and TDA1085C to control two adjustable speed motors and one adjustable length motor in cutters for the first time. 第一次在切菜机上运用施奈德PLC和TDA1085C来控制两个调速电机以及一个调节长度电机,实现了速度和长度的精确控制。 www.jiaoyu58.com 7. In 2007, the Austrian economist Friedrich Schneider estimated that Italy's shadow economy accounted for over 22 percent of GDP. 在2007年,据奥地利经济学家弗里德里希·施耐德(FriedrichSchneider)的估算,意大利的影子经济已经占到了国内生产总值的百分之二十二以上。 dongxi.net 8. "I'm still a little skeptical, " said astronomer Nick Schneider ofthe University of Colorado, Boulder, lead author of the second study. “我还是有点怀疑,”第二个研究的第一作者,位于博尔德的科罗拉多大学天文学家尼克·施耐德说。 www.suiniyi.com 9. The local political hangout was Billie Schneider's Steakhouse on Highway 71, north of town. 当地政客经常聚集的地方是位于市镇北部71号公路上的比莉.施奈德牛排店。 www.bing.com 10. Ann-Kathrin Schneider reports. 安-凯萨琳·施耐德报道。 new.chinadialogue.net 1. Schneider Electric is the world's power and control specialist. 施耐德电气公司是全球电力与控制的领导者。 www.jze.com.cn 2. Mr. Schneider: Stamps from the Cultural Revolution have become very popular; the value of Chinese stamps from the '60s and '70s is enormous. 施奈德:“文革”期间的邮票变得很受欢迎;中国上世纪六、七十年代的邮票有巨大价值。 c.wsj.com 3. Louis To visit the Baroness Schneider again? 又去找那位施奈德男爵夫人吗? www.q.sohu.com 4. What is Schneider's main corporate communications goal? 施耐德主要的公司通讯目标是什么? wenku.baidu.com 5. Louis Yes, to Baroness Schneider. 是的,和施奈德男爵夫人。 q.sohu.com 6. "The second half of 2011 will be a period of growth. Not as robust as we would like, but it will be a period of growth, " added Schneider. 施耐德女士说:“2011年后半年将是经济增长的阶段,不会像是我们希望的那般强劲的增长,但是美国的经济将处于增长阶段。” www.voanews.cn 7. In this area Schneider Electric is already a world leader and we want to protect and develop our business in products even further. 在业务领域,我们施耐德电气已经达到世界领先,我们将继续保卫和发展我们产品的市场领导地位。 www.ca18.net 8. Schneider tries to sound upbeat. 施耐德试图听起乐观些。 www.bing.com 9. "The key is [the growth of] the Chinese economy, " said Schneider. “关键在于中国经济(的增长),”舒耐特说道。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Rob Schneider, 44, cannot wait around for Avera to start hiring. 罗伯施耐德,44岁,等不及让阿韦拉可能雇人。 www.bing.com 1. Bernd-Schneider: At present not much, but in preparation it is very stressing. 现在好多了,但在比赛的准备阶段压力很大。 post.baidu.com 2. "You must rest, your highness, " said Schneider. “您该休息一下了,勋座。”副官说。 novel.tingroom.com 3. According to Mr. Schneider, Chinese collectors have an affinity for red stamps. 据施耐德透露,中国收藏家对红印花非常喜爱。 c.wsj.com 4. In addition, Schneider proposed to build an awe-based psychology. 另外施奈德还主张建立以敬畏为基础的心理学。 5. Bernd_Schneider: It's my nickname from the time in Jena. 这是我在耶拿是就有的外号。 bbs.gerfans.cn 6. The Schneider model is very simple. It says there are four key types of culture. Schneider模型非常简单,它认为文化有四种类型。 www.infoq.com 7. Bernd_Schneider: I am very pleased for Bayen Muenchen, because it's also good for the German football. 我为拜仁慕尼黑感到高兴;因为它走的远对德国足球有好处。 bbs.gerfans.cn 8. Anyone worried about getting a shock from their swimwear needn't be. "You wouldn't even feel the charge, " said Mr. Schneider. 担心触电的人们对此大可放心,“你根本感觉不到电流”,施奈德说。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 9. Unlike the Schneider case, most health-care fraud is what specialists such as Saccoccio term "high volume, low value" . 与Schneider案件不同,大多数卫生保健欺诈,按Saccoccio等专家的说法,属于“量大但价值低”。 www.who.int 10. The study authors were William R. L. Anderegg, James W. Prall, Jacob Harold and Stephen H. Schneider. 该项研究的作者是威廉R.L.安德雷格,詹姆斯W.普罗尔,雅克布哈罗德和斯蒂芬H.施奈德。 www.bing.com 1. "I was sure I'd shrivel up and die if I didn't eat meat, " recalls Joe Schneider, a mailman who is into bodybuilding . “以前我确信自己如果不吃肉,就会衰弱而死。”一位热衷于健美的邮差先生乔伊舒奈德回想道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Bernd-Schneider: No , not yet . I won't do so , maybe once a bald head . 不,还没。我不会这么做的,但如果变成秃子的话我会的。 www.bing.com 3. Bernd_Schneider: I am interested in the forms of winter sports generally, for example biathlon and skiing. 我通常对冬天运动的形式很感兴趣,比如说滑雪和两项竞赛。 bbs.gerfans.cn 4. Dr. Schneider estimated the actual lifetime-earnings advantage for college graduates is a mere $279, 893 in report he wrote last year. 施耐德在去年撰写的一份报告中估计,大学毕业生一生中多挣的钱仅为279,893美元。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The presiding judge in the Schneider case last year called the case "an avoidable tragedy motivated by greed" . 去年Schneider案的审判长称此案为“受贪婪驱使的可避免的悲剧”。 www.who.int 6. Snake: What are you saying, Schneider? 斯内克:你究竟在说什么,施奈德? mgcn.com 7. In the 20 years since Jeffrey Schneider's first Hong Kong stamp auction, demand for Chinese issues has exploded. 从20年前杰弗里·施奈德(JeffreySchneider)在香港举行邮票拍卖以来,市场对中国邮票的需求出现了爆炸性增长。 c.wsj.com 8. Bernd_Schneider: I like to do it, because it's a very nice amusement. 我喜欢,因为我觉得那是一种娱乐消遣。 bbs.gerfans.cn 9. The contested council: conflict dimensions of an intergovernmental EU institution; Christina Zimmer, Gerald Schneider, and Michael Dobbins 有争议的委员会:政府间欧盟机构的冲突维度 www.cctb.net 10. Jeffrey Schneider, a spokesman for ABC News, said that ABC would not make available the video that Chris Everson shot in the Luangwa Valley; 美国广播公司新闻频道发言人杰弗里?施耐德说,该公司不会将克里斯?艾弗森在卢安瓜谷地拍摄的录像带公布于众的; www.bing.com 1. Bernd-Schneider: No, I don't have a horse. But I like to go to horse racing. 不,我没有马。但我喜欢赛马。 post.baidu.com 2. Schneider Electric accelerates its penetration of Ultra Terminal market in Europe with the acquisition of Merten in Germany 施耐德电气并购德国莫顿公司,加速渗透欧洲超终端市场 blog.gkong.com 3. Schneider Low Voltage Breaker Used in Transformation of Incident Power Supply Switching System 施耐德低压断路器在事故电源切换系统改造中的应用 service.ilib.cn 4. President of the German chapter: Schneider 德国分会主席:史奈德 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Schneider Electric Releases New Programmable Automation Controller 施耐德电气发布新型可编程自动化控制器 blog.gkong.com 6. Schneider announces enterprise energy management software 施耐德电气推出企业能源管理软件 blog.gkong.com 7. A mathematical analysis of the relationship between Schneider's method and Weine's method for the measurement of root canal curvature 两种根管弯曲度测量法间数学关系的推导 www.ilib.cn 8. Schneider Electric further consolidates its global position in building automation 施耐德电气进一步巩固其全球楼宇自动化市场地位 bbs.gkong.com 9. Application of Schneider electric products in the control circuit of oil-drilling rigs electric drive system 施耐德电气在石油钻机电传动系统控制回路中的应用 ilib.cn 10. Increase Power Supply Capability of Spare Generating Set Using Schneider ATS-uA Controller 用施耐德ATS-uA控制器提高备用机组供电能力 service.ilib.cn 1. Schneider Electric launches OEM technology and solutions center 施耐德电气设立OEM技术和解决方案中心 blog.gkong.com 2. Application of Schneider Motion Control Products to Air Spinning Machines 施耐德运动控制产品在纺机上的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Study on Different Afforestation Technologies'Influences to Schneider Zlekua Young Stand Growth 不同造林技术措施对榉木幼林生长影响的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Exploitation of the Drive Program for Schneider Switches 施耐德开关的驱动程序的开发 www.ilib.cn 5. Schneider Electric pursues its global expansion in variable speed drives 施耐德电气继续其变速驱动市场的全球扩张 blog.gkong.com 6. Schneider Electric strengthens its positions in South Africa 施耐德电气加强其在南非的地位 blog.gkong.com 7. SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC (CHINA) INVEST CO. , LTD. TIANJIN OFFICE 施耐德电气(中国)投资有限公司天津办事处 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Safer and quicker trains in Italy, thanks to Schneider Electric solutions 施耐德电气解决方案使意大利的火车更安全更快速 blog.gkong.com 9. "Fruits that have some give . . . will have more juice than hard ones" (Elizabeth Schneider) “弹性充足的水果会比那些硬的水果的液汁要多”(伊丽莎白·斯克尼德) zhidao.baidu.com 10. Schneider Electric becomes principal member of ODVA 施耐德电气成为ODVA协会主要成员 blog.gkong.com 1. Schneider opens automation and control demo center in Raleigh 施耐德电气在罗利开设自动化和控制演示中心 blog.gkong.com 2. World's thinnest* 5X optical zoom digital camera (uses SCHNEIDER-KREUZNACH VARIOGON lens) 世界上最轻薄的5倍光学变焦数码相机(使用施奈德变焦镜头) www.bing.com 3. Guangzhou and Beijingchoose Schneider Electric to equip new subway lines 广州和北京选择施耐德电气装备其新地铁路线 blog.gkong.com 4. The selection and matching gist of ABB and Schneider lowvoltage circuit breaker ABB与施耐德低压断路器选配要领 www.ilib.cn 5. Schneider Electric has a site in Victoria, BC Canada 加拿大施耐德的一个工厂 wenku.baidu.com 6. Leave a Message SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC (HK) LTD 施耐德电气(香港)有限公司 www.hkmachine.cn 7. don ' t worry , dr . schneider will be there to meet you 别担心,施奈德博士会来接你们 www.ichacha.net 8. uh , how will we recognize this dr . schneider 我们怎么辨认这个施奈德博士呢? www.ichacha.net 9. Jonathan Schneider University of Toronto Schools 多伦多大学附属中学 www.mathoe.com 10. China fines Schneider $45m 中国对施耐德处以4500万美元罚款 www.ftchinese.com 1. Schneider Electric sets up partnership in China for Low Voltage products 施耐德电气在中国设立合资公司致力于低压产品 blog.gkong.com |
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