单词 | Rsync | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | Rsync
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 同步,远程同步,更安全地传输文件 1. Better yet, rsync is available on every flavor of UNIX, including Mac OS X, so it's easy to interconnect virtually any set of systems. 更棒的是,在所有风格的UNIX上都可以使用rsync,包括MacOSX,所以很容易连接任何系统。 www.ibm.com 2. Grsync is just a front end, so it doesn't include rsync: You will have to install that on your own first. Grsync只是一个前端,所以它不包含rsync:您必须先自行安装rsync。 www.ibm.com 3. Now that you know about rsync, you have no excuse to skip a healthy backup regimen. 既然了解了rsync,您就无法为忽视备份找借口了。 www.ibm.com 4. Furthermore, CVS updates are always done from sourceforge. Net while rsync updates can be done from a mirror close to you. 另外,CVS总是通过sourceforge.net进行更新,而rsync则可以选择离你比较近的镜像服务器进行更新。 pdb.finkproject.org 5. Running the rsync daemon as the superuser, root, is not strictly necessary, but the practice protects other files on your machine. 不一定要作为超级用户(根用户)运行rsync守护进程,但是这种做法可以保护机器上的其他文件。 www.ibm.com 6. The above scripts, whether tar or rsync, collate the information from multiple directories on multiple hosts into a single location. 使用上面介绍的这些脚本,无论是tar或rsync,都可以将多台主机的多个目录中的信息整理到单个位置。 www.ibm.com 7. Once you begin using remote rsync in daily tasks, you'll likely find it necessary to keep your daemon running at all times. 开始在日常任务中应用远程rsync之后,很可能会发现有必要让守护进程一直运行。 www.ibm.com 8. For a more robust synchronization, you can use the rsync tool, a free software utility that can efficiently exchange files over the network. 要实现更健壮的同步操作,您可以使用rsync工具,它是一种免费的软件实用工具,可以高效地通过网络交换文件。 www.ibm.com 9. The first part of the script performs a basic rsync between the source and destination directories to determine the changes (see Listing 5). 脚本的第一部分在源和目标目录之间执行基本的同步以判断修改(见清单5)。 www.ibm.com 10. The rsync tool can be an effective way of copying and synchronizing files, especially over slower links. 对于复制和同步文件,尤其是在较慢的连接中,rsync工具可能是一种有效的方法。 www.ibm.com 1. parallel-rsync, true to its moniker, efficiently copies files to multiple hosts in parallel via the rsync protocol. parallel-rsync通过rsync协议把文件高效地并行复制到多个主机上。 www.ibm.com 2. In the simplest form, you can use rsync to synchronize from one directory to a new directory like this: $ rsync -r a b. 按照最简单的形式,可以使用rsync把一个目录同步到一个新目录,例如:$rsync-rab。 www.ibm.com 3. You may also wish to use UNIX utilities like rsync to help out. 您可能还希望使用一些UNIX工具(如rsync)来帮助您解决问题。 www.ibm.com 4. For remote file copying, I found cfd unreliable and a security hazard, so I use rsync instead. 对于远程文件复制,我发现cfd是不可靠的而且可能会危害安全性,所以我使用rsync。 www.ibm.com 5. Even further, rsync will use a similar algorithm on individual files and only copy the portions of the file that have changed. 另外,rsync对各个文件使用相似的算法,只复制文件中修改过的部分。 www.ibm.com 6. For listing files on a remote machine. This is done the same way as rsync transfers except that you leave off the local destination. 为了在远端机器上显示文件。这和rsync传输方法相同,除非你停止本地的目的文件。 download.ourlinux.net 7. The fink package manager now offers upgrading via rsync, as an alternative to the CVS upgrade method. fink软件包管理器现在提供通过rsync升级的方式,作为CVS升级方式的替代方法。 www.finkproject.org 8. Once established, run rsync to create a daily backup that takes hardly any space, as shown in Listing 9. 完成之后,运行rsync创建每日备份,这个备份几乎不占用任何空间,见清单9。 www.ibm.com 9. The slave servers then use rsync to copy only those files in the Lucene index that have been changed. 之后,从服务器使用rsync来只复制Lucene索引中的那些已被更改的文件。 www.ibm.com 10. Better yet, rsync transfers only the data that's changed, minimizing the amount of data transferred. 然而更有价值的是,rsync仅对那些更改过的数据进行传输,这样可以使得传输的数据量最小化。 www.ibm.com 1. So, let's start using rsync and directly synchronize your laptop with a remote server. 现在,我们使用rsync把笔记本计算机直接同步到一个远程服务器。 www.ibm.com 2. After it is installed, running the command fink selfupdate-rsync will switch you to the new method. 这样安装以后,运行命令finkselfupdate-rsync会使你切换到新的升级方式。 www.finkproject.org 3. Rsync: This tool is a directory synchronization that copies directories between local and remote systems. Rsync:这是一种目录同步工具,可以在本地和远程系统之间进行目录复制。 www.ibm.com 4. Establish SSH keys and an rsync daemon on the remote machine, and create a backup module to permit writes. 在远程机器上生成SSH密钥和rsync守护进程,创建一个允许写的备份模块。 www.ibm.com 5. By default, rsync uses Secure Shell (SSH) as its transport mechanism; you can reuse your machine aliases and public keys with rsync. 在默认情况下,rsync使用SecureShell(SSH)作为传输机制;可以在rsync中重用机器别名和公共密钥。 www.ibm.com 6. Here, the rsync daemon runs perennially on a machine, accepting requests to transfer files. 在这种模式下,rsync守护进程在一台机器上永久运行,接收文件传输请求。 www.ibm.com 7. Like tar, you can combine rsync with ssh to connect to remote systems and synchronize a local and remote collection of files. 与tar一样,您可以将rsync与ssh组合使用,以连接到远程系统并对本地和远程的文件集合进行同步。 www.ibm.com 8. In the rare case that you saturate the network connection, add some split and rsync. 在特殊情况下,比如你占满了网络连接资源的话,你可以添加一些拆分和同步。 www.bing.com 9. GAdmin-Rsync allows you to define several backups, so it's easier to re-run them. GAdmin-Rsync允许定义多个备份,很容易重新运行它们。 www.ibm.com 10. Running as root, rsync restricts itself to the module's directory hierarchy (its path) using chroot. 在作为根用户运行时,rsync通过使用chroot只访问模块的目录层次结构(路径)。 www.ibm.com 1. You can also copy a branch via cp -pr, expanding a tarball, or through a remote copy using something like rsync. 也可以通过cp-pr、展开压缩文件或使用rsync等命令执行远程复制来复制分支。 www.ibm.com 2. In the previous sections, you've used tar and rsync to create backups in a separate folder. 在前面的部分中,您已经使用了tar和rsync在单独的文件夹中创建相应的备份。 www.ibm.com 3. By default, rsync copies needed files to the destination computer but won't delete extra files there. 在默认情况下,rsync把需要的文件复制到目标计算机,但是并不删除额外文件。 www.ibm.com 4. The --recursive (-r) option makes rsync copy all directories recursively. recursive(-r)选项让rsync递归地复制所有目录。 www.ibm.com 5. If you choose to use rsync to manage your files, omit the host-specific file from the file distribution list. 如果您选择使用rsync来管理您的文件,那么可以在从文件分发列表中省略主机特定的文件。 www.ibm.com 6. Much like cp, rsync copies files from a source to a destination. 与cp一样,rsync也把文件从源复制到目标。 www.ibm.com 7. The rsync family (Federico Kereki, developerWorks, April 2009): Get to know rsync and a variety of utilities based on the rsync protocols. rsync命令家族(FedericoKereki,developerWorks,2009年4月):了解rsync和基于rsync协议的各种实用程序。 www.ibm.com 8. Although current rsync versions default to using ssh, the --rsh (or -e) option lets you force its usage. 尽管当前的rsync版本默认使用ssh,但是可以使用--rsh(或-e)选项强制使用ssh。 www.ibm.com 9. rsync. This is an excellent tool for distributing files from a central server and keeping distributed file systems in sync. 这个出色的工具用于从中心服务器分发文件以及保持分布式文件系统同步。 www.ibm.com 10. The rsync tool is ideally suited for this, since it can efficiently copy only the files that have changed between two directories. rsync工具非常适合完成这个任务,因为它只复制两个目录之间有差异的文件,效率很高。 www.ibm.com 1. Once the filesystem has been mounted, you can proceed with backup using tar, rsync, or whatever backup tool is desired. 挂载文件系统之后,就可以用tar、rsync或其他备份工具执行备份。 www.ibm.com 2. rsync tutorial: Read this for a host of rsync recipes. rsynctutorial:阅读这份教程,了解rsync的相关信息。 www.ibm.com 3. Using the --itemize-changes option to rsync, rsync will create a reference list of what is happening to each file during synchronization. 在rsync命令中使用--itemize-changes选项,rsync就会创建一个参照列表,其中列出在同步期间每个文件所发生的情况。 www.ibm.com 4. It's an rsync module that you define and configure on the daemon's host. 它是在守护进程的主机上定义和配置的一个rsync模块。 www.ibm.com 5. Luckily, there's an amazing utility called rsync that synchronizes sets of files. 幸运的是,有一个名为rsync的神奇的实用程序,它可以对文件集进行同步。 www.ibm.com 6. Users can select and deselect files and click Submit to activate the rsync shell script. 用户可以选择和取消选择文件,并通过单击Submit激活rsyncshell脚本。 www.ibm.com 7. Having ready access to that information, by using tar or rsync, can often be more effective. 通过使用tar或rsync,做好对该信息进行访问的准备,这样通常将更加有效。 www.ibm.com 8. update prevents rsync from overwriting newer files. update可以防止rsync覆盖较新的文件。 www.ibm.com 9. The rsync tool is a much better solution for proper synchronization. rsync工具是更好的文件同步解决方案。 www.ibm.com 10. This variation of rsync mirrors the local doc directory in your home directory on destination. 这个变化的rsync命令在目标计算机上您的home目录中创建本地doc目录的镜像。 www.ibm.com 1. By default, rsync ensures that all files in the source are copied to the destination. 在默认情况下,rsync会把源中的所有文件复制到目标。 www.ibm.com 2. The -r option tells rsync to recurse into the directories and copy the entire structure. r选项让rsync递归遍历目录并复制整个目录结构。 www.ibm.com 3. That's a quick but thorough review. Next, let's see how you can apply rsync to daily tasks. 快速回顾rsync之后,现在我们看看如何在日常任务中应用rsync。 www.ibm.com 4. The best tool for distributing files is rsync. 最好的文件分布工具是rsync。 www.ibm.com 5. The database will be dumped using the pg_dump command that comes with PostgreSQL; the file system data will use rsync. 数据库将使用PostgreSQL自带的pg_dump命令来转储;文件系统将使用rsync。 www.ibm.com 6. If you must change the rsync command, say, to add another option, there's only one instance to edit. 如果您必须更改rsync命令,比如说添加另一个选项,则只需编辑一个实例。 www.ibm.com 7. Using rsync only, it is not possible to encrypt the files. 只使用rsync是无法加密文件的。 www.ibm.com 8. No fancy scripts or working with rsync, ssh, or rsh are needed. 不需要特别的脚本,也不需要使用rsync、ssh或者rsh。 www.ibm.com 9. If you are not interested, just skip them, and rsync will be quiet unless an error pops up. 如果对这些信息不感兴趣,只需跳过它们,除非出现错误,rsync会悄悄地运行。 www.ibm.com 10. Let's look at some common uses of rsync as review, then look at more advanced applications. 我们先来回顾一下rsync的一般用法,然后讨论更高级的应用。 www.ibm.com 1. In addition to the local copies, rsync also performs remote copies using ssh. 除了本地复制之外,rsync还可以使用ssh执行远程复制。 www.ibm.com 2. For step 1, the tool of choice is rsync, which only downloads changed files. 第1步中,选择的工具是rsync,它只能下载有更改的文件。 www.ibm.com 3. This article covers three utilties, cp, tar, and rsync, that can aid with synchronization of UNIX files. 本文讨论三个实用程序,cp、tar和rsync,它们都有助于同步UNIX文件。 www.ibm.com 4. Like scp, you can use rsync to copy files locally. 与scp一样,您可以使用rsync在本地进行文件复制。 www.ibm.com 5. Listing 7 shows a script to synchronize files using rsync. 清单7显示了使用rsync进行文件同步的脚本。 www.ibm.com 6. There are different tools that can be used for the above-mentioned data movement tasks, such as migratepv, cplv, tar, cpio, cp or rsync. 可以使用不同的工具(比如migratepv、cplv、tar、cpio、cp或rsync)执行上面提到的数据转移任务。 www.ibm.com 7. The rsync daemon is enabled using the rsyncd-enable shell script and then started using the rsyncd-start command. rsyn守护程序可用rsyncd-enableshell脚本启用,然后再用rsyncd-start命令实际启动。 www.ibm.com 8. In Listing 9, for example, if the first rsync failed, then the subshell would just continue and run the next command. 例如,在清单9中,如果第一个rsync失败,则子外壳将继续运行下一个命令。 www.ibm.com 9. The push was done over SSH, but you can use other protocols, such as HTTP, HTTPS, rsync, and file. 将更改推入服务器是通过SSH完成的,但是也可以使用其他协议,比如HTTP、HTTPS、rsync和文件。 www.ibm.com 10. Again, read the man page for rsync to learn more of its tricks. 同样的,有关rsync的更多使用技巧,请阅读man页面。 www.ibm.com 1. For example, if the source has files A, B, and C, a standard rsync copy duplicates A, B, and C to the destination. 例如,如果源包含文件A、B和C,标准的rsync会把A、B和C复制到目标。 www.ibm.com 2. rsync has a lot of options. rsync有许多选项。 www.ibm.com 3. Q3. 2: Why should I use rsync mirrors? Q3.2:为什么我需要使用rsync镜像服务器? pdb.finkproject.org 4. Q3. 7: Can I see what the current status of rsync mirrors is? Q3.7:我可以看到rsync镜像的当前状态吗? pdb.finkproject.org 5. Pre-running rsync is a better option with cfengine 1. 6. 3 and earlier. 预先运行rsync是cfengine1.6.3及更低版本的较好选项。 www.ibm.com 6. In combination with rsync to back up, copy, and mirror files efficiently and securely to a local or remote host 结合rsync有效安全地备份、复制和镜像文件到一个本地或远程主机 www.ibm.com 7. Efficient distribution of index parts that have changed via rsync transport 通过远程同步(rsync)传输高效分发变化了的索引片段 www.infoq.com 8. Intelligent synchronization with rsync 使用rsync进行智能化同步 www.ibm.com 9. before the synchronization program working, rsync the whole monitor directory to remote server once 在同步程序开启前对整个路径与远程服务器整体同步一遍 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Then open rsync daemon on each server: rsync --daemon 然后在需要同步的各服务器上开启rsync守护进程: blog.sina.com.cn 1. List of rsync mirrors for Debian CD images 列出Debian光盘映像rsync镜像 www.at.debian.org 2. Listing 3. Itemized changes from rsync 清单3.rsync生成的修改记录 www.ibm.com |
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